Vicon Marketing Q3-Q4 2018
“With the ne and on his chw HD cameras, I can se e th est. I know ex ac tly which e white on his toes dog I’m look naging Partne r ing at.”
~ Nancy Mil ler, PDX Ma
Several new Vicon 4 MP HD cameras where visibility were installed was lacking. in locations Nancy says, out back, and “We have alm the cameras ost an acre we had didn on at the top ’t let me see end of the prop what was goin g erty. Now I the playgrou can see ever nd and easily y corner of identify wha things need t thin gs are correct and attention.” The what HD cameras specific dog also help with s. With so man iden tifyi ng y on site, the matters. “Som ability to see etimes, I’d see detail really a dog run by Now I can see and it was just the white on a blob. his toes and which dog I’m on his chest; looking at.” I know exactly The training arena, created from the old space that skating rink, required som was another e special atte area where ntion. This is there is ofte a large open n lots of acti using two of vity. Pendell Vicon’s 360 recommend ed degree 12M provide cove P cam eras, which rage of the could entire arena traditional fixed instead of usin cameras. This While preservi g 8 to 10 was a highly ng use of exis reducing cam cost-effective ting analog era hardwar system pric solu cameras help tion, e, licensing e for the initi ed reduce The cameras fees and inst al installation, also provide allation labo those cameras PDX plans to an unexpected r. for Vicon’s HD wide, unobstr swap out benefit. Bec analog cameras ucted field-of-v ause of thei an opportunity as soon as ther iew, r Nancy can . Offering the video of agili e’s play back and same video ty exercises new qua IP stud she does with cameras, Vico lity as the faci y her training mor the dogs, help n’s HD analog lity’s e effective. She ing to make the existing models can cabling and says, “When transmit over I’m comfortable connect to the I get to the poin enough with This will mak encoder alre t where it, we may use e the convers ady some of our in place. it as a teaching ion simple and classes.” comparison affordable. “The tool in in quality betw re’s no een the olde ones with high r cameras and definition,” says the new Nancy.
135 Fell Cou
rt, Hauppauge
, New York 117
88 USA | 1 631.952.228
8 | www.vico n-securi
With Valerus now in place, it’s much easi with investiga er for Keith’s tions. “The team to assi searching feat st Valerus, and ure is so muc we can see h easier on up to 99 cam huge for an eras on one institution like screen. This ours is . I can go from next with no one camera trouble whatsoe to the ver.”
I hope I wou ldn’t accept an inferior prod but the quality uct in place of good serv of service is ice, paramount whe We have a supe n I work with rb relationship a vendor. with ITsavvy. I count on them .” Fortunately, While the Cath Geo ff is equally edral of Sain t John the Divin pleased with the Valerus operates as the perform e’s security orga system. “Any part of the ance of nization inclu thing we’ve greater com wanted in a Precinct, the ded. We may munity form system is now ed by the 26th team at ITsa not be takin g advantage vvy contribu With system Cathedral’s of it yet, but tes as mem expansion and own in-house it’s there.” bers of the with security team enhancements ITsavvy wor no end in sigh . In fact, an emp an ong ks onsite alon oing t, the Cathedra loyee from project gside Geoff l of Saint Joh security syst week. Of this and his staff n the Divine’s em – like the unusual relat three days each new Cathedral itsel ionship, Geo equipped to f – now has ff says, “I’m all grow and evol a foundation about service. ve along with the commun ity it serves.
Fell Court, Hau Vicon and its ppauge, New logo are regis York 11788 to change with tered trademark USA | 1 631. 952.2288 | their owners. out notice. Copyright ©20 s and Vicon Valerus www.vicon-se and its logo PN8015-5806 18 Vicon Indu are trade -15 stries Inc. All rights reserved marks of Vicon Industrie . All other trade s Inc. Product spec marks used in this publicatio ifications are subject n are the prop erty of
“I was surp rised by ho w little curren t the Vico n Cruiser ca mera pulls , even when pann ing, tilting and zooming. I’ve tried running other PTZs off solar po wer, and they are fine du ring the day but ea t up all th e battery at night an d stop wor king. The Vicon camera is really power effic ient.” ~ Wray
Pelicam “II”
The new Pel Lemke, Fo icam wen under and t on line in “It took us early Aug Vice President, a while bec ust 2018. ause we nee Andy exp Mount Ple the Pelica lains, ded to ide asant Radio m, at a spo ntif y a new t call ed loc land’s ow Shutes Fol ation for ners, and ly, get per then coordin mis sion from camera and ate with the the solar panels. DNR to put ” up the pol e, The new Pelicam fea tures a Vic SN673V-B on Cruiser , with 20X PTZ cam opt ical zoom era, model resolution and high . “The qua lity of the definition motion is new camera 1080P really respon is great,” say sive and the s Andy. “Th is excelle quality of e nt. We had the focus tried a PTZ and before we zoom camera on started wo the origina rkin g with Wray, l Pelicam, wouldn’t respond to and it was our comma so frustrat and zooms ing. It nds. But exactly as the Vicon cam it should in really clo era pans and its hig se.” h magnifica tion gets us Andy has the camera set up with six direction presets, and of the cam