Natural Awakeings Tallahassee, July 2010

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HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET feel good live simply laugh more


Special Edition:

NATURAL FOODS Eat Well, Live Well, Be Well

Mariel Hemingway’s




Savor Regional Foods


JULY 2010 Tallahassee, South Georgia, Gulf Coast | natural awakenings

July 2010


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The Integrative Approach.

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Tallahassee, S. Georgia, Gulf Coast


MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Care. Commitment. Community. © 2010 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call for a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available for $18 (for 12 issues). Please call 850-590-7024 with credit card information or mail a check, payable to Natural Awakenings­–Tallahassee, to the above address.

Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.


7 globalbriefs

10 healthbriefs 12 fitbody


14 naturalpet

16 greenliving

23 wisewords 24 healthykids

10 26

26 healingways

27 inspiration 28 consciouseating

30 community spotlight 34 calendarof



36 ongingcalendar

38 community

resource guide

39 classfieds

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

12 BIKE TO WORK The Two-Wheel Commuting Wow


by Paul Dorn


by Dr. Mark Newkirk

16 FIVE AFFORDABLE VACATIONS THAT 18 GIVE BACK by Heather Boerner 18 LOCAVORE NATION Savor the Reign of Regional Foods by Judith Fertig


for Healthy Living

by Giovanna Aguilar


MOUTHS OF BABES A Dozen Ways Children Teach Us to Eat Mindfully by Dr. Michelle May


POWER COLORS What Our Flag Says About Us



by Tori Hartman


GARDENING How to Get a Lot

From Your Plot by Barbara Pleasant

natural awakenings

July 2010




ow great is it, that there seems to be a strong renewed interest in local produce, and, more specifically, organic and sustainable agriculture lately? Some of this new gardening interest may have originated due to concerns about the quality of our food in recent years or may just be a general interest in eating the healthiest food possible. In recent years, I have noticed that there seems to be a real push in the garden revival movement, not only in our area of north Florida and southern Georgia, but all over the United States. I’ve seen an increase in Community Gardens, Farmer’s Markets, and organic sections in our traditional grocery stores here in Florida and Georgia, and I couldn’t be happier. In March, Natural Awakenings wrote about the “Man in Overalls,” Nathan Ballentine, one of our local home-grown heroes. Nathan is a food gardener, educator and community food organizer. The “Food Movement” is as much his passion as getting his hands dirty building the raised vegetable beds that he creates all over town. If you missed that issue of Natural Awakenings magazine, you can always go to our website and find it there. Nathan, and his work on spreading the virtues of organic gardening, can also be found at Because I am always following the great material that Nathan shares as a Food Movement educator, I discovered the Damayan Garden Project. More of our local gardening heroes exist here! The volunteers with Damayan work tirelessly in setting up urban gardens in communities around Tallahassee, where gardens may not be commonplace. They help educate parents, teachers and children the benefits of gardening and the abundant produce made available to share and to nourish. This month we have a great newsbrief on page 5 on the Damayan Garden Project. I also invite you to go to their website at http://www. to vote for them in a contest that could garner them a $50,000 Gardens for Good grant! Let’s support this local non-profit organization to continue to help nourish communities all over town. Something else that I am personally passionate about and is a great fit within our Natural Foods issue, is the Raw Food movement. In the last several months, I have altered my diet to incorporate as much raw, organic food as possible. I can attest that I have never felt better in my life. Plagued by digestive issues for years, since changing to a raw food diet, all of my poor digestive health complaints have disappeared. I asked local raw food coach and educator, Jaimee Schulson if she would write an article on the benefits of raw food. She graciously accepted and her article can be found on page 30 in this month’s issue. There is a growing group of raw foodists in the Tallahassee area, I recommend joining us and check out the health benefits for yourself. In honor of this month’s theme in Natural Awakenings magazine, I encourage you to consider the following ideas: • • • •

advertising & Submissions How to Advertise

To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 850-590-7024 or natallahassee@yahoo. com. Deadline for ad space reservation for the August issue is Monday, July 12.

News Briefs and article submissions

Email articles, news items and ideas to: Deadline for editorial for the August issue is Monday, July 5.

calendar submissions

Email calendar events to: natallahassee@ or fax to 850-590-7024. Please see page 31 for details Calendar deadline for August issue is Saturday, July 10.

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Coming in August

Start a garden (even if you have just a small patio, you can do this!). Make a habit to purchase your produce from local, organic sources. Try incorporating RAW (at least one green drink a day) into your life. BE THE CHANGE you want to see happen.

Blessings to you as always,

Vibrant Children 4

Tallahassee, S. Georgia, Gulf Coast

Using a “Green” Approach to Organize your Home


any of us utilize a cleaning service to help keep our homes and our lives running efficiently. Tina Galante goes one step further. As owner of Tina’s Cleaning and Organizing Services, she and her highly trained staff have a specific system they use to not only clean your house beautifully, but to pick up, put away and organize your items as well. Tina’s Cleaning and Organizing Services uses green cleaning products that protect the earth, their customers and their employees. All of their vacuums have HEPA filtration systems, which help with allergies. As a company, they are engaged in reducing pollution and conserving resources. Keeping your home clean and more organized is an investment to make your life more simple and live with less stress. Tina also does projects such as organizing closets, kitchens, and garages using what the homeowner already has available without any additional shopping sprees. Their unique service can help improve your quality of life! For additional information about Tina’s Cleaning & Organizing Services, call 850-212-1223 or visit

Community Gardens are Nourishing Tallahassee


he Damayan Garden Project is a non–profit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1992. Their belief is that everyone should have access to fresh, nutritious food and enjoy the benefits of health and well-being that comes with eating right. They try to increase food security for lowincome families and target “food deserts,” in areas where fresh produce is often unavailable. Damayan Garden Project also builds gardens for schools, recreation centers and after school programs. Children get excited about watching food grow, and they learn where food comes from. They currently support more than 10 community gardens and edible schoolyards in the Tallahassee area. By sharing the joy of growing with our community they are able to impart the importance of eating sustainable, local, organic produce. By sharing the produce with neighbors, Damayan has also been effective in re-establishing a sense of community lacking in many neighborhoods. The Damayan Garden Project is in a unique position to pool resources from local gardening experts, businesses, and local universities. They receive donations from the area nurseries and pass it on to the community. Using minimal funds and a constant flow of dedicated volunteers, they have made great strides towards food sustainability in North Florida.

 To realize their mission, they partner with faculty and parents at schools, and community organizations to implement and maintain the gardens. In addition to supplying soil, compost, plants and seeds, Damayan offers hands-on instruction while the new gardeners master the skills necessary to maintain the garden themselves. There are currently three new gardens in the planning stages and numerous possible gardens to pioneer. To find out more please visit their website. www.

Health City Hosts Health and Wealth Summit in West Palm Beach


ealth City is hosting a 4 day Expo that will motivate and educate you toward a healthier lifestyle. Learn from leading health, wellness and financial authors and experts, plus enjoy raw and living food instruction and tastings at the kickoff event of a national annual tour. The Health and Wealth Summit will be held at the West Palm Beach Marriott, starting at 8:30 a.m. on both July 23 and July 24; at 10 a.m. on July 25; and at 8:30 a.m. on July 26. Keynote speakers will include T. Collin Campbell, The China Study; Viktoras Kulvinskas, regarded by many as the grandfather of the raw and living food movement; Dr. Brian Clement, director of Hippocrates; Paul Nison, Daylight Diet, author and health educator; Vicki Latham, a physician’s assistant and woman’s health educator; John Eagle Freedom, author, health educator and founder of Health City; and Lifemax founders Jim and Sherri Wear. On July 25-26, Jackie and Gideon Graff, along with six other raw food chefs, will demonstrate many awardwinning gourmet recipes for attendees to enjoy. Health and Wealth Summit admission: $60 for three days, July23-25, or $30 for one day; $150 for both days of raw food demo, including food, July 25-26. For information, for registration and booth registration visit or call 888-572-3132. See ad, page 33.

natural awakenings

July 2010


Operation Noah’s Ark Aims to Restore Marine Life and Fishing


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n response to the Deep Horizon Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf Specimen Marine Lab, based in Panacea, FL, has recently proposed a project called Noah’s Ark, whose mission is to help restore marine life and rebuild the fishing industry. Noah’s Ark is fighting for the environment, the lab, and the livelihood of the people. Because of the British Petroleum (BP) oil spill and its toxic dispersants, finding areas where the sea is not contaminated will pose a challenge. The Gulf Specimen Marine Lab and Noah’s Ark is proposing that shrimp be grown from the egg to a juvenile in hatcheries. Thus, after the sea is no longer polluted with oil, the shrimp will be released back into the sea for fishermen to harvest. Releasing captive raised juvenile shrimp will jump-start the food chain, and in return, bolster fisheries and the economy. Gulf Specimen Marine Lab is asking BP, state, and federal governments to provide funds for retrofitting its Lab facilities and a nearby closed shrimp hatchery in order to hold a variety of marine life for an extended period of time. Operation Noah’s Ark plans to further clean the sea by installing “LivingDock” artificial habitats--fiberglass structures that resemble reefs. Designed to grow barnacles, oysters, sea squirts and more, they filter and cleanse the water of excess bacteria that often builds up after an oil spill. Currently, the Lab is trying to restore a submerged sea water pipeline that once ran into a closed-down shrimp farm and hopes to store gallons of “healthy sea water” before the oil drifts into Apalachee Bay and kills the marshes, the giant herds of fiddler crabs, and the myriad of other species that live there. Unless the public steps in to help raise awareness, the impacts of the oil spill will last many years, whether it’s from walking on-oil soaked beaches or no longer enjoying the sights and sounds of sea birds. Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratories, Inc. is located at 222 Clark Drive in Panacea, Florida. To make a donation, or for more info about the Lab or Noah’s Ark, visit

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... is that Sweat Therapy Fitness has a moved their studio to a new location next to Finnegan’s Wake in Midtown. You should tweet on over there and check them out! ...Carly Sinnadurai, the proprietor of Salvage Art in Railroad Square, (who Natural Awakenings magazine reported on last December) has been named executive director of Tallahassee’s first ever Reusable Resource Center (RRC) for classroom supplies. A public-nonprofit project, the RRC is in a partnership with Leon County, Leon County Schools, Goodwill Big Bend, Inc., and Sustainable Tallahassee. Check back here next month for a local newsbrief on all of the “tweet” details! ...a little bird told me that Namaste Yoga studio will be moving to a new location on East Lafayette Street in August. There will be a full Newsbrief on this exciting move in the upcoming August issue.


Tallahassee, S. Georgia, Gulf Coast


Lunch Box

Funding Debate Slows Upgrade of School Nutrition

News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Economic Security

Buying at Home Keeps America Strong Poll after poll points to Americans’ preference for locally produced goods, according to; the real question is if we are willing to look for them and pay more. A 21st-century grassroots website, StillMadeInUSA. com, provides a helping hand with an online shopping directory of American brands. Categories range from personal apparel, handcrafts and household goods to tools, sports and entertainment, and include special occasions and shop-by-geography menus. “I try to buy American products whenever possible, but as a working mother of three boys, I don’t have time to drive from store to store or search for hours online,” says founder Stephanie Sanzone, explaining her website’s genesis. The Made in USA label represents a heightened concern for guarding American manufacturing jobs, worker and environmental health, product quality, consumer safety, national competitiveness and security while defending against an increasing trade deficit.

Donate a Day

Crop Mobs Sustain Small Farms and Build Communities

Across the country, crop mobs comprising dozens of mostly 20-something volunteers

Photo by Trace Ramsey

periodically gather at local sustainable small farms to donate their time to make immediate improvements. These landless farmers, apprentices, interns and the “agricurious” comprise a remarkable effective traveling work party, often assisted by experienced farmers and gardeners eager to share their know-how with the next generation. Assigned tasks Weeding blackberry beds at Spence’s might be mulching, building a greenhouse, prepFarm in Chapel Hill, NC. ping garden beds or bringing in a harvest. “The more tedious the work we have, the better,” says Rob Jones, co-founder of the spreading movement, which originated in North Carolina’s Triangle in response to a regional surge in sustainable farming. “Because part of crop mob is about community and camaraderie, you find there’s nothing like picking rocks out of fields to bring people together.” It’s all about building the community necessary to practice this kind of laborintensive agriculture and to put the power to muster help into the hands of future local food producers. Any crob mobber can call a crop mob to do the kind of work it takes a community to do. Participants work together, share meals, play, talk and make music. No money is exchanged; it’s the stuff that communities are made of.

