Nathan Chen | Portfolio

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NAT HAN CHEN Selected Works



Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Casa de Portugal


N. Austin Mosque


Nuova Isola






Tranquil Fortress


Professional Work



CA S A DE PORT U G AL Spring 2019 / Porto, Portugal

Situated on the edge of the Duoro River and west of the historic center of Porto, the Center for Portuguese Culture invites locals, tourists, and visitors alike to immerse themselves in Portugal’s past, present, and future. As a public space, the Center embeds intself into the urban fabric through the introduction of a plaza. The plaza echoes the consistent play of void and mass within Porto’s city figure-ground, allowing for temporary pauses within the dense, winding city streets. The plaza is elevated above the street, providing views out to the iconic Arrábida Bridge and acting as an intermediate level with the adjacent residential entry courtyard and existing stair. Its spatial presence and programmatic strength is enforced by the three black boxes that its perimeter. Their platonic shape and plain facades frame the plaza an outdoor living room for Porto. Each object is programmed with specific functions for the Center. At the street level, the tower-like object contains a public stair that brings visitors to the Center’s plaza level. A cafe and bar supplemented by the winery spill out onto the plaza space from the black objects, enriching the public space. The Center’s public presence subtly influences visitors and locals alike. As house of culture, the Center is comprised of a theater, galleries, winery, and archives, each of which show an element of Portuguese culture, whether it be Fado, the art of wine-making, literature, or visual art. The galleries and winery front the street, acting as both a plinth for the plaza above and as a display of culture to the general public. The existing house on the site is refurbished as the Center’s archives and is covered in gold-leaf to represent the both the authenticity of Portuguese culture and the architecture that houses it. The interplay between interior/exterior and public and private spaces creates an intimate experience of culture in both a public and institutional setting.


View from Across the Duoro River

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Critic: Kevin Alter



Urban Context + Concept Diagrams

Isometric View



Ground Floor Plan

Casa de Portugal

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Physical Model



Plaza Floor Plan

Casa de Portugal

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Physical Model




Casa de Portugal

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

The Archive is positioned to be slightly revealed from the street level.

Street Approach



Casa de Portugal

Nathan Chen: Selected Works



Object Concept

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

There is a constant interplay between mass / void, interior / exterior, and individual part / sum of parts with the black objects. Their platonic exterior shapes lend an uniform identity that supports the important presence of the gold-leafed archive. The interior spaces are carved in programmatically specific ways, giving each object an individual identity. However, when viewed as a family, their individual parts highlight an enriched spatial experience throughout the entire Center.


Above: Platform Entry

Casa de Portugal

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Archive Concept + Plaza View + Gallery / WInery View


N. AUS T IN MOS QUE Spring 2018 / Austin, TX

The North Austin Mosque is both an Islamic Calligraphy School and Mosque. Isolated as one of the few mosques in North Austin, the center seeks to share and educate its local community on Islam. Historically, the most prominent form of Islamic Art lies in the practice of calligraphy. Through the contemporary practice and exhibitions of calligraphy, the center becomes a place to share and cultivate the beauty, knowledge, and values of Islam. The proposal’s massing addresses the need for publicly reaching out with calligraphy while respecting the sacredness of Islam. A singular bar containing public programs wraps the site while the prayer hall isolates itself as the most important object on the site. The calligraphy school bridges between the two programs; representing the intersection of religion, education, and community. Ornamentation was a key element in this project. Typically interpreted as an extra layer of decoration, we sought to give it purpose, to transform that decoration into meaningful representation. A series of panels were developed in response to traditional Islamic ornamentation patterns. The calligraphy school was thus clad in these panels, creating a façade that alluded to the project’s Islamic nature. In contrast, the rest of the building was clad in an aesthetically subtle brick that grounded the project within the site. The ornamentation and integration of the calligraphy school and mosque mutually enriches the religious faith for Muslims and the experience for nonMuslims.


