National Aquarium 2013 Annual Report

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The National Aquarium is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire conservation of the world’s aquatic treasures.




















Every day, I am impressed by the National Aquarium’s staff, who have dedicated themselves to our compelling mission to inspire conservation of the world’s aquatic treasures. Whether working to enlighten guests about the plight of coral reefs or coordinating restoration efforts throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed, our staff—both paid and volunteer—are singularly focused on that mission. It defines who we are. This year saw the opening of Blacktip Reef, which greatly increased our capacity to delight and educate 1.3 million annual guests with a message of hope for these iconic Indo-Pacific coral reefs. Our animal rescue team released its 100th rehabilitated animal, and our conservation action team restored its 25th acre of Chesapeake Bay habitat. We also completed Phase One of BLUEprint, an intense examination of our future potential and the evolving role of aquaria amid unparalleled global climate change. 2 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014

Through revitalized exhibits, animal care that is second to none, and conservation-based experiences for Marylanders and guests from 49 states and 17 countries, we are becoming an international force for aquatic awareness and action. This trend will continue. All of our achievements in 2013 were made possible through the support of our generous donors. Your unique contributions allow us to realize our vision to change the way humanity views—and cares for—our interconnected, life-giving ocean. Thank you for your role in making this vision a reality.


President, Chief Executive Officer

Bruce Hoffberger

Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

Paula Schaedlich RETIRED AUGUST 2013

Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer

Steven Schindler

Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer

Dale Schmidt

Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer

Eric Schwaab

Senior Vice President, Chief Conservation Officer

Kathleen Sher

Senior Vice President, External Affairs


Current as of December 31, 2013

BOARD LISTS Executive Board

Tamika Langley Tremaglio

J. Scott Plank

Robert E. Carter

Jaki Ulman

John C. Racanelli

C. Elizabeth Wagner

Diana Ramsay


Jennifer W. Reynolds


Immediate Past Chair


Timothy Adams

Anna L. Smith

Neal D. Borden Marc Bunting Colleen Dilenschneider Jane W.I. Droppa Michael Dunmyer


Andrew L. Good Secretary

Nancy Grasmick

Our National Aquarium community has been engaged in a thorough rethinking of our assets and opportunities, envisioning a future that will position us as thought leaders and inspirational builders for a future of aquatic conservation. Part of that process was developing a comprehensive strategic plan, which is being revised to integrate the findings and recommendations from the BLUEprint process. Through this important work, we will connect people more directly to aquatic habitats. We will expand our audience to achieve greater impact in the field of conservation. We will protect our immediate environs—the Chesapeake Bay and Mid-Atlantic coast—and build partnerships with organizations with compatible missions. And we will expand our expertise and advocacy for measurable impact in conservation science. These strategies have led to a catalytic moment in our history that demands that we

discard misconceptions and outdated constraints to pave the way for new ideas and a different role in the world. As that vision takes shape, we are excited about the impact we can make in conserving and protecting precious natural resources. I’d like to extend my deepest gratitude to all of our donors who have supported our pursuit of ocean conservation through their individual contributions. You give us the power to carry out our mission each and every day, and we appreciate your support as we enter a new and exciting stage in our evolution.

Randall M. Griffin

Thomas Robinson


Charles Rogers, III

Michael Batza

Jim Seay

Neal D. Borden Charles E. Knudsen, III John Racanelli

Washington, D.C. Tamika Langley Tremaglio Chair

Frank Rosenberg

Dr. Carole C. Baldwin


James Bowers

Robert E. Carter

James L. Connaughton


Jane W.I. Droppa

Frank A. Gunther

Jennifer W. Reynolds

Randall M. Griffin

Mohannad F. Jishi

Marc Bunting

Life Director Treasurer

Kyle Muehlhauser Mark Mullin Joseph Nigro Donald Pettit J. Scott Plank

Immediate Past Chair

Marilyn Carp James Dale Michael Dunmyer Mark P. S. Edward Ann T. Gallant Andrew L. Good

Marianela Peralta John C. Racanelli Mark Rovner Nina Selin John D. Shulman C. Elizabeth Wagner Otto Wolff


Dr. Daniel A. Wubah

Diana Ramsay

Mohannad F. Jishi

The Honorable Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

Donna Morrison

Center for Aquatic Life and Conservation

Kaliope Parthemos

Randall M. Griffin

John C. Racanelli

K. Lee Riley, Jr. Thomas Robinson


K. Lee Riley, Jr.

Anna L. Smith

Donald Pettit Charles Phillips


Neal D. Borden John C. Racanelli


Current as of December 31, 2013

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THE STORY of ONE Each person who shifts perceptions, works with passion and inspires others to follow is imperative in the effort to conserve the world’s aquatic treasures. Fortunately, the National Aquarium is blessed with many such individuals. From board leaders and marine specialists to dedicated volunteers and loyal donors, each is making meaningful contributions to the success of our collective mission.

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At the National Aquarium, each drop of water is of great value, and we are sharing that message with each guest and each new generation. With so many interesting inhabitants in our exhibits, water itself often goes unnoticed. But every day, we carefully maintain more than 2 million gallons of water within our Aquarium systems, providing the highest-quality water to 17,000 animals. All of the saltwater in our exhibits is homemade—a combination of Baltimore City water and a house blend of salts­­—and the water is tested daily for quality. This commitment to water persists even beyond the Aquarium itself. In 2013, Eric Schwaab was appointed as our first-ever chief conservation officer, underscoring our dedication to leadership in ocean preservation and environmental stewardship. “From the arid Australian Outback to the tropical rain forest, each drop of water connects and contributes to life on this planet,” Schwaab says. “Here in the Inner Harbor, which is part of the Chesapeake Bay, we sit on the edge of one of the most compromised bodies of water in the country. We need to take greater responsibility, engage more actively and take better care of our watershed.” 6 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014

Our role in conservation includes incorporating new green technologies. “We are trying to be good citizens of the watershed,” Schwaab notes. “We’ve made an expanded commitment to renewable energy through a power purchase agreement with our partner Constellation, an Exelon company, and we’ve made our mechanical infrastructure more energy-efficient.” Aquarium programs engage students and volunteers in projects to clean up the banks of streams and rivers, plant marsh grasses that filter Bay waters and pick up urban debris before it enters storm drains. We have many partners in conservation, including national environmental organizations and generous supporters. We’ve worked with the Maryland General Assembly to address the effects of carbon-based pollution and ocean acidification. Our efforts in fishery sustainability have been bolstered by a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, which addresses the uncertainties of assessing stock and preventing overfishing. “We have a unique opportunity to show people this other world,” Schwaab says, “and to inspire them to appreciate and protect our amazing aquatic resources.”

“People think pollution is caused by that smokestack or outfall pipe or the other guy, but each of us can make daily choices that play a huge part in protecting clean water.” ERIC SCHWAAB CHIEF CONSERVATION OFFICER

1.8 million LEFT Director of Laboratory Services Jill Arnold tests the water quality for our exhibits. ABOVE As an Inner Harbor landmark, we have a responsibility to preserve the source of many of our resources: the Chesapeake Bay.



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Whether it’s to capture a child’s reaction to Blacktip Reef or take a family photo in the Australian Outback, the camera quickly emerges when guests step into the Aquarium. “Families come to have a great time together, to create memories, to celebrate,” says Heather Doggett, director of visitor programs. “Children are always surprised when they come nose to nose with majestic animals from diverse habitats. They’ll look into an animal’s eyes and feel such awe that it ignites a spark to help the species in its natural environment.” Some of the Aquarium’s staff, in fact, were just such children, who visited and were inspired to become professional aquarists, conservationists and marine educators. “Each day, our staff talks with young people about our animals, their excellent care and how we can all make decisions that will protect them,” Doggett says. “Their curiosity can translate into deeper learning. Eventually they start questioning and tracking threats to the health of the ocean.” Staff are in the galleries, talking with guests and groups of schoolchildren as they explore. “They may push a cart with intrigu8 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014

ing items for children to touch,” Doggett says. “They will talk about the incredible animals, the threats they face in the wild and how we can help.” The Aquarium also hosts immersion programs, including behind-thescenes glimpses of animal care and overnight sleepovers with dolphins and sharks. These interactions are critical to carrying out our mission. In 2013, guests enjoyed on-site event programming, our Friday night Cultural Series and the Marjorie Lynn Bank Lecture Series, which highlighted issues relevant to marine conservation. Aquarium visitors won’t see the distinction, but they will encounter both paid and volunteer staff during a tour, and all of them share a passion for their roles. “We teach preschoolers about environmental manners, which are the building blocks of treating our Earth gently,” Doggett says. “Our interpretive staff have a gentleness and an appreciation of nature while also conveying scientific skills of observation and hypothesizing. Our teen interpreters are some of our best ambassadors because of their energy and their keen understanding of conservation, which becomes part of their value system.”




