Nate's FREE Beach Body Guide

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Beach Body Pecs, Biceps & Abs

By Nathan Strength

Table of Contents Introduction 4

Part 1: The Routine 5 Chest 5

The Centerpiece of Your Physique Exercise One: Pec Deck Machine Exercise Two: Incline Dumbbell Press

Exercise Three: Incline Smith


Exercise Four: Incline Hammer Strength Exercise Five: Depth Pushups

Overview of Chest Routine 11 Biceps 12

How to Get Big Guns A Note on Pre-Work Out Supplements Fascia Training to EXPLODE Your Biceps Growth Exercise One: Standing Dumbbell Curls

Exercise Two: Dumbbell Preacher Curls Exercise Three: Standing Barbell Curls

Overview of Bicep Routine 18 Abs 19 Getting Them Ripped & Defined Exercise One: Leg Raises Exercise Two: Full Crunches Exercise Three: Cable Crunches

Overview of Ab Routine 23

Nathan Strength’s Beach Body Guide 2011


this physique. I always had fairly good back, legs, and triceps (somewhat) but I fully lacked in the bicep, pecs, and ab department. So I researched all the best methods of achieving this physique.

Hey man, Awesome - You’ve made it to my Beach Body Guide.

This inspired me to write this Guide you have now. If you follow my guidelines I GUARANTEE you will gain muscle (and in all the right places). Not only that, but you will see dramatic changes in your physique.

This program is close to my heart in that it was only when I started to understand the principles laid out in this Guide that I started getting closer to achieving the body I wanted - a sexy beach body physique.

Keep in mind that this is a short-term 4 - 8 week routine, and results may plateau after which you may need to focus more on more conventional routines (like this one). But it’s definitely a great way to switch things up and achieve growth in most people’s weak spots quick!

I’ve noticed a lot of guys, like myself, are sucked into doing the same old boring bodybuilding or powerlifting routines while getting results in all the wrong places. It turns out typical routines focus mostly on building our legs, back, triceps, and obliques. Nothing wrong with that - a full rounded physique is very important - it’s just a lot of us are having trouble building up the parts of our body that matter THE MOST: Chest, Biceps, and Abs. This was my motivation for finding out how to build

Let’s get started. -Nathan “The Transformer”

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Part 1: The Routine Chest

The Centerpiece

of Your


Solid pecs are the centerpiece of any great beach body physique. Six pack abs are impressive, but they’re a dime a dozen on most beaches. Defined abs with a solid set of chest muscles on the other hand is what creates a powerful, sexy physique. To my dismay, I’ve always had a small, under-developed chest. It’s bothered me for a while since I’ve always made sure to put a lot of effort into my bench press, but for some reason neither my bench press max nor my chest increased substantially. I’ve realized that for those of us who have trouble getting our chest up to par, we need to switch things up. The usual barbell bench press that all of my buddy’s do that makes their chests massive doesn’t always work for me. I end up feeling it in my triceps and shoulders, but I feel nothing in my chest. Here’s a unique program I’ve used to build up my chest over the past few weeks.

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Exercise One: Pec Deck Machine

Nate’s Notes You will perform this exercise for 4 sets in a pyramid fashion - 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps, then 6 reps. Focus on a controlled negative, and actually feeling it in the chest. It’s not necessarily about using heavy weight, but feeling it. Start with a very easy weight for an easy 12 reps, getting the chest warmed up. Increase the weight by 15lbs each time, working up to a tough 4 – 6 reps (with form focused entirely on the chest). What we are doing here is using the “pre-exhaustion principle” to get the pec muscles stimulated before moving onto the incline dumbbell presses. This will help us in two ways: 1) Mind muscle connection: After a few sets of pec deck, you will FEEL the chest muscles burning, and this will help you stimulate your pecs in the exercises that follow this one. 2) Recruiting greater chest motor units

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Exercise Two: Incline Dumbbell

Nate’s Notes After pre-exhausting my pecs with the pec deck, I tend to feel it better now that I transition into Dumbbell presses. You will perform this exercise for 4 sets in a pyramid fashion - 10 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps, then 6 reps. I have incline dumbbell presses written down because I assume you have a weakness in the upper pecs. However, if your pecs are relatively balanced, then stick with flat dumbbell presses. With these I can fall into the same issues as barbell pressing - I let my shoulders and triceps take over. To combat this, make sure you use a slow tempo, focus on feeling the muscle (I can’t stress this enough for guys like me who aren’t used to stimulating the pecs). In terms of range of motion, do HALF REPS from the bottom position, half way up. This further ensures that the chest is being worked, not your triceps.

