Research Yearbook 2012

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Editorial Research at Euromed Management



- Euromed Management Research Priorities - International Scientific Committee - Research Output

Research Priority 1


Market, Corporate, and Individual Behaviours in Euro-Mediterranean, Emergent, and Subsistence Marketplaces

- Projects & Events - Publications

Research Priority 2

Editorial Activities




Visiting Research Scholars


Doctoral Programmes


Research Assistants


Faculty Members



The Management of Diversity and Managing Across Cultures

- Projects & Events - Research Chair - Publications

Research Priority 3


Environmental and Ethical Dimensions of Businesses and Organisations

- Projects & Events - Research Chair - Publications

Research Priority 4


Strategies, Markets, and Customers in Entertainment, Sports, Healthcare, and Maritime Industries

- Projects & Events - Publications

Research Priority 5


Managing Networks, Value Chains, and Entrepreneurship

- Projects & Events - Publications


The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust FRENCH NOVELIST !1871"1922#



The importance of creating and disseminating new knowledge through comprehensive research is central to Euromed Management’s mission and vision. Within the business school’s broad research output, five areas of particular strength have been identified and serve to guide our research activities. These research priorities represent areas of expertise in which we en-

Concerning our doctoral programme, the first graduation ceremony took place for the participants in our DBA Programme. Run in cooperation with Renmin University of China, the DBA Programme is specifically designed for Chinese senior executives and entrepreneurs.

joy significant recognition. They also guide choices of partnerships with businesses and organisations and the development of research chairs.

The production of academic research has increased year a!er year as evidenced by the number of articles written by faculty members and the total number of CNRS stars produced. The development of our faculty makes quality research possible and we wish to congratulate all faculty members for their significant contributions. We intend to build on our previous success and actively seek new opportunities to further develop knowledge and share our enhanced understanding with students, managers, and fellow academics.

We promote research activities within our priorities through the organisation of major international conferences such as GRONEN 2012 on Corporate Social Responsibility and through research contracts such as the ones with FEMISE (Forum Euromediterranéen des Instituts de Sciences Economiques). Company involvement in our research activities continues to grow. The AG2R LA MONDIALE Chair supported the international research group ERISAMed in their work on the social economy and responsible investment in emerging markets, and the RSE Med Study on corporate social responsibility in Mediterranean countries.

— Bernard Belletante Director General and Dean

Dwight Merunka Director of Research and Doctoral Programmes

The chair on Sustainable Sourcing in the Network Environment conducted a survey on responsible purchasing from a managerial perspective and developed a project on the implementation of a responsible purchasing approach with the SNCF.


Research at Euromed Management EUROMED MANAGEMENT RESEARCH PRIORITIES Market, Corporate, and Individual Behaviours in Euro-Mediterranean, Emergent, and Subsistence Marketplaces The Management of Diversity and Managing Across Cultures Environmental and Ethical Dimensions of Businesses and Organisations Strategies, Markets, and Customers in Entertainment, Sports, Healthcare, and Maritime Industries Managing Networks, Value Chains, and Entrepreneurship


INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Euromed Management’s research policy and organisation is validated by an International Scientific Committee composed of the following members: Prof. Walter Baets Director, Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town, South Africa. Prof. Celia De Anca Director, Centre for Diversity in Global Management, Instituto de Empresa, Madrid, Spain. Prof. Maria Tereza Leme Fleury Faculdade de Economia e Administraçao, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Prof. Robert Galliers Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Bentley College, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA. Prof. John Luiz Director of International Programmes, Wits Business School, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. Prof. Dwight Merunka Director of Research and Doctoral Programmes, Euromed Management, and Professor, Aix-Marseille University, France. Dr. Dominguez Ricardo Chief of Staff, Office of the Secretary General, Organization of American States, Washington DC, USA. Prof. Michael Wood Professor of Management, University of Notre Dame, Freemantle, Australia. Prof. Luk Warlop Professor of Marketing, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium and Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, Norway.







A and B Articles*





Other Refereed Articles*





Book Chapters










Research Papers Presented at Conferences





Case Studies (published in a case clearing house)









CNRS 1 (* * * *)





CNRS 2 (* * *)





CNRS 3 (* *)





CNRS 4 (*)





Total Number of Stars





*Published Articles & DOIs


*Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique



Market, Corporate, and Individual Behaviours in Euro-Mediterranean, Emergent, and Subsistence Marketplaces



This research priority’s main objective is to develop and disseminate managerially relevant knowledge to promote economic development in the Mediterranean region. We revisit established models in light of the specificities of emerging and developing markets and propose relevant approaches for conducting business. A significant number of contributions include the analysis of global macroeconomic and geopolitical imbalances as well as how the local political, financial, cultural, and economic contexts affect managerial dynamics. Research is disseminated to private and public decision makers through Euromed Management’s involvement in international projects such as FEMISE, OCEMO, or Sustainable Med. Key Words: Emerging Markets, Euro-Mediterranean Markets, Development Economics, Geopolitics, Informal Economy, Development.

— RESEARCH PRIORITY COORDINATOR Dr. Thomas Lagoarde-Segot Associate Professor of Finance



PROJECTS & EVENTS FEMISE (Forum Euroméditerranéen des Instituts de Science Economique)

FEMISE is a Euro-Mediterranean network that includes 94 members of economic research institutes, representing the 37 partners of the Barcelona Process. Over the past 15 years the network has contributed to the understanding and the promotion of research on important issues directly affecting the region. FEMISE is jointly coordinated by the Institut de la Méditerranée (France) and the Economic Research Forum (Egypt). Its objective is to produce and disseminate research-based recommendations on economic and social issues in the Mediterranean region. Additional dimensions have been included to better respond to the changing institutional framework, the new economic reality of the Euromed region and the fundamental transitions of the South Mediterranean region. One of the network’s main objectives is publishing this research for the benefit of public and private, national and multilateral institutions. As an active member of the FEMISE network, Euromed Management is engaged in activities that include conducting research on issues related to the Euromed partnership, neighborhood policy and the Union for the Mediterranean; distributing the results of this research through conferences, workshops, publishing research papers and newsletters. Prof. Jean-Louis Reiffers, Affiliate Professor of Economics at Euromed Management, is the President of the Scientific Committee and Coordinator of FEMISE. Prof. Bernard Paranque, the delegate for Euro-Mediterranean Affairs and the FEMISE correspondent for Euromed Management, was recently elected to the FEMISE Board of Directors for a two year term.


> Projects Funded by FEMISE The FEMISE Project on Well-Being initiated by Dr. Boris Bartikowski, Associate Professor of Marketing, and Prof. Dwight Merunka, Professor of Marketing, investigates indicators and drivers of wellbeing and quality of life, with a focus on consumption activities. The project entitled “A Cross-Country Assessment of Well-Being and Quality of Life in the Euromed Region: Models and Measurements” studies the impact of various consumption activities on subjective well-being: consumption of basic, leisure, and status goods. The study covers Euromediterranean countries such as Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, and France and differences across countries and cultures are assessed. Initial empirical results were presented in December 2011 at the annual FEMISE Conference held in Marseille on the theme, “The Arab Awakening and the Role of the EU-Med Partnership.” Dr. Alexis Guyot, Assistant Professor of Finance, and Dr. Thomas Lagoarde-Segot, Associate Professor of Finance, received funding from FEMISE for a research project on the theme “Financial Integration, Shock Vulnerability, and Dominant Foreign Investors: Implications for the Cost of Capital in Emerging Markets.” The project includes the creation of an international consortium with Dr. Simon Neaime, Professor of Finance at the American University of Beirut.

Jean Louis Reiffers

Bernard Paranque


Sustainable MED (Environmentally Sustainable Mediterranean Development Program)

OCEMO (Office for Economic Cooperation of the Mediterranean and the Middle East)

OCEMO is a new think tank launched by its two copresidents, Philippe de Fontaine Vive, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and Prof. Jean Louis Reiffers, Affiliate Professor at Euromed Management and President of the Scientific Committee of FEMISE. The network brings together over 20 institutions, including 180 research laboratories and economic development agencies playing an active role in economics, investments, and training. Prof. Bernard Belletante, Director General and Dean of Euromed Management, is Vice-President for Higher Education and Executive Education. Prof. Bernard Paranque is in charge of the project “50 Junior Enterprises for Youth by the Youth.” Beyond studies led by government and international institutions, OCEMO facilitates mediation between civil society and institutional leaders, demonstrating that others paths are possible as far as economic development is concerned. These paths include distribution of growth, respect for democracy, enabling the adoption of a prospective and positive regional approach.

Sustainable MED, a World Bank initiative supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), aims to mainstream environmental management within the economic development agenda of Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries. In particular, the collaboration seeks to create a comprehensive new framework to deal with issues related to natural resources, land degradation, solid and hazardous waste, and climate change. Every two years Sustainable MED publishes a thorough analysis of major environmental issues linked to economic development in the region. The 2012 MED Report, “Toward Green Growth in Mediterranean Countries” presented evidence from recent experiences in Mediterranean countries that promoting “green growth” can offer an outstanding opportunity to create good jobs and promote social cohesion in the region. Contributions by Dr. Thomas Lagoarde-Segot, Associate Professor of Finance, (“Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) and Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) in Mediterranean Countries”) and Dr. Julien Hanoteau, Associate Professor of Sustainable Development and Economics, (“Promoting Tradable Rights and Payments for Ecosystem Services”) were included in the report.

Julien Hanoteau

Thomas Lagoarde-Segot



Euromed Management and the Antai College of Economics & Management Jiaotong University, Shanghai (China)

International Conference on “Institutional, Corporate, and Individual Behaviours in Emerging and Subsistence Marketplaces” In September 2011, Euromed Management and the DEFI Research Center at Aix-Marseille University organised an international conference on “Institutional, Corporate, and Individual Behaviours in Emerging and Subsistence Marketplaces.” Under the leadership of Dr. Thomas Lagoarde-Segot, Associate Professor of Finance at Euromed Management, this symposium examined the macroeconomic, microeconomic, and normative process of emergence, and came to conclusions regarding the content and sequencing of fiscal policy in developing countries. Papers presented at the conference were published in a special issue of the journal Emerging Markets Review “Actors, Crisis and Financial Market Development.”

The Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai’s Jiaotong University and Euromed Management jointly established the AEMBA programme (Antai Euromed Management MBA) to address the internationalisation of local companies. Building on this programme, Euromed Management and Jiaotong University organised the Strategic Management Forum 2012 on the theme, “The Internationalization Strategy of Chinese Firms – Dialogue Between Entrepreneurs and Scholars” under the leadership of Dr. William (Hua) Wang, Associate Professor of Economics and Business Policy at Euromed Management and China area manager. Euromed Management also co-sponsored IFMRD 2012 (International Forum on Metropolitan Regions Development), on the theme “Status Quo and Future Regional Development.” Dr. Wang contributed to the “Chinese and Foreign Metropolitan Region Development Report” linked to the conference.

— William Wang

— Thomas Lagoarde-Segot






Articles Akram, A., Merunka, D., & Akram, M.S. Perceived brand globalness in emerging markets and the moderating role of consumer ethnocentrism. International Journal of Emerging Markets 2011, Vol. 6, No. 4, 291-303.

Bernard, F., & Pignatel, I. L’application de la norme IAS 19 : ses conséquences sur le régime spécial de retraite de la SNCF. Euro-Mediterranean Economics and Finance Review 2012, Vol. 6, No. 3, 7-31.

Gimet, C., & Lagoarde-Segot, T. Financial sector development and access to finance. Does size say it all? Emerging Markets Review 2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.memar.2011.11.002.

Lagoarde-Segot, T. Does stock market development always improve firm-level financing? Evidence from Tunisia. Research in International Business and Finance 2011, DOI: 10.1016/jribaf.2011.10.003.

Lagoarde-Segot, T. Firms and markets behaviours in emerging markets. Research in International Business and Finance 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.ribaf.2012.04.005.

Lénel, P., & Martin, V. La contribution des études postcoloniales et des féminismes du «sud» à la constitution d’un féminisme renouvelé. Revue Tiers Monde 2012, Vol. 1, No. 209, 1-22.

Souiden, N., Pons, F., & Mayrand, M.E. Marketing High-Tech Products in Emerging Markets: The Differential Impacts of Country Image and Country-of-Origin’s Image on Consumers’ Uncertainty, Aspiration, and Purchasing Intention. Journal of Product and Brand Management 2012, Vol. 20, No. 5, 356-367.


Sun, D., & Zoubir, Y. Sentry Box in the Backyard: Analysis of French Military Bases in Africa. Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia) 2011, Vol. 5, No. 3, 82-104.

