17 minute read
Equine Therapy has Physical and Emotional Benefits
by Julie Peterson
Horses are being increasingly used to help people work through emotional and physical challenges, and for good reason: Numerous studies have shown that equine-assisted therapy helps with anger, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and dissociative or other emotional problems. It works whether the therapy involves riding or simply feeding and grooming. Building the relationship increases people’s self-confidence, social skills, trust, empathy and emotional regulation, and helps them establish routines, structure and a sense of responsibility—all skills that are transferable to daily life.
Equine Psychotherapists
Equine-assisted psychotherapy involves counseling with a mental health professional and time riding or caring for a horse. The horse is considered a cotherapist. Forming a relationship with an animal that weighs 1,000 pounds or more may be intimidating, but the required vulnerability and trust is part of the process.
“Horses show us how to live together in harmony. They teach us about acceptance of others and of ourselves,” says Marcy Tocker, clinical mental health counselor and founder and executive director of Grey Muzzle Manor Sanctuary, in Mohrsville, Pennsylvania.
“In some cases, I see results more quickly using equine therapy than solely with office therapy. I also see more motivation from typically resistant clients because this can actually be fun, too,” says
Meagan Good, a counselor and owner of Take Heart Counseling & Equine Assisted Therapy, in Wernersville, Pennsylvania. “Horses are relationship-oriented and intuitively sense and honestly respond to the emotions of those around them, which makes the horse-human bond a powerful healing mechanism.”
“Horses have similar emotions to humans—they get stressed out, happy, impatient. That’s why equine-assisted services are so popular,” says Traci Leigh, equine manager and instructor at Dream Riders TLC, in Crystal Lake, Illinois.
Therapeutic Riding
Beyond working as co-therapists for emotional issues, horses are excellent for occupational, speech and physical therapy. “Riding a horse rhythmically moves the rider’s body in a manner similar to a human gait. Their pelvic movement is the same as ours, so riders with physical needs often show improvement in flexibility, balance, muscle strength, circulation and breathing,” says Pamela J. Rogan, founder, executive director and certified therapeutic riding instructor at Harmony Farms, in Cocoa, Florida. “It will also enhance a rider’s quality of life, build confidence, independence and selfesteem. This is particularly true of riders with emotional or behavioral disabilities.”
Research shows that children and adults with cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke and other conditions that affect motor control saw improvements in balance, gait, gross motor function and posture after several weeks of equine-assisted treatment.
Horses at Work
“I look for horses who are not afraid of new things, but curious about them … a horse that thinks through a new situation, that expresses himself freely and that enjoys interacting with humans,” says Good. “From there, my professional team works on building a relationship with that horse so that the horse feels safe to build relationships with clients who may or may not have any horse background.”
There are certifications and advanced courses that ensure appropriate training of the therapists and instructors, the safety of the people receiving services and the training and well-being of the horses. Reputable organizations include the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (eagala.org), the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (pathintl. org) and Natural Lifemanship (NaturalLifemanship.com).
“In addition to requiring that the horses are quiet, gentle animals and physically and mentally sound, they are trained to be desensitized to noise, wheelchairs, walkers and different types of therapeutic equipment that riders may need for safety or postural assistance,” says Leigh. Her horses get four weeks off every year and work a schedule that ensures ample time to rest and recharge during the day.
“The horse is a co-therapist. They are doing a job, and it’s a not an easy job,” says Tocker. “To ensure the well-being of our equine therapists, they get ample time off and massages. They’re taking on a lot, so we want to make sure they don’t burn out.”
“I have horses that seem to step in and ‘protect’ clients when they are feeling vulnerable. I have horses who try to help regulate the anxious client by breathing or yawning or nuzzling,” says Good. “For the most part, we trust the horses to just be themselves, and what they bring is always helpful for the client.”
“Horses are able to be present and focus solely on what is going on around them. They do not think about the future or the past or judge people based on what they look like or what experiences they may have had,” says Tocker. “I feel like I witness miracles every time I do a session at the barn.”
Julie Peterson writes about health and wellness from rural Wisconsin. Reach out at JuliePeterson2222@gmail.com.

Copper Stops Germs Before They Spread
Scientists have discovered a natural way to kill germs fast.
Now thousands of people are using it against unwanted viruses and bacteria in the nose and on skin.
Germs, such as viruses and bacteria, can multiply fast. When disease germs get in your nose they can spread and cause misery unless you stop them early.
