МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Государственно образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Российский университет дружбы народов ЮРИДИЧЕСКИЙ ФАКУЛЬТЕТ КАФЕДРА ИНОСТРАННЫХ ЯЗЫКОВ
В.В. Степанова, Т.В. Емельянова, А.Б. Костромин, О.Г. Горбатенко, Н.Н. Удина
УЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ для самостоятельной работы студентов I-II курсов бакалавриата
Москва 2015
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Учебное пособие предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентов - бакалавров неязыковых вузов, изучающих английский язык как иностранный, и является приложением к учебнику Objective Pet (уровень A2/В1). Пособие включает материалы, необходимые для изучения в соответствии с учебной программой курса. Данное пособие может быть использовано широким кругом лиц для самостоятельного изучения английского языка. Электронная форма пособия отвечает современной образовательной парадигме внедрения инновационных подходов к обучению, способствует созданию более комфортных условий для самостоятельной работы обучающихся, расширению возможностей использования учебных материалов, эффективности обучения, а также навыков автономного обучения с использованием мультимедийных средств. Разработка Пособия обусловлена необходимостью решения практических задач, которые возникают при работе с вышеуказанным учебником Objective Pet, и направлена на реализацию следующих целей: 1. Формирование учебных и когнитивных стратегий автономного обучения в процессе работы с материалами пособия и выполнения заданий, направленных на развитие иноязычной компетенции. 2. Систематизация и закрепление лексико-грамматического материала и формирование навыков употребления грамматических структур и лексических единиц по изучаемым темам в различных видах речевой деятельности. 3. Развитие умений в области чтения и понимания содержания адаптированных аутентичных текстов. 4. Развитие умений в области аудирования - понимание содержания и извлечение информации из аудио и видео текстов. 5. Развитие умений в области письменной речи – при выполнении письменных заданий и написании эссе по изучаемым темам. 6. Развитие способности оценивать свои успехи и выявлять пробелы в знаниях по иностранному языку в ходе выполнения контрольных заданий, и подготовки портфолио для объективной оценки своих результатов. 7. Развитие мотивации автономного обучения иностранному языку у студентов. Структура пособия соответствует тематическому и лингвистическому формату учебника и включает 30 юнитов. Каждый юнит подразделяется на 6 секций: Vocabulary review, Vocabulary in use, Grammar practice, Reading, Discussing Video/audio and Revision. Задания пособия выполняются после проработки соответствующего лексикограмматического материала основного учебника на занятиях. Раздел Vocabulary review содержит расширенную тематическую лексику и фразеологию урока и их перевод. Этот материал поможет студенту разобраться с содержанием юнита и последующим выполнением заданий. Предполагается, что этот раздел может пополняться в зависимости от коммуникативных потребностей студента. Итогом освоения материала является активное употребление лексики в обсуждении темы и дополнительных материалов, представленных в настоящем пособии.
Задания в разделе Vocabulary in use направлены на закрепление лексики по соответствующей теме урока в упражнениях различного вида: ответы на вопросы, перевод, исправление ошибок, составление предложений/высказываний. Грамматические навыки закрепляются в упражнениях по переводу с русского языка и выполнении различных упражнений online в разделе Grammar practice. Упражнения online снабжены ссылками на грамматические материалы, которыми студент может воспользоваться, если ему необходимо повторить определенный раздел грамматики. Полученный результат выполнения грамматических упражнений должен быть передан преподавателю, а ошибки – проанализированы и исправлены. В разделе Reading предлагаются аутентичные тексты и проблемные коммуникативные задания для проверки понимания содержания текста, предлагаются вопросы для его обсуждения, выбор и обоснование правильного утверждения (False/True), деление текста на разделы и их оглавление, а также письменные задания. Задания этого раздела пособия направленны на развитие навыков коммуникации по темам, которые представляют интерес для студентов и вызывают дискуссию/обсуждение в аудитории. Раздел Discussing video/audio содержит подобранные по теме аудио и видео материалы, которые доступны в сети, ссылки для доступа предоставлены. В каждом юните предлагается один, два, или три видеоролика, а также задания к видеоматериалам. В качестве видео-ресурсов были использованы сайты новостных служб CNN, BBC, You-tube, а также другие англоязычные новостные и информационные интернет-каналы. Задания, предназначенные для выполнения после просмотра, обсуждаются на занятиях в группе. В конце каждого юнита в разделе Revision представлены тестовые и контрольные задания: выбор правильного варианта ответа, заполнение пропусков, перевод предложений с русского и краткое эссе по теме юнита. Тестовые и контрольные задания высылаются на проверку преподавателю или проверяются устно на занятии. Основное требование к данному виду работы – это употребление изученного лексико-грамматического материала и способность студента грамотно оформить содержание с учетом адресной аудитории и структуры. К пособию коллективом авторов подготовлены ключи, которые вынесены за пределы его содержания и могут быть использованы для самопроверки по усмотрению преподавателя.
UNIT 1 A Question of Sport 1 Vocabulary review aerobics alpine skiing Are you always tidy? at 6.30 am bare foot basket basketball bat bike board boat boots changing room cross-country skiing cycling e-mail equipment field goal goalkeeper gym helmet hill hockey hockey-stick horse riding ice cold (water) kind of knee knee pads my friends and I net notice on Tuesday evening outdoors post-it note puck racing racket rich ride (bus ride) sail sailing shirt shorts skating
аэробика горные лыжи Ты всегда опрятен? в 6.30 утра босой корзина баскетбол дубина; бита велосипед доска лодка бутсы раздевалка беговые лыжи катание на велосипеде электронная почта оборудование поле, луг гол вратарь спортзал шлем холм хоккей клюшка верховая езда холодный что-то вроде/нечто похожее колено наколенники я и мои друзья сеть объявление; извещение во вторник вечером на свежем воздухе, на улице бумага для записок (клейкая), напоминание шайба бег ракетка богатый езда (поездка на автобусе) паруса парусный спорт рубашка, сорочка шорты конькобежный спорт 4
ski skiing sky diving softwear special clothes stick students’ hostel swimming team tennis to go on foot to go out with friends to like to make jokes (on smb, about smth) to sleep in the afternoon to surf the Internet to take a nap to wear special shoes tonight trainers t-shirt volleyball wheel windsurfing
лыжа лыжный спорт парашютный спорт программное обеспечение спец.одежда палка студенческое общежитие плавание команда теннис ходить пешком ходить гулять с друзьями нравиться, любить шутить спать после обеда искать/сидеть в интернете прилечь, вздремнуть носить специальную обувь сегодня вечером кроссовки майка, футболка волейбол колесо, руль виндсерфинг 2 Vocabulary in use
1 Match the words and their definitions:
1. athlete 2. champion 3. basketball 4. cyclist 5. athletics 6. bat 7. equipment
a. the sports which include running, jumping and throwing b. a piece of wood used to hit the ball in some sports c. a game in which two teams try to win points by throwing a ball through a high net d. person or animal that wins a competition e. someone who is good at sports such as running, jumping or throwing f. someone who rides a bicycle g. a tool or object used for an activity or purpose
2 Which sports from the list below you can’t play indoors: football, basketball, gymnastics, windsurfing, skiing, tennis, cycling, sailing, horse riding, table tennis. 3 Copy out the right word combinations and correct the wrong word combinations: Do horse riding, go cycling, do football, do gymnastics, play tennis, go windsurfing, play hockey, do skiing, play volley-ball, go sailing, go swimming, go snowfering, play karting, go racing, play table tennis, do curling, do athletics. 5
3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Present Simple – Present Continuous: http://www.flo-joe.co.uk/preliminaryenglish/grammar/present-simple-continuous.htm Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
В свободное время мы идем плавать или играем в теннис. Спортсмены никогда не курят. Ты шутишь, он никогда не занимался парашютным спортом. Иногда говорят, что керлинг — это как шахматы на льду. Какими видами спорта вы сейчас занимаетесь? 4
1 Read the text and answer the questions: Vocabulary age limit – возрастные ограничения medals are awarded – награждают медалями individual events – личные достижения torch - факел site of the games – место проведения игр/соревнований host nation – принимающая страна Olympic rings – Олимпийские кольца represent the five continents – символизируют пять континентов take an oath – давать клятву compete in a fair way – честно соревноваться play the anthem – играть гимн Ceremonies and Symbols of the Olympic Games Each Olympic game lasts about two weeks. There is no age limit and medals are awarded for individual events. Another brilliant thing about the Olympic Games is that there is a symbol of the peaceful competition that signifies the Olympics. It’s the torch. Before each set of Olympic Games, runners carry a torch all the way from Greece to the site of the games. This is done to remind people of how the games began. The Olympic Games begin with the opening ceremony. Athletes from all the participating nations march into the stadium. Greece comes in first, because it was the first nation to hold the Olympics and the host nation comes in last. The Olympic flag is raised and a chosen athlete lights the Olympic flame. It is a symbol of spirit, knowledge and life. The fire comes from Olympia, a small town in Greece and many runners transport the flame in a torch relay to the site of the games. It burns from the opening ceremony until the end of the games. The Olympic rings were created in 1913 and represent the five continents (Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and the Americas). All athletes must take the Olympic oath. One of them has to promise that all athletes will give their best and compete in a fair way. After each event, medals are given to the first three athletes. They receive gold, silver and bronze medals. Their flags are raised and the national anthem of the winner's country is played. 6
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
What is the symbol of peaceful competition? How is the opening ceremony held? What do the Olympic rings represent? What is the medal ceremony like? What are the Winter Olympic Games? What are the emblems of the Olympic Games in Sochi?
2. Speak about the Olympic Games in class. You can retell this story or find other information in the Internet. Discussing video 1 Do you like team activities? What is your favorite sport and hobby? 2 Watch the video Sports & Hobbies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXcbKu8w8-g Pay attention to the verbs used in the Present Simple Tense, 3d person singular. Write down the words which may be new for you. What sports are presented? Was this video interesting? Why? What hobbies in the video are popular in your country? 6 Revision 1 Fill the gaps with following words and words combinations : basketball players; stick; football; aerobics; racket; helmet; knee pads; special clothes; skates; surfer 1 __________ and dancing are very popular in our country as they make us lither. 2 My brother is a hockey player and his hockey _____________is very expensive. 3 I don’t go to the tennis court because I don’t have a ______________. 4 Ann worries about her son because he doesn’t wear ______________when he plays football. 5 John is a ________________that’s why he is often wet. 6 What ____________ do you need for your favorite sport? 7 Your motor cycle is very good and what you need is a ____________. 8 ______________ are often tall. 9 ______________is a kind of team game. 10 Let’s buy ___________and go to the ice arena! 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 I __________ cheese for breakfast. a don’t eat
b am not eat
c wasn’t eat
d don’t eating
2 My sister often __________ English books. 7
a is buying
b buy
c buys
d was buying
3 Ann ___________ London every year. a visits
b is visiting
c visit
d do visit
4 My friends go to the swimming pool ________. a last year
b twice a week
c today d tomorrow
5 ____________ your son like tea? A do
b is
c has
d does
6 How much ____________ this t-shirt cost? a do
b is
c does
d has
7 This bike _____________ very expensive. a do
b does
c cost
d is
8 I ________ this club because it ___________ dirty. a doesn’t like, are
b don’t like, look
c am not like, is
d don’t like, is
3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Многим людям нравится бегать по утрам. 2 Недалеко от моего дома есть теннисный корт, и я часто хожу туда со своими друзьями. 3 Закрытые катки позволяют кататься на коньках даже летом. 4 Летом я занимаюсь верховой ездой. 5 Игры на свежем воздухе полезны для здоровья. 6 Велосипедисты носят футболки с карманами на спине и шлемы. 7 Некоторым подросткам нравится носить кроссовки. 8 Парусный спорт кажется романтичным, особенно для молодежи. Choose one of these topics and write an essay: 1 My family and sport. 2 Equipment for my favorite sport. 3 Summer and winter sports.
UNIT 2 I’m a Friendly Person 1 Vocabulary review communicative disciplined Email me. fresher (Am.) give sb a lift graduate (Br, Am) He is wearing a short hair cut I am a final year physics student I am hard working I enjoy dancing I like doing gymnastics I like go clubbing with my friend I live on campus introduction knowledgeable pen pal = pen friend responsible share a cost of petrol sociable sophomore (Am) to be a first year student to be a non-smoker and tidy to be self-confident to call to go horse riding to go out to graduate from university to have a part time job to have a space to leave college/ to finish college to like meeting new people to live in the student hostel to make phone calls to phone to run one’s own business to share a flat to share one’s lifestyle undergraduate (Br, Am) university campus Would you like a lift?
общительный дисциплинированный Напишете мне. (по электронной почте) новичок (студент 1 курса) подвезти кого-либо (на машине) студент выпускник (4 курс) У него короткая стрижка студент-выпускник физмата Я усердно работаю Мне нравятся танцы Мне нравится заниматься гимнастикой Мне нравится посещать клубы с друзьями Я живу в общежитии введение знающий товарищ/приятель/друг по переписке ответственный разделить расходы на бензин общительный еще не доучившийся студент (2 курс) первокурсник быть не курящим и чистоплотным быть уверенным в себе звонить/вызывать кататься на лошадях выходить куда-либо погулять окончить университет работать на полставки иметь пространство/свободное место окончить колледж любить встречи с новыми людьми жить в общежитии делать звонки по телефону звонить по телефону вести свой собственный бизнес делить квартиру с кем-либо/ совместно проживать разделять чей-то образ жизни студент старшекурсник (3 курс) студенческий городок Вас подвезти? 2 Vocabulary in use
1 Choose the features you need: to be a good student; to be a lawyer; to make friends 9
from the following list of words: friendly, serious, hard-working, independent, intelligent, selfconfident, kind, shy, tidy, sociable, disciplined, knowledgeable, communicative, well-organized. 2 Agree or disagree with the following statements. Correct the wrong ones. a) If a girl is slim, she is not attractive. b) A moustache is a line of hair that some men grow above their mouths. c) Curly hair is hair with many curls and wavy hair is not straight but with slight curves. d) Blonde hair is pale yellow and fair hair is light coloured hair. e) If your hair is shoulder-length, it means that it is short. 3 Describe the free time activities of your friends, using: the verbs - like, enjoy, want, would like, be fond of; the nouns - computer games, chess, classical/pop/rock music, jazz; expressions - (going) clubbing/dancing/shopping; 3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Verb+ing: http://www.examenglish.com/grammar/like_ing.htm would like: http://www.examenglish.com/grammar/A2_would_like.htm Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 Он увлекается катанием на лошадях. 2 У неё намерение получить степень бакалавра, а затем магистра в этом университете. 3 Вы хотели бы отправиться в кругосветное путешествие? 4 Им нравится слушать фольклорные песни. 5 Многие студенты хотели бы жить в студенческом городке. 4 Reading Read the texts and compare the facts: 1 David Snow speaks about his daughter My daughter Jacky is leaving in London now. We are very worried about her really. London is such a dangerous place for a young girl. She is only 18 … and London is so far away. Her mother went down to see her there but I don’t like London. I don’t know why she went there. I think she has some friends there. She says she wants to be a dancer and she’s doing a sort of course, a ballet course or something …but dancing isn’t a real job and you don’t earn much money being a dancer. She’s living in a flat in North London… with a boyfriend I think and we don’t like that at all. We’ve never met the boyfriend, Tony, his name is. He doesn’t have a job. I think she is earning some extra money working as a dancer in a theatre or club in the Centre of London, but I’m not sure. I hope it’s a nice place. I do worry about her. London is such a big place. I’m sure she wants to 10
come home really. She phones home sometimes but not very often. And when we phone her she is always out. We are her parents, and I know we are important to her, but it still makes me sad. 2 Jacky Snow speaks about her life in London I came in London two months ago, because I want to be a professional dancer. And the best school of dancing is here in London. I’m doing the course at the National Dance School which is very hard work, but I’m really enjoying it. The course is expensive but I work with the theatre group at the weekend. We teach dance to groups of children. I’m living with another girl in a flat in North London. It’s small but it’s comfortable. My boyfriend, Tony, lives in the same street with his parents. They are very kind and often cook meals for me. I know my parents are worried about me living in London but it isn’t dangerous at all if you are careful. It’s so exciting here. There’s so much to do and see. It was difficult in the beginning, especially getting to know underground. And I didn’t know many people. But it’s fine now. I have lots of good friends. I love my mom and dad very much, but I don’t want to live at home for the rest of my life. I phone home every Sunday and when I go to the museum or art gallery I always send them a postcard. Mom reads them, but I don’t know if dad does. Speak in class about David’s worries about his daughter living in London. Does he have any grounds for being sad? Prove it. 5
Discussing video
1 Will you agree that all people differ? Are politeness and friendliness the keys to success? Watch the video Inviting people to the events and responding to invitations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz5bJoVFJMA What events were people invited to? How did they respond to invitations? 2 Write down the words which may be new for you. Now watch it again and write down the phrases which will be useful in your own conversation. Was this video interesting? Why? Work in pairs: act out the dialogues from the video. Present it in class. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: short haircut; life style; physics; clubbing; tidy; lift; run; friendly; share 1 I don’t share Tom’s ____________ though we are good friends. 2 My brother is a first year __________ student and he is going to work at the technical lab. 3 I am not rich and I’d like to ___________ a flat with somebody. 4 Linda has a __________ . 5 Karolina likes Mat because he is a non- smoker and __________ . 6 My sister likes going ____________ with her friends. 7 Mike has a lot of friends because he is a ___________ person. 8 I have a cool car. Would you like a _________? 9 My brother is a clerk at the post office but he’d like to __________ his own business. 11
2 Choose the correct answer: 1 We like __________ new people. a meet b are meeting с meeting d to meeting 2 My little sister likes _________ gymnastics. a do b to doing с does d doing 3 Does anyone __________ friends in London? a have b has с is having d having 4 If you _________ my life style and look for a room-mate, call me! a share b sharing с do sharing d is share 5 My friend from Moscow would like ____________ a lot of museums in London. a visits b is visiting с visit d to visit 6 We are going to the disco club. Would you like to join __________ us? a to b at с– d in 7 I don’t enjoy _________ in the student hostel. a to live b living с am living d live 8 My friend ___________ hard. a work b works с to work d working 9 I drive to London and ___________ every Sunday to see my parents. a backing b to back с back d to backing 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Мой друг – студент первого курса юридического факультета. 2 Она предпочитает жить в студенческом городке, поскольку так удобнее. 3 Мне бы хотелось посетить биологический музей в Чикаго. 4 Мы делим расходы на бензин. 5 Вам нравится кататься на лошадях? 6 У Анны большая семья, поэтому она не может работать даже на полставки. 7 Студенты, которые уверены в себе, обычно получают хорошие оценки. 8 Мне бы хотелось встретиться со своим другом по переписке. 4. Grammar Units 1-2. Choose the correct verb form: a Benny … playing computer games. a) don’t like b) would like c) doesn’t like b Tom … cycling with his friends at weekends. a) like b) likes c) would like c … to play table tennis with us? a) Do you like b) Don’t you like c) Would you like d I … going shopping with my sister. a) ‘d like b) like c) doesn’t like e My parents … swimming in cold water. a) doesn’t like b) don’t like c) likes not f What … to do this evening? a) do you like b) like you c) would you like 5. Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 I am a friendly person. 2 My friend. 3 I live in the student hostel. 12
UNIT 3 What’s Your Job? 1 Vocabulary review a criminal a report a tidy desk a tin of yellow paint above at a workplace barber bridge changing room design (to design) DJ Do you like doing this thing? engine granny haircut hairstyle Have a good rest at the weekend! he is making photos for living I am looking forward to (seeing you) in picture A librarian listen to mechanic meet new people receptionist security officer she is doing work experience in a hotel she is friendly shop assistant shoplifter shopping bag on wheels the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday tick the questions to do sth for living to earn one’s living to fold clothes to look after smb to make new friends to mend/repair/mend to pull to push to report to stay in a hotel to take pictures (snaps) to work anti-social hours to work from home
преступник (уголовник) отчет, доклад опрятный стол (рабочее место) тюбик желтой краски над на рабочем месте мужской мастер мост раздевалка проект, дизайн (проектировать) ди-джей Тебе нравится делать это? мотор бабушка стрижка прическа Хорошего отдыха в выходные! он зарабатывает фотографией С нетерпением жду (встречи с вами) на картинке А библиотекарь слушать механик встречать новых людей секретарь, администратор, регистратор охранник она проходит практику в отеле она - дружелюбная продавец вор в магазинах сумка-тележка на колёсах послезавтра позавчера отметьте вопросы галочками зарабатывать чем-то на жизнь зарабатывать на жизнь складывать вещи ухаживать за кем-либо заводить новых друзей ремонтировать тащить толкать докладывать, отчитываться остановиться в отеле фотографировать работать без графика (во внеурочное время) работать на дому 13
to work in hotel to work indoors/outdoors to work shifts web designer What does he look like? What is he like? What is he doing for living? What kind of person is he? work long hours
работать в отеле работать в помещении/на улице работать по сменам веб-дизайнер Как он выглядит? Чем он зарабатывает на жизнь? Какой он (по характеру)? задерживаться на работе/работать сверхурочно
2 Vocabulary in use 1 Fill in the jobs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A ... mends cars. A … draws or paints pictures. A … designs, builds or maintains engines, machines, bridges, railways, etc. A … is a person who is paid to protect property, assets, or people. A … collects, writes, and distributes news and other information. A … receives or greets visitors, patients, or clients and answers telephone calls. A … cuts or styles hair in order to change or maintain a person's image. A … maintains law and order, protects members of the public and their property, prevents crime.
2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 Я думаю, он собирается стать инженером. Он преуспевает по математике. 2 Ты сегодня идешь в школу? Нет, у меня сегодня практика. Я буду помогать менеджеру. 3 После окончания школы я собираюсь поступить в университет, чтобы стать журналистом. 4 Мои коллеги очень дружелюбны. Мы всегда обедаем вместе. 5 В эти выходные я буду кататься на велосипеде за городом. 3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Present Continuous (reference,
grammar/verbs/present-tense/present-continuous Present Continuous: http://www.examenglish.com/grammar/A2_present_continuous.htm Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Он журналист и всегда что-то записывает в блокнот. Вы можете подвезти меня на вокзал? Поезд отправляется вечером. Мы изучаем историю права в этом семестре. Не могли бы вы повторить, я не слышу, что вы говорите. Вы слышите меня? Да.
4 Reading 1 Read the texts and decide which job is the best. Give your reasons in class. 1 I'm Bob. I work at home and I do jobs for different companies and magazines. I don't get much money because I don't have much work, but I enjoy it because it's interesting. 2 I'm Sarah. I work for a local newspaper, I work strange hours – sometimes I get up really early, sometimes I work all night. Sometimes it's boring because I have nothing to do. I meet lots of interesting people, but sometimes people get angry and shout at me. 3 I'm Andrew. I work for a construction company. I'm a manager now, so it's a very important job. I like my job, but I work very long hours. I start work at eight in the morning and finish at eight or nine at night. I often work at the weekends and I don't see my wife or kids very much. 2
Ask 10 questions about what your mates' parents do. Try to guess what their job is. Use the vocabulary under study. 5 Discussing video/audio
1 Do you know that some young people can’t find a job? Do you know the reasons? 2 Watch the video Three reasons you can’t find a job. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRb2wBVuX28 Write down the words which may be new for you. Was this video interesting? Why? 3 Work in groups of three: each group chooses one of three reasons from the video and presents it in class. Discuss this problem in Russia and in the world. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: outdoors; from home ;experience; makes; kind; like; forward; bridges; rest; listening 1 Your __________ were burned and now it’s your turn to cry. 2 Young people like ________ to the pop music. 3 My sister is very sociable and she __________ new friends easily. 4 See you on Monday. Have a good ___________ at the weekend! 5 If you work ___________ for a long time you may catch a cold. 6 I haven’t seen your friend yet. What does he look __________? 7 I am looking __________ to seeing you! 8 What ____________ of person is your boss? 9 Ann has two children that’s why she wants to work _________ 10 I miss my sister because she is doing work ___________ in a hotel in another town. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 Angela ___________ to the cinema this week. a go b goes с will go d is going 15
2 When I travel I usually ___________ in a hotel. a stay b am staying с will stay d to stay 3 Do your children like ice cream? a yes, they does b yes, they don’t с no, they do d yes, they do 4 Linda ___________ got a tidy room. a hasn’t b is с don’t d doesn’t 5 Am I sitting in the right place? a yes, it is b yes, you are с no, you are d no, it isn’t 6 I ____________ you. a don’t understand b am not understanding you с am understand d are not understand 8 What is he _________ for ___________ a does, live b doing, live с doing, living d does, living 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Библиотекарь расскажет нам о новой книге известного писателя на этой неделе. 2 Не волнуйся, твои ключи в раздевалке. 3 Мы спешим. Где Джон? Он помогает пожилой женщине везти сумку – тележку. 4 Мой друг часто работает во внеурочное время. 5 Ди-джей Роман рассказывает сейчас об истории блюза по радио. 6 Том живет в Лондоне и зарабатывает фотографией. 7 Где Стив? Он слушает поп музыку в своей комнате. 8 Моя бабушка очень дружелюбная. 4. Grammar Units 1-2. Choose the correct verb form: 1 Benny … playing computer games. a) don’t like b) would like c) doesn’t like 2 Tom … cycling with his friends at weekends. a) like b) likes c) would like 3 … to play table tennis with us? a) Do you like b) Don’t you like c) Would you like 4 I … going shopping with my sister. a) ‘d like b) like c) doesn’t like 5 My parents … swimming in cold water. a) doesn’t like b) don’t like c) likes not 6 What … to do this evening? a) do you like b) like you c) would you like
5. Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 My future job 2 A person who аffected my life. 3 I am keen on photography 16
UNIT 4 Let’s Go Out 1 Vocabulary review 2.30 pm/4 am a friend called Helen actor ad/advert/advertisement admire the panoramic view of Moscow alter one's life forever arrive at (the station, railway station, airport, small town/village) arrive in (the country, big city) at a quarter past 8/to 10 at midday/at noon/at midnight at the chemist's at the moment at the weekend babysit ballet dancer be good at (sports) be next to (the chemist's) be well known belong to (the category) book early сamping is available capital of Russia cinema clown dance the night away different events do sport do well in (English) Don't miss the excitement drop in (the shop) entertain sb entertainment fascinating dance Fill in your diary find out what's on fool around from ten pounds to 16 pounds get married go cycling go out on bike have an Italian meal have great fun holiday camp How do you know? I am afraid I can't make it this Saturday
в 2 часа 30 минут дня/в 4 часа утра подружка по имени Елена артист реклама наслаждаться панорамным видом Москвы изменить чью-то жизнь навсегда приезжать/прибывать (на станцию, на железнодорожный вокзал, в аэропорт, маленький городок/деревню) приезжать/прибывать (в страну, в большой город) в четверть девятого/без четверти десять в полдень/в полночь в аптеке в настоящее время на выходные сидеть с ребенком/работать няней танцовщик балета показывать хорошие результаты (в спорте) находиться рядом с аптекой быть хорошо известным относиться (к категории) возможно раннее бронирование возможен кемпинг столица России кинотеатр/кино клоун танцевать всю ночь различные мероприятия заниматься спортом хорошо успевать (по английскому) Не пропусти возможность получить удовольствие зайти (в магазин) развлекать кого-либо/приглашать гостей развлечение восхитительный танец Заполни свой дневник узнать что - где идет дурачиться от 10 до 16 фунтов пожениться/жениться/выйти замуж кататься на велосипеде поехать кататься на велосипеде взять/приготовить итальянское блюдо на ужин великолепно провести время палаточный лагерь Откуда ты знаешь? Боюсь, что в субботу я не смогу (в ответ на 17
I feel tired in the afternoon/I am feeling tired I have got tickets for tonight I have to tidy the shop I like the clowns best I'm playing tennis tomorrow afternoon I'm taking my little brother to the cinema in the morning/afternoon/evening interval refreshments included It sounds good It's Sam here It's so boring It's very expensive magician marry sb (peter married Mary) musician offer to do sth on Saturday on the 26th of august outside/inside perform a trick perform on the stage perform twice/thrice/three times play in a gig play the guitar/piano/trumpet play the musical instrument railway station remind me do to (buy shampoo) run a restaurant See you then. See you there. Bye shoot a film speak too much about what to do sports events suggest doing sth surely not surf the Internet take one's driving test That would be great the film is set in NY There are lots of adverts before the film There's nothing to do They are newly weds This answer omits two elements of the question throw a party Tickets are available
приглашение) Я чувствую себя уставшим после обеда (обычно) /я сейчас чувствую себя уставшим У меня билеты на вечер Мне нужно прибрать в магазине Клоуны мне нравятся больше всего Завтра днем я играю в теннис Я веду своего младшего брата в кино утром/днем/вечером напитки во время антракта включены в стоимость билета Звучит заманчиво Говорит Сэм (по телефону) Это очень скучно Это очень дорого фокусник жениться/выйти замуж (Петр женился на Мэри) музыкант предлагать сделать что-то в субботу 26 августа на улице/с снаружи/около входа/внутри показывать фокус выступать на сцене давать два/три выступления выступать в рок-концерте играть на гитаре/пианино/трубе играть на музыкальном инструменте железнодорожная станция напомни, чтобы я (купила шампунь) владеть/управлять рестораном Тогда и увидимся Там и увидимся. Пока снимать фильм слишком много говорить о том, чем заняться спортивные мероприятия предлагать сделать что-то конечно нет (в ответ на вопрос) cмотреть, искать в интернете сдавать экзамен на права вождения автомобиля Замечательно (ответ на предложение) действие фильма происходит в Нью Йорке До начала фильма дают много рекламы Совсем нечем заняться Они — молодожены/ только поженились Этот ответ игнорирует два элемента вопроса устроить вечеринку Билеты есть в продаже 18
Tickets at a range of prices (₤10-16) Time passes so quickly today/this afternoon/next weekend We can meet at midday We mustn't miss it What are you doing tonight? What time are you arriving? When did you get married?