Zoubir, Y. French-Algerian Relations: The Weight of History. The North African Journal December 24, 2011, 2-5.

Zoubir, Y. Algeria and Russia: Reconciling Contrasting Interests. The Maghreb Review 2011, Vol. 36, No. 2, 99-126.

Zoubir, Y. El colapso de la dictadura de Gadafi: Que futuro para Libia? Foro Internacional 2012, Vol. 52, No. 2, 361-378.

Zoubir, Y., & Aghrout, A. Algeria’s Path to Reform: Authentic Change? Middle East Policy 2012, Vol. 19, No. 2, 66-83.

Editorial Lagoarde-Segot, T. Actors, crises and financial market development Emerging Markets Review 2012, Vol. 13, Issue 3, 253-255.




Books Chapters Aghrout, A., & Zoubir, Y. (2011). Algeria, History. In The Middle East and North Africa 2012, (pp. 156189). London and New York: Routledge. Andriani, P., Biotto, G., & Ghezzi, D. (2011). The Emergence of Trust-Based Knowledge Ecosystems, The Case of Illycaffé in Brazil. In Belussi & Staber (Eds.), Managing Networks of Creativity, (pp. 191211). New York: Routledge. Zoubir, Y. (2011). Algeria. In The American Foreign Policy Council’s World Almanac of Islamism 2011, (pp.1-12). Lanham: Rowan & Littlefield Publishers. Zoubir, Y. (2011). The Arab Turmoil: An Exploratory Interpretation. In Transformation and Stability: Achievements and Challenges in Developing Countries. In Transformation and Stability: Achievements and Challenges in Developing Countries. (pp. 217227).

Conférences Balcet, G., Richet, X., & Wang, H. Geely: A Trajectory of Catching up and Multinational Growth in the Chinese Automobile Industry. 4th Congress of the Asia & Pacific Network, Paris, France, 14-15 September 2011.

Causse, G., & Ebondo Wa Mandzila, E. L’audit legal en Afrique francophone : constats et interrogations. 1er Congrès International en Sciences de Gestion du COMREFAS, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 9-10 March 2012.

Gimet, C., & Lagoarde-Segot, T. Financial reforms and access to finance. Does size say it all? International Conference on “Institutional, Corporate, and Individual Behaviours in Emerging and Subsistence Marketplaces,” Aix-en-Provence, France, 1-2 September 2011.

Golli, A., Swalhi, A., Yahiaoui, D. Climat éthique et implication organisationnelle : quels liens dans le cadre des entreprises tunisiennes ? 22ème Congres de l’AGRH, Marrakech, Morocco, 26-28 October 2011.

Hanoteau, J., Vial, V., & Prévot, F. How do institutions impact entrepreneurship? Indonesian evidences. International Conference on “Institutional, Corporate, and Individual Behaviours in Emerging and Subsistence Marketplaces,” Aix-en-Provence, France, 1-2 September 2011.

Lagoarde-Segot, T., & Leoni, P. Pandemics of the Poor and Banking Stability. Infinity Conference on International Finance, Dublin, Ireland, 11-12 June 2012.

Merunka, D., & Bartikowski, B. Consumption and well-being in the Euromed Region. FEMISE Annual Conference, Marseille, France, 15-16 December 2011.



Micheletti, P. A link between the Arab and the European worlds of business in the Euromediterranean model. International Conference on “Institutional, Corporate, and Individual Behaviours in Emerging and Subsistence Marketplaces,” Aix-en-Provence, France, 01-02 September 2011.

Micheletti, P. The creation of a new Euro-Mediterranean management model applied to the Arab world. International Conference for Academic Disciplines, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 13-16 March 2012.

Paranque, B., & Cova, B. How to enhance value? A comparative approach between marketing and finance. 4th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, Crete, Greece, 20-21 October 2011.

Ramadan, M. L’internationalisation des PME : évidence des pays méditerranéen. 2nd International iSME Conference, Bungalore, India, 2-4 November, 2011.

Vial, V., Hanoteau, J., & Prévot, F. Does entrepreneurship improve well being? International Conference on “Institutional, Corporate, and Individual Behaviours in Emerging and Subsistence Marketplaces,” Aix-en-Provence, France, 1-2 September 2011.

Vial, V., & Prévot, F. Faut-il payer pour rester ? Effet de la corruption sur la survie des filiales de multinationales dans un pays émergent. 2ème Conférence Annuelle d’ATLAS/AFMI, Lyon, France, 31 May-1 June 2012.

Wang, H., & Decamp, F. Open Innovation in the Chemical Industry, Case Study of Rhodia Asia. 7th International Symposium on Global Manufacturing and China, Hangzhou, China, 4-5 September 2011.



The Management of Diversity and Managing Across Cultures



Recognising stakeholder diversity as a driving factor of business success requires an understanding of the range of ways in which people experience unique and multiple social identities. Faced with increasingly global marketplaces, decision makers have the distinctive responsibility of exploring how diversity management can influence organisational effectiveness in a positive way. Research in this priority therefore aims to offer a more complete picture of the various forms of diversity (culture, geography, psychology, gender, and consumption) as well as the dynamics and consequences of diversity management. Key Words: Diversity, Culture, Gender, Age, Religion, Consumption, Language.

— RESEARCH PRIORITY COORDINATOR Dr. Boris Bartikowski Associate Professor of Marketing




International Workshop on: “How Scientific Can the Study of Society be in the Context of Economics and Business Studies?” In June 2012, Euromed Management organised an international conference on “How scientific can the study of society be in the context of economics and business studies?” co-chaired by Dr. Vinca Bigo, Associate Professor in Gender, Ethics and Leadership and Dr. Thomas Lagoarde-Segot, Associate Professor of Finance. The symposium included participants primarily from the UK and France and offered in depth exchanges centred on a dominant emergent theme: reflexivity in the social sciences as seen through the lenses of economics, philosophy, and cybernetics. Keynote speakers for the conference included Tony Lawson (University of Cambridge and National University of Ireland Galway) and Hugh Wilmott (Cardiff University).

Thomas Lagoarde-Segot

Vinca Bigo

9th Mediterranean Marketing Research Seminar Each year Euromed Management organises the Mediterranean Marketing Research Seminar in partnership with the University of Bocconi (Italy). Prof. Bernard Cova, Professor of Marketing at Euromed Management, coordinates the annual workshops. This year’s symposium focused on Mediterranean Perspectives on Consumption and Marketing. The seminar will lead to a special issue of the Journal of Consumer Behaviour which will mark the 10th anniversary of the workshop.

— Bernard Cova




Since 2008, AG2R LA MONDIALE and Euromed Management, two major actors in Sustainable Development and Responsible Investment, have built a partnership through the creation of the Chair “Finance Reconsidered: Investment, Solidarities and Responsibility.” Its principal objective is to understand how to engage stakeholders and identify leverages for an ethical approach to investment and governance. AG2R LA MONDIALE’s research team is headed by Prof. Bernard Paranque, Professor of Finance at Euromed Management. The core research axis of the Chair is driven by the analysis of SRI (Socially Responsible Investment) benefits at firm levels and its impact on stakeholders through social ratings. This year the following Euromed Management Professors contributed to the Chair’s research programme: Dr. Sami Ben Larbi, Dr. Isabelle Ducassy, Dr. Thomas Lagoarde-Segot, and Dr. Isabelle Pignatel. Publications by the Chair include book chapters, articles in scientific journals, and numerous conference papers. The Chair has established academic partnerships with the chair for Ethics and Financial Norms from the University of Paris I, Panthéon Sorbonne and the Santa Catarina Federal University (Brazil) to develop research in the field of sustainable territorial development of cooperatives. The Chair is currently supporting research assistant Elias Erragraguy who is working on ethical and socially responsible investment, including the Islamic finance approach. His PhD dissertation is supervised by Prof. Jean Louis Reiffers, Affiliate Professor at Euromed Management and Professor Emeritus at the University of the South Toulon Var. For next three years, the Chair will also support Sonia Penniacchotti, her work focuses on the informal economy, including social protection systems and responsibilities. Sonia’s dissertation advisors are: Prof. Bernard

Paranque from Euromed Management and Dr. Claire El Moudden from CREM - University of Caen. The AG2R LA MONDIALE Chair promotes research activities produced by the international research group ESIRAMed (Social Economy, Responsible Investment and Insurance in the Mediterranean) including academic articles on protection against social risks and the impact on development in southern Mediterranean countries as well as the potential benefits of microfinance and micro-insurance projects. ESIRAMed is made up of researchers from the CREM–CNRS, University of Caen-Basse-Normandie, Euromed Management, the CREAD (Algeria), University Mohamed V (Morocco), and LEGI, Polytechnic School of Tunisia. The Chair also supported the RSE Med study on Corporate Social Responsibility in the Mediterranean countries conducted by Cecilia Perret (University of Savoie), Jean Moscarola (University of Savoie-The Sphinx), Younis Boughzala (University of Savoie - The Sphinx), Bernard Paranque (Euromed Management), Emna Gana (ISCAE Tunis), Zineb Haroun (University Mentouri Constantine - Algeria), Laila El Harouchi (The Sphinx Morocco), and Hatim Benyoussef (ENCG Kenitra - Morocco).

— Bernard Paranque




Articles Angles, V. Multinationals’ Priorities May Distort ISO Standards in Chinese Subsidiaries. Global Business and Organizational Excellence 2012, Vol. 31, Issue 4, 48-58.

Antonini, D. Complicity between consumers: A service recovery strategy exploratory research and attempt of definition. Cyprus Journal of Sciences 2011, Vol. 9,101-115.

Bartikowski, B., Walsh, G., & Beatty, S. Culture and age as moderators in the corporate reputation and loyalty relationship. Journal of Business Research 2011, Vol. 64, Issue 9, 966-972.

Bigo, V., & Martin, V. Statistical Correctness: Do Demographic-Based Strategies Bring About Corporate Diversity? Global Business and Organizational Excellence 2012, Vol. 31, Issue 3, 32-40.

Borghini, S., Caru, A., & Cova, B. Consumer Made Marketing, Ultima Frontiera? AdV Strategie di Communicazione 2012, 60-61.

Boulaire, C., & Cova, B. The dynamics and trajectory of creative consumption practices as revealed by the postmodern game of geocaching. Consumption Markets & Culture 2012, DOI: 10.1080/10253866.2012.659434.

Cova, B. La mise au travail des clients passionnes : le cas de la collaboration entre Alfa Romeo et les Alfistes. Sciences de la Société 2012, No. 82, 81-103.


Cova, B., & Cova, V. On the road to prosumption: Marketing discourse and the development of consumer competencies. Consumption Markets & Culture 2012, Vol. 15, Issue 2, 149-168.

Cova, B., Dalli, D., & Zwick, D. Critical perspectives on consumers’ role as ‘producers’: Broadening the debate on value co-creation in marketing processes. Marketing Theory 2011, Vol. 11, No. 3, 231-241.

Cova, B., Prévot, F., & Spencer, R. Ahoy all postmodern navigators! Conceptual havens in a stormy ocean. Industrial Marketing Management 2011, Vol. 41, Issue 2, 365-367.

De Vecchi, D. La traduction d’un corpus atypique : les annuaires téléphoniques professionnels. META, Translators’ Journal 2011, Vol. 56, No. 2, 301-317.

Geiger, S., Kjelberg, H., & Spencer, R. Shaping exchanges, building markets. Consumption Markets & Culture 2012, Vol. 15, Issue 2, 133-147.

Gimet, C., & Lagoarde-Segot, T. Global crisis and financial destabilization in ASEAN countries: A microstructural perspective. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 2011, DOI: 10.1080/13547860.2011.589622.

Hamzaoui-Essoussi, L., Merunka, D., & Bartikowski B. Brand origin and country of manufacture influences on brand equity and the moderating role of brand typicality. Journal of Business Research 2011, Vol. 64, Issue 9, 973-978.




Ladhari, R., Pons, F., Bressolles, G. & Zins, M. Culture and personal values: How they influence perceived service quality. Journal of Business Research 2011, Vol. 64, Issue 9, 951-957.

Ribeiro, R., Kimble, C., & Cairns, P. Some first steps in the search for ‘hidden’ Communities of Practice within electronic networks. Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change 2011, Vol. 8, No. 2, 183-197.

Laude, L., Vignon, C., & Waelli, M. Observer les organisations de l’intérieur, Plaidoyer pour des recherches ethnographiques. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels

Souiden, N., M’Saad, B., & Pons, F. A Cross Cultural Analysis of Consumers’ Conspicuous Consumption of Branded Fashion Accessories. Journal of International Consumer Marketing

2012, Vol. 28, 55-76.

2012, Vol. 23, 329-343.