Mosque Street Approach

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

ISSUE015 Publication

Team: Andrew Hong Critic: Gary Wang



Concept Diagrams

Project Title

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Above: Platform Entry



Site Plan

N. Austin Mosque

Nathan Chen: Selected Works


Community gather, knowledge, faith

Calligraphy Teacher - Student Relationship

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Mosque Quran: Spoken



Jollyville Mosque + School

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Austin Community

Calligraphy Quran: Written

Individual practice, knowledge, faith

The intersection between the individual and community in Islam was a key component to the mosque’s design. The project’s section was important to bring these two elements together. Ultimately, the local community and Islamic community are mixed within the project.


Second Floor Plan + Elevations + Section


sp e

ct | T

im e

Project Title

Nathan Chen: Selected Works



Panel Diagrams + Prayer Hall Render

Wall Section



Structural Section Model

N. Austin Mosque

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Physical Model



Above: Platform Entry

The prayer hall is the only point within the project where one is able to see the ornamentation from the interior. It is the culmination of Islamic teachings and development, where the calligraphy school and traditional mosque intersect.


NU OVA IS OL A Spring 2017 / Genoa, Italy

The Port of Genoa has the highest maritime traffic in Italy, attracting industry shipments, trading, ferries and cruise liner tourism. However, the physical location of these industries have long since separated the city’s citizens from direct access to the sea. Thus, Renzo Piano introduced the Blueprint, a master plan that carves a canal from the Old Port of Genoa to the International Trade Fair in order to reconnect the city with the sea. This project seeks to maximize the Blueprint plan by introducing a new layer of urbanism along Genoa’s waterfront. Sited south of the Port of Genoa and adjacent to both the International Trade Fair and Genoa’s largest sport venue, the project acts as a programmatic anchor to the city’s new canal. The proposal introduces a series of structures along the canal that maximize commercial, residential, and recreational aspects of the site. Programs of these structures include a market hall, rowing center, apartment building, and commercial buildings. Strategic placement of these structures and programmatic zones enrich both the newly created island and the city. The flexibility, proximity and richness of both the current site programs and introduced programs creates a new waterfront for Genoa’s citizens. The project focuses upon the citizens of Genoa, something that has been overshadowed by the city’s large trading and tourism industries.


Urban Context Mapping

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Design Excellence Award ISSUE014 Publication

Critic: Charlton Lewis


Intervention Master Plan 1. Sports Center 2. International Trade Fair 3. Canal 4. Highway 5. Market Hall 6. Rowing Center 7. Restaurant 8. Apartment Complex 9. Commercial 10. Public Plaza 11. Recreational Green Space 12. Canal Promenade

4. 10.



3. 6.

9. 9.

9. 10.




1. 10.




Renzo Piano Re-Master Plan 1. Sports Center 2. International Trade Fair 3. Residential + Commercial 4. Tertiary Program

Levels of Entry: 4.



Private Semi - Private Public

The introduction of the Blueprint plan creates a complex relationship between the International Trade Fair, the sports venue, and the water. Cut: Back land for

The project rationalizes these relationships with the additional water area. introduction of the bridge and market hall. Subtle Filter: Create hard boundary differences between height transition between programs and highway and site. interaction with the water. The market hall’s central Connect: Singular placement on the site allows for it to become a movement and access to junction between the site’s diverse programs. tertiary program site.

Open Space:





C. G.

Direct A.

Indirect Green



Top: Intervention Master Plan


Pivot: Market hall as central





Project Title

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Bottom: Site Urban Section



Conceptual Diagrams + Aerial Axonometric

Nuova Isola

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

View along the new canal in comparison with the site’s old conditions. The new market hall is seen in the background while the existing International Trade Fair is on the right.

Canal Render


Envelope - mediator

Perforated Corten Steel Panels

Typology - gable roof, pavilion, warehouse Cut - light, accessibility, site conditions

Form Generation

Steel Portal Frame, Cable Cross Bracing, Steel Purlins, Steel I Beams

Multiply - Structure,light, thinness

Subtract - accessibility

Main Entry



Bridge Market

Core Bridge Cafe

Canal Plaza

The market hall is an open air pavilion with an open floor plan, adhering to the temporal aspects of the market program. A series of steel gabled moment frames generate the form of the market hall. The exposed structural steel aesthetic takes cue from the Port of Genoa’s industrial commerce. The structure also houses a cafe and restaurant providing additional leisure program along the water’s edge.