билеты в пределах 10-16 фунтов Время бежит так быстро сегодня/сегодня днем/на следующие выходные Мы можем встретиться в полдень Это нельзя пропустить Чем ты занимаешься сегодня вечером? Когда ты приезжаешь? Когда ты вышла замуж/когда ты женился?
2 Vocabulary in use 1 Use fun or funny in the following sentences. 1 The clown was really …. 2 We had great … at this nightclub. 3 A new comedy is on in the local cinema. It is so … that you won’t stop laughing. 4 I am learning to cook just for … . 5 She is really … to be with. 2 Answer the following question, using the definitions. What’s the difference between a musical, performance and show, excitement and entertainment, a musician and magician? 1 A musical is a show or film with songs and dancing and a musician is someone who plays a musical instrument, often as a job. 2 A performance is a story that is written for actors to perform, usually in a theatre and a show is a television or radio programme or a theatre performance. 3 Excitement are: shows, films, television, or other performances or activities that people enjoy. In other words entertainment is something that happens when people feel very happy and interested. 3 Magic is clever things that a person does while other people watch, such as making things disappear and magician is a man skilled in magic. 3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Present Continuous for Future plans: http://www.examenglish.com/grammar/A2_present_continuous_for_future.htm http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/future-plans Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 Мы встречаем завтра делегацию из университета Оксфорда. 2 Студенты собираются сдавать экзамены на следующей неделе. 3 Мы идем на концерт в Олимпийском дворце, который начинается в 6 часов в воскресенье. 4 Я уезжаю через неделю из Москвы в Лондон. 5 Иностранные студенты примут участие в Русском народном празднике Масленица (pancake festival), который будет проводиться в конце зимы. 4 Reading Read the texts below. They feature what people do in their free time, compare their lifestyles. 1 Birgit from Germany I do something most nights. On Mondays and Wednesdays, I go to an English class, and on Tuesdays, I usually go to the cinema with friends, because the tickets are cheap then. On Thursdays, I always go to the gym. I usually go out dancing on Saturday nights. I often get home at four or five in the morning, so on Sundays, I sleep! I sometimes get up at three in the afternoon. 19
2 Frankie from the UK Free time? I don't have any free time because I have my own business. I occasionally go to a rock concert – about once or twice a year – and I sometimes go shopping at the weekend. I like buying expensive things with the money I earn. I have a really big TV and I have a very nice car. 3 Svetlana from Russia I don't go out much during the week. I usually study for two hours in the evening. I never watch TV, really. I usually play the piano every day. It helps me to relax. Then I go to bed at nine or ten and read. At the weekend, I go out with my family to a park or the countryside, and we go for a walk. I sometimes go to a shopping centre with friends, but I hardly ever buy anything! Which lifestyle is similar to yours? Speak about what you do in your free time (7 sentences). Ask your mates about their leisure time (5 questions). Use the vocabulary under study. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Do you like going out? What is the best way for you to entertain? 2 Listen to the audio I’d like to do something different this weekend. (на CD) Write down the words which may be new for you. What was it about? Was it interesting? Why? 3 Work in pairs: get ready with your own dialogues on the topic. Use the words under study. Present your dialogues in class. 6
1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: afternoon; weds; musical instruments; set; adverts; perform; dance the night away; magician 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
He isn’t a thief. He is a ____________ My friend is a musician and he plays a lot of ____________ Every time I come to see my friend his little son asks me to ___________ a trick The film is __________ in Spain When I was young I could ___________ There are a lot of ______________ before the film I am playing tennis tomorrow ______________ Ann and Ben are newly ___________
2 Choose the correct answer: 1 John has his breakfast ____________ a quarter past 8. а on b in c over d at 2 Fill __________ your diary. a under b with c in d on 3 We brush our teeth early ________ the morning. a in b − c on d at 4 I don’t like Sam because he never does his job __________ time. a at b to c in d with 5 Kris is a musician and he often plays ____ a gig. a at b on c with d in 20
6 What are you talking _____________? a on b about c with d in 7 We arrive ___________ the airport _____________ 5 p.m. Will you meet _______ us? a to; at; − b at; at; − c in; at; − d −; in; to 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Мой друг закончил музыкальную школу, и он великолепно играет на трубе. 2 Скоро Новый год, и мне бы хотелось выступить. 3 Моим сокурсникам нравится путешествовать по железной дороге. 4 Детям обычно больше всего в цирке нравятся клоуны. 5 Когда вы поженитесь? В августе. 6 Желаю вам великолепно провести время в воскресение. 7 Мы – студенты, и нам нужно купить билеты в пределах 15-20 фунтов. 8 Библиотека находится рядом с аптекой. 4. Grammar Units 3-4 . Choose the correct verb forms: 1 Where is Mike? I think he … television. a) ‘s watching
b) watches
2 Why can’t you do your homework? I … what to write. a) ‘m not knowing
b) don’t know
3 … tomorrow? No, let’s go to the cinema. a) Do you work
b) Are you working
4 … this music? Yes, this band is my favourite. a) Do you like
b) Are you liking
5 Why …? Because she’s listening to a comedy on the radio. a) Is Joanna laughing 6
b) does Joanna laugh
Who … to? To my grandfather. I … an email to him every week. a) Are you writing to с) send
b) do you write d) ’m sending
Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 Going to the circus. 2 Going to the concert. 3 My favorite actor.
UNIT 5 Wheels and Wings 1 Vocabulary review a piece of furniture/news/advice all year round arrange coach tours to other towns backpack be close to lots of good restaurants be surrounded by mountains belong to sb belongings big plate of salad boarding pass book a ticket book/reserve a room bus/coach call a taxi carriage catch the bus cater for families check in for a flight check-in point/stand clue coach trips to the mountains conference venue customs departure/arrival lounge Do I need to reconfirm the flight? Do we need to book a taxi to get to the airport? Does the conference venue suit you? duty free shops engine evening entertainments family hotel ferry go for walks go on holiday go sightseeing guidebook He needs a hotel room He needs to go to the departure lounge helicopter hotel description hotel reservations I always travel with my laptop I can put you on a 5 o’clock flight I have a lot of work to do
предмет мебели/новость/один совет круглый год организовывать экскурсии в другие города рюкзак поблизости находятся многочисленные хорошие рестораны быть окруженным горами принадлежать к-л/относиться к вещи/пожитки большая тарелка салата посадочный талон купить билет забронировать/заказать номер автобус/экскурсионный автобус вызывать такси вагон успеть на автобус обслуживать/ориентироваться на семейный отдых пройти регистрацию на рейс стойка регистрации идея/подсказка автобусные экскурсии в горы место проведения конференции таможня зал вылета/прилет Мне нужно подтверждение рейса? Нам нужно заказывать такси, чтобы доехать до аэропорта? Тебя устраивает место проведения конференции? магазины беспошлинной торговли мотор вечерние развлечения семейный отель паром ходить на прогулки поехать в отпуск ходить на экскурсии/осматривать достопримечательности путеводитель Ему нужно заказать номер в гостинице Ему нужно пройти в зал вылета вертолет описание отеля (в брошюре) бронирование отеля Я всегда путешествую с ноутбуком я могу отправить вас пятичасовым рейсом У меня много работы 22
I haven't got any sweets I need some money I need to come back on Saturday evening I'm waiting to check in is about 10 km away it has several meeting rooms and is suitable for business conferences It's all arranged I've got a little English money left, so I'll spend it on a coffee now. I've lost my address book journey, trip, travel keep fit lift/elevator live by the seaside loaf of bread Lorry drivers need to stop for a break lorry/truck meet one’s demands meeting rooms are available modes of transport motorcycle motorway/thoroughfare/freeway/highway mp3 player on the edge of the city packet of tea paint brushes for drawing passport control pay tax on the (watch) quiet spot in the country reconfirm the flight run on rails scooter see/visit the sights serve food She doesn't need a taxi She had a photo album as a birthday present She’s got a little luggage sleeping bag stay with the family in London stop at traffic lights suit sb swim suit They have got a couple of suit cases They've got much luggage ticket sales toothbrush tourist sites
У меня нет сладостей/конфет Мне нужны деньги Мне нужно вернуться вечером в субботу Я жду регистрации на расстоянии приблизительно 10-ти км в гостинице есть несколько комнат для переговоров и конференций. все заказано У меня есть несколько фунтов, пойду куплю кофе Я потерял свою книжку с адресами поездка, путешествие держать форму лифт жить у моря батон хлеба Водитель грузовика должен делать остановки, чтобы отдохнуть грузовик удовлетворять требованиям имеются комнаты для переговоров виды транспорта мотоцикл шоссе/автострада/магистраль мp3 плеер на окраине города пакетик чая кисти для рисования паспортный контроль платить пошлину за/на часы тихое местечко за городом/в деревне подтвердить рейс ехать по рельсам скутер/мопед смотреть на достопримечательности подавать еду Ему не нужно такси Ей подарили фотоальбом на день рождения У нее небольшой багаж спальный мешок жить в Лондоне в семье остановиться у светофора удовлетворять к-л купальник У них несколько чемоданов У них слишком много багажа продажа билетов зубная щетка туристские места/достопримечательности 23
transport goods by road travel by air/by train/by car travel by tube/underground travel on rails voyage walking boots ways of travelling We haven't got any luggage, only a handbag wear a helmet on a bike wheels and wings wild life You can only take a hand luggage on board You'd better hurry
перевозить груз на машине путешествовать самолетом/поездом/на машине ездить на метро путешествовать по железной дороге путешествие по морю ботинки для прогулок способы передвижения У нас нет багажа, только ручная кладь надевать шлем, когда ездишь на велосипеде колеса и крылья живая природа Вы можете взять только ручную кладь на борт Тебе бы лучше поторопиться 2 Vocabulary in use
1 What’s the difference between: a b c d e f g
a bus and a coach? a ferry and a ship? a lorry and a truck? a freeway and motorway? a motorbike and a scooter? a plane and an aircraft? a cab and a taxi?
2 Choose the things you’ll need if you travel: a b c d e f g
by coach by ship or ferry by bus by motorbike or scooter by plane by train on foot.
Your boarding pass, your passport, a suitcase, a backpack, some food and drink, a book or magazine, camera, a piece of soap. 3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Countable-uncountable nouns: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/countable-uncountable-nouns-1 http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/countable-uncountable-nouns-2 Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 В аэропорту всегда много пассажиров. 2 Пассажиры должны сдать вещи в багаж, ручной багаж сдавать не нужно. 24
3 Вы можете использовать любые виды транспорта, чтобы добраться туда. 4 Обычно он ездит на работу на автобусе, но сегодня такая солнечная погода, и он едет туда на велосипеде. 5 Мы получаем много интересной информации о проведении Олимпийских игр. 4 Reading Read the stories about taxi. Retell two of them in classs. Vocabulary brain - мозг memory - память average person – среднестатистический/обычный человек taxi picks up only women – такси берет только женщин charge sb – брать (какую-то сумму) с кого-либо negotiate a price – договориться о цене provide a translation service - предоставлять услугу перевода too much traffic – слишком много машин/пробок delays – задержки/опоздания Clever: Taxi drivers' brains grow because of the job. The part if their brain connected to memory and learning (the hippocampus) is bigger than in the average person. Ladies only: Some people feel taxis are too dangerous for women, so a company in Puebla, Mexico, has introduced new pink taxis. Women drive them and they only pick up women. Knowledge: London taxi drivers have to take a course to learn 320 routes and all the names of the roads on each route. Only 25% of people finish the course and pass the exam. Expensive: In Muscat, Oman, you can get a one-million-dollar Ferrari Enzo taxi. The driver charges clients $30 per kilometre. I have a car. I am a taxi driver: In Tashkent, Uzbekistan, anyone with a car can be a taxi. If they see someone waiting at the edge of the road, they can stop and negotiate a price. Dangerous: In South Africa in the 1990s, over 2,000 people died in 'taxi wars', when companies competed to control taxis and routs. The longest journey: Two old ladies in Australia in 1930 took a taxi on a 7,000-mile trip across the desert, with taxi driver Charles Heard. The trip cost around £300. Lost in translation: A Spanish couple had to pay $3,000 when they got a taxi in Norway. They wanted to go to Olden but the driver understood Halden – over 550 kilometres further away! That's better: The city of Seoul, South Korea, provides a translating service in 17 languages for foreigners taking a taxi. Customers can phone a number and get a free translator to speak to the 25
drive. They're the best: A recent report said Britain has some of the worst transport problems in Europe. It said there's too much traffic; there are too many delays on public transport; and it's too expensive. However, the UK is number one for taxis. International tourists voted on a website. They said Britain's taxi drivers are friendly and reliable: in fact, the best in the world! 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Watch the video “Building a helicycle helicopter”. What is the process of building helicopter lke? How useful could this kind of transport be? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmOJlmDPEPg Write down the words which may be new for you. Was this video interesting? Why? 2 Have you ever seen how to build other modes of transport? To get an idea watch the video “Building the train: inside hell on wheels” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoLc1EZsRig 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: reconfirm; luggage; coach trips to the mountains; shampoo; engine; family hotel; address book; by the seaside 1 I don’t need to buy any _____________. 2 She wants to stay in a _____________. 3 The second _____________ broke down. 4 Do I need to ____________ the flight? 5 My granny would like to live ____________. 6 Linda couldn’t call me because she has lost her ____________. 7 We have got much ____________. 8 Let’s book tickets for ___________ ! 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 Where are your _________? a child b childrens c childs d children 2 How many ___________ have you caught? a fish b fishes c fishing d fished 3 We haven’t got much __________. A luggages b luggage c luggs d luggage’s 4 We haven’t got a couple of suit _________. A cases b case c case’s d casing 5 I am reading a book about _______________. a wilds life b wild lifes c wild life d wild lives 6 Let’s buy a house on the ____________ of the city! A edges b edges’ c edge d edge’s 26
7 Let’s go for a __________. A walking b walk c walk’s 8 I have bought a lot of _______ today. A plate b plates c plate’s
d walked d plating
3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Мне нравится путешествовать по железной дороге. 2 Я смотрю передачи о дикой природе по телевизору. 3 Водитель резко остановился у светофора. 4 Места в отель «Калифорния» бронируются заранее. 5 Моя бабушка была огорчена, когда потеряла свой посадочный талон. 6 Туристам нравится фотографировать места, которые они посещают. 7 Вам нужно пройти в зал вылета. 8 Студентам не нравится эта гостиница, так как там нет вечерних развлечений. Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 Coach trips to the mountains. 2 My favorite kind of transport. 3 A journey.
UNIT 6 What Did You Do at School Today? 1 Vocabulary review 8 form a stick of two ends At the time I felt embarrassed attend evening classes be excited/miserable/tired/confused be frightened/be afraid of/be scared be late be nervous be very proud of oneself be/get caught in a traffic jam be/look annoyed boarding school Сhristian name comprehensive school Customer had the wrong food distract sb divert one's attention do lots of different sports do science/maths/biology do sth with your own hands enjoy rugby and athletics except Wednesday family name/surname feel ill feel worried finish/leave school/college first name get tips girls being addressed by their surnames give some information given name graduate from the university/institute grammar school handicraft lessons I couldn't understand the maths at all I didn't feel confident I don't agree with I don't think so I realized the situation in a hurry in the 1960s issue It suggests general discussion It wasn't a very good start for me Kids do better in mixed schools
старшие классы средней школы (8-10) палка о двух концах В то время я был очень смущен учиться в вечерней школе/на вечернем отделении быть взволнованным/уставшим/смущенным быть напуганным/бояться к-л или ч-л опаздывать нервничать гордиться собой быть/попасть в пробку быть раздраженным школа-интернат имя общеобразовательная школа Клиенту принесли не то блюдо отвлекать кого-то отвлечь кого-то заниматься разными видами спорта изучать естественные науки/математику/ биологию делать что-то своими руками получать удовольствие от регби и атлетики кроме среды фамилия чувствовать себя больным беспокоиться окончить школу/колледж имя получать чаевые девочек называли по фамилии дать информацию имя человека окончить университет/институт частная школа в Великобритании с классическим образованием уроки труда Я не мог разобраться в математике Я не чувствовать уверенности в себе Я не согласен с Я так не считаю Я осознал/понял ситуацию в спешке в шестидесятые годы вопрос/проблема Я предлагаю провести дискуссию Это было плохое начало для меня Школьники лучше успевают в смешанных школах 28
laptop make an order make friends make/earn money male-female Many children never went to school old-fashioned order dinner parental name/middle name plane ticket play truant playground primary school projector public school realise receive a letter revenge science laboratory/lab second name secondary school set off single-sex schools sports ground student message board students aged 12-18 study computing study hard task solving session The chef went home at 9.00 the classes are over the customers complained the list of school subjects the restaurant was busy those days timetable tour of the school understand very little information visual aids vocational school We agree/we are agreed on the issue we have run out of milk and bread wear a uniform workshop
ноутбук сделать заказ заводить друзей/познакомиться с к-л зарабатывать деньги мужчина — женщина/м — ж пола Многие дети не ходили в школу старомодный заказать что-нибудь на ужин отчество/второе имя билет на самолет прогуливать занятия площадка для игры начальная школа проектор частная закрытая школа в Великобритании понимать/осознавать получить письмо месть лаборатория фамилия общеобразовательная школа отправиться/стартовать школы только для мальчиков или девочек спортивная площадка доска объявлений для учащихся учащиеся в возрасте 12-18 лет изучать информатику усердно учиться урок, на котором студенты коллективно решают какую-нибудь проблему Шеф-повар ушел домой в 9 часов уроки окончены клиенты жаловались список школьных предметов ресторан был полон тогда/в то время расписание экскурсия по школе понимать очень мало информации визуальные средства пту/колледж, дающий специальное среднее образование Мы согласны по этому вопросу у нас закончилось молоко и хлеб носить униформу мастерская/семинар
2 Vocabulary in use 1 Make up an ending to the following sentences choosing the right word. 1 I didn’t enjoy the film. It was … (fascinating, boring). 2 He was good at all subjects at school. He found them all… (interesting, tiring). 3 There have been some … news (worrying, exciting). The world economy is still falling. 4 They are really … (excited about, bored with) the idea of holiday in the mountains. 5 The taxi-driver took him to a wrong place. He was … (angry, amused). 2 Translate from Russian into English. 1 Он занимался на вечерних курсах английского языка. 2 Тебе нравятся естественно-научные дисциплины? 3 Он хорошо понимает математику и компьютерное дело, но плохо естественно-научные предметы. 4 В мой первый день в школе я вовсе не испугался. Учителя были очень приветливы. 5 В школе мы занимались многими предметами: физикой, химией, историей, математикой, географией и некоторыми другими. 3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Past Continuous and Past Simple: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammarexercises/past-continuous-and-past-simple Adjective ending in - ed and - ing: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/adjectives-ending-ed-and-ing Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 Наша команда участвовала в финальных состязаниях несколько раз. 2 Во время Олимпиады по английскому студенты участвовали в конкурсах, отвечали на вопросы и получали призы. 3 Вчера в 2 часа дня мы писали сочинение. 4 Он выглядит уставшим. 5 Этот фильм скучный, переключи программу ТВ, пожалуйста. 6 Вы удивлены её ответом? Да (Нет). 4 Reading 1 Have you ever told lies? On what occasion? How did you feel afterwards? 2 Read the dialogue: Anne: I remember something that happened at school once. I got into a lot of trouble – and so did my friend Lucy. We had a history exam the next day, so we stayed up all night to study. We wanted to get good grades. Well we wanted to pass anyway. Nina: That sounds familiar. Anne: Anyway, so we talked, watched a video, had a good time. But we didn't study. Of course, in the morning, we were really worried. We didn't know any history! We were going to fail the exam. Nina: I know the feeling. So what did you do? 30
Anne: Well, we decided not to go to the exam and to make up an excuse for the teacher. Nina: Uh, oh. Anne: Wait, I spoke to the teacher, looking really sad and told him: 'Oh, I'm really sorry, sir. But I couldn't come to the exam because, sadly, my grandmother died.' Nina: Did he believe you? Anne: Yes, he did! He was very sympathetic, really nice. So I thought phew! But then, Lucy came in, crying, and said 'I'm sorry I missed my exam. My grandmother died!' And he said “Your grandmother died too!” And then he realised! Nina: Oh, no! Didn't you plan your stories beforehand? Anna: No, we never thought of that! Nina: How stupid! So, what happened then? Anne: Well, of course, the school phoned my parents, I was grounded for months. I had to go straight back home when school finished. But my grandmother thought it was all pretty funny. Be grounded – быть наказанным (запрещено выходить из дома) 3 What do you think about the whole situation? What would you do if you found yourself in Anna's shoes? Discuss the issue in class. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Do you like schooling? What are your favorite subjects? 2 Listen to the audio “A quick quiz”. (на CD) Write down the words which may be new for you. What was it about? Was it interesting? Why? 3 Get ready with a 7-10 -sentence story on My University Life and deliver it in class. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: agree; distract; traffic jam; over; understand; those days; secondary school; maths; understand 1 I can’t complete the job because my friends ___________ me. 2 I ___________ the language but I don’t ________ the concept. 3 Do you remember your first day at ________________? 4 My favorite subject at school is ___________. 5 Few schools had labs in ____________. 6 The lesson is ________! Good bye! 7 We were late because we got in a ________________. 8 The teacher doesn’t ____________ on the issue. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 Before 1876 many children in England never ________ to school. а go b goes c went d are go 2 This is a ____________ teenager. He has nothing to do. 31
a bored b most bored c be bored d boring 3 Did she go to school yesterday? A yes, she did b yes, she was с yes, she has d yes, she will 4 The teacher was angry because I _____________ late. a am b have с did d was 5 I studied hard because I _______________ to pass exams. a wanted b want с am want d wants 6 Every student _____________ a laptop. A need b needed с needs d is needs 7 Did you call me yesterday? A yes, I didn’t b no, I didn’t с yes, I was d no, I did 8 When I came into the room I _________________ a lot of people there. A saw b see с was saw d am see 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Нужно усердно учиться, чтобы поступить в университет. 2 Все студенты в нашей группе носят униформу. 3 Наш учитель часто использует визуальные средства на уроках английского языка. 4 Я предлагаю провести дискуссию. 5 Я прочитал эту информацию на доске объявлений для учащихся вчера. 6 Моя младшая сестра учится в вечерней школе. 7 Я делал уроки в спешке вчера. 8 Не могли бы вы сказать, как пройти к газетному киоску. 4. Grammar Units 5-6. 1. Tick the words we use with countable nouns. A lot of ___, a little___, several___, not many___, not much___, a few___, a couple of___ 2. Tick the words we use with uncountable nouns. Not many___, a couple of ___, several ___ , a lot of ___, a few ___, not much ___, a little ___ 3. Tick the words we use with countable and uncountable nouns. A few ___, a couple of ___, not many___, a lot of ___, several ___, not much ___, a little ___, 5. Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 My working day. 2 My favorite subject. 3 Extra hours activities.
UNIT 7 Around Town 1 Vocabulary review attractions (tourist) a few minutes' walk away from the bus station across the road Alex is older than me by five years along the pavement around the track be within a walking distance beautiful spots away from the crowds by some traffic lights car park castle cathedral church city council Could you tell the way to the shopping centre, pls? courier dispatch(er) down the steps give /get directions go straight down this road go straight on I need to find a petrol station I'm not as good at tennis as you are I'm sorry. Could you say that again, pls? in front of kiosk in the middle of the city centre It's not far from the castle It's on the corner just outside the main city centre long journeys/trips newspaper kiosk next to the museum off the roof on the next crossroads one-way street opposite park gates outside entrance over the gate pedestrian crossing petrol station roundabout shopping centre skateboards are more common that mountain bikes St. Mark is newer than the waterside
(туристские) достопримечательности всего в нескольких минутах ходьбы от автовокзала через дорогу Aлексей старше меня на пять лет вдоль по тротуару по трэку находиться в пределах пешей доступности красивые места вдалеке от туристских маршрутов перед светофором место для парковки машин крепость собор церковь городской совет/местная администрация Не могли бы сказать, как пройти к торговому центру? курьер развозить по назначению/курьер вниз по лестнице давать /получить объяснение как пройти идти прямо по улице/не сворачивая идите прямо мне нужна заправочная станция Я играю в теннис хуже тебя Извините, не могли бы вы повторить. перед киоском в центре торгового центра Это недалеко от крепости Это находится на углу это рядом с центром города длинное путешествие газетный киоск рядом с музеем с крыши на следующем перекрестке улица с односторонним движением напротив ворот парка напротив входа над воротами пешеходный переход заправочная станция перекресток с круговым движением торговый центр скейтборды более популярны, чем горные велосипеды торговый центр Святого Марка новее торгового 33
centre take a boat trip Take the second turning on the left taxi rank Thanks - It's a pleasure Thanks - You're welcome The bus station is beside the river The railway station is a few minutes' walk away from the bus station There is a car park a few metres from the cafe through the tunnel to be as expensive as to be not as expensive as to be not so cheap as town hall travel Turn left at the crossroads turn left/right Turn right at the roundabout
центра у реки отправиться на экскурсию по реке Поверните налево на второй улице стоянка такси Спасибо - пожалуйста Спасибо - пожалуйста Автовокзал находится на берегу реки Железнодорожный вокзал расположен в нескольких минутах ходьбы от автовокзала Парковка находится в нескольких метрах от кафе через туннель одинаково по цене дешевле чем дороже чем здание местной администрации, ратуша путешествие Поверните налево на перекрестке поверните налево/направо Поверните направо на перекрестке с круговым движением Поверните направо и идите по Queen str. в горку путешествие (по морю) пешие экскурсии Не заблудитесь/мимо пройти нельзя
Turn right into Queen street up the hill voyage walking tours You can't miss it
2 Vocabulary in use 1 Answer the following questions. 1 Which places are usually in the city center? 2 Which places are usually away from the city center? 3 Which is the best transport to move around town? 4 What city buildings are a short way from your place? 5 How long does it take you to get to the city center? 2 Translate from Russian into English. 1 Как добраться до торгового центра? – Идите прямо по этой улице. 2 Где находится бассейн? Он на углу. Вы можете дойти туда пешком. 3 Где здесь заправка? Поверните на право на круге. Заправка в 5 минутах езды от круга. 4 В этом городе есть музей? Да, есть. А как туда добраться? Сверните в первый поворот направо. До музея 10 минут ходьбы. 5 Какие здания есть около вашего дома?
