Christopher Nolon

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ChristopherNolan The Art of Visual Storytelling

Introduction Memento Insomnia Batman Begins The Prestige The Dark Knight Inception Upcoming Projects

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Unique story mechanics, creative premises, intellectual themes, and purist cinematography have defined Christopher Nolan’s art: the art of visual storytelling. Nolan created such vibrant films, that each one stands apart. One of the most creative geniuses in Hollywood today, Nolan has yet to make a disappointing film.


film clouded through multiple people’s perspectives.   Nolan is the master of creative premises for his stories, ranging from dreams within dreams to a guilt-ridden

Christopher Nolan was born in London

impossibility. The film did so well at

on July 30, 1970. The middle son of an

film festivals that he was able to receive

Englishman and American woman, Nolan

funding for his first wide-release film

spent much time in both countries, but

Memento. The film was so good it

he chose to study in England. While

received a nomination for a Golden

studying English literature at University

Globe and Academy Award, and

College he filmed his first short film

catapulted Nolan to fame.


He would go on to direct such films

In 1997, Nolan married Emma Thomas

as Insomnia, The Prestige, The Dark

who would also be his producer for

Knight, and Inception. One of his

every film he would produce from then

strongest points as his director is his

on. Nolan is known for working with

creative to tell a story in such a unique

the same people over and over again.

way. In Memento, Nolan tells the

Instead of merely hiring professionals to

story backwards, leaving the audience

work for him, he has assembled a team

piecing the story together the whole way

to work with him on his projects, and he

through. In the Prestige he uses story

continues to rely on them.

mechanic of a man reading the journal

In 1998, he directed his first feature

of his enemy, but enemy’s journal quotes

Following on a $6,000 budget, a near

the man’s journal at points, leading to

man in a land of no sleep. He always brings stories that audiences haven’t seen before, and brings a freshness to films that lacks in so many Hollywood remakes. When the rest of the industry is trying to repeat what sells, Nolan is selling ideas no one has ever seen.   No film of Nolan’s sits there as a pretty piece of art without a gut wrenching message. Nolan understands that to get a message across it must be buried so deeply into the story that the audience receives it without feeling preached at. In Memento, Nolan uses a blatantly postmodern style, with a protagonist who is outspokenly quoting post-modernism to attack the very essence of postmodernism, merely by showing where post-modernism leads. Each of his films

Nolan also realizes that the key to good visual storytelling is good visuals. He is a complete purist in his film work. He will only use film cameras, and film methods of color correction. As much as is possible, he refrains from digital effects in an effort to maintain the realism of film. This purism results in stunningly beautiful shots in his movies.   Nolan is the master of visual storytelling.

tackles deep philosophical issues.




Memento was Nolan’s first film to really

he tells the story in reverse. Showing

make it successfully. After showing

us roughly a minute at a time, and then

Following at a film festival, Nolan

showing us the previous minute. This

received enough interest from investors

narrative is inter cut, with a narration by

to get enough money to produce

the protagonist moving chronologically.


As the film ends the two story lines

Memento tells the story of a man

movie in opposite chronological order,

who has no recollection of his past at

meet up in one breathtaking moment of

all. After being knocked unconscious


he wakes up with amnesia, and only

Many have accused Nolan of making

remembers one thing. That he must

a purely post-modern film in Memento,

gain revenge on his wife’s murderer.

but really Nolan is exposing the errors

Seeking now to find the murderer, he

of post-modernism. By creating such

has no choice but to trust a string of

a post-modern film, he is able to draw

notes he has left for himself, and tattoos

the audience in to sympathizing with

that dictate what he does.

the logic of this world view. The ending

Nolan comes up with an ingenious

clearly demonstrates the great dangers

way to tell this story. Instead of telling us

that truly believing post-modernism will

the story in the normal order it is given,

lead the person to believe.

Nolan uses the image of a man who is seeking for truth so hard, that he has tattooed “the truth” all over his own body. This shot is a thesis in itself as to the importance of absolute truth in a world of relativism. This series of images, shows Nolan’s efforts to visually tell stories through emotions on peoples’ faces.



Memento was such a big success,

pursuit of the murderer in the fog,

head. Nolan shows us characters

that Nolan was given the opportunity

Dormer mistakenly shoots and kills

taking up all angles on the question of

to remake a successful Norwegian film

his partner. He is then faced with the

ethics and conscience. He leaves the

called Insomnia. The film is very different

moral quandary of whether to confess

audience with the message that a clear

from the majority of Nolan’s works.

his mistake or hide it. He knows that if

conscience is worth more than one’s life.

