Strengths ◦ Fits with the characteristics of the genre ◦ The colour's surrounding the actor fit with the genre and the stereotypical characteristics of the music. ◦ The model is relatable as she is young which is similar to our target audience but she is also the age of what our actual audience would be. ◦ The positioning of the actor draws the audiences attention to her as well as the colour of her clothes which are all black
Weakness • The font isn't readable • The colour isn't readable • The font doesn’t fit with the genre • The colours are different to the back of the cd cover
◦ The font fits with the genre characteristics
• The font is difficult to read • The font colour is difficult to see against the background • The colours of the background don’t match the front cd cover • The font doesn't create the correct representation • Needs to have a bigger track list on the back for it to qualify as an album
◦ The actors pose fits with the anonymity of the main character in our music video ◦ The actor is the same age as our actual audience would be therefore making her relatable ◦ The composition makes sure that the actor is the focus of the cd cover ◦ The colour of the clothes that the actor is wearing draws the audiences attention to her
Strengths ◦ The font is readable ◦ The font colour is seeable ◦ It links to the mise en scene in our music video of the red cups constantly being in use ◦ It matches the other inside cover but not the front or back cd cover henceforth why this idea is being scrapped.
Weakness • None of it fits with the front and back cd covers • Although it links to our mise en scene, this is difficult to see as there is no colour in the cup • The composition of the cover isn't well thought out • The visuals don’t follow stereotypical genre conventions of indie pop music
◦ The font is seeable
• The composition of the cover isn't relatable to our music video • The colour of the cup is blocked out therefore making it not as relatable to our mise en scene • It isn't relatable to our audience • It doesn’t relate to our front or back cd cover. Henceforth why I am scrapping this idea for my inside cd covers
◦ The colour of the font is readable and seeable ◦ The Red cup links to our mise en scene in our music video as it is constantly being used ◦ It kind of links to the meaning and theme of the song but not enough to be used as an inside cd cover
â—Ś The front and back cd cover are the ideas that I am going to stay with whilst I scrap my ideas for the inside covers. This is because the front two ideas are more relatable to our music video and the song as well as the genre conventions of indie pop music. These ideas are also better executed than the original ideas for the inside covers.