Martin, V. Les émotions dans le marketing politique. Hermès

Veilleux. S, Haskell, N., & Pons, F. Influence of Entry Modes on Communication strategies of International New Ventures in foreign markets: A preliminary study. International Journal of Business and Globalisation

March 2012, 85-99.

Mazodier, M., & Merunka, D. Achieving brand loyalty through sponsorship: The role of fit and self-congruity. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s11747-011-0285-y.

McPeek, R., Nichols, A.L., Classen, S., & Breiner, J. Bias in older adults’ driving self-assessments: The role of personality. Transportation Research Part F 2011, Vol. 14, Issue 6, 579-590.

Nichols, A.L., Classen, S., McPeek, R., & Breiner, J. Does Personality Predict Driving Performance in Middle and Older Age? An Evidence-Based Literature Review. Traffic Injury Prevention 2012, Vol. 13, Issue 2, 133-143.

Prévot, F. Le transfert inter-organisationnel de connaissances par les multinationales vers leurs fournisseurs locaux : une typologie des pratiques des firmes américaines au Brésil. Management International 2011, Vol. 15, No. 4, 67-77.

2011, Vol. 6, No. 2, 117-135.

Zen, A., Fensterseifer, J., & Prévot, F. Internationalisation of Clustered Companies and the Influence of Resources: A case study on wine clusters in Brazil and France. Latin American Business Review 2011, Vol. 12, No. 2, 123-141.

Zen, A., Fensterseifer, J., & Prévot, F. The Influence of Resources on the Internationalisation Process of Clustered Companies. International Journal of Business and Globalisation 2011, Vol. 8, No. 1, 30-48.

Editorials Cova, B., & Filser, M. Editorial Perspectives Culturelles de la Consommation 2011, Vol. 1, No. 1, 11-14.

Lee, M., Roux, D., Cherrier, H., & Cova, B. Anti-Consumption and Consumer Resistance: Concepts, Concerns, Conflicts and Convergence. European Journal of Marketing 2011, Vol. 45, Issue 11/12, 1680-1687.



Books Cova, B., Giordano, A., & Pallera, M. (2012). Marketing non-convenzionale. Viral, Guerrilla, Tribal, Societing e I 10 principi fondamentali del marketing postmoderno. Milan: Il Sole 24 Ore. This book illustrates major unconventional marketing techniques (viral, stealth, ambush, ambient) and includes a 10-point strategic shi! from “old” to “new” marketing. It is a comprehensive manual on new marketing styles adopted by several Italian universities and business schools as well as a glossary with over 100 new marketing terms. Chevalier, M., & Gutsatz, M. (2012). Luxury Retail Management: How the World’s Top Brands Provide Quality Product and Service Support. Singapore: John Wiley & Sons. The authors present a holistic strategy designed to help luxury retailers capture customers before they set foot in the store. Packed with information on internet sales, setting retail pricing, and advertising, the book also provides all the tools necessary to manage luxury stores, from the analysis of location and design concept, to the selection, training, and motivation of the staff.

Book Chapters

Cova, B. (2011). Communautés, tribus et réseaux sociaux. In Lehu, J.M., & Beranoya, C. (Eds), MBA Marketing, (pp. 455-480). Paris: Eyrolles. Cova, B. (2011). Quando la marca la fanno I consumatori: Counter brand e Alter brand communities. In Cavaleri (Ed.), Comunicazione Liberata, Altri Modi di Comunicare e Partecipare, (pp. 141-158). Milan: Francesco Brioschi. Cova, B., & Salle, R. (2011). A Projektmarketing es a Megoldasmarketing Tagabb Megkozelitese. In Gelei, A., & Mandjak, T. (Eds.), Dzsungel vagy esoerdo?, (pp. 339-354). Zagreb: Algoritam. Cova, B., & Shankar, A. (2012). Tribal Marketing. In Penaloza, L., Toulouse, N., & Visconti, L. (Eds.), Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective, (pp. 178193). London/New York: Routledge. Micheletti, P., & Yousfi, H. (2012). Les nouvelles sources de diversité. In Peretti, J.M. (Ed.), L’encyclopédie des diversités, (pp. 105-114). Cormelles-Le-Royal: Editions EMS.

Case Studies Angles, V. (2012). ITER : un modèle de fusion interculturelle (ITER: A model of intercultural fusion), Case Study CCMP No. H0579 & Case Study CCMP No. H0579 (GB).

Carré, D., & Levratto, N. (2011). Les politiques de soutien à l’économie : entre diversité des territoires et pluralité des dispositifs d’action. In Carre, D., & Levratto, N. (Eds.), Les performances des territoires, les politiques locales, remèdes au déclin industriel, (pp. 13-42). Paris: Editions le Manuscrit. Carù, A., & Cova, B. (2012). Experiencing consumption, appropriating and marketing experiences. In Penaloza, L., Toulouse, N., & Visconti, L. (Eds.), Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective, (pp. 164-177). London/New York: Routledge. 25


Conferences Albert, N. Brand Love: Proposition of a New Scale. 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 24-27 May 2012.

Albert, N. Effects of Brand Identification and Brand Trust on Brand Love. 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 24-27 May 2012.

Albuquerque, P. The Effects of Nonlinear Aggregation on the Relationship between Inequality and Growth. EconomiX International Workshop, Paris, France, 12 April 2012.

Angelini, C., Lombardo, E., & Pignatel, I. Open Innovation or a New Perspective on Disability. R & D Management Conference, Grenoble, France, 23-25 May 2012.

Ashraf, R., & Merunka, D. Does Relating to Brands or to Companies Generate Similar Emotions? 2012 Consumer Brand Relationships Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 4-6 June 2012.

Auger, P. La motivation intrinsèque et ses liens avec le comportement créatif. 22ème Congrès de l’AGRH, Marrakech, Morocco, 26-28 October, 2011.

Bartikowski, B., & Singh, N. Should all firms culturally adapt their websites to international audiences? Seventh Royal Bank International Seminar, Montreal, Canada, 22-24 September 2011.

Bartikowski, B., & Walsh, G. How online consumer reviews influence product and brand preferences: Differences between lurkers and posters. 2011 AMS World Marketing Congress, Reims, France, 19-23 July, 2011.


Bartikowski, B., & Walsh, G. Cultural diversity seeking: A test of antecedents and consequences. Royal Bank International Research Seminar, Shanghai, China, 7-10 June 2012.

Bigo, V. From women’s silent voices to responsible leadership: The art of listening. 7th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference, Staffordshire, England, 27-29 June 2012.

Bigo, V. The mathematisation of the social sciences: A new hegemony? International Conference on “How scientific can the study of society be in the context if economics and business studies?” Marseille, France, 14-15 June 2012.

Caru, A., Cova, B. & Solerio, C. Booing at La Scala: Consumer Fanaticism at Play. Consumer Culture Theory Conference 2011, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 7-10 July 2011.

De Vecchi, D. Le langage : l’actif inattendu. La pragmaterminologie comme modèle d’approche. 6ème Séminaire d’Études du Groupe GEM, Paris, France, 28-30 March 2012.

Kakarika, M. Differences as a Matter of Feelings: Effects of Dissimilarity on Performance via Affect. 2011 Academy of Management Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 12-16 August, 2011.

Kakarika, M., & Mayo, M. Competitors or Allies? A Study of Work Time Differences, Interpersonal Discrimination, and Voice-Exit Behaviors. European Group for Organizational Studies Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 6-9 July 2011.

Kakarika, M., Biniari, M., & Souitaris, V. Unfolding the Role of Team Diversity in the Entrepreneurial Process. EuroMed Academy of Business Annual Conference, Crete, Greece, 20-21 October 2011.


Kimble, C., Bourdon, I., & Tessier, N. Diversity and Plurality in the Study of Knowledge Sharing in Geographically Distributed Communities. 17th UKAIS Conference, Oxford, UK, 27 March 2012.

McPeek, R.W., Breiner, J., Nichols, A.L., & Classen, S. MBTI Step I/Step III Results in Relationship to Bias in Older Adults’ Self Assessment of Driving Ability. Biennial Conference of the Association for Psychological Type International, San Francisco, California, USA, 10-14 August 2011.

Micheletti, P. Décider dans la diversité : complexité des apprentissages et convergences des décisions. 7ème Rencontres Internationales de la Diversité, Corté, France, 29-30 September 2011.

Nichols, A.L. Managing the Multiple Audience Problems at Work: The Meditational Effect of Self-Presentational Success on Leader Trust. 25th Annual British Academy of Management Conference, Birmingham, England, 13-15 September 2011.

Nichols, A.L., Judge, T., & Klinger, R.L. Core Self-Evaluations: A Multilevel Perspective. 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 12-16 August 2011.

Tapia Moore, E. Measuring Information Overload in the Internationalization Process. European International Business Academy Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 8-10 December 2011.



Environmental and Ethical Dimensions of Businesses and Organisations



This research priority examines the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the ethical dimensions of organisational decisions. Managing CSR issues is a challenge for business, and significantly influences a company’s capacity to create value for shareholders and society. This research priority examines the concepts of CSR and business ethics, corporate environmental management and strategies, and governance of the natural environment. It aims to strengthen knowledge linked to companies’ anticipation, analysis, response to, and leadership of ethical issues and sustainable development in general. Critical topics include the concept of sustainable performance and its measurement at both micro and macro levels, and the conditions for innovation and radical change, in both social and environmental areas. In many cases, research is multi-disciplinary, seeking to better understand organisational responses and strategies vis-à-vis growing ethical and ecological concerns in firms’ business environments. Key Words: Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development, Ethical Finance, Environmental Economics and Management, Corporate Sustainability Strategies. — RESEARCH PRIORITY COORDINATOR Dr. Julien Hanoteau Associate Professor of Sustainable Development Economics



PROJECTS & EVENTS GRONEN Research Conference

The 2012 GRONEN Research Conference on the theme “Corporate Sustainability – Off to Pastures New or Back to the Roots?” was organised by GRONEN (Group on Organizations and the Natural Environment) and Euromed Management, in association with the oikos Foundation. Under the leadership of Dr. Tobias Hahn, Associate Professor of Corporate Sustainability and Prof. Frank Figge, Professor of Sustainable Development and CSR, GRONEN 2012 was held at the Couvent Royal, Saint Maximin La Sainte Baume in June 2012. The conference explored novel or currently neglected perspectives on corporate sustainability. A special topic workshop examined the implications of the fundamental notion of sufficiency in corporate sustainability research. Invited guest speakers from outside the field (Prof. John Lastovicka, Professor of Marketing at the Arizona State University and Dr. Thomas Princen, Associate Professor of Natural Resource and Environmental Policy at the University of Michigan) offered their views on sufficiency from marketing and biological perspectives. The conference also featured a theory development workshop by Prof. David Whetten (Brigham Young University and former president of the Academy of Management). A special issue of the journal Business and Society (guest-edited by Dr. Tobias Hahn, Prof. Frank Figge, Prof. J Alberto Aragón Correa and Prof. Sanjay Sharma) is associated with GRONEN 2012.

Frank Figge

Tobias Hahn


Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC) In September 2011, the Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC) was hosted at the University of Leeds (UK) in partnership with Euromed Management and the Business and Organisations for Sustainable Societies group (BOSS). The conference’s main objective was to take the widely diverse topic of corporate responsibility and move both theory and practice forward to acknowledge this diversity and create a community which shares its knowledge and advances the agenda in a positive and sustainable way. The tradition of the CRRC is to create an environment that is welcoming and friendly yet challenges the existing knowledge base and advances the debate around corporate responsibility.

Idea Competition of the German Council for Sustainable Development Prof. Frank Figge and Dr. Tobias Hahn of Euromed Management, along with Dr. Ralf Barkemeyer and Andrea Liesen of the University of Leeds (UK), won the Idea Competition “Sustainable Corporate Governance: Cost Consciousness – Business Benefits” launched by the German Council for Sustainable Development. The jury recognised the “Sustainable Value” approach for the assessment of corporate sustainability performance which applies the logic of the capital market to the use of scarce resources. By using opportunity cost thinking, this approach offers comparable monetary indicators of the sustainability performance of companies.


The Responsible Management Network

Launched in 2007, Euromed Management’s Responsible Management Network (RMN) today includes the following 22 organisations: ACCID, Adecco, Armor Lux, Cora, Des Enjeux et des Hommes, EDF, ERDF, Institut Inspire, Kinnarps, La Poste, La Varappe, L’Occitane, Max Havelaar, Novethic, ONET, Satori, SNCF, Sodexo, STMicroelectronics, Utopies, and Veolia.

Value-Based Sustainability Analysis of Nordic Companies The project “Value-Based Sustainability Analysis of Nordic Companies,” funded by the Swedish MISTRA foundation, was carried out jointly by Euromed Management, the University of Leeds (UK), and IZT - Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment Berlin (Germany). Euromed Management’s contribution to the research programme included the compilation of a value-based carbon performance assessment of Scandinavian pulp & paper companies and their global competitors using the Sustainable Value Approach. In the scope of this project, Euromed Management hosted visiting researcher Frank Müller of IZT Berlin from October 2011 to September 2012.

Acting as a think-tank, the RMN’s mission is to contribute to the emergence of “responsible management in order to reconnect business dynamics with those of society.” Through a participative methodology linking Euromed Management faculty and stakeholders, the Network encourages innovating, emulating, capitalising, and co-creating knowledge, actions and new “savoir-faire.” In 2011, the RMN published the “The Guide to Countering the True – False – Good Reasons for not Taking Action” and in 2012 the “Guide of the Competencies of a New Managerial Generation” (available on the Euromed Management website). The RMN is managed by Anja Stoll, Corporate Key Account and CSR Projects Manager. This year, the network welcomed the contributions of the following Euromed Management Professors: Dr. Vinca Bigo, Dr. Tobias Hahn, Dr. Patrick Micheletti and Dr. Isabelle Pignatel.

— Anja Stoll



RESEARCH CHAIR Chair in Sustainable Sourcing in the Network Environment (Achats Durables et Socialement Responsables)

The research Chair was created with the aim of better understanding the central role of the procurement function in Sustainable Development. Its main objective is to perform research into the themes of sourcing and purchasing with a triple sustainable development focus: Ecological and environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and economic viability. Launched in 2010, the Chair is assisted by a steering committee of four companies who provide research funding: SNCF, ERDF, L’Occitane, and Sodexo, alongside three NGO’s: WWF, Max Havelaar, and Extra-Muros. Dr. Robert Spencer, Associate Professor of Marketing, and Dr. Frédéric Prévot, Associate Professor of Strategy, are co-chairs, working in close collaboration with a team of researchers that include: Danielle Castagnoni, Professor of Responsible Marketing, and Dr. Simona D’Antone, Post Doctoral Fellow in Marketing. The Chair also finances two research assistants: Naeem Ashraf whose work focuses on corporate performance for sustainability and Vichara Kin whose dissertation concerns the boundary spanner function in inter-organisational relationships.


Research activities include a bibliometric analysis of responsible purchasing, a survey aimed at identifying the practitioners’ perspective on what constitutes responsible purchasing, a project on the processes at play and the impact of eco-labels, research into the carbon trading market, and a project on how to organise sustainable sourcing with a case study on the SNCF. The Chair is also collaborating on a special issue of the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management dedicated to the sustainable procurement theme.

Robert Spencer

Frédéric Prévot



Books Bayle, E., Chappelet, J.L., Franςois, A., & Maltese, L. (2011) Sport & RSE, Vers un Management Responsable ? Brussels: De Boeck. The fundamental principles of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and sustainable development are included in the genetic code of sport. The authors of this book examine how to integrate this new managerial approach in their projects, management processes and in the assessment practices of their performance. Laperche, B., Levratto, N., and Uzunidis, D. (2012) Crisis, Innovation and Sustainable Development. The Ecological Opportunity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. This book talks about a genuine greening of the economy: from the most theoretical aspects, such as the genealogy of ecological economics, to the most practical. It highlights the relationship between crisis, innovation, and sustainable development, and discusses the necessary conditions required to seize the ecological opportunity.

Book Chapters

Case Studies Castagnoni, D., & White, T. (2012). Knorr Organic Soup, An Innovative Approach from Unilever in the Food Service Sector. Case Study CCMP No. M1729 (GB). Castagnoni, D., & White, T. (2012). Quiksilver. Case Study CCMP No. M1765 (GB). Castagnoni, D., & Guallino, G. (2012). Quiksilver ou comment passer d’une marque communautaire à une marque lifestyle sans perdre son identité. Case Study CCMP No. M1765. Castagnoni, D., & White, T. (2012). Les 2 Vaches - Danone enters the organic food market. Case Study CCMP No. M1644 (GB).

Ben Larbi, S., & Lacroux, A. (2011). Appréciation du volet “performance sociale” des politiques RSE. In Line Bergery (Ed.), Le management par les valeurs, (pp. 167192). Paris: Edition Lavoisier Wang, H., & Kimble, C. (2012). The Low Speed Electric Vehicle - China’s Unique Sustainable Automotive Technology? In Subic, A., Wellnitz, J., Leary, M., & Loopmans (Eds.), Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2012, (pp. 207-214). Heidelberg: Springer. Wang, H., & Kimble, C. (2012). Business Model Innovation and the Development of the Electric Vehicle Industry in China. In Calabrese, G. (Ed.), The Greening of the Automotive Industry, (pp. 240253). Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. 33


Articles Angelini, C., Lombardo, E., & Pignatel, I. Les pratiques environnementales au sein du CAC 40. Un regard sur les entreprises. Revue Française de Gestion 2012, Vol. 38, No. 222, 35-54.

Auger, P., & Reynaud, E. L’innovation comme outil de lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion : le cas Emmaüs. Gestion 2000 2011, Vol. 28, No. 2, 51-68.

Barkemeyer, R., & Figge, F. Fordlândia: Corporate Citizenship or Corporate Colonialism. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 2012, Vol. 19, Issue 2, 69-78.

Ducassy, I. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Pay Off in Times of Crisis? An Alternate Perspective on the Relationship between Financial and Corporate Social Performance. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 2012, DOI: 10.1002/csr.1282.

Figge, F., & Hahn, T. Is green and profitable sustainable? Assessing the trade-off between economic and environmental aspects. International Journal of Production Economics 2012, DOI 10.1016/j.ijpe.2012.02.001.

Hahn, T. & Figge, F. Beyond the Bounded Instrumentality in Current Corporate Sustainability Research: Toward an Inclusive Notion of Profitability. Journal of Business Ethics 2011, Vol. 104, No. 3, 325-345.

Hahn, T., Figge, F., & Liesen, A. Assessing Trade-Offs in Investments for the Environment - The Case of a VOC-Reduction Investment at AUTO Group. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 2012, No. 19, Issue 2, 114-128.

Hanoteau, J. A Mediterranean Agreement for Tuna Conservation: The Political Benefit of an International ITQ Scheme. Intereconomics/Review of European Economic Policy 2012, Vol. 47, No. 1, 52-60.

Kimble, C., & Wang, H. Transistors, electric vehicles and leapfrogging in China and Japan. Journal of Business Strategy 2012, Vol. 33, No. 3, 22-29.

Lagoarde-Segot, T. Corporate Social Responsibility as a Bolster for Economic Performance: Evidence from Emerging Markets. Global Business and Organizational Excellence 2011, Vol. 31, Issue 1, 38-53.

Neumann, E., Cauvin,E., & Roberts, M. Management Control Systems Dilemma: Reconciling Sustainability with Information Overload. Advances in Management Accounting 2012, Vol. 20, 1-28.

Vial, V. Taking a Stakeholders’ Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility. Global Business and Organizational Excellence 2011, Vol. 30, No. 6, 37-47.

Wang, H., & Kimble, C. Leapfrogging to Electric Vehicles: Patterns and Scenarios for China’s Automobile Industry. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 2011, Vol. 11, No. 4, 312-325.





Conferences Angelini, C., Lombardo, E., & Pignatel, I. Innovation Stratégique et RSE : quand le handicap revisite les règles du jeu. IXème Congrès International de l’ADERSE, Nice, France, 29-30 March 2012.

Angelini, C., Lombardo, E., & Pignatel, I. Quelle création de valeur(s) dans les firmes industrielles ? Les nouveaux paradigmes et paradoxes de la RSE. 6ème Journées Scientifiques de l’Université du Sud Toulon Var, Toulon, France, 17-18 April 2012.

Ashraf, N. Corporate Climate Change Strategies: Virtues and Non-Local Embeddedness. International Conference on “How Scientific Can the Study of Society Be in the Context of Economics and Business Studies?” Marseille, France, 14-15 June 2012.

Ashraf, N., Meschi, P., Spencer, R., & M’Chirgui, Z. Effect of Carbon Alliance Network Structure on Emission Reductions and Socially Responsible Investments. Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, Leeds, England, 12-14 September 2011.

Ashraf, N., Prévot F., & Spencer, R. A bibliometric analysis of research in responsible purchasing. Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 1-3 September 2011.

Ashraf, N., & Reynaud, E. Institutional and Strategic Motivations of Reducing Carbon Emissions Under CDM. Gronen Research Conference, Ste. Maximin, France, 26-29 June 2012.

Barkemeyer, R., & Figge, F. The False Promise of the Transnational CSR Strategy. Gronen Research Conference, St. Maximin, France, 26-29 June 2012.


Barkemeyer, R., Figge, F., Hahn, T., & Liesen, A. Sustainable Value CO2 Creation by Pulp and Paper Companies. 4th Annual Academic Conference on Responsible Investments, Sigtuna, Sweden, 26-28 September 2011.

Barkemeyer, R., Figge, F., Hoepner, A., & Holt, D. A Comparative Assessment of Climate Change Media Coverage: Antecedents and Regional Patterns. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16-19 June 2012.

Ben Larbi, S., Lacroux, A., & Luu, P. Le développement durable dans les sociétés non cotées: analyse typologique et étude des pratiques managériales dans le Var. 6ème Journées Scientifiques de l’Université du Sud Toulon Var Toulon, France, 17-18 April 2012.

Bertrand, P., Guyot, A., Lapointe, V. Variations of Liquidity and Size of Investor Base Associated to Corporate Social Performance Ratings. 29th International Conference of the French Finance Association, Strasbourg, France, 14-16 May 2012.

Bigo, V. From gross misconduct to responsible behaviour a dream that necessitates realisticness. 13th Annual Association for Heterodox Economics Conference, Nottingham, England, 6-9 July 2011.

Comyns, B. Green Lemons, is the market for sustainability reporting bound for failure? 4th Annual Academic Conference on Responsible Investment, Sigtuna, Sweden, 26-28 September 2011.

Comyns, B. Investigating the quality of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reporting by companies in the oil and gas industry. Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, Leeds, England, 12-14 September 2011.


D’Antone, S., Spencer, R., & Castagnoni, D. About labels, shapes and shades of markets: The Green Palm Label and Palm Oil Scorecard as Instances of Market Making and Shaping.

Merunka, D., & Sirgy, M.J. Distinguishing consumer satisfaction from consumer well-being in brand post-purchase behavior: A positive psychology perspective.

2nd Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, 7-8 June 2012.

Conference for Positive Marketing, New York City, New York, USA, 4 November, 2011.

Ducassy, I. Structure d’actionnariat et performance sociale : le cas français.

Merunka, D., Bartikowski, B., & Sirgy, M.J. How Do Availability and Affordability of Basic, Leisure, and Status Goods and Services in the Local Community Influence Consumers’ Subjective Well-Being?

9ème Congrès International de l’Aderse, Nice, France, 29-30 March 2012.

Farooq, O., Merunka, D., & Valette-Florence, P. The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Commitment: A Non Linear Mixture REBUS Approach. 7th International PLS Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, 19-22 May 2012.

Figge, F., & Hahn, T. Value Drivers of Corporate Eco-Efficiency. Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, Leeds, England, 12-14 September 2011.

Figge, F., & Hahn, T. Value Drivers of Corporate Eco-Efficiency.

37th Annual Macromarketing Conference, Berlin, Germany, 11-12 June 2012.

Munos, A. Nouveaux environnements et tendances de consommation : propositions d’une approche responsable du service. 18th International Business Information Management Association Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 9-10 May 2012.

Paranque, B. L’Economie Sociale et Solidaire : un Espace d’Action Spécifique ou un Espace de Ressource à Promouvoir.

4th Annual Academic Conference on Responsible Investments, Sigtuna, Sweden, 26-28 September 2011.

Colloque sur l’Epistémologie et la Sociologie des Sciences de Gestion. Santa Catarina, Brazil, 14-16 March 2012.

François, A., Bayle, E., & Maltese, L. Les pratiques de RSE des entreprises françaises de spectacles sportifs.

Wang, H., & Kimble, C. Development of Chinese New Energy Vehicle Industry: Business Model versus Technology Innovation.

4ème Colloque et Séminaire Doctoral International sur le Développement Organisationnel, Lyon, France, 5-6 June 2012.

20th Gerpisa International Colloquium, Krakow, Poland, 30 May-1 June 2012.

Franklin-Johnson, E., & Richomme-Huet, K. How did companies fulfill the social contract between 2006 and 2010? Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, Leeds, England, 12-14 September 2011.