3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Comparative and contrasting adjectives: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/comparing-and-contrasting-modifyingcomparatives Comparative adjectives: http://www.examenglish.com/grammar/a2_comparative_adjectives.htm Superlatives: http://www.examenglish.com/grammar/A2_superlative.htm Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 Где находится ближайшая станция метро? Идите прямо, первый поворот направо. 2 Катание на скейтборде опаснее, чем на велосипеде. 3 Сегодня погода хуже, чем вчера. 4 Это спортивное снаряжение не такое дорогое как снаряжение для горных лыж. 5 В лаборатории используется новейшее оборудование отечественного и зарубежного производства. 4 Reading 1 Read the text. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D. 1. The Lighthouse of Alexandria was built a) by an Egyptian ruler, c) Sostratus,
b) in three floors, d) near an island.
2. A fire was continually burning on top of the Lighthouse of Alexandria to a) impress people, b) burn enemy ships, c) help ships reach the harbor, d) light up the building. The Lighthouse of Alexandria, Egypt The Lighthouse of Alexandria was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Built on the ancient island of Pharos, off the city’s coast, it worked day and night to mark the harbor and make sure that sailors could safely sail the dangerous waters into the harbor. The ruler of Egypt, Ptolemy Soter, began building the Lighthouse which was completed during the reign of Ptolemy II (283-246 BC). Sostratus was the architect and calculations for the building were carried out at the famous Alexandria Library. At the time, the Lighthouse was the tallest building on Earth, rising over 40 stories high. Built in three layers, the lowest was rectangular, the middle layer was octagonal and the top was circular. At the top of the Lighthouse a fire was kept burning all night to guide ships into the harbor. The Lighthouse’s most impressive feature was a mysterious mirror. According to legend, the mirror was a weapon. It could direct sunrays onto enemy ships and burn them. The Lighthouse stood for about 1,500 years before it was destroyed by an earthquake. 35
2 Who was the architect of the Lighthouse of Alexandria? How was the Lighthouse destroyed? 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Have you ever taken your guest or a friend around the city? What are the most interesting things worth showing to a visitor? 2 Watch the clip Harlow Town from BBC documentary on housing after World War II. What information is provided? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92_8BSUomkg&list=PL7CA730D0B2F2260A Write down the words which may be new for you. Was this video interesting? Why? 3 Work in pairs: get ready with dialogues in which you discuss your city’s sights and places of interest. Present them in class. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: common; through the tunnel; petrol station; directions; attractions; courier, church; enjoy 1 ___________ your meal! 2 Skateboards are more ____________ than mountain bikes 3 I will show you the ____________ of our town 4 My granny is very religious and she often goes to ___________ 5 He is a _________ 6 I need to find a ______________ 7 Did you get right ______________? 8 Let’s go ____________! Be careful! 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 Linda is _____________ than me by ten years. a older b old c young d more older 2 She is good _____________ tennis. a in b at c up d at 3 The river goes ___________ the center of the city. a through b to c at d in 4 St Mark’s is _____________ than the Waterside Center. а new b newer c more new d newest 5 The book is ______________ than the magazine. а more expensive b much expensive c expensier d expensive 6 Is it far ______________ the hospital? а to b in c from d at 36
7 Hotels are ____________ here than in Moscow a cheap b more cheap c most cheap d cheaper 8 This supermarket is ________________ than that one. а more better b better c most better d like better 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Мы остановились перед светофором. 2 Не могли бы Вы сказать, как пройти к торговому центру? 3 Извините, не могли бы Вы повторить. 4 Мне нравятся пешие экскурсии. 5 Мне бы хотелось отправиться на экскурсию по реке. 6 Вам понравился замок? 7 Рынок находится в центре города. 8 Автовокзал находится недалеко от гостиницы. 4. Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 Attractions in my home town. 2 Walking tours. 3 Long-distance trips.
UNIT 8 Let's Celebrate 1 Vocabulary review a groom and a bride at sunset be good at keeping a secret bikini book a band book a table at a good restaurant for lunch book plane tickets bother sb Can you tell me when your birthday is? Congratulations! different wedding plans disturb sb Easter Enjoy your meal! Enjoy your trip! family wedding fiancé fireworks fizzy drinks get engaged Good luck! Happy anniversary! Happy birthday Have a good journey! Have a nice weekend! have a romantic wedding on the beach Have they arrived yet? hire a special car to take us to the church (national/international) holiday honeymoon How do you know? I' having a birthday party next Friday I hope you enjoy the party I'm sorry but I can't come in the local church It's kind of festival make a mistake make an appointment at the registry office make reservations Many happy returns (of the day)! mend a chair organize a barbecue parade
жених и невеста на закате уметь сохранять в секрете купальник пригласить оркестр заказать столик в хорошем ресторане в обеденное время покупать билеты беспокоить к-л Скажи, пожалуйста, когда у тебя день рождения Поздравляю! разные способы отпраздновать свадьбу беспокоить к-л Пасха Желаю хорошего ужина! Желаю удачной поездки! отпраздновать свадьбу в кругу семьи жених/невеста фейерверк, салют газированные напитки объявить о помолвке Желаю удачи! Поздравляю с юбилеем! Поздравляю с днем рождения! Желаю счастливого пути! Счастливых выходных! проводить романтическое бракосочетание на пляже Они уже приехали? нанять специальную машину, чтобы доехать до церкви (национальный/международный) праздник медовый месяц Откуда ты знаешь? У меня день рождения в следующую пятницу Я надеюсь на то, что тебе понравится вечеринка Извини, но я не смогу приехать/прийти в местной церкви это как праздник/похоже на праздник делать ошибку подать заявление в загс и получить дату регистрации бронировать/заказывать (столик, номер) Поздравляю с днем рождения! починить стул организовать шашлыки парад 38
registry office relations/relatives rent a cottage run a successful business See you on Monday send invitations to friends She hasn't arrived yet She's just booked the tickets sky scrapers spill- spelt-spelt/ spilled-spilled staff/employees/personnel sunscreen (lotion) Take a bus to the station take an exam take an extra-long lunch break take an oath Thank you for inviting me to the first and only event Then you can walk from there throw away rubbish tidy a house travel agent trouble sb well done win a race worry sb Would you like to come?
загс родственники снять коттедж успешно вести бизнес Увидимся в понедельник разослать приглашение друзьям Она еще не приехала Она только что купила билеты небоскребы пролить персонал/сотрудники крем от загара Садись на автобус и поезжай до автовокзала сдавать экзамен затянувшийся обеденный перерыв давать клятву (на верность) Спасибо за приглашение на один единственный раз Оттуда ты можешь пройти пешком вынести мусор прибрать в доме тур агент беспокоить к-л, создавать проблемы молодец/отлично выиграть забег/дистанцию беспокоить к-л, заставлять волноваться Ты хотел бы приехать/прийти? 2 Vocabulary in use
1 Answer the following questions: 1 What do we say someone who won a victory? 2 What do we say to a newly married couple? 3 What do we say to some who is going to take an exam? 4 What do we call the month after the wedding? 5 What do we say to someone who celebrate their anniversary? 2 Correct the wrong word combinations. 1 We’ll make an extra break to go to the registry office. 2 I hope you keep a secret and are not printing the interview until next week. 3 Our secretary rented a table in a good restaurant. 4 They’ll organize a barbecue when they return home after their honeymoon. 5 There were no guests who refused the invitation 6 They’ll book a cottage in the mountains, because they want to alone together. 7 Their parents hired a special car to take them to the church. 8 They took the appointment in the registry office. 39
3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Adverbs and Present Perfect: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/just-yet-still-already Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Они уже подписали контракт. Мы ещё не заказали билеты на самолет. У вас уже были занятия в новом учебном корпусе? Вы когда-нибудь слышали об этом судебном процессе? Он впервые принимает участие в Олимпийских играх. 4 Reading
1 Do you know anything about a traditional Irish wedding? Read the texts and mark the statements True (T) or False (F). 1 2 3 4
Irish couples don’t follow ancient customs. The groom couldn’t go to the bride’s house before the wedding. Irish brides don’t carry expensive bouquets. It is unlucky for Irish brides to wear green. A Traditional Irish Wedding
“Marry in April if you can, joy for maiden and for man”! So says one Irish wedding tradition which has its roots in ancient history, folklore and interesting superstitions! Even in these modern times, many couples try to include ancient customs in their wedding, in the hope that it will bring them luck and happiness. Here are some of the traditions that Irish people follow on their wedding day. In the past, the groom was invited to the bride’s house just before the wedding and a goose was cooked in his honour. Many Irish people believe that showing such generosity to the groom will make sure that he won’t change his mind about the wedding at the last minute! A traditional Irish bride doesn’t spend a fortune on bouquets of exotic flowers. Instead, she usually wears a wreath of wild flowers in her hair, freshly picked on the morning of her wedding. She carried more wild flowers in her hands, as well as a “magic” handkerchief and a horseshoe for luck. Part of the bride’s wedding dress is usually used to make the christening robe for the first-born child. Irish wisdom advises brides never to wear green on their wedding day or to dance with both feet off the ground, as both of these things will tempt the fairies to carry them off forever. 2 Discuss and compare a traditional Irish wedding in class. Use the vocabulary under study. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Do you like celebrating special events? What are your favorites? Why? Do you know how to give gifts in different countries? 40
2 Listen to the audio Giving gifts in different countries (на CD) Write down the words which may be new for you. What was the story about? Was it interesting? Why? 3 In class discuss special events and customs of giving gifts in Russia. Compare the gift giving traditions around the world. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: a groom and a bride; make mistakes, sunscreen; to book a band; keeping a secret; engaged; to organize a barbecue; honeymoon 1 We are going to the country and my parents decided ______________ 2 Kristina and Tom are very much in love and they are ___________ 3 We have got married this month and we are going to have our _________ in Italy 4 Let’s buy ______________ and go to the beach! 5 Some students ______________ in dictations. 6 My brother is fond of music and he decided _______________ for his birthday party. 7 We got ______________ last year. 8 Are you good at __________? 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 I _________ my lessons yet. a have done b haven’t done c did d didn’t 2 ___________ to London? а Have you be b Were you c Have ever been d Did you be 3 I ____________ it from him. a have found b find c was find d was found 4 My teacher ___________ me yesterday. а called b has called c have called d was calling 5 He ________ me about it. а hasn’t told b haven’t told c did tell d wasn’t tell 6 _________ your mom yesterday? a Have you called b Were you call c Will you d Did you call 7 I have ______________ seen Linda. а just b yet c yesterday d ever 8 Has he bought books for me? a No, he haven’t b No, he didn’t c No, he wasn’t d No, he hasn’t
3 Translate these sentences into English: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1 Мы собираемся в Египет и решили заказать билеты заранее. Том успешно ведет бизнес. Мы решили отпраздновать свадьбу в кругу семьи. У Анны нет ни брата, ни сестры, но у нее много родственников. Дети обычно любят газированные напитки. Где Крис? Он еще не приехал. Мы еще не разослали приглашения друзьям. Приглашаем вас в ресторан в воскресенье. Мой муж уже забронировал столик.
4. Grammar Units 7-8. Put the words in these sentences in the correct order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Have you present yet Stefan? Given his I’ve money spent . the already. We haven’t pool to been . the yet new. I’ve to Maria . spoken just. The children already have drunk . juice their. Hasn’t Sammy found his yet phone ?
5. Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 Organizing a barbecue. 2 Romantic trip. 3 My birthday.
UNIT 9 How Do You Feel? 1 Vocabulary review abdominal advertisement/ad/advert/advertising ankle antibiotics apologize before sb Are you keen on computer games? at least twice a week back body guard brain/mind brainstorming break one's heart check one's blood pressure check one's eye sight check one's heart cheek cheeky chest/bosom/breasts chin cough mixture crutch do a lip work Do you and your family go for walks together? Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? Don't miss the chance drink and drive earache and temperature elbow e-mail equipment is up-to-date excuse oneself exercise in the gym exercise on a rowing machine exercise on an exercise bike exercise one's arms eyebrow fall over at school feel sick finger forehead get an emergency appointment with the doctor hate doing exercise have a bug in one's belly have butterflies in one's stomach heart attack
брюшной, мышцы живота реклама щиколотка антибиотики извиняться перед к-л Ты любишь играть в компьютерные игры? как минимум два раза в неделю спина телохранитель мозг мозговой штурм разбить сердце проверить кровяное давление проверить зрение проверить работу сердца /пульс щека хитрый грудная клетка/грудь подбородок микстура/сироп от кашля костыль болтать попусту/заниматься болтовней Ты ходишь с семьей на прогулки? Ты носишь очки или контактные линзы? Не упусти этот шанс водить машину в нетрезвом виде боль в ухе и температура локоть электронное письмо современные спортивные тренажеры извиниться заниматься в зале тренироваться на снаряде «лодка» тренироваться на снаряде «велосипед» тренировать руки бровь споткнуться и упасть в школе быть больным/чувствовать тошноту палец лоб попасть к врачу с острой болью не люблю заниматься физкультурой расстройство желудка волноваться, нервничать, поджилки трясутся сердечный приступ/инфаркт 43
heart failure highbrow conversation I am not happy about this illness I'm sick and tired of I'm sorry in plaster index finger It was very rude of me to laugh at you It wasn't your fault I've got a cold in my nose I've got a running nose Join the club for half the normal price Just come along or phone me knee letter of apology letter of complaint lifeguard in the swimming pool lifting weights lips lipstick little finger lungs middle finger muscles all over the body neck no instructors in the gym offer a special discount to the first 100 members out of sight out of mind phone a medical helpline raise one's mood/spirits ring finger rower is exercising her arms and leg she would use about 300 calories in 30 minutes shoulder sleep with at least two pillows sore eyes stick out like a sore thumb
сердечная недостаточность высокоинтеллектуальный разговор Мне это не нравится болезнь/хворь Мне надоело и я устал от; сыт по горло извините в гипсе указательный палец Было грубо с моей стороны так посмеяться над тобой Это не твоя ошибка/тебя нельзя винить У меня насморк У меня насморк Купи абонемент за полцены Просто приходи или позвони мне колено письмо с извинениями письмо-жалоба спасатель в бассейне тяжелая атлетика губы губная помада мизинец легкие средний палец мышцы во всем теле шея нет инструкторов в зале скидка первым ста членам клуба с глаз долой, из сердца вон позвонить в мед. службу, дающую консультации поднять настроение к-л безымянный палец гребец тренирует мышцы рук и ног она потеряет около 300 калорий за 30 минут
плечо спать как минимум на двух подушках воспаленные глаза/уставшие глаза выделяться из толпы/торчать как опухший большой палец stomach живот/желудок stomach ache боль в желудке strain one's leg потянуть мышцы ноги sweetheart милый/милая/любимый Take care (or yourself)! Береги себя! Take some antibiotics Прими антибиотики The cyclist is mainly exercising her legs Велосипедист в основном тренирует мышцы ног thumb большой палец руки 44
thumbs up! toe twist one's elbow/ankle use equipment weightlifter When I came in for the first time Why don't you take some cough mixture? wrist You really shouldn't work hard You should call an ambulance You should take him to the hospital You were very stressed You'd better dial 03 at once You'd better phone the doctor
большой палец кверху! во! палец ноги вывихнуть локтевой сустав/голеностопный сустав заниматься на тренажерах тяжелоатлет Когда я пришел в первый раз Почему бы не дать ему микстуру от кашля? запястье Тебе не надо так много работать Нужно вызвать скорую помощь Его нужно отвезти в больницу Ты находился под стрессом Лучше позвонить в службу 03 Лучше позвонить врачу 2 Vocabulary in use
1 Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations: feel sick, a sore eye, have a warm drink, have got a pain, call an ambulance, take some medicine, go to the doctors, hurt, cough, stay in bed, take/go to hospital, have got a cold. 2 Translate from Russian into English. 1 Я хожу в клуб здоровья каждую субботу. Там хорошее оборудование и инструкторы, есть также бассейн. Клуб недорогой. 2 Если вы простужены, то лучше всего оставаться дома. Если у вас температура, то оставайтесь в постели, примите аспирин и выпейте чего-нибудь горячего. 3 Если y вас температура, то оставайтесь в постели, примите аспирин и выпейте чего-нибудь горячего. 4 Он совершенно не может двигать пальцами. 5 За ланчем он съел бургер и чипсы. 3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Present Perfect verb forms: http://www.gingersoftware.com/grammarbook/verbs/the-presentperfect-simple-tense/ Present Perfect Simple and Continuous: http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-exercise-present-perfect.php Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 Вы звонили ему? Ещё нет. 2 Они изучали иностранные языки в университете? Да. 3 Это письмо переведено на испанский? 4 Вы когда-нибудь были в Шотландии? 5 Они участвовали в студенческих конференциях? Нет. 45
4 Reading 1 Look at the first column of the dialogue. Who might ask these kinds of questions? To whom might they be addressed? Where are the people? Now complete the dialogue by matching responses A-D to the spaces 1-4. Doctor: Hello, Mr. Harris. What seems to be the matter? Patient: 1) ………………………………………………… Doctor: How long has it been bothering you? Patient: 2) ………………………………………………… Doctor: Do you have any history of this kind of trouble? Patient: 3) ………………………………………………… Doctor: I see. Are you taking any medication at the moment? Patient: 4) …………………………………………………….. Doctor: OK, let’s have a look at you. Could you please take off your shirt? A) No – just an aspirin from time to time to kill the pain. B) Good morning. I have a terrible backache. C) No, this is the first time. Actually, it all started after a game of tennis. D) Well… about a couple of days. 2 In pairs, read the dialogue aloud in class. Use the vocabulary under study and make your own dialogues. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Do you know anyone who likes being ill? Translate from English into Russian: What’s the matter? What’s wrong with you? I have a headache/ a fever/ a stomachache/ a cold. 2 Watch the videos: “I have a headache” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJHtpAriDp0 and “Health” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dARFmWWiceA Work in groups of two: get ready with a dialogue How do you feel today? Make use of the vocabulary from those videos and Unit 9 of the course book. Present the dialogue in class. 3 Watch the video Planning for good eating. What is the video about? What 3 types of food were mentioned in the video? Why are they needed for men? Why is it important to eat the correct food? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58eFNxlLr5s Make a list of the most important products and compare it with the lists of your mates’ lists in class. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: facilities; up-to-date; cheeky; stressed, rude; stomach ache; lenses, biker 46
1 I haven’t done my lessons because of the _________ 2 Do you wear glasses or contact _________? 3 It was very __________ of me to laugh at you. I am really sorry. 4 What happened? When I saw you last week you were ___________. 5 I don’t like this gym because the __________ there are old and sometimes difficult to use. 6 I like this club because the equipment there is ___________ and easy to use. 7 A ________ is exercising his arms and legs . 8 Ann doesn’t like Jim because he is ______________. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 Have you got a cold? a Yes, I haven’t b No, I haven’t c Yes, I am d No, I am not 2 Are you tired? a Yes, I do b No, I don’t c No, I am d Yes, I am 3 _________ you often call him? а are b have c were d do 4 ___________ you completed your work? а have b did c were d had 5 Where _______ you go yesterday? a do b are c have d did 6 _______ you _______ any aspirin? а have, took b did, taking c have, taken d did, took 7 _______ he _________ a lot today? a have, eaten b has, eaten c has, ate d did, eat 8 Where is your wife? She _____________in her room a is working b works c does work d working 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Этот спортивный клуб слишком дорогой для меня. Ты можешь купить абонемент за полцены? Велосипедист в основном тренирует мышцы ног. Водить машину в нетрезвом виде очень опасно. Мой брат хорошо играет в компьютерные игры. У меня насморк. Мне это не нравится. Мой муж работает спасателем в бассейне. У моей сестры скоро день рождения, и я собираюсь подарить ей губную помаду.
4 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 Going to fitness club. 2 Taking some antibiotics. 3 Going to dentist.
UNIT 10 I Look Forward to Hearing from You 1 Vocabulary review anniversary card
поздравительная открытка с юбилеем
application form
бланк заявления
be confident be cross/angry be surprised belong with the letter birthday card body language book tickets business letter comfortable convenient Dear Mike/All the best (unofficial) Dear Ms Schmidt/yours sincerely Dear Susan/yours, Maria Dear Thomas Hautt/ Best wishes
быть уверенным в себе быть сердитым быть удивленным относиться к письму поздравительная открытка с днем рождения язык жестов покупать билеты деловое письмо удобный, комфортный (дом) удобный (время, место встречи) Дорогой Миша/всего хорошего Дорогая г-жа Шмидт/искренне ваша (офиц.) Дорогая Сюзанна/искренне ваша (полу-офиц.) Догорой Томас Отт/с наилучшими пожеланиями (полу-офиц.) делать зарядке утром личное общение хорошо сидеть (об одежде) кататься на велосипеде заниматься бегом трусцой кататься на коньках/лыжах заниматься плаванием ходить пешком/ходить на пешие прогулки Вы раньше бывали в Англии? Я забронировала вам проживание у госпожи Миллер Я учила немного английский Надеюсь, что у вас все хорошо С нетерпением жду встречи с вами У меня сейчас обеденный перерыв С нетерпением жду ответа
do morning exercises face to face communication fit go cycling go jogging go skating/skiing go swimming go walking Have you been to England before? I have arranged accommodation for you with Mrs Miller I have learnt some English I hope everything is OK with you I look forward to meeting you (official) I'm having my lunch break I'm looking forward to hearing from you (unofficial) Is that convenient for you? keep fit landlady live on campus Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms My back aches No he's gone back to Canada and I really miss him nonverbal communication notice in the window Open a student hostel
Вам это удобно? поддерживать хорошую форму хозяйка принимающего дома жить в студ. городке (общежитии) Господин, госпожа, мисс, миз У меня болит спина Он уехал к себе в Канаду, и я очень скучаю по нему невербальное общение табличка с информацией в витрине/на двери (магазина) Открыть студенческое общежитие 48
pen friend/pen pal post it note postcard public transport reserve/book a room/a table ride a bike See you later social network suit suitable text message Thank you very much indeed the hotel arranges everything They've never been on a cycling holiday before Those dates are fine With many thanks for your help work out in the gym You can email me on phil at uk.com
друг по переписке самоклеющийся листочек для заметок почтовая открытка общественный транспорт бронировать комнату/столик ездить на велосипеде увидимся социальная сеть устраивать (время, место) удобный, подходящий (к случаю) сообщение Огромное спасибо отель поможет вам все организовать Я никогда раньше не ездил в велосипедные туры Эти даты нас устраивают Огромное спасибо за вашу помощь заниматься на тренажерах в спортивном клубе Ты можешь писать мне на адрес: phil@uk.com
2 Vocabulary in use 1 Answer the following questions: 1 2 3 4 5
Do you live in a student hostel? Did you write to the accommodation manager before going to the student hostel? Did you learn any English at that summer school? Are you now more confident with your English now? Was it difficult to you to fill in the application form?
2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
С нетерпением жду встречи с вами в июне. С нетерпением жду от вас ответа. Мой двоюродный брат писал вам на прошлой неделе. Я никогда не был в Англии. Мне удобнее добраться на общественном транспорте. 3 Grammar practice
Do the online exercises: Present Perfect: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/present-perfect Present Perfect or Past Simple: http://www.flo-joe.co.uk/preliminaryenglish/grammar/presentperfect-or-past-simple.htm Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 Я закончил музыкальную школу два года назад. 2 Мы только что встретили его в читальном зале библиотеки. 49
3 Мы не получали писем от них с тех пор как они уехали из Йорка. 4 Я никогда не пользовался этой программой. 5 Он играет в компьютерные игры уже 3 часа. 4 Reading 1 Read the Internet advertisements for pen-friends and answer the questions in class. 1 What can Pierre do? 2 How old is Mario? 3 Who has got brown eyes? 4 Who is tall and well-built? 5 Is Mario’s hair curly? 6 What can Anna do? 7 What is the last sentence in each advertisement? 1 Hello. My name’s Pierre. I’m seventeen years old. I live in Paris, France. I have got short straight dark hair and brown eyes. I’m quite tall and slim. I love playing computer games and I can play tennis very well. I like reading too. Please e-mail me today! 2 Hi! My name is Anna. I am eleven years old. I live in Moscow, Russia. I have got long straight fair hair, green eyes and I’m quite short. I like skiing. I can play the piano quite well. Please be my e-mail pen pal. 3 Hi! My name is Mario and I’m twenty-six years old. I live in Florence, Italy. I’m tall and wellbuilt with brown, wavy hair and brown eyes. I like playing the guitar and I love dancing. I can speak French too. Hope to hear from you soon. 2 Write a letter to your friend. Use the vocabulary under study. Read your letter in class. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Do you know how you can end a letter in English? 2 Watch the video How to end a letter in English. What advice was given? What does writing a letter depend on? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1voSAGVV4I Write down the words which may be new for you. Was this video useful? Why? 3 Write a formal letter to your teacher of English. Read it in class. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: accommodation; public transport; arranges; cakes; reserved; Edge school; confident; convenient 1.
Have you already _______________ a room for us? 50
2. The __________ has grown bigger 3. Come to see me tomorrow at 6 p.m. Is that ___________ for you? 4. Can’t you arrange ___________ for me? 5. I don’t have a car and I get to the University by ___________. 6. We don’t have __________ for lunch. 7. He hasn’t studied English so he isn’t very ___________ . 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 I saw him 5 minutes __________. а late b now с since d ago 2 My friend went away ___________ April. а at b in с to d – 3 Have you _________ seen strange things? а never b for с since d ever 4 I have been in Moscow __________ two weeks. a for b since с in d as 5 I haven’t seen my friend ___________ last year. a since b for с in d just 6 We haven’t been in the mountains __________a long time. а since b at с for d in 7 I ___________already my homework a do b done с had done d have done. 8 We ________ this car five months ago. a buy b have bought с bought d was bought 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Я только что видела Тома. Родители устроили мне интересную экскурсию недавно. Много изменений произошло в школе с тех пор, как я был там? Когда мы учились в школе, мы занимались английским. Вы можете зарезервировать номер в гостинице для меня? Жду не дождусь, когда вы посетите мой дом в Англии. Я приезжал в Москву со своими родителями 10 лет назад. Менеджер получил новый список людей, кому надо позвонить.
4 Grammar Units 9-10 A journalist is interviewing someone who has just become famous. Put the correct question next to each answer: a Were you married then? b Are you married now? c When did you move to the USA? d Have you ever been to South America? e Have I asked too many questions? f Where did you live first? g How long have you lived in New York? h Did you like it there? 1 …………………………………………….. . In 2008. 2 …………………………………………….. . In Boston 3 …………………………………………….. . Yes, I did. 4 …………………………………………….. . No, I wasn’t. 5 …………………………………………….. . Yes, I am. 6 …………………………………………….. . Since 2009. 7 …………………………………………….. . No, I haven’t. 8 …………………………………………….. . Yes, you have. 5 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 My pen friend. 2 The Internet in my life. 3 Do you often use a telephone.