Hundreds of studies in the last 20 years by government and university scientists show that copper, a natural element, kills germs just by touch.
The EPA officially declared copper to be “antimicrobial”, meaning it kills microbes, including viruses, bacteria, and fungus.
The National Institutes of Health says, “The antimicrobial activity of copper is now well established.”
Copper’s power to kill germs has been used for thousands of years. Ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about microbes, but now we do.
Scientists say the high conductance of copper disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell by touch and destroys it in seconds.
Some hospitals tried copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. They say this cut the spread of MRSA, which is antibiotic resistant, and other illnesses by over half and saved lives.
The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. He made a smooth copper probe with a tip to fit in the bottom of his nose. The next time he felt a tickle in his nose that felt like a cold about to start, he rubbed the copper gently in his nose for 60 seconds. “I didn’t get sick,” he exclaimed. “Due to regulation we don’t make health claims, so I can’t say if it is cause and effect.”
“That was September 2012,” he continued. “I have been using it every time and have not had a single cold since then.”
He asked relatives and friends to try it. They reported the same thing, so he patented CopperZap® and put it on the market.
Soon hundreds of people had tried it. The feedback was 99% positive if they used the copper within 3 hours after the first sign of unwanted germs, like a tickle in the nose or a scratchy throat.
Early user Mary Pickrell said, “I can’t believe how good my nose feels.”
“What a wonderful thing!” exclaimed Physician’s Assistant Julie. Another customer asked, “Is it supposed to work that fast?”
Pat McAllister, 70, received one for Christmas and called it “one of the best
presents ever. This little jewel really works.” Frequent flier Karen Gauci had been suffering after crowded flights. Though skeptical, she tried copper on travel days for 2 months. “Sixteen flights and not a sniffle!” she exclaimed. Businesswoman Rosaleen says when people around her show signs of cold or flu, she uses copper morning and night. “It saved me last holidays,” she said. “The kids had crud going round and round, but not me.” Attorney Donna Blight tried copper for her sinus. “I am shocked!” she said. “My head cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.” A man with trouble breathing though his nose at night tried copper just before bed. “Best sleep I’ve had in years!” he said. In a lab test, technicians placed 25 million live flu viruses on a CopperZap. No viruses were found surviving soon New device puts copper right after. where you need it. Some people press copper on a lip right away if a warning tingle suggests unwanted germs gathering there. The handle is curved and textured to increase contact. Copper can kill germs picked up on Dr. Bill Keevil: fingers and hands after Copper kills viruses you touch things other on contact. people have touched. The EPA says copper still works even when tarnished. Buy once, use forever. Made in America of pure copper. 90-day full money back guarantee. Price $79.95. Get $10 off each CopperZap with code NATA21. Go to www.CopperZap.com or call toll-free 1-888-411-6114. Statements herein are not intended and should not be interpreted as product health claims, and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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THE AFTERLIFE FREQUENCY: The Scientific Proof of Spiritual Contact and How That Awareness Will Change Your Life
by Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer®
World-renowned 4th generation psychic medium and Oxford educated attorney Mark Anthony bridges the divide between faith and science in this fascinating afterlife exploration taking you around the globe, from the cosmic to the subatomic, into the human soul itself. Combining physics, neuroscience and riveting true stories this book:
• Reveals how our “Electromagnetic Soul” is pure eternal energy which never dies. • Takes spirit communication, near-death experiences, and deathbed visions out of the shadows of superstition and into The Light of 21st Century Quantum Physics. • Teaches Anthony’s “RAFT Technique” to Recognize contact with spirits, Accept it as real, Feel it without fear, and Trust in the experience. • Provides hope for victims of grief, homicide, suicide, PTSD and survivor’s guilt. • Illuminates how contact with spirits is a powerful instrument of healing and love.
“ “To put it bluntly, this is an amazing book that deserves to be enjoyed by millions of readers.”
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“Mark Anthony shows that while we cannot control death, we can control how we understand and react to it in healthy ways.”
Bruce Greyson, MD, co-founder of IANDS and author of “After: A doctor Explores what Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond”
Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer® author of The Afterlife Frequency and his other best sellers, Never Letting Go and Evidence of Eternity is cohost of The Psychic & the Doc on The Transformation Network and columnist for Best Holistic Magazine. He appears nationwide on TV and radio as an expert in spirit communication, near-death experiences, paranormal phenomena and as a legal expert.