Kakarika, M., & Hahn, T. Does Dissimilarity Promote Socially Responsible Decisions? A Study of Gender Differences, Affect, and CSR-Related Decisions. European Academy of Management Conference, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 6-8 June 2012.



Strategies, Markets, and Customers in Entertainment, Sports, Healthcare, and Maritime Industries



This research priority is linked to business areas, markets, and activities in which Euromed Management has developed expertise in both research and management education. All industries (sports, entertainment, healthcare, and maritime) are facing structural evolutions and represent various opportunities for researchers linked to the Euromed Management clusters, and backed by multiple companies and organisations. Sports and entertainment research at Euromed Management includes marketing (e.g., branding, advertising, sponsorship, celebrity endorsement), ticketing and services, facility and event management, information technology, responsible strategies, and CSR issues. Research in the social and health sectors focuses on services for the elderly and disabled people; research in maritime affairs includes maritime safety, maritime law, marine environment protection, shipping operations, and improving the efficiency of maritime transport. Key Words: Cluster, Sports, Entertainment,Healthcare, Maritime Industries, Events. — RESEARCH PRIORITY COORDINATOR Dr. Jean-Philippe Danglade Assistant Professor of Marketing



PROJECTS & EVENTS Research Programme Funded by IRESP The IRESP, Institut de Recherche en Santé Publique (Institute for Research in Public Health) funded a research programme entitled “Caring for Dependent People, Governance and Innovation Models” (Gouvernance et Modeles d’Innovation pour Une Prise en Charge Innovante des Personnes Dependantes). The Scientific Coordinator of the programme is Prof. Corinne Grenier, Professor of Strategy and Innovation at Euromed Management. The programme is conducted in partnership with the Public Health Laboratory of the University Hospital of Nice and with Prof. Jean-Louis Denis of Euromed Management and ENAP (Ecole Nationale d’Administration Publique) in Montreal, Canada. It will also provide support for a research assistant, Charlotte Jolly, who is working on the “Theorisation of pluri-institutional innovations.”

— Corinne Grenier





Book Chapters

Grenier, C., & Laborel, B. (2011). Les MDPH – Une organisation innovante dans le champ médico-social. Toulouse: Erès. The MDPHs (Departmental Organisations for Disabled People) were created in 2005 “for the equal rights and opportunities for participation and citizenship of disabled people.” The authors of this book propose a way of interpreting the new governance and professional practices of these innovative structures through their different functions.

Cariou, P., Wolff, F.C., & Mejia, M. (2012). Port State Control Inspection Deficiencies. In Talley, W. (Ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Maritime Economics, (pp. 656673). West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.


Maltese, L., & Danglade, J.P. (2011). RSE et organisateurs d’événements sportifs. In Bayle, E., Chappelet, J.L., Franςois, A., & Maltese, L. (Eds.), Sport & RSE, Vers un Management Responsable ? (pp. 115-143). Brussels: De Boeck.

Danglade, J.P. (2011). Quel ambassadeur sportif pour les marques horlogères ? In Zorik, K. & Courvoisier, F. (Eds.), L’horlogerie et ses ambassadeurs, (pp. 151-172). Le Mont sur Lausanne: Editions Lep. Maltese, L. (2011). Parrainage sportif ecocitoyen. In Bayle, E., Chappelet, J.L., Franςois, A., & Maltese, L. (Eds.), Sport & RSE, Vers un Management Responsable ? (pp. 145-163). Brussels: De Boeck.

Mejia, M., Cariou, P., & Wolff, F.C. (2012). Piracy in Shipping. In Talley, W. (Ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Maritime Economics, (pp. 346-370). West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell. Notteboom, T., & Cariou, P. (2011). Are bunker adjustment factors aimed at revenue-making or cost recovery? Empirical evidence on the pricing strategies of shipping lines. In Cullinane, K. (Ed.), International Handbook of Maritime Economics, (pp. 223-255). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Wang, H. (2011). Expanding from International Shipping Centre to Maritime Centre - The Industrialization Trajectory of Shanghai. In Wang, F., Gu, H., Zeng, S., Wang, H., & Jiang, L. (Eds.), Chinese and Foreign Metropolitan Region Development Report 2010, (pp.172-180).



Articles Baker, G.R. & Denis, J.L. Medical leadership in health care systems: from professional authority to organizational leadership. Public Money & Management 2011, Vol. 31, Issue 5, 355-362.

Bigo, V., & Negru, I. Theorising care: A possible defense of interdisciplinarity in economics. International Journal of Green Economics 2011, Vol. 5, No. 2, 109-125.

Cariou, P., & Cheaitou, A. The effectiveness of a European speed limit versus an international bunker-levy to reduce CO₂ emissions from container shipping. Transportation Research Part D 2011, Vol. 17, Issue 2, 116-123.

Cariou, P., & Wolff, F.C. Ship-Owners’ Decisions to Outsource Vessel Management. Transport Reviews 2011, Vol. 31, No. 6, 709-724.

Cariou, P., & Wolff, F.C. Management Outsourcing in the Maritime Transport Industry. International Journal of Transport Economics 2012, Vol. 39, No. 2, 219-237.

Danglade, J.P. L’application du concept de marque aux spécificités de l’objet événementiel. Revue Française du Marketing 2011, No. 234/235, 67-87.

Fedi, L. Le transport maritime international face à la pollution atmosphérique : enjeux stratégiques du 21ème siècle. Droit Maritime Français 2012, No. 737, 491-502.


Fedi, L., & Rézenthel, R. Le droit de grève dans les ports et les terminaux de commerce : une liberté à utiliser avec modération. Droit Maritime Franςais 2011, No. 727, 655-666.

Figueiredo de Oliveira, G., & Cariou, P. A DEA study of the efficiency of 122 iron ore and coal ports and of 15/17 countries in 2005. Maritime Policy & Management 2011, Vol. 38, No. 7, 727-743.

Grenier C., Gambarelli F., Brami G., Kazarian H., Bottero J., Antoine D., Dumont R., Marmontelli J.P., Dalbies B., Mallem N., Saulnier S., Asso-Verlaque M., Le Duff F., Pradier C. Innover pour un EHPAD du futur : les propositions des professionnels des Alpes-Maritimes. Revue de Santé Publique 2011, Vol. 23, No. 4, 329-337.

Grenier, C., & Gambarelli, F. Peut-on gérer l’image corporate pour impliquer les parties prenantes ? Le cas des maisons de retraites. Gestion 2000 2011, Vol. 3, No. 103-120.

Grenier, C., & Philippe-Guitton, S. La question des regroupements/mutualisations dans le champ sanitaire et social : l’institutionnalisation d’un mouvement stratégique ? Management & Avenir 2011, No. 47, 99-113.

Leoni, P., & Luchini, S. Designing the financial tools to promote universal access to AIDS care. Journal of Health Economics 2011, Vol. 30, Issue 1, 181-188.

Pons, F., & Richelieu, A. How strong is my sports brand? The Case of the Montréal Canadiens Hockey Club. Journal of Sponsorship 2011, Vol. 4, No. 4, 353-365.




Conferences Cheaitou, A., & Cariou, P. Containership Speed and Fleet Size Optimisation with Semi-Elastic Demand: An Application to Northern Europe-South America Trade. International Association of Maritime Economists Conference 2011, Santiago, Chile, 25-28 October 2011.

Danglade, J.P. L’influence des parties prenantes sur l’organisation événementielle : risque ou opportunité de gestion ? 9ème Colloque Francophone sur le Risque (ORIANE), Bayonne, France, 22-23 September, 2011.

Fedi, L. Air Pollution from Ships: A Legal Perspective for Short Sea Shipping in European Countries. International Conference on Short Sea Shipping, Estoril, Portugal, 2-3 April 2012.

Fedi, L., & Pignatel, I. The Reforms of Mediterranean Port Administration Models: Stakes and Limits of New Port Governance. International Maritime Transport and Logistics Conference, Alexandria, Egypt, 18-20 December, 2011.

Grenier, C., & Guitton-Philippe, S. Entre le devoir d’innover et l’innovation construite : quels enjeux et modalités dans le champ des politiques publiques de santé? Congrès AFS, Grenoble, 5-8 Juillet 2011.

Leoni, P. Can patent duration hinder medical innovation for neglected diseases? International Conference & Exhibition on Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 6-7 September 2011


Leoni, P. Simultaneous Hedging of Upgrading Costs and Optimal Public Policies with Many Orphan Diseases. 52nd Riunione Scientica Annuale, Rome, Italy, 14-15 October 2011.

Leoni, P., & Sandroni, A. Can patent duration hinder medical innovation for neglected diseases? Health System Reform in Asia Conference, Hong Kong, China, 9-12 December, 2011.

Leoni, P., & Sandroni, A. Can Patent Duration Hinder Medical Innovation For Neglected Diseases? Bangkok International Academic Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 12-14 March 2012.

Messaoudène L., Pirot- Rimbert, A.G., Grenier C., & Hernandez S. Le territoire construit par les acteurs comme levier de la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques de santé. 33ème Conférence GEAP / EGPA, Bucarest, Romania, 7-10 September, 2011.




Managing Networks, Value Chains, and Entrepreneurship



Network and value chain research focuses on the development of new business models, governance issues and the distribution of income and profits from a strategic perspective. It reflects on a firm’s capacity to increase efficiency, business integration and responsiveness with direct implications on business functions that include: production, logistics, marketing, finance, human resources and strategic management. This research priority also includes research dedicated to entrepreneurship which examines the driver’s of economic growth, creativity, and innovation. Maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage in a global context requires that firms rethink their current business models and change their approach to markets by implementing innovative and efficient business practices and more collective strategies. Key Words: Value Chain, Networks, Business Models, Value Creation, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, SMEs, Start-ups. — RESEARCH PRIORITY COORDINATOR Dr. Saïd Yami Affiliate Professor of Strategy



PROJECTS & EVENTS Business Nursery

Euromed Management’s Business Nursery, co-directed by Dr. Felix Weygand, Affiliate Professor of Information and Communication Science, and Dr. Loïc Malhérault, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Business offers students a set of services designed to assist them in creating innovative, viable companies. Training is provided on relevant knowledge entrepreneurship and on information systems to support business creation. Coaching by experts is also available as well as access to Business Angels, scholarships, and partnerships. The Business Nursery it is open to students from Euromed Management and to the greater community. The objective is to give potential entrepreneurs access to all the services and assistance of the local ecosystem of innovation: collaborating schools, research centers, start-up technology companies, economic development agencies, Business Angels, venture capital, professional associations, public facilities, and incubators.

Felix Weygand

Loïc Malhérault




Articles Albert, N., Merunka, D., & Valette-Florence, P. Brand passion: Antecedents and consequences. Journal of Business Research 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2011.12.009.

Andriani, P., & McKelvey, B. Managing in a pareto world calls for new thinking. M@n@gement 2011, Vol. 14, No. 2, 89-117.

Bel, R. Access, Veto and Ownership in the Theory of the Firm. Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 2012, DOI: 10.1093/jleo/ews003.

Bertrand, P. Régime de retraite complémentaire Préfon : les fonctionnaires ont-ils vraiment intérêt à cotiser ? Economie Publique 2012, No. 22-23, Vol. 1-2, 163-187.

Carignani, G. & Andriani, P. The evolution of modularity and architectural innovation: web-enabled collective development of a tangible artifact. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 2011, Vol. 14, No. 4, 333-355.

Cheaitou, A., & van Del!, C. Finite horizon stochastic inventory problem with dual sourcing: Near myopic and heuristics bounds. International Journal of Production Economics 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2012.05.027.

Collins, H., Crespin-Mazet, F., & Goglio-Primard, K. Using Branding to Effect Internal Change at Spie Batignolles. Global Business and Organizational Excellence 2011, Vol. 31, Issue 1, 63-70.

Colombier, N., M’Chirgui, Z., & Penard, T. An empirical analysis of Internet providers’ interconnection strategies. European Review of Industrial Economics and Policy, 2011, No. 2, 1-25.

Cova, B., Le «Généricide» des Marques Déposées. La Revue Economia 2011, No. 13, 66-69.

Feng, B., Yao, T., & Jiang, B. Analysis of the Market-Based Adjustable Outsourcing Contract Under Uncertainties. Production and Operations Management 2012, DOI: 10.1111/j.1937-5956.2012.01349.x.

Goglio-Primard, K., & Crespin-Mazet, F. Knowledge Transfer Within Clusters: The Catalyst Role of Private Collective Support Structures. Management & Avenir 2011, No. 50, 190-206.

Grenier, C. The Appropriation of New Arrangements of Public Organizations: Locally Negotiate to Strategically Act. Administration and Public Management Review 2011, No. 17, 6-32.

