Ngci strategic plan summary jan 2014 digital format

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Strategic Plan 2014 - 2019 January 2014

Contents Introduction








Strategic Environment


Key Strategic Goals and Objectives


Monitoring & Evaluation





In February 2012 the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands (NGCI) opened the doors to its new purpose-built home on the Esterley Tibbetts Highway. Fourteen years in the making, this state-of-the-art facility is a landmark achievement for the Cayman Islands, garnering an over 100% increase in footfall by its second year from both a local and visiting audience, as well as providing unparalleled visual art education programmes for the entire community.

The National Gallery of the Cayman Islands is an inclusive gathering place which honours our artistic heritage, celebrates art and seeks to provide inspiring learning experiences for all of our diverse public. Accordingly, we envision that our National Gallery will be:  the country’s leading public visual arts organisation;  an enriching, inclusive environment;  committed to collecting and exhibiting works of art;  a provider of innovative and creative educational programmes; and  an environment that places Caymanian culture at the forefront, whilst embracing the diverse cultures and traditions of our global community.

This strategic planning exercise was instigated by NGCI’s Management Board and Director to build on the organisation’s recent achievements, and to provide an agreed set of goals for the next five years. The plan was developed in full consultation with NGCI staff, with input from our wider stakeholders, and assistance from consultant Dr Judith Gates. The findings of the organisational review and planning process have led to the NGCI Strategic Plan 2014-2019 which consists of eight strategic goals for the organisation. This plan will direct the operation and development of the Gallery over the next five years. While the nature of strategic planning requires long-term goal setting, this plan has been designed as a working document to be as adaptable as possible; regular updates and reports to the board are required and may result in future modifications of the plan as it evolves.

Mission The mission of The National Gallery of the Cayman Islands is to promote the appreciation and practice of the visual arts of and in the Cayman Islands.

The board and staff are committed to achieving the ambitions of this plan, which will allow us to sustain our commitment to our mission and the community we serve.

Natalie Urquhart Director



Values In addition to setting structured objectives NGCI recognises that the way these objectives are achieved is also important. The values listed below, therefore, are what we aim to embody as we carry out our daily tasks and long-term management of our organisation: Innovation To express our unique brand through building a creative and dynamic environment. Engagement To strive to inspire our community by providing opportunities for growth and discovery. Sustainability To commit to the stewardship of our environment, our culture, our finances and our organisation.

The National Gallery of the Cayman Islands is bound by the National Gallery Law (1999), and also observes the UK Museums Association Code of Ethics for Museums as follows. An abbreviated version of the Code for Ethics for Museum follows. The document in its entirety can be found on Code of Ethics for Museums 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Hold collections in trust on behalf of society. Focus on public service. Encourage people to explore collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment. Consult and involve communities, users and supporters. Acquire items honestly and responsibly. Safeguard the long-term public interest in the collections. Recognise the interests of people who made, used, owned, collected or gave items in the collections. 8. Support the protection of natural and human environments. 9. Research, share and interpret information related to collections, reflecting diverse views. 10. Review performance to innovate and improve.

Integrity To ensure accountability, transparency, and responsibility in all our actions. Inclusivity To seek to create an accessible experience for the public by being welcoming and responsive to all. Excellence To pursue consistently high standards in all that we do.



Strategic Environment The history of Cayman Islands’ art is comparatively short in relation to its 510 year known past. In the earliest days the Islands were only mildly affected by the currents that so greatly influenced the artistic development of our neighbours Jamaica and Cuba: the early pre-Colombian cultures of the Taíno and Carib indigenous peoples, and later the African influences brought to the region during colonial rule. However, craftforms did spring up out of necessity early on and as time progressed, thatch craft, embroidery, appliqué, smocking, and quilting gave way to the Cayman art scene that we know today – realist watercolours, classes in topics from graphic design to ceramics, abstract oils, and collectives such as Native Sons. Though the art scene has continued to flourish the recent global financial crisis (beginning in 2008) affected the Cayman Islands’ economy, and art sales suffered significantly. Several commercial galleries closed, while the part-Government funded organisations were forced to downsize or dissolve grant programmes due to budget cuts. Still, artists showed remarkable resilience to these challenges, finding new venues in which to display their work and finding ways to connect directly with potential collectors. At the same time, arts organisations streamlined programming and sought to create new public/private partnerships through which to support the continuation of art education programmes and exhibitions.