UNIT 11 Facts and Figures 1 Vocabulary review ancient site of Olympia arrive at the north pole be made of pure gold busy – busier – the busiest Denmark - Danish Er, I am not sure fashionable – more fashionable- the most fashionable go for walks go on foot go out with friends hot – hotter – the hottest imperial system of measurement just a moment Let me think metre (Br) – meter (Am) metric system Olympic torch radio quiz small – smaller — the smallest Switzerland - Swiss the food was disgusting The man realized the bus was late the Netherlands - Dutch They are on their expedition to walk What was the occasion? What's the weather like in Antarctica? You are correct You are wrong
древнее место проведения олимпиад прибывать на северный полюс сделано из чистого золота деловой — более деловой — самый деловой Дания - датский Я не уверен модный — моднее — самый модный на прогулки/гулять ходить пешком выходить куда-либо с друзьями жаркий — жарче — самый жаркий имперская система измерений (Великобритания) одну минутку Дайте подумать метр метрическая система олимпийский факел радио викторина маленький — меньше — самый маленький Швейцария — швейцарский пища была отвратительной Мужчина понял, что автобус опаздывает Нидерланды — голландский Они находятся в экспедиции на ходить пешком По какому поводу? Какая погода в Антарктике? Вы правы Вы не правы 2 Vocabulary in use
1 Answer the following questions: 1 2 3 4 5
In which countries is English spoken? What are the countries where French is spoken? Does Britain’s flag have a cross? Are Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, Serbian similar Languages? What is Greece famous for?
2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 Польша и Германия имеют общую границу. 2 В Австрии есть горная цепь? 3 На английском языке говорят в Великобритании, США, Австралии, Новой Зеландии и ряде других стран. 53
4 Какой океан самый маленький? 5 На каком языке говорят в Нидерландах? 3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Comparative and superlative adjectives: http://www.flo-joe.co.uk/preliminaryenglish/comparatives-and-superlatives.htm Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Евразия – самый крупный континент в Северном полушарии. Последствия урагана были бы более разрушительными, если бы не были приняты меры. Олимпийские Игры – самые важные спортивные состязания для многих спортсменов. Олимпийский огонь был доставлен на Эльбрус, самую высокую точку в Европе. Центральные районы города более шумные в рабочие дни и более спокойные в выходные. 4 Reading
1 Read the texts and fill in the headings. 1 History of the Store 2 Location & Management 3 Recommendation 4 Departments & Services All Things, for All People, Everywhere a) “Enter a Different World”, it says on the doormat, and this is what you do when you visit Harrods in Knightsbridge, London. Harrods is “the world’s most celebrated store”, says Chairman Mr. Mohamed Al Fayed. b) In the beginning Harrods was just a small grocer’s shop. It was opened in 1849 by Charles Henry Harrod. Later his son added medicines, perfumes, a van delivery service. In 1983 Harrods moved abroad and opened a branch in Japan and later others in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan and some other countries. c) Today around 35,000 people visit Harrods every day. It has got 300 departments spread over seven floors and employs over 4,000 staff. Harrods is the official supplier of certain goods to the Royal Family. In addition to nineteen bars and restaurants in the store, there is a bank, a travel agent’s, a dry cleaner’s and a beauty salon. d) “All things, for all people, everywhere” is the store’s motto. The Harrods name means the best of British quality, service and style. All in all, Harrods is a fascinating place to visit. 2 Correct the false statements as in the example. Give your reasons in class. a) Harrods is in Paris. – It isn’t in Paris. It’s in London. b) In the beginning, Harrods was a big bakery. – 54
c) In 1983 Harrods opened a brunch in Korea. – d) Harrods has got 3,000 departments. – 5 Discussing video/audio 1 What do you know about English-speaking countries? Have you travelled to any of them? 2 Watch the video “Island Nations Geography”. What is a mystery island? Compare the information on any two islands. Tell the class what you have learnt from this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Tde8mxiy2I Write down the words which may be new for you. Was this video interesting? Why? 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: pure; The Olympic Games; honeymoon; birthday; celebration; mirror; anniversary; silver; is invented; parade 1 __________ first took place in Olympia in Greece over 2000 years ago. 2 This ring is very expensive as it is made of ___________ gold. 3 Every Games has an opening ____________. 4 Each year a new design _________ for the medals. 5 My brother has won the _______ medal recently. 6 My little sister often looks into the ___________. 7 Yesterday was the ___________ of when we first met. 8 My brother was 8 on his _____________. 9 Enjoy your _______________! 10 We had a huge ___________ when we arrived home. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 I _____ football match until the end. a will watch
b to be watch
с am watch
d watch
2 ___________ Ann working when you visited her? a was
b is
с did
d has
3 _______ you ever been to Carolina’s house? a have
b were
с was
d did
4 How ___________ you get home? a was
b were
с have
d did
5 _________ Linda invite you to her house last weekend? a was
b did
с has
d have
6 I am _________ than you are. a tall
b taller
с more tall
d least 55
7 It is ___________ country I have ever been! a good
b more good
с the best
d better
8 _________ it was rainy we went for a walk. a so
b and
с in
d although
9 My car is _________ than yours. a expensive
b more expensive
с the most expensive
d as expensive
10 The cake was disgusting __________ I didn’t eat it. a because
b but
с so
d despite
3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Я был изумлен, когда он позвонил мне. 2 Новая команда гольфистов сильная. 3 Обед был невкусный, поскольку я не очень хороший кулинар. 4 Я вырос в Москве. 5 Апельсины выращивают в Испании. 6 Этот старинный стол сделан из бронзы. 7 Самые дешевые гостиницы расположены рядом с железнодорожной станцией. 8 То была самая плохая шутка, которую я когда-либо слышал. 9 Какая из этих книг самая интересная? 10 Тот день был самым счастливым в моей жизни. 4 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 The country I’d like to visit. 2 Wedding customs. 3 My home town.
UNIT 12 A Good Read 1 Vocabulary review A bullet hit his arm absorbing book biography blood book cover conductor Could you speak more slowly, pls? cry – cried – cried Do you enjoy studying English? double bass dream about dream of drive home/to work fall asleep quickly fiction harp player have a shower He heard doors banging horror story I saw the girl give the doctor a coin I saw the girl giving the doctor a coin I study at the law faculty I study humanities I study law I study science I went to the city centre on my own identical twins I'm a first year student I'm taking a course of law at university It's rubbish, take it out It's s stupid/fantastic story lie – lying – lay – lain lie – lying – lied – lied listen to music look for a pen/search for a job/seek for a friend love story/romance/novel memoirs modern novel non-fiction one – another – still another one – the other (only two options) one – the others (many options) paper back paper backed/paper covered book point at sb
Пуля попала ему в руку захватывающая книга биография кровь обложка дирижер/кондуктор Не могли бы вы говорить чуть медленнее? плакать Тебе нравится учить английский? бас-гитара видеть сон мечтать о ехать на машине домой/на работу быстро уснуть художественная литература арфист принимать душ Он слышал, как хлопают двери ужасная история/ рассказ, роман ужасов Я видела, что девочка дала доктору монетку Я видела, как девочка давала доктору монетку Я учусь на юридическом факультете Я изучаю гуманитарные науки Я изучаю право Я изучаю естественные науки Я отправился в центр города самостоятельно двойняшки Я учусь на первом курсе Я изучаю право в университете Это — мусор, вынеси его Это очень глупая/великолепная книжка лежать лгать слушать музыку искать ручку/подыскивать (работу)/искать друга любовная история/героический роман/ роман мемуары современный роман публицистика один, второй, третий один — второй (выбор из 2х) один — все остальные мягкая обложка книга в мягкой обложке указывать на кого-либо 57
pull down the blind put on a t-shirt and some jeans put petrol in one's car put sth in the dustbin run up to sb scene of crime science fiction scream – screamed – screamed shade the room She was there. So was my teacher. She wasn't there. Neither was I. shout – shouted – shouted The book has had an astonishing success The book is depressing The characters are true to life The characters aren't believable The descriptions are terrible the ground floor/the first floor This amusing story takes place in Rome This book has had great reviews thriller trumpet player twin brothers up-to-date diagrams What do you do? I'm working now
опустить занавеску/штору/жалюзи надеть майку и джинсы заправлять машину бензином положить что-то в мусорное ведро подбежать к кому-л место преступления научная-фантастика кричать/выкрикивать опустить занавеску/штору/жалюзи Она там была. И мой учитель тоже. Она там не была. И я тоже. кричать Книга имела ошеломительный успех Книга вводит в депрессию Герои книги очень реалистичны В этих героев нельзя поверить Описания просто ужасные первый этаж/второй этаж (br) Эта забавная история случилась в Риме Книга получила замечательные отзывы триллер трубач близнецы последняя статистика, сведенная в диаграммы Чем ты занимаешься? Я работаю в настоящее время What do you enjoy doing in your free Чем тебе нравится заниматься в свободное time? время? What do you study? Что ты изучаешь? What' your name? What's your surname? Как тебя зовут? Как твоя фамилия? Where do you come from? Откуда ты родом? yell – yelled – yelled кричать, выкрикивать, вопить, орать 2 Vocabulary in use 1 Match the words and their definitions: 1 Fiction
a A story which has been told by people for many years
2 Character
b A book or film with an exciting story, often about a crime
3 Hero
c A person in a book, film etc.
4 Novel
d A group of books or TV programs that have the same main characters or are about the same subject
5 Original
e Stories about life in the future or in other parts of the universe
6 Review
f Interesting and different from others
7 Science fiction
g Literature about imaginary people and events 58
8 Series
h A book that tells a story about people and things that are not real
9 Thriller
i The main person in a story
10 Traditional story
j A piece of writing in a newspaper that gives an opinion about a new book, film, etc.
2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Главный герой этого романа очень уверенный в себе человек. Эта книга написана простым и ясным языком. Я люблю читать как художественную, так и познавательную литературу. Биографии часто более увлекательны, чем художественная литература. В этой книге много прекрасных описаний природы. 3 Grammar practice
Do the online exercises: Past Continuous and Past Simple: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/past-continuous-and-past-simple Translate the sentences from Russian into English: Когда они играли в хоккей, у него сломалась клюшка. В то время как они подходили к дому, их остановил полицейский. Шел дождь, когда мы вышли из театра. Председатель открыл конференцию, поприветствовал участников и предоставил слово докладчику. 5 Председатель комитета представил законопроект и попросил присутствующих высказать своё мнение. 1 2 3 4
4 Reading 1 Read the beginnings and endings of the texts and match them. How does the writer set the scene? How does he finish each story? Underline the direct speech. Beginnings 1 Janet Black looked out of the window of the old building. It was dark and wet. Rain was coming down heavily. The streets were empty. No cars, no people… nothing. Suddenly a flash of lightning tore across the sky. She shivered with fear. A huge spaceship was approaching the building. “They’ve found me,” she gasped. “I can’t get away now”. 2 “I don’t want to die!” David shouted. The wind was blowing against his sweaty face as he held onto the rocky cliff. He was tired. He didn’t know how much longer he could keep himself from falling. He looked up at the clear morning sky. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a helicopter approaching him. 59
Endings a) David could hear the siren of an ambulance as the helicopter landed. People were waiting anxiously for them. A man opened the ambulance door. “Don’t worry! Everything will be OK”, the man told him. David looked up at his kind face and smiled weakly. He was exhausted, but he was alive. b) Professor Miller put his arms gently around her shoulders. She was still shaking with fear, but she felt safe. The flashing lights were gone, along with the strange faces, and the professor was holding her. She took his hand in hers. Then she noticed it: the same strange scar like the one the aliens had. “Oh no! This can’t be true!” she cried. 2 Ask 10 questions about the content of both texts. Were these texts interesting? Give your reasons in class. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Do you like reading? What is a good book for you to read? 2 Watch the video Classic books you should actually read. What books were presented? Speak about one of them in class. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnAXdhQ_PDQ Write down the words which may be new for you. Was this video interesting? Why? 3 Make a list of books mentioned in this video and compare with the lists of your mates in class. Have you read any of them? Did you like these books? What other books would you recommend to read? 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: sounds; dream; orchestra; double bass; screaming; night-dress; horror story; fell asleep; love stories; wakes; 1 My sister is a romantic person and she is fond of ___________. 2 Who __________ you up in the morning? 3 Nick was tired after the conference and _________ quickly. 4 Jim was scared because he read a _____________ yesterday. 5 My boyfriend is a musician and he plays in an English ____________. 6 She was half asleep, still in her ____________. 7 When I came into the room somebody was ____________. 8 Penny is a ____________ player. 9 I was asleep, but my head was full of pictures and my first teacher was in my ___________. 10 I heard various strange __________ in the corridor last night. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 When I called you it ___________. a was raining b rained c did rain
d was rain 60
2 When the phone rang Kris ____________ to the radio. a was listen b were listening с was listening d did listen 3 His novel ___________ an astonishing success. a has had b was had с had has d did had 4 Where does the story ____________? a took place b is taking place с takes place d take place 5 These articles __________into English. a was translated b are translated с have translate d were translate 6 What ___________ you doing when I called you? a are b were с did d have 7 This story __________ in London in the 19 century. a takes place b has taken place с took place d take place 8 What is this musical instrument _____________? a call b was call с called d calling 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Думаю, что это глупый рассказ. 2 Я испугался, когда услышал шаги за дверью. 3 Этот журнал дорогой, но в нем много современных диаграмм. 4 Когда я был в гостинице, мне снились гитары и скрипки. 5 Кто наступил мне на ногу? 6 Указаны ошибки в переводе. 7 Я слышал разные звуки в музее вчера. 8 Кто-то разбудил меня и я не мог больше уснуть. 4 Grammar Units 11-12
Here is some information for tourists about a city tour. Tick the correct sentence in each pair of sentences. You are shown the sights. ____ You show the sights. ___ You are given a free map. ____ You give a free map. ___ You are eaten lunch in a café. ____ You eat lunch in a café. ___ You are taken to a local market. ____ You take to a local market. ___ You are visited the museum. ____ You visit the museum. ___ You are heard about the city’s history. ____ You hear about the city’s history. ___ You are arrived back at the hotel by 5 pm. ____ You arrive back at the hotel by 5 pm. ___ 5 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 My favorite book. 2 My favorite writer. 3 My dreams.
UNIT 13 A Place of My Own 1 Vocabulary review A giraffe is an unusual pet All students live with local families antique arrange one's accommodation bathroom beauty salon/lounge bedroom block of flats buy at a fraction of the cost buy practically for nothing cabinet (a piece of furniture) cello chest of drawers College has sports facilities College in on the edge of a small town College offers English lessons Courses last six or twelve weeks cupboard desk desk lamp detached house dishwasher do a full-time course do a part-time course do activities with the college double bass double decker drama centre entertain entrance hall fiddle fridge/refrigerator gallery (chain of houses) give an enormous party go on trips good-for-nothing gym (gymnasium) have a part-time job Have you done/taken a cookery course? He doesn't mind living with the family I don't really like this cupboard at all I was walking down a side street I'm doing revision for my exams inflammable chair
Жираф — очень необычный домашний питомец
It can't be a musical instrument (we are sure) It could be somewhere on the outskirts (we are
Это не может быть музыкальным инструментом
Все студенты проживают в семьях антикварный подыскать жилье ванная комната салон красоты спальня жилой многоквартирный дом купить очень дешево купить практически бесплатно витрина/комод/горка виолончель комод В колледже есть условия для занятий спортом Колледж расположен на краю маленького городка
Колледж предлагает курсы английского языка Обучение длится шесть месяцев или год сервант/буфет письменный стол настольная лампа отдельно стоящий дом посудомоечная машина учиться на дневном отделении учиться на вечернем отделении участвовать в общественной жизни колледжа бас-гитара/контрабас двухъярусный автобус драматический кружок принимать гостей прихожая, коридор скрипка холодильник дом галерейного типа проводить огромную вечеринку совершать поездки/ездить на экскурсии ни на что ни годный спортивный зал работать на пол-ставки Ты прошел кулинарный курс? Мы не возражаем против того, чтобы жить в семье
Мне совсем не нравится этот буфет Я шел по переулку Я повторяю материал перед экзаменами надувное кресло Это может быть где-то на окраине 62
not sure) It has part-time English courses all year round
Есть возможность пойти на годичные вечерние курсы английского языка
It is not worth this money It was worth buying it kitchen kitchen stencils Leisure centre leisure facilities live in a hostel living room lounge make an important decision mansion mirror My mom is a good cook office (working place) old-fashioned organize social activities for students organize trips and activities Our cooker is brand new Party animal pent-house railway car (am) railway carriage (br) semi-detached house She's babysitting for her cousins sink (kitchen) sitting room solar power spa salon/lounge sports centre stay with the family
Эта вещь не стоит этих денег Эту вещь стоило купить кухня кухонная утварь/кухонные принадлежности Центр досуга условия для отдыха жить в общежитии гостиная холл/гостиная/место отдыха принять важное решение поместье/усадьба зеркало Моя мама хорошо готовит кабинет на работе старомодный организовывать мероприятия для студентов организовывать экскурсии и мероприятия У нас новая плита любитель вечеринок, тусовщик пент-хаус железнодорожный вагон железнодорожный вагон два дома, имеющие одну общую стенку Она работает няней у своих кузенов кухонная раковина гостиная солнечная энергия спа салон спортивный клуб жить в семье
Students are expected to join in the social and sports events
Ожидается, что студенты будут принимать участие в общественной жизни и спортивных мероприятиях
study The basin is below the mirror (bathroom)
кабинет Раковина находится под зеркалом
The course runs four weeks The rest of the time students are free for private study/self-study
Обучение длится четыре недели В остальное время студенты могут заниматься подготовкой к занятиям
The sofa matches the other furniture towel violin
Софа подходит под остальную мебель полотенце скрипка
You can choose from a range of part-time courses
Вы можете выбирать любой из вечерних курсов
Vocabulary in use
1 There are three short descriptions of accommodation. Decide which one is a student hostel, a hotel, an apartment. 1 They can offer you nice accommodation. There are five rooms and a balcony in it. The sitting room is large and comfortable with traditional wooden furniture. 2 In spite of high season we were lucky to find nice accommodation. The view from the sixth floor was wonderful, the furniture was new and comfortable. 3 The room is rather small, but furnished well. The desk and chairs are of modern style. There is even air conditioning. 2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 Я предпочитаю традиционную мебель. Модная мебель может быстро стать немодной. 2 Вам лучше найти другое жильё. Это слишком дорогое. 3 Некоторые люди имеют очень необычное жильё. Они, например, могут жить в старом автобусе. 4 Это прекрасная квартира. Она хорошо обставлена. 5 Тебе лучше не покупать этот комод. Я думаю, что он не подходит к твоей мебели. 3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Modals ‘must’, ‘might’, ‘cant’: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/modals-deduction-present Past ability & Possibility: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/past-ability-possibility Translate the sentences from Russian into English: Где Майк? Возможно он ещё в университете. Сколько стоит этот компьютер? Не может быть, чтобы он стоил дорого. Они, должно быть, забыли, что сегодня нужно сдать курсовую работу. Я уверен, они примут наше предложение. (Не может быть, чтобы они не приняли наше предложение). 5 Возможно, они опоздали на поезд. 4 Reading 1 2 3 4
1. Read the text and find out: 1 What type of house is being described? 2 What are the key features of this type of house? 3 Where can you find these houses? Vocabulary To store – хранить, накапливать, запасать Round the corner –за углом, рядом, близко Furniture – мебель, обстановка, фурнитура Warehouse – товарный склад, пакгауз, большой магазин 64
To convert into – превращать Clue – ключ (к разгадке), подсказка Reading Houses Look at a house from the outside, and you can guess what type of people live in it. Well, perhaps this is not always true. Some people can live in unusual houses. Some people live on boats, in tree houses or in tents. For example, imagine you are in an old part of an industrial city in the UK. Cities like London, Manchester, Liverpool or Newcastle. There is a river, or a canal, which was important for transport in the past, before the railways were built. There are a lot of enormous buildings near the water. They were built in the 19th century. They must be industrial places to store things for import or export. But…look more closely! There are expensive cars parked outside some of these buildings. And on the corner of the street there is a French restaurant, with a wine bar opposite. And just round the corner there is a shop with beautiful furniture. And here are more shops…Who buys these things? Answer: the people who now live in these old buildings. Old warehouses like these offer two things that are difficult to find in modern houses: space, and a view. Over the past 10 years, more and more architects have converted buildings like this into apartments, which have big rooms, high ceilings… and often a terrace which looks onto the water. So, the old parts of many of Britain’s industrial cities now have a new life. They are not dead anymore, with empty warehouses and disused factories. You can buy factory space and make yourself a home in it. And the people who live in them can walk or cycle to work. Or…with so much space. They work from home with a computer and a modem! Buildings don’t always tell us about lifestyles immediately. So, next time you see an old station, a deserted church or a village school in Britain, look carefully for the clues. You may get a surprise. Is this true in your town too? 2 Are these sentences true or false? 1 2 3 4 5
These buildings were built recently. They are very spacious. Britain’s city centres do not have people living in them. Some people in Britain live and work in the same place. Some people in Britain live in churches. 5 Discussing video/audio
1 Who renovates, furnishes and decorates your house? Do you like being involved? 2 Watch the video Model home tour for our new house. Describe 3 things you liked in the house. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOB-tP9Ie6g Write down the words which may be new for you. Was this video interesting? Why? 3 In class, describe the style and furniture of your house/flat/room.
6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: central heating; MP3 player; ugly; rent; roof; bored; fashionable; antique 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
What do you do when you get _____________ with the view? I like modern design and really beautiful things are always _______________. My granny likes ____________ furniture. My house has been built recently but its ______________ needs to be repaired We are not going to buy this sofa because it is ______________. I want to buy a _________ as I’d like to listen to the music in the car. It is cold in your room as it lacks __________________.
2 Choose the correct answer: 1 It ________ be an antique mirror. I am sure of it. a must b can с could d might 2 ____________ I take your book? a Must b Can с May d Might 3 She ___________ be 50! She looks very young. a can’t b must not с may not d could 4 Are your neighbors on holiday? They ________ be. The car isn’t outside the house. a can’t b must not с are d could 5 Where is the orange juice? I am not sure. Probably in the fridge, or it _________. be on the table in the other room. a must b must not с can d might 6 _________ you translate this text? a Have b Can с Might d May 7 I ___________ do it for you. Sorry! a can’t b have с can d may 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Двери сделаны из пластика в моей квартире. 2 Мне нравятся изделия из дерева. 3 Мне не нравится этот шкаф, потому что он старомодный. 4 Считаю, что сервант совершенно бесполезная вещь. 5 Моя двоюродная сестра собирается купить занавески в гостиную. 6 На диване много маленьких подушек. 7 Мне нужно купить крючки для полотенец. 8 Я не вижу Анну. Где она? Она в ванной принимает душ. 9 Я очень удивился, когда в большом городе увидел необычный дом. 4 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 My room. 2 My favorite furniture style. 3 My cabinet. 66
UNIT 14 What's in Fashion? 1 Vocabulary review be in one's blues be keen on fashion below the knee Boots went over knees. Clothes were made from exciting new materials like shiny plastic. coach potato cotton cough crumpled/rumpled clothes decade Did they use to wear gloves? dull book dull knife dungarees/overalls fashion show Fashion went mad. flat shoes full skirts fur high heels and pointed toes indoors – outdoors It's the latest fashion. Jeans are always in fashion. jewelry in the ears, noses and even tongues leather trousers linen loose – tight loose trousers loose/baggy old-fashioned paint one's nails in crazy colours pattern patterned shirts plain - patterned print put a child on one's laps put on see red short tops or t-shirts silk tie sleeveless dress sneeze stand on one's knees striped scarf
грустить знать толк в моде/следовать моде ниже колена Сапоги были выше колен. Одежду делали из неожиданных новых материалов, таких как блестящий пластик. лежать на диване с чипсами хлопок кашлять мятая одежда десятилетие Раньше носили перчатки? скучная книга тупой нож комбинезон с открытой спиной/спецодежда демонстрация мод Мода сошла с ума. туфли без каблука объемные юбки мех высокий каблук и острый нос в помещении — вне помещения/на улице Это — последняя мода. Джинсы всегда в моде. сережки в ушах, пирсинг в носу и даже на языке кожаные штаны лен свободные — узкие брюки свободного покроя свободные/мешковатые старомодный красить ногти в сумасшедшие цвета рисунок (на блузке, платье) рубашки с рисунком без рисунка — с рисунком принт (рисунок на набивной ткани) посадить ребенка на колени надевать что-либо злиться коротенькие топы и футболки шелковый галстук платье без рукава чихать стоять на коленях шарф в полоску 67
sweatshirts and jogging pants take off teddy boys the ferry was late the trousers are too long the weather was windy they aren't long enough for him They didn't use to wear gloves. They used to wear gloves. trendy trousers with very wide legs viscose waist coat wear a belt around the hips wear beads round the neck wear bright colours wear sweaters and flat caps wear trainers wide collars wool
спортивный свитер, толстовка и трико снимать что-либо пижоны/стиляги паром опоздал брюки слишком длинные погода была ветреной они недостаточно длинные для него Раньше не носили перчатки. Раньше носили перчатки. модный брюки с широкой штаниной вискоза безрукавка носить ремень на бедрах носить бусы на шее носить одежду ярких цветов носить свитера и кепки носить кроссовки широкие воротнички шерсть 2 Vocabulary in use
1 Match the words to their definitions:
1 Beads 2 Jogging bottoms 3 Pattern 4 Scarf 5 Shirt 6 Skirt 7 Sweatshirt 8 Trainers 9 Belt
a A piece of closing made of soft cotton which covers the top of your body b A piece of close that you wear around your neck or head to keep warm or for decoration c A design of lines, colours, shapes, etc. d A thin piece of leather or plastic that you wear around the middle of your body. e A piece of women’s clothing that hangs from the waist and has no legs. f A piece of clothing worn on the top of the body, fasten with buttons down the front. g Comfortable shoes for sport, often white h Loose comfortable trousers you wear for sports or relax. i Small piece of glass, stone, etc., with holes through on a necklace or bracelet
2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Раньше было модно носить галстуки яркой расцветки. В моде были узкие брюки. Одежда ярких цветов поднимает настроение. На ней было длинное шелковое платье. Молодежь предпочитает носить кроссовки. 3 Grammar practice
Do the online exercises: Past habit: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/past-habit-used-towouldpast-simple Used to, Be/Get used to: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/used-infinitive-and-beget-used Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
В то время люди не пользовались мобильными телефонами. Раньше солиситоры не могли выступать в судах. В начале прошлого века снимали черно-белое кино. Он привык жить в большом, шумном городе. Она привыкла по вечерам читать. 4 Reading
1 Read the text and find out 1 Do young people in France follow fashion line? 2 Are young people in England conservative in their style of dress? 3 Where do students buy clothes in the UK? Vocabulary: To stand out – выделяться Trend – курс, направление, тенденция come across – случайно встретить (ся), наткнуться Vintage market – рынок старинных вещей Charity shop – благотворительный магазин (торгующий подержанными вещами и отдающий выручку на благотворительные цели) Crested with – украшенный гербом Logo – логотип, фирменный знак, эмблема What do you wear? Here in France one of the things that has stood out is how there generally seems to be one line of fashion and people follow it. There are, of course, the different groups – you will get goths (in black), for example – but the locals here have also asked me if I’ve noticed this trend, a trend seemingly of following the fashion that high street shops present. I’ve frequently come across young people in heels, wearing a lot of make-up and with carefully combed hair, even when they’re 69
not even going anywhere special. Maybe there is one image that lots of people are aiming for. Do you think about fashion? Perhaps it is just from my experience, but in England young people can wear anything and everything these days. There are many fashions to be followed, including the one of the high street shops, but following no particular fashion at all is also ok. In Falmouth, home town of an arts university in the south of England, the streets are full of students wearing clothes they’ve bought from vintage markets, from charity shops, from high street shops, or which they’ve found in their parents’ wardrobe. Anything goes. Another stereotype, but still true, in places like Cambridge and Durham you will find students in gilets, and shirts crested with the Jack Wills logo. In London no second person will look the same. For the young people of Britain any hair colour, style and shape has the potential to be liked. You can wear what you want – even if you don’t wear it with high street style. Your style is your choice.
2 Speak about your preferences in fashion style. Where do you buy clothes? (Write 10 sentences and present your story in class). 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Do you know the current teenagers' fashion? Is there a great gender difference? Is it important for you to follow the latest trends in fashion? 2 Watch the videos. What clothes items were used? What recommendations were provided for girls? For boys? How to layer clothes: girls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kjX8wXpN6k and How to layer clothes: boys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25PAYlyuJz8 Write down the words which may be new for you. Were these videos interesting and useful? Why? 3 Work in pairs: discuss your clothes with your partner in class. Use the information from the videos and the words under study. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: nails; jewelry; loose; leather; heels; legs; scarves; jogging pants; gloves; narrow 1 Some women like wearing ___________ . 2 Men used to wear trousers with very wide ___________ . 3 I am not very tall and my shoes have high __________ . 4 My jacket is made of ______________ . 5 Young men used to wear caps and ___________ trousers. 6 Teenagers used to wear a lot of _________ in their ears, noses and even tongues. 7 Some young people paint their ___________ in scary colors. 8 I don’t like wearing __________ trousers. 9 Some women wear __________ even indoors. 10 Sweatshirts and ___________ were popular some years ago. 70
2 Choose the correct answer: 1 She is ____________ tall for 15. a enough b very с but d more 2 I have ____________ things to do. a lot of b a lots of с a lot of d lots by 3 She doesn’t like this skirt because it isn’t ___________. a enough long b long enough с but long d long but 4 The corridor is __________ narrow for us to drive through. a not b lots с but d too 5 I _______ work a lot. a used to b am used с was used d use to 6 I used __________ English books. a reading b to read с read d am reading 7 The coat isn’t ____________ to keep you warm. a thick enough b enough thick с thin enough d enough thin 8 Lana is in Moscow. She arrived 4 days ago __________ I haven’t seen her yet. a too b so с but d very 9 Sandy takes photographs __________ models. a in b of с over d under 10 She _____________ Spanish. a didn’t used to learn b used to learning с didn’t used to learn d didn’t use to learn 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Раньше Лаура работала в офисе. 2 Раньше она не носила длинные юбки. 3 Я ездила в Англию, но никому не сказала об этом. 4 Многим мужчинам не нравится, когда у женщин слишком короткие волосы. 5 Я не хочу разговаривать с Андреем, потому что он не очень вежливый. 6 Я не ношу слишком блестящую обувь. 7 Мне не нравится носить слишком узкие брюки. 8 Она достаточно умная для своего возраста. 9 Когда мы вошли в комнату, то увидели крошечную коробку. 10 Эта книга достаточно интересная. 4 Grammar Units 13-14. Choose the correct modal verb: 1 There’s Julia’s car outside her house. She must/ can’t be at home already. 2 I haven’t seen your phone. It must/ could be in your pocket or maybe in the car. 3 “Is that Isabelle coat?” It might/can’t be. It’s too big. 4 I don’t know where Mina is. She must/ might be at her friend’s house, but I’m not sure. 5 “There’s no sugar in the cupboard.” But there must/might be some because I bought a bag an hour ago. 6 Joel says he’s 25 but he must/ can’t be. He looks about 42. 7 “Is that Adam over there?” “It could/ can’t be, but I can’t see very well.” 8 Emily says she’s a doctor but she can’t/ could be because she didn’t go to university. 5 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 What is fashionable now? 2 My favorite clothes style. 3 Shopping. 71
UNIT 15 Risk! 1 Vocabulary review anxious backpack borrow sth from sb bungee-jump camps carry lots of cash around with you cheerful competition confident desert gentle get off get on get on with get out of the car get up go on/get on with other people land on the ground with a bump lend sth to sb marathon organizers/competitors pull the cord to open your parachute race Remain in your seats until the ride stops completely. sand sensible sensitive shine one's torch sky diving sky suit sleeping bags tent the park is open the year round There weren't many people at the fair
встревоженный, беспокойный, возбужденный рюкзак брать взаймы/одалживать что-либо прыжки в пропасть на резинке палаточные городки носить с собой много денег жизнерадостный соревнование уверенный пустыня нежный/мягкий по характеру выходить (из автобуса, самолета) попадать куда-либо ладить с кем-либо выходить из машины вставать с постели ладить с людьми жесткая посадка давать в долг/одалживать что-либо марафон организаторы/участники потянуть за шнур чтобы раскрыть парашют забег Оставайтесь на местах до полной остановки горок. песок разумный чувствительный/легкоранимый зажечь фонарь прыжки с парашютом костюм для прыжков с парашютом спальные мешки палатка парк открыть круглый год На ярмарке было немного народа
We didn't have to wait long to go on the ride
Нам не пришлось долго стоять в очереди, чтобы попасть на горки
wear a helmet work flexi time work regular hours work shifts
носить шлем работать по гибкому графику работать с 9 до 6 работать по сменам 2 Vocabulary in use
1 Agree or disagree with the following sentences. 1 The Marathon is a race in which people run for about 42 miles. 72
2 Skydiving is more dangerous than the Marathon of the Sands. 3 If you take part in the Marathon of the Sands, you have to carry a number of things. 4 In Britain you can ride a scooter when you are 14. 5 It’s risky to start diving without an instructor. 2 Translate from Russian into English 1 Он держался очень уверенно, хотя совершал прыжок впервые. 2 Дети до 16 лет не могут работать полный рабочий день. 3 Нужно вести себя обдуманно при занятиях опасными видами спорта. 4 Вам приходится рано вставать? 5 Он умеет ладить с людьми. 3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Modals ‘don’t have to’, ‘mustn’t’, ‘can’, ‘can’t’, ‘have to’: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/modals-1 Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 В нашем университете учатся студенты из разных стран, мы должны хорошо относиться друг к другу (ладить, находить общий язык). 2 Сотрудники юридической фирмы не носят униформу, но они должны соблюдать дресскод. 3 Мы не можем опоздать на эту встречу, нам нужно быстро дойти до конференц-зала. 4 Это хорошее предложение, но мы должны хорошо подумать, прежде чем соглашаться. 5 Я могу помочь вам, как юрист, в решении вашей проблемы. 4 Reading 1 Read and find out 1 What is a gap year? 2 Who is taking a gap year? 3 Why are they choosing to take a gap year? 4 What sorts of work do students do during a gap year? Vocabulary: Spirit – дух, душа, натура, индивидуальность Gap year – годовой перерыв в учебе после окончания школы перед поступлением в вуз Sufferer – пострадавший, потерпевший, пациент Break from – короткая пауза Straight on – прямо, непосредственно Have a rest – отдыхать CV (curriculum vitae) – резюме Spirit of Adventure Prince William had one and worked for a charity in Chile. Prince Harry is about to finish his 'year off' after spending last autumn in Australia on a sheep farm. For the last few months the young 73
Prince has been working with disadvantaged children and Aids sufferers in Lesotho. More than 200,000 young Britons are now choosing to take a gap year at the end of their secondary school studies. Some people are also taking gap years at the end of their university course. A gap year used to be called 'a year off' because the people who chose to do it were taking a break from their studies. It can be stressful to go from Primary tests to Secondary school exams and then straight on to Higher Education without ever having a rest. It also gives you a chance to think about your future, make plans and decide what type of work you would like to do. Nowadays there are so many different voluntary projects worldwide and so many British and International charities looking for helpers that students have little trouble finding something useful to do during their gap year. Employers now look closely at the experience of new graduates. A gap year can be great fun but it also looks good on your CV. Some volunteers might find themselves alone in faraway places or working in a team under difficult conditions in a jungle, up a mountain or in a very poor country. They all agree that this adventure is a very important part of growing up. 2 Are these sentences true or false? 1 Gap year is a year after school for young people to prepare for the university exams. T/F 2 A gap year is usually very stressful for students. T/F 3 Students are taking a break from their studies to have a rest and think about their future plans. T/F 4 There are a lot of international charities looking for volunteers to help disadvantaged people. T/F 5 Employers look closely at the experience the graduates have indicated on their CV. T/F 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Have you ever heard about risks in adventure and competition? 2 Watch the video Australian sport: risk management. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdQXRQ_peow Write down the words which may be new for you. Was this video interesting? Why? How many risk management situations were featured in this video (including before and during the match)? 3 Work in teams of 5: make a list of recommendations to lessen risk in adventures, marathons, sports, and travelling. Present and compare them in class. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: hot meals; pocket money; credit cards; sleeping bag; pilot’s license; skydiving; elections; lottery tickets; instructors; anxiously 1 My brother used to buy ___________. 2 You are 18! You can vote in __________. 3 Jim has got __________ lately. 74
4 Ryan enjoyed _________ yesterday. 5 We are going to the country for the weekend. Bring your own _____________. 6 In most places, it is possible to use ___________ so you don’t have to carry lots of cash around with you. 7 Some parents don’t give their children _____________. 8 You can buy a ____________ in two different places. 9 We sat in the plane waiting for____________in our turn. 10 There were four of us who did the jump with our _____________. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 My little sister was scared, so I ____________ hold her hand. a had to b was to с am to d can 2 I don’t like to get up early, but I ___________. a had to b may с might d have to 3 Our teacher is strict and we ____________ give her our homework late. a coudn’t b could с can’t d can 4 I don’t ____________ your advice! a can b have to с must d need 5 I have my own wetsuit so I _________ borrow one when I went into the cave. a didn’t have to b have to с had to d must have to 6 I am ill and I _____________ help you. a can b have to с can’t d couldn’t 8 The runners ____________ share tents. a has to b have to с have
d can to
3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Вы можете сделать татуировку, когда вам 18 лет. 2 Вы должны сидеть в креслах, - сказала стюардесса. 3 У нас был пикник в прошлые выходные. 4 Мне не нравится Крис, но я вынужден был позвонить ему, чтобы узнать домашнее задание. 5 Я не хотел выходить на улицу, но я должен был, потому что у меня не было продуктов в доме. 6 Я не слышу вас. Не могли бы вы говорить громче? 7 Ты умеешь водить машину? 8 Я не могу перевести этот французский текст, потому что я учу английский. 4 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 Going to the country. 2 Driving a car. 3 Extreme kinds of sport.
UNIT 16 Free Time 1 Vocabulary review After my course shopping.
going После окончания занятий на курсах я пойду по
магазинам. After my exams are over I'm going away on После того как я сдам все экзамены я поеду на holiday. каникулы. At the end of term I'm going to invite all my В конце семестра я приглашу всех друзей на самую friends to the biggest party ever. большую вечеринку.
be organized and tidy catch a plane to NY
быть организованным и аккуратным сесть на самолет до Нью Йорка
Children are not allowed to go in the deep end Детям нельзя заплывать на глубокую сторону of the swimming pool. бассейна.
fortnight Good luck!
две недели Удачи!
I borrowed a swimming costume from my Я одолжила купальник у подружки. friend. Мне нужно привести в порядок компьютерные I need to organize my computer files. файлы.
itinerary loose one's temper manage one' time well mate My friend lent me a swimming costume. She is going to go on a diet. take a photo/snaps The new pool has been open for 2 days. TV/radio presenter When I leave school I'm going to get a job.
маршрут терять терпение правильно распоряжаться своим временем товарищ Моя подружка одолжила мне купальник. Она собирается сесть на диету. фотографировать Новый бассейн открыт уже два дня. Теле/радио ведущий Когда я закончу школу, я буду искать работу.
2 Vocabulary in use 1 What do you say in these situations? Complete them using one of the words or word combinations: lose one’s temper, tidy, relax, run out of, go on a diet. 1 I ate too much chocolate during the examination period. Now, … 2 It has been a hard term. When it is over, … 3 I have not had time to keep my room in good order. Now, … 4 I’m going to buy some more drinks, because … 5 My son’s room is really a mess. Well, … 2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 Когда я закончу школу, я устрою себе настоящие каникулы, а потом буду искать работу. 2 Если ты слишком долго играешь в компьютерные игры, ты в пустую тратишь время. 3 Один из моих приятелей очень организованный, я другой – очень небрежный. 4 Если составить план, то можно лучше распорядиться своим временем. 5 Известный писатель рассказал телеведущему о том, как он готовит материал, когда пишет книгу. 76
3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Verb in time and if clauses: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/verbs/verbs-time-clauses-and-if-clauses Future Plans ‘will’ or ‘going to’: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/future-plans Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Они собираются посетить дельфинарий в Сочи эти летом. После того как кинофестиваль откроется, зрители увидят конкурсные фильмы. Они собираются участвовать в конкурсе отличников, победитель получит автомобиль. Вы не хотели бы прийти и поддержать своих товарищей? Ты хочешь поехать на рыбалку на озеро в эти выходные? 4 Reading
1 Read the text and find out: 1 What sports do young people play outside? 2 Why are picnics very common amongst students? 3 What is the atmosphere like? Vocabulary: To share – делить, разделять At a low cost – недорого Houmous – хумус, паста, пюре из нута Help oneself – угощаться Halloumi cheese – козий сыр The Secret to a Perfect Picnic Summer is here in the UK and it's therefore the perfect excuse to have a picnic outside and enjoy the sun and fresh air. I live in Edinburgh in Scotland near The Meadows, which is a great place to go and meet friends for lunch in the sun (yes, we do occasionally receive sunny weather in Scotland!) Many people play sports such as football, cricket, rugby or tennis nearby and some people even bring a guitar or some portable speakers and play some music. As you can imagine, the atmosphere is great! In the UK, picnics are very common amongst students because then everyone can bring something small for the whole group to share, creating lots of variety at a very low cost. Yesterday I went for a lovely picnic with some friends and I brought some chopped carrots, pitta bread and houmous. This was really popular and everyone helped themselves! Other people brought lots of other food, such as potato salad, crisps, nuts and fruits like strawberries and grapes. It is also very common to bring a disposable barbecue and eat grilled sausages or burgers or even, as we did yesterday, a vegetable kebab composed of peppers, tomatoes mushrooms and halloumi cheese! All you need to add is a nice summery drink, some friends and (hopefully) some nice weather and you've got yourself the perfect summery picnic!
2 Do you like to have picnics with your friends? What do you eat? Write 10 sentences to ask your mates about their eating habits in class. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Have you ever had to stay at home instead of going out because you didn’t plan your daily routine properly? 2 Watch the video Daily Routine and follow the instructions in it. Write down the sentences you have to correct. Use them to describe your daily routine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3GMiFc-gLs Write down the words which may be new for you. Was this video interesting and useful? Why? 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: promised; tourists; temper; join; demonstration; light; candles; rubbish; poster 1 Do you have lots of _____________ under your bed? 2 I am going to _________ lots of ____________in the room. 3 Have you ever forgotten to meet someone when you ________ to? 4 I am making a ___________. Do you want to help me? 5 I am going to _______ a _________ in the city center. 6 Have you ever lost your _________ because you can’t find something? 7 Nick is going to travel with a group of __________. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 I __________ a coffee after the lesson. a will b am going to have с am going have d am go to have 2 After the course ____________ we are going to have a party. a ends b end с will end d will be end 3 When I __________ my sister I am going to ask her for some books. a will see b am see с have see d see 4 When are you going __________ Moscow? a leave b will leave с to leaving d to leave 5 When Vlad ____________ he is going to get a job. a return b will return с returns d is return 6 I will help you if you ____________ me. a will ask b are ask с ask d will asking 7 I will call them ___________ I find my mobile. a as soon as b so с but d as 8 If I _____________ a new shampoo and ______________ like it I will buy another. a will try; don’t b will try; am с try; am not d try; don’t
3 Translate these sentences into English: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
В конце семестра я планирую пригласить всех моих друзей на вечеринку. Я позвоню тебе, когда узнаю новости для тебя. Я храню свои записи по разным предметам в специальных файлах. Линда не собирается тебе звонить сегодня вечером. Что твой друг собирается делать, когда у него закончатся экзамены? В этом городе недостаточно парковочных мест. Мы первый раз в этом новом бассейне.
4 Grammar Units 15- 16 Put the correct verb into each sentence: can’t can 1 2 3 4 5 6
didn’t have to had to
don’t have to have to
We … walk to school yesterday because my dad took us in the car. I … use an alarm clock because I find it difficult to wake in the morning. You … come into the library now because we’re closing It’s a public holiday today, so I … go to work. I forgot to take the picnic, so we … buy some sandwiches. In the UK, you … ride a scooter when you’re 16.
Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under 1 Exams. 2 The party. 3 Going to the swimming pool.
UNIT 17 Next Week's Episode 1 Vocabulary review another episode следующая серия blind жалюзи/штора Can you beat tonight's team at their own Можешь ли ты победить команду, играющую у game? себя дома? children's programmes детские программы come on да ладно contestant участник costume drama историческая пьеса/драма desk письменный стол documentary документальный фильм exercise bike велотренажер find out about sth узнать о чем-либо football boots футбольные бутсы game shows игровые шоу/телепрограммы hairdryer фен headlights were smashed передние фары разбиты highlights from today's matches выдержки из сегодняшнего матча household items домашняя утварь I think Mario will/would pay Natalie. Я думаю, что Марио заплатит Натали. If you have finished the project by the end of Если ты завершишь проект к концу месяца, ты this moth you will get a bonus. получишь премию.
in the time of Napoleon It's good value (for money) laptop lipstick mirror my toes were all sore news pay one's college fees personal possessions plant police drama predictions presenter prizewinning serial of murder programme (BE)/ program (AE) quarrel with the chef sculpture She can't boil an egg soaps spot star/to star stream the average family the empty ground beside the railway station is a suitable place for a shopping centre this week's episode
во времена Наполеона Хорошее соотношение цены и качества ноутбук губная помада зеркало натерла пальцы ног новости оплатить обучение в колледже личные вещи комнатное растение/цветок детектив предсказание ведущий детективный сериал, получивший призы программа ссора с шеф-поваром статуэтка/скульптура Она и яйца отварить не может мыльные оперы/сериалы спорт звезда/играть главную роль ручей/речка среднестатистическая семья пустая площадка рядом с вокзалом подходящее место для торгового центра серия на этой неделе
2 Vocabulary in use 1 Put in one of the following words: good value, documentary, costume drama, a soap, highlights. 1 Yesterday’s film was great. – Why? – It was __ _________ ________. All the characters wore wonderful clothes. 2 I think _______________ are very interesting, because there are lots of facts in them and they are very instructive. 3 You can easily predict what will happen in a next episode of __ ________. That’s the reason why some people like it, but some don’t. 4 I don't often watch football matches. I only prefer seeing ____________. 5 Why did you buy this car? – It’s ______ ________. 2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Многие люди покупают велотренажер, чтобы поддержать свою физическую форму. Несколько известных актеров хотели сыграть в этом фильме главную роль. Ей приходилось много работать, чтобы заплатить за обучение в колледже. Сегодня в телевизионной программе есть детектив, получивший призы. Вчера я очень много бегал и натер пальцы ног. 3 Grammar practice
Do the online exercises: Will or Going to: http://www.flo-joe.co.uk/preliminaryenglish/grammar/will-or-going-to.htm Indefinite pronouns: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/pronouns/indefinite-pronouns Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
В следующем году у студентов юридического факультета будет практика в суде. В этом году зима будет холодной. Они собираются отремонтировать офис. Мы отпечатали и разослали программу конференции каждому. Никто никому ничего не скажет. Я думаю, это будет сюрприз для всех. 4 Reading
1 Read and find out: 1 What is a reality show? 2 What is Strictly Come Dancing about? 3 What episodes can be shown in Coppers? Vocabulary Celebrity – известный человек, знаменитость, звезда Ballroom dance – бальный танец Live – прямой эфир 81
Vote - голосовать Copper – полицейский (разговорный) Emergency – непредвиденный случай, чрезвычайное положение, критическая ситуация Reality TV Reality TV is extremely popular in the UK. At their best, these programmes give us a good look into the lives of different people in Britain. At their worst, they are a very cheap way to make programmes and sometimes involve people behaving very badly. Here’s a selection of some of the UK’s reality TV shows. Strictly Come Dancing In the show a celebrity learns to dance with a professional dancer. Every week they have to learn a different ballroom dance such as the tango, the waltz or the cha cha cha, and perform it live on TV on Saturday night. Four judges, who are all professional dance experts, give the celebrities scores and they comment on their dances. After that, the public call in and vote for their favourite couple. The two least favourite then have to dance again and the judges decide who stays in the competition and who leaves. This is a very popular show with small children, teenagers and adults of all ages. Coppers The show follows the daily lives of police officers (informally known as 'coppers') from different police forces around Britain. We see them in lots of different situations, such as riot control, city centre night-time policing, and responding to emergencies. Watching the police in action is absolutely fascinating! 2 Write 15 sentences about your favourite reality TV programmes. 3 Ask your mates about their favourite TV grogammes in class. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Is it difficult for you to predict? Have you ever predicted anything important? 2 Watch the video How to Predict the Future. What is predicted? In what way? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=855iZATdBKo Write down the words which may be new for you. Was it fun? Why? 3 Work in pairs: get ready with dialogues My Future. Try to predict your partner's and your own future. Make use of the words from the video. Present your dialogues in class. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: will be; to earn; dirty; see; waiter; waitress; half; hurts; programs; 1 It’s good to have lots of ______________ to choose from. 82
2 Andrew works as a _______________. 3 My head ____________ when I talk too much. 4 He only heard _____________ of the story. 5 Karina works as a ______________. 6 Next month, the weather ______________ colder. 7 These rooms aren’t ______________. 8 You need ____________ more money. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 I can’t ___________ in the dark. a to see b am see с see d will 2 Next month we __________ lunch in the garden. a won’t have b won’t having с aren’t have d aren’t have been 3 We are going ____________ walls in yellow. a to painting b paint с to paint d will paint 4 I will be happy if you _____________. a call me b will call с calling d are call 5 __________ is writing now e-mail messages. a Everyone b They с My parents d Anyone 6 Who is ____________ for the camera? a have look b looking с look d to be look 7 Kris ____________ come to see us. a going b will going с will going to d is going to 8 No one _________ help you. a can’t b can с will can d will can’t 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Мне нравится эпизод в ресторане в этом фильме. 2 Я собираюсь сесть на диету. 3 Джек собирается купить цветы для своей девушки. 4 Эльза обожает документальные фильмы. 5 Что произойдет в начале следующего эпизода в фильме? 6 Мои друзья были разочарованы, когда я им рассказал о своих планах. 7 Мой дедушка иногда сердится, когда слышит новости по телевизору. 8 Мне нравится, когда мои дети смотрят детские передачи. 4 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under 1 My favorite TV programme. 2 Have you ever been invited to TV show? 3 TV in my life.
UNIT 18 Shooting a Film 1 Vocabulary review action film arrogant at first at the beginning at the end be embarrassed be under suspension bold book tickets by phone with a credit card
приключенческая лента высокомерный сначала в начале в конце быть смущенным быть под напряжением Отважный, нахальный купить билеты по телефону с помощью кредитной карты
camera crew съемочная группа camera operator оператор caravan передвижной дом на колесах cartoon/animation мультфильм/анимация clear all the rubbish from the beach убрать мусор с пляжа comedy комедия costume designer художник по костюмам costumes костюмы dressing room уборные fiction художественная литература historical film исторический фильм Horror фильм ужасов in fact в реальности/фактически insolent lies наглая ложь lighting освещение/прожекторы lighting technician светотехник love story любовная история make-up artist гример move some notices убрать таблички musical мюзикл/музыкальная комедия non-fiction публицистика read the scripts читать сценарий record announcement информация, записанная на пленку science fiction научная фантастика script writer сценарист Senior citizens have discounts Для пенсионеров предусмотрена скидка set up the lights установить освещение silent films немые фильмы sound technician звуковой режиссер subtitles субтитры technician технический работник Telephone booking line is open from … Телефонная линия открыта с … до ... to ... then/next потом/затем There is a charge of 50 p for booking by При покупке билетов по телефону взимается 50 phone пенсов violin/fiddle скрипка 84
2 Vocabulary in use Match the words and their definitions: 1. action film (n)
a the place in a theatre or cinema where you buy tickets
2. actor (n)
b a film made using characters that are drawn and not real a funny film or play
3. box office (n) 4. caravan (n)
c a film with lots of adventures and exciting events and activities
5. cartoon (n)
d someone who performs in plays and films
6. director (n) 7. film crew (n)
e a vehicle people can live in which is pulled by a car the people (not the actors or director) who work together to make a film
8. make-up (n)
f American English word for film
9. movie (n)
g to use a camera to make a film
10. shoot (a film) (v)
h the colours, etc. actors wear on their faces
11. (lighting/sound) technician (n)
i someone who tells the actors in a film or play what to do g someone whose job involves practical work with light or sound equipment 3 Grammar practice
Do the online exercises: Past Perfect: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/past-perfect Translate the sentences from Russian into English: К тому времени как он поступил в университет, он знал несколько иностранных языков. Когда мы пришли, спектакль уже начался. Книгу прочитали во многих странах, когда она была переведена на несколько языков. После того как новый культурный центр открылся, в нем стали проводить встречи и выставки. 5 Режиссер снял римейк фильма, который был когда-то очень популярен. 1 2 3 4
4 Reading 1 Read the text and find out: 1 Which cities are hosting the festivals? 2 What is the main difference between the two festivals? 3 What is the history of both festival? 85
Vocabulary To host – принимать, организовывать Fiction film – художественный, игровой фильм Factual film- документальный фильм Schedule – план, программа Showcase – выставка, показ, витрина Thriller – остросюжетны Film Festival Season In England it is currently film festival season. This week Sheffield hosts the International Documentary Festival, and next month there is the London Film Festival. Both festivals show new films from all around the world, with one essential difference. The London Film Festival shows fiction films, the Sheffield Festival shows factual films. The Sheffield festival is now 11 years old, and it has grown from a small weekend festival into a week-long festival that not only shows new documentary films, but also runs training workshops for new directors and has interviews with important film makers. Normally documentaries are only seen on TV, so, this festival, which shows the films in a modern cinema in Sheffield, is a great opportunity to see documentary films on the big screen. There are films from all over the world, from Japan to Australia, from West Africa to Russia. In all, over 70 films are showing at the festival. The Chairman of the festival, Christopher Hird, says he is proud of how many different cultures and lives are represented in the film schedule. The London Film Festival is a rather different affair. It has been running for nearly 50 years and it lasts for two weeks. The festival takes place in the largest cinemas in London and the attendance figures are high. It attracts many glamorous stars to the premieres of the bigger movies that are being shown in the festival. The festival is an international showcase of cinema, but this year the opening and closing films are both British. The opening film is “Dirty Little Things” - a thriller set in the immigrant community in contemporary London. The final film is ‘The Heart of Me’ – a love story set in 1930s England, involving two sisters who are in love with the same man. All in all, this is set to be a fabulous month for those who love to see the world up there on the big screen. 2 Write 15 sentences about your favourite film. 3 Ask your mates questions about their favourite films in class. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Have you ever tried to shoot a film? Would you like to know how to do it? 2 Watch the video How to Make your First Movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2-9mpyRGhk Write down the words which may be new for you. Was this video interesting? Why? 3 Watch this video once more and write down all recommendations. Discuss them in class. 86
6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: pretended; dressing room; crew; position; star; caravans; annoyed; make-up; artist 1 The ___________ of the film was angry because many people were late. 2 The actors slept in the ______________. 3 They ___________ to be other people in the play. 4 In her ____________ the actress looked older than she really was. 5 My costumes are in the ______________. 6 The actor spent a whole hour with the ___________. 7 She arrived at about 11 o’clock and looked rather __________________. 8 The camera ____________ were very busy. They were moving the cameras into the right _______________. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1. 1 In 1990 she ____________ to her home town. a returned b am returned с was returned
d return
2. I ____________ my sister today. a was called b call с am calling
d have called
3. When she came out of the room, she ___________ to me. a wave b waves с waved d is waving 4. We had translated the text before you _____________. a was coming b were coming с came
d come
5. I ______________ my homework by 5 o’clock p.m. a did b have done с had done d was doing 6. I ___________ TV yesterday. a was watching b watched
с have watched
d had watched
7. When ___________ you go to the concert? a were b was с have d did 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Актеры переоделись до того, как директор сделал объявление. 2 У меня вчера была деловая встреча. 3 Дети обычно любят мультфильмы о животных. 4 Мне нравится эта гостиница, поскольку там хорошая анимация. 5 Мой брат собирается быть историком, поэтому он часто смотрит исторические фильмы 6 Они проверили микрофон до того, как артисты появились на сцене. 7 Я услышал звуки скрипки задолго до того, как увидел музыкантов. 87
4 Grammar Units 17-18. Match the ending of the sentences to the beginnings:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
he found his friend’s hat.
