6 minute read
LIVING IN SYNC HRON ICITY The Power of Meaningful Coincidence
When we have an inner need that converges with an outside event, it is a meaningful coincidence known as synchronicity, and it happens to us all. It can be simple, like a playful sprite: recurring numbers or dates, all the lights turning green as we race to meet an appointment or a call from a faraway friend just when we want to talk to them. Or it can be profound: a chance meeting with an employer looking for exactly our skills, unexpected money appearing when we’re in a pinch, a timely rescue or our grandmother’s favorite, obscure song coming on the radio or app just as we’re feeling teary-eyed on the anniversary of her death. Whether they are lighthearted or life-changing, synchronicities link us to an underlying order in the universe that is profoundly reassuring. They open us to mystery and delight. They give us a sense of being taken care of. They nudge us to grow in scary, but life-affirming directions. They awaken a sense of awe, which studies have shown to be the emotion most likely to make us reach out generously to others—and that evokes even more synchronicity. And they can make daily life a lark. By its very nature, we can’t create synchronicity, but we can live life in a way that encourages it to show up. The more engaged we are spiritually—whether that means prayer, meditation, walking in nature or loving others deeply—the more likely synchronicity is. Being open, selfby Meg Lundstrom
honest, courageous, engaged, grateful and fully present summons it, which is where therapy, yoga and bodywork can be useful. But we don’t have to be saintly or enlightened; synchronicity is there for us all. It is simply the way the Universe works.
The first step is to notice synchronicity when it occurs, and honor it. As with humans, when we give it our attention and say thank you, it makes it more likely to show up in our life again.
At some point as our trust builds, synchronicity becomes simply the way our life works. Things show up as we need them and we are in the right place at the right time. Even when occurrences seemingly go awry, we glimpse an underlying order that gives us strength and purpose. Life becomes a steady stream of meaningfulness and inner and outer exploration. We find ourselves living in flow, attuned to life’s deepest currents and awash in deep gratitude.
Meg Lundstrom is the co-author with Charlene Belitz of The Power of Flow: Practical Ways to Transform Your Life with Meaningful Coincidence. Connect at FlowPower.com.

You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Tampa Bay Edition NATampa.com 30 I t is always fun to read how drug companies make a new drug, get it approved for treatment for a condition like pulmonary hypertension, and then after it has been on the market for a while, you find out it causes erection in the penis, meaning it treats erectile dysfunction. This is called an off-label use of a drug. Here, I am speaking of Viagra.
There is another well-known drug advertised on TV that treats certain autoimmune conditions. By accident, a group of doctors discovered that if they gave the drug in a very unique manner, it could reverse the physical problems of a stroke such as blindness, dementia, inability to walk and neuropathy. In the treatment of Parkinson’s, it can give a sense of balance and mental clarity. In certain genetic diseases like Down syndrome, it can make the mind work faster, causing increased alertness, improved speech and better retention of information.
My daughter Katherine is 9-years-old and was born with Down syndrome. We have really worked to help her be healthy and look for ways to raise her mental abilities. The health aspect has been easy. One thing we did was raise her vitamin D level over 100 and she has never been so healthy; we have not needed to give her antibiotics for an illness since raising her vitamin D. It should be noted that some providers believe vitamin D levels over 100 are toxic. This is a myth, per the physician’s head of the presidential commission on vitamin D.
Improving my daughter’s mental abilities has been more difficult. I was reading recently about a certain biological drug, if given in a very unique way, it stops inflammation within minutes and seems to last from months to years. The drug is usually only given once or twice. Looking at the side effects, the only thing we could find negative was with its long-term use, nothing about one or two doses. It’s kind of like taking a steroid such as prednisone— taken for three to five days to calm a rash is not a problem—but taking it for years, every day, can cause tremendous weight gain and push a patient into diabetes. So, we gave my daughter this biological drug. That evening, she used words we never knew were in her vocabulary and she showed abstract thinking. It has been three months since her treatment and every day we see changes in her mentally. People have also noticed a change.
I had a patient who was abusing drugs. In communicating, he was very slow in his ability to talk and think. Knowing this drug had been shown to make a difference in dementia, I treated him. He told me, after a few minutes, his brain felt on fire. His speech sped up. His wife said he was talking very fast but making complete sense. It has been nearly four months now and he says he has never had more mental clarity in his life. This drug by John D. Young, MD
has made big differences in stroke patients within minutes to hours. A gentleman had a stroke two years ago and could not walk because of severe numbness in his right leg and on the right side of his body, and could barely make a fist. An hour after receiving treatment, he was able to walk and began to move his hand.
It is exciting to see and learn about drugs which we have known and been using for years for certain purposes, and by knowing the drug’s properties, deducing ways to now use the drug for other disease conditions. If you are interested in learning more and if you are a candidate, call to schedule a consultation.
John D. Young, MD has been treating patients at Young Foundational Health Center since he opened the private practice in 2005. As the author of Beyond Treatment and creator of Young Health Products, he continues to treat patients with the motto: “Treat the cell, heal the body.” He is the innovator forhuman umbilical cord stem cells and has trained doctors worldwide on its effectiveness. Dr. Young is sought because of his out-of-the-box thinking in conjunction with integrative and natural medicine.
Young Foundational Health Center is located at 7241 Bryan Dairy Rd., Largo. To schedule an appointment, call 727-545- 4600. Most major medical insurances accepted. For more information, visit YoungFoundationalHealth.com. See ad right.