LEFT Volunteers guide guests through the Aquarium, answering questions and sharing their passion for the animals and habitats. RIGHT Daily presentations offer educational, hands-on experiences about the ecosystems featured in our exhibits.

“Every day, we provide our guests with life-enhancing experiences—moments of laughter, learning, sharing, discovery and joy.” HEATHER DOGGETT DIRECTOR OF VISITOR PROGRAMS

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Calypso, the Aquarium’s beloved 500-pound green sea turtle, was the first to move into Blacktip Reef, which opened in August. In one sense, she was literally testing the waters. The exhibit’s installation began with one batch of seawater that was custom-made to exact specifications to match water in the natural Indo-Pacific environment. “Because turtles don’t have gills, the transition wasn’t going to affect a reptile as much as it would a fish,” says Jack Cover, general curator. “In addition, Calypso’s waste helped grow the new biological filtration system.” When Calypso arrived here more than a decade ago, she was cold stunned, and her injured left flipper had to be amputated. Now a permanent resident, she delights visitors and represents the fascinating character of all seven species of sea turtles. In addition to this guest favorite, Animal Care staff are responsible for the health and well-being of nearly 17,000 Aquarium residents. Each one is meticulously monitored and cared for, but few visitors would suspect the intricate choreography at work in each display. “We create microhabitats to make the animals feel comfortable so they act as they 10 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014

would in the wild, while also encouraging them to be within view of visitors,” Cover says. “A moray eel feels at home in a crevice near the window, while our reptiles frequent warm basking areas. This exhibit has 20 blacktip reef sharks, which is a number you would see in a healthy reef environment, as well as schools of smaller fish, which can duck into the coral when a shark comes along.” When the Aquarium’s Washington, D.C., location closed in fall 2013, about 1,100 animals were moved to Baltimore and the off-site Animal Care Center. Whitetail damselfish, freckled hawkfish, emperor angelfish and a guineafowl puffer joined Brownie, a loggerhead sea turtle, and Toby, a rare blue lobster on the journey. The year was also noteworthy for births in our animal population, including Scout, a Linne’s two-toed sloth; Victory, a puffin chick; and Chloe, a sandbar shark pup. By creating awareness of these animals and their habitats, Aquarium staff firmly believe they can make an impact. “Some people say it’s too late to save the world’s coral reefs, but there is still time,” Cover says. “The individual choices we make each day make a difference.”

“Calypso likes to eat shark food, which isn’t good for her. So we feed the sharks while she’s occupied at the underwater salad bar.” JACK COVER GENERAL CURATOR


3,496 HEADS OF ROMAINE LETTUCE WERE FED TO AQUARIUM ANIMALS. LEFT Calypso, the Aquarium’s 500-pound sea turtle, was among the first animals to enter the new Blacktip Reef exhibit. TOP Scout, a Linne’s two-toed sloth born in November 2013, was born to mom Ivy in our Upland Tropical Rain Forest exhibit.

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A defining characteristic of blacktip reef sharks is their camaraderie—these fish often swim in schools to survive, and the star residents of our Blacktip Reef exhibit are no different. Our collection of 20 blacktip reef sharks spent 18 months at our Animal Care Center before moving into their new home, so once the big day came, they had already enjoyed plenty of bonding time. Joining them were 759 other animals from 69 different species, including multiple shark species, clown triggerfish, emperor angelfish, two stingray species, a Napoleon wrasse, a moray eel and a green sea turtle. In a natural reef, the inhabitants would prey on one another. But in our setting, the marine animals are well-fed so that typical predators don’t feel the need to hunt for their food. “The idea was to create a dynamic new exhibit that would tell a larger story,” says Holly Bourbon, curator of large fish exhibits and dive operations. “Visitors witness the delicate balance of an Indo-Pacific coral reef, enjoy its beauty and appreciate the importance of preserving these ecosystems.” The $12.7 million, 270,000-gallon exhibit was an immediate hit and has enduring 12 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014

appeal, amplifying our dedication to conservation, education and restoration. In the first six months, Blacktip Reef welcomed almost 400,000 visitors, including 46,000 students. Designed to provide Aquarium guests with multiple vantage points, the exhibit offers three side and top-down views, plus a floor-to-ceiling pop-out window that lets visitors virtually step inside the reef and enjoy a personal encounter with its inhabitants. Guests experience interactive presentations, witness shark feedings, learn from diver education talks and explore sea creatures on discovery carts. Overnight guests sign up for our “Sleepover with the Sharks” Immersion Tour, and enthusiasts continue to watch the action online through our live Shark Cam, in partnership with Discovery Channel. The balance in Blacktip Reef is fascinating and fragile, just as it is in the wild. “When we remove too many of any marine species by shark finning or overfishing—or cause the bleaching and demise of ocean corals by climate change and acidification—the impact reverberates like a domino effect,” Bourbon says. “Before long, we could lose the ecosystems that sustain us.”


LEFT In Blacktip Reef, guests can view our 20 blacktip reef sharks up close. TOP Each piece of coral was created from molds of real coral skeletons. BOTTOM The exhibit’s diverse array of fish was released into the habitat early to provide ample adjustment time before the sharks’ arrival.

“As apex predators at the top of their food chain, sharks keep an ecosystem in balance and help maintain diversity—but they need our protection from overfishing.” HOLLY BOURBON CURATOR OF LARGE FISH EXHIBITS AND DIVE OPERATIONS/DIVE SAFETY OFFICER

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Holding an oyster for the first time, feeling its weight and the pattern of smooth and rough waves across its shell, could be the first personal connection a child makes with the Chesapeake Bay. Through our education programs, those connections are strengthened as students further explore the watershed and learn about the critical role each oyster, and each living thing, plays in this habitat. In our Week on the Bay program, students visit an oyster hatchery and learn about how the oyster population affects the Bay’s water quality, which depends on the mollusks for filtration. Students spend four days discovering marshes and waterways through canoe trips and water testing, and even get the opportunity to sail on a skipjack. Others get acquainted with the Chesapeake through our AquaPartners program, which offers the kind of hands-on learning experience children just can’t get in a classroom. “In spring, fourth-graders go to Fort McHenry to bird-watch, learn about wetland soils and plants, and address human impact by picking up debris,” says Joe Harber, director of education programs. “Fifth-graders visit Sandy Point State Park for a day of seining 14 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014

along the shoreline. With a long net pulled through the water, we’ll find small fish and crabs. Many of the students have never seen the Bay and think it’s the ocean.” Thanks to the philanthropy of Transamerica and other generous funders, AquaPartners expanded in 2013 to include third-graders. Middle- and high-school students, who participate in summer camps through the Henry Hall Program, tag sharks off Ocean City, watch sea turtles in Georgia, explore coral reefs in the Florida Keys and examine the rocky coasts of Maine. Once exposed to the natural marine world, many program participants return repeatedly for even deeper experiences. Aquarium education also extends to partnering with marine professionals through forums like the Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation; to legislators through advocacy on banning the shark fin trade; and to the public through the Fresh Thoughts Sustainable Seafood Dining Series and the weekly radio program, “A Blue View.” Our education enlightens and inspires people to help protect our aquatic treasures, and we couldn’t have done it without the individuals and organizations who offered their support in 2013.

“The children in our education programs may not all become Jacques Cousteaus, but they will carry environmental awareness with them throughout their lives.” JOE HARBER DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION PROGRAMS



LEFT Students visited an oyster hatchery during our Week on the Bay program. TOP Through Terrapins in the Classroom, students released turtles after caring for them for months. MIDDLE Students join experts on an ospreybanding trip. BOTTOM Kids got to know the Bay via our four-day Watershed Wonders study.