I had done all the washing up.
he had already phoned her mother.
I replied immediately
the match had started
it broke
the shops had closed.
Someone opened the door
When I rang the bell,… When Olivia dropped the bottle, … By the time we got to the stadium, … When Hugo looked in his bag, … By the time we arrived in the city centre, .. By the time my mother got up, … When I received the email from James, … By the time he heard from Lisa, …
5 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 My favorite actor/actress. 2 Going to the theater. 3 Shooting a film.
UNIT 19 Happy Families 1 Vocabulary review be afraid of failing be the centre of attention brother-in-law come round to my house cousin ex-wife Frank Lampard junior great grandma half-sister hall of residence/hostel/on campus have a good sense of humour He doesn't mind cooking He offered to go to the cinema He seems to be happy in the village He suggested going to the cinema I enjoy dancing I look forward to hearing from you Julia is married to Paul
бояться неудач быть в центре внимания брать жены/мужа приходи ко мне домой двоюродный брат/двоюродная сестра бывшая жена Франк Лампард младший пра-пра-бабушка сводная сестра (по одному из родителей) общежитие иметь хорошее чувство юмора Он не возражает готовить Он предложил пойти в кино Похоже, ему нравится в деревне Он предложил пойти в кино Мне нравится танцевать С нетерпением жду твоего ответа Джулия замужем за Полом
My parents didn't let me stay at my friend's Родители не разрешили мне остаться у друга на overnight ночь
My parents made me go to bed at 9.00 nephew nickname niece problem page in a magazine/website
Мои родителя укладывали меня в 9.00 племянник прозвище/кличка племянница
settle disputes/fights/conflicts She is fed up with his lies/lying. stepmother take risks They set off early in the morning. twins/identical twins
улаживать споры/конфликты Ей надоела его ложь. мачеха рисковать Они выехали рано утром. близнецы/двойняшки
страничка в журнале/на сайте, куда люди пишут о своих проблемам
We don't need to book seats as there are still Нам не нужно заказывать билеты, осталось много plenty left. не проданных мест.
Who is Daniel to Tony? Why don't you join a sport club?
Кем Даниэль приходится Тони? Почему бы тебе не записаться в спортклуб? 2 Vocabulary in use
1 Read the sentences. Think of a conclusion to make using the following words: set off early, get married, sense of humor, be afraid of failing, take risks. 1 2 3 4
My elder brother enjoys making fun. _____________________________ My brother-in-law go in for skydiving. ___________________________ John and Mary are very much in love. ____________________________ Our flight is at 8.00 a.m. and our place is a long way from the airport. _________________________________ 89
5 A friend of mine is very confident. _______________________________ 2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Почему бы тебе не записаться в спортклуб? По-моему, им всем надоела его ложь. Многие дети любят быть в центре внимания. Хотя ему 17, он не против поиграть со своим маленьким братом. Мой брат любит находиться в обществе и он очень хорошо улаживает споры. 3 Grammar practice
Do the online exercises: Expressions + to/ing: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/verbs-followed-ing-or-infinitive-2 Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Продолжайте выполнять эти простые упражнения, они позволяют развивать память. Многие страны заинтересованы в участии в этом экологическом проекте. Он предложил обратиться в суд. Экзаменатор не позволил нам пользоваться словарями. С нетерпением ждем встречи с вами. 4 Reading
Vocabulary: Permission – разрешение Generation – поколение Figure –цифра, число Graduate – выпускник Boom – резко вырасти Afford – позволить себе Split – расщеплять, разделять Male – мужской Female – женский The Boomerang Generation Many countries have legal limits for the age somebody can leave home. In the UK you can drive a car at 17, buy alcohol and vote at the age of 18. You can leave home and also get married at age 16 if you have your parents’ permission. What’s interesting is how more and more people are staying at home longer in the UK. There’s even a word for it – it’s called the boomerang generation. The boomerang generation is young people who leave home to go to University but then return to live with their parents when they’ve finished their studies. So they leave home but come back to their parents again after studying. The latest official figures show that the number of graduates returning home after University has increased by a third 90
in the last 20 years. The boomerang generation is booming. According to the Office for National Statistics, around 15% of female graduates move back home. For male graduates the figure is 22%, that’s an increase of almost a third in twenty years, and with a lack of jobs for the class of 2010 the numbers are expected to rise. Most of the reasons are economic – students are finding it difficult to get jobs after they finish their studies so they can’t afford to pay for their own place to live. Some students do a house or flat-share where they can split the rent with other young people. But some students have such big debts after paying for University they can’t afford to do a house or flat-share with other people. It’s easier to go home to their parents and try and save some money! Answer the questions and discuss the topic in class: 1 What is the boomerang generation? 2 Why is this generation like the boomerang? 3 What is the situation like in our country? 5 Discussing video 1 Comment on Tolstoy’s quote “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”. 2 Watch one of the following videos: “Family structures” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUqkJFBkW_c or “Secrets of happy families: One man’s mission” by ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKAQ3g-fF60 Write down the words which may be new for you. Were these videos interesting? Why? What problems are discussed? Do you agree with the opinion on kids’ punishment? Why? 3 Describe an ideal family in class. Do this task in writing. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: relatives; my brother-in-law; spoils; twins; nephew, uncle; let; refuse; don’t mind; sense 1 My brother’s son is my _____________. 2 My mother’s brother is my _____________. 3 It’s quite easy for me to visit all my _____________ because most of them live in the same part of the town. 4 Many people have a good _____________of humour. 5 I ___________ changing my plans. 6 Some young people _______________ to do what other people tell them. 7 _____________ him go out! 8 My sister and I are _______________. 9 She often __________ everything. 10 ____________ is a good manager. 91
2 Choose the correct answer: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 My parents don’t make me ____________ soup. a to eat b eat с was eat d are eat What did she _____________ you yesterday? a was b were с promised d promise I am interested in _________________ you. a help b to help с helping d to be helping I wouldn’t like ______________ your family. a meet b to meet с met d am meeting I am looking forward ____________ from you soon. a to hear b hearing с to hearing d hear My parents _____________ about 5 years ago. a get divorced b got divorced с are divorced You __________ tell your sister how you feel. a ought b should to с are ought to d ought to
d were divorced
3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Ты меня рассмешил вчера. 2 Сколько времени у тебя уходит на то, чтобы добраться до университета? 3 Не забывай мне звонить! 4 Поездка в Лондон заняла на 2 часа больше, чем обычно. 5 Вам не нужно торопиться, у вас достаточно времени. 6 Я жду не дождусь, когда вы пригласите меня в Англию. 7 Пусть он сам решает задачи по математике! 8 Моя свекровь часто навещает нас. 9 Вы согласны пойти с нами в театр? 4 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 My relatives. 2 What is a perfect family in your opinion? 3 Family holidays.
UNIT 20 So You Think You've Got Talent? 1 Vocabulary review Bad luck! beauty contest Better luck next time! Buses run every 5 minutes cello chess tournament clarinet congratulation on Do you all get on well? double bass drums enter for a dance competition go through to the final horn I like to keep fit in the second place It is followed by Never mind! Our winners today are: rock competition sleeveless t-shirt The bus comes once an hour. The Storm was second best. Their music wasn't as good as their dancing. trumpet We care about each other. We go out together in the evenings. We're going to record a CD. Where do the winning band come from?
Не повезло! конкурс красоты В следующий раз будет лучше Автобусы ходят через пять минут виолончель шахматный турнир кларнет поздравляем с Вы хорошо ладите? контрабас барабаны подать заявку на танцевальный конкурс дойти до финала рожок Мне нравится быть в форме на втором месте За ними следуют Ничего/не расстраивайся! Сегодня победили: конкурс рок исполнителей футболка-безрукавка Автобус ходит с интервалом в час. Группа Шторм заняла второе место. Танцевали они лучше, чем пели. труба Мы заботимся друг о друге. Мы выходим/тусуемся вместе по вечерам. Мы собираемся записать новый диск. Откуда победители родом?
2 Vocabulary in use 1 What’s your reaction is likely to be to the following statements. Use the expressions: congratulations, bad luck, better luck next time, never mind, well done. 1 We lost music competition. Other groups were more professional. I don’t think we’ll enter for the competition next time. _______________ 2 We’ve won. We’ve played instruments the best, we’ve danced the best and we’ve sung the best. __________________________ 3 We performed quite well, but we didn’t sing as well as we danced. So didn’t go into the final. _____________________ 4 We’ve been together and worked together for seven years now. __________ 5 I’m sorry that I failed the band. I played too loudly. ___________________ 2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 Они хорошо ладят друг с другом, заботятся друг о друге и часто проводят вечера вместе. 93
2 3 4 5
Группа Шторм прошла в финал, но заняла второе место. В когда-нибудь принимали участие в шахматном турнире. Конкурсы классической музыки проходят во многих странах мира. Музыканты группы играют на таких инструментах как ударные, клавишные, гитара, скрипка, труба. 3 Grammar practice
Do the online exercises: Adjective or adverbs: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/exercises/2/2/8/ Adjective or adverbs: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/exercises/2/2/9 Comparison of adverbs: http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/adjectives_adverbs/adverb_comparison.htm So and Such: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-reference/so Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 Этот такой талантливый режиссер, поэтому его фильмы получают награды на разных кинофестивалях. 2 Интернет внес такие важные изменения в нашу жизнь. 3 Социальные сети такие популярные, так как новые технологии сделали общение доступным. 4 Изучение иностранного языка помогает гораздо лучше узнать другую культуру. 5 Все команды выступили замечательно, но только две прошли в финал. 4 Reading Vocabulary Eliminate – устранять Profit – извлекать выгоду Rude – грубый Contestant – участник конкурса Annoy – досаждать, надоедать Be determined – быть полным решимости Predictable – предсказуемый Improve – добиваться лучшего Talent Shows 'The X Factor', 'Pop Idol' and numerous others are the TV singing talent shows that everyone seems to be talking about in Great Britain. They are basically singing competitions or talent shows. They are events where people compete to show how skilled they are in a particular area. The talent shows are a winning format. This expression means a show, where contestants are gradually eliminated until there is just one winner left. One of the men behind 'the X Factor' show is someone called Simon Cowell. He has sold his winning format to more than 40 countries worldwide including Denmark, Italy, Spain, Russia, Colombia and India. He's been very successful. He is a judge on the actual shows, the owner of the format and the person who profits from the sales of the music after the show has ended. He is also well known for being incredibly rude to the contestants. Here is an example of the way he speaks to contestant: -”You can't sing. Not very good and incredibly annoying” –“I just think you should give us a chance”. –“But a chance to do what?” – “To improve.” – “Yeah, girls, we have weeks not decades”. He's got an ego, a great feeling of his own importance and ability. He's driven, which 94
means he is determined to achieve something or be successful in a certain area. What drives Simon Cowell? Could it be just down to artistic ambition, his desire to be successful in doing something creative? No. it doesn’t. The music is too mainstream, that is unoriginal, predictable. The process isn't about creativity or originality. It's just about money and being fame. That doesn’t seem surprising however. Lots of people seem to want to be famous these days. But what about the winners' musical careers after the show has ended? A lot of the artists that have come through his show have pretty short lived careers. They have a bright moment following the show, perhaps 2 or 3 successful singles or a successful initial album and the story to wane….' However, this doesn't seem to stop people wanting to take part in the show and watch it. Find the expressions have got an ego, the winning format, be driven, be determined, artistic ambition, mainstream. Use them to make up a situation of your own. Present it in class. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Have you ever heard about pop music group “ABBA”? Which songs do you know? Have you attended “Mama Mia” musical in Moscow? 2 Watch the video “ABBA: biography” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2slgpCKoVk Write down the words which may be new for you. Was this video interesting? Why? 3 Find in the Internet ABBA’s song which may be interesting to your mates. Learn the lyrics and sing it in class. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: excited, quietly, violins, guitarists, sang, dancing, louder, danced 1 Their two _____________ sounded very well. 2 The music wasn’t as good as their _____________. 3 The singer _____________ beautifully. 4 I didn’t like the way he_____________. 5 Could you speak ___________ a little bit? 6 I could hear the sounds of_______________ long before it begins. 7 The violinist played so _____________ that we couldn’t hear him. 8 The fans were so _______________ that they were jumping up and down. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 She was ____________ ugly that I couldn’t look at her. a such b so с more d less 2 The concert was in _____________ a small hall that there was no room for everyone. a such b so с much d very 3 I am busy _________________ songs for the band. a wrote b writing с was writing d am writing 4 I go ______________ on my motorbike. 95
a racing b am racing с was racing d race 5 ______________ I don’t like Mike I decided to help him. a Despite b As с Because d Although 6 The tickets were so expensive that we couldn’t ____________ to go to the theatre. a to afford b affording с afforded d afford 7 I will call you _____________ I come home. a soon b as soon as с because d as either or 8 I go __________ on Sunday. a am shopping b was shopping с to shopping d shopping 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Он хорошо разбирается в сочинении музыки. 2 Я стараюсь ходить в фитнес клуб каждое воскресенье. 3 У меня нет свободного времени. 4 Мой брат так громко играл на барабане, что я не слышал друга по телефону. 5 Сравните эти рисунки. Какой из них самый яркий? 6 Мара пела намного лучше, чем танцевала. 7 Мой брат виолончелист. 8 Я не мог ничего делать из-за зубной боли. 4 Grammar Units 19-20 Fill in each gap with the correct form of the word in brackets: My friends and I are organizing a big event in my college for the end of term. Everybody enjoys _______ (listen) to music, so we decided _______ (invite) three bands to play in the big hall. The college has let us ______ (have) the hall for three and the bands have agreed _____ (play) for a small fee. Everybody is fed up with _____ (paying) a lot of money to go out in the evening. We are only charging ₤4.50 for each ticket and we hope _____ (give) some of that money to the local hospital. The bands are fantastic and I’m really looking forward to _____ (dance) to their music. Some of my friends are good at _____ (cook), so they have offered _____ (make) some food to sell and some other friends promised _____ (sell) tickets. 5 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 Are you talented in something? 2 Who is the most talented in your family? 3 Playing the musical instrument.
UNIT 21 Keep in Touch! 1 Vocabulary review 12-screen cinema 307448 Accommodations ranging from grand hotels to Bed and Breakfast Alex got married to his girlfriend Lucilla. Ask him to call me back later. be a good communicator Boats to up to six people can be hired. check for missed calls Could I have your name? (secretary)
кинотеатр с 12 залами Three oh seven double four eight Средства размещения от шикарных отелей до комнат с кроватью и завтраком Алик женился на своей подружке Лусилле. Попросите его перезвонить мне позже. быть хорошим участником акта коммуникации Можно взять напрокат лодки на шесть человек. проверять пропущенные звонки Представьтесь/назовите свое имя, пожалуйста (секретарь) Each level in the car parks is numbered Каждый уровень авто стоянки пронумерован Entrance tickets to all facilities are reduced Цена на входной билет снижена для студентов и for student and the over-sixties людям старше 60-ти лет Get a map at one of our information offices Получите карту в одном из наших информационных офисов
hang up on someone in the middle of a повесить трубку в середине разговора conversation He had his hair styled before concert Ему сделали укладку перед концертом Hold on/hang on a minute Подожди минутку I can pass your call to the boss (secretary) Я могу соединить вас с начальником (секретарь) I have my car washed every Sunday Мою машину моют каждое воскресенье I need to get my laptop mended Мне нужно отремонтировать мой ноутбук I'm working to a deadline Мне скоро сдавать работу inquiries наведение справок, расспросы, расследования interlocutor собеседник It's a five-minute journey Это пятиминутная поездка It's illegal to use a hand-help phone while Возбраняется пользоваться мобильным driving телефоном во время вождения машины letter of inquiry письмо запрос letter of request письмо запрос media studies course курс журналистики Mrs Lee isn't available at the moment Г-жи Ли сейчас нет на месте No car park uses the same colour Ни одна из стоянок не использует один и тот же цвет opening hours are 10 am to 9 pm часы работы: с 10 утра до 9 вечера Remember where your car is parked by Запомните, где вы оставили свою машину по looking at the coloured signs цвету таблички requests просьба, требование, запрос ring off повесить трубку She is having her flat decorated at the moment Ее квартиру отделывают в наст. время switch your phone to silent отключить звук на мобильнике The information centres can give you a list Информационные центры могут дать список of accommodation in the area средств размещения There's a bus every 15 minutes Автобус ходит каждые 15 минут top up your mobile пополнить счет телефона 97
Wait for the beep! What can I do for you/How can I help you? When you reach Barnwell station, jump on a number 19 bus to the mall You are a chatterbox You are not allowed to take hired bicycles beyond the park
Подождите звукового сигнала Чем я могу вам помочь? Когда ты доедешь до вокзала Барнвелл, садись на 19 автобус и поезжай до торгового центра Ты - болтун Нельзя вывозить взятые напрокат велосипеды за территорию парка
2 Vocabulary in use 1 Choose the word combinations you need when you describe a chatterbox and a good communicator: Not forget to top up one’s mobile, always check for missed calls, receive and send texts at mealtimes, switch one’s phone to silent when necessary, go out without one’s phone, switch off one’s mobile overnight, ask to call later when doing homework, not fail to call back, text friends in class Chatterbox
A good communicator
2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 Её сейчас нет на месте. Она делает укладку перед концертом. 2 Прежде чем переехать в новый дом, ей заново отделали все комнаты в доме. 3 В торгово-развлекательном комплексе есть справочные, куда вы можете обратиться с любым вопросом. 4 Я не могу сейчас соединить вас с начальником. 5 Торгово-развлекательный центр находится в 5 минутах езды от станции. Автобус ходит каждые 15 минут. 3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Have something done (causative): https://elt.oup.com/student/solutions/int/grammar/grammar_09_012e?cc=ru&selLanguage=ru Have something done (different tenses): http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=1759 Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 Председатель собрания попросил не пользоваться телефонами. 2 Преподаватель сказал нам сдать работы в конце семинара. 3 Модератор попросил докладчика ответить на вопросы после презентации. 4 Торговые агенты разослали образцы товаров своим клиентам. 5 Они заменили рекламные щиты на остановках общественного транспорта. 98
4 Reading Vocabulary tactile – приятный на ощупь bother – докучать destination – пункт назначения used to – ранее происходившее действие private – частный advantage – преимущество keen on – быть сильно увлеченным pal – приятель Keeping in Touch the Old-fashioned Way Teacher: When was the last time you wrote a letter to a friend or relative and posted it? Not an email, but a real letter…. Student: Well funnily enough, it was only about a week ago, which I think is quite unusual nowadays. Teacher: Yes, it certainly is because in this modern age of emails, texts, phones, Facebook and Skype, we seldom take the time to put pen to paper and write a letter. Student: Exactly, we no longer have to go to the bother of writing a letter, buying a stamp and posting it. We can just click a few buttons and our message is at its destination. We can communicate with people all over the world in a matter of seconds. It's so much easier than it used to be! Teacher: ‘But when you receive a letter, it is having something that came through that is yours and someone has taken the time to write to you. And because no one else can open your post, it’s really private as well and it’s exclusively just for you. I find that really exciting. It’s so tactile as opposed to any kind of technology and because the method is so traditional and long-standing it just seems a lot more real’. Student: Yes, there are a lot of advantages to having a pen pal including the opportunity to practise reading and writing in a foreign language, to improve literacy, to learn more about other countries and lifestyles and to make friendships. Many people are still keen on having a pen pal and often use a special agency to put them in contact with someone in another country they can write to. However you can still have a pen pal even if you prefer to use email….these are sometimes called 'key pals' as you write letters on the keys of your computer rather than with a pen. Ask five questions about the text. Tell about your way of keeping in touch in class. Ask five questions about the text. Tell in class about your way of keeping in touch (write 5-6 sentences). 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Is it important for you to stay in touch with your relatives and friends? Do you prefer communicating with them by phone, skype, e-mail, text-messages (SMS) or meeting with them personally? Why? 2 Watch the video Shout out to Family and Friends. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hRNM2dMr0E Write down the words which may be new for you. What was the video about? Do you think that the woman felt lonely? Was this video interesting? Why? 3 Search the Internet and find interesting videos on similar topic. Present them in class. 99
6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: colleagues, neighbours, wallet, painted, fan, Prime Minister, chat, switch off 1 A friend phones for a _____________ while you are cooking. 2 I often _____________ my phone when I am with friends. 3 One of Mara’s _____________ lives in our road. 4 One of our _____________has won the lottery. 5 Angela is out of money because her ___________ was stolen yesterday. 6 She had every room _______________ . 7 One of my student’s is a football _____________ . 8 A friend of mine met the _______________ last week. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 He has his boots ____________ after every match. a cleaned b clean с cleaning d to clean 2 Tell your sister _____________ some good course book. a buy b am buy с to buy d buying 3 Don’t _________________ my shampoo. a to use b are use с use d used 4 She asked Kris ______________ her. a help b helping с to help d helped 5 My sister has lots of work ______________ for her by other people. a do b to do с doing d done 6 The mall ____________ one mile from my house. a is locating b locating с is located d is locates 7 Remember where your car _____________ . a parks b is parking с park d is parked 8 Bicycles can __________ every day for 5 dollars an hour. a hire b be hired с to hire d hired 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Один из моих бывших одноклассников – стоматолог. 2 Спортивные клубы расположены рядом с бассейном. 3 Она делает стрижку каждый месяц. 4 Я позвоню тебе из аэропорта. 5 Позвоните секретарю Стива и попросите его объяснить, где находится главный офис. 6 Один из ваших соседей выиграл лотерею. 7 Один из твоих однокурсников сказал, что ты болеешь. 8 У этого писателя интересная судьба. Я прочитал его автобиографию. 4 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 Communication 2 How do you keep in touch with people? 3 The information center. 100
UNIT 22 Strange but True? 1 Vocabulary review Aliens kidnapped a couple of people approach smb
Инопланетяне похитили несколько человек приближаться/подойти к кому-либо Are you absolutely certain where Rebecca Ты абсолютно точно знаешь, где живет lives? Ребекка? Are you astonished to see me at school? Ты удивлен, что видишь меня в школе? Are you both fans of Manchester United? Вы оба болельщики Манчестер Юнайтед? Has he broken his wrist? Он сломал запястье? His shirt caught fire Его рубашка загорелась I am grateful for all your help Я благодарен вам за помощь I don't know anyone who has met an alien Я не знаю никого, кто встречал инопланетянина I haven't seen a UFO yet but I have already met Я пока не видел НЛО, но я уже видел инопланетян aliens
I would never believe that Is she writing a script now? I've never met aliens Let's meet in half an hour Many of the crew said mix/confuse sth with sth Mom was very cross when she realized that her son was telling lies. My brother said it was the worst match he has ever seen My friend said he believed in UFOs My sister is too young to watch this film
Я бы никогда не поверил в это Она пишет сценарий сейчас? Я никогда не встречал инопланетян Дай встретимся через полчаса Многие члены экипажа заявили путать/перепутать что-либо с чем-либо Мама очень рассердилась, когда поняла, что ее сын ей врет Мой брат сказал, что это был самый плохой матч, который он когда-либо видел Мой друг сказал, что он верит в НЛО Моя сестра еще слишком мала, чтобы смотреть этот фильм
search for a gold in a lake искать золото в озере She said she would go to university Она сказала, что пойдет учиться в университет She said she wouldn't go with us Она сказала, что не пойдет с нами She was embarrassed when she met her Она смутилась, когда встретила босса на boss at the football match футбольном матче Silent consonant Непроизносимая согласная Someone told me it was a good place to spend a Кто-то сказал мне, что это хорошее место для того, day чтобы провести там день
spacecraft strange silvery pieces That man could be a writer The play was so long that I fell asleep The tickets cost £7 each The Universe They were not humans UFO – unidentified flying object vowel We are rather anxious about our dog weather balloon
космический корабль странные фрагменты серебряного цвета Тот мужчина может быть писателем Пьеса была такой длинной, что я уснула Билеты стоили 7 фунтов каждый вселенная Они не были людьми Неопознанный летательный объект (НЛО) гласная Мы очень беспокоимся о нашей собаке шар, запущенный с метео целями
Yesterday you told him you would like to watch Вчера ты сказала ему, что хочешь посмотреть этот that film фильм
2 Vocabulary in use 1 Answer the following questions: 1 What does UFO stand for? 2 Is there any reason to think that UFOs are aliens’ spaceships since we do not know exactly what they are? 3 Do you enjoy science fiction? 4 Do you think the stories people tell about UFOs are true? 5 Why do you think so? 2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 Я уверен, никаких инопланетян нет. 2 Меня не очень беспокоит проблема инопланетян. 3 Я удивился, когда узнал, что он интересуется проблемой НЛО. Раньше он никогда не говорил об этом. 4 Те, кто рассказывает о встрече с инопланетянами, говорят, что они выглядят как люди, но они не люди. 5 Когда он понял, что ему говорят ложь, он очень рассердился. 3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Reported Speech: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/reported-speech-1 Reported Speech: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/reported-speech-2 Reported Speech: http://www.flo-joe.co.uk/preliminaryenglish/grammar/reported-speech.htm Reported Speech - Quiz 1, Quiz 2: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/radio/specials/1457_gramchallenge35/ Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Он сказал, что приедет через неделю. Туристы ответили, что они посетили галерею. Она спросила, когда начинается спектакль. Ученые утверждают, что климат на Земле меняется. Они объявили, что президент выступит с речью по телевидению. 4 Reading
Vocabulary With the naked eye – невооруженным глазом Conjunction – сочетание Investigation – исследование Misidentify – ошибочно отождествить Conventional – обычный Strict – строгий, точный Null - малозначимый 102
Unexplained aerial observations have been reported throughout history. Some were undoubtedly astronomical in nature: comets, bright meteors, one or more of the five planets that can be seen with the naked eye, planetary conjunctions, or atmospheric optical phenomena. The term "UFO" (or "UFOB") was officially created in 1953 by the United States Air Force (USAF) to replace the more popular terms because of the variety of shapes described other than "discs" or "saucers." UFOs have been subject to investigations over the years. Governments or independent academics in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, Peru, France, Belgium, Sweden, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, Spain, and the Soviet Union are known to have investigated UFO reports at various times. Studies have established that the majority of UFO observations are misidentified conventional objects or natural phenomena—most commonly aircraft, balloons, clouds, or astronomical objects such as meteors or bright planets. Between 5% and 20% of reported sightings are not explained, and therefore can be classified as unidentified in the strictest sense. While supporters of the extraterrestrial hypothesis suggest that these unexplained reports are of alien spacecraft, the null hypothesis cannot be excluded that these reports are simply other more prosaic phenomena that cannot be identified due to lack of complete information or due to the necessary subjectivity of the reports. Answer the following questions: 1 2 3 4 5
When was the term UFO officially created? Who investigated the subject? What conventional objects and natural phenomena are usually taken for UFOs? Why are other hypothesis null? Why are people so excited about UFOs in your opinion.
Be ready to discuss the text in class. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Are you easy to be convinced? Do you believe in things that cannot be explained yet? 2 Watch the video Most incredible inventions by CBS News. What inventions are presented? Which one impressed you the most? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVeduVFx-xU Write down the words which may be new for you. Was this video interesting? Why? 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: burns, weather balloon, disk-shaped, material, stomach 1 My friend saw a large _____________ object not far from our house. 2 It was a part of a _____________. 103
3 These things are made of different kind of _____________. 4 She found her little son with _____________on his _____________ 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 He told me that he ____________ in the country. a live b lived с is living d was living 2 I _____________ him before. a had never seen b have never seen
с has never seen
d didn’t seen
3 He told people one of them _________________ near him. a was landed b had landed с landed d is landed 4 He had strange spots on his______________ and ____________. That’s why I told him to visit a doctor. a books … chest b books … copy-books с chest … stomach d computer … stomach 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Многие люди верят, что на других планетах есть жизнь. 2 Моему брату нравится смотреть фильмы о космических путешествиях. 3 Я разбил запястье, большой палец, колени и ступню сегодня. 4 Марфа сказала, что ей нравится смотреть научно- популярные фильмы. 4 Grammar Units 21-22. Put the words in the correct order: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
May I please Mahza speak? to Paul me to . contact him told Tell be students late . not to the She had her hair by. hairdresser famous cut Say mine a friend of . you’re We’re built having a cottage sea the near . David brother asked to his . help him None of friends in believe UFO’s . my
Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 Fantastic stories. 2 Incredible phenomena in my life. 3 Superstitions.