For the past year, Slow Food USA has led a consumer campaign now exceeding 100,000 emails asking Congress to improve school nutrition. “We cannot, in good conscience, continue to make our kids sick by feeding them cheap byproducts of an industrial food system,” states Josh Viertel, president of Slow Food USA. “It is time to give kids real food, food that tastes good, is good for them, is good for the people who grow and prepare it and is good for the planet.” President Obama has proposed investing an additional $1 billion a year to help schools serve healthier food, but Congress is hesitating to approve the full amount. This change to the five-year Child Nutrition Act, now up for renewal, would add 20 cents to the $1 allocated for ingredients in each school lunch. School nutrition directors say an additional $1 is needed to serve sufficient vegetables, fruits and whole grains, making the ultimate goal $4 billion a year. Meanwhile, the viable farm-to-school movement is seeking just $50 million of the total to link local farms with schools. Vending machines also must be subject to stronger nutrition standards. “Kids have the most at stake here,” remarks Emily Ventura, of Slow Food Los Angeles. “This is their future, their health, their quality of life. But it’s also America’s future.” Support the Time for Lunch campaign at

Parents’ Day on July 25 honors responsible parenting and uplifts ideal parental role models for our nation’s children. ~

For information and contacts in various states, visit natural awakenings

July 2010


New Paradigm

Research Shows We Can Feed the World Sustainably A benchmark study by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research says that it’s possible to sustainably feed the world’s estimated 2050 population of 9 billion, while still preserving the planet. Findings suggest that a diet equivalent to eating meat three times a week would employ green farming methods, leave forests untouched and raise animals only under freerange conditions. “We can actually do without factory farming,” concludes Lasse Brauun, of Compassion in World Farming. “With 60 billion animals being reared for livestock production every year and the figure set to double by 2050, we really need to reconsider our approach. Animals are being reared like factory units to provide us with cheap meat. The true cost of eating too much meat is animal suffering, deforestation and obesity.” The Indian state of Sikkim in the Himalayas is among those showing the way. The government plans to have all of its arable land of 173,000 acres certified organic by 2015.

Eating Sewage

Avoid Sludge Used and Sold as Fertilizer

See page 14 for details

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Tallahassee, S. Georgia, Gulf Coast

Eight million tons of sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants, euphemistically renamed biosolids, is annually marketed as fertilizer and applied to the American farms and gardens that grow our food, as well as the parks where we play. No food crop, aside from those labeled U.S. Department of Agriculture certified organic, is regulated to guard against it being grown on land treated with this sludge. Because of the nitrogen and phosphorous found in human solid waste residue, the sludge industry and certain government bodies overlook the toxic blend of all that goes down the drain. That’s why a few conscientious companies like Del Monte and Heinz have long had a policy not to purchase food grown in sludge. Sewage sludge contains antimicrobial compounds, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals and pathogens that may be absorbed by food crops, water supplies and our bodies. Currently, the Environmental Protection Agency requires testing for only nine chemical elements and two bacteria for land application of sewage sludge and no testing for residue buildup in soil. Meanwhile, studies from universities including Yale, Cornell and Johns Hopkins express concerns about the health and safety of this practice. To protect health: Buy USDA-certified organic; ask at farm stands if they use sludge or biosolids; inquire about food and bagged fertilizer companies’ policies; and tell elected officials that citizens don’t want sewage sludge in America’s food and water supplies. For more information visit United Sludge-Free Alliance at

Natural Spin Shoppers Vote for Healthier Choices

Attendees at this year’s mega Natural Products Expo West, in Anaheim, California, saw everything from organic burritos and glass baby bottles to bags that extend the life of produce. “The 30th anniversary of the event mirrors major business and consumer shifts to values of health and sustainability,” observed Fred Linder, president of New Hope Natural Media. Organic products and green packaging are in—genetically modified foods are out. Accordingly, The Fresh Ideas Group, which monitors new-product trends, has forecasted lower prices for private label organic food in 2010 and an increase in foods with fewer processed ingredients and more whole grains. While organic still accounts for less than 5 percent of national food sales, overall sales of organic foods and other products was up 5 percent in 2009, more than double the growth of conventional wares.

Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork. ~English Proverb

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natural awakenings

July 2010



Why Mangos are Good for Us


ncluding mangos in summer fruit salads adds both delicious sweetness and health benefits. A new study by Texas AgriLife Research food scientists examined five mango varieties most common in the United States: Ataulfo, Francine, Haden, Kent and Tommy Atkins, and found that the tropical fruit has anti-cancer properties. When exposed to a variety of cancer cells in the laboratory, mango turned out to be especially effective against certain breast and colon cancers. The researchers attribute the cancer-fighting properties to the fruit’s polyphenolics, a class of bioactive compounds responsible for preventing or stopping cancer cells. As one might expect with an all natural anti-cancer agent, normal cells were not affected by the mango, which targeted only cells that had gone bad, by interrupting their mutated division cycles. Source: Texas A&M AgriLive Communications, 2010

Flaxseed Oil Strengthens Bones According to a report in the International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health, numerous studies suggest that flaxseed oil benefits bone mineral density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women, as well as in women with diabetes. Source: Inderscience Publishers, 2009

Vitamin D Makes News


itamin D is one of the few vitamins our body can produce itself when bare skin is exposed to ultraviolet B light. But this sunshine vitamin that is known to influence the immune system seems to be in short supply, and mounting studies point to serious health risks that can result from a vitamin D deficiency. According to researchers at National Jewish Health, a leading respiratory hospital, low levels of vitamin D have been associated with decreased lung function and greater use of medications in children with asthma, as well as increased occurrence of a common vaginal infection in women of childbearing age. Now, a new study led by Boston University School of Public Health suggests that women living in northern states are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis, suggesting a link between the autoimmune disease and vitamin D deficiency. Meanwhile, research at the University of Warwick Medical School has shown that middleaged and elderly people with high levels of vitamin D could reduce their chances of developing heart disease or diabetes by 43 percent. To ensure that our body produces enough vitamin D to keep us healthy, experts suggest that we expose ourselves to 15 to 18 minutes of sunshine daily. Eating foods that contain small amounts of vitamin D, such as fish, mushrooms, eggs and dairy products, also helps to keep our vitamin D levels up. Contributing sources: and


Tallahassee, S. Georgia, Gulf Coast


onstick cookware, popular because it’s convenient to use and clean, also emits toxic fumes when overheated. Tests commissioned by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) have shown that in just two to five minutes on a conventional stovetop, cookware coated with Teflon and other nonstick surfaces can exceed temperatures at which the coating breaks apart and emits toxic particles and gases. They posit that the same holds true for ovenware. At the same time, the researchers report that ingesting inert particles that have come off scratched cookware isn’t a hazard. EWG’s recommended alternatives are stainless steel and cast iron cookware. However, for families stuck with nonstick pots and pans, the group offers the following tips: Never preheat nonstick cookware empty or at high heat and make sure to cook food at the lowest possible temperature possible for safe cooking. Don’t put nonstick cookware in an oven hotter than 500 degrees and use an exhaust fan. Keep pet birds out of the kitchen, because they are particularly susceptible to the fumes.

Skip Nonstick Pans

For a free downloadable Guide to PFCs (perfluorochemicals) and how to avoid them in a wide range of products, including cookware, visit

Exotic Superfruit Mangosteen juice has anti-inflammatory properties that could prove to be valuable in preventing the development of heart disease and diabetes in obese patients. A study published in BioMed Central’s open access Nutrition Journal states that the juice of the exotic superfruit lowers levels of C-reactive protein, a key factor associated with inflammation.

Slow Down at Mealtime The Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism reports that eating a meal too quickly reduces release of the hormones in the gut that induce feelings of being full, which can lead to overeating and weight gain.

A Perspective on Soy


ith many new soy foods on the market today, from nuts and beans to energy bars and powdered drinks, choosing those that are most healthful can be confusing. Soy has received mixed reviews, even though it has been eaten in Asia for hundreds of generations without reported adverse effects and is a staple in vegetarian kitchens worldwide. In its natural state, the soybean has proved to be high in nutritional value as a nonanimal source of essential amino acids, qualifying it as the only complete plant protein. The controversy centers on 20thcentury isolation of the soybean’s beneficial compounds, isoflavones, that in their natural state have been found to protect against breast, prostate and colon cancers, menopausal symptoms, heart disease and osteoporosis. Rather than use the whole food, the manufactured food industry instead has added these compounds in isolated form to various products. Concerns arise because the isolated plant compounds act differently in the body when they lack the supporting vitamins, minerals and plant substances present in natural whole soy. Also, their amount and concentration in manufactured foods tend to exceed what is present in whole soy foods. To avoid the risk of overexposure to isolated soy compounds and still reap soy’s many health benefits, look for organic, non-GMO (genetically modified organism) whole soy products. Examples include tofu, tempeh, edamame and whole canned or frozen soy beans, as well as products produced from whole soy, such as soy flour, soy milk, miso and soy sauces like tamari or shoyu. Source: Research compiled by Monika Rice, who holds a master’s degree in holistic nutrition and is a regular contributor to Natural Awakenings.

natural awakenings

July 2010


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Tallahassee, S. Georgia, Gulf Coast

eople might start Commuters can now during a 20-minute comcommuting by bicymute, while also improvcle to improve their select the “Bicycling” ing coordination. fitness, save money or Commuting bicyclists layer on Google Maps support sustainability, but easily meet the Centers they continue because at for Disease Control and it’s fun. Prevention’s recommenbiking to help them dation that adults engage Ask a motorist about their commute in moderate-intensity plan their route. and they’ll frown, at physical activities for 30 best. Ask a bicyclist minutes or more at least about their commute and they’ll smile, five days a week. A study in the Scandiand likely mention the endorphin rush, navian Journal of Medicine & Science in fresh air, wildlife spotted that morning, Sports concluded that just 30 minutes the new breakfast shop discovered en of bicycle commuting improved aerobic route or how their retirement accounts fitness, cardiovascular load, cholesterol are swelling with money saved by not and the burning of fats for energy. driving. According to the British Medical Association, in a nine-year study Health Benefits of 9,000 UK civil servants, those who cycled 25 miles a week (2.5 miles each The health benefits of bicycling are way) experienced half the heart attacks recognized around the world. Cycling is a holistic form of exercise that gradu- as those who shunned physical exercise. A long-term Copenhagen Heart ally builds strength and muscle tone with little risk of over-exercise or strain, study of more than 30,000 men and women found that even after adjusting according to Legs, for other risk factors, those who biked thighs, hips and buttocks all benefit, including hip and knee joints. The aver- to work had a 39 percent lower mortality rate than those who did not. age cyclist burns about 300 calories

A less stressful commute also contributes to mental well-being, even to the point of countering depression. A study at Duke University found that 60 percent of people suffering from depression overcame it by exercising for 30 minutes three times a week without antidepressant medication, which is comparable to the rate of relief people generally achieve through medication alone. Daily exercise may also help prevent memory loss, according to several recent studies from the United States and Europe. The research, reported by the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign and others, suggests that because regular aerobic exercise—such as bicycling, swimming or running— can improve cardiorespiratory fitness by up to 14 percent, it helps improve brain function. Further, improved overall health helps prevent certain diseases that may affect mental health.

Fr o m e r g o n o m i c s e a t s a n d pedals, seamless shifting and Kevlar-lined puncture resistant tires to handlebar speakers a n d e l e c t r i c - a s s i s t e d p ow er, today’s bicycles are packed with innovative technologies that make cycling accessible, easy and fun. Riding at night and in wet weather is also safer with bright, energy-efficient LED lights and lightweight fabrics like Gore-Tex, HyVent and H2NO that are big on breathability and waterproof comfort.

