What You Need To Know About Aching Feet And Heel Spurs Aching foot is a normal occurrence after a long walk, exercise, wearing a tight shoe and many other reasons. Heel spurs’ on the other hand, does not happen from tight-fitting shoes or from a walk. This is due to the calcium deposit which causes a bone to protrude on the underside of the heel bone. What Happens if you have heel spurs?
Unfortunately, the pain caused by heel spurs may not be alleviated with rest, according to WebMD. The plantar fascia may extend and stretch causing a pull in the heel. This is where the pain starts. It may be recurring and eventually; it may lead to a chronic pain. The intensity of pain is aggravated when you rest compared to continuous walking. Extensive walking also causes the pain to recur. Faced with this discomfort, a visit to your doctor is safe to know the severity of the calcium deposit. How To Relieve Aching Feet Medicines When your feet hurt due to the heel spurs, which is due to the inflammation, your doctor may prescribe an anti-inflammatory medicine as the first line of defense. However, when the pain persists, a corticosteroid may be added to the regimen. Exercise Alternatively, you can do a simple exercise. WebMD highlighted exercise as one of the conservative treatments for heel spurs. According to Physiowork's website, a foot stabilization exercise can help ease the discomfort. 
The tennis ball massage- as it suggests, massage the foot with a tennis ball. Gently roll the tennis ball under the foot for a few minutes. This can help by relaxing the plantar fascia.
Ice massage – the mechanics are similar with the tennis ball massage, except for the tool. This time you use ice and then gently roll the foot. This is ideal when there is an apparent inflammation. The ice helps reduce the inflammation and provide a pain relief.
Calf Stretching – this exercise helps strengthen the heel. The muscles of the legs, attach to the heels are being bolstered, which is good in the recovery phase.
Shoe The type of shoes matters. In all related medical journals, experts suggest to have a good shoe, shoe insert or orthotic device to prevent further damage to the already compromised heel. The immediate goal here is to ease the pain and to regain the foot arch muscle control. Heel spurs can be bothersome, and it may cause a great deal of discomfort when it is left untreated. This condition is rarely permanent, addressing the problem early makes the healing fast. For more fitness Exercise Tips please click here: http://www.natestretchandmore.com