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Even the smallest changes can affect the planet—for better or for worse. Ditching single-use bottles for reusable ones, for example, can save 168 plastic bottles a year. A major part of our mission is empowering others to recognize their impact and take action. “Start claiming responsibility for your one piece of the world,” advises Laura Bankey, director of conservation. “Keep your neighborhood free of debris, find natural alternatives to pesticides, recycle rainwater, landscape with native plants that support pollinators and wild birds and avoid invasive species. Each one of us can have a significant impact.” The National Aquarium is leading by example. At the end of 2013, we installed water fountains in the Aquarium that are capable of refilling reusable water bottles. Each fountain keeps track of the cumulative number of plastic water bottles that were saved. We recycle cooking oil, batteries, tennis shoes and e-waste. We eliminated plastic lids and straws in our cafés, and our plates and utensils are reusable or compostable. Our efforts continue outside the facilities as well—last year, the plaza was certified by the National Wildlife Federation as a back16 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014

yard habitat, welcoming migrating birds and butterflies that share our urban spaces. We are also engaged in wider conservation efforts and actively advocate for conservation policies. We celebrated in 2013 when the Maryland General Assembly banned possession, sale, trade and distribution of shark fins, ending the state’s contribution to the collapse of shark populations worldwide. Throughout the six-state Chesapeake Bay watershed, we organize volunteers to restore sand dunes and riparian buffers, and plant native trees, shrubs and grasses to improve filtration and prevent erosion. Students are helping to bring back the rare Atlantic white cedar to coastal wetlands, restoring natural habitat for many species of birds and plants. One local project on the Patapsco River, Masonville Cove, was designated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2013 as the nation’s first Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership. “At a nearby site, the wetlands adjacent to Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine, volunteers recorded 261 species of birds, many of which were migrating along the Atlantic Flyway,” Bankey notes. “Our little green patches are important for wildlife.”

“Whether it’s supporting the use of reusable bottles, restoring wetlands or promoting sustainable seafood, the Aquarium empowers others to make thoughtful choices to ensure healthy communities.” LAURA BANKEY DIRECTOR OF CONSERVATION



More than 150 volunteers helped restore a freshwater wetland at Nassawango Creek Preserve. BOTTOM Participants on our shark research trips tagged various shark species to collect data. RIGHT A Boy Scout troop traveled to Masonville Cove to plant on the fringe wetland. MIDDLE

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Portsmouth, as of press time, had traveled nearly 3,000 miles since his stint in rehab at the National Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Center in summer 2013. Thanks to this endangered loggerhead turtle’s satellite tag, we’ve been able to track his progress in the wild. A year ago, however, his story wasn’t such a happy one. Portsmouth had ingested a recreational fish hook and was transferred to the National Aquarium for treatment. When surgeons removed the fish hook from his esophagus, they were surprised to discover a second, older one. Thankfully, the center’s veterinarians and specialists were able to successfully remove both, and Portsmouth was released into the southern shore waters of Virginia Beach in October. One at a time, injured marine animals arrive at the National Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Center, and each gets expert, individualized attention. Some released turtles and seals are equipped with satellite and acoustic tags for tracking and research. The turtle transmitters generally last longer than those on seals, which lose the devices when they molt. “We are validating our rehab efforts,” says Jennifer Dittmar, manager of animal rescue. 18 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014

“We’re making sure that what we’re doing is leading these animals to a successful reintroduction to their natural environment and collecting data on migratory patterns and environmental conditions.” After a record-breaking cold-stun season, our rescue team joined New England Aquarium staff on a Sea Turtle Trek to Florida, where 52 rehabilitated sea turtles were released. Several seals were also rescued in 2013, including Sodapop, a harbor seal that arrived emaciated, with a severe respiratory infection and cuts and scrapes on his face and hips; Ponyboy, a grey seal with a serious wound to his left front flipper; and Eyegore, a grey seal with respiratory and eye infections. All were treated and released. Animal Rescue offers outreach and education events and maintains a 24-hour stranding hotline. Since 1991, Animal Rescue has responded to reports of stranded marine mammals and sea turtles. In June 2013, the rescue team released two Kemp’s ridleys—a critically endangered species—and a green sea turtle into the Chesapeake Bay, celebrating the 100th, 101st and 102nd successful treatment and return to the wild.

“Each injured or ill sea turtle that we can heal and return to the wild adds to the genetic viability of the natural population, which is really important.” JENNIFER DITTMAR MANAGER OF ANIMAL RESCUE



Animal Rescue staff removed two fishhooks from the esophagus of loggerhead sea turtle Portsmouth. TOP In April, our Animal Rescue team helped release 52 rescued turtles off the coast of Florida. BOTTOM After three months in rehab at our Animal Rescue Center, Sodapop was released at Assateague State Park.


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Whether it’s rescuing and caring for marine animals, maintaining water quality for our exhibits, leading conservation efforts or educating others on the world’s aquatic wonders, everything we do at the National Aquarium revolves around one critical element: water. Our water is constantly changing form, the eternal shape-shifter, but in all its permutations, it is vital to our existence. Water’s most powerful manifestation, the ocean, holds the key to our survival. We have yet to explore all of its vast mysteries or understand all of its lessons, but we do know that we ignore its health at our peril. The National Aquarium showcases the vibrant colors of tropical fish, the amazing structure of coral reefs and the silky glide of sharks and rays. We take visitors to the

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Australian Outback, the Indo-Pacific islands, the rain forest and the Chesapeake Bay and introduce their fascinating inhabitants. We educate our guests about their value—and the threats that particularly jeopardize so many aquatic species. From overfishing to acidification, many of our most intriguing sea creatures are under stress or severely endangered. Our ocean’s inhabitants share a world of balance and beauty, with an intricate interconnectedness that sustains marine life and extends to human beings. An aquatic plant or animal may hold the cure to a devastating illness or be an essential link in a chain of sustainable nourishment. We simply cannot disregard the well-being of Earth’s most prominent feature. For the sake of generations present and future, we must be good stewards of our one ocean.


EXPENSES $24,253,033

■ Contributions and Grants


■ Memberships


■ Group Sales


■ Education Programs


■ Investment Income





Gift Shop and Food Service


Total Revenues


11% 9%



■ Plant Operations


■ Visitor Operations


■ Education


■ Depreciation




11% 17%


24% 19%

■ Supporting Services 3% 4%

■ Other Catered Events


■ Biological Programs



General and Administrative





■ Other Memberships


Catered Events


Debt Service


Total Expenses


THE POWER of ONE   | 21

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ONE VOLUNTEER Each one of our terrific volunteers has an outsized impact on the National Aquarium—in 2013, interns and volunteers contributed a record-setting 124,390 service hours, a 4 percent increase above the previous year. We wouldn’t have been able to offer a full range of programs and services without their support, and our appreciation goes out to each and every volunteer who made it happen.

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Robert Cohan


Mark Mercer

Robert Ryan

Marie Tillman

Leo Abernethy

Anne London

Elizabeth Cavanaugh

Kenneth Rhoades

Lauren Scott

Thomas Major

Yvonne Roe

Susan Christenbury

George Stephano

Kenneth Simmons

Dinny Stuelpnagel

Anita Clayton

Mark Welch

Susan Slowik

Paula Yanick

Dawn French-Evans

Alan Whitfield

Barbara Speight


Mary Sidlowski


Terri Shanks 14,500

James Grim

Elizabeth Stanne


William Hicks



Pamela Tate

Virginia Adams

Kathleen Affeldt

Shirley Gibson

Glen Ikeda

Richard Ward


Mary Bannon

Janice Babus

Shirley Grimes

Michael Klein

Marilynn Willoughby

James Peters

Carol Ikeda

Richard Baumann

Edmund Truter

Susan Magri

Paul Wimmer

Adele Jefferson

Anna Martin

Janice Baxter

Kathleen Wolfe

Jeffrey Lindemuth

Wilson Russell

Paul Bonicker

William Zobel

Geri Schlenoff

Michelle Ryan

Caroline Coleman

Albert Shulley

Hannah Salvatore

Kenneth DeVivo


Pache Wagner

Marilyn Thorner

Robert Eklund

Janet Barenburg

Barbara Weaver

Gerry Emery

Joseph Barley

Andrew Wegerski

James Gray

Barbara Bonicker

Abbe Harman

Edward Bowen

Penny Bank



Deborah Clute

Edward Carlson, Jr. James Filipczak


Thomas Fischer

Jean-Marie Moore

3,500 5,500


Ralph Adams 10,000

Sidney Abrams 9,500

William Harris Jr. 9,000

Carol Benfield Michael Jachelski Patricia Venturino

Bill Carson Shirley Guy Gordon Huggins Connie Moore Marsha Rosenberg Mary Jane Simmons 5,000