Cost & Time Benefits When it comes to sustainability, the bicycle is one of the most energy-efficient personal transportation devices ever created. According to the American Automobile Association, the average annual cost of operating a sedan for 15,000 miles in 2010 totals $8,487; for an SUV, it’s $11,085. Vehicle costs include depreciation, finance charges, fuel, maintenance, tires, tolls, insurance and taxes. Given the latest U.S. median annual household income of $52,029 reported by the Census Bureau in 2008, the cost of car ownership exceeds 15 or 20 percent of the typical household’s income. A quality bicycle, which can be purchased for the price of about one car payment, will never need fueling, is inexpensive to repair and has an operating carbon footprint that’s next to nil. Bicycle commuting is surprisingly time-efficient, too. Federal Highway Administration statistics show that nearly half of all trips in this country are three miles or less. More than a quarter of all trips are less than a mile. A three-mile trip by bicycle takes about 20 minutes; in a busy city, traveling the same distance by car can take longer. Add in getting a car out of a parking space, into traffic, through lights and congestion and parked again, and for many urban and neighborhood trips, bicycles are simply faster from point to point. Making a good thing even better, bicycle commuting saves time that would otherwise be spent at a gas station, car wash, automobile mechanic, department of motor vehicles and even traffic court. Plus, without the large cost of operating a car, it’s just possible that bicyclists might even save the necessity of time spent at a second job. As yet another bonus, there’s next to no time spent sitting in traffic. Paul Dorn, a writer and activist in  Sacramento, California, is co-author (with Roni Sarig) of The Bike to Work Guide: Save Gas, Go Green, Get Fit. He is a former editor of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition newsletter, former executive director of the California Bicycle Coalition, and a League of American Bicyclists certified instructor.

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natural awakenings

July 2010




TICKS by Dr. Mark Newkirk


o one likes ticks (except the birds that love to eat them), but like fleas and cockroaches, ticks are a fact of life. After a winter break in the northern states, they’re back with a vengeance come warmer weather and plague parts of the south all year round. Many species of ticks can carry disease. From the more common Lyme, Erlichia and Rocky Mountain spotted fever to tick paralysis and Anaplasmosis, these bugs are bad news. Some diseases are species specific, but some, like Lyme disease, can infect deer, dogs and humans. Cats seem to be resistant to many tick diseases like Erlichia and Rocky Mountain spotted fever; although why this is so remains largely a mystery.

the early stages of the disease, so it’s important to have a dog tested every year and anytime the guardian suspects the dog has been exposed to ticks. The disease has been reported in every state. The good news is that Lyme disease cannot be transmitted directly from a pet to family members. If ticks are typically found in an area, it’s wise to reduce the risk by inspecting canines and people several times a day when enjoying outdoor activities. An excellent vaccine exists for pets, although not for humans.

Ehrlichiosis The second most common infectious disease in the United States, this potentially life threatening menace is spreading, carried by several common dog ticks. The parasite attacks the blood cells, rather than the joints. Intermittent fever and lethargy (which can signal various illnesses) are the main signs. The disease can result in permanent disability or death. While there are no proven cases of direct transmission of the Ehrlichiosis parasite from dogs to people, ticks can transmit it directly to people. A simple in-office blood test can determine if a pet has this disease; blood screening will often show a decreased platelet count.

Lyme Disease Dogs are 50 percent more likely to contract Lyme disease as humans. If left untreated it can cause serious, debilitating problems. Symptoms affecting joints and organs may be hidden in 14

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Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Tick Control

This illness shows similar signs and symptoms as Lyme disease in dogs. The danger is that pet owners and vets often chalk them up to a sprained ligament or twisted knee, because the pet seems better in a day or two. Keys to diagnosis include the appearance of fever, repeated symptoms or lameness that shifts between legs. Again, a disease-specific blood test is helpful.

Ticks are tough. Daily grooming and combing to search for ticks remains the best non-medical treatment. Because we have found no truly holistic alternative with the desired effect, I do advise topical tick control rub-on products like Frontline and collars like Preventic. Be aware that veterinary versions of such products are both safer and more effective than retail brands. Risk versus benefit to health is always the rule in considering the best route to take. The best advice for an individual animal will come from the family’s holistic veterinarian.

Treatment No vaccine exists for Erlichia or Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and the decision to vaccinate for Lyme disease depends on exposure risk. At the Alternative Care Center in Margate, New Jersey, we sometimes use nosodes, a homeopathic “vaccination” in the treatment or as a preventive measure for Lyme disease. Homeopathic treatment of active or resistant Lyme disease may use Lym D (from BioActive Nutritional) and Ledum, which can also be used in combination with antibiotics. Some holistic vets believe that such homeopathy works with the body to boost the immune system in attacking the Lyme organism. Yet the only prevention measure approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is the Lyme vaccine. Primary treatment for all tick-borne diseases is the antibiotic doxycycline, taken as prescribed for three to four weeks. Using special tests after treatment will show if the disease is gone.

Mark D. Newkirk holds a veterinary medicines directorate degree and is the owner and director of Margate Animal Hospital and Alternative Care Center, in Margate, NJ. Phone consultations are available at 609-823-3031. For more information, visit AlternativeVet. com.


natural awakenings

July 2010



Five Affordable Vacations that

Give Back

“You get such a richer experience traveling with homestay,” observes Horowitz from his farmhouse in Hadley, Massachusetts. He advises prospective homestayers to verify the number of nights agreed upon and then pay a host for their hospitality beyond that, and also expect to spend time with your hosts in the evenings. Finally, be prepared for any kind of accommodations. “You have to be somewhat adventurous,” he says.

by Heather Boerner

Home Swap


his year, you can cut the cost of taking a much-needed vacation while doing something good for the local community and the whole planet. Here are some ways to travel, get involved and avoid tourist traps while walking lightly on the Earth.

Homestay Shel Horowitz has been sleeping on strangers’ floors, couches and private guest suites for decades now. In the process, he’s met peace activists, ecologists and friends with whom his family still interacts. But he’s not just couch surfing; he’s homestaying, a travel option that runs the gamut from traditional foreign-exchange visits for students to the nonprofit peace outreach program Horowitz has been involved in since 1983, called Servas ( 16

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The way he sees it, he’s doing his part to spread cross-cultural understanding and making travel more affordable. There’s the time he visited Colorado on a homestay and met a couple who gave him a private tour of their collection of Native American art. Last year he stayed with the director of Guatemala’s National Park Service and another man active in sustainable development work in the country’s highlands.

As a renter, San Francisco resident Melanie Jones figured home swapping wasn’t in the cards for her. But when she gave it a try, she found herself in a cozy studio in Paris’ ninth arrondissement near a train station with easy access to the city’s major attractions. “It’s a unique way to connect with people who are different from us and to put ourselves in situations to see the world through someone else’s eyes,” she says. “It’s a lot easier to do that when you’re literally eating off someone else’s dishes and sleeping in someone else’s bed.” Although scores of home-swapping websites offer to help streamline and vet potential swaps, she chose to post her ad on Craigslist. A 20-something Frenchman responded; he wanted to visit his girlfriend who was staying in San Francisco. Jones notes that it’s important to both trust the person with whom you’re swapping and to set ground rules.

WWOOFing The World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms ( movement matches eco-conscious urbanites with organic farms around the world. You

stay for free and receive some meals from the farmer host, repaying him by weeding, preparing soil, planting and even building fences. It’s a way to integrate into a community, says Lucas Weiss of Brooklyn, who has taken weekend trips to the Meadowstone Farm of Tim Wennrich, in Bethlehem, New Hampshire. Staying in a farmer’s house and eating with the family gave him a taste of life he wouldn’t have experienced if he had stayed in a motel or bed and breakfast.“We got to see first-hand how much work can get done when you have four extra hands,” says Weiss. “You really get to see the inner workings of the [agricultural] community.” No gardening experience is required, but come prepared to work up to six hours a day, for several days. You may need to bring your own tent or sleeping bag.

around the world, they’re still humanity.” Find intriguing opportunities at, CrossCulturalSolutions. org,, GlobalVolunteers. org,, Travelocity. com/TravelForGood, VolunteerAdven and

Philanthrotourism Jill Gordon had been volunteering in inner-city Chicago schools teaching literacy for years when a friend invited her to a talk about a girls’ school in Afghanistan. That’s when she knew she wanted to take her volunteer work global. First, Gordon joined the Chicago Women’s Initiative of CARE (, a nonprofit organization fighting global poverty, to help organize talks and fundraisers for education programs; she saw some of that money at work later, when she visited remote areas of Peru. A few years ago, she visited rural India, where CARE funds schools and nutrition programs, and she was allowed to feed infants their first bites of solid food in a Hindu Annaprashan (first rice-eat-

ing) ceremony. “I don’t know if I would have gone to India, otherwise,” remarks Gordon. “I just loved meeting the real people in India, the kids and the mothers groups. We got to see what India’s really like.” Many nonprofits offer these kinds of travel, from Christian groups to United Way, which has an Alternative Spring Break service program for teens ( To find a program that suits your interests, ask groups that you support if they offer such trips and how they’re funded, so more of your time, treasure and talent goes to the people who need it. Heather Boerner, a freelancer based in San Francisco, CA, is a contributing writer for Contact her at

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Voluntourism Brooke Bailey was new to both yoga and volunteer work in 2006, but after seeing the devastation Hurricane Katrina wrought in New Orleans in 2005, she decided to do something. Bailey scheduled her yoga training sessions around days spent participating in the demolition, cleaning, painting and renewal work the city so desperately needed. It was her first volunteer sojourn, but it hasn’t been her last. Bailey reports that the effort was life-changing for everyone involved: “I really learned about giving just to give and not expecting anything in return. I realized that even if they aren’t literally my community, even if they’re halfway natural awakenings

July 2010




onsider Boston cod, Georgia peach pie, Florida’s Indian River grapefruit, wheat from Kansas, heirloom tomatoes from Colorado, Michigan sour cherries, Texas pinto beans and California wines. While the definition of American cuisine is difficult to pinpoint, it definitely exists in regional form, say the Americans polled by the James Beard Foundation. It’s the particular tastes of the places we call home. There’s a delicious reason why regional foods remain popular; as The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture found, the average “fresh” food item on American dinner tables now travels 1,500 miles to get there—and often tastes like it.

Taste is All About Terroir “Place-based foods have a unique taste, related to the soil, water, air and cli18

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mate of a region, as well as the ethnic or regional heritage of their producers,” advises Rachelle H. Saltzman, folklife coordinator and director of the Iowa Place-Based Foods project. She notes that regional food might be considered a result of the happy pairing of nature and nurture. Regional foods start with terroir, a French term that refers to a peculiar combination of microclimate and geography. If we draw a circle with its center in our own backyard, the area within the circumference of the circle that encloses the same climate and geography is the general terroir. Although terroir is in wide use in reference to wines, it also applies to any food. Terroir accounts for the differences in flavor between mild orange blossom honey from Arizona, aromatic and pear-like tupelo honey from Florida, amber-colored and

flavored clover honey from Iowa and dark and slightly sulfurous sunflower honey originating in South Dakota. “When you eat honey that local bees make, you’re eating an easily digestible, raw food full of enzymes, pollen, vitamins, proteins and minerals from the region,” says Tony Schwager of Anthony’s Beehive, in Lawrence, Kansas. Bees forage for nectar in nearby blossoms and then do all the processing in the hive. The result is a regional food yielding more than 300 varieties across the United States. Even Vermont maple syrup can register the flavor changes from terroir, according to Amy Trubek, assistant professor of nutrition and food sciences at The University of Vermont and author of The Taste of Place: A Cultural Journey Into Terroir. Trubek is participating in an ongoing study of the character of smallbatch maple syrups.

“Like Burgundy wines or Savoie cheeses, the terroir of maple syrups matters,” she says. For example, maple syrup—a whole food made only from the sap that rises in the tree only after a long, cold winter—can taste different depending on whether the maple tree grows in areas rich in limestone (giving flavor notes of caramel, vanilla and bitter almond) or schist (where minerals yield a slightly moldy note), giving it a unique taste of place.

Wild Bounty Before European settlement here, Native American tribes were often identified—and strengthened physically and spiritually—by the regional foods they ate, whether gathered by hunting or fishing in the wild or raised themselves. Early visiting explorers and naturalists noted such delicacies as wild strawberries growing along the New Hampshire shoreline, native persimmons in Virginia and beach plums on Cape Cod. In Early American Gardens: For Meate or Medicine, gardener and author Ann Leighton chronicles which plants were native to New England and which ones the 17th-century colonists brought or had sent from England. The resulting cuisine evolved into a fusion of English recipes with New World ingredients. Through many generations, regional cuisines developed along the Eastern seaboard, often featuring maple syrup, cranberries, wild blackberries, corn, pumpkins, Carolina gold rice, cod, clams, blue crab, shad and shrimp. Grafting

new and old world plants produced the happy accidents of the Bartlett pear, Concord grape and Newtown Pippin apple. What grew in these innovative gardens naturally began to grace American tables. “Native corn became a truly American food,” observes Lenore Greenstein, a food and nutrition journalist who has taught at several U.S. universities. “The corn of the settlers, however, was not the sweet corn we know today, but the field corn used to feed livestock and make corn meal, syrup and starches. Sweet corn was unknown until 1779, yet by 1850 it had replaced field corn on American tables.”