Hahn, T. Reciprocal Stakeholder Behavior: A Motive-Based Approach to the Implementation of Normative Stakeholder Demands. Business & Society 2012, DOI 10.1177/0007650312439029.

Kimble, C., & Bourdon, I. 1001 Listes: Strategic Breakthroughs by a Low-Tech Company in a High-Tech World. Global Business and Organizational Excellence 2012, Vol. 31, Issue 3, 58-68.

Lai, W-N. Comparison of Methods to Estimate Option Implied Risk Neutral Densities. Quantitative Finance 2011, DOI: 10.1080/14697688.2011.606823.



Leoni, P. Psychological determinants of occurrence and magnitude of market crashes. Economic Modelling

Pons, F., & Souiden, N. Comment minimiser les effets négatifs des rappels de produits ? Revue Internationale de Gestion

2011, Vol. 28, Issue 5, 2190-2196.

2012, Vol. 37, No. 1, 26-35.

Levratto, N., & Paranque, B. Informational intermediation: a tool to assess SMEs’ ability to access financing. EuroMed Journal of Business

Richomme-Huet, K., & d’Andria, A., L’autre gestion des Hénokiens, une perspective séculaire des entreprises familiales. La Revue des Sciences de Gestion

2011, Vol. 6, No. 3, 276-293.

2012, No. 253, 27-36.

M’Chirgui, Z. Assessing the Performance of Business Incubators: Recent France Evidence. Business and Management Research

Rosa, J.J., & Hanoteau, J. The shrinking hand: Why information technology leads to smaller firms. International Journal of the Economics of Business

2012, Vol. 1, No. 1, 62-76.

2012, Vol. 19, No. 2, 285-314.

M’Chirgui, Z. Small-World or Scale-Free Phenomena in Internet: What Implications for the Next-Generation Networks? Review of European Studies 2012, Vol. 4, No. 1 85-93.

Sergent, J.S., & Veran, L. Délégation de la décision et connaissances décentralisées – Réflexions sur un panel bancaire. La Revue du Financier July-October 2011, 89-109.

M’Chirgui, Z., & Penard, T. How to provide Quality of Service guarantees in the Internet? Lessons learnt from the airline and card-based payment sectors. European Management Journal 2011, Vol. 29, No. 4, 306-318.

Veran, L., & Chameroy, F. César. Le Rhône pour mémoire. Une visite d’exposition entre raison et sentiment. Revue de l’Office de Coopération et d’Information Muséales 2012, No. 141, 33-38.

Mouzas, S. & Ford, D. Leveraging knowledge-based resources: The role of contracts. Journal of Business Research 2012, Vol. 65, Issue 2, 153-161.

Vial, V. Micro-Entrepreneurship in a Hostile Environment: Evidence From Indonesia. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 2011, Vol. 47, No. 2, 233-262.

Mouzas, S., & Ford, D. Contracts as a Facilitator of Resource Evolution. Journal of Business Research 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2011.11.002.

Mouzas, S., & Ford, D. Herd Behaviour in Business Networks, Die Betriebswirtscha$ Business Administration Review (BARev) 2012, Hef 6, 541-557.


Yao, T., Jiang, B., & Liu, H. Impact of Economic and Technical Uncertainties on Dynamic New Product Development. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 2012, DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2012.2189975.




Books Bertrand, P., & Prigent, J.L. (2012). Gestion de Portefeuille, Analyse Quantitative et Gestion Structurée. Paris: Economica. Given the evolution of theoretical research and the management of portfolios, this book offers an overview of new technologies in financial engineering by summarising the main results established in recent years by the professional world and academics. The book is intended for Master students interested in finance portfolio management and for professionals interested in financial modeling. Boisot, M., Nordberg, M., Yami, S., & Nicquevert, B. (2011). Collisions and Collaboration, The Organization of Learning in the Atlas Experiment at the LHC. Oxford: Oxford University Press. This book aims to give a broad organisational and strategic understanding of ‘big science’ by analysing one of the major experiments that uses the ATLAS Collaboration, the Large Hadron Collider. It examines the flow of ‘interlaced’ knowledge, the intra- and inter-organisational dynamics of ‘big science’, and the new knowledge capital being created for the workings of the experiment.


Ford, D., Gadde, L.E., Hakansson, H., & Snehota, I. (2011). Managing Business Relationships 3rd Edition. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons. This new edition of Managing Business Relationships seeks to help managers and students understand the reality of business networks and how to manage them. It offers an analysis of different relationships including those with customers, suppliers, distributors and development counterparts. Carré, D. & Levratto, N. (2011). Les performances des territoires Les politiques locales, remèdes au déclin industriel. Paris: Editions Le Manuscrit. While the economic crisis, increasing budgetary constraints, and industrial changes have accentuated the disparity between regions, the authors of this book highlight the drivers of growth in dynamic territories in order to contribute to the debate on public policy. They examine how the choices and strategies of local companies influence the performance of a region.


Book Chapters Boisot, M., Nordberg, M., Yami, S., & Nicquevert, B. (2011). Introduction: Big Science Challenges in the Twenty-First Century. In Boisot, M., Nordberg, M., Yami, S., & Nicquevert, B. (Eds.), Collisions and Collaboration, The Organization of Learning in the Atlas Experiment at the LHC, (pp. 1-7). Oxford: Oxford University Press. De Freyman, J., Paturel, R., & Richomme-Huet, K. (2011). L’artisanat entre réseaux informels (choisis) et réseaux formels (imposes) : une lecture par les logiques dominantes et la réalité. In Boutillier, S. (Ed.), l’Artisanat et la Dynamique des Réseaux, (pp. 141164). Paris: l’Harmattan. McKelvey, B., Lichtenstein, B., & Andriani, P. (2011). Cuando las organizaciones y los ecosistemas interactuan: hacia una ley de fractalidad requerida en la empresa In Lopez-Moreno (Ed.), La empresa en el dominio de la complejidad, (pp. 153-191). Madrid: Ediciones Cinca.

Richomme-Huet, K., & de Freyman, J. (2011). France: Father-Daughter Succession in France: The ONET Group Case Study. In Halkas, D., Thurman, P., Smith, C., & Nason, R. (Eds.), Father-Daughter Succession in Family Business, (pp.109-115). Surrey: Gower. Yami, S., Nordberg, M., Nicquevert, B., & Boisot, M. (2011). ATLAS as Collective Strategy. In Boisot, M., Nordberg, M., Yami, S., & Nicquevert, B. (Eds.), Collisions and Collaboration, The Organization of Learning in the Atlas Experiment at the LHC, (pp. 98-115). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Case Studies Frey, V. (2012). Home Best Supplies : négociation B to B (Home Best Supplies: B to B Negotiation). Case Study CCMP No. M1767 and Case Study CCMP No. M1767 (GB).

Nicquevert, B., Yami, S., Nordberg, M., & Boisot, M. (2011). From Russia with Love: A Contributing Country Perspective. In Boisot, M., Nordberg, M., Yami, S., & Nicquevert, B. (Eds.), Collisions and Collaboration, The Organization of Learning in the Atlas Experiment at the LHC, (pp. 182-200). Oxford: Oxford University Press.



Conferences Andriani, P., & Carignani, G. Modular Exaptation: A Missing Link in the Synthesis of Artificial Form. 12th European Academy of Management Conference, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 6-8 June 2012.

Bassino, J.P., & Lagoarde-Segot, T. Informational dynamics and cross-market linkages in Tokyo Stock Exchange, 1931-1940. Economic History Society Conference, Oxford, UK, 30 March - 1 April 2012.

Bassoni, M., & Weygand, F. Un jeu mobile, vecteur de « coopétition » entre réseau social numérique et smartphone. Le cas Li#Lo#. Colloque Medias 011, Aix-en-Provence, France, 8-9 December 2011.

Bel, R. National Institutions and Global Competition: A Formal Rationalization. Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference, Miami, Florida, USA, 6-9 November 2011.

Ben Jemaa, K., Gorini, L., & Yami, S. L’impact de la performance des coentreprises internationales sur le stress : Le rôle du contrôle. Université d’Été de l’Audit Social 2011, Montpellier, France, 1-2 September 2011.

Bertrand, P., & Prigent, J.L. On Fair Pricing of Financial Structured Products: A Compensating Variation Approach. 2nd International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society, London, England, 7-8 June 2012.

Boujena, O., Johnson, W., & Merunka, D. Does CRM make your sales force more knowledgeable? Moderating effects of customers’ attitude toward IT and salesperson familiarity. 2012 NCSM Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 23-25 April 2012.


Collins, H., Crespin-Mazet, F., & Goglio-Primard, K. The brand as an internal identity change vector A case study from the construction industry. British Academy of Management Conference, Birmingham, England, 13-15 September 2011.

Conheady, B., McIlkenny, P., Opong, K., & Pignatel, I. Performance and Valuation Implications of Corporate Governance Grades for Firms Comprising the S&P/TSX Index. 61st Annual Meeting of the Midwest Finance Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 22-25 February 2012.

Cova, B., & Salle, R. Shaping projects: A case study of unsolicited proposals in public private partnership. Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 1-3 September 2011.

d’Andria, A., & Richomme Huet, K. The Mumpreneur Phenomenon: An Entrepreneurial Response to Motherhood? RENT XXV, Entrepreneurship, Business and Society Conference, Bodø, Norway, 16-18 November, 2011.

d’Andria, A., & Richomme-Huet, K. Lorsque l’enfant parait. Le mampreneuriat : une réponse entrepreneuriale aux opportunités et contraintes de la maternité ? 7ème Congrès de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation, Paris, France, 12-15 October 2011.

Goglio-Primard, K., & Crespin-Mazet, F. The role of third parties in open innovation processes: The so#ware case. The R & D Management Conference, Grenoble, France, 23-25 May 2012.

Grenier, C. Institutionalization of new organization in context of institutional complexity: Analysis through the Negotiated Order theory and emergence of the notion of “enacted stakeholders.” 27th EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg, Sweden, 6-9 July 2011.


Hanoteau, J., Prévot, F., & Vial, V. Institutions, corruption and entrepreneurship. 2nd World Congress of the Public Choice Societies, Miami, Florida, USA, 8-11 March 2012.

Lombardo, E., & Goglio-Primard, K. Resistance to change in scholarship: An experiment using an immersive and interactive 3D structure. UK Academy of Information Systems 17th Annual International Conference, Oxford, England, 27-28 March 2012.

M’Chirgui, Z., & Chanel, O. Alliance and Acquisition Dynamics in the Smart Card Industry. Strategic Management Society Conference, Miami, Florida, USA, 6-9 November 2011.

Mitrano-Meda, S., & Veran, L. Diagnostic des programmes de mentorat entrepreneurial. Proposition d’un cadre de référence. 2ème Journée de Recherche sur l’Entrepreneuriat, Montpellier, France, 28 June 2012.

Mitrano-Meda, S., & Veran, L. L’analyse du processus de mentorat entrepreneurial. Une approche tripartite. 2ème Rencontre Entre Acteurs des Réseaux d’Accompagnement et Chercheurs, Montpellier, France, 19 January 2012.

Munos, A. Les composantes de l’échange dans la distribution : la théorie de la SDL (Service Dominant Logic) mise à l’épreuve.

Nemeh, A., & Yami, S. Stratégies Inter-Organisationnelles et Evaluation des Programmes de R & D Précompétitifs : Le Cas du Cluster Celtic-Plus du Programme Paneuropéen Eureka. Conférence de l’Association Internationale de Management Stratégique, Lille, France, 4-6 June 2012.

Pendaries, M. A Meta-Key Performance Indicator (MKPI) to perform the process of the creation of value of organizations: The study of an industrial firm managed through business project. 6th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Nice, France, 7-9 September 2011.

Pendaries, M., & Pendaries, S. Le pilotage par la valeur de la performance organisationnelle : exemple d’application à un cabinet d’Expertise-comptable. 33ème Congres de l’Association Francophone de Comptabilité, Grenoble, France, 21-23 May 2012.

Richomme-Huet, K., & d’Andria, A. L’accompagnement entrepreneurial des mampreneurs par leur propre réseau. 2ème Rencontre Entre Acteurs des Réseaux d’Accompagnement et Chercheurs, Montpellier, France, 19 January 2012.

Richomme-Huet, K., & Vial, V. Opportunity recognition in social entrepreneurship: The effect of entrepreneurs’ personal histories.

12th International Research Conference in Service Management 2012., La Londe, France, 29 May - 01 June

57th ISCB World Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 10-13 June 2012.

Nemeh, A., & Yami, S. Inter-Organizational Strategies and Results’ Evaluation in Pre-Competitive R & D Programs: The Case of the Cluster Celtic-Plus in the Pan-European Program Eureka.