To get your copy go to: Amazon, fine book stores or ATERLIFEFREQUENCY.com. Also available on audio, narrated by Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer® (Psychic Lawyer®) www.AfterlifeFrequency.com
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide call 727.865.9339 or go to NATampa.com and request a media kit.
ACUPUNCTURE & ORIENTAL MEDICINE Chris Dziubinski, DOM, AP, L. Ac 12952 N Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa 813-935-CARE (2273) MindBodySpiritCare.com
Florida Board Certified Acupuncture Physician offering acupuncture therapies for the whole family. Established, comfortable, caring and professional integrative medicine clinics in South & North Tampa. In-network with most medical insurances; accept payments from HRA, HSA and FSA.
NATURAL MED THERAPIES Machelle Perkins, D.O.M. 7600 Bryan Dairy Rd # C, Largo 727-541-2211 NaturalMedTherapies.com
National & state board certified with 15+ years experience in Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Cold Laser & more. BioPuncture and Mesotherapy to treat pain, ADHD, anxiety, depression. Lab testing, most insurances. Free Nutritional Consultation.
LIFEWORKS WELLNESS CENTER Dr. David Minkoff, M.D. Dr. Christine Wildeman, M.D. Sue Morgan, APRN & Karima Redouan, APRN 301 Turner St., Clearwater 727-466-6789 LifeWorksWellnessCenter.com
Specializing in Ozone Therapy, IV Therapy, Heavy Metal Detoxification, Neurological Issues, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Gut Issues, Thyroid Issues and IPT for Cancer treatment. See ad inside front cover.
PROFESSIONAL HERBALISTS TRAINING PROGRAM Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies 2520 Central Ave., St. Petersburg 727-551-0857 AcuHerbals.com
The 2-year program meets one weekend each month for class and Wednesday nights for our hands-on student clinic. This program is designed to create clinical herbalists in a combination of Chinese and western herbalism. Many open classes. Designed to meet American Herbalists Guild standards. See ad page 31. ORTHOMOLECULAR NUTRITION & WELLNESS 9225 Ulmerton Rd., Ste. 312, Largo 727-518-9808 OrthoLiving.com.
We address the underlying root cause of disease by using a variety of modalities such as Nutrient IV’s, Chelation, Weight loss, HRT, PEMF, Ozone Therapy and more. To see if you qualify for Medical Marijuana go to OrthoMMJ.com.
SIX OAKS WELLNESS APOTHECARY Carolyn Zinober, LMT, Esthetician, Clinical Herbalist, Aromatherapist 607 1st. Ave. SW, Largo 727-501-1700 SixOaksWellness.com
Clinical herbalist and massage therapist offering consultations, extensive line of Eastern/Western Herbs, Teas, Essential oils, CBD, Supplements, and learning workshops. Visit your neighborhood apothecary today! See ad page 27.
ASTROLOGY FOR YOUR SOUL Aluna Michaels, M.A., Esoteric Astrologer Dunedin 248-583-1663 AlunaMichaels.com
Second-generation astrologer and Soul Evolutionist practitioner. Over 25 years of experience. Insightful, unique perspective on goals and issues. “Together we will unveil your soul’s purpose.”
NATURAL LIVING CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS CENTER Dr. Paula Giusto 310 South Brevard Ave., Tampa 813-253-2565 NaturalLivingChiropractic.org Family chiropractic care, wellness care, nutritional counseling, neuromuscular massage therapy. Jin Shin Jyutsu & craniosacral therapy. RENEW LIFE Bonnie Barrett 28469 US Hwy 19 N. #402, Clearwater 727-461-7227
RenewLifeFla.com, Lic# MA14802 MM35406 25 years experience. Expert in colon hydrotherapy using pressure points, abdominal massage, essential oils, and lymphatic drainage. All disposable tubing used. Very comfortable and relaxing room with private bathroom. See ad page 6.
BEATA CARLSON, DDS 1825 Sunset Point Rd, Clearwater 727-888-6523 NaturalAndCosmeticDentistry.com
Natural, Holistic, Aesthetic Dentistry. Careful Silver filling removal. Non-metal crowns and bridges. Be pampered in our Spa-like atmosphere. See ad back cover.
CARLO LITANO, DMD Natural Smiles of Tampa Bay 9087 Belcher Rd., Pinellas Park, 33782 727-300-0044 Natural-Smiles.com
Offering Holistic/Biological dentistry. Swiss dental protocols, ceramic implants, safe mercury removal, ozone cleaning and on site sedation. See ad page 4.