Ethnic Traditions Beyond the land itself, regional foods continue to be influenced by the transportation routes followed in early trading ventures; the ways of the English homeland were soon joined by those of African slaves. Greenstein relates that New Orleans’ famous gumbo comes from the African ngombo, for okra, its principal ingredient. The thick stew gets “In this wine, you can taste some of its distincthe magical place where tive flavor and smooth texture from gumbo file our children, Hailey and powder made of dried, Loren, grew up. Aromas wild sassafras leaves. of blackberries and bay In other parts of the South, a cuisine that leaves, like those that grow became known as soul along the spring-fed creek food grew up around with subtle notes of tobacco, dishes made from produce that slaves could smoke and earth, dance in grow in their own the background, derived kitchen gardens: boiled peanuts, sweet potato from the soil itself.” pie, boiled greens and ~ Janet Trefethen, of Trefethen black-eyed peas. Immigrants from Family Vineyards, in Napa, Ireland who arrived in California, about its HaLo the New World during the potato famine of cabernet sauvignon.

What’s Growing in Your Region? Slow Food, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to “good, clean and fair food,” has created an American Ark of Taste, its list of regional foods. Backyard entries include the granite beauty apple from New Hampshire, green striped cushaw [squash] from Tennessee, hand-harvested wild rice from Minnesota, Four Corners gold bean from Colorado, Padre plum from California and Alaskan birch syrup. (See SlowFoodUSA. org/downloads/ Ark_Foods_By_ Region_9.29_ .09_.pdf)

To find local farms and producers, visit: SustainableTableorg/ issues/eatlocal

the 1840s and those Europeans promised free land under the Homestead Acts of the 1860s brought garden seeds, favorite plants and ethnic food traditions with them, further enlarging our country’s collective eating repertoire to include sauerkraut, coleslaw, cheesecake, cinnamon rolls and potato salad. Mennonite farmers who had emigrated from the Netherlands to Germany and then on to Russia, as their pacifist views clashed with the prevailing governments, finally left the steppes of the Ukraine for the similar terroir of the Kansas prairie in 1875. (This was

natural awakenings

July 2010


Extending the Season Farmers and gardeners in every region have ways to extend the growing season. Kitchen gardeners have used cloches (glass bells put over tender plants to ward off the cold), cold frames (south-facing raised beds protected against the cold) and greenhouses. Many organic farmers now use poly-tunnels (which function as portable greenhouses) that allow them to get crops in the ground sooner and extend the end of the season. We can also continue to savor seasonal bounty by preserving the harvest. Farm wives and gardeners who understand the realities of feast and famine, glut and scarcity turn excess yields into what they call “value-added products.” Cucumbers become pickles; basil mixes into pesto; tomatoes provide a base for salsa. They also freeze fresh, whole berries on cookie sheets, then move them to containers to store in the freezer. Local state agriculture extension services offer free detailed information about preserving foods.


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around the same time that cowboys were herding longhorn cattle from Texas along the Chisholm Trail to railyards in Abilene, Kansas.) The Mennonites brought bags of turkey red winter wheat seeds that helped transform the wild prairie into the cultivated “breadbasket” it is today. In a similar fashion, Italian families coming to California brought their love of wine to a hilly region that benefited from moisture granted by the fog rolling in from the Pacific. They knew how to make the most of a climate with a spring rainy season followed by a dry summer—great conditions for growing wine grapes.

“Indian beliefs are the same and different [from one another]. For us, the sacred food is salmon; for the Plains Indians it was Good for Us Food buffalo; in the Southwest Foods naturally suited it was corn. We all see to their environment food as part of our religion, grow better, taste better and are packed with but different foods give more nutrients, reports us our strengths… if we Sustainable Table, an educational nonprofit move about from place to working to build healthy place, we become separate communities through from our sacred foods; we sustainable eating habits (SustainableTable. become weak.”

Bauer uses regional Midwestern ingredients—including organic milk from grass-fed cows, local goat cheese, foraged wild foods and organic berries— for Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams. “We couldn’t believe the difference in flavor in milk from grass-fed versus grainfed cows,” she says. “It’s because grass-fed cows produce milk with more conjugated linoleic acid, a cancer-fighting compound, as well as healthful omega-3 fatty acids.” Local examples such as hers illustrate the larger truth.

Good for Our Community

Growing and eating regional foods is equally beneficial for our communities. According to Larry West, a writer for E/The Environmental Magazine, most farmers on average receive only 20 cents of each food dollar spent on what they produce. The remaining profit gets consumed by transportation, processing, packaging, refrigeration and marketing costs when their crops travel org). When grown and far and wide. Farmers consumed locally, foods ~ Louie H. Dick, Jr. of who choose to sell their escape the degradation foods to local customers Oregon’s Umatilla tribe in see a better return on of being irradiated for longer shelf life. When “Water is a Medicine that their investment. When they come from organic Can Touch Your Heart” from neighbors choose to eat farms, they’re also grown locally, it supports local Native Heritage: Personal agriculture and encourwithout pesticides and herbicides. Accounts by American Indians ages continued use of Consider also that 1790 to the Present, edited by area land for farms, milk from dairy cattle keeping development in Arlene Hirschfelder raised in areas where check while preserving they can eat grass for open space. most of the year has a better flavor and There are even more benefits. contains more beneficial nutrients than Research by Duncan Hilchey, a senior milk from grain-fed cows. Jeni Britton extension associate at Cornell Universi

AMERICAN REGIONAL FOODS From sea to shining sea, America’s eight large geographic regions—each with its own unique foods—give us a taste of our country. Atlantic Coast ~ from Maine south to Florida ~ Lobster, clams, cod, scallops, bluefish in cold sea waters; cranberries in natural marshland; wild Maine blueberries; tomatoes in mineral-rich New Jersey soil; oysters, blue crab, shrimp, grouper and mackerel in warmer southern Atlantic waters; Concord grapes, Bartlett pears and Newton Pippin apples in New England and upstate New York; peanuts, pecans and peaches in the Piedmont region of Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia; Indian River grapefruit and oranges in the sunshine state of Florida. Appalachian Forest ~ Vermont, New Hampshire, upstate New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia ~ From the hardscrabble, forested hills of the Appalachians: maple syrup in the north; hominy corn (turned into grits) in the south; and wild foods like ramps and cress, scuppernong grapes, sourwood and tupelo honey. Southern Lowlands ~ from Kentucky south to Louisiana ~ Farm-raised, sustainable catfish along the Mississippi River delta; crawfish in bayous; rice and sugar cane in tropical lowlands; shell beans and peas, leafy greens, traditional sorghum syrup, limestone lettuce and gallberry honey; and wild foods like spicebush, sassafras, cress, paw paw and native persimmon. Eastern Plains ~ from Pennsylvania west to Illinois, north of the Ohio River, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin ~ Mushrooms in Pennsylvania; sour cherries and orchard fruits in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula; Wisconsin and Ohio butter, milk, cheese; Ohio sweet corn; Indiana corn and melon; Great Lakes whitefish and lake perch; and wild foods like native persim-

mons, paw paws, hickory nuts, black walnuts and morel mushrooms, as well as clover and wildflower honeys. Western Plains ~ mid-section between the Mississippi River and Rocky Mountains, including Minnesota, the Dakotas, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas ~ Beef and bison; wheat and sorghum, both for syrup and gluten-free flour; wines; honeycrisp apple and walleye pike in Minnesota; dried beans of all kinds in the Dakotas; red grapefruit, sweet onions, and wild-caught Gulf of Mexico shrimp in Texas; and wild foods like handharvested wild rice, native persimmons, paw paws, hickory nuts, black walnuts, northern pecans and morels, as well as clover, wildflower, sunflower and yaupon honeys. Rocky Mountains ~ Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Nevada and Utah ~ Rocky Mountain rainbow trout; quinoa, at higher altitudes; Idaho baking potato; lamb, elk and green chiles; and wild chokecherries and huckleberries. Desert Southwest ~ New Mexico, Arizona, parts of Colorado and Utah ~ Hatch and Chimayo chiles from New Mexico; blue corn, squash, avocados, prickly pear cactus; pepita and pine nuts; and gaujillo and orange blossom honeys. Pacific Coast ~ California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and Hawaii ~ Oranges, dates, artichokes and wine and table grapes in California; stone fruits (sweet cherries, plums, nectarines and apricots), pears and apples in Oregon and Washington; pineapples, coffee, macadamia nuts and Wilelaiki blossom honey in Hawaii; shellfish such as oysters, clams, mussels; Dungeness and king crab off the coasts of Oregon, Washington and Alaska; wild-caught abalone, salmon, petrale sole and halibut from California north to Alaska; wild mint honey in Oregon; and wild salmonberries, thimbleberries and beach strawberries in Oregon, Washington and Alaska. natural awakenings

July 2010


Grow Your Own

We are healthy and green And going…..Greener!

The best terroir of all is our own garden. A fresh-picked tomato will convert even the most dedicated supermarket shopper every time. A state agricultural extension agent or local master gardener will know what grows best in area gardens. Consider growing heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables for greater flavor and color. A good resource is Seed Savers Exchange (, a northern Iowa farm that acts as a collective for members who use and save thousands of varieties of seeds. Its yearbook lists member gardeners and their comments on their success with various types of plants.

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he frog does not drink up the pond in which he lives. ~ Buddhist Proverb


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ty, and his colleagues in upstate New York found that regional agriculture contributes to the local economy, provides fresh food and a secure food supply, and plays a role in preserving our rural heritage. In Goût de Terroir: Exploring the Boundaries of Specialty Agricultural Landscapes, he concludes that “Agricultural landscapes, and the regional cuisine and foodways [culinary practices] to which they contribute, offer powerful expressions of place.” As Greenstein sums it up, “Regional food is better, however you look at it.” Judith Fertig is a freelance food writer in Overland Park, KS; for more information visit AlfrescoFoodAndLife

“Were it not for Lake Michigan, you couldn’t grow fruit this far north on a commercial scale. The weather fronts come in from the west over the deep lake. The lake becomes a climate modifier, giving the fruit its character.”

Primary sources: Tony Schwager at; Lenore Greenstein at; Rachelle H. Saltzman at Riki.Saltzman@Iowa. gov; Duncan Hilchey at; Justin Rashid at; Amy Trubek at Amy. ~ Justin Rashid, of American; Spoon Foods, a grower of and Jeni Britton Bauer sour cherries, apricots and at

peaches in Michigan’s Upper Also, Culinaria: The Peninsula

United States, A Culinary Discovery, edited by Randi Danforth, Peter Feierabend and Gary Chassman; and Early American Gardens: For Meate or Medicine by Ann Leighton


How has food influenced your life?

A Conversation with

MARIEL HEMINGWAY Her Kitchen Wisdom for Healthy Living by Giovanna Aguilar


You juggle many responsibilities and roles in your personal and professional life. What advice can you offer readers for achieving balance in their lives?

his month Natural Awakenings speaks with Mariel Hemingway about her personal journey to achieving a healthy and happy life. The veteran actress has practiced and taught yoga for 20 years and avidly pursues avenues of sustainable living and holistic health. Her most recent books include Mariel’s Kitchen: Simple Ingredients for a Delicious and Satisfying Life and Mariel Hemingway’s Healthy Living From the Inside Out.

You must make time for what’s most important to you. Ask yourself questions so that you can find places where you can pull back and reset your priorities. How much television do you watch? Are you taking time to exercise? Do you take five minutes to close your eyes, breathe and listen to internal whispers? It’s often the everyday places, people and things of value that work to keep you connected and balanced.