Market Hall Conceptual Diagrams

Nuova Isola

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

The market hall structure is active at all times of the day, acting as a flexible pavilion in addition to its restaurant and cafe programs.

Market Hall Night Render



Market Hall Plans + Sections

Nuova Isola

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

The recreational space becomes a major city amenity, as it is one of the few open and public green spaces to the city.

Recreational Area Render



Top: Market Hall Sectional Model

The perforated Corten steel canopy of the market hall provides shade and ventilation to the space.

Bottom: Market Hall Section



Fall 2016 / New York City, NY

Audubon Terrace is a group of historically preserved buildings in New York City. A final vacant lot in the cluster of buildings presents an opportunity to enliven the once busy public terrace. The proposed Branch Library experiments with the stereotypes of a public library. The modern library is considered to be a place of many open spaces, civic services, and opportunities for gatherings. However, the proposed Branch Library focuses on the individual. Solitude and focus is created by a series of vertical planes that divide the 50 foot wide site into 10-15 foot programmatic seams. A single walkway cuts across these seams, moving occupants through the programmatic seams that these vertical planes have created. Narrow walkways within the seams and cuts in the vertical planes introduce a friction between being isolated but yet fully aware of surrounding library visitors. Two vertical planes - the reading nook wall and stacks wall propose a self-introspective experience with books. The stacks wall is entirely composed of book shelves; functionally and visually representing the library’s core element - the book. Within the isolated nature of the reading nooks, occupants experience the traditional intimate and meditative atmosphere of a library. The proposed Branch Library physically manifests solitude, thus challenging the modern conception of a library.


Audubon Terrace Entry

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Lyceum Fellowship Design Competition

Critic: Martin Haettasch



Conceptual Diagrams


Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Site Plan + Aerial Axonometric


The project addresses the 30-foot elevation change between 156th street and the terrace level through the sectional separation of program. Access to the stacks are at the terrace level while administrative programs are placed on the ground floor.




Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Stack Wall and Reading Nooks



Schematic Structural System selection from Construction IV Course

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Model Photos



Fall 2016 / Dallas, TX

In order to accommodate for the vast number of daily commuters between Dallas and Houston and to alleviate the worsening traffic of I-45, the Texas Central Railway is proposing a quicker and safer alternative form of travel through a rail line that travels between Dallas, Houston, and the Brazos Grime Valley region. The site of the rail line station in Dallas is situated on the edge of the city center and at the outskirts of the Oak Cliff residential area across the Trinity River. Utilizing and expanding the nearby existing urban infrastructure of highway, local streets, and DART line, the proposed Dallas Terminal Station becomes an opportunity to unite the city of Dallas. Like many other metropolitan train stations, the Dallas Terminal Station’s programming transforms it into a mixed-use district that serves more than just the city’s commuters. Two major moves make up the station: an iconic swooping canopy and an architectural hill housing mixed-use programs. The proposed station becomes a synonymous symbol to the bullet train system for the city: a driving leader in transport systems for Texas.


Train Station Platform Render

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Future Architects Design Competition Urban Planning Award

Team: Alex Davila, Hannah WIlliams, Dana Moore, Ui Jun Song



Dallas Site Analysis


Nathan Chen: Selected Works








Conceptual Diagrams + View from Trinity River


Massing Canopy structure directs traffic in line with direction of rail line


Top: Canopy Diagrams

Push / Pull Changing heights in canopy to imply entry, exit, and movement through the site.

Station Massing A separate, thermally enclosed volume sits below the canopy.


Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Gray: Translucent Concrete Panels N

White: Transparent weather proof solar panels with embedded LEDS Wood exoskeleton

Canopy Selective cladding to provide light/shade and views to the city.Shades southern light while opening up to north light. Allows views to Dallas skyline while blocking unfavorable views to highway interchange.

