Welcome Home

First Baptist Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, believers can engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts, and use them for Him.
From small groups to weekend meetups, Sunday school to morning coffee for men and women, we have dozens of opportunities to gather together in biblical community weekly, encouraging one another closer to a life devoted to Christ.
Join us for service! We would love to see you.
6:00 p.m. Ladies Bible Study
6:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting
The history of First Baptist Church is not just about buildings property, and programs. It isn't just about our pastors, though we've been blessed with good "shepherds." It is about people - people from all walks of life, ordinary people who strive to do extraordinary things. It is about generations of people who serve our Lord and this church with their God-given talents - deacons, Sunday school teachers, musicians, committee members, ushers, cooks, nursery workers, custodians - all striving to do their very best.
For over 135 years, First Baptist Church of Franklinton has existed to be the church for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We have attempted to be a beacon of light in a never-darkening world that is quite different from the world of our forefathers knew, a world that is smaller due to tremendous technical changes that exist today.
In that ever-changing and frightening world, we have an anchor who assures us He will always be with us.
The mission of First Baptist Church Franklinton is the same mission Jesus gave his followers:
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
- Matthew 28:19
The vision of First Baptist Church Franklinton is to create a community of authentic believers and witness a city transformed by the life changing reality of the gospel, as people come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
“A Family for Life”
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Our strategy is to engage in mission work corresponding to the four regions mentioned in this verse. Our Jerusalem is Washington Parish; our Judea is Louisiana; our Samaria is North America; and the ends of the earth represent our global work.
LOCATED 2208 Washington Street Franklinton, LA 70438
PHONE (985) 322-2017
Usual hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with families coming to choose their food in assigned time slots. The Thrift Shop helps support the food bank and is open on Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
It was founded in 2006 after Hurricane Katrina and began as a food choice pantry under the sponsorship of FBC in March 2016 .
To support Washington Parish families through access to nutritional food, advocacy, and education and to provide individual emergency and parish wide disaster response.
Our nurseries are available during most church activities. We have an infant nursery for newborns up to pre-walkers. Once babies have begun to walk full time with confidence, they join our toddler nursery.
The toddler nursery is available for children up to 36 months of age.
Nursing mothers are welcome in our nursery.
Our Preschool Ministry is offered for children ages 3 through Kindergarten. This includes Sunday School classes, Wednesday night activities, and other special activities.
We train children to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through activities that are fun, educational, and age-appropriate in a safe, loving, and nurturing environment.
We consider it a privilege to work with each child in guiding them towards the time when they will come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
Our Children’s Ministries are offered for children ages 1st through 6th grade. This includes Sunday School classes, Wednesday night activities, and other special activities.
We train children to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through activities that are fun,
educational, and age-appropriate in a safe, loving, and nurturing environment. We consider it a privilege to work with each child in guiding them towards the time when they will come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
PlaySchool is a ministry of First Baptist Church with a long history of providing a Christian atmosphere in which preschoolers can freely socialize with their peers. It is an important first step in learning to find his/her place in a classroom setting as we prepare them for traditional school. All learning that takes place at Playschool is designed with the primary focus on helping form children with a high level of functionality within a group. Our main goals are to teach them of God’s incredible love for them and how to play well with others within a classroom setting. If you have any questions about Playschool , please do not hesitate to give Kelly a call.
Student Ministry meets weekly for Bible study and prayer.
Our Sunday morning Bible studies are divided into gender and age-specific classes so that discussion can flow naturally without distractions.
These Bible studies are centered around two aspects
• Discussion of God's Word
• Application of God's Word.
Our Wednesday Night Worship Service is upstairs in the Youth Room at 6:00 p.m. and is centered around a time of worship and large group Bible study.
Our Small Group Ministry is one of the core venues for our adults to get plugged in and connected with other believers with similar interest.
These groups are designed to foster Biblical community.