In Mariel’s Kitchen, you stress the importance of local seasonal eating. What do you consider an ideal meal? It’s important to connect nature with food—knowing where foods come from, knowing about local farms and farmers’ markets. My perfect meal is something that is very simple, fresh and seasonal. The key is to use the right ingredients, a little olive oil and herbs. One of my favorites is searing fish so that it is raw on the inside and serving it with a wonderful aioli or fruit salsa and a lightly steamed, seasonal vegetable. You are a big advocate of organic food, which can be pricey for families on tight budgets. How can healthy eating be accessible to all? It’s about choices. When people want to eat healthier and believe organic is too expensive, I ask them to consider how many times they buy café coffee or order out. When you start to look at food and how you live your life as a method of preventive medicine, it

My mother went to Le Cordon Bleu in Paris to learn how to cook. My family was crazy about food; growing up, I was obsessive about food and used it to fill a hole and replace love. I fasted and tried all kinds of diets, which eventually shut down my thyroid. I wound up needing to go to such extremes in order to find my center; now I’m privileged to be able to help other people find theirs. What I have realized is that instead of serving as a substitute for love, food should come from love as an expression of sharing and giving.

becomes obvious that getting sick [due to poor nutrition and a weak immune system] is a lot more expensive. How did you come up with the concept for your health snack, Blisscuits? My mother had cancer when I was a child, and I was her primary caregiver, so I saw what chemotherapy and radiation did to her. When my ex-husband was diagnosed with cancer, I created the cookies as part of a healthy, holistic lifestyle that could help heal him. They are gluten- and sugar-free and healthful. He is now 11 years in remission and well because he made many good choices. Another reason I developed Blisscuits was to feed my daughters as they were growing up in a world of unhealthy snacks.

What projects are you working on that you’d like to share? I’m currently producing a film based on my grandfather’s book [referring to Ernest Hemingway], A Moveable Feast, and an environment-focused television show with my boyfriend and business partner, Bobby Williams, shot in amazingly beautiful places. It will start filming in the United States, but we plan to shoot internationally, starting with Costa Rica. Bobby and I are also writing a book, Be You Now. Connect on the Internet by visiting and Twitter. com/MarielHemingway. Giovanna Aguilar is a freelance writer based in New York City. Reach her at

natural awakenings

July 2010



Out of the Mouths of Babes A Dozen Ways Children Teach Us to Eat Mindfully by Dr. Michelle May


arents are usually the main facilitators of life lessons for their children, but in some arenas it’s best to let the kids do the teaching. Their natural eating behaviors, for example, exemplify smart choices for us all. Here are some surprising rules of thumb: Eat when you are hungry. From birth, babies know when and how much they need to eat and cry to let us know. As youngsters grow this vital instinct can be unlearned, so that by the time they are adults, most have learned to eat for other reasons besides hunger. By recognizing the difference between needing to eat and wanting to eat, adults can also relearn when and how much to eat. Stop eating when you are full. Infants turn their head away when they have had enough to eat and toddlers throw food on the floor when they’re done. But as adults, we clean our plates because we were admonished as youngsters about starving children, feel a social obligation or something just tastes good. Being hungry makes you grouchy. Being hungry, tired or frustrated makes a child crabby and affects adults in the same way. Take care of your mealtime needs instead of taking out your crankiness on those around you. Snacks are good. Kids naturally prefer to eat smaller meals with snacks in-between whenever they get hungry. That pattern of eating keeps their metabolism stoked all day; adults’ too. All foods fit. Children are born with a natural preference for sweet foods and quickly learn to enjoy fatty foods. Such fun comfort foods can be part of a healthy diet. In fact, studies show that overly restrictive food rules can cause children to feel guilty or ashamed and lead to rebellious eating. Everyone eats healthier when they learn to enjoy less nutritious foods in moderation without deprivation. Be a picky eater. Kids won’t easily eat something they don’t like. Consider how much less you’d eat if you didn’t settle for food that only tastes so-so.

family table. If children observe us eating a variety of healthful foods, then they will learn to as well. It can take up to 10 different occasions of two-bite exposures to a new food, but kids often surprise themselves by liking something they never thought they would. Make the most of your food. Eating is a total sensory experience for children as they examine, smell and touch each morsel. You’ll appreciate food aromas, appearance and flavors more if you aren’t driving, watching television, working on a computer, reading or standing over the sink. Eating with your family is fun. Babies and toddlers naturally love eating with other people. Family mealtime is a golden opportunity to model good habits and conversational skills and connect with each other. With older children, play high-low around the dinner table, where each family member takes a turn sharing the best and worst parts of their day.

You can learn to like new foods.

Healthy eating is an acquired taste, so provide a variety of appealing, healthful foods at the 24

Tallahassee, S. Georgia, Gulf Coast

There is more to a party than cake and ice cream.

Invite children to a party and they’ll want to know what they are going to get to do; invite adults and they’ll wonder what food will be served. Instead of avoiding food-based get togethers, focus on the social aspects of the event. Sleep is good. Children need a good night’s sleep to prepare for the adventures that tomorrow will bring. Everyone benefits from a consistent bedtime and good rest. Live in the moment. Kids are masters at living in the present; they don’t waste a lot of energy worrying about what has already happened or what might happen tomorrow. They are fully engaged in small, enjoyable pursuits. Adults will do well to reconsider the true joys of life and we can learn a lot from children.

Michelle May is a medical doctor, founder of the Am I Hungry? mindful eating program (AmIHungry. com) and the award-winning author of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat. Her mission is to help individuals break free from mindless and emotional eating to live a more vibrant, healthy life.

Do You Know What Is In Your Pantry?


espite what food advertisers and manufacturers tell us with their marketing messages and promises conveniently displayed on food packaging, we need to be aware of hidden and potentially harmful food additives lurking in our cupboard, pantry, refrigerator, or desk drawer. When was the last time you cleaned out your pantry and refrigerator and not because food was expired or had become too stale to eat? Do you often buy food products even though you know they are not healthy? Are you confused about which are the unhealthiest foods and why? Do you currently grocery shop for food bargains with little regard to the nutritional value? If you answered ‘yes’ to these questions, consider the idea of purging your pantry and refrigerator of foods with hidden food additives. Begin by reading the label on the back of each food product for the unhealthiest ingredients. Below is a list of ingredients that should be avoided because they may be toxic to the body. Most of these ingredients will be found in processed foods, which are nothing more than foods manufactured with the ability to sit on a shelf for an indefinite period of time.

and yellow #5, 6. 8. Any food products whose labels list more chemicals and/or words difficult to pronounce than recognizable ingredients. Want to get started? After reading the ingredients of each food product sort them into groups. Keep in mind ingredients are listed on the label in order from highest amount to lowest amount by weight. 1. Foods unopened and not expired take back to the store where purchased for a refund or store credit, especially those containing two or more of these ingredients. 2. Foods opened and containing several of these ingredients should be dumped. 3. Foods opened and containing only one of these ingredients may be finished with the decision to not buy more. 4. Foods that pass the label test, can be kept! If there is no label, i.e. the food doesn’t come in a box or package like an onion, then it typically is a healthy food choice. Make it a goal to stock your pantry in the future, with as many items from #4 as possible. These are positive and healthy steps to take that will benefit every member of your household. Lynn Salter is a Professional Health and Wellness Coach helping those wanting to transition to eating healthier and establish permanent, healthy habits in both individual and group coaching sessions. For more information on how you can establish healthier lifestyle habits visit

1. All food products containing partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils of any kind. All margarine and solid vegetable shortenings and foods made with them. Any foods with trans-fats. 2. All foods containing high fructose corn syrup. (This one stands on its own – one of the worst.) 3. All foods containing added refined sugar or its synonyms: high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup or sweetener, brown sugar, dextrose, fructose, glucose, or sucrose. 4. All foods containing artificial sweeteners, which include aspartame (NutraSweet), saccharin, or sucralose (Splenda). 5. All foods with MSG (monosodium glutamate), a flavor enhancer added to many foods to create a taste addiction so people want more. 6. All food products made from GM (genetically modified) or GE (genetically engineered) foods, which is the practice of altering the genetic blueprint of living organisms. According to the book Food Inc., today most processed foods found in grocery stores “test positive” for the presence of GM ingredients, which now includes canola oil, corn, cottonseed oil, dairy products, papaya, potatoes, soybeans, soy oil, squash, and tomatoes. 7. All foods with artificial colorings, which may be listed on the label as: “color added,” “artificially colored,” or the specific FD&C dyes, including Blue #1, 2; Red #3, 40; natural awakenings

July 2010


healingways Gentle Remedies for

Weekend Warriors Homeopathic Medicines for Sports Injuries by Dana Ullman

Indicated Homeopathic Treatments Three key medicines for sports injuries are Arnica for shock and trauma to soft tissue and muscle; Hypericum for shooting pains and trauma to nerves or parts of the body rich with nerves, such as the fingers, toes and back; and Calendula for cuts or open wounds to promote healthy new skin formation. The information here indicates external use for common injuries.



growing number of professional athletes and weekend warriors are spelling relief h-o-m-e-op-a-t-h-y. Founded on a reputation for helping people suffering from chronic diseases, natural homeopathic medicines also are becoming recognized for their effectiveness in treating common sports injuries. Using them is considered easier than conventional drugs in addressing acute injuries, because applying homeopathic solutions doesn’t require a high degree of individualized remedies. When two people have sprained ankles, for instance, they can each be helped along in their healing by a similar homeopathic remedy, but two people suffering from arthritis will generally require different remedies that are individualized according to each person’s pattern of symptoms. Note that homeopaths recommend that homeopathic medicine be taken in conjunction with, not as a replacement for, conventional first-aid measures.

Form of Doses Homeopathic medicines are available as single remedies or as formulas of two or more remedies mixed together. Single remedies are recommended for injuries when all symptoms point to one homeopathic medicine and it is better to use a stronger dose or higher potency not available in mixed formulas. 26

Tallahassee, S. Georgia, Gulf Coast

The use of several remedies in a formula provides a broad-spectrum effect not available in a single remedy. Because injuries sometimes involve muscle, nerve and bone tissues, it sometimes makes sense to use formulas to help heal the various tissues involved.

Frequency of Use When taking homeopathic medicines, experts generally recommend taking as few doses as possible, but as many as required to reduce symptoms. At first, in the face of a great amount of pain and discomfort, this may necessitate taking the appropriate remedy every hour. Usually, after four doses the frequency can be cut to every other hour; as the intensity of pain diminishes, dosing every four hours is common. If no improvement is noticeable after one or two days, it is generally recommended that the patient stop taking any further doses. Although most homeopathic remedies come in pill form for internal consumption, some are available in external applications; such ointments, gels and sprays provide similar effectiveness. Dana Ullman has a master’s degree in public health and is the founder of Homeopathic Educational Services. His books include The Homeopathic Revolution, Homeopathy A-Z, Homeopathic Medicines for Children and Infants and Discovering Homeopathy. For more information, visit

n Arnica immediately after injury,

especially if there is swelling and soreness. n Rhus tox for sprains with annoying stiffness. n Bryonia for sprains with excruciating pain whenever the joint is moved. n Ledum for easily sprained ankles that feel better when ice is applied. n Calcarea carbonica for chronic ankle sprains and repetitive stress injury. n Ruta for tendon injury (especially helpful for tennis elbow or carpal tunnel syndrome).


n Arnica immediately after injury,

also later if there is soreness. n Hypericum for sharp shooting

pains that accompany a dislocation.


n Arnica immediately after injury,

especially if there is bruising. n Bryonia for fractures with severe

pain made worse by motion. n Ruta for injuries to periosteum

(bone-covering membrane), common with trauma to the shin, skull, elbow or kneecap. n Symphytum to promote bone growth (only to be given after a fracture has been set).

n Calcarea phosphoric to speed

the progress of slow-healing fractures.


HEAD INJURY n Arnica immediately after injury,

especially if there is bruising and/or large swelling that is sensitive to touch. n Natrum sulphuricum for a head injury followed by irritability or depression; always seek professional treatment for a head injury.