Richard Carey Myrian Diamond Lillian Miller Miriam Nathanson 4,500

Cathleen Berlett William Chalmers

24 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014

Jerome Beard Louise Briggs


Judy Hildenbrand

Marie Burke

William Chesnutt

Nicole Castagna

Dick Hughlett

Ralph Cass

Gladys Demuth

Loretta Commodari

Lourdes Jonosky

Richard Clagett

Curtis Graham

Michelle Day

Darleen Landers

Peter Cohn

Marty King

Tom Deakin

Alan Little

M. Alan Conrad

Robin Korotki

Ronald Derr

Jennifer Lucas

Richard Davis

James Myers

Edwin Dick

Helen Maher

Lesley Dudek

John Olow

James Folk

Mary McKeever

Amy Eagle

Edith Roth

Geralyn Fromm

Irene Newton

William Emery

Alfred Ryan

John Harman

Michael O’Connell

Mark Everline

Richard Schwartz

Daniel Higgins

Amanda Pack

Ernest Feist

Susan Treusdell

Paul Jendrek

Carl Perkins

Kristen Frizzell

Barbara Uricheck

George Kimbrow

Barbara Renz

Phoebe Gilchrist

Pamela Kreis

Mary Anne Rhoades

Joyce Gross

Alan McKenzie, Jr.

Helene Rubinstein

Stephen Hammond

Marguerite Harding

Robert Waller

Elizabeth Kessler

Gail Willoughby

Pamela Evans

Stacey Murray

Pamela Higgs

Ruth Ward

David Kinney

Angela Zeit

Jo Fell

Ed Nawrocki

Kathy Isaacs

Les Weinberg

Jennifer Krisp

Mary France

Linda Nedzbala

Lisa Jeffrey

Phil Wujek

Cecilia Lambert


Felix Froimovich

Kevin Nichol

Bethany Link

Katherine Acevedo

Ben Gossman

Barclay Olson

Yvonne Jordan Gregory Keggins


Yvonne Lovell

Joseph Andrese

James Green

Jessica Peterson

Lewis Kozlosky

Sharon Beard

Ellen Madden

Philip Bath

Janet Gripshover

Brendan Pisiak

Patricia Krasowski

Cynthia Blanchard

Carolyn Marlow

Norman Belin

Angela Gruenfelder

Cheryl Potter

Phillip Lee

Bruce Blum

Jim Martin

Janet Bischoff

Charles Guertler

Lisa Pulaski

Deborah Loepere

Sharon Bowen

Brenda McLaughlin

Christopher Blair

Joseph Guida

Colleen Riley

Craig Mathaney

Thomas Brockett

Victoria Meadows

Jacqueline Bowie

Nicole Guyton

Christine Santos

Janice Mazur

Adrienne Croll

Mary Menne

Lucille Breslow

Tamila Harris

Sam Saunders

Robert McLaughlin

Sal D’Alessio

Brett Miller

Paul Briant

Alissa Heneson

Zachary Schonfield

Kim Neumann

Matthew Dietz

Larry Miller

Melbourne Briscoe

Michael Hilditch

Theresa Sclafani

Joe Nickoles

Irvin Donick

Delaney Murphey

Debra Brushmiller

Dianne Hirsch

Edward Sharkey

Marian O’Neil

Jillie Drutz

Mary Parker

PollyAnn Burkert

William Hughey

Marsha Shutty

Andrea Paun

Douglas Dzubinski

Gavin Phillips

Erika Capobianco

Carol Hull

Paul Silber

William Perry

Alexander Eng

Cristina Quigley

Edwin Carter

Laura Jansen

Kirk Smith

Marjorie Phillips

Mark England

Sarah Riley

Joseph Chiaramida

Deborah Kappler

April Trociuk

Carol Pimental

Charles Erbe

Carol Rowell

Shawn Choy

Victoria Kile

Cynthia Turner

Betsy Rath

Al Fleig

Albert Sadilek

Alan Consolati

Sharon Krag

Donald Van Ryk

Stephanie Richards

Karen Folk

Burr Short

Charmaine Dahlenburg

Carol Lancaster

Noreen Victor

Gregory Ruff

Larry France

Joanne Shumaker

Stephanie Dallas

Michael Lalime

Gabrielle Weber

Marilyn Sachs

Karen Gall

Becky Simmons

Rick DeYoung

Elysa Leonard

Mary Willard

Phyllis Smyth

Michael Glass

Sharon Slieker-Jay

Walter Doleschal

Chris Lombardi

Jerry Winkelstein

Nina Sonin

Peter Griffith

James Stofan

Jeannette Doleschal

John Longstaff

Robert Wirsing

Ray Steinberg

Doug Haggerty

Mark Turner

John Dubiel Jr.

Donna Loudon

Kelsey Wood

Sunny Steinberg

Catherine Hammond

Rob Turner

Ginger Duncan

Marcia Lyon

Theresa Wunder

Becky Tallman

Charlotte Harris

Ronald Turner

Myra Ellis

Steven Mauldin

Frank Thomas

Eric Hein

Steven Webster

Sue Engelbert

Julie Mayer

Lamont Thomas

Thomas Higgs

Mark Weisflog

Winifred Erbe

Rysheem McGirt

Amy Tich

Raymond Hirsch

Michael White

Thomas Erbe

Meredith Meyers

Elizabeth Wagner

Bradley Hughes

Dana Willoughby

Tammy Erickson

William Morey

THE POWER of ONE   | 25

26 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014

ONE DONOR The National Aquarium recognizes the power of one. Through individual gifts, we have boosted civic pride, spurred the region’s economy, educated thousands about aquatic ecosystems and ocean conservation, and ensured a sustainable future for many sea inhabitants. We extend our deepest gratitude to each individual, foundation, corporation and governmental partner whose generosity in 2013 is helping us realize our shared vision.

THE POWER of ONE   | 27

Lifetime Giving The National Aquarium exists today because of the leadership and continuing support of the entire community. The following list recognizes those who have contributed a total of $200,000 to the National Aquarium Institute since the Aquarium first opened. The Abell Foundation, Inc. Animal Planet/Discovery

National Aquarium Institute

The Harry L. Gladding Foundation

Jennifer and George Reynolds

Mr. Randall M. Griffin

Rosemore, Inc.

H&S Bakery, Inc.

The Rouse Company

LaVerna Hahn Charitable Trust

The Ryland Group

Harford County Government

Richard H. Schwartz

The William Randolph Hearst Foundation


Hoffberger Family Philanthropies

Southern Maryland RC&D Board

Howard County Government/Howard

Stanley Black & Decker


State of Maryland

Animal Planet/Discovery Baltimore County Executive, County Council,

County Arts Council

The National Aquarium is grateful to those who so generously showed their support in 2013 through philanthropic gifts to the National Aquarium. Donors are listed according to the cumulative total given during this period.

Anne Arundel County Government

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

SunTrust Bank

AT&T Wireless

Hyatt Regency Baltimore

Helene R. Swearer

The William G. Baker, Jr. Memorial Fund

Institute of Museum and Library Services

Tetra/Second Nature

Bank of America

Baltimore County Executive, County Council,

The Knapp Foundation

The Times Mirror Foundation

Charles T. Bauer Foundation

and Commission on Arts and Sciences

The Kresge Foundation


Institute of Museum and Library Services

The Baltimore Sun Media Group

Mr. George Lambillotte

Toyota USA Foundation

Maryland State Department of Education

Bank of America

Legg Mason, Inc.


Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Helen and Merrill Bank

Lockheed Martin

Travelers Foundation

Jennifer and George Reynolds

Barnes and Noble


Tremont Suites Hotels

State of Maryland

The Batza Family

M&T Bank

T. Rowe Price

Charles T. Bauer Foundation

Maryland Port Administration

T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.


The Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg

Maryland State Department of Education

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


McCormick & Company, Inc.