UNIT 23 Best Friends? 1 Vocabulary review be by one's side in times of trouble be fed up with school be fun with be good/bad at be keen on rock climbing be loyal to sb Carla, I'd like to introduce you to Kate. Carla, this is Kate. Kate, this is Carla. do well in Don't say anything that can upset your mom. down to earth guy electric guitar has a volume control get on (well) with sb He likes the same music as me help sb out of the situation I am not happy with/about your idea I don't agree with that I thought it better in my opinion In the end I got tired talking to him Kate, have you met Alex? Kate, meet Alex laid back on the building/construction site phone message/text message post-it-note She is not my type. She likes doing the same things as me. She's sweet. Shut the door when leaving the building. simpleton support the same football team That's not a good idea. There are some customers over there. They have sth in common. This poem reminds me of sth.
поддержать кого-либо в трудную минуту школа надоела (с ним/с ней) интересно хорошо успевать по/мне легко дается увлекаться скалолазанием быть верным кому-либо Карла, я хочу представить тебя Кате. Карла, это Катя. Катя, это Карла. хорошо успевать по/мне легко дается Не говори ничего, что может расстроить маму. простак У электрической гитары есть регулятор громкости
Хорошо ладить с кем-либо Ему нравится такая же музыка, что и мне Помочь кому-либо в трудной ситуации Мне не нравится эта идея Я не согласен с этим Я передумал по моему мнению В конце концов я устал от разговоров с ним Катя, ты знакома с Аликом? Катя, познакомься с Аликом спокойный, отрешенный на строительной площадке телефонное сообщение/смс стикер, клейкий листок для заметок Она — не в моем вкусе. Ей нравится то же, что и мне. Она – милая. Выходя из здания, не забудь закрыть дверь. простачок болеть за одну и ту же футбольную команду Это не очень хорошая идея. Вон там несколько клиентов. У них есть много общего. Этот стишок мне что-то напоминает.
2 Vocabulary in use 1 Agree or disagree with the following statements. Put the same idea in other words like: help out of the situation, have sth in common, be fun to be with, be by one’s side in times of trouble, keen on. 1 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 2 A friend is a person who likes doing the same things as you do. 3 A friend is a person who you never get tired of talking with. 4 A true friend is ready to support you when you are in trouble. 5 A person who is fond of the same music needn’t be your friend. 105
2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Я подружился с Джоном. Он кажется простаком, но на самом деле он очень умный. Я не хочу тебя расстраивать, но мне кажется, что он не друг, а просто приятель. У них было одинаковое чувство юмора, но они не были друзьями. Он хорошо успевал по всем предметам, поэтому школа ему не надоедала. Они болеют за одну и ту же хоккейную команду. 3 Grammar practice
Do the online exercises: Relative clauses: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/clause-phrase-andsentence/verb-patterns/relative-clauses Adjectives+ prepositions: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/adjectives-prepositions Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 В нашем университете учатся студенты, которые прибыли из разных стран. 2 Это международный журнал, в котором вы можете прочитать о проблемах коммуникации. 3 Проблемы межкультурной коммуникации, которые очень актуальны в наше время, обсуждались на семинаре. 4 Вы читали статью, которая была опубликована в последнем журнале Язык и Коммуникация? 5 Студенты проходят практику в разных компаниях, где они учатся профессиональному общению. 4 Reading 1 Read the text and be ready to comment on it in class Vocabulary run into trouble – оказаться в трудном положении cruel – жестокий execution – казнь affair –дело condemn – осуждать face – столкнуться, оказаться перед лицом чего-либо Friendship The story of Damon and Pythias shows true friendship and love of family, even in the face of death. Pythias and Damon, young philosophers in the school of Pythagoras, the man who gave his name to a theorem used in geometry, lived in the 5th century BC. They ran into trouble with Dionysius I of Syracuse, an important city in Sicily, which was part of the Greek area of Italy. He was a cruel ruler. He put one of them in prison and appointed a day for the execution. One of the young philosophers wanted to put his family's affairs in order, and asked leave to do so. Dionysius thought he would run away and said no, but then the other young philosopher said he would take his friend's place in the prison, and, if his friend did not return, he himself should be put to death. Dionysius agreed, and was then greatly surprised when the condemned man returned right in time to 106
face his own execution.The tyrant was greatly impressed with the friendship between the two men and asked for joining them as a third friend. The story is described by two Latin authors – Cicero and Valerius Maximus. 2 Ask questions on the text and give other examples of true friendship in class. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 What is friendship? Have you got many friends? Who will you call your best friend and why? Can an animal be a friend to a man? 2 Watch the video Tiger and Man: Best Friends by Barcroft TV. Will you call the man brave? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muzX_0SBFio Write down the words which may be new for you. Was this video interesting? Why? 3 Write down your comment on this video (5-6 sentences). Read and discuss it in class. 6 Revision 1 Choose the correct answer: 1 2
You told me you ______________ me. Why didn’t you call me yesterday as you promised? a respected b are respecting me с was respecting me d respect
We ____________ that we didn’t have any money. a explain b to explain с was explained d explained
I like different detective stories, but I don’t like _____________ as they are just for children. a films b lectures с cartoons d documentary
She said he __________ my sister for a month. a haven’t seen b hadn’t seen с hasn’t seen d didn’t see
2 Translate these sentences into English: 1 2 3 4
Давайте созвонимся через полтора часа. Крис сказал, что он знает этого инженера. Светлана сказала, что ее друг не пригласил ее на вечеринку. Стив появился, когда мы о нем забыли.
Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 My friends. 2. Do you have a pen friend? 3. My best friend.
UNIT 24 I've Got an Idea 1 Vocabulary review A fee will be paid by car owner at the end of the your to the government beauty parlour/salon camera catch a train clean electric trains climb up and down the stairs complain about digital computer dishwasher Does the name ring the bell? electric blanket electric serving train emergency exits flavours handkerchief hold competitions Ice cream is sold in a range of delicious flavours ice cream parlour immigration officer inflammable bicycle life span/life expectancy lighter moving stairs new invention Notices were displayed in the underground operate a machine public buildings single seat electric car stamp a passport steward/air attendant They will be charged according to how many kilometres they have travelled by air and on the road velocipede wheelchair worldwide business zip the trousers up zipper
Налог будет выплачен владельцем машины правительству в конце года салон красоты фотоаппарат/камера сесть на поезд экологически чистые электрические поезда ходить вверх и вниз по лестнице жаловаться на цифровой компьютер посудомоечная машина Это имя вам знакомо? электрическое одеяло электрическая система, развозящая блюда запасной выход начинки/наполнители/вкусовые добавки носовой платок проводить соревнования Мороженное в ассортименте с различными вкусовыми добавками кафе мороженое офицер иммиграционной службы надувной велосипед продолжительность жизни зажигалка эскалатор новое изобретение Объявления были установлены в метро управлять машиной общественные здания одноместный электромобиль поставить штамп в паспорт проводник/стюарт самолета Размер налога будет зависеть от того, сколько километров они проехали по суше или по воздуху трехколесный велосипед, дрезина инвалидное кресло мировой бизнес/индустрия; застегнуть молнию на брюках молния
2 Vocabulary in use 1 Put in the necessary words: 1 The __________is a kind of moving stairs. 2 The vacuum cleaner __ _______for removing dust from the floor and other places. 108
3 The velocipede is ______ __ bike with three wheels. 4 Many things ___ _______ __ plastic nowadays. 5 The computer ___ _________ in the second part of the XX c. 2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Некоторые люди ездили вверх и вниз несколько раз, потому что им очень понравилось. В современных вещах пластик во многом заменил металл и дерево. В XX веке было сделано огромное количество изобретений. В разных странах продолжительность жизни разная. При пересечении границы сотрудник иммиграционной службы должен поставить штамп в паспорт. 3 Grammar practice
Do the online exercises: Passive forms - references, exercise: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/passives Past Simple Passive: http://www.flo-joe.co.uk/preliminaryenglish/past-simple-passive.htm Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 Эта программа была разработана компанией Microsoft. 2 Первый звонок по сотовому (мобильному) телефону был сделан в 1973 г. его изобретателем. 3 В будущем изобретут автомобиль, который будет полностью управляться компьютером. 4 Термин «нано-технологии» был впервые употреблен Norio Taniguchi в 1974. 5 Результаты экспериментов будут опубликованы в научном журнале. 4 Reading Vocabulary: servant – служащий attach – прикреплять frame – рама be credited with – считаться rear – задний addition – добавление crank – изогнутый рычаг introduce – вводить chain drive – цепная передача rough – грубый, жесткий Inventions Are you a cyclist? Are you a bicycle lover who understands the beauty and importance of this eco-friendly machine? Then you belong to my kind. I love cycling. In my growing up years, the first bicycle was my ticket to freedom. Since then, I have always been curious about the invention of the bicycle. First bicycle was invented by the German civil servant Baron Karl von Drais in 1817. It was a bicycle without pedals made up of two in line wheels, attached to a wooden frame. The rider sat and pushed the bike forward with his feet. It was something like the modern scooter toy used by kids. Frenchmen Pierre Michaux, Pierre Lallement and the Olivier brothers are credited with 109
development of the first pedaled bicycle 1860s, the 'Velocipede', built with a large front wheel and a smaller rear wheel. The pedals were attached to the front wheel with the addition of a crank. This French creation was made up from a combination of wood and metal frame. In 1885 J.K. Starley, J.H.Lawson and Shergold modernized the bicycle by introducing the now familiar chain drive and attaching the pedals to the rear wheel. These were known as the 'Safety bikes'. The ride was still rough, until the Scotsman John Dunlop introduced the first pneumatic tire in 1888. Nowadays there is a great variety of bicycles: city bikes, mountain bikes, racing bikes, recreation bikes, touring bikes, road bike and some others. Answer the following questions: 1 Is the bicycle just a transport? 2 What does the bicycle mean to you? Are you like the author a cyclist? 3 What was first bicycle made of? 4 What was the second step in developing the bicycle? 5 When was chain drive introduced? 6 What parts does the bicycle consist of? 7 What kind of bike have you got? Discuss the topic in class. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Have you ever invented anything? If you have creative ideas, do you share them with your friends? Give examples. 2 Watch how kinetic sculptor and artist Theo Jansen is building strandbeests from yellow plastic tubing. Where does it take place? What does it look like? How long does it take Jansen to build it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSKyHmjyrkA Write down 10 words which may be new for you. Do you like the sculpture? Why? Why not? 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: oval, inventors, moving stairs, vacuum cleaner, dusty, spots, straight,escalators; 1 His nose is ________________. 2 I like _____________ candles. 3 The first _____________ were built in shops and railway stations in the USA at the end of the 19th century. 4 A ring of bright ____________appeared on the screen. 5 This closet full of old stuff is always __________. 6 She uses a cordless_____________ to clean hard floors in the garden house. 7 My little son was surprised when he saw _____________ yesterday! 8 Some _______________ aren’t successful. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 The passengers ____________ the emergency exit by the steward. a were shown b was shown Ń was showing d did show 2 The airplane _____________ to London. 110
a flew b was flewing с was flowning d was flown 3 I can’t _________________ a decision about which English course to choose. a do b did с make d made 5 New flavours ______________ all the time. a produce b produced с are produced d will produce 6 Where ____________ escalators ____________? a are; use b are; used с be; use d be; used 7 What _____________? a it is used for b it will use for с is it use for d is it used for 8 My passport __________. a wasn’t stamped b wasn’t be stamped с didn’t stamped d didn’t be stamped 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Пассажирам не сказали, где ожидать багаж. 2 Мне нравится изделия из дерева. 3 Я обычно покупаю одежду, сделанную из натуральных материалов. 4 В статье описаны ошибки студентов. 5 Когда вы наймете рабочих? 6 Решение было принято год назад. 7 Музыка была такой громкой, что мы не могли разговаривать. 8 Раньше мне нравилась фольклорная музыка. 4 Grammar Units 23-24. Choose the correct relative pronoun: 1 Have you seen the book … Anna lent me? a who b which c whose d where 2 What’s the name of the boy … watch we have found? a who b which c whose d where 3 This is a photo of the beach … we swam and sunbathed. a who b which c whose d where 4 The girl over there is the one … came first in the race. a who b which c whose d where 5 Our car was repaired by my cousin … is a mechanic. a who b which c whose d where 6 Where are the biscuit … we bought in the supermarket? a who b which c whose d where 7 The pool … I swim every day is very nice. a who b which c whose d where 8 This is our neighbor … car was stolen yesterday. a who b which c whose d where 5 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 Inventions. 2 Describe your favorite thing in detail. 3 Interesting ideas. 111
UNIT 25 Shop till You Drop 1 Vocabulary review bargain (v, n) bring the item/purchase back buying on line by 1900 call the police career ladder cash desk checkouts come into fashion compared to average wages complain about sth dressing/fitting rooms e-commerce fit sm/it fits you well food of high quality give a refund/be refunded If no one claimed the wallet, it would be mine
торговаться/сделка вернуть товар/покупку делать покупки по интернету к 1900 году вызвать полицию карьерная лестница касса кассы войти в моду в сравнении с обычными зарплатами жаловаться на что-то примерочные торговля по интернету хорошо сидит (твой размер) продукты высокого качества вернуть стоимость покупки/получить деньги назад Если никто не будет претендовать на кошелек, он останется у меня
in a shopping mall in spite of interview (v, n) It is worth noticing that job interview jump the queue keep a receipt line long counters long queues match sth/the tie matches the suit
в торговом центре несмотря на интервью, собеседование/проводить интервью Стоит отметить, что интервью при трудоустройстве пройти без очереди сохранять чек очередь длинные прилавки длинные очереди
much wider range of products offer home delivery throughout the surrounding area online shopping order one's food on the internet outlet previous relevant experience pros & cons/benefits & disadvantages/ strong & weak point of sth queue (v, n) receipt for pullover self-service shopping She applied for a job as a shop assistant shopping by catalogue shopping in a market shopping in a supermarket Show the immigration officer your passport Sorry for troubling you
гораздо более широкий выбор продуктов предлагать доставку в пределах района
подходить по цвету, форме/галстук сочетается с костюмом
покупать по интернету заказывать продукты по интернету торговая точка (магазин, палатка) опыт работы в данной области за и против/преимущества и слабые места/ сильные и слабые стороны очередь, стоять в очереди чек на пуловер магазин-самообслуживания Она подала заявление на работу продавцом покупать по каталогу делать покупки на рынке делать покупки в супермаркете Покажи пограничнику свой паспорт Извините за беспокойство 112
spend more of one's income on food suit sb/it suits you the first self-service shop opened in 1950 Then my luck changed trouble/bother/disturb welcome the change Which assistant has served you? work long hours working conditions worry about sth/be concerned
тратить большую часть дохода на питание идти (об одежде)/это тебе идет первый магазин самообслуживания открылся в 1950 году
Потом моя удача мне изменила беспокоить приветствовать перемену/изменение/ новинку Какой продавец вас обслуживал? работать ненормированно условия труда беспокоиться о ч-л/проявлять беспокойство 2 Vocabulary in use
1 Answer the questions using one of the following words: touch and try things, e-commerce, expensive, bring the purchase back and be refunded, fresh. 1 2 3 4 5
How can you buy a thing without leaving your home? Why do people prefer buying things in shops to online shopping? What is an advantage of buying things by catalogues? What can people do if they don’t like the thing they’ve bought? Why do people prefer buying food in the market to buying it in the supermarket?
2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 Если у вас есть опыт работы в данной области, то вам легче устроиться на работу. 2 У торговли по интернету есть свои сильные и слабые стороны. 3 Сделав покупку, нужно сохранить чек. Без чека вы не сможете вернуть товар и получить за него деньги. 4 Новый галстук очень хорошо подходит к твоему костюму. 5 Интервью перед приемом на работу заняло у него 20 минут. 3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Reported questions (reference, exercise): http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-reference/reported-questions Reported questions (exercise): http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/reported-questions Enough: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/enough Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 Она спросила, когда состоится интервью в юридической фирме. 2 Менеджер спросил, достаточно ли у неё опыта работы юрисконсультом. 3 В анкете спрашивается, какая у вас специальность и знаете ли вы какие-нибудь иностранные языки. 4 Свидетель сказал, что у него недостаточно информации об этом происшествии. 5 Судья спросил ответчика, как долго он работает в этом отделе? 113
4 Reading 1 Read the text: Vocabulary patisserie - кондитерская purchase - покупать assembly - сборка IKEA Ikea Business offers a full range of services to professional customers, companies and organizations. Our trained staff can help with everything from individual workstations, to planning a complete office. IKEA’s strong Swedish design style is successful all over the world. The Egyptian Hall has the design and architecture of 4,000 years ago. The company is growing quickly. IKEA keeps prices low. IKEA Business sells 250 different kinds of cheese, 180 sorts of bread and patisserie, 100 tones of chocolate every year. Harrods serves 30,000 customers on an average day, 300,000 customers a day during the sales. As an IKEA Business customer you can purchase from the specialist Business Catalogue, or from the complete range in the store. The IKEA catalogue gives details of the products you can buy in IKEA stores. IKEA publishes over 70 million copies each year. Customers buy furniture in a flat pack, then assemble it at home. Optional delivery and assembly services are available on request. 2 Answer the following questions: What does IKEA Business offer? What is available on request? 3 Find out some interesting facts about any business or corporation that you know and present them in class (5-6 sentences). 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Do you like shopping? Why? Is it easy or difficult for you to spend money on the things you really need? 2 Listen to the following audio and answer the questions (CD): 1 2 3 4
Where does it take place? Who are the speakers? What does the man want to do? What is the final price?
Write down the words which may be new for you. 3 Get ready with the dialogue Shop Assistance and Customer. Make use of the words from the audio.
6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: shop assistant, wardrobe, room, tickets, room, bill, complain, pullover 1 My parents _____________ that I spend too much time on computer games. 2 The manager thought that Kris had stolen a _________. 3 The _____________ in the store I often visit is very polite. 4 I will send the _____________to your boss. 5 The passengers showed the controller their ___________ when they got on the bus. 6 I haven’t got enough _______________ for everything. 7 My _____________ is very untidy and there isn’t enough furniture. 8 They need a new _______________ to keep sportwear. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 He wanted to know where I ____________ a had found it b was find it с was found it d was finding it 2 The tourists have_____________ for a week. a food enough b enough food с not much food d not many food 3 There is_________________ noise in her flat. a much too b too many с many too d too much 4 If you don’t want to spend ______________ time in the queues, you can buy things online. a too much b many с enough d too many 5 Show your passport ______________ the immigration officer. a to b of с on d− 6 He wrote a long letter ____________ me when he arrived in London. a− b to с of d on 7 Many people enjoyed self-service shopping when it _____________ first _____________. a is; introduced b was; introduce с did; introduce d was; introduced 8 The long counters and chairs for customers __________ with checkouts. a were replaced b were replace с did replace d did replaced 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Я забыл дома паспорт вчера. 2 Крис сказал, что он не знает этого человека. 3 Эти рубашки достаточно теплые. 4 Он хотел знать, сколько мне лет. 5 Крис спросил Анну, помнит ли она его. 6 Он сказал, что часто пишет статьи в газету. 7 Мне нравится примерять вещи в магазине. 8 В нашем городе большие пробки на дорогах. 4 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 My favorite shop 2 My favorite market 3 Shopping 115
UNIT 26 Persuading People 1 Vocabulary review ad/advert/advertisement advertising answer the door/the telephone bad/ill/good luck be away (on holiday/on business) cancel (a meeting) change one's mind clear up all the mess convince that dine out Go to granny's I just overheard Chris I'm happier on my own improve facilities for your people
реклама рекламировать открывать дверь/поднимать трубку невезение/неудача/удача быть в отъезде (в отпуске/в командировке) отменить (встречу) передумать прибрать/привести в порядок убеждать в чем-либо питаться в ресторанах и кафе Сходи к бабушке Я случайно услышал Криса Я хорошо себя чувствую в одиночестве
logo make a lot of mess persuade to do shy spell a word for the examiner That's not very fair on the other boys
логотип намусорить/создать беспорядок убеждать сделать что-то застенчивый
tour guide VIP services washing powder/detergent You know how shy he is You'll miss the buss unless you leave now
групповой гид услуги для важных персон стиральный порошок Ты же знаешь, какой он застенчивый
улучшить инфраструктуру города, создав условия для молодых людей
назвать слово по буквам по просьбе экзаменатора Это не справедливо по отношению к другим мальчикам
Ты опоздаешь на автобус, если не выйдешь сию минуту
2 Vocabulary in use 1 Put in the necessary verbs: 1 2 3 4 5
I manage to __________ John. He agreed to join us. I’ve __________ the idea to everyone and all of us liked it. John is not very confident. You should _________ him. I would ___________ that you read this book. It is very informative. I think we must _________ the way John spend his free time.
2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Реклама всегда старается убедить нас купить какой-то товар. Телефон зазвонил, и он сразу же поднял трубку. Есть люди, которые неплохо чувствуют себя в одиночестве. Он извинился за то, что невольно услышал беседу молодых людей. Многие жалуются на недостаток возможностей для отдыха в больших городах.
3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: First conditional (reference, exercise): http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-reference/conditionals-1 First conditional (exercise): http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises/conditionals-1 Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Если вы знаете иностранный язык, вы лучше узнаете культуру этой страны. Они получат степень бакалавра, если защитят диссертацию. Мы сообщим вам детали контракта, когда получим всю необходимую информацию. Правительство не решит этот вопрос, пока не будет принят закон о коррупции. Суд не примет решение пока не рассмотрит все обстоятельства дела. 4 Reading
1 Read the text and answer the questions Vocabulary: viewers – зрители consumer – потребитель disseminate – распространять billboards – щиты billboard advertising – наружная реклама allot resources – выделять ресурсы Persuading people through advertising Some people are easily persuaded through advertising. Advertising is mass media content intended to persuade audiences of readers, viewers or listeners to take action on products, services and ideas. The idea is to drive consumer behaviour in a particular way in regard to a product, service or concept. Advertising is the paid, impersonal one-way marketing of persuasive information from an identified sponsor disseminated through channels of mass communicator of adoption of goods, services or ideas. Advertising is a form, either written or oral, that attempts to sell something whether it is a product or particular view. Advertising is associated with commercialisms, but both concepts are far different. Commercialism is the domination of a product into society. Billboard advertising is one of the oldest forms of advertising. Some billboards are electronic and advertise more than one company. The term “billboard advertising” relates to the usage of signs along the waysides for the purpose of advertising and promoting a range of products and services. Advertising has become an essential element of the corporative world, and hence, companies allot a considerable amount of resources towards their advertising budget. 1 What is advertising? 2 What does the term “billboard advertising” relate to? 3 What are the features of the most convincing advertisements, do you think? 2 Speak about your favourite ad (10 sentences). Bring it in class, play it on the lap top and say 117
if it is really persuasive. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Do you know anything about techniques of persuasion? Does it differ from manipulation? 2 Watch the video Three Simple Rules to Persuade People: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT2wVTv7k6g Write down the words which may be new for you. Was this video interesting? Why? 3 Watch it again and make a list of recommendations given in this video. Compare your list with your mates in class. Add your tips. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: disappointed, shopping, spoil, change their minds, explained, advertising, logos, celebrate 1 Do you buy clothes with_____________ on them? 2 What are they _________? 3 When are you planning to _____________ your birthday? 4 His parents might_____________. 5 I ___________ the problem to the director. 6 I can go_______________ with you. 7 I’ll be _____________ if there are no tickets left. 8 He may_______________ your plans. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 I will help you if you ____________ me. a ask b will ask с would ask d will asking 2 If you don’t tell Marta about the party, it_____________ a surprise. a be b is с will be d was be 3 We will be hungry_________________ we arrive late for dinner. a when b as soon as с unless d if 4 I will not buy you a cake ______________ you do your homework. a when b unless с if d soon 5 I will tell you about it when you ______________. a will call me b do call me с call me d calling 6 The police ____________ the crowd from entering the square. a prevents b did prevent с was preventing d prevented 7 I’ll record the football match for you if I _____________ home in time. a will get b was get с get d am get 8 Do you think that English __________ useful for you in the future? a will b will be с be d is 118
3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 В этом журнале красивая реклама. 2 Тренер стимулировал своих учеников тренироваться каждый день. 3 Он обещал мне позвонить. 4 Они не смогли меня убедить купить билет на самолет. 5 Я не согласен с вашим решением. 6 Ваше письмо дойдет до Московской области завтра. 7 Вчера учитель объяснил нам грамматическое правило. 8 Если вы не поторопитесь, то вы пропустите автобус. 4 Grammar Units 25-26. Choose the correct form of the verb: 1 2 3 4 5 6
He ‘ll open/ opens the letter if he ‘ll see/ sees it. If you ‘ll stay/stay in bed, you won’t have/ don’t have time for breakfast. They ‘ll get/ get good marks tomorrow if they ‘ll work/ work hard today. She ‘ll phone/ phones me tomorrow when she ‘ll arrive/arrives . If I won’t go/don’t go home now, my father will worry/worries about me. You ‘ll miss/ miss the bus unless ‘ll run/ run faster.
5 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 How important are adverts in your life? 2 Can you persuade people? 3 What is your favorite advert on TV at the moment?