Rosa, J.J., & Hanoteau, J. The Shrinking Hand: Why Information Technology Leads to Smaller Firms.

European Academy of Management Conference, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 6-8 June 2012.

American Economic Association’s Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 5-8 January, 2012.

Walsh, G., Bartikowski, B., & Halstrup, D. Does ‘service with a smile’ lead to higher employee turnover? 2011 AMS World Marketing Congress, Reims, France, 19-23 July, 2011.


Editorial Activities Global Business and Organizational Excellence Global Business and Organizational Excellence (GBOE) is a management journal published bi-monthly by Euromed Management in partnership with John Wiley & Sons. The journal presents detailed case studies and practical guidance on operational issues in a global context, stressing their implications for practicing managers. GBOE provides its readers with unique insights into how to achieve a competitive advantage, bridging the gap between academics and the business community and offering a truly practitioner-oriented approach to the organisational challenges companies face. Chris Kimble, Associate Professor of Management Information systems and Strategy at Euromed Management, is the senior Academic Editor for GBOE.

— Chris Kimble


Editorial Board Members Philippe Bertrand: Competitiveness Review. Vinca Bigo: The International Journal of Green Economics, the International Journal for Pluralism and Economic Education, and the American Journal of Economics and Sociology. Pierre Cariou: WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, Revue Africaine des Affaires Maritimes et des Transports. Bernard Cova: Annales Mediterranéennes d’Economie, International Business Review, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Journal of Business Market Management, Journal of Marketing Management, Décisions Marketing, Recherche et Applications en Marketing. He is South Europe Editor of the Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice and Editor in Chief of Perspectives Culturelles de la Consommation. Corinne Grenier: Management & Avenir. Tobias Hahn: Business Strategy and the Environment and Business and Society. Maria Kakarika: Associate Editor of Europe’s Journal of Psychology. Chris Kimble: Academic Editor of Global Business and Organizational Excellence. He is a member of the editorial boards of: International Journal on Human-Computer Interaction, Information Research and International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations. Thomas Lagoarde-Segot: Research in International Business and Finance. Patrick Leoni: Journal of Service Science and Management, Journal of Financial Risk Management, Eurasian Business Review, Technology & Investment, International Journal of Business Research and Development, International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering. Dwight Merunka: Décisions Marketing, Applied Research in Quality of Life, Recherche & Applications en Marketing, Academy of Marketing Science Review, Revue Franςaise de Marketing, Question(s) de Management.

Patrick Micheletti: Management & Avenir. Bernard Paranque: EuroMed Journal of Business, Euro-Mediterranean Economics and Finance Review, Corporate Governance: An International Review and Revue Techniques Financières & Développement. Frédéric Prévot: European Journal of International Management. Robert Spencer: Journal of Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Journal of Business Market Management, Journal of Customer Behaviour, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Revue Franςaise de Marketing, Consumption, Markets and Culture. Virginie Vial: Global Business and Organizational Excellence. Zannie Voss: Associate Editor of the International Journal of Arts Management. Yahia Zoubir: International Journal of Emerging Markets, Journal of North African Studies, The Maghreb Center Journal, Communication Science & Technologie, Maghreb-Machrek, Cahier de l’Ouest Saharien and Delhi Business Review, l’Année du Maghreb.


Dr. Virginie Martin, Associate Professor of Sociology, Political Sciences and Management, received her HDR diploma from the University of Lyon III for her work entitled: Marges et organisation : une approche critique et politique au regard du genre.” Her HDR coordinator was Prof. Christophe Baret, University of Lyon III.

— Virginie Martin

Dr. Thomas Lagoarde-Segot, Associate Professor of Finance, received his HDR Diploma from Aix-Marseille University for his work entitled, “Systèmes Financiers, Institutions, et Développment” His HDR coordinator was Prof. Gilles Dufrenot, Aix-Marseille University.

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches

Dr. Dardo DeVecchi, Associate Professor of Linguistics and Knowledge Management received his HDR diploma from the University of Paris Diderot for his work entitled: “Pragmaterminologie. Eléments pour la gestion des réseaux conceptuels des organisations.” His HDR coordinator was Prof. John Humbley, University of Paris VII, Diderot.

— Thomas Lagoarde-Segot

— Dardo DeVecchi


Visiting Research Scholars Prof. Andy McLennan, Professor of Economics at the University of Queensland (Australia), ARC Professional Fellow, and creator of Gambit so!ware, is one of the world’s most prominent scholars in Game Theory and Mathematical Economics. Prof. McLennan visited Euromed Management in September 2011 and presented his current paper on “The Computational Complexity of Games and Markets.”

Prof. John Lastovicka, Professor of Marketing at Arizona State University’s W.P. Carey School of Business, conducted a Research Workshop on “Truly, Madly, Deeply: Consumers in the Throes of Material Possession Love.” The theme of this workshop is linked to the famous article recently published in the Journal of Consumer Research.

— John Lastovicka

— Andy McLennan

Prof. Frank Scrimgeour, Dean of the University of Waikato Management School (New Zealand), presented his research paper entitled: “Business and the Environment – Climate Change and the Challenges for Australasia.” Prof Frank Scrimgeour is a leading environmental economist and is currently president of the New Zealand Association of Economists, and a former president of the New Zealand Agricultural Economics and Resource Society.

Prof. M. Joseph Sirgy, Professor of Marketing and Virginia Real Estate Research Fellow at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) is one of the world’s leading experts on Subjective Well-Being and Quality of Life. Professor Sirgy’s talk addressed the psychological foundation of subjective well-being leading to measurement attempts of the concept.

— M. Joseph Sirgy

— Frank Scrimgeour


Euromed Management’s Excellence in Research Award Prof. M. Joseph Sirgy received the Euromed Management Excellence in Research Award for 2012 from Dr. Pierre-Guy Hourquet, Associate Dean of Faculty, Research and Innovation. He has published extensively in the area of quality of life research and has been invited frequently by academic institutions and conferences as a distinguished scholar to speak on quality of life issues in relation to business, philosophy, measurement, and public policy.

His research focus is on developing and/or refining theoretical models in quality of life studies as related to business ethics, strategic marketing, macromarketing, and international marketing Prof. Sirgy has published in social/behavioral science, managerial, and systems related journals on quality of life related issues. Examples include Social Indicators Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing,

Doctoral Programmes Euromed Management offers two doctoral programmes: the ECRICOME PhD Universa and the DBA.

ERICOME PhD Universa Students have the opportunity to pursue original academic research as part of the ECRICOME PhD Universa Programme which is jointly organised by six major French business schools: Bordeaux School of Management, ESCEM Tours-Poitiers, Euromed Management, ICN Business School, Reims Management School, and Rouen School of Management. All partner schools are EQUIS or AACSB accredited. This programme prepares students for research careers in both academic and non-academic settings. Participants receive a solid methodological basis that will enable them to design and implement research projects in various business disciplines. They work closely with faculty members on research projects of mutual interest. The programme is conducted in France and students can enroll in a double degree programme in collaboration with another European university. Currently, 53 PhD students are registered in the programme, and 12 are tutored by Euromed Management faculty: Maria Castillo: “Creating Shared Value: A comparison between Mexico and France.” PhD Advisor: Dr. Virginie Vial. Wissam Sami El Khoury: “Mergers and Acquisitions: Effect of Asymmetric Information and the Case of Toeholds.” PhD Advisor: Dr. Zouhaier M’Chirgui. Elizabeth Franklin-Johnson: “The application of sustainability measures in managerial practice - a comparative analysis between organisations in France and the U.K.” PhD Advisor: Dr. Katia Richomme-Huet. Gregorio Fuschillo: “The neo-tribal dialectic in the post-modern way of acting and consuming.” PhD Advisor: Prof. Bernard Cova.


Alexandre Lavissiere: “Place and role of free ports in companies’ supply chain maturity.” PhD Advisor: Dr. Laurent Fedi. Giannis Milolidakis: “How virtual practices facilitate learning, creativity and innovation in distributed virtual communities of practice.” PhD Advisors: Chris Kimble and Dr. Walter Baets. Janpong Norapatra: “The internationalization of new and small firms.” PhD Advisor: Dr. Nadine Levratto. Hugh-Marc Porter: “International joint ventures from an RBT relational view.” PhD Advisor: Dr. Frédéric Prévot. Zhou Shaoyang: “China’s New African Strategy.” PhD Advisor: Prof. Yahia Zoubir. Sonia Penacchiotti: “Informal Economy, Social Protection Systems and Responsibilities, Study of the Fruit and Vegetable Sector in Morocco.” PhD Advisor: Prof. Bernard Paranque. Thierry Vallaud: “Determination of the elasticity of the share of wallet for FMG products, a model at the individual consumer level.” PhD Advisor: Prof. Dwight Merunka. The ECRICOME PhD Universa Programme coordinator for Euromed Management is Dr. Boris Bartikowski, Associate Professor of Marketing. Contact:

Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) The Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA), in partnership with the Renmin University of China, Beijing, is designed for senior executives and business entrepreneurs interested in generating new management ideas and practices. The Euromed Management DBA programme provides candidates with business research expertise to apply state-of-the-art academic knowledge to specific management issues, improving the quality of their decision making and enhancing their ability to make leadership contributions within their company. The focus of the programme is to apply theoretical knowledge to the advancement of business practice. The programme requires original research and culminates in the defense of the DBA doctoral dissertation. In April 2012, the DBA class of 2009 successfully defended their dissertations and received their doctoral degrees during a formal graduation ceremony held at Euromed Management in the presence of M. BIAN Jianqiang, General Consul of the People’s Republic of China in Marseille. Dr. Michel Gutsatz is the MBA & DBA Programme Director at Euromed Management. Contact:

Boris Bartikowski

Michel Gutsatz

— Graduation Ceremony


Research Assistants at Euromed Management Naeem Ashraf: Doctoral student at Aix-Marseille University (IAE Aix-Cergam), . Dissertation title: “The effect of network embeddedness on corporate performance for sustainability.” PhD Advisors: Prof. PierreXavier Meschi and Prof. Emmanuelle Reynaud, IAE Aix-en-Provence, Aix-Marseille University. Rohail Ashraf: Doctoral student at Aix-Marseille University (IAE Aix-Cergam). Dissertation title: “Companies, Brands and Consumers: An Integrated Paradigm.” PhD Advisor: Prof. Dwight Merunka, IAE Aixen-Provence, Aix-Marseille University and Euromed Management. Breeda Comyns: Doctoral Student at the University of Leeds, UK. Dissertation title: “Investigating the quality and quantity of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reporting by companies in the oil and gas industry.” PhD Advisors: Prof. Frank Figge and Dr. Tobias Hahn, Euromed Management and Dr. Ralf Barkemeyer and Dr. William Young, Leeds University. Elias Erragraguy: Doctoral student at the University of the South Toulon-Var. Dissertation title: “L’influence du référentiel normatif sur la dynamique décisionnelle et les préférences altruistes des agents économiques– Une étude comparative des déterminants de l’altruisme au sein des modèles financiers socialement responsables.” PhD Advisors: Prof. Jean Louis Reiffers, University of the South Toulon-Var and Prof. Bernard Paranque, Euromed Management.

“The Application of Sustainability Measures in Managerial Practice – A Comparative Analysis between Organisations in France and the U.K.” PhD Advisor: Dr. Katia Richomme-Huet, Euromed Management. Gregorio Fuschillo: Doctoral student in the ECRICOME Universa Ph.D programme at Euromed Management and Universita’ degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”. Dissertation title: “Consumption and Fanaticism: fan, fanatics and companies in fan culture contexts.” PhD Advisors: Prof. Bernard Cova, Euromed Management and Prof. Andrea Rea, Universita’ degli Studi di Roma «La Sapienza.» François-Armand Gambarelli: Doctoral student at Aix-Marseille University (IMPGT-Cergam). Dissertation title: “Construction-déconstruction de concepts innovants en environnement institutionnel prégnant.” PhD Advisor: Prof. Corinne Grenier, Euromed Management. Vichara Kin: Doctoral student at Aix-Marseille University. Dissertation title: “The boundary spanner function in inter-organisational relationships: The case of alliance managers in stractegic alliances.” PhD Advisors: Prof. Nathalie Fabbe-Costes, Aix-Marseille University and Dr. Frédéric Prévot, Euromed Management. Eleanora Lollo: Doctoral student at Aix-Marseille University. Dissertation title: “Social Capital and Economic Development.” PhD Advisors: Dr. Patricia Augier, Aix-Marseille University and Dr. Virginie Vial, Euromed Management. Anne-Gaëlle Rimbert-Pirot: Doctoral student at Aix-Marseille University. Dissertation title: “Comment les acteurs construisent les “territoires de santé” afin de conduire des politiques de coopération.” PhD Advisor: Prof. Corinne Grenier, Euromed Management.

