‘Beyond The Vague’ is inspired by my value as a designer, to appreciate both process and output equally, to always be curious — for there will always something beyond the vague.
Table of Contents Exhibit 01 Packaging Design
#OOTG (Orange On The Go)
Exhibit 02 Brand Identity
Makarim & taira S. Counsellors at Law
Annie Atkins : Making Film Director’s vision a reality
How To Love in Seoul : Winter Edition
Exhibit 03 Editorial Design Exhibit 04 Editorial Design
Exhibit 01
Exhibit 01
Packaging Design
#OOTG (Orange On The Go)
#OOTG (Orange On The Go) Merit Award ASPac 2019 Category Objective
: Packaging Design : Coming up with a packaging design with the theme ‘inspire’.
#OOTG (Orange On The Go!) is an innovative and ecofriendly orange packaging that makes your orange binging experience a lot more practical. It is aimed to inspire people with busy lifestyle, or just anybody in general to take care of themselves from within by eating nutritious snacks.
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Busy People + Unhealthy Snack = Poor Diet, Health Problems Innovation + Healthy snack = Improved Lifestyle
Why #OOTG? Orange is a great source of vitamins and minerals needed by the human’s body, especially for people with busier lifestyle. Unfortunately, oranges tend to be impractical and messy to be eaten on the go.
Because of this reason, people use this as an excuse to eat snacks with unhealthier options that are more practical.
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Figure 1.1 - How To #OOTG
Concept #OOTG is structured and textured like a real orange, giving an experience of eating fresh orange. With the visuals inspired by the hustle and bustle culture in today’s world. For consumption, twist the packaging and open it up, the orange has already been peeled and
sealed with a cassava based plastic bag to maintain the freshness of the fruit & doubles as a trash bin for the orange seeds. After eating, consumer can put everything on the cassava bag and throw it away. #OOTG is designed to be consumed directly and not stored.
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Development During the development progress, structure is the main concern of this project. The challenge is to make an efficient, well designed, and eco-friendly orange packaging. It should be attractive enough for people to chose it over
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other snack on the market. The progress includes endless brainstorm sessions, many trials and errors, and material test, design output and several re-designs for the visual.
Figure 1.2 - #OOTG’s potential structures
Figure 1.3 - #OOTG’s final structure
Figure 1.4 - Design mock up & material trials
Figure 1.5 - Previous design options
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Exhibit 02
Exhibit 02
Brand Identity
Makarim & Taira Counsellors at Law
Makarim & Taira S. Brand Identity
Logo Design Competition - 2019 Category Objective
: Brand Identity : Creating a new brand identity for Makarim & Taira S., one of the oldest lawfirms in Indonesia for their 40th year anniversary.
A brand identity for Makarim & Taira S that reflect them as a flexible law firm in terms of solving problems, facing the ever changing behaviour globally from years to years through reliable and innovative solutions, highlighting the keyword ‘Problem Solver’.
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Final verdict, it is Amazeingly Solved
Why Problem Solvers? One of the substances that connect both lawyers and designers is problemsolving. For the most part, the chemistry between lawyers and their clients began because the clients want to get their
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problem solved. Hence, this keyword appears to fit this company perfectly. Aside from problem solver, the keywords legacy and innovation are also used.
Figure 2.1 - Full stationary mock-up
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Figure 2.2 - Logo explanation
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Concept The logogram design is a combination of the letter M&T, resembling a maze. The shape of the maze is used due to its manifold interpretations. Firstly, it illustrates Makarim & Taira S. as problem-solvers for their clients thus
will always find a way out despite the problem’s level of complexity. It also brings the keyword legacy upfront as mazes and labyrinths are one of the oldest heritage from ancient tribes, yet, it is still preserved until today.
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Development In this particular project, there are some requirements and requests made by the client such as color restriction, how the letter M & T has to be placed side by side, etc. Hence, the concern is mainly focused on the shape of the logo
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itself, and how well it can visualize the brand effectively. The process includes brainstorms, head to head competitors analysis, concept development, sketching, and digital output.
Figure 2.2 - Keyword brainstorming
Figure 2.3 - Some logo sketches
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Exhibit 03
Exhibit 03
Editorial Design
Annie Atkins : Making Film Director’s Vision a Reality
Annie Atkins : Making Film Director’s Vision a Reality Biography Book Category Objective
: Layout and Composition Book : Making a biography book of an international designer with interpreting the artist works throughout the style of the book while applying well typography aspect with some experimental grid system.
Annie Atkins is a Dublin-based graphic designer in filmmaking, famously known for her work as the design master of Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel. The book is aimed to visualized her journey and timeline, designed with the influence of her works throughout the year.
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Translating Motion to Stills, Graphic Designer in Filmmaking is a thing.
Why Annie Atkins? Rather than making a biography book dedicated to graphic designers that are well known already by most people, with multiple biography books published and made for them in the market, it is more enthralling to come up with someone new. Not only will it be more challenging, but handing over
new insights and knowledge to the readers as well. By picking Annie Atkins as my designer of choice, it enables me to experiment with different kinds of grids and layout because she has not published a book yet.
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Figure 3.1 - Layout and material details
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Concept Most of the inspiration for the layout for this book is coming from Victorian Era books due to her works that mostly influenced by that particular style thus, the paragraph style justify with last line aligned left is used, breaking the rule. To enhance the fascinating experience of this book, choosing the right material is vital. A textured, via felt paper, is
chosen to be used as the material of the pages, aforementioned material aims to bring a sense of vintage book upfront, reflecting most of Annie Atkins’ works. As for the cherry on top, the cover is wrapped in a fabric-like material to give an impression of a sturdy, well-made, high-quality book.
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Development The most challenging part of this project is to figure out the layout for it. This project in particular has a really short deadline hence an effective design is the way to go. Furthermore,
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this project requires a lot of research regarding the designer for the content since the information related to her is still limited.
Figure 3.2 - Some title sketches
Figure 3.3 - Test print mock up
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Exhibit 04
Exhibit 04
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Editorial Design
How To Love in Seoul : Winter Edition
How To Love in Seoul : Winter Edition Guide Book - 2018 Category Objective
: Layout and Composition Book : Designing a tourist guide book of a city with a specified category.
How to Love in Seoul: Winter Edition is a guidebook for couples who want to spend their time together in Seoul’s winter. This book is divided into three chapters: Before You Go, During The Trip, and Before You Leave. Hopefully, each chapter of this book will help them on their romantic journey in Seoul.
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Ready to love, being loved and celebrate love in The City of Love.
Why Seoul? Great architecture, succulent food of choice, adorable cafes, yes we’re talking about the one and only Seoul! When talking about a romantic destination, people would automatically recall Paris, Maldives, Rome, etc. in their minds. 37 | DNA’s Graphic Design Portfolio
However, due to the escalating growth of Asia’s popularity and culture, Seoul stands out for its romantic destinations. Combining the bits of Seoul, this aims to give you a glimpse of how lovely Seoul is.
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Concept By equating Seoul’s DNA, the graphic approach of this book is endeavored to give readers an impression of “Oh, this is very Seoul!” as they flip from one page to another. A blend of winter and valentine color palette, watercolor brush
for the illustration are used to build the mood up, making the book live up to its title. On top of that, in order to keep the book simple and handy, a lite with a slight gloss paper is used for the pages, finishing it with a doff cover.
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