However, much still needs to be done if this momentum is to continue. Some of the primary impediments to the development of the visual arts have been the lack of primary- and tertiary-level arts education, trained museum/gallery staff, support for critical dialogue about fine art and a coherent government cultural policy. These challenges are not unique to the Cayman Islands but they need urgent attention and support from both the public and private sector. It is only as an informed, professional infrastructure develops that the opportunities and support will increase for local artists. In addressing these concerns, the specific objectives for the strategic planning exercise are numerous. The primary aim has been to provide a clear framework and direction for the governance and the management of NGCI. The sections below outline the eight categories of strategic goals, and the methods of measurement and evaluation which will be used to track our progress.

Despite such setbacks, 2012 was a very significant year in Cayman’s art history with the completion of the purpose-built National Gallery facility, 14 years in the making, and the recognition of Miss Lassie’s cottage on the World Heritage Watch List 2012. Both of these achievements have illustrated a growing maturity in the development of Caymanian art as well as increasing interest from local and overseas audiences. Over 20,000 people visited the National Gallery in 2012-2013, a near 100% increase from the 2011 calendar year, which saw approximately 10,500 visitors (at the previous Harbour Place location).



Key Strategic Priorities 2014-2019 Strategic Goal


Collections To develop and strengthen the National Collection by creating opportunities for acquisition and commission of artwork while ensuring its care and conservation.

Strategic Goal


1. Maintain NGCI as a leading education facility and resource in the Cayman Islands. 2. Enhance Intellectual Access to NGCI Education, Exhibitions and Collections. 3. Continue to offer high quality outreach programming to different sectors of the community which is inclusive, accommodates marginalised members of the community and includes the concepts of art therapy (where appropriate). 4. Help to facilitate the establishment of secondary- and tertiary-level arts education in the Cayman Islands in order to encourage the development of local artists, art appreciation and careers in or related to the creative arts. 5. Continue to ensure that NGCI’s education department programmes are executed to a high standard and all efforts are made to keep them sustainable. 6. Recruit, train and retain qualified educational instructors.

Key Objectives


Exhibitions To enhance the public understanding and enjoyment of the visual arts by providing a stimulating, informative, and enjoyable on-site temporary exhibitions programme, travelling exhibitions and displays.

Key Objectives 1. Maintain position as the premier art exhibition venue in the Cayman Islands by delivering a vibrant, high quality, rotating schedule of on-site exhibitions. 2. Develop all exhibitions in close consultation with the NGCI Education Department and Communications Department to ensure a high quality related educational component and the broadest audience possible. 3. Provide opportunities for emerging artists, young curators and student exhibitions. 4. Increase the profile of NGCI exhibitions locally and internationally.


To increase the understanding of and engagement with the visual arts as a vital component of the cultural heritage of the Cayman Islands through vibrant, stimulating and accessible programmes of learning.

Key Objectives

1. Strengthen and develop the National Collection. 2. Maintain and protect the Collection through the highest standard of care, including conservation, security, display, storage and documentation. 3. Enhance access to, and the public understanding and enjoyment of the collection through exhibitions and educational programming. 4. Increase the profile of the Collection locally and internationally. 5. Strengthen research and scholarship capacity.

Strategic Goal


Strategic Goal


Marketing & Communication Promote the National Gallery collections, exhibitions, programmes and activities, through strategic marketing, promotions, technology and products.