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Exercise Three: Incline Smith

Nate’s Notes You will perform 4 sets of 12 - 15 reps. Yeah, you might wonder why I chose SMITH machine. If you do squats, do free weight. With a hard-to-stimulate muscle like pecs, smith machine can be a godsend. Again, don’t be ashamed to do half reps to increase the tension on the chest muscles. It’s not about moving heavy weight, but about slow methodical movements that put constant tension on the pecs.

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Exercise Four: Incline Hammer Strength

Nate’s Notes You will perform three sets for 12 reps. I usually find the best results from this exercise when the movement is in a slightly “curving up” motion rather than going straight. Find the line of movement that stimulates your pecs the best. After your first set, you will SUPERSET with Exercise Five (Depth Pushups).

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Exercise Five: Depth Pushups

Nate’s Notes You will do as many depth pushups as you can, and perform half reps and quarter reps once you pass failure. This is the finisher exercise to destroy the pecs. Perform the Hammer Strength Inclines with a slow negative, emphasizing the pecs. Within 15 seconds, get right into elevated push ups (use stacked plates). The elevation forces you to go deep into the pushup, working the pecs harder. Don’t worry if you get tired quick, you’re supposed to. Do half reps on the depth push ups if you get exhausted. This will really get the pecs going. After each superset you should be collapsed on the floor, unable to push yourself up off the ground.

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Overview of Chest • Since chest muscles are very hard to activate it is more important to have good form than to push heavy weights • Don’t be afraid to perform half reps to keep constant tension on the pecs • Keep the tempo relatively slow and controlled to keep the stretch reflex out of the movement • If you’re looking to chisel out that mid and lower chest, then check out this great Diet Program to shred fat quick! Page 11

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Biceps How


Get Big Guns

A little history. My first year of working out, I did Rippetoe’s work outs, and grew A LOT (so no hate on Rippetoes). But my big mistake was I didn’t do any assistance exercises. I fell for the myth that compound exercises are all you need to get impressive arms (which is why Visual Impact worked so well for me). Lately, I’ve been employing this work out with great success in getting my arms back in proportion again. I still have a long way to go, but with this program I’m sure I’ll get there. I want to stress that form and tempo is crucial when performing these exercises. I will be providing you with helpful tips for each exercise individually, so make sure you follow them as best you can.

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A Note


Pre-Work Out Supplements

Usually I wouldn’t necessarily recommend using pre-work out supplements... I find they’re very expensive (although you can get them pretty cheap on Amazon) and they contribute very little to muscle gains and are mostly a caffeine boost. But if you do have a pre-work out product like NO-Xplode, Superpump250, or Jack3d, then make sure you take it prior to these work outs since we will be specifically focusing on fascia training so the bigger the pump, the better. I’ll speak more about fascia training in a second.

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Fascia Training


EXPLODE Your Biceps Growth

I’m gonna let you guys in on a little secret here that is going to EXPLODE your arms, it’s allowed me to grow my arms faster than ever before. It’s what I was referring to before - fascia training. Fascia are cells that maintain the muscle structure. Unfortunately, they can also compress the muscle, limiting its growth - think of an elastic band around your arm. So a lot of professional bodybuilders and fitness models perform fascia stretching to enable more growth. There are two ways to stretch the fascia: internally and externally. We’re doing both with this first exercise... Internally stretching the fascia through pumping up the muscle (as you can see, my arms are EXTREMELY pumped after the NO-Xplode kicked in). And externally, in between sets I’m stretching my biceps.

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Exercise One: Standing Dumbbell Curls

Nate’s Notes You will perform 3 sets of 15 reps. The form must be STRICT. No more than 20lb dumbbells, I usually use 15lbs. Go nice and slow, and squeeze at the top to get the fascia stretching going. You’re going for a pump, not for heavy weight. Keep your elbows facing the FLOOR, and tucked in no cheating! Don’t forget to do the stretches in between sets. This will stretch the muscle and draw more blood in. Be prepared to have the best pump in your life.

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Exercise Two: Dumbbell Preacher Curls

Nate’s Notes You will perform 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Now that your muscles are stretched and filled with blood they’ll be easier to manipulate. It’s a perfect time to help build the peak. I have major issues with my peak... my arms tend to look fairly good at my side, but when I flex them they aren’t as impressive. Really squeeze the blood at the top. Do half reps past failure at the top.

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Exercise Three: Standing Barbell Curls

Nate’s Notes You will perform 3 sets of 6 reps. These are the KING of all barbell curl exercises because you can go really heavy on them. I’d start out working with smooth, controlled reps. But at the end of the set, don’t worry if you cheat a bit, just get some solid reps in. Barbell curls great for overall bicep development. Go all out on these for three sets.