Unlike the majority of his films it is told

he confesses, people will believe he did

Nolan puts provocative messages

chronologically, and focuses on one

it intentionally to protect himself in the

in all of his movies, but none perhaps

character’s point of view.


so blatantly as Insomnia.   Although

While this film does have a very feel,

Nolan uses these circumstances

is Insomnia is much more blatant in its

it still maintains the key elements of the

to show us a man tortured by guilt.

message, than the majority of Nolan’s

Nolan style. The film is a morality tale

In a land where the sun never sets,

films, it gives us a clear glimpse into his

dealing with the question of conscience

Dormer is unable to find rest at all. In


and ethics. Pacino’s character, Dormer,

addition the murderer, played by Robin

is a cop who has successfully put many

Williams begins to play with Dormer’s

criminals behind bars, but he has used planted evidence to ensure convictions. He knows the people convicted are guilty, but fears they could now go free due to a realization that some evidence was forged.   He is called up to Alaska with his Nolan spends his time on set, working very closely with the entire crew. His perfectionism leads to excellent stories that are visually striking and have strong characters.

partner to investigate a murder case. His partner is planning to testify against Dormer, and Dormer is nervous for the results of the hearing. While in close



batman begins Warner Brothers was frustrated with

approached the franchise with new

beginnings because He felt this was a

the Batman franchise, and decided

eyes, and decided that Batman needed

story that had never been told before.

hire Christopher Nolan to direct a new

to have a fresh look at the story. He

Nolan set as his goal to focus on

Batman movie. Christopher Nolan

decided to tell the story of Batman’s

humanity and realism as the basis of the story. Instead of focusing another superhero movie on cool fight scenes

This was the first of Nolan’s films to

This was also Nolan’s first movie

Batman Begins really was the film

hit a PG-13 rating. All this film is much

involving Christian Bale and Michael

that catapulted Nolan into the public

less gritty then Nolan’s other films, Nolan

Caine. Christopher Nolan would go on

spotlight. It gave him the credibility with

still manages to tell a darker story line.

to cast both of these actors in multiple

the studios to go on and make films that

It was with Batman Begins, that Nolan

films. With Batman Begins, Nolan had

he was much more personally invested

started using tricks to build intensity,

established an all-star crew which would

in. At the same time, Nolan did not

without resorting to crude language,

go on to work with him on his future

merely see it as a career move, he took

or harsh on-screen violence. This

films. Nolan’s pattern of working with

the old story and gave it new life, by

method of telling dark stories without

the same people, has given him the

putting his own, very unique spin on it.

gritty details, would go on to become a

ability to make each film better than the

trademark of Nolan’s future movies.

one before.

and the good guy always winning, Nolan wanted to tell a darker, more realistic story. He wanted to focus on discussing the fight for good in a world of evil.   Batman Begins is a film about character development. The most memorable moments are the connections Bruce Wayne has with the people in his life. Nolan seeks to pull the mask off of Batman, and make the movie more about a struggling man who hides his identity to promote good, then he does about an all perfect superhero.


Batman is the first of Nolan’s films to include beautiful nighttime skylines. These skylines add grandeur and a sense of ominousness to the film.


the prestige


Nolan points out that two passions will force a person to choose between being two different people. Nolan clearly shows the inability to keep up two images. One must eventually fully

Nolan began working on the screenplay

the story of two rivals fighting against

for The Prestige while he was finishing

each other. The antagonist tells the story

up the film Insomnia. The film is based

of the protagonist to the audience. This

on a British book by Christopher

mechanic allows the audience to be

Priest. Nolan worked together with his

drawn into the story, without giving away

brother Jonathan on the screenplay,

the ending.

but had to put off production of the film

The film is a story about passion. The

when Warner Brothers offered him the

film looks at the constant battle between

directorship of Batman Begins.

the passion for success, and the passion

Since Christopher Nolan pushed

of true love. Nolan ingeniously shows

production of The Prestige off, he was

the audience, that a person must choose

able to use his clout and fame from

which passion will dominate. Two

Batman Begins to gather together

passions cannot be held in balance

and all-star cast for the film including

unless one is held superior to the other.

Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, and

The film also explores the blinding

Michael Caine.

effect passion has on the ability to see

The story is very typical Nolan in that it

into the future. These men’s passions

is told in a very nonlinear manner. Nolan

blind them and they walk towards the

uses the story mechanic of a diary to tell

fate they predestined for themselves.

commit to one or the other, and when that commitment occurs, it is a solid commitment.   Nolan refuses to make either of the rival magicians into the good or bad guy. True to his style, he shows us two human beings locked in a battle against each other. Each makes good and bad decisions and the audience must choose who to respect.   Nolan leaves the audience with one of the greatest surprise endings, which is amazingly foreshadowed throughout the entire movie.