Programming Split station massing according to ticketed and non-ticketd areas.

Bottom: Section Render



Spring 2019 / Pessegueiro Island, Porto Covo, Portugal

The Tranquil Fortress seeks to honor the island’s history with mankind through highlighting the Quarry and Fort of Santo Alberto.

Two interventions are placed upon the island:

The Wall that lies beyond the Quarry and

The Fortress that respectfully encompasses

Fort of Santo Alberto’s ruins.

The interventions conceive a journey throughout the island, giving rise to motifs of memory, time, and space.


The Wall + The Fortress Render

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

ARKxSITE Chapel Competition

Team: Andrew Hong


Arrival Here lie the stones and sediments that precede human history. A long and arduous pilgrimage awaits.

Memory Walking along the narrow straits of the Quarry, one experiences the origins of human intervention, forever embedded within the island.

Impression Beyond the Quarry lies the Wall, an homage to the essential element of fortification. The opening guides one towards the Fortress.

Time A vast rugged landscape spreads before the Fortress, symbolizing time’s disregard of the island. Nature relentlessly moves foward.

Silence At the top of the island resides the Fort of Santo Alberto. What was once a place meant to keep out invaders now relinquishes to Nature’s persistence. It is a refuge of contemplation, inviting all visitors to build upon its history.



Tranquil Fortress

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

The Quarry The Wall

The Fortress

Above: Platform Entry



Aerial Axonometric + Section

Tranquil Fortress

Nathan Chen: Selected Works

Fortress Interior


Nathan Chen



The University of Texas at Austin Bachelor of Architecture | May 2019 3.89 / 4.0 GPA

SHoP Architects | Architectural Intern June - December 2018, New York City, NY

École Nationale Superiéure d’Architecture Paris | Fall 2017

Skills Adobe Suite Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Digital AutoCAD Revit Rhino3D VRay - Rhino3D Enscape ArcMap GIS Microsoft Office Fabrication 3D Printing Model-Making Lasercutting Other Mandarin Chinese (conversational)

Uber HQ, SF: Construction Administration. Coordinated with consultants and produced solutions to resolve RFIs during the ongoing construction process. Picked up construction document red lines in Revit. Confidential Project: Innovative Tech Campus meant for creating collaborative and healthy work atmosphere. Curated various studies investigating aesthetics and performative design options. Led physical model making process for client presentation. Assisted on documentation for schematic design, design development, public approval drawing sets, and development of visualization models in VR platforms. Pickard Chilton Architects | Architectural Intern June - August 2017, New Haven, CT Global Gateway Shinagawa: Landmark mixed-use development integral to Tokyo’s urban environment and public transportation system. Produced various design studies, diagrams, 3D printed models, and physical models for client presentation. Y2 Mixed-Use High Rise: Edited renders to be published in design development set. Andrew Wagner Architects | Architectural Intern June - August 2016, Austin, TX Produced renders and branding graphics for firm website. Worked on various studies for high end residential projects. Managed interiors drawings with interior architect. GreenEarth Engineering | Drafting Intern June - December 2015, Austin, TX Independently drafted full structural drawing sets for various high-end residential projects via AutoCAD.


Honors & Awards

Tzu Chi Collegiate Association Senior Officer 2014 - 2019

Oglesby Prize Travel Grant | Spring 2019 AIA Henry Adams Medal Nominee | Spring 2019 Design Excellence Award | Fall 2015, Spring 2015, Spring 2017 Dean’s Design Distinction | 2017 Texas Alpha Unrestricted Scholarship | 2017 Myran Geer Blacklock Scholarship | 2017 Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society | 2017 - 2019 College Scholar (Top 20% GPA) | 2017 - 2019 Janet C. and Wolf E. Presidential Scholarship | 2016 Future Architects Urban Planning Design Award | 2016 Distinguished College Scholar (Top 4% GPA) | 2016 University Honors | 2014 - 2019

Design Collective Freelance Designer Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 UT Austin Men’s Club Ultimate Frisbee Player + Merchandise Coordinator Fall 2014 - Spring 2016

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