Order in Chaos: Kalaghoda Arts Festival 2017

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T het hemeoft hepr oj ectr el at est o t het hemeofKal aghoda, ’ S peed ofl i ght ’ ,t ot heci t yofmumbai . T hel at t eri sl ookedasamet aphor ofS peed,Di r ect i on& Gr owt h.T he s t r eaksofl i ghts ymbol i z et he s ame;s howi ngOr deri nt heChaos oft heCi t y.T heupwar d di r ect i oni ngoft hel i nesi nt he i ns t al l at i on,s how t hegr owt hof t heci t y.T hi schar act eri ss i mi l art o t hepat t er nofgr owt hofmumbai whi chs t andst r uef ort heevent whi chhasgr ownal ongwi t hi t .T he model conver gesatoneend, i ndi cat i ngt heor i gi nofgr owt h. T hedi ver gi ngpar t s& cont r as t i ng col our scomi ngt oget herata poi nt ,depi ctt hedi ver s i t yof peopl eandcul t ur escomi ng t oget hert obecomeonewi t ht he ci t y.

KAL AGHODAART S F ES T I VAL2017: S PEEDOFL I GHT T hei ns t al l at i onwasal s odi s pl ayedatt woot her f es t i val si nI ndi a: -

Gr aphi cVi s ual i z at i on


Donei ncol l abor at i on wi t hR.S hah,J .Meht a S .S har ma& S .S hah

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