We offer small groups for
• Bible Study
• Men’s Bible Study
• Women’s Bible Study
• D3 Groups
(Discipleship Groups)
On the 1st Friday of each month, the Senior Adults have a luncheon.
The luncheon is either in the Family Life Center or another destination.
They have a time of devotion and a fellowship luncheon.
Our Senior Adult Ministry takes trips and outings as possible. Keep an eye out for upcoming trips and events in our monthly newsletter, The Bridge.
This ministry is maintained at both of our local nursing homes. Numerous ministry projects are conducted by various groups from First Baptist Church throughout the year.
This ministry, under the direction of our Associate Pastor, minister to our home-bound members by visiting and facilitating periodic Bible studies for our home-bound members.
When one of our members experiences decreasing mobility, we feel it's especially important to keep in contact with them. We want them to know that they are still a meaningful member of the FBC family.
Some of our ministries to our home-bound members include the frequent delivery of meals and delivery of study materials.
First Baptist Church has enjoyed a history of a powerful music ministry marked by excellence and enthusiasm.
As First Baptist grows into the future, we recognize the changing culture of music and worship. We have selected a music path to utilize the best of both traditional worship songs and hymns and the best of contemporary music. We are a multi-generational church with a worship style that is intended to lead all people in praise and worship.
In addition to our weekly Worship Services, First Baptist Church provides a variety of Musical Presentations at Christmas and Easter. The Sanctuary Choir, Handbells and Senior Adult Choir along with other special groups lead Musicals, presenting the message of the season.
Groups within our Worship Ministry to get tuned into are:
• Sanctuary Choir
• Senior Adult Choir
• Praise Team
• Handbells
• Worship Band
This ministry coordinates the video and projection of announcements and other visuals that inform and assist in the worship experience of the congregation.
The sound ministry is vital to our services. It gives balance to various musical instruments and voices. This ministry manages sounds in the sanctuary on monitors through the campus and on social media.
This ministry, under the direction of our Pastors, encompasses a few sub-ministries, as well as our Wednesday evening Prayer Meeting that takes place in the Sanctuary at 6:00 p.m.
These include:
Intercessory Prayer Ministry Contact Dianne Cruce at 985.839-6419.
Email: fbcfranklinton.prayer@gmail.com or call 985.839.3337.
Sunday Mornings:
Boiler Room Prayer Ministry Contact Bobby Fortenberry at 501.339.3916
Tuesday Mornings:
Men’s Prayer Ministry Tuesdays at 7:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room Contact Richard Knight at 985.515.3878
Ministries are a vital part of our church community. God has given each of us unique gifts and abilities, and there are many different ways to serve. Choose which ministry you'd like to serve with below and we'll be in touch with you.
Areas of opportunities available are:
• Bereavement Ministry (meals for grieving families)
• Casserole Ministry (meals for those in need; new baby, illness, etc.)
• Food Bank Ministry
• Greeter Ministry
• Library Ministry
• Music Team
• Production Team
• Special Events (VBS, Camps, etc.)
• Welcome Team
To get connected with one of these ministry opportunities, please contact the church office at (985) 839-3427.
First Baptist Church has a formal membership policy that goes beyond attendance and involvement. Although anyone is welcome to attend and participate in First Baptist Church’s ministry, we have a formal membership process that allows members to participate in decision-making and leadership responsibilities. Membership demonstrates to the community that a person has united with our church in ministry and fellowship. We desire that all who are involved in our church at any level of participation commit to membership and join us in serving Christ.
To become a member of First Baptist Church, one must first make a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Second, that person must follow his/her profession of faith with believer’s baptism (baptism by immersion).
A person can join First Baptist Church in one of three ways:
and Baptism
When a person accepts Christ and is baptized, he/she joins our fellowship.
If a person is already a member of another church, he/she joins our church by expressing this desire before the congregation. Our church staff handles the details of transferring the letter of membership for you.
If a person is a member of another evangelical denomination, he/she joins First Baptist Church by publicly expressing his/her desire to unite with us in membership.