Deeply Inspired Designs
Table Of Contents Inspirational Poster Introduction..................................1 Resume.........................................................................2 Typography...............................................................4, 5 Self Promotion.............................................................6 Branding Identity.........................................................7 Flyer Promotions.....................................................8, 9 Movie Poster..............................................................10 Newsletter Brochure..................................................11 Magazine Spread.......................................................12 Beats Earphones Promotion......................................13 Ambition Motivation Photoshop..............................14 Magazine Cover.......................................................15 BillBoard.................................................................16
Graphic Designer Hello Welcome to my portfolio inspirational world, I am inspired by design with my hands and digitally as well. The digital education has taught me quite alot of technical skills to meet the require graphic design standards. I see it as create something new everyday and gain six sigma with the ideas the come to mind. What we have here above is my inspirational poster done in Indesign CC to give you idea of what I’m like through designing not only but working with my hands. Enjoy these technical skills I have created.
Typography: Jaguar Type Portrait / Typeface Design / Greeting cards Software: Illustrator / Indesign / Photoshop
Letter E christmas card along the elements with glyphs, defining the meaning of an angel. Design dedicated to my grandma.
Gaming christmas card along with elements of typography of initials. The Characters are Legend Of Zelda, Elder Scrolls.
Second E christmas card along the elements with glyphs, defining the meaning of an blessed. Design dedicated to my aunt.
Motorcycle christmas card along with initials of P standing for my uncles name. Also with using glyphs of to define textures.
Self Promotion: Deeply Inspired Designs Software: Illustrator / Indesign / Photoshop
Branding Incorperate Identity: Alamo City Comic Con Software: Illustrator / Indesign / Photoshop
Promotional Flyer 1: Open mic night Software: Illustrator / Photoshop
Promotional Flyer 2: Muse Software: Illustrator / Photoshop
Movie Poster: Control Software: Illustrator
Newsletter / Brochure Software: Indesign / Photoshop
Magazine Spread: Napa Valley Software: Indesign / Photoshop
Advertisement: Foxhead Motocross racing Software: Photoshop
Beats Earphones Promotion: Lady Gaga Software: Indesign / Photoshop
Motivation: Ambition Software: Photoshop
Magazine Cover: Juice Skateboarding Featuring Jay Adams Software: Indesign / Photoshop
Billboard: Jeep Software: Photoshop
“Never Stop Creating Unlimitly”