Nolan uses the limited view of Hugh Jackman’s character to show the audience the story without ever letting the audience catch on to the clues right in front of them.


the dark knight


character of Harvey Dent.  With The Dark Knight, Nolan made the superhero movie that would set the standard for all future superhero movies. He had made a sequel which was a

The Dark Knight was the movie that

performance as the villain, that his

solidified Christopher Nolan’s fame

character can be considered the epitome

forever. After a very successful reboot

of evil in many ways.

to the franchise with Batman Begins.

Nolan wanted to create a world of evil

People waited expectantly to see what

and chaos versus justice and good. He

Nolan would do with the second film.

chose to avoid using the usual methods

Nolan surpassed all expectations, with

to create this world. Nolan avoids

one of the darkest superhero movies

graphic violence and strong language

ever. The Dark Knight took the story

almost completely. Instead, he uses

line from the first film, and built upon the

the character arcs and decisions to get

character arcs already established.

across this struggle. While the film is

Unlike so many superhero sequels,

definitely very dark, there is almost no

Nolan did not decide to tell the same

objectionable content in the film.

story with different villains. Instead he

This film is one of Nolan’s strongest

showed characters who had learned

Theses on the nature of evil. He

lessons from the first film, and now

explores the nature of evil in the

took these changes and put them in

character of the Joker. He examines the

new higher stakes situations. Heath

dangers of putting a man on a pedestal

Ledger delivered such a phenomenal

because no man is perfect in the

better film than the first, and a superhero movie with characters who were real.

Nolan uses many shots of Joker staring directly into lens to intensify the sense of and darkness associated with character.

the the evil his



having to be built. Inception was also shot on film, and Nolan refused to shoot in 3-D. These decisions led to a very beautifully shot film.   One of the most amazing aspects of himself from his past and his own subconscious..   Nolan works very hard in this film to create a very richly developed cast of characters that follow throughout the film. In spite of having so many characters, each one is very relatable to and the audience cares about each one.   Nolan tells a beautiful story about the importance of truth and its impact on


Nolan began worked on the story for

Cobb is given the job of implanting an

Inception for nearly ten years. His

idea in a person’s head. He must plant

diligence to the story resulted in one of

the idea in a son’s head to break up

the most thrilling and though provoking

his father’s empire. As he approaches

movies to date. He explores the simple

the situation, he assembles a team to

idea of a shared dream. These shared

construct dreams within dreams.

dreams have been used to simulate

As the team advances on their goals,

military training and are now used to

they begin to run into issues with

steal secrets.

Cobb’s past. He is unable to separate

society. In a world where truth can be changed, motives and facts all change in an instant.   Nolan works very hard to do as many of the effects in production, that the film does not feel like a CGI animation. He uses CGI to accent the special effects which are all almost done in actuality. This resulted in some monstrous sets

Inception is its statements on the art of film. Nolan tells a beautiful story about shared dreaming, but at the same time there are obvious similarities between the story of creating a shared dream, and the reality of creating a film. The idea of a shared dream is a beautiful picture of what a film really is.   Nolan explores the difficulties of getting a message across in a film, because to implant a them that will stick with the audience, requires that the message be buried so deeply that the audience thinks they came up with the message themselves.   The film contains the elements that Nolan describes in the film as the elements of a good film. It’s beautiful shots are a wonderful tribute to Nolan’s directing.


upcoming projects Nolan is currently working on his third

be producing the film and mentoring the

and final Batman film called Dark Knight

young director Zack Snyder.

Rises. Much speculation has circulated

The film’s tentative title is Superman:

concerning the film, but it seems certain

Man of Steel and it is set to release in

that the Joker will not return, due to

2012. Much is still to be determined on

the death of Heath Ledger. Much

this film, but Nolan has said he is very

anticipation is surrounding the film.

excited about where he wants to take

Nolan has announced that it will be

the story.

his last Batman film, and that he plans to end the story he began with the first two films. This will result in a Nolan Batman Trilogy. Nolan has also stated that the film will not be 3-D, much to the admiration of his fans. The film will be in theaters summer 2012.   Nolan has also announced that he will be creating a reboot of the Superman films. He is working with David Goyer to write a script for the film. He will then


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