Venable LLP

The Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg

The Sumner T. McKnight Foundation


Mr. Harvey M. Meyerhoff

The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

Bob and Carol Carter

Bunting Family Foundation

The Joseph Meyerhoff Memorial Trusts

The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company

Constellation, An Exelon Company

Chesapeake Bay Trust

Middendorf Foundation, Inc.

W. R. Grace & Co.

Department of Defense–US Navy

City of Baltimore

The Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation

Ms. Dana Dicarlo and Mr. Scott Plank

The Classic Catering People

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Jane and Larry Droppa

The Coca-Cola Company

National Parks Service

Mr. Randall M. Griffin

Constellation, An Exelon Company

National Science Foundation

LaVerna Hahn Charitable Trust

Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown

National Oceanic and Atmospheric

The William Randolph Hearst Foundation

Foundation, Inc. The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation, Inc.

Larry and Jane Droppa


and Commission on Arts and Sciences

Foundation, Inc.

M&T Bank

Embassy Suites Hotels

Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems

Maryland Environmental Service

Environmental Protection Agency

Pepsi-Cola Company

The Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Charitable

First Union Corporation

PNC Bank

France-Merrick Foundation

Procter & Gamble Cosmetics

28 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014

Family Funds National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

The John Ben Snow Memorial Trust

PPG Industries Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Edward

Sylvan/Laureate Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Quinn, Jr.

The Eliasberg Family Foundation, Inc.

Betty and Tom Robinson

Triad Foundation, Inc.

Mr. W. Charles Rogers III

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Royal Bank of Canada

Kenneth H. Trout


Exxon Mobil Corporation

Estate of Marian B. Smith

Venable LLP

Ms. Beatrice L. Ward

Mr. Tom Fischer

Southern Maryland RC&D Board

Veolia Energy

Wells Fargo

Mr. Larry and Mrs. Lori Frank


Virginia Cretella Mars Foundation

Dr. Michael and Mrs. Mary Wise

Mr. Ken French

T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.

Waldron Rise Foundation

W. R. Grace & Co.


Peter and Sondra Welles

E. C. Wareheim Foundation

Xerox Foundation

Philip and Ann Gallant




Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. George

Alcoa Foundation


Anonymous (3)

Mr. and Mrs. James Goodyear

Baltimore City Foundation

Advance–The Document Specialists

AT&T Foundation

Dr. David Granite and

Bank of America

Helen S. and Merrill L. Bank Foundation, Inc.

Robert and Dorothy Bair

The Herbert Bearman Foundation

Michael J. and Patricia K. Batza, Jr.

Mr. Daniel A. Beebe

Shirley C. Grimes

Winnie and Neal Borden/The Harry L.

Chesapeake Bay Trust

Mr. and Mrs. William Berg

Guest Services Inc.

The Classic Catering People

The Beveridge Family

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Haddle

Bunting Family Foundation

Clayton Baker Trust


The Hecht-Levi Foundation, Inc.

Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting

CSX Corporation Contributions Program

Mr. and Mrs. Max Bohnstedt

Ms. Nina Rodale Houghton

Dorothy Jordan Chadwick Fund

Helen P. Denit Charitable Trust

David W. Buck Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hyde

Mr. Howard P. Colhoun

ERM Foundation–North America

Mr. Marc G. Bunting

Mrs. Anne G. Imboden

Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Curran, Jr.

The Goldsmith Family Foundation, Inc.

J. Henry Butta

The Philip and Harriet Klein Foundation

Colleen Dilenschneider

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Good

The Campbell Foundation, Inc.

Mr. Charles E. Knudsen, III

Dominion Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Graul, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Carp

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kuray

Howard County Government/Howard County

Mr. Randall M. Griffin

Children’s Fresh Air Society Fund

Mr. and Mrs. John K. Larabee

Ms. Sandra Hess

Caroline A. Coleman

Mr. H. Kirke Lathrop

Mohannad F. Jishi

Bruce, Caren, Bret, and Corie Hoffberger

Community Foundation of Elmira-Corning

Traci and Mark Lerner

Macy’s Foundation

Mr. Robert F. Johnson

Mr. Robert S. Maslin III


Ms. Diana D’Agati

The Andrew London Family

The Harvey M. Meyerhoff Fund, Inc.

Estate of Elizabeth McGlohn

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison

Lord Baltimore Capital Corporation

The Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mettam

Delaplaine Foundation, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Chris Lupold

Laura J. Niles Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Morrissette

Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.

The Dr. Frank C. Marino Foundation

The Norman Raab Foundation

Nordstrom, Inc.

John and Susan Racanelli

Don and Joan Pettit

Ms. Harriet Dopkin

Christopher M. McCalla

The Rams Head Group

The Phase Foundation

Mr. Michael J. Dunmyer

Mr. Hugh P. McCormick


PNC Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dwyer

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Meyer

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Ms. Linda L. George

Gladding Foundation

Arts Council

and the Finger Lakes, Inc.

and ESPN Zone

Dr. Mary Lou Oster-Granite

John G. Lewis

Mars Foundation

THE POWER of ONE   | 29

Dr. Corinne A. Keet and

Ms. Sally J. Michel

Dr. and Mrs. John F. Strahan

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Bell, Jr.

Mr. Leighton Moore

Sullivan Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. David C. Benfield

Colleen and Sabrina Morris

Gary L. and Sharen A. Thomas

Robert and Cathleen Berger

Ms. Sandra L. Butchart

John Wesley Nash

Ms. Tamika Langley Tremaglio

Mr. David Berkhimer

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Camara

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Neuman, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Turrall

Mr. Hart Berkowitz and Mrs. Amber Sauers

Mr. Quent McKennis and

Mr. Charles E. Noell and Ms. Barbara Voss

Ms. C. Elizabeth Wagner

Mr. and Mrs. James Berry

The Norcross Wildlife Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Waldman

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bielecki

Mr. and Mrs. David Cantor

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ochs

Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wiese

Mr. and Mrs. Taurance Bishop

Mr. Mark M. Caplan & Ms. Constance R. Caplan

Office Depot Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Wilbur, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Blakeney, Jr.

Mr. Andrew Caridas and Ms. Holly L. Zindulis

Mr. Otis O. Otih

Dr. and Mrs. Henry B. Wilson

Ms. Amy Jean Boebel and

Bradford Carter

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Pakula

Ms. Mary Ann Winterling

Pearlstone Family Fund, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Young

Ms. Jean Louise Denison

Mr. Aaron J. Burstein

Ms. Judy Campbell-McKennis

Charm City Run Baltimore LLC

John and Carolyn Boitnott

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Charnitsky

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Borleis

Mr. William L. Chesnutt


Mr. and Mrs. David Borum

Mr. and Mrs. Edric Chiang

Mr. Charles Phillips

Anonymous (6)

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boslego

Mr. and Mrs. Alan K. Chiogioji

Dr. and Mrs. Richard N. Pierson III

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Adams

Mr. James M. Bradley and

Ms. Susanna Choy and Ms. Rosanna Yi

Mark and Joanne Pollak

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Addicks

Poole Family Foundation

Mr. David Alexander

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brady

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Clauson

Mr. and Mrs. David D. Prescott

Ms. Sarah S. Alfadl and

Darrell and Randi Braman

Dr. Leigh A. Clayton and Dr. John McDonnell

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brasser

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Clem

The Pennyghael Foundation, Inc. by Mrs. Charlotte Ober Goodwin

Ms. Diana Ramsay

Ms. Mariana Padilla-Telfer

Mr. Brandon S. Bradley

Mr. David M. Christopher

Mr. Sean A. Rhoads and Ms. Keri A. Fisher

Patrick and Deborah Allender

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Breeden

Mr. Nolan Clifford

Team Riley: Whitney, Lee, Gavin, and Austin

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Amico

Ms. Ingrid E. Breier and

Mr. Jay Cochran and Mrs. Dorothy Fedis

Brian and Mary Jo Rogers

Mrs. Deborah Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr.

Ms. Eileen Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Bremer

Ben & Esther Rosenbloom Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Seshagiri Anumolu

Ms. Catherine M. Brennan and

Ms. Sadhya Sabatino

Theda B. and Laurin B. Askew, Jr.