Key Objectives 1. Apply the unique NGCI brand consistently across all aspects of the organisation. 2. Develop and execute a marketing plan and market research programme to determine audience profiles and preferences. 3. Strengthen the approach to and use of technology as a marketing tool. 4. Ensure appropriate resources are made available to carry out marketing strategy. 5. Establish new and maintain good community partnership and communication with media, NGCI patrons, and stakeholders. 6. Research and establish opportunities to market NGCI internationally. 9

Strategic Goal

Strategic Goal



Board Member Participation Introduction The National Gallery should take full advantage of the ability of its Board members In February 2012 over the National of the Cayman Islands (NGCI) opened to contribute and aboveGallery their statutory obligations of supervision. To that the doors to we its new purpose-built homeindividual on the Esterley Tibbetts Highway. Fourteenroles years end will seek ways in which Board members can take effective in the making, this state-of-the-art facility is a landmark achievement for the Cayman to enhance the effective functioning and management of the Gallery and its Islands, garnering an over 100% increase in footfall in the first two years from both a programmes. local and visiting audience, as well as providing unparalleled visual art education

Sustain and encourage an inclusive environment for all staff. Provide an encouraging, supportive and equitable environment in which all staff will have the opportunity to grow professionally, whilst fulfilling their roles and responsibilities, and contributing to achieving the goals of NGCI.

Key Objectives

programmes for the entire community. Key Objectives

1. Develop and improve the organisational culture of NGCI to maintain staff loyalty, commitment and morale and improve employee retention. 2. Nurture current and future talent. Encourage the best candidates to consider the visual arts as a viable career and apply for NGCI vacancies, offering career development and long-term career opportunities for those who join the team. 3. Maintain an HR structure that supports current NGCI needs, provides opportunities for growth and development, and creates a clear guide for recruitment. 4. Ensure NGCI’s HR records and administration practices are fit for purpose and meet all government and legislative requirements.

1. Identify specific events and projects to which Board members can contribute practically and/or financially. This strategic planning exercise was instigated by NGCI’s Management Board and 2. Reduce burdens on employed Gallery staff. Director to build on recent achievements, and to provide 3. Maximise usethe of organisation’s the connections, experience and resources of Boardan agreed set of goals for the next five years. The plan was developed in full consultation with members to promote and fund Gallery activities. NGCI4.staff, with input from our wider stakeholders, and assistance from consultant Dr Develop a code of practice/ethics for the Board. Judith Gates.

Strategic The Goal

Human Resources

findings of the organisational review and planning process have led to the NGCI

Finance & Business Strategic Plan 2014-2019 which consists of eight strategic goals for the organisation.


To maximise the financial resources available through public (government funding) This plan will direct the operation and development of the Gallery over the next five and private sector support (fundraising), trading (retail/events/membership), and years. While the nature of strategic planning requires long-term goal setting this plan through the sound management of NGCI’s assets and resources. has been designed as a working document to be as adaptable as possible; regular updates and reports to the board are required and may result in future modifications Key Objectives of the plan as it evolves. 1. Maintain a high standard of financial management across the organisation. 2. Continue to maximise revenue via public/Government contributions. 3. Grow privatetosector support to fill our annual gap. will The board and and staffstrengthen are committed achieving the ambitions of this funding plan, which Optimise for generating revenue via trading activities – retail, allow 4. us to sustain opportunities our commitment to our mission and the community we serve. events and catering – and as appropriate through new revenue streams. 5. Continue to identify all opportunities to control costs. Natalie Urquhart Director


Strategic Goal


Operations & Facilities Establish the Gallery as an inclusive gathering place by creating an environment for all staff and visitors that has the highest standards of safety, fitness for purpose, legal compliance and protection of the physical and intellectual assets of NGCI.

Key Objectives 1. Ensure that all operations are well managed, legally compliant and socially and culturally sensitive. 2. Maintain, and further improve, the physical facility (buildings, services, resources and management) in order to support programmes and to ensure maximum visitor satisfaction. 3. Ensure appropriate resources (staff/time/funds) are allocated to operation and maintenance of NGCI building and facilities. 4. Work towards reducing negative impact on the environment.


Monitoring & Evaluation This strategic plan has been structured in such a way as to facilitate the evaluation of each objective for each strategic goal. Each manager with responsibility for a priority area has created a workbook assigning personnel, performance indicators and timelines to each component (objective/task/action point) of their area. These workbooks have been designed to make each component fit to “SMART� criteria (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound). The criteria for measuring success are assigned to each strategic goal to provide evaluation of each objective. Going forward NGCI will ensure that these quantitative criteria are supplemented by qualitative data in its monitoring and evaluation of programming and activities. This dual approach to monitoring and evaluation will allow stakeholders to understand the more subtle and complex nature of certain elements of this plan.



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