WOUNDS n Calendula to help prevent

infection in scrapes and open wounds; for any open wound and for blisters; do not use arnica, but instead apply calendula topically. n Hypericum to speed healing and lessen shooting pain in wounds to the tongue, fingertips and toes. n Ledum to repair injury from puncture wounds. Note: Most health food stores carry homeopathic medicines in the 30C potency, considered a midrange strength that is safe to use when self-prescribing for the sports injuries described here. For severe injuries and emergency care, contact a certified professional homeopath who can prescribe remedies in higher, more appropriate potencies. For a state-by-state directory, visit Helpful Resources: Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines by Stephen Cummings, MD and Dana Ullman, MPH; Homeopathy for Musculoskeletal Healing by Asa Hershoff, doctor of naturopathy and chiropractic Source: Dana Ullman, MPH (master of public health) and Dr. Lauri Grossman, doctor of chiropractic certified in classical homeopathy

America’s Power Colors

What Our Flag Says About Us by Tori Hartman

America’s first Continental Congress likely didn’t consult a color glossary when choosing the colors for Betsy Ross to sew into the stars and stripes of our national flag. Yet her choices were uncanny at pinpointing the true message of the country for which it stands.


hen we delve into the meaning behind red, white and blue, we learn that this distinctive combination signals a powerful message. Our national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner, honoring Old Glory, salutes the intensity that founds the home we call America. Red gives orders; it doesn’t take them. Red is in charge and represents the source of all power. It is related to the first chakra (also known as the root chakra, or spiritual energy center at the base of the human spine), signifying a rootedness in the physical land. White deflects and takes nothing personally. Ironically, while white can be seen as clean and pure, it can also indicate being alone, isolated and with a seeming lack of caring that may make it appear aloof and superior. Instead, in its pure form, white simply stands as a neutral presence. Blue is the color of the creative conformist, especially in the hue of navy blue. This blue assists if one is overly emotional or hasty in communicating, because it helps calm things down. Navy represents truth that has been well thought out before being communicated. It symbolizes trustwor-

thiness and honesty and conveys calm authority. That’s why the favorite corporate color through much of the 1970s and 80s was navy. Here, then, is how the telling combination of America’s colors plays out: The rashness of red conveys strength and courage, while white maintains a detached authority, and blue bears the idea that we stand united in trust and truth. Together, these three colors symbolize courage, authority and freedom. The Congress of the Confederation similarly chose these same three colors for the Great Seal of the United States, noting their meaning as white to mean purity and innocence, red for valor and hardiness and blue for vigilance, perseverance and justice. Americans have carried on with their energetic journey of freedom for themselves and the world since the day the first flag of the United States of America hung outside General George Washington’s headquarters on January 1, 1776. Tori Hartman is a color consultant and author of Color Wisdom Cards. For more information on her work, visit

natural awakenings

July 2010






hether this is your first year growing a kitchen garden or your thumb glows green from years of use, it’s possible to quickly turn dreams of bountiful organic harvests into a reality. Even small gardens can be surprisingly productive, sometimes yielding enough squash to feed the neighborhood. These 10 tips will help you reap top harvests of superb vegetables and herbs. Shop from Your Garden First. After a lifetime of buying food in stores, you may need to change your shopping habits to accommodate the stream of veggies from your own produce patch. It makes sense to shop there first. When you plan meals based upon your garden’s abundance, much less overripe produce ends up as compost.

what’s ripe at least three times a week. Early morning is the best time to gather garden-fresh veggies. Make Plenty of Pesto. A fast-growing annual herb that loves hot weather, basil will keep producing new leaves over a longer time if you harvest big bunches just as the plants develop buds and flowers (the flowers are edible, too). If you have too much basil to use right away, purée washed leaves with olive oil and lemon juice, then cover with water in ice cube trays and freeze. Store the hard cubes in freezer bags for use in making pesto during non-harvest months.

Spread on the Mulch. Everywhere but in the subtropics, rain often becomes scarce in summer, so do everything you can to keep plants supplied with consistent moisture. Tomatoes, in particular, are sensitive to changes in soil moisture that can lead to black spots on the bottoms of ripening fruits. In any climate, drip irrigation from soaker hoses on the surface makes watering easy and efficient. Covering the hoses with mulch reduces surface evaporation and discourages weeds at the same time.

Squeeze Tomatoes. In choosing your favorite tomatoes, taste them fairly by keeping them in a warm place because cool temperatures can destroy their flavor compounds. In addition to watching the vines for ripe colors, make a habit of gently squeezing tomatoes to judge their firmness, the same way you might check an avocado or peach. Heirloom varieties, in particular, are at their best just as they begin to soften, but may become mealy if you wait too long.

Harvest Often. From snap beans to zucchini, vegetables will be longer and stronger if you keep them picked. Gather

Taste Local Favorites. Trying new crops is always fun, especially if you know they grow well in your region. To

28 28

Tallahassee, S. Georgia, Gulf Coast

learn more about which vegetables and herbs naturally grow well in your climate and soil, visit local farmers’ markets to see what local organic farmers are growing. Any crop that grows well in a neighbor’s field is likely to also do well in your garden.


Keep Your Cool. Take on big garden tasks early in the morning or in the evening, when it’s cool. If you must work outdoors on a hot day, try freezing damp kitchen towels into a U-shape and drape a frozen collar around your neck to keep from overheating. Bet on Beans. Most vegetables are fastgrowing annuals that decline after they have produced for several weeks. Replace tattered spring crops with fast-growing bush snap beans, which will promptly sprout and grow in all but the hottest climates. Where summers are sultry, there is often time to follow spring crops with a planting of edamame (edible green soybeans), which offer sensational taste, texture and nutrition. Sow More Salad. Lettuce and other salad greens often go to seed and turn bitter when hot weather comes, but a second salad season is right around the corner. Leafy greens, from arugula to tatsoi (a gorgeous Asian mustard), thrive from late summer to fall in most climates. Keep seeds left over from spring in the refrigerator and start planting them outside as soon as cooler nights arrive in late summer. In subtropical areas, start seeds indoors and set the seedlings out after the hottest months have passed. Fortify Soil. Each time you cultivate a bed, mix in a generous helping of compost or another form of rich, organic matter. Over time, the soil will become better and better, which means ever more beautiful homegrown veggies, fresh from your own garden. Barbara Pleasant is the author of numerous gardening books; this year’s release is Starter Vegetable Gardens: 24 No-Fail Plans for Small Organic Gardens. For more information visit

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natural awakenings

July 2010




he raw food diet may be considered a fad diet by some, or unrealistic by others. However, eating raw foods is nothing new. When you think about it, of the hundreds of thousands of animal species on the planet, humans are the only ones to process and cook their food before eating it. Most people still have a raw apple here and there, but in today's society an apple a day just doesn't cut it. People are beginning to make the connection that the food they eat is directly related to their health and look to the raw food diet as a way to achieve optimal health and well being. In case you are unfamiliar with it, the raw food diet is based on eating food in its natural living state. This includes organic, uncooked and unprocessed foods such as fruits,

vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted grains, and for some, raw animal products like honey and milk. What is the benefit of raw foods versus cooked food? When you heat food above 114 degrees Fahrenheit, it is altered in more ways than just taste and texture. The heat begins to destroy not only vitamins and minerals, but also enzymes, which aid in food digestion and are considered by many to be the life force of food. When it comes to fats and proteins, high temperature turns fats rancid and denatures proteins so your body has a difficult time digesting them. The result is that the food consumed is deemed unusable and accumulates as toxic waste in the body instead of being used as fuel. This may contribute to many of the health conditions people are suffering with today such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and cancer. Raw foods on the other hand, are rich in water, fiber, easily absorbed vitamins and minerals, proteins and fats. When your body is not using most of its energy to digest and assimilate food, it can use that energy to naturally heal and restore itself. «By tampering with the natural foods, we are are losing the very essence that keeps us healthy. Anyone who is skeptical should try it for a few days and observe the amazing result,» said raw food enthusiast and leader of local gardening workshops, Pam Bowling. The effort it takes to include more raw foods into your diet is well worth it when you consider the benefits. These include higher quality nutrition, weight loss, increased energy, mental clarity, detoxification, higher immunity, and healthier skin, hair and nails. Many people even claim


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that eating a raw food diet can help one recover from serious illness and even slow down the aging process. For instance, the movie «Simply Raw» documents individuals who were able to reverse diabetes after 30 days on the raw food diet. Local raw food educator Beverly Graddy says, «The benefit of going raw was reconnecting with a pure joy that comes when you feel healthy and alive. Most people go to raw living foods as a last resort to heal themselves from serious illness, and then they end up with these great side effects like shiny hair, clear skin, hopping out of bed in the morning with excitement and a sense of greater happiness and gratitude. It makes you want to share this lifestyle so everyone can experience it.»

Easy ways to maintain a raw food diet The easiest way to transform your diet is to start slow. Start with adding raw foods to each meal, whether it is a piece of fruit or a small salad. Then try making one raw food meal a day. Try one new raw food recipe a week and find out what meals you enjoy eating and slowly replace your cooked meals with raw ones. Another easy meal idea is a green smoothie. According to Nell Corry, a local Living Nutrition educator, green smoothies are a great way to ensure we have enough greens in our diets, something that is missing for most people. Stock up your kitchen with raw food ingredients and fresh produce so that when you get hungry you can substitute the usual bag of chips for a delicious raw food snack, such as fruit parfait, apple with almond butter, or flax seed crackers with cashew cheese. Before you know it, you may be surprised at how energetic you feel.

A growing interest in raw foods locally For those of you who are looking for some social support on your raw food journey or are curious about learning more about the diet, you are in luck. Tallahassee currently has a growing raw food community. Raw Food Tallahassee Meetup ( announces local raw food potlucks, classes and events. New Leaf Market also hosts occasional raw food-related demonstrations. Attending a potluck, raw food event or class is a great way to learn about raw food, try some new recipes, and connect with people who share a similar dietary passion as you. Jaimee Schulson is a raw food chef and instructor and is the organizer of the Raw Food Tallahassee Meetup. To find out more about local raw food events you can visit www. and

natural awakenings

July 2010


where creativity, divinity and healing meet

July Sale!

“Message from Spirit” A handmade collage inspired by your unique energy

$149 includes 5X7 collage, journal and 1 hr. session (a $249 value) Specialty Commissioned Collages For examples and more information:


Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. ~Mark Twain

Delicious, yet simple raw food recipes Fourth of July Fruity Parfait

This is a refreshing summer snack that will impress your friends and family. You will need: 1 recipe for vanilla creme. Sliced fruit of choice, blueberries and strawberries work well for the Fourth of July. Blender. Vanilla Creme 1 1/2 cup raw cashews soaked in water overnight ( you can also use meat from a young coconut) 1/3 cup filtered water (or coconut water) 1/4 cup raw honey 1 tsp vanilla extract Blend all of the vanilla creme ingredients in a blender, until smooth and creamy. In a glass, spoon alternating layers of vanilla creme and fruit.

Morning Green Smoothie

With green smoothies, you won’t even taste the greens and you will have a healthy and energizing start to your day. 1 cup frozen mango 1 cup frozen strawberries 1/2 to 1 cup spinach (or other greens) 1/2 avocadao Dash of cinammon 1 tbs raw honey 1 cup water Blend water with fruits, and add greens progressively until smooth. Use more or less water, as desired.

Find a Place to

Renew Your Spirit Sunday Services 10:00 AM Youth Education 10:00 AM 8551 Buck Lake Road 5 miles off Mahan on Buck Lake Road

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Tallahassee, S. Georgia, Gulf Coast

Easy Pate

Pates are quick to make and great to have on hand for a quick snack or a meal. 1 cup raw nuts or seeds of choice (soaked in water overnight) 2 cloves garlic 1 tsp salt 3 carrots 2 stalks celery 3 Tbs olive oil 1 Tbs fresh lemon juice 1/2 cup raisins or figs Chop carrots, celery and garlic and add to a food processor with the remaining ingredients. Process until everything is finely chopped. You can add the pate to a salad, stuff into a bell pepper, or wrap with some sprouts in a collard leaf.

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July 2010


Coming in August


Advertisers – up to 5 free listings. Non-advertisers – $10 each for Calendar of Events listings and $8 each for On-Going Calendar listings. Listings must be emailed to natallahassee@

Thursday, July 1 Summer Showcase & Invitation Exhibition at Thomasville Cultural Center – ALL month long. Galleries are free and open to the public Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturdays, from 1:00PM – 5:00 PM. Celebrate the arrival of summer with the return of a favored art exhibit! The Thomasville Cultural Center is pleased to host this year’s 21st Annual Summer Showcase and Invitation Exhibition and invites the public to view the Showcase until August 13, 2010. Thomasville Cultural Center, 600 E. Washington St., 229-226-0588,www. Brown Bag Medication Review. 10:00 am– Noon. In keeping with our focus on Medication Safety, you will have an opportunity to meet the pharmacists from Capital Regional Medical Center for ONEON-ONE consultations. Bring all of your medicines (prescription and over-the counters) and all of your questions! Offered by Capital Regional Medical Center Tallahassee Senior Center 1400 N. Monroe St. 891-4000.