PAUL T. RODEGHERO, DDS Clearwater Family Dental 215 S Myrtle Ave., Clearwater 727-442-3363 MyClearWaterFamilyDental.com
We are a full service family dental practice that stresses metal free restorations, safe mercury removal, ozone and laser dentistry. We welcome patients of all ages and can handle any concern that you may have. See ad pages 3, 9 & 15.
To Advertise in the
Resource Guide, email Debbey at dwilson@natampa.com or call 727.865.9339.
ROBERT J. YU, DMD Tampa Bay Dental Implants & Periodontics 6700 Crosswinds Dr., Ste. 200-B, St. Petersburg 727-384-9122 TBPerio.com
The only board certified periodontist and implant surgeon in Tampa Bay offering ceramic/zirconia nonmetal implants. State-of-the-art treatments include CBT imaging, LANAP and digital intraoral scanner, eliminating messy impressions. See ad page 33.
ROSE KALAJIAN—HERBALIST Natural Health Hut Clinic and Herb Farm 813-991-5177 ImHerbalist.com
Specializing in growing the herbs used in my clinic practice and in the Herbal Remedies I formulate. Consultations are available for humans, dogs, cats, and horses. Promoting health through the use of Herbs. See ad page 24.
UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES HYPNOSIS, INC. Patricia V. Scott, President 727-943-5003 UPHypnosis@yahoo.com, UPHypnosis.com
Professional Hypnosis & NLP Certification Training, Weekly classes & Private sessions (Smoking, Weight, Stress, Sports, Habits), Clinical/ Medical Hypnotherapy available w/ referral. Speaking Services & Corporate Programs. See ad page 18.
CHRISTIE MD FUNCTIONAL & AESTHETIC MEDICINE Dr. Heather Christie 2837 1st Ave. N., St. Petersburg 727-220-9080 ChristieMDfam.com
Functional, Aesthetic and Intravenous Medicine. Offering hormone therapy; nutritional evaluation and therapy; fatigue and stress management; detoxification; diabetes; cardiovascular diseases; weight control; aesthetics. Out-of-Network Provider. See ad page 17. INTEGRATIVE THERAPEUTICS Dr. Prudhvi Karumanchi 8320 Stone Run Ct., Tampa 33615 813-322-6171 IntTherapeutics.com
Committed to finding the root cause, Holistic MD offers: IV Nutrition, Regenerative Treatments, Functional Medicine, Heavy Metal Detox, Energy Healing, Weight Loss, Anti-aging and more. Outof-Network Provider.
MIND BODY SPIRIT CARE Ron N. Shemesh, M.D. 12952 N Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa 813-935-CARE (2273) MindBodySpiritCare.com
Integrative & holistic medicine for women & men: Natural Hormone Therapy, Anti-Aging, IV Chelation, Nutritional Vitamin Therapy, Fatigue & Stress Management, Weight Loss, Yoga, Nutritional Counseling. Affiliated with St. Joseph Hospital. Most insurance accepted.
PEAKS OF HEALTH METABOLIC MEDICAL CENTER Tracie Leonhardt, DO 1120 Belcher Rd. S., Ste. 2, Largo 727-826-0838 PeaksOfHealth.com
Dr. Leonhardt is Board Certified & Fellow of the American Academy of AntiAging and Regenerative Medicine. Offers a personalized program for each individual patient. Hormone replacement therapy, weight loss, thyroid, GI issues, Diabetes, infrared sauna, IV nutrition, Anti-aging, Chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, and toxicities. See ad pages 11 and 47.
Dr. Les Cole Kathie Gonzales, ARNP 2100 Dr. MLK Jr. St. N, St. Petersburg 727-202-6807 StPetehw.com AwakeningWellness.org
Functional, Regenerative, Integrative & Preventative Medicine. Treating Thyroid, Autoimmune Diseases, Cancer Support, Natural Hormone Replacement, Stem Cells, Exosomes, PRP and Joint Rejuvenation, IV Nutritional Therapy. See ad page 21.
SUCCESS BY DESIGN 9095 Belcher Road, Pinellas Park 727-548-0001 SBDWellness.com
A Wellness Center for AgeManagement, Functional Medicine and Medical Weight Loss. Specializing in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement including Pellet Therapy, Gut Health/Food Allergies, Detoxification, Nutritional Evaluations, Acupuncture, Massage therapy and more. See ad page 5.
