Eat Meal! Are paleo meal right for everyone The paleo diet is popular because of its numerous health benefits. It is filled with vitamins and minerals, supports; brain, cell and gut health, increases muscle mass, decrease fat, gives more energy, reduces inflammation, the list goes on. Despite all these goodness, it is important to know that paleo diet isn’t for everyone. So how do you know if it is or not right for you? You are a vegetarian If you are a committed vegetarian, you may not find paleo diet appealing at all. Paleo diet consists of plenty of chicken, meat, and eggs, which may be part of your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The diet does not even encourage protein powders and smoothies, so if you are not good with these, then the diet is not for you. Your stomach can’t take fruits There are certain people whose stomach can’t stand fruits and vegetables due to digestive disorders like Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth or Candida Albicans. Such people may not find paleo diet useful due to the high content of fruit and vegetable in the diet. Also, many people find it hard to digest fruits and protein when eating together. Yogurt lovers can’t take part Yogurt is loaded with vitamins, calcium, and probiotics, which is why a lot of people love it. Unfortunately, it is not allowed on the paleo diet. In fact, you can’t even eat any dairy products of any kind. While there are dairy free yogurts like almond milk and vanilla silk brand, it is advisable to avoid them to prevent weight gain. Also, dairy-free yogurts are hard to digest. You are also not allowed to eat cheese, sour milk or any dairy food derived from cows. Does your body tolerate fats One of the best things about the paleo diet is the richness in healthy fats. Healthy fat is good for your body because it promotes healthy brain function, keeps your body metabolism working, improves reproductive health, and reduce cancer. They also promote skin and eye health, have anti-inflammatory properties and strengthen your bones. However, some people find it hard to tolerate fat in their body. Such people can’t find it easy with the paleo diet.
Paleo diet is rich in nuts If you don’t like nuts, then paleo diet is not for you. The nuts in the paleo diet are there because they are a source of nutrients, loaded with antioxidants, promote weight loss and can help lower cholesterol. The paleo diet is mostly protein, vegetables, healthy fat, and fruits, but it also allows seeds and nuts. If you don’t digest nuts well, it may cause you a lot of pain. You should seriously consider the nuts issue before you embark on the diet. Paleo diet is a great plan because it is full of vitamins, minerals, protein and other healthy foods. However, people who can’t digest nuts, tolerate fats, or those who love yogurts will find it impossible to cope. It is highly recommended that you consider these issues before you go on a paleo diet. For more information Please refer: