Nate Owens' Sketchbook

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A sketchbook

Rough doodles by Nate Owens featuring Doodlebugs and other characters of ludicrous whimsy. These may evolve into paintings, prints or whatever comes to mind. As for now, they are what they are... first-draft conceptual studies capturing an idea, character trait or a totally inexplicable, unexpected surprise. I hope you enjoy the critters as much as I do drawing them.

The I-can't-believe-I-ate-that doodlebug

A good deal on used chickens

The I-gotta-run doodlebug

The aye-aye doodlebug

Good friends and good coffee

I love a parade

The aw-shucks The doodlebug I-don't-have-a-clue The doodlebug you-gotta-be-kidding doodlebug

Dining at the hoss cafe Hotdogs on a hog

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