Paula Schaedlich and Richard Ruess

Mr. Stephen B. Awalt

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Brennan

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Cornnell, III

Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Schapiro

Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Bahena

Mrs. Mary Lynn M. Brett

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Crisitello

Mr. Dale Schmidt

Mr. Garrett Baird

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bricken

Mrs. Ethel I. Croll

Richard H. Schwartz

Mr. and Mrs. George D. Baker

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Brousseau

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cunningham

Mr. James L. Seay

Dr. Carole C. Baldwin

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brown

Dr. Leigh A. Curl and Ms. Elizabeth Kaminski

Joel and Kathy Sher

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barton III

Mr. and Mrs. David E. Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Currie

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shulman

Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Bateman

E. J. Bruen

Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel A. Curry

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Silber

Dr. Zaneb K. Beams and

Mr. Scott Bryson and Mr. David Diaz

Mr. Nick Czerniawski and

Mr. and Mrs. Beetle Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gideon N. Stieff, Jr.

30 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014

Mr. Jonathan A. Beams Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Beavers

Mr. Sergio M. Chodos

Ms. Kim Samele

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Burpee

Mr. Edelmiro Colon and Ms. Angela Nalencz Ms. Katherine W. Colston and Ms. Hetty F. Fanfani Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conley

Ms. Elizabeth Murray Mr. and Mrs. David Daneman

Mr. David O. Dardis

Mr. Tom Fischer

Mr. and Mrs. James O. Hardy

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Joyce

Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne H. David

Mr. and Mrs. David H. Fishman

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harpt

Dr. Karen M. Kabat

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Davidson

Ms. Dana Fitzgerald

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Harris, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kagan

Ms. Diane H. Davidson

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Fitzsimons

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Harris

Kristina Kahan

Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Jevon Ford

Mr. F. Barton Harvey

Dr. and Mrs. Murray A. Kalish

Tim and Amy Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Ford

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hauge

Thomas E. Kaltz and Mary Ellen Kaltz

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davison

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Frame

Mr. and Mrs. Ian R. Henderson

Dr. and Mrs. Harry W. Kaplan

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Delgado

Mr. and Mrs. Chadrick Frankhouser

Mr. and Mrs. Randall R. Henggeler

Joel and Wendy Katz

Mr. Richard Dent and Ms. Patricia Isaacs

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Frederick

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henley

Dr. Roy Kaufmann and Dr. Allaura Castillo

Mr. Chris S. Desautelle

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Frerichs, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hepfer

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Joshua S. Devore

Mr. Russell E. Frey and Mrs. I-Min Chao

Mr. Edgar J. Herman and Ms. Carole J. Shupe

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kelly

Dr. Mukund S. and Dr. Shailaja M. Didolkar

Mr. Clay Friedman

Ms. Lisa Herr and Mr. Ryan Monk

Mr. and Mrs. John Kendra

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Discher

Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Friedman

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Hirschhorn

Mrs. Patti Kepler and Ms. Stephanie Kepler

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ditto

Mr. Mark Fulchino

Mr. and Mrs. James Hobby

Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kern, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Donham

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fuller

Mr. and Mrs. Erich C. Hoffman

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kernan

Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Dotson

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Galli

In memory of Dale Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kessler

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Doumaux

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ganz

Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Hogan

Mr. Charles N. Kidwell, Jr. and

Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Doverspike

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Geist II

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Holbrook

Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Drake

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Genova

Mr. Thomas Horeff

In memory of Jeffrey L. Kiefer

Mrs. Margaret W. Dulaney

Ms. Sandra Levi Gerstung

Mr. and Mrs. Danny Hosterman

Dr. Mimi and Mr. John Kim

Mr. James H. Dunston

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard G. Getschel, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hudec, Jr.

Ms. Tamara E. King and Mr. Quintin Owens

Mr. Keith Eberhardt

Thomas C. Geyer

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Huey

Mr. Chosei Kiyuna and Mr. Matthew Brocker

Ms. Alma H. Edgerly

Ms. Rebecca Giles and Ms. Kathleen Giles

Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hug

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G Korbeck, Sr.

Surender Edla

Ms. Pamela Gilligan and Ms. Kimberly Gilligan

Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Hunt

Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Kraft

Ms. Barbara J. Ehrlich

Glenelg Country School

Mrs. Nancy A. Hyson and Miss Emily J. Garrett

Ms. Erin Kull and Mr. Nima Aghdami

Ms. Nancy S. Elson and Mr. Tyler Amis

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldstein

Mr. Michael Icore and Ms. Crystal Icore

Dr. Kiran and Dr. Radhika Kuna

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Emerson

Mark and Carol Goodman

Ms. Nuyaagiq Ipalook and Mr. Deans Erskine

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kuring

Dr. and Mrs. Rainer Engel

Dr. Atiya H. Gopalani and

Mr. and Mrs. Masahiro Iwata

Mr. Adam Kushner

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Jablonowski

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lacovara

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Errera

Miss Aaleeya H. Gopalani

Ms. Brigette A. Christian

Ms. Krista Evans and Mr. Joseph Prostredny

Mr. and Mrs. Grant Green

Dr. Troy A. Jacobs and Dr. Kawsar R. Talaat

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ladle

Mr. and Mrs. Kelly M. Evans

Mrs. Mary K. Greenblatt

Ms. Jennie D. Janssen

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Landau

Mr. Christopher Falzone and

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Greene

Mr. Andrew Johnson and Ms. Jennifer Kane

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Laporte

Dr. Gail T. Griffin and Mr. Kenneth A. Bertram

Dr. Deirdre Johnston and Mr. Paul McGann

Latin Opinion

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Farrow

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Groven

The Honorable Verna L. Jones

Mr. Matthew Leasure and Ms. Kelly O’Connor

Mr. and Mrs. Fabian M. Ferrera

Mr. Peter Hadfield

Dr. and Mrs. Walter F. Jones

Alan and Anne Ledbetter

Mr. Daniel Fischer

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Haley

Mr. and Mrs. Chad L. Jordan

Mr. and Mrs. John Ledford

Ms. Juliette T. Lecomte

THE POWER of ONE   | 31

Mr. and Mrs. Seth Andrew Lee

Ms. Jeanne McCray and Mr. Tim Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Noonan

Phoebe and Bob Reynolds

Dr. and Mrs. Yuan C. Lee

Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGrorty

Mr. and Mrs. Randy Noranbrock

Ms. Betty J. Rice

Mr. William M. Legg and

Ms. Michael McMullan

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nyquist

Ms. Sally Rich

Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Meilink, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. O’Beirne

Mr. and Mrs. Garret Risberg

Sam and Jessie Leiber

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Melchior

Mr. and Mrs. Morgan O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Justin Rix

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Lesser

Mr. and Mrs. William Melendez

Ocean’s Club Principia School

Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Rizzo

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Levin

Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Mellendick

Dr. and Mrs. Harry A. Oken

Drs. Stephen and Charlotte Rose

Dr. and Mrs. Boon P. Lim

Drs. Kraig and Katherine Melville

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Outhwaite

Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Rosenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Linda

Mary Menne and Barry Menne

Dr. and Mrs. Enrique Oviedo

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rosendale

Mr. Eric Lindstrom and Ms. Jackie Matthies

Ms. Barbara A. Meyd

The P. R. F. B. Charitable Foundation

Dr. and Mrs. D. Henry Ruth

Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Linehan


Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Pacheco

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ryman

Mr. Jason Lippard and Mrs. Corina Ghita

Mid-Atlantic Marine Education Association

Mr. and Mrs. Lucas E. Palumbo

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Rytter

LTR Private Foundation

Mr. Wesley P. Millard

Mr. and Mrs. Riley Parrish

Mr. and Mrs. Shalom Saar

Dr. Brooke E. A. and Mr. David P. Loewenstein

Mr. and Mrs. Myron Miller

Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Parsons

Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Sadowski

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace I. Longstreth III

Mrs. Ruth Ann Mintiens

Mr. Charles J. Pasquale and

Ms. Joyce Salpan-Zhou and Mr. Luis Salpan

Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Lupson

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Mitchell

Ms. Bonnie J. Lushbaugh and Ms. Pat Hannum

The Lloyd E. Mitchell Foundation

Mr. Richard M. Patterson

Robert, Kay, and Matthew Sauers

Mr. Terence Lynch and Ms. Kara Saunders

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mizerak

Ms. Corrina A. Pavetto and

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Schack

Ms. Astrid M. Maas and Mr. Bobby D. Adams

Mr. Stephen Moitoso and Ms. Cheryl Kerwin

Dr. David W. Machuga and Ms. Manisha Singh

Karen and John Moniz and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Donato Peria