Friday, July 2 Downtown Nights in Downtown Thomasville. Enjoy specials, entertainment and more on First Friday in Downtown Thomasville when shops are open late and restaurant choices abound! Call 229-228-7977 or visit for the Downtown Directory and more information!

Saturday, July 3

Natural Awakenings’ August issue is all about

ALTERNATIVES in education nutrition fitness and sustainable living.

Saturday Downtown Market. 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Remington Ave. & Crawford St, Thomasville. Featuring hand-crafted, home-grown, and organically grown products including vegetables, fruits, baked goods, salsa, dressings, jellies, coffee and more! Look for the Downtown Market the 1st Saturday of every month. For more information 229-227-7020.

Monday, July 5 The CNS Annual Fourth of July Celebration & Fireworks in Thomasville! Celebrate the Fourth of July with good old-fashioned fun and activities for the whole family! Enjoy great games, food, and music! And, of course, a fantastic fireworks display!!! The festivities begin Monday evening at 6:30 PM with fireworks beginning at dark. Remington Park, 1304 Remington Ave., Call 229-227-7001 for more information.

Tuesday, July 6

For more information about advertising and how you can participate, call

850-590-7024 34

Tallahassee, S. Georgia, Gulf Coast

Telephones for the Hearing Impaired. 10:00 am – Noon. Even if your hearing loss is minimal, you may qualify for these no-cost phones distributed by Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc. Tallahassee Senior Center 1400 N. Monroe St. 891-4000. Reiki. 10:30 am – Noon. Reiki is a way of working with the Universal Life Energy to enhance our own natural healing ability. Join Susie Howell, Usui Reiki Master and Practitioner of 21 years, and her friends. Tallahassee Senior Center Health Suite, 1400 N. Monroe St.

markyourcalendar FRIDAY, July 23 Friday July 23 through 26. Health and Wealth is a DECISION. Health City hosts, “Health and Wealth Summit.” A four day event, led by top experts in the field, that will motivate and educate participants toward creating a Healthier Lifestyle. Improve your quality of life today by attending. Health City Contact info: 888-5723132, Register on-line: Marriott, West Palm Beach, Fl 800-376-2292. Be sure to ask for the special rate for Health City: $89 per night.

Thursday, July 8 Healthy Lives: Cognitive Health. 10:00 am Noon. Learn more conditions that impact your mental functioning and how you can keep your brain healthier. Stop by for a few minutes or stay for a few hours at this mini-expo. Memory screenings, depression screenings, and dyslexia/ ADHD assessments. Presentations on “Cognitive Fitness,” “Phobias,” and “Dyslexia” beginning at 11:00 am. Offered by The Alzheimer’s Project, FSU College or Psychology and Dyslexia Research Institute. Tallahassee Senior Center 1400 N. Monroe St. 891-4000

Wednesday, July 14 Hearing Screenings. 10:00 am – noon. Offered by Audibel at no-cost. Tallahassee Senior Center 1400 N. Monroe St. 891-4000.

Tuesday, July 20 Reiki. 10:30 am – Noon. Reiki is a way of working with the Universal Life Energy to enhance our own natural healing ability. Join Susie Howell, Usui Reiki Master and Practitioner of 21 years, and her friends. Tallahassee Senior Center Health Suite, 1400 N. Monroe St.

Wednesday, July 21 Nutritional Counseling and Assistance. 12:30 – 1:30 pm. All of your questions about weight loss, eating for a healthy lifestyle, and diabetes will be addressed in a small group venue by a professional dietician. Ongoing monthly program. Offered by Leah Gilbert-Henderson, PhD, LD. Tallahassee Senior Center Health Suite. Donations appreciated. Pre-registration encouraged. Call 891-4042 to schedule. Tallahassee Senior Center 1400 N. Monroe St. 891-4000. L-UV Yourself: Protect Against UV Rays. 11:30 am. July is National UV Protection Month. Dr. Micah Brienen, Eye Associates, will discuss and demonstrate ways to protect our eyes and our skin from the sun’s damaging light. This will be an interactive presentation, including the opportunity to try on different types of sunglasses. Tallahassee Senior Center 1400 N. Monroe St. 891-4000.

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natural awakenings

July 2010


ongoing calendar SUNDAY


Center Dining Room, 1400 N. Monroe St, 850891-4000.

Spiritual Growth/Study Group based on the Edgar Cayce readings. 7pm . Join us or let us help you start your own group. Genevieve Blazek - (850) 893-3269.

Blood Pressure Screenings - 10am-12 Noon, also Wed. & Thurs. Tallahassee Senior Center, 1400 N. Monroe St, 850-891-4000.

Brain-Body-Memory Balance, 1:30-2:30. Low Unity Eastside Services – 10:00am. 8551 Buck -impact, seated exercise. Bring water bottle and wear Lake Rd. 850-656-1678, www.transformingour- comfortable clothing. Tallahassee Senior Center ing Room, 1400 N Monroe St. Unity of Tallahassee Services – 9:30 & 11am Rev. Bill Williams. Dial-a-Thought 850-562-3766. 2850 Unity Lane, 850-562-5744,

Vinyasa Yoga for Strength and Tone. Mon & Wed. 12 PM. $8/class. Half Moon Yoga 1690 Raymond Diehl Rd, Osaka Plaza, Suite B2. To register, call Catherine Deans 850-508-2182.

Pagan Picnic and Red Hills Pagan Council Meeting – 11 am on the second Sunday of each month. At the picnic pavilions on the south side of Lake Ella. Come meet local Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Druids and other Earth worshippers. Bring a potluck dish to share, plates and utensils. Come for the picnic and stay for the RHPC monthly meeting at noon.

Healing Hot Yoga with Ellen Shapiro. 8:15–9:45 a.m. Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. A moderately intense set of postures focusing on healing through increasing strength, endurance, balance and flexibility, with the room heated. All levels. For more information, contact Ellen at 222-0003 or or see

Hatha Yoga class - 6-7pm. Leslie Hanks’ Yoga Unlimited -Yoga and Ayurveda. 1st month $65. Lunchtime Yoga with Mary Bradford. 12 Teacher Training Program, RYT 200. 850-385-6904, noon–12:45 p.m. Namaste Yoga , 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. Sequences of 12 - 18 poses designed to strengthen, balance, and restore ending in relaxation. Healing Heart Yoga-Yoga from the Inside Out For more information, contact Mary at 322-0063 with Nell Corry. 4:00–5:30 p.m. Namaste Yoga, or or see http://www. 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. Healing Heart Yoga is a gentle meditative practice designed to release stress and tension, nourish the soul, and access and Dynamic and Alive Yoga with Gretchen Hein strengthen the natural healing program of body, mind 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox and spirit. For more information, contact Nell at Rd, Bldg T. A moderate exploration of postures, 877-9086 or, or see http:// movement of breath, finding optimum alignment, developing strength, flexibility, inner peace and deep relaxation. For more information, contact Gretchen Tallahassee Buddhist Book Discussion/Meditation at 391-9833 or or see Group. 1 to 2pm. Meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the Barnes N Noble Cafe in the Tallahassee Mall. Please contact Stacey Turknett for more information Viniyoga with Debra Hale, begins April 5. or 850-656-7066. 7:15–8:45 p.m. Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. Class that is breath-based; focus is on function of postures and adaptations for the individual. For more information, contact Deb at 850-339-4675 or or see

TUESDAY Introduction to Yoga. Tues & Thursday. 12 PM. $8/class. Half Moon Yoga 1690 Raymond Diehl Rd, Osaka Plaza, Suite B2. To register, call Catherine Deans 850-508-2182.

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Tallahassee, S. Georgia, Gulf Coast

Gentle Yoga for Healing - NEW. Tuesday. 2 PM. $8/class. Half Moon Yoga 1690 Raymond Diehl Rd, Osaka Plaza, Suite B2. To register, call Catherine Deans 850-508-2182. Healing Arts Alliance Meeting – 7-8:30pm 2nd Tues each month. Educational meeting open to all interested in healing arts. Email Susie@FertileCrescent. net to get meeting announcements.

Restorative Yoga with Charlene Cappellini and Mary Bradford -11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. This class is a series of postures that gently open the body to allow for the release of tension. Postures are fully supported with props to promote deep relaxation. For more information, contact Charlene at 997-4534 or or Mary at 322-0066 or or see http://www. Yoga Flow with Marianna Tutwiler. 5:30–7:00 p.m. Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. A flow of postures to distress your day while building strength and stamina. For all levels. For more information, contact Marianna at 566-6813 or or see http://www. Open Flow Yoga with Jan Dzurik - 7:15-8:45 p.m. Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd , Bldg T. A fastpaced and vigorous flow of asana to strengthen the body and mind. For more information, contact Jan at 508-9058 or or see

WEDNESDAY Strength and Spirit Yoga with Ellen Shapiro. 8:30–10:15 a.m. Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. A moderate flow of postures and breathwork, focusing on personal transformation through the development of self-awareness and compassion. All levels. Contact Ellen at 222-0003 or or see Vinyasa Yoga for Strength and Tone. Mon & Wed. 12 PM. $8/class. Half Moon Yoga 1690 Raymond Diehl Rd, Osaka Plaza, Suite B2. To register, call Catherine Deans 850-508-2182. Gentle Yoga with Geralyn Russell: Drop-ins are welcome. Wed. 10:30-11:45 a.m. at Unity Eastside, 8551 Buck Lake Road. For information, please call Geralyn Russell at 878-2843 or email her at Lunchtime Yoga with Mary Bradford. 12 noon–12:45 pm Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. For more information, contact Mary at 322-0063 or or see Guided meditation with Dr. Patty Ball Thomas, L.U.T. Noon. Unity Eastside, 8551 Buck Lake Road, 656-1678. Blood Pressure Screenings - 10am-12 Noon, also Tues & Thurs. Tallahassee Senior Center, 1400 N. Monroe St, 850-891-4000.

Life Exercise - 9:30–10:30am, also Thurs. Aerobics, light weights, stretching. Tallahassee Senior Center, 1400 N. Monroe St, 850-891-4000.

Brain-Body-Memory Balance. 2:00-3:00 pm Low impact, seated exercise. Bring water bottle and wear comfortable clothing. Heritage Oaks, 4501 W Shannon Lakes Dr.

Seated NIA Yoga (Neuromuscular Integrative Action). 11:00am-Noon. Taught by Lori Roberts, certified NIA yoga instructor. Tallahasssee Senior

Glucose Screenings - 10:00 am - Noon. Tallahassee Senior Center, 1400 N. Monroe St. 850-8914000.

Gentle Yoga with Charlene Cappellini - 5:30– 7:00 p.m. (997-4534— Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. An organic practice that begins a natural self-healing process that strengthens and stabilizes the body, increases vitality, and reveals your own inner wisdom. All levels. For more information, contact Charlene at 997-4534 or or see

Gentle Yoga with Charlene Cappellini - 9:30–11 a.m. Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. An organic practice that begins a natural self-healing process that strengthens and stabilizes the body, increases vitality, and reveals your own inner wisdom. All levels. For more information, contact Charlene at 997-4534 or or see http://

Hatha Yoga class - 6-7pm. Leslie Hanks’ Yoga Unlimited -Yoga and Ayurveda. 1st month $65. Teacher Training Program, RYT 200. 850-3856904,

Yoga for Alignment, Level 1 with Julia DeHoff - 5:30–7:00 p.m. Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. For more information, contact Julia at 224-9751 or or see http://

Strength and Spirit Yoga with Ellen Shapiro. 7:15–8:45pm. Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. A moderate flow of postures and breathwork, focusing on personal transformation through the development of self-awareness and compassion. All levels. Contact Ellen at 222-0003 or ellsha@ or see

THURSDAY Yin Yoga with Chantel Graham at Abundance Wellness Center. 7:00-8:15pm. Cost: $10. Location: 325 John Knox Road. Please call or email Chantel to register or for more information: 850-4595717 or Introduction to Yoga. Tues & Thursday. 12 PM. $8/class. Half Moon Yoga 1690 Raymond Diehl Rd, Osaka Plaza, Suite B2. To register, call Catherine Deans 850-508-2182. Life Exercise - 9:30–10:30am, also Tues. Aerobics, light weights, stretching. Tallahassee Senior Center, 1400 N. Monroe St, 850-891-4000. Prenatal Yoga with Mary Bradford. 5:30– 7:00p.m. Safe strengthening and stretching postures to help reduce common complaints of pregnancy. Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd , Bldg T. Contact Mary at 322-0063 or or see

Yoga for Alignment, Level 2 with Julia DeHoff 7:30–9:00 p.m. Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. This class develops strength, flexibility, and serenity through correct body alignment in the poses, using props such as blankets and blocks to adapt poses for individual students. For more information, contact Julia at 224-9751 or or see

FRIDAY Wine Tasting - 5:30-7:30pm. FREE. New Leaf Market, 1235 Apalachee Pkwy, 850-942-2557, Drumming Circle. 7-9 p.m. on Third Fridays in the Children’s House behind Unity Eastside’s main building. A willing heart, moving hands and a consciousness of loving participation is all that’s needed. Some percussion instruments may be provided, but it is suggested that if you have a drum, that you bring it. Contact Mike Smith at for information. Unity Eastside, 8551 Buck Lake Road, 656-1678. Chair Yoga. 11 a.m.– Noon, by Certified Yoga Instructors Bridget Kamke. A gentle yoga workout for increased mobility, bladder control, self-esteem, and mental focus. Tallahassee Senior Center Dining Room, 1400 N. Monroe St.