Islam Ganie, PN, ADN, BSN, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, APRN 6613 49th St. North, Pinellas Park 33781 727-954-4543 Instagram: TCL_Medical Facebook: TCL Medical
Providing optimal and affordable integrative and holistic health care, including weight loss; anti-aging; IV hydration/ chelation (including IV vitamin C, ozone); gut; thyroid; asthma/respiratory; fatigue/ stress & much more.
YOUNG FOUNDATIONAL HEALTH CENTER John D. Young, M.D. 7241 Bryan Dairy Road, Largo 727-545-4600 YoungFoundationalHealth.com
Author of Beyond Treatment. Creator of Young Health Products. Offering specialized treatments for chronic diseases. Therapies include Bio-identical Hormone, Stem Cell, Vitamin IV, Chelation, Ozone. Special Testing and Nutritional Education. See ad page 7.
Dunedin 340-626-9642 RonniFordyeh@gmail.com Intuitive crystal healer and yoga instructor; 22 years’ experience. Awaken: messages from your incarnated soul; energy and energetic healing; food sensitivity awareness. Group yoga and private healing sessions available online, by phone or in-person.
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. ~Mae West
SOLGARDEN HOLISTIC THERAPY, LLC Ellen Mooney, Reiki Master 727-754-4340 EllenMooney7@gmail.com SolGardenHolistic.com
Relax, de-stress and come back to the peace of your Soul with Guided Meditations, Intuitive Healing or Usui Reiki sessions by phone and in-person. With over 25 years’ experience and training, I will help you release energy clutter and shift you to your true light-filled self. Gift Certificates available.
Larry Castellani, Ph.D. 716-816-5464 I.Am.Meditation108@gmail.com
I have 30 yrs. experience teaching college philosophy and meditation. My soul promise and commitment is to guide you to find inner peace and happiness—your birthright.
REED ‘NAHAM’ MYLES Certified Reflexologist and LMT 727-543-3048 by appointment Clearwater MA0028171
Whether you need deep therapy, a tuneup or just a relaxing treatment, I can help you. Just call me.
MASTERS’ DOJO Shihan Lynn Montana Freemãn Sun City Center 267-474-4717 LynnMontanaf@aol.com
Shihando Reiki Master; 30 years’ experience. Private and group training. Beautiful crystals, candles, incense, books and giftables. Private healing sessions and shopping by appointment only. LISA MILIARESIS Extreme Communication 727-239-0656 Lisa@2Communicate.net 2Communicate.net
Lisa offers private individual and group channeling sessions, as well as private counseling sessions for those looking for direction in developing their own personal practice.
UNIVERSOULLIGHT CONSULTING Rev. Amanda Segovia, Reiki Master, Certified SRT Personal Consultant UniverSoulLight.com UniverSoulLight@gmail.com
Private sessions using various healing, clearing & spiritual modalities. Akashic Records, Intuitive Medium, Astrologer, Numerologist, Meditation, Chakra-Balancing, Tarot/Oracles, Candles, EOL Transition, Teacher/Mentor & more. See website. FLORIDA MEDICAL THERMOGRAPHY June Drennon, CCT 2008 JuneDrennon@FloridaMedicalThermography.com 727-729-2711 FloridaMedicalThermography.com
Certified Clinical Thermographer 2008. Mindful Wellness with Thermography! Knowledge is power: Know your risk factors to make corrections and avoid developing pathology. Call for location convenient for you. See ad page 29.
HEALTHY PAWSIBILITIES NATURAL PET WELLNESS CENTER Dr. Cathy Alinovi, DVM 628 Cleveland St., #17, Clearwater 727-510-3665 HealthyPawsibilities.com.
Offering only holistic health options. Nutrition, herbal support, body balancing, canine fitness, reiki and more. See ad page 41.
GREENPOINT THERMOGRAPHY John D. Bartone MD Thomas Hudson MD 7901 4th Street North, Suite 316 St. Petersburg, FL 33702 727-576-0100 GreenPointThermography.com
The only physician owned and operated thermography practice in Tampa Bay - serving Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Pasco counties. Accredited by the American College of Clinical Thermology. See ad page 33. MEDICINE RIVER ANIMAL HOSPITAL Shawna L. Green, DVM 13495 Gulf Boulevard Madeira Beach 727-299-9029 MedicineRiverAnimalHospital.com
Compassionate health care catered toward the needs of your pet offering preventative medicine, surgery, dentistry, senior wellness, and more. See ad page 41.
To Advertise in the Resource Guide email Debbey at dwilson@natampa.com or call 727.865.9339