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Scheffler

Dr. Emily Macquaid and Mr. Gerald Gutierrez

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moorefield

Mr. Scott A. Perich

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schellhas

Paul and Anne Madden

Mr. Joseph C. Moran, Jr. and

Mr. Peter Peril

Dr. Adam Schiavi and Ms. Christina Miller

Mr. Matt Petersen and Dr. Yianna Vovides

Mr. Paul H. Schindelar

Ms. Adelaide Skoslund

Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Manning

Ms. Lisa S. Skittone

Ms. Donna Coghlan

Mr. Amir H. Fadakar

Mr. Leonard C. Sandelli and Ms. Ana Sosa

Mr. and Mrs. Benton H. Schaub, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Marcus

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moroney

Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Pientka

Ms. Christina Schmidt

Dr. Bernadette Margel and Ms. Gail Hoffer

Ms. Donna M. Morrison

Ms. and Ms. Flavia Pinto

Ms. Akiba Scroggins and Mr. Thomas R. Perry

Dr. Denise M. Markoff

Mr. Charles Most, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Poggi

Donald P. Seibert

Mr. and Mrs. James Marthe

Ms. Barbara L. Mueller

Dr. and Mrs. David B. Posner

Ms. Elise Seraydarian and Mr. John Leone

Mr. Jobe Martin and Ms. Sue Kim

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mullenhard

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pulley

Mr. Walter Shade

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Marvel

Lieutenant Colonel and

Mr. and Mrs. Santos R. Quintanilla

Shapiro Negotiations Institute

R. E. L. Schneider Co., Inc.

Mrs. Valerie I. Shealer

Mr. and Mrs. Brent Mast

Mrs. George R. Murnyak

Mr. and Mrs. Carmel M. Matricciani, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Rahorn

Mr. and Mrs. John Sherer

Ms. Diane L. Matuszak and

Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Myers

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Reed

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Shifflett

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nabit

Mr. and Mrs. Doug Reed

Mr. and Mrs. Jon Shigehara

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Newman

Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Reinhardt

Mr. Scott A. Shorter and Ms. Rachel H. Eisley

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nock

Mr. and Mrs. Etan Reisner

Mr. and Mrs. David Shove-Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Noonan

Ms. Suzanne Rey and Ms. Nancy Rey

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Shultz

Mr. Rodney H. Summerford Mr. Leister P. Maynard and Ms. Carmone Carmon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McAvoy

32 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Siepmann

Tong Family

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wolff


Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Sikorski

Mr. and Mrs. David Trudil

Susan Wolman

Charles T. Bauer Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Harris J. Silverstone

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tunnell

Dr. Diane Wong and Dr. Philip Mortimer

Rand Griffin

Dr. Eric Simball and Dr. Jan M. Koppelman

Henry and Debbie Tyrangiel

Ms. Rose Marie Woodyard and

The Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Charitable

Mr. and Mrs. David Palmerton

Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ulman

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Singer

Mr. Peter Um and Ms. Haejin Suk

Jeffrey S. Woolford

Jean Singman

Ms. Heather Uram and Ms. Ilene Uram

Drs. Daniel and Judith Wubah


Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Siu

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vaselkiv

Mr. Sheng Yao and Mrs. Nancy N. Xu


Ms. Carole Small

Mr. John S. Wagener and

Dr. Laurel G. Yap and Mrs. Nora Panlilio-Yap

Winnie and Neal Borden/The Harry L.

Mr. Scott M. Smiley

Ms. Vivian M. Schimberg

Mr. Jere C. Woodyard

Henry and Nancy Yee

Family Funds

Gladding Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo C. Smith

Mr. Charles Walker

Mrs. Kathleen Yonts

Bob and Carol Carter

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ward

Jean Young

Colleen Dilenschneider

Mr. Rodney Smith and

Mr. Jeffrey R. Watson and Mr. Michael Dittus

Dr. and Mr. Alan Yuspeh

The Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy A. Watts

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Zimmerman, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Sokolov

Mrs. Barbara Weaver

Dr. and Mrs. Luis M. Zuniga

Mr. Neil Sooklal and Mrs.Gulistan Kalemci

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Weaver

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zurl


Mr. and Mrs. Tony A. Spangler

Ms. Margaret Webbert and

E.J. and Diane M. Zuspan, Jr.

Ms. Dana Dicarlo and Mr. Scott Plank

Ms. Sandrene McFarlane

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Spence

Mr. Michael Plaisted

Ms. Pam Spencer and Mr. Jon Digiacomo

Dr. and Mrs. Ted F. Wells-Green

St. Mark Home & School Assoc.

Dr. and Mrs. Roland W. Wentworth

Mr. and Mrs. David Stamper

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Whatley

Mr. Jack Steil

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wheltle

Mr. Kevin Stocklin and

Mr. and Mrs. Glen M. Whims

Ms. Cara Michelle Miller

Adelaide and Duncan Whitaker

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Strayer, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Whitehead

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Striedl

Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Wiggins

Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Stuart

William S. James Elementary School

Mr. and Mrs. Lydon J. Swartzendruber

Mrs. J. Harlan Williams, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Sweigard

Mr. and Mrs. Decarlos Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Swistock

Mrs. Sensimone Britt Williams and

Mr. and Mrs. Sam V. Sydney

Mr. Lamar Carver Bunts

Foundation, Inc.

Mohannad F. Jishi The Harvey M. Meyerhoff Fund, Inc.

National Aquarium Institute Capital Campaigns Enhancements to our exhibits will keep us at the forefront of world-class, must-see aquariums. The National Aquarium Institute is embarking on Capital Campaigns to fund these necessary capital improvements, with an emphasis on sustainability. We thank the following donors for their support.

Middendorf Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. B. Dwight Perry Don and Joan Pettit John and Susan Racanelli Lee & Whitney Riley Betty and Tom Robinson SimEx-Iwerks $10,000–$24,999

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gallant $1,000,000

Bruce, Caren, Bret, and Corie Hoffberger

City of Baltimore

National Marine Sanctuary Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Tanous

Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson

Larry and Jane Droppa

Mr. W. Charles Rogers III

Ms. Pamela W. Tate and Mr. Patrick Cook

Mr. Todd Wilson and Mr. Ed Delaplaine

Jennifer and George Reynolds

Ms. Martha H. Schumacher/Hazen Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Sanford V. Teplitzky

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton S. Winchester

State of Maryland

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shulman

Ms. Terri Thacker and Ms. Samantha Thacker

Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Winter

The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company

Ms. Tamika Langley Tremaglio

Mr. and Mrs. David S. Tillman

Mr. Jonathan Wolcott and Ms. Deanna Battle

THE POWER of ONE   | 33


Executive Partner

The Baltimore Life Insurance Company

Merritt Properties, LLC

Dorothy Jordan Chadwick Fund

M&T Bank

Baltimore Marriott Waterfront

MET Laboratories, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Neuman, Jr.

Morgan Stanley

The Baltimore Sun Media Group

Miles & Stockbridge P.C.

Mr. Robert Ramin and

Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems

Beacon Light Marina


Under Armour

Brown Advisory

OneMain Financial

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Cambridge Information Group, Inc.

Pessin Katz Law P.A.

Cangene bioPharma

Phillips Harborplace Seafood Restaurant

Dr. Denise M. DeConcini Ms. C. Elizabeth Wagner $1,000–$4,999

Managing Partner

Caplan Bros. Glass Co.

PNC Bank

Dr. Carole C. Baldwin

Bank of America

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, Inc.

Pompeian, Inc.

Mr. James K. Bowers

BD Diagnostic Systems

Carnegie Institution for Science–Department

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

The Hon. And Mrs. James Connaughton

The Classic Catering People

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Edward

H&S Bakery, Inc.

The Children’s House at Johns Hopkins

REIT Management and Research LLC

Ms. Marianela Peralta and

Laureate Education, Inc.

Corporate Office Properties Trust

Ronald McDonald House Charities

McCormick & Company, Inc.


Rosemore, Inc.

Ms. Diana Ramsay

Otis Elevator

Cristal USA

Rosenberg Martin & Greenberg, LLP

Mr. Mark Rovner and Ms. Shira Saperstein

Procter & Gamble Cosmetics

CyberPoint International

Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP

Ms. Christine T. Whitman

T. Rowe Price

Design Collective

Saul Ewing LLP

Drs. Daniel and Judith Wubah


Dogfish Head Craft Brewery

Semmes, Bowen & Semmes

W. R. Grace & Co.

Ellicott Dredges, LLC

Shapiro Sher Guinot & Sandler

Ernst & Young, LLP

The SI Organization, Inc.