Devotional Chanting and Meditation, 7-9 p.m. on Second Fridays. Enrich your spiritual practice! Join Jeffji in singing easy-to-learn chants in from eastern and western traditions. Donations will benefit the church. At Unity Eastside, 8551 Buck Lake Rd. 656-1678. Happy Hour Yoga with Jan Dzurik. 5:30–7:00 p.m. Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. Come home to yourself in this mild to moderately paced class that ends with a guided meditation. All levels. For more information, contact Jan at 5089058 or or see http://

SATURDAY Beer Tasting – 4:30-6:30pm. FREE! New Leaf Market, 1235 Apalachee Pkwy, 850-942-2557, Tallahassee Farmers Market at Market Square. 8am – 5pm. Year-round.rain or shine. Early Birds get the best selection! The oldest farmers market in Tallahassee. Growers and resellers. Organic and conventionally grown. WIC and Elder Coupons accepted. Fresh and Local - late June early July – Blueberries, Blackberries, Peaches, Melons, Corn, Tomatoes, Squash, Snap Beans, Pole Beans, New Potatoes, Okra, Field Peas, Vidalia Onions, Sweet Basil, Elephant Garlic. 1415 Timberlane Rd Tallahassee, FL. Yoga Unlimited Early Risers’ Class - 8-9am. Yoga and Ayurveda. 1st month $65. Teacher Training Program, RYT 200. Leslie Hanks 850-385-6904, Core Power Yoga with Ellen Shapiro. 9:00–10:30 am. Namaste Yoga, 325 John Knox Rd, Bldg T. An intense flow of postures and breath focusing on increasing strength, endurance, balance and flexibility, with the room heated, followed by deep relaxation and optional meditation. For more information, contact Ellen at 222-0003 or or see

Tarot Skills, the Next Level workshop. 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. (Every Third Thursday of the month). FREE! Are you ready to take your intuitive skills to the next level? Are you in need of an opportunity to enhance your skills working with others? In this ongoing monthly workshop, participants will receive a short refresher on the Tarot. Open those intuitive channels through meditation and past life regression work. In this nurturing environment you can safely embrace and boost your psychic skills. Jennifer Kandel, a skilled facilitator and intuitive reader, provides a fun, professional, and life enhancing environment for you to build on what you already know is inside of you. Due to class materials planning, participants are required to register. For registration info contact at Crystal Connection (850) 878 -8500. Tallahassee Pagan Meetup - Second Thursday of each month at 7 pm. Come meet local Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Druids and other practitioners of New-Age spirituality and religion! Make friends, share stories and exchange knowledge. For more information check out http://pagan.meetup. com/1296/ or email Crystal Connection, 1105 Apalachee Parkway.

Alice Sanpere, LM, CPM Layla Swisher, LM, CPM Diana Janopaul, LM, CPM

Blood Pressure Screenings - 10am-12 Noon, also Tues. & Wed., Tallahassee Senior Center, 1400 N. Monroe St, 850-891-4000.

natural awakenings

July 2010


To find out how to advertise in CRG,


to request our media kit.

ART Therapy

Licia Berry, Integrative Artist (719) 850-1890

An artist and art educator with a passion for Jungian psychology, indigenous values, symbolism and writing (and over 25 years of professional experience), Licia blends visual image, written and spoken word, and healing and intuitive arts in original, unique art that reveal profound truths. Licia offers specialty commissioned collages for Rite of Passage, “Message from Spirit”, Birthday, Midlife, and Initiation into New Cycle (wonderful gifts!), playshops and customized Collage Retreats. With an international following on her Blog, FaceBook and Twitter, Licia’s genuine messages of self love and inner wisdom are gently affirming seekers all over the globe.


Tina’s Cleaning & Organizing Services 850-212-1223

We offer eco-friendly cleaning of your home or office. We specialize in thorough, deep cleaning. This can include organizing your closet, kitchen or garage. We have more than 15 years experience and can provide reliable references.


Elizabeth Barbour, M.Ed. The Inspired Entrepreneur Life & Business Coach 850-893-5211

Ready to shift FROM TIRED TO INSPIRED in your business and life? Elizabeth helps women entrepreneurs to increase the visibility, credibility and profitability of their businesses while practicing self care at the same time! She offers group coaching, individual coaching and leads retreats around the country.


healthy solutions, inc.

Rick Ferrall, lmt, 850-294-8069 521 E. College Ave., TLH 32301

CranioSacral Therapy addresses scoliosis, chronic fatigue and MS, infant disorders, learning disabilities, orthopedic problems, emotional difficulties, chronic neck/back pain, stress and tension related problems, TMJ, brain/spinal cord injuries, and cancer issues. MA24604 / MM11960


Healing Path Alice McCall

Advanced Energy Healer & Counselor BS Psychology, MBA, Hypnotherapist 850-585-5496

I offer phone sessions, specializing in healing serious health issues and unwanted patterns. My book ‘Wellness Wisdom’ has little known information on natural health and healing; inspired by my journey with cancer. Free 15 minutes phone consultation to learn how I can help you.

healthcare Integrative Healthcare

N. Elizabeth Markovich, MSN, ARNP 850-878-4434 2016 Delta Blvd. Suite 100 Tallahasee 32308

Parents’ Day on July 25 honors responsible parenting and uplifts ideal parental role models for our nation’s children. ~ 38

Tallahassee, S. Georgia, Gulf Coast

We offer primary care, preventive care with a holistic approach. We use special testing with 11 outside laboratories to help find the cause of chronic illness and use a functional medicine approach ( We also have hypnosis combined with acupuncture by IB Price MD, massage and cranio-sacral therapy by Angele LaGrave LMT and Nutritional Counseling by Leah Gilbert-Henderson PhD nutrition.Accept Medicare, Blue Cross, Universal, Aetna, others.

FLORIDA WELLNESS CENTER OF TALLAHASSEE 850.385.6664 2339 North Monroe Street (next to Boston Market)

At Florida Wellness & Rehabilitation Centers we are committed to keeping up with the latest technologies and treatments to provide our patients with the best rehabilitative experience possible. We believe in educating and encouraging our patients to take an active role in their own treatment.

holistic health NEW GENESIS CENTER Patrice Bullock, MSN, Family Nurse Practitioner-C 229-228-9050

A healthcare center-Functional medicine, patient-centered approach, non-drug, science-based, results oriented. Getting to the source of your health problems rather than bandaiding. Simple to complex problems. Skin care, digestive problems to the more complex health problems such as Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Chemical Sensitivity. Extraordinary results & health transformation. Functional medicine approach consults, hormone testing, detoxification, weight loss, expert skincare consult & prof. treatments, colonics, far-infrared sauna, physical therapy, massage therapy,



State Board Licensed 850-201-0073

Diplomate in Sports Counseling, National Institute of Sports Professionals. Past President, American Psychotherapy and Medical Hypnosis Association. e-Therapy and TherapyChat/Office-Based Hypnosis and Life Coaching/Professional Seminar Training www.

integrative medicine Archbold Integrative Medicine Center

John Mansberger, MD, Medical Director. 229-228-7008; 2705 E. Pinetree Blvd. #C, Thomasville, GA 31792.

A holistic team approach to a variety of medical problems. Offering acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, pain relief, natural hormone replacement, Cancer therapy, nutrition, weight control, herbal medicine, yoga and physical therapy.



Ansley Studio


Sweat Therapy Fitness

Ansley Simmons artist . photographer . owner 229.224.6021


realryder® cycle studio 850-222-1781

We offer cycling workouts that improves strength, stability and coordination of the upper and lower body--with special emphasis on activating the core muscles. Located in Midtown behind Kool Beanz Cafe

Specializing in portraits & weddings. MFA in Photography, Arts Administration Doctoral Student, Art Museum Education Certificate Florida State University

PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH the BIRTH COTTAGE. Alice Sanpere, LM, CPM; Layla Swisher, LM, CPM; Diana Janopaul, LM, CPM, 260 E. 6th Ave. TLH 32303, 850-224-2229,

Safe, nurturing environment for home-like birth. Complete prenatal care, waterbirth, nutrition coun-seling, breastfeeding info, home visits, childbirth classes and more. Personalized care at reasonable cost. HMO/ Medicaid/ Insurance.

professional SERVICES

Southeastern community blood ctr.


NAMASTE YOGA 850-222-0003 325 John Knox Road, Bldg T

An array of day and evening classes by a variety Of certified teachers trained in different traditions: Kripalu, Iyengar and Ashtanga. Drop by or visit our Website for a schedule of current classes or see the Calendar of events.


Unity eastside

8551 Buck lake, TLH, 850-656-1678, Rev. Jean De Barbieris Owen, Minister, Rev. Jean believes the love of God is unfolding in each person, place, thing. Join us in worship: Celebration Service, 10am; Youth, 10am. Noon prayer Wed.

1-800-722-2218. Located in Tallahassee; Marianna, FL; Thomasville & Douglas, GA.

Blood donors save lives. Is there any greater reward? Save Lives. Give Blood. M-F, 9am–6pm. (Sat. hours in Tallahassee: 9am–1pm)

REAL ESTATE TEAM - KW Debbie Leo - 273-9306 Jennifer Stowell - 567-3223

You can have a green home or find a green home for your family’s health and future. If you’re looking to buy or sell, call Debbie Leo and Jenn Stowell! Your Tallahassee Keller Williams agents.

Need a place for retreat/conferences? Full service facility Georgia Mountains. 706896-9966, 800-990-8869.

PRODUCTS / SERVICES Award-winning documentaries: Kids with Cameras ~ Autistic Minds, Artistic Souls, about kids with autism expressing their artistic talents. Unbeaten, follows exploits of paraplegics racing in wheelchairs and handcycles. or 850-514-4843. Soy Candles, beautifully hand poured with Cotton wicks, magical inspirations. Visit: Contact: info@mysticlelementsetc. com

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Entrepreneurial minded? Work from home, be your own boss, have an abundance of money and more free time. Have your own home-based business working with a team of positive, fun people in the personal development and positive media industry! or 1-800642-5019 (recording).


Help your pets live healthier and longer. Safe, Healthy Veterinarian Formulated Holistic pet food for dogs, cats and horses. . Field Representatives wanted.

UNITY OF TALLAHASSEE 2850 Unity Lane, TLH, 850-562-5744, Rev. Bill Williams, Minister,

A ministry that seeks inspiration from the teachings of Jesus and finds common ground with spiritual masters from other traditions. We invite you to join us. Sunday Services 9:30 & 11 AM. Youth Education 11 AM. Wednesday Service at Noon.

Namasté Yoga of Tallahassee

Daily classes in a variety of yoga traditions, taught by our wonderful certified teachers. All classes focus on integrating body, breath, mind and spirit, while building strength, promoting self-awareness, and cultivating compassion. 325 John Knox Road, Building T, Tallahassee (in the Abundance Wellness Center)

(850) 222-0003 •

Upcoming Workshops February 5–7, 2010 Join Sharon Conroy a weekend of Iyengar yoga.

natural awakenings

July 2010





NOW OPEN! WE OFFER A WIDE RANGE OF SERVICES INCLUDING: Rehabilitation | Physical Therapy | Strength Training | Manipulation Massage | Musculoskeletal Evaluation | On-site X-Rays Clinical Nutrition | Chiropractic Treatments Dr. Jeff Yahraus, Chiropractic Physician LIC#CH9044 MM 24043



Tallahassee, S. Georgia, Gulf Coast



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