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Overview of Bicep Routine • Focus on form, not necessarily weight • Mind muscle connection is key - you want to push blood into the muscle and stretch the fascia •

Don’t skimp on the stretches!!

• So that’s the biceps exercise program. The biceps are a relatively small muscle group so it’s important that we don’t do too many exercises.

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Six Pack Abs

Getting Them Ripped & Defined

Although I’ve typically had good ab genetics, I find the abs can fade to a vague outline when I’m not cutting, which is most of the time! However, since I’ve been employing more exercises other than basic crunches, I’ve been able to achieve a more defined outline even at higher body fat levels. So let’s get into NathanStrength’s Beach Body Ab Routine: What Beach Body Work Out Routine doesn’t have abs? Arguably THE most important body part for the perfect beach body physique - no matter how big your arms and chest are, if your abs are lacking on the beach, you won’t be getting any attention. So I hope you really go after this work out routine, as summers approaching.

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Exercise One: Leg Raises

Nate’s Notes You will perform 3 sets of to failure KILLER ab exercise. If you’re used to crunches then it’s time for you to step up your game for sure. I consider these the “squat” of abs. If you’re having trouble, try knees up version. As you get strong bring your straight legs up until parallel to the floor. After you progress, try straightening your whole body in an ab lever (yes, your ENTIRE body is parallel to the ground; I can do only five reps of these) - it’s all about progressive overload.

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Exercise Two: Full Crunches

Nate’s Notes You will perform 3 sets of 12 reps. Similar to a bicycle crunch, but not quite. This is my favourite type of crunch because it stimulates both the lower and upper abs. Although I’ve had a 6 pack for a while, I’ve never had a full 8 pack so I’m constantly trying to build my lower abs. Perform these slowly, with a TIGHT squeeze at the top. I see a lot of people speed through their crunches at lightning speed. The reality is, the abs are mostly stimulated in the top half of the movement, so if you’re flinging your body at the start with your hips and arms, you’re basically taking your abs out of the movement. Another note, you may only be able to perform a few reps, but the number isn’t important. It’s quality over quantity. (The picture isn’t exactly what I want you to do - Instead of alternating bringing the legs up, bring BOTH legs up at the same time while you crunch by lifting your upper back. Hold the crunched position and you’ll feel it in both the lower and upper abs!) Page 21

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Exercise Three: Cable Crunches

Nate’s Notes You will perform 3 sets of 20 reps. Your abs should be super exhausted by now. Cable crunches are the finisher. Make sure you are using your ABS and not your arms and hips. Don’t go too heavy at first. Focus on getting 20 reps and conditioning the abs... Nice and slow, controlled reps to the floor.

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Overview of Ab Routine • Focus on form, not necessarily weight • It’s about quality, NOT quantity. Really squeeze the reps at the top of the movement, that’s where the abs get worked the best instead of the hip flexors. • To take your SIX PACK even further (like this guy--->) check out this Enlightening Program to take it from “ab outline” to full out, chiseled, WASHBOARD abs.

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The Conclusion of this Routine • If you are only trying to build up the “beach body” muscles, then you can perform this routine on its own 3 times per week • Alternatively, you can incorporate these bodyparts into your current routine for instance, if you are doing a five day split, on chest day follow my chest routine, and arm day follow my bicep routine etc. • This program is especially effective for those who have trouble with building up their chest and biceps from traditional programs •

Follow this routine for 4 - 8 weeks and I guarantee you’ll see results

• Most importantly, your body has NOTHING to build with unless you supply it with enough calories. Eat AT LEAST 20 times your body weight in calories (hardgainers might need up to 25x their body weight). Eat at least 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight. The BEST guy to learn how to gain weight from is Vince. • For more structure in achieving your IDEAL physique, I’d check out This Program... I’ve used it with great success, and I think it’ll work for you too (See my Review of it Here)

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Thanks so much for checking out my free e-book. If you enjoyed this program, please feel free to “Like” my Facebook Page. Helps me out a lot! While you’re there, I’d be glad to answer any questions you may have about this program or any other questions fitnessrelated. If you enjoyed this report, also feel free to check out my Transformer Insider Report Club. I send free, detailed documents like these out on a regular basis to committed “Transformers” so feel free to check that out if you’re really serious about getting ripped and muscular. P.S. Believe me when I say there’s no point having a rockin’ body if you don’t showcase it well. I’ve been getting some outstanding deals on stylish, brand-name clothes at this new site called Jack Threads lately. Check it out, it’s really cool, and they’re even giving every new account a $10 free credit which is pretty awesome (already bought some sweet shades with the credit).

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