Mr. Edward J. McCormack


of Embryology

RBC Wealth Management

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gibson

Business Partner

Fidelity & Guaranty Life

Sun Products Corporation

Mr. Scott B. Gudes

AAI Corporation

General Dynamics–OTS

SunTrust Bank

Mr. Roger E. McManus and Ms. Dinah Bear

Advance–The Document Specialists

Goodell, DeVries, Leech & Dann, LLP

Sylvan Learning Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Wolff

Advanced Radiology

Howard Community College

Sysco Baltimore

Algeco Scotsman

Hyatt Regency Baltimore

Thomas C. Rich, PC

American Radiology Services, LLC

Injured Workers’ Insurance Fund

United States Gypsum Company

American Sugar Refining, Inc.

J.F. Fischer Inc.

Venable LLP

American Trading and Production Corporation

Kernan Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation

Veolia Energy

American Urological Association, Inc.

Knorr Brake Corporation

The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company

Anne Arundel Community College


Wolters Kluwer Health


Legg Mason & Co., LLC

Aramark Corporation

Lockheed Martin

Associate Partner

Archdiocese of Baltimore

Main Street Veterinary Hospital

Adell Plastics, Inc.

Corporate Circle

Ascend One Corporation

McCormick HVP

Alliance, Inc.


Ballard Spahr LLP

MECU of Baltimore, Inc.

Allied Waste Industries, Inc.

Baltimore Aircoil Company, Inc.


Bahri General Cargo

Corporate Members Through membership, corporations support our initiatives while creating a special way for their employees and clients to explore the Aquarium. The following were members of our Corporate Advantage program in 2013.

34 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014


McGuireWoods LLP

Broadview Apartments, LLC

MGH, Inc.

Charm City Run

Miss Shirley’s Cafe

Comm-Tronics, Inc.

Navigation Arts, LLC

Curtis Engine & Equipment, Inc. Danaher Corporation



Gifts were made in memory of the following loved ones.

Gifts were made in honor of the following individuals.

New Pathways, Inc.

Helen S. and Merrill L. Bank

Aquarium’s Summer Intern Program/


Janet Dalsheimer

Data-Prompt, Inc.

The PMA Group

I. Elliott Goldberg

Jamie Barker

E. John Schmitz & Sons, Inc.

RCM&D, Inc.

Bernice Greenberg

David Christopher

EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc.

The Retreat at Sheppard Pratt

Gig Grube

Current and Past Staff, National Aquarium

Educate, Inc.

Royal Sonesta Harbor Court Hotel Baltimore

Harry the Rabbit

Matthew Steven Del Grosso

EESCO Pump & Value, Inc.


Eva Holcomb

Dedicated staff, National Aquarium

Embassy Suites Baltimore Downtown &

Shawe & Rosenthal, LLP

Joseph F. Horner, Jr.

Development Team, Past and Present,

Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel

Richard Hug

Energetics Incorporated

Structural Preservations Systems, LLC

Bernice J. Irvine

Dolphins, National Aquarium

Fundamental Administrative Services, LLC

Tecta America East, LLC

Ambrose Januchowski

Holly Edwards

Gallagher Evelius & Jones LLP

Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, L.L.P.

Jeffrey L. Kiefer

Ellie and Kate


Willis North America

James Lacey

Friday Night, 4th Shift Volunteers,

Grand Historic Venue

Hackerman-Patz Patient & Family Pavilion

Carl E. Locklear, Jr.

at Johns Hopkins Hampton Inn & Suites–Baltimore Inner Harbor Harkins Builders, Inc. Hertzbach & Company, P.A. Holiday Inn–Inner Harbor Hord Coplan Macht, LLC

Gifts in Kind The following organizations and individuals have made non-cash gifts of goods or services with a value given of $250 or more in 2013 in support of the National Aquarium and its programs.

Jack’s Small Engine & Generator Services

Penny Bank

National Aquarium

National Aquarium

William Earle Matory, Sr., M.D.

Ashley and Keith Goergen

Henry A. Minch

Charlotte and Dixon Gourley

Virginia and Henry Minch

Shirley Grimes

Wendelin Montciel

Nancy Hotchkiss

Chad Muehlhauser

Kathy Issacs

Joseph Schech

Ellen Thawley Madden

Daniel R. Schimmel

Megan Moore

Barbara C. Sikorski

Red Jennifer Reynolds, National Aquarium

Jacob S. Shapiro Foundation


Charles Singman

Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister–JCS

Mr. Chuck Erbe

Mark Stein

John S. Connor, Inc.

Baltimore Marine Center

June Turner

Sarah Rachel Rlosenblatt

Johns Hopkins Radiology

Oliver, Isabella and Zachary Greenstein

Gilly Remington Valenti III

Earl Shaw

The Joseph E. Shaner Company


Jerry Vega

Sponge Bob Squarepants

The Joseph Mullan Company

Ms. Patricia A. Venturino

Timothy Michael Wallington

Gene Taylor

Kovacs, Whitney & Associates, Inc.

Washington DC Area Marine Aquarist Society

Argather Wright

Kim Tompkins

Kramon & Graham, P.A.

Janet Wyper

Tuesday, 2nd Shift Volunteers,

Lord Baltimore Capital Corporation

Larayne and Jack Zimler

Malin Group, LLC

Board Chairman

National Aquarium Ariane Waldstein

THE POWER of ONE   | 35

Barbara and David Weaver

Mr. Robert S. Maslin, III

Marisa Wigglesworth

Miss A. Carter Middendorf

Rachel Yuscavage

The Honorable William Donald Schaefer

The Henry Hall Endowment Fund

Ms. Marian B. Smith

James C. McBride Endowment for Managerial

Helene R. Swearer

Legacy Gifts

Mrs. Margaret C. Taylor

Legacy gifts may include bequests, insurance policies, trusts, charitable gift annuities or other planned giving vehicles. We are thankful to these individuals who have included the National Aquarium in their estate plans. Anonymous (4) Mrs. C. Selma Carton Ms. Kai-Yun Chiu

Endowed Funds The National Aquarium wishes to give special recognition and appreciation to those benefactors who had the foresight and interest to create these endowed funds.

Lecture Series

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Horwits Mr. Richard E. Hug

The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Aquatic Education Endowment Fund

Ms. Euphemia N. Johnson

The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation

Ms. Judith L. Kressig

of Marine Mammals

and Professional Excellence A. Carter Middendorf Environmental Research Fund

The Endowment for the Marjorie Lynn Bank

Mr. Charles E. Herget, Jr.

The Gary Gallo Fund for the Preservation

A. Carter Middendorf Library Fund

Matching Gifts The following organizations have generously matched their employees’ gifts in 2013 to the Aquarium. Constellation, An Exelon Company Exxon Mobile Corporation GE Foundation T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.

Marine Accessions Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Livesey, III

Marion Bowers Memorial

Managing Editor



Amanda Forr

Ann Lano


Art Director

Melissa Valliant

Natalie Castaldo

Bryan Barnes Nabila Chami George Grall Kate Hendrickson

36 |   ANNUAL REPORT 2014

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ONE FUTURE In pursuing our mission to inspire conservation of the world’s aquatic treasures, the extent of our impact depends on the generosity and dedication of our donors, volunteers and members. Because of them, we’ve been able to educate others, advocate for our ocean and take action toward a healthier planet. You have the opportunity to be a part of that impact. As a private, nonprofit organization, the National Aquarium needs your support to continue effecting change through its world-class exhibits, education programs and conservation initiatives. Join us as we help transform the way humanity views and cares for the ocean. Become a member, make a donation or dedicate your time. Through our volunteer program, you can take on a variety of exciting responsibilities, including feeding our animals, guiding guests through the exhibits, assisting our aquarists and more. To learn more about volunteering, visit, call (410) 576-3886 or email To find out how to make an individual, corporate or foundation gift, call our development office at (410) 659-4217. We greatly appreciate your support and encourage you to explore more ways to get involved at

THE POWER of ONE   | 37

501 E Pratt Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202

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