Elizabeth Franklin-Johnson: Doctoral student in the ECRICOME Universa Ph.D Programme at Euromed Management and at University of Lorraine (Cerefige). Dissertation title: — Research Assistants


Faculty Members

Sami Ben Larbi Affiliate Professor of Finance

Noël Albert Assistant Professor of Marketing

Chafik Bentaleb Associate Professor of Human Resource Management

Ph.D. in Management Sciences, University Pierre Mendès France

Ph.D. in Management, Cadi Ayyad University (Morocco)

Pedro Albuquerque Associate Professor of Economics Ph.D. in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA)

Pierpaolo Andriani Associate Professor of Complexity and Innovation Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Durham University (UK)

Christine Angelini Associate Professor of Strategic Management Ph.D. in Management, I.A.E. Brest

Valérie Angles Assistant Professor of International Management

Associate Professor, University of the South, Toulon-Var Ph.D. in Management, Aix-Marseille University HDR, University of the South, Toulon-Var

Gilles Bertrand Adjunct Professor of Industrial Design Master of Arts, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliques et des Métiers d’Art

Philippe Bertrand Affiliate Professor of Finance Professor of Finance, Aix-Marseille University Ph.D. in Mathematical Economics, EHESS HDR, University of Paris-Dauphine

Vinca Bigo Associate Professor in Gender, Ethics & Leadership Ph.D. in Development Studies, University of Cambridge (UK)

Ph.D. in Management, Aix-Marseille University

Pascale Auger Assistant Professor of Complexity, Creativity Management Ph.D. in Management, Aix-Marseille University

Boris Bartikowski Associate Professor of Marketing Ph.D. in Marketing, Aix-Marseille University HDR, Aix-Marseille University

Roland Bel Associate Professor of Strategy and Innovation Ph.D. in Economics, University of Sydney (Australia)

Bernard Belletante Director General, Dean and Professor of Corporate Finance Ph.D. in Economics, University of Lyon III HDR, University of Lyon II

Odile Boizard Assistant Professor of Information and Communication Ph.D. in Information and Communication Sciences, Aix-Marseille University

Bruno Camus Associate Dean for Programmes Ph.D. in Management, Lancaster University (UK)

Pierre Cariou Associate Professor of Shipping and Port Economics Ph.D. in Economics, University of Nantes

Danielle Castagnoni Associate Professor of Marketing and Sustainable Development Masters in Management, University of Corte, Corsica

Hector Castaneda Assistant Professor of Innovation Masters in Transportation and Logistics, University of Paris X


Eric Cauvin Affiliate Professor of Accounting

Isabelle Ducassy Assistant Professor of Finance

Professor, Aix-Marseille University Ph.D. in Finance, Aix-Marseille University HDR, Aix-Marseille University

Ph.D. in Economics and Finance, Toulouse University

Julien Cayla Affiliate Professor of Marketing Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales (Australia) Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Colorado (USA)

Eustache Ebondo Wa Mandzila Associate Professor of Auditing Ph.D. in Management, University of Paris

Laurent Estachy Associate Professor of International Finance Ph.D. in Economics, University of Nice

Ali Cheaitou Assistant Professor of Supply Chain and Logistics Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Ecole Centrale Paris

Régis Chenavaz Assistant Professor of Economics Ph.D. in Economics, Telecom Paris

Hilary Collins Associate Professor of Strategic Management Ph.D. in Philosophy, Strathclyde University (UK) Bernard Cova Professor of Marketing Ph.D. in Management, University of Paris Dauphine HDR, University of Paris Dauphine

Jean-Philippe Danglade Assistant Professor of Marketing Ph.D. in Management Sciences, Aix-Marseille University

Simona D’Antone Post Doctoral Fellow in Marketing

Omer Farooq Assistant Professor of Business Strategy, CSR and Entrepreneurship Ph.D. in Management, Aix-Marseille University

Laurent Fedi Associate Professor of Maritime Law and Maritime Management Ph.D. in Maritime Law, Aix-Marseille University

Frank Figge Professor of Sustainable Development and CSR Ph.D. in Economics, University of Basle (Switzerland)

David Ford Affiliate Professor of Marketing Ph.D. in Management, University of Manchester (UK)

Christine Francou Associate Professor of Accounting Masters in Management, Ecole de Commerce Nice

Ph.D. in Marketing, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)

Jean-Louis Denis Affiliate Professor of Health Management Professor, Ecole Nationale d’Adimistration Publique, Montreal (Canada) Ph.D. in Community Health, University of Montreal (Canada)

Dardo Mario de Vecchi Associate Professor of Linguistics and Knowledge Management Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Paris 13 HDR, University of Paris Diderot

Vincent Frey Assistant Professor of Negotiation Masters in Management, Euromed Management

Christine Gendron Adjunct Professor of Graphic Design Masters, École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs/ENSAD Paris

Philippe Givry Assistant Professor of Finance Ph.D. in Management Sciences, University of Lyon III


Karine Goglio-Primard Associate Professor of Economics Ph.D. in Economics, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis

Maria Kakarika Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources Ph.D. in Management, IE Business School (Spain)

Adel Golli Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management Ph.D. in Management, University of Corte

Chris Kimble Associate Professor of Strategy and Technology Management

Corinne Grenier Professor of Strategy and Innovation

Masters in Computer Science, University of Newcastle (UK) Masters in Philosophy, University of Northumbria (UK)

Ph.D. in Management, University of Paris-Dauphine HDR, University of Paris-Dauphine

Michel Gutsatz Director of MBA and DBA Programmes

Thomas Lagoarde-Segot Associate Professor of Finance Ph.D. in Finance and Development, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) HDR, Aix-Marseille University

Ph.D. in Economics, Aix-Marseille University

Alexis Guyot Assistant Professor of Finance

Wan Ni Lai Assistant Professor of Finance Ph.D. in Management, Aix-Marseille University

Ph.D. in Economics, University of Lyon II

Tobias Hahn Associate Professor of Corporate Sustainability Ph.D. in Economics and Social Sciences, University of Lüneburg (Germany)

Julien Hanoteau Associate Professor of Environmental Economics and Management Ph.D. in Environmental Economics and Policies, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris

Pierre-Guy Hourquet Associate Dean of Faculty, Research, and Innovation Professor of Human Resource Management Ph.D. in Management, ESSEC and Aix Marseille University

Sajjad Jasimuddin Associate Professor of Knowledge and Strategic Management

Patrick Leoni Associate Professor of Finance Ph.D. in Economics, University of Minnesota-Minneapolis (USA)

Laurence Le Poder Associate Professor of Economics Ph.D. in Economics, Aix-Marseille University

Nadine Levratto Affiliate Professor of Finance Research Scholar, CNRS-Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense Ph.D. in Economics, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis HDR, University of Nice

Grant Linscott Adjunct Professor of Industrial Design Master of Science, International Business and Management for Design, University of Salford (UK)

Ph.D. in Strategic Knowledge Management, University of Southampton (UK)

Evelyne Lombardo Assistant Professor of Management and Communications

Bin Jiang Affiliate Professor of Operations Management

Ph.D. in Information and Communication Sciences, University of the South, Toulon-Var

Associate Professor of Management, DePaul University (USA) Ph.D. in Operations Management, University of Texas at Arlington (USA)


Kai Luo Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management

Patrick Micheletti Associate Professor of Human Resources

Ph.D. in Operations Management and Information Technology, HEC School of Management

Ph.D. in Labor Sociology, St. Esprit University, Lebanon Ph.D. in Management Sciences, Aix-Marseille University HDR, University of Montpellier

Gary Lynn Affiliate Professor of Management Distinguished Service Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology (USA) Ph.D. in Marketing, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA)

Loïc Malhérault Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Business Ph.D. in Management, University Pierre Mendès France HDR, University Pierre Mendès France

Lionel Maltese Affiliate Professor of Sport Management Associate Professor, Aix-Marseille University Ph.D. in Management, Aix-Marseille University

Jean-Michel Marmayou Affiliate Professor of Law and Sports Law Associate Professor, Aix-Marseille University Ph.D. in Law, Aix-Marseille University HDR, Aix-Marseille University

Virginie Martin Associate Professor of Sociology, Political Sciences and Management Ph.D. in Political Science, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris HDR, University of Lyon III

Zouhaier M’Chirgui Associate Professor of Finance, Audit and Accounting Ph.D. in Economics, Aix-Marseille University HDR, Aix-Marseille University

Jérôme Morel Associate Professor of Audit and Control Masters in Internal Auditing, Aix-Marseille University

Annie Lapert-Munos Associate Professor of Marketing Ph.D. in Management, Aix-Marseille University HDR, Aix-Marseille University

Austin Lee Nichols Assistant Professor of Leadership and Organisational Behaviour Ph.D. in Social Psychology, University of Florida (USA)

Stephen O’Sullivan Post Doctoral Fellow in Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Ph.D. in Consumer Behaviour, University College Cork (Ireland)

Stefano Pace Associate Professor of Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Ph.D. in Business Administration and Management, Bocconi University, Milan (Italy)

Bernard Paranque Professor of Finance Ph.D. in Economics and Management, University of Lyon HDR, University of Lyon

Olivier Pelazza Assistant Professor of Marketing & Strategy Masters in Management, Euromed Management

Bill McKelvey Affiliate Professor of Management Professor Emeritus of Strategic Organising, Complexity Science, and Econophysics, UCLA (USA) PhD in Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)

Dwight Merunka Affiliate Professor of Marketing

Michel Pendaries Assistant Professor of Organisational Management Ph.D. in Management, Aix-Marseille University

Isabelle Pignatel Associate Professor of Accounting Ph.D. in Management, Aix-Marseille University

Professor of Marketing, Aix-Marseille University Ph.D. in Marketing, Aix-Marseille University


Frank Pons Affiliate Professor of Sports Marketing

Robert Spencer Associate Professor of Marketing

Professor, University of Laval (Canada) Ph.D. in Business Administration, Concordia University, Montreal (Canada)

Ph.D. in Economics and Business Administration, Uppsala University (Sweden)

Frédéric Prévot Associate Professor of Strategic Management Ph.D. in Strategic Management, Aix-Marseille University, HDR, University of Lyon III

Maarouf Ramadan Affiliate Professor of Finance and Business Economics

Ernesto Tapia-Moore Associate Professor of International Management Ph.D. in Management, Aix-Marseille University

Patrick Topsacalian Affiliate Professor of Finance Associate Professor, University of Lyon Ph.D. in Finance, University of Montpellier I HDR, Aix-Marseille University

Ph.D. in Economics, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan

Jean Louis Reiffers Affiliate Professor of Economics Professor Emeritus, University of the South, Toulon Var Ph.D. in Economics, University of the Mediterranean

Christophe Revelli Assistant Professor of Finance Ph.D. in Management Sciences, University of Montpellier I

Katia Richomme-Huet Associate Professor of International Human Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Ph.D. in Management, University of Montpellier I HDR, University of Brest

Diego Rinallo Associate Professor of Marketing Ph.D. in Business Administration and Management, Bocconi University, Milan (Italy)

Fabrice Rizzo Affiliate Professor of Private Law and Sports Law Professor, Aix-Marseille University Ph.D. in Law, Aix-Marseille University HDR, Aix-Marseille University

Bertrand Rone Adjunct Professor of Design Masters in Design, EID

Romilda Tramontano Associate Professor of Business Law Masters in Public Law, University of Nice

Gérard Veber Associate Professor of Marketing Masters in Electronic Engineering, ECE

Lucien Veran Affiliate Professor of Management Professor, Aix-Marseille University, PhD in Management, University of Nice HDR, Aix-Marseille University

Virginie Vial Associate Professor of Development Economics and Industrial Organisation Ph.D. in Economics and Political Science, London School of Economics (UK)

Christophe Vignon Associate Professor of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour Ph.D. in Management Science Sciences, University of Lille I

Zannie Voss Affiliate Professor of Marketing Professor, Southern Methodist University (USA) Ph.D. in Management, Aix-Marseille University

William-Hua Wang Associate Professor of Economics and Business Policy Ph.D. in Applied Economics, University of Grenoble


FĂŠlix Weygand Affiliate Professor of Information and Communication Science Associate Professor, Aix-Marseille University Ph.D. in Information and Communication, Aix-Marseille University

Tim White Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems Masters in Supply Chain Management, Aix-Marseille University

SaĂŻd Yami Affiliate Professor of Strategic Management Associate Professor, University of Montpellier Ph.D. in Strategic Management, University of Lille HDR, University of Montpellier

Yahia Zoubir Professor of International Relations and International Management Ph.D. in International Relations, The American University (USA)

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