era regula he change Folly where rly to foc s the us on the the most interesting area of Shu also suppor wildlife is tes ts auto tou on display. rs, a capabi The camera ver y soon. lity he pla “It will be ns to take convenien advantage rotate and t to have of provide cha the camera nging sce automatic nes for our ally viewers.” the same solar cell The Vicon and battery camera is a PTZ wit . In the pas also energy h solar pow t, when I’ve the values effi cient – a ben er, it would of the Con tried runnin would eat be fine dur efit that alig ser vation g up all the by how littl ing the day ns with League. Wra battery at e current it , but the PTZ y says “I was wo night and rkin pul g. The Vic ls, even wh surprised I could eve the camera on camera en pannin n put anothe would sto is g, really pow tilting and p r couple of er efficien zooming. fixed cam t.” eras out the Because of re to run off the high spe ed wireles mounting s link Wra pole at Shu y has install tes Folly, 135 Fell Cou ed on the there is no rt, Hauppa latency tran uge, New York 11788 smitting USA | 1 631.952.2
288 | ww w.vicon
“It doesn use that ’t do anyone an those tw people just pro y good if a syst p e o things togethe the doors open m is so difficult r.” to . We had to blend problem to
immedia tely instig wired to ate a loc open inp k down uts on the the need . The bu nearest for long ttons are VA X door electrica panels, l runs ba eliminatin ck to the g ser ver roo The pla m. yer ’s pra ctice fie that’s us ld is acces ed by the sible thr media, an ough an visitors d ext who enter VA X pro ernal ga vides the te there. As temporar ability to needed, y credenti members control als that of the pre time perio can unloc ss are giv d before k the gate en expiring. only for a designa ted The pla yers’ pa rking lot transmi also lev tters tha erages t players the VA X cars are use to op system. integrated en the pa Th e rki with VA ng lot ga gate is act X, provid te from ivated, an ing a rec their d by whom ord of eac ver y hig . In addit h-resolut h time the ion, a 12M ion video with the P camera of the person dri vehicle en captures ving it, an tering an access d exiting, d that vid control along eo is link event. “Ve ed to the extende ry expen d periods respecti sive cars The sys ve , when the are lef t that abso tem is team is in the lot manage lutely no tra veling, an head of d by the for body ge there – IT. Valer d this ma ts into tha team’s not even us’ thin-c head of kes sure t parking monitori the office lient we security lot who ng acces staff,” say b-browser and shouldn s to su s the Se interfac ’t be receptio pport sta Valerus’ curity Dir e provid nis t. The sys ector. Coverag ff, includ es tem it e ing the ’s eas Zo video sea The fac nes y for the team’s ility ’s su rch capa m to co rve nd bili identify illance sys uct invest ties has inside an vehicles igations tem inc made d outsi tha lud . Video ha t were im es close de the docume Manage s helped properly building to nt 50 a ment Sy the ca to , connect driving on ft on the meras, stem, Va parking ed to Vic property the tur f depending lerus. Th lot gate , and tro field, on’s Vid on their had mech ey range uble-shoo eo use, an anical pro from 2M equippe t when d all are P to 12M d with a blems. the from Vic VA X contr P, Extra Po to it, so on. Any oller has ints that vid do orw a de eo ay dicated One of the verificati a restric camera on can mo ted area. re ma unusual be made pped security uses for of anyon at all. the e entering The tea system m’s profes team ma is not rel Special nageme ated to sional ath 360° ca nt to ret letic lea meras are time eac ain a ful gue req corners mounted h player l year’s uires of the bu spends docume high on ilding. Va motion-a on the pra ntation each of image an lerus sof ctivated of the ctice fie the exteri d breaks 2M tw ld. To do are dewa P cameras or it into fou provides Those fou this, speci rps their are ac r separa ces po sit r cameras al s between fisheye ioned at te views walking every do the player provide fro camera m fro eac or the sec m the fie s’ area an that views fro h came urity tea ld to the ra. d the fie m aroun and is rec m with ver y costbuilding ld. Anyon d the bu orded in 16 differ triggers effective e ilding’s hig en the t h-d wa init pe motion y to cover efinition iates a leg rimeter, type of ca sensor video. Th providing such an al battle meras are expansiv at way, saying he a docume used wit warehou if a player e area. Th ntation of practiced hin the tea se style e same too long, exactly wh m’s equip racking there is en he wa is filled wit ment roo clear s on and m, where h valuable off the fie Vicon’s inventor Va ld. lerus de y. livers po that are werful, en easy to d-to-end manage sec sports tea urity solut . Its wo m also ions rk with highlights 135 Fell this pro Vicon and employee its ability Court, Ha fessiona s and op to change its logo are reg to delive uppauge, l erationa istered tra r convenie withou New Yo l efficienc their ow rk 11788 nce to ies to ma ners. PN t notice. Copyrig demarks and USA | 1 8015-5806 Vicon Val ht ©2018 nageme 631 eru nt. -12 .952.2288 Vicon Ind s and its log ustries Inc | www.v . All righ o are trademark icon-secu ts reserv ed. All s of Vicon Indust other tra demarks ries Inc. Produc t used in this pub specifications are lication subjec are the property t of
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