UNIT 27 Traveller's Tales 1 Vocabulary review be green/be concerned about environment be on a family way boardwalk boast about sth collect a child from school collect rubbish/bottles collect stamps cycle on paths between campsites
быть зеленым/заниматься проблемами окружающей среди, вести соответствующий образ жизни
drop rubbish on the beach/street earth-friendly people employ sb employee employer family discount get a high score on (the questionnaire) get a low score get an average score get fit in beautiful countryside have a family He fell down and hurt himself. historic cites/tourist sites hurt sb I didn't mean to hurt you. I don't like those who help themselves to my things without asking me. Let's listen from Jennifer litter (v, n) nanny
мусорить на пляже/на улице люди, живущие в гармонии с природой нанимать кого-либо на работу работник/сотрудник работодатель семейные скидки получить высокие балы (за ответы на вопросник) получить низкие балы получить средние балы приобрести хорошую форму, отдыхая на природе иметь семью (в том числе детей) Он упал и сильно ушибся исторические места/туристские места нанести физический или моральный вред Я не хотел тебя обидеть Мне не нравятся люди, которые пользуются моими вещами без спроса Давайте послушаем Дженнифер мусор/мусорить
obviously/in fact/actually organize dates to suit your family Please help yourself/yourselves pollution pollution damages lots of beaches rail tickets/air tickets save money on (hotels, petrol) save one's life/sb from sth spoil the scene spoil a child spoil your boyfriend/girlfriend spoilt child staff/personnel start a family start fires strand (poetic) Take care of sb/sth
очевидно/в действительности/фактически выбрать даты, которые устраивают всю семью Пожалуйста, угощайтесь загрязнение окружающей среды загрязнение/мусор угрожает пляжам билеты на поезд/на самолет экономить на (отелях, бензине) спасти кому-то жизнь/спасти кого-то от чего-то испортить/нанести ущерб какому-то месту портить/баловать ребенка баловать друга/подругу испорченный ребенок персонал/сотрудники заводить детей разжигать костры лужайка в лесу, местечко на пляже Заботиться, ухаживать за чем-то/кем-то
ожидать пополнения в семье деревянный настил хвалиться/хвастаться чем-либо забирать ребенка из школы убирать мусор/собирать бутылки собирать марки кататься на велосипеде между палаточными городками
няня, работающая с детьми с садике или частным образом
Take care on the stairs. take the worry out of your holiday worry (v, n)
Будь осторожен на лестнице. избежать волнения/беспокойства во время отдыха беспокоиться/волноваться 2 Vocabulary in use
1 Complete the following sentences. Name the reasons for travelling. 1 He is a chief executive of a large company and he usually travels ____________. 2 He is very social. He travels a lot _________________. 3 He is fond of nature and other cultures. He spends a lot of money on travelling ___________________. 4 To learn more about France he _______________ of this country. 5 Nowadays many people travel _________________. 2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
В наши дни загрязнение окружающей среды является серьёзной проблемой. Многие люди озабочены состоянием окружающей среды. Я собираюсь совершить путешествие по Европе. Путешествие заняло несколько часов, но мы не скучали. Извини, я не хотел тебя обидеть. 3 Grammar practice
Do the online exercises: Adverbs: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/adverbials/adverbs-manner Reflexive pronouns (reference and exercise): http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-reference/reflexive-pronouns Reflexive pronouns: http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-exercise-reflexivepronouns.php#.VDUB3md_u0J Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Я выполнил этот перевод сам. Они посмотрели друг на друга. Он звонит нам каждый день. Все студенты нашей группы занимаются различными видами спорта. Каждый турист должен уважать законы страны, которую он посещает. 4 Reading
Read the text and answer the questions Vocabulary: to appreciate – ценить amusements – развлечения space –пространство scheme – проект 121
Made in Japan, sold in Britain 54,400 Japanese live in Britain. Japanese like Britain. They find it strange, but they like it. Helen, one of only 70 “office ladies” – junior women managers – in Britain, is happy. She is in London as part of a scheme to give office ladies overseas experience. “When I come back to Japan, I have to live with my family,” she says. “There are few amusements and we can’t be relaxed because all Japanese are very busy”. The Japanese appreciate the space, the more relaxed atmosphere and the longer holidays, but they also experience some difficulties: the most obvious is the language. Mr Kojima has lived in Wales for two years, and still has problems. “The language is very difficult, but the staff are very experienced at explaining to the Japanese”, he says. “I can understand the explanations, but I can’t understand when they talk to each other”. Besides the language, there are also cultural differences which can make life difficult. Mr Stone says “the British like arguments, the Japanese don’t. They dislike raising the opposite opinion. In Japan everyone respects the opinion of the majority”. 1 What is Helen’s job title? Describe her job as you understand it. 2 What problems does Mr Kojima have? 3 Do you think it is easy or difficult for Japanese to mix with British people socially? Give reasons. 4 What can make life in another country difficult in your opinion? 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Do you like travelling? Would you like to share traveler’s tales? 2 Listen to the audio A Radio Advert (on CD). Write down the words which may be new for you. What was it about? What types of holidays are advertised? Was it interesting? Why? 3 Work with your partner: get ready with the dialogue The Most Unforgettable Journey. Use information and vocabulary under study. Present your dialogue in class. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: nanny, volunteers, cows, basement, rubbish, beaches, crowds, countryside, pollution 1 My parents want to spend their holiday in the _____________. 2 Some people drop their _____________ on the beach. 3 Jim looked after _____________ in a farm last summer. 4 A Spanish family employed me as a _____________. 5 Next year the government will employ someone to organize the ___________. 6 _______________ damages lots of _______________. 122
7 My parents are tired of _____________. 8 He is going to paint a_______________. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 ____________ Kris helped to write a little notice. a unfortunately b lucky с luckily
d obviously
2 My brother doesn’t need a babysitter because he looks after _____________. a his
b himself
с him
d he
3 I went to bed very late last night. ______________I wasn’t tired this morning. a in fact
b surprisingly
с of course
d obviously
4 ______________ we can’t help you. a unfortunately
b fortunately
с surprisingly
d luckily
5 ____________ I see him he is upset. a each time
b every time
с all time
d some time
6 She translated the article _____________. a her
b she
с her’s
d herself
3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Моя сестра купила вчера несколько лотерейных билетов. 2 Ты не должна носить такую тяжелую коробку. 3 Будьте осторожны на лестнице. 4 Волонтеры работали парами. 5 Анна заказала напитки для друзей. 6 Марта собирается путешествовать по Европе одна. 7 Я видел, как они жгли вчера мусор. 8 Вам будут платить 20 долларов в неделю. 4 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 My experience of working in summer. 2 Volunteers. 3 Going to the countryside.
UNIT 28 What Would You Do? 1 Vocabulary review arrive on time at/in the end be in the public eye be in time be in/out of stock be on one's guards be on the front page of the newspaper be on time bodyguard celebrity checkout chef cry Do you fancy being a star? famous person get good qualifications happen by accident I don't mind being shouted at I spotted a shark
прибывать по расписанию в конце/в конце концов/наконец быть в центре внимания прийти вовремя /быть кстати, в нужное время находиться в наличии/закончиться быть начеку мелькать на первых страницах газет прийти куда-либо вовремя/согласно расписанию телохранитель знаменитость касса шеф-повар плакать Ты хотел бы стать звездой? известный человек получить хорошее образование произойти случайно Мне все равно кричат на меня или нет Я заметил акулу
If Suzi were old enough, she'd learn to Если бы Сюзанна была старше, она бы училась drive (second conditional) водить машину
invite sb to events keep one's ideas up-to-date keep sb in sight all the time lift weights miss sb/ sth
приглашать кого-либо на мероприятия предлагать современные идеи держать кого-либо в поле зрения заниматься штангой/гантелями скучать по кому-либо/ пропустить/не заметить что-либо never-ending supply of sth бесконечный запас чего-либо of course, in the end, if they stars they конечно, в конце концов, если звездам don't like my clothes any more, I'll be перестанут нравиться мои наряды, я окажусь в famous one day and unknown the next ситуации, когда сегодня я — знаменит, а завтра забыт oversleep-overslept-overslept проспать personal assistant личный секретарь/помощник personal trainer личный тренер politician политик public figure общественный деятель roller coaster американские горки see problems in advance предвидеть проблемы shout кричать soap opera сериал take notice of sth замечать что-либо/обращать внимание VIP (very important person) важная персона work long hours работать допоздна yell орать 124
2 Vocabulary in use 1 Replace the underlined words with synonymic word combinations: 1 2 3 4 5
He agreed to take part in the event after all. He is a good politician. He manages to foresee the problems. The appointment is very important. We can’t be late. This man wasn’t paid much attention to at the beginning of his career. It took him years of work to become a good writer and a famous man.
2 Translate from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Если вы знаменитость, то пресса всегда держит вас в поле зрения. Имя этого человека всегда мелькает на первых страницах газет. Я не возражаю против того, чтобы его пригласили на это мероприятие. В этом университете вы можете получить хорошее образование. Нам нужно поторопиться, чтобы не опоздать на самолет. 3 Grammar practice
Do the online exercises: Conditionals (reference, exercise): http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-reference/conditionals-1 Conditional sentences: http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-exercise-conditionals.php#. VDUE7md_u0I Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Если бы у меня было время, я бы пошел с вами в клуб. На твоем месте, я бы прислушался к его советам. Если бы не дождь, мы бы осмотрели все достопримечательности Лондона. Если бы они приехали сегодня, они бы попали на закрытие фестиваля. Если бы вы с ним поговорили, вы бы убедили его. 4 Reading
Read the text and answer the questions Vocabulary: suppliers – поставщики manufacturers – производители customers – клиенты sales promotions – стимулирование сбыта/продвижение товара Jake’s job Jake is responsible for three big departments at Harrods. He has a lot of meetings. In the morning, his secretary gives him his appointments for the day, often five or six meetings with buyers. In his three departments there are fifty buyers. They visit designers and suppliers – the manufactures of the products. They often attend fashion shows around the world looking for 125
exciting, quality products for the store. They meet regularly to discuss ideas for their collections – the groups of new products the next season. Generally, he doesn’t have a lot of time for travelling. People usually bring ideas to him! He walks round his departments to talk to the sales staff and customers every day. Jake is having a lot of meetings with his fashion buyers. At the moment they are discussing next spring’s children swear collections. He is also meeting a lot of supplies. They are coming to see him because he is very busy at the moment and he is not making any business trips. He is also talking to their marketing people about sales promotions, so he has an interesting programme this month! 1 What employees at Harrods does Jake see regularly? 2 Is he busy at the moment? What with? 2 Describe one of the most unusual jobs in class (10 sentences). Use the vocabulary under study. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Celebrities – what does it mean to you? What people are most significant for you? 2 Listen to the audio An Interview with a Psychologist (on CD) Write down the words which may be new for you. What was it about? Was it interesting? Why? 3 Listen to this audio again and choose the correct answer: 1 Dr Graaf believes that all good leaders have a special personal qualities b team spirit c great sense of humour 2 Dr Graaf says that leaders have to a try to be more popular b make difficult decisions c please everybody 3 What does Dr Graaf say about bosses? a They sometimes make bad choices b They are sometimes in a panic c They are not always liked 4 Dr Graaf says that to be an effective leader, you must be a determined b like a superhero
6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: qualifications, responsible, famous, advance, accident, borrow, unknown, essential, public 1 I am _____________ for cooking meals. 2 If you want this job you should get the right _________. 3 Famous people can’t afford to make any mistakes in _____________, can they? 4 You can be _____________ one day and _____________ the next. 5 I am ___________ to a star who wants to look good. 6 I have to see problems in _______________ before they happen. 7 Is it your bike? No, it isn’t. My friend let me _____________ it. 8 It doesn’t happen by_______________. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 If we lived near the sea, ____________ to the beach every weekend. a we’d went b we’d gone с we’d go d we’d been gone 2 If you _____________ your purse, I’ll lend you some money. a lose b lost с have lost d have lose 3 If I _________________ a pop star I’d write amazing songs. a was b were с am d will be 4 I make sure she arrives everywhere ______________ time. a over b by с on d in 5 Where did you appear ______________? a for b of с at d from 6 I am scared. Someone is knocking ____________ my door a in b at с by d to 7 If I had a ticket I _____________ to the theater. a would gone b would go с will go
d will gone
8 If there is any trouble I have to be there _____________ once. a in b for с at d of 9 If I knew about it I __________ you. a will help b would helped с will helped
d would help
10 She __________ trust anyone because many people deceived her. a couldn’t b may not с might not d is not 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Он не знал, как играть на сцене. 127
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Если бы ты знал английский, ты бы мог работать в нашей фирме. Если бы мои соседи были бы дружелюбными, то я бы пригласил их на вечеринку. Если бы Лиза не попросила меня, я бы ей не помог. Чтобы ты делал, если бы у тебя было много денег? Может быть я тебе позвоню сегодня вечером. Он спросил меня, сколько у меня книг на английском языке. В этом районе много интересных исторических зданий.
4 Grammar Units 27-28. Choose the correct form of the verbs: I have a job but don’t earn much money, so I’m hoping to go to college next year. I want to study English, Chinese and Arabic because I know I would earn/earned
much more if I would
speak/spoke those languages well. If I would earned/earned lots of money, I would go/ went travelling. But if I would have/had a well-paid job, I probably wouldn’t have/don’t have time to travel. However, I would travel/travelled for work if I would work/worked as a flight attendant. So that’s what I want to do.
5 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 What would you do if you spoke perfect English? 2 What would you do if you had a lot of time to spare? 3 Celebrities
UNIT 29 What's on the Menu? 1 Vocabulary review a bag of crisps/sugar a bar of chocolate a carton of milk a lump of sugar a packet of biscuits a piece of cake a rasher of bacon a slice of meat/bread Anything for the desert/the sweets? Are we going to get our food soon? baked potato basket boiled eggs bowl bucket cabbage coke cutlery dairy products Do you want to eat in or take away? dumplings fizzy drinks fork fried mushrooms further up the road grape(s) grilled chicken I would like a leaf salad for a starter I'll just have a main course I'm not very keen on hot spices. - No, neither am I. I've got a motorbike. - Really? I haven't.
пакет чипсов/сахара плитка шоколада пакет молока кусочек сахара пакет печенья кусочек торта тоненький кусочек бекона кусочек мяса/хлеба Что-нибудь на десерт/на сладкое? Нам скоро принесут еду/заказ? печеная картошка корзинка вареные яйца миска ведерко капуста кока-кола приборы молочные продукты Будете кушать здесь или на вынос? пельмешки газированные напитки вилка жареные грибы дальше/чуть дальше по дороге виноград цыпленок гриль Я буду листовой салат на закуску Я буду только горячее блюдо/второе. Я не очень люблю острые специи. - Я тоже.
У меня есть мотоцикла. - Правда? У меня нет. I've never tasted this.- Nor/neither did I. Я никогда это не пробовал. - Я тоже. knife - knives нож - ножи lettuce салат-латук more space available еще больше места (в ресторане) oil масло (напр. подсолнечное) one penny – two pence один пенс, два пенса open every day except Monday открыт каждый день кроме понедельника peanut земляной орех/арахис pear груша puree пюре raw meat сырое мясо Restaurant offers a wide range of extremely Ресторан предлагает большой выбор очень tasty food вкусных блюд 129
salt and pepper sausage spinach spoon Starter/appetizer Still or sparkling water? take away restaurant tart That's it!
соль и перец колбаса шпинат ложка закуска Вода без газа или с газом? ресторан на вынос пирог (зд.) с меня довольно! That's thirteen pounds twenty. - Here you are. С вас 13 фунтов 20 пенсов. – Пожалуйста. there was no much choice выбор был небольшим This potato isn't properly cooked. Part of it Эта картошка не доварена. Часть ее почти is almost raw! сырая. We had six courses/dishes for dinner. У нас было шесть блюд на ужин We'd like home-made soup, please Мы возьмем домашний суп. We'd like to come here again. - So would I. Мы бы хотели прийти сюда еще раз. - Я тоже. well done stake/medium/medium-rare хорошо прожаренный стейк/средней прожарки/с кровью Well, that's it. I'm going to see the manager С меня хватит. Пойду поговорю с менеджером What did your waitress look like? Как выглядит ваша официантка? What flavour milkshake does your friend С каким наполнителем/вкусом сделать want? молочный коктейль для вашей подруги? wholesale bread цельно зерновой хлеб 2 Vocabulary in use 1 Complete the sentences: 1 2 3 4 5
The Thai and Mexican food is ____________. Would you like Lancashire Hotpot? – What is it made of? – Lamb and potatoes. No, thank you. I’m ____________. He was too tired to cook. So he came round to a restaurant to find something to ______ _________. The service and the food were very bad. So, they were cross with the waiter and didn’t him __ _______. When he tried banana ice-cream for the first time he didn’t like the _____________.
2 Translate from Russian into English: Что сегодня в меню? Что вы рекомендуете в качестве закуски? В качестве основного блюда я бы взял традиционную рыбу с картошкой. - Я бы заказал что-нибудь попить. – Я тоже. Пожалуй, лучше всего выпить минеральной газированной воды. 5 Этот небольшой местный ресторан предлагает большой выбор блюд китайской кухни (Chinese food). 1 2 3 4
3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: So do I: http://www.better-english.com/grammar/sodoi.htm So do I, neither do I: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-reference/so Polite request: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/learnitv239.shtml Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 2 3 4 5
Они сдают экзамен в среду. И мы тоже. Ему не нравится этот фильм. И нам тоже. Он опоздал на семинар. И я тоже. Она пришла вовремя. И вы тоже. Мы не пользуемся телефоном на занятиях. И они тоже. 4 Reading
1 Read the text and get ready to discuss it in class Vocabulary: research - исследование rate of heart disease – процент сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний ancient Greeks – древние греки add – добавлять to reduce - уменьшать Why are the French so lucky? That was the question medical researchers wanted to answer. The French eat much more cheese than other Europeans but they have the lowest rate of heart disease. Cheese is bad for the heart because, like butter and cream, it has a lot of fat. The results of research are surprising, and good news for wine lovers everywhere. The French are also the biggest wine drinkers in Europe and drinking wine with food reduces the risk of heart attack. And if you are not a wine lover? No problem, a daily aspirin has the same result. The ancient Greeks were also lucky, it seems. Their diet of olive oil, garlic, fish, vegetables, and bread was very healthy. They ate very little meat, fat, or sugar. The experts today tells us to eat less meat and more vegetables, fruit, fish, pasta, bread, and potatoes. Chicken is healthier than beef because it has less fat. Garlic, the basis of French aioli, Spanish gambas al ajillo, Italian bruschetta and Greek tzatziki, also has a good effect on the heart, as well as other benefits, which is perhaps why the ancient Greeks ate so much of it. So, if you love your heart, add a little more garlic and wine to your diet. 2 Speak about your eating habits (10 sentences) and prepare 5 questions to ask your mates about theirs in class. 5 Discussing video/audio 1 Do you like dining out? What do you usually choose from the menu? 131
2 Listen to the audio Going to a Restaurant (on CD). Write down the words which may be new for you. What was it about? Who is/ isn’t satisfied? Why/why not? Was it interesting? Why? 3 Get ready with the dialogue on this topic and present it in class. Make use of the information you got from this audio. 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: lamb, vegetarian, recommend, reports, spicy, tastes, onions, hungry, slice, mineral, thirsty 1 What are you going to have? What do you_____________? 2 I love _________ food. 3 I’ve read and heard so many good _____________about the Thai restaurant. 4 Can you tell me what Mexican food_____________ like? 5 Let’s go to eat. I am ___________. 6 It’s made of_______________ with potatoes and _______________. 7 Do they serve _____________ dishes? 8 I’d like a_______________ of meat and some potatoes. 9 Would you like to order any drinks before your friends arrive? Yes, I am really ____________. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 I love spicy food. – a So am I b So I am
с So do I
d So I do
2 I have got a car. – a So have got I b So have I
с So I have
3 I am not afraid of dogs. – a Nor I am b Nor I am not
с Neither am I
d So I have got d Neither am I not
4 ______________ your meal! a Enjoy b Have с Eat d Order 5 I don’t like sitting outside. a Neither am I b Neither I am
с Neither I do
6 I have really enjoyed the party. – a So have I b So do I с So I have
d Neither do I
d So I do 132
7 I can’t eat any more. – a So I can’t b Neither can I
с Neither I can’t
d So can’t I
8 I would like to come here again. – a So do I b So would I like с So would I
d So like I
9 The meal cost more than I ______________. a expected b have expected с will expect
d had expected
3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Мне бы хотелось попробовать традиционное блюдо из Англии. 2 Мясо плохо приготовлено. Его часть почти сырая! 3 Мы будем заказывать салат из тунца и отварного риса. 4 Как называется это блюдо? 5 Я не знаю, когда я позвоню тебе. 6 Я был разочарован поведением официанта. – Я тоже. 7 Я люблю домашний суп. – Я тоже. 8 Когда закрывается это кафе? 9 Не могли бы вы узнать, из чего сделано это блюдо? 10 Он собирается дать официанту чаевые. 4 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 Vegetarian food. 2 What kind of restaurants is your favorite? 3 Picnic arrangements.
UNIT 30 Blue for a Boy, Pink for a Girl? 1 Vocabulary review earn the same salary for the same job
получать одинаковую зарплату за аналогичную работу
bump into sb
столкнуться с кем-либо
chat to sb
поболтать с кем-либо
cool/my type
отличный/моего вкуса
do her homework for her
сделать домашнюю работу за нее
do one's hair and make-up
сделать кому-то прическу и макияж
go out together
гулять вместе/дружить
едва/ вряд ли/ почти не/с трудом
He feels sad
Ему грустно
He's really not my type
Он не в моем вкусе
I hardly ever see her
Я почти не вижу ее
I hardly recognized her
Я с трудом узнал ее
I hardly slept last night
Я почти не спал ночью
I hope she isn't mad with me
Я надеюсь, что она не злится на меня
I scored a goal
Я забил гол
I went past
Я прошла мимо
If I were you, I’d have the fish dish
На твоем месте я бы заказал рыбное блюдо
I'll be so embarrassed
Я буду чувствовать себя смущенной
I'm fed up with boys honestly
Мне до чертиков надоели парни
I'm laid back and down to earth guy (Am)
Я — простой парень без причуд
I'm ordinary
Я — простой парень
It isn't so crowded at weekdays
По будням там не так много народа
It's such a good restaurant
Это такой замечательный ресторан
It's such good weather
Такая отличная погода
I've enjoyed meeting you
Мне понравилось общаться с тобой
look really pleased with oneself
быть довольным собой
Lucy and her mate
Люся и ее подружка
mixed football teams
смешанные футбольные команды
nothing special
ничего особенного
notice sb
замечать кого-либо
See you later/see you soon
Увидимся/до скорого свидания
support the school football team
болеть за школьную футбольную команду 134
The bill didn't include the service charge
Счет не включал наценку за обслуживание
the boys are embarrassing
мальчишки сильно утомляют
the kind of boy I like
тип, который мне нравится
Unless muscles, cool clothes and a great Если только мышцы, модная одежда и стильная haircut are your thing прическа не составляют предел вашей мечты
whistle at sb
свистеть вслед кому-либо
write sb a note instead of talking
лучше написать записку, чем обратиться 2 Vocabulary in use
1 Replace the underlined informal words with synonyms: 1 2 3 4 5
I hope she isn't mad with me. Just fancy whom I’ve bumped into in the street! We’ve got a newcomer in our class. I’ve just met him. He’s a great guy. He is probably the smartest student in the college. I’ve got a lot of mates at school. We do a lot of things together.
2 Translate from Russian into English: На твоем месте я бы попросил кого-нибудь помочь с математикой. Распродажа была очень успешной. Почти ничего не осталось. У него почти нет свободного времени. За какую команду ты болеешь? Когда он уезжал, ему было грустно. 3 Grammar practice Do the online exercises: Hard/hardly: http://www.englishgrammar.org/adjective-adverb-grammar-exercise/ Verb followed by –ing clauses: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/verbs/verbs-followed-ing-clauses 1 2 3 4 5
Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1 Он вряд ли знает их адрес. 2 Вряд ли кто-нибудь знает ответ на этот вопрос. 3 Они почти не виделись с тех пор. 4 Получив диплом, он нашел интересную работу. 5 Прежде чем ответить, подумайте. 4 Reading 1 Read the text and see if the writer’s ideas are the same as yours Vocabulary: approach – подход empowerment – расширение прав и возможностей crucial – жесткий current management theorems –текущие теоремы управления hurtful – ранимый Men and women 135
Men and women do things differently. Ann is a managing director of Speakeasy Training, a consultancy that runs courses for men and women working together. She describes a few key differences between men and women in the workplace. The male approach to business is comparative and direct. Personal status and a focus on the individual are important. The female method is collaborative. Lateral thinking, as well as goodwill of the individual, are also of great importance. Men like to talk about their personal experiences or discuss “masculine” topics such as cars and sport. Women tend to talk about staff problems and personal matters. Men’s humour can be crucial – a man’s joke usually has a victim. Female humour is less hurtful. A woman often jokes against herself. The male approach is to go to the heart of the problem, without taking into account secondary consideration. The female preference is to look at various options. Many men have a female style of working. Equally, many women have a male approach. As Ann says many of the current management theorems – flatter organizations, empowerment, managing by consensus – have a female style to them. 2 Answer the following questions: 1 Do you think the male way of speaking does not encourage discussions? 2 Is it possible for men and women to laugh at the same things? 6 Revision 1 Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations: wide range, hard, sad, fed, harder, scored, extremely, type, embarrassed, support, hardly, include, painting, charge, mixed 1 My brother is happy because he _____________ a goal yesterday! 2 I am _____________ up with boys honestly. 3 Do you _____________ the school football team? 4 Lucy is not going to call Dave because he is not her _____________. 5 Don’t help me as I will be ___________. 6 The bill didn’t _______________ the service _______________. 7 Beth works _____________than her boyfriend. 8 The Golden Spoon offers a ___________ of _______________ tasty food. 9 I worked so ___________ that I could _______________ slept last night. 10 How was he involved in _______ football teams? 11 Tom feels _____. 12 There are some Thai ____ on the wall. 2 Choose the correct answer: 1 I’d like __________from you soon. a hear b to hear c hearing d be hearing 2 Would you like ____________to the theatre with me? a go b going с be going d to go 3 After __________ that Kris was playing the piano, Lucinda went to his concert. a hearing b be hearing с was hearing d hear 4 I go to the cinema in the evening after ______________dinner. 136
a cook b will cook с cooking d to cook 5 Before ______________exotic food we asked for the waiter’s advice. a choosing b chose с be choosing d chosen 6 Ruth and Gary are going to the beach. I would like____________ them. a join to b joining to с to join to d to join 7 Before _____________ with Jake Helen asked Angela to do her hair. a to go out b going out с was gone out d be going out 8 After______ a letter from John Sophie told him that she liked him. a get b to get c getting d be getting 9 I like ____. a cooked b be cooking c cook d cooking 10 _____ translating the text learn these words. a under b after c before d in 3 Translate these sentences into English: 1 Мне нравится Альберт, потому что он простой парень без причуд. 2 Хельга предпочитает рестораны с разной кухней вместо пляжа. 3 Когда Марфа вышла из автобуса, водитель долго насвистывал ей вслед. 4 Мальчики физически сильнее девочек. 5 Девочкам легче говорить о своих чувства, чем мальчикам. 6 Мне бы хотелось выучить несколько экзотических языков. 7 Том считает, что в парламенте должно быть одинаковое количество мужчин и женщин. 8 Смешанные футбольные команды – хорошая идея! 9 Я не видел своего однокурсника 5 лет, поэтому я едва узнал его. 10 Прежде чем пойти на дискотеку Лусинда сделала макияж. 4 Grammar Units 29-30. Choose the correct form of the verbs: I ‘m/called Placido. I born/was born in the United States, but I ‘ve lived/lived in Switzerland until I had/was ten, and since then I ‘ve been/was in Spain, where my father’s family comes/is coming from. I speak/’m speaking Spanish and German, and some English. I intend studying/to study languages at university. Last year my parents let me to go/go to England for a summer course. I ‘d wanted/wanted to visit England since I ‘ve been/was small. Before left/leaving Spain I spent hours on the computer, reading about the UK. Some cousins said/told me the people was/were unfriendly and it could/must be rainy all summer. However, I was stayed/stayed with a family who behaved/were very kind to me and I made/met lots of new friends at the language school. It only rained/was raining twice in two weeks. I hope go/to go back there next year. My sister Adriana said yesterday that she would like going/to go as well. It was/would be great if she came/would come too. We hope my parents will say/to say ‘Yes’ when we ask/’ll ask them. 5 Choose one of the topics and write a brief essay (use the words under study): 1 Friendship between boys and girls. 2 What activities should boys be encouraged to do? 3 Men and women should earn the same salary for the same job. 137
REFERENCES 1. Virginia Evans & Jenny Dooley. Upstream. Pre-Intermediate. Express Publishing. UK, 2004. 2. John & Liz Soars. Headway. Pre-Intermediate. Student Book. Oxford University Press, 2000. 3. What is Advertising? www.ehow.com/facts_4855692-what-is-adverting.html 4. Sue Robbins. First Insights Into Business Students' Book Longman; 5. Liz Taylor. International Express Pre-Intermediate. Student's Book Oxford University Press 6. British Council, URL: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/ 7. BBC Learning English URL: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish 8. Flo-Joe Cambridge Exam Preparation URL: http://www.flo-joe.co.uk/ 9. Exam English URL: http://www.examenglish.com/ 10. Better English Lessons URL: http://www.better-english.com/ 11. My English Pages. Grammar URL: http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar.php 12. Me English Pages http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-exercisereflexive-pronouns.php#.VDUB3md_u0J 13. English Language Teaching Oxford University Press URL: https://elt.oup.com/learning_resources/?cc=ru&selLanguage=ru 14. Online Writing Lab, Purdue University, URL: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/exercises/2/2/8/ 15. English Exercises, URL: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=1759 16. Ginger Grammar Rules URL: http://www.gingersoftware.com/content/grammar-rules/ 17. Hashemi L., Thomas Barbara Objective PET. Cambridge University Press, 2000. CD-ROM 18. YouTube http://www.youtube.com/