2011 Legislative Directory

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WELCOME TO COLORADO POLITICS IN 2011 CREA’s 2011 Legislative Directory is provided by your local electric cooperative. It is designed to help you connect with the legislative process here in Colorado and in Washington, D.C. Use this directory to contact your representatives. Let them

You may also call legislators in Colorado’s General Assembly during the legislative session at the numbers below: Senate Democrats


Senate Republicans


Toll Free — Senate




listed in the following pages. All of the state senators and rep-

Toll Free — House


resentatives can also be reached in Denver at 200 E. Colfax,

Toll Free numbers cannot be accessed from a 303 area code.

know what is important to you, what you want to happen in this year’s legislative and congressional sessions, and how their actions affect you,your business and your community. Name, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses are

Denver, CO 80203.

State Offices

Governor John Hickenlooper (D) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Ste. 136 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2471 (Capitol) www.colorado.gov/governor

Lieutenant Governor Joe Garcia (D)

State Treasurer Walker Stapleton (R)

Secretary of State Scott Gessler (R)

200 E. Colfax Ave., Ste. 140 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2441 (Capitol) Fax: 303-866-2123 treasurer.stapleton@state. co.us

1700 Broadway, Ste. 250 Denver, CO 80290 303-866-2346 (Capitol) 303-894-2200 (Office) Fax: 303-869-4860 secretary@sos.state.co.us

Attorney General John Suthers (R)

200 E. Colfax Ave., Ste. 130 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2087 (Capitol) ltgovernor.garcia@state.co.us

1525 Sherman St., 7th Floor Denver, CO 80203 303-866-4500 (Capitol) Fax: 303-866-5691 attorney.general@state.co.us

Representing Colorado in Washington, D.C. Sen. Michael Bennet (D)

Sen. Mark Udall (D)

2300 15th St., Ste. 450 Denver, CO 80202 202-224-5852 (Capitol) 303-455-7600 (Office) 303-455-8851 (Fax) http://bennet.senate.gov

999 18th St., North Tower, Ste. 1525 Denver, CO 80202 202-224-5941 (Capitol) 303-650-7820 (Office) 202-224-6471 (Fax) www.markudall.senate.gov

Rep. Diana DeGette

Rep. Cory Gardner

(D-Dist. 1) 600 Grant St., #202 Denver, CO 80203 202-225-4431 (Capitol) 303-844-4988 (Office) 202-225-5657 (Fax) http://degette.house.gov

(R-Dist. 4) 213 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20003 202-224-3121 (Capitol) 970-663-2679 (Business) cory@corygardner.com

Rep. Ed Perlmutter

Rep. Jared Polis (D-Dist. 2)

(D-Dist. 7) 12600 W. Colfax Ave., Ste. B-400 Lakewood, CO 80215 202-225-2645 (Capitol) 303-274-7944 (Office) 202-225-5278 (Fax) www.perlmutter.house.gov

4770 Baseline Rd., Ste 220 Boulder, CO 80303 202-225-2161 (Capitol) 303-484-9596 (Office) 202-226-7840 (Fax) www.polis.house.gov


Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Dist. 6) 9220 Kimmer Dr., Ste. 220 Lone Tree, CO 80124 202-225-7882 (Capitol) 720-283-9772 (Business) 202-226-4623 (Fax) www.coffman.house.gov

Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Dist. 5) 1271 Kelly Johnson Blvd., Ste. 110 Colorado Springs, CO 80920 202-225-4422 (Capitol) 719-520-0055 (Office) 202-226-2638 (Fax) www.lamborn.house.gov

Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3) 218 Cannon HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 202-225-4761 (Capitol) 303-223-9947 (Office) 970-565-4492 (Home) 202-226-9669 (Fax)


Representing You and Your Electric Co-op

U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet (D) and U.S. Sen Mark Udall (D) represent all of Colorado. Delta-Montrose Electric Association US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3) Sen. Gail Schwartz (D-Dist. 5) Sen. Ellen Roberts (R-Dist. 6) Rep. Ray Scott (R-Dist. 54) Rep. Don Coram (R-Dist. 58) Rep. Roger Wilson (D-Dist. 61)

Empire Electric Association US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3) Sen. Ellen Roberts (R-Dist. 6) Rep. Don Coram (R-Dist. 58) Rep. J. Paul Brown (R-Dist. 59)

Grand Valley Rural Power Lines US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3) Sen. Gail Schwartz (D-Dist. 5) Sen. Steve King (R-Dist. 7) Sen. Jean White (R-Dist. 8) Rep. Ray Scott (R-Dist. 54) Rep. Laura Bradford (R-Dist. 55) Rep. Randy Baumgartner (R-Dist. 57)

Gunnison County Electric Association, Inc. US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3) Sen. Gail Schwartz (D-Dist. 5) Rep. Roger Wilson (D-Dist. 61) Rep. Edward Vigil (D-Dist. 62)

Highline Electric Association US Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Dist. 4) Sen. Greg Brophy (R-Dist. 1) Sen. Scott Renfroe (R-Dist. 13) Rep. Jerry Sonnenberg (R-Dist. 65) Rep. Jon Becker (R-Dist. 63)

Holy Cross Energy US Rep. Jared Polis (D-Dist. 2) US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3) Sen. Gail Schwartz (D-Dist. 5) Sen. Jean White (R-Dist. 8) Rep. Millie Hamner (D-Dist. 56) Rep. Randy Baumgardner (R-Dist. 57) Rep. Roger Wilson (D-Dist. 61)

Intermountain Rural Electric Association US Rep. Jared Polis (D-Dist. 2) US Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Dist. 5) US Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Dist. 6) US Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-Dist. 7) Sen. Greg Brophy (R-Dist.1) Sen. Kevin Grantham (R-Dist. 2) Sen. Mark Scheffel (R-Dist. 4) Sen. Keith King (R-Dist. 12) Sen. Jeanne Nicholson (D-Dist. 16) Sen. Mike Kopp (R-Dist. 22) Sen. Mary Hodge (D-Dist. 25)


Sen. Nancy Spence (R-Dist. 27) Rep. Claire Levy (D-Dist.13) Rep. Amy Stephens (R-Dist. 20) Rep. Bob Gardner (R-Dist. 21) Rep. Cheri Gerou (R-Dist. 25) Rep. James Kerr (R-Dist. 28) Rep. Kevin Priola (R-Dist. 30) Rep. David Balmer (R-Dist. 39) Rep. Cynthia Acree (R-Dist. 40) Rep. Chris Holbert (R-Dist. 44) Rep. Carole Murray (R-Dist. 45) Rep. Tom Massey (R-Dist. 60) Rep. Jon Becker (R-Dist. 63)

K.C. Electric Association US Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Dist. 4) Sen. Greg Brophy (R-Dist. 1) Rep. Jon Becker (R-Dist. 63)

La Plata Electric Association, Inc. US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3) Sen. Gail Schwartz (D-Dist. 5) Sen. Ellen Roberts (R-Dist. 6) Rep. J. Paul Brown (R-Dist. 59) Rep. Roger Wilson (D-Dist. 61) Rep. Edward Vigil (D-Dist. 62)

Morgan County Rural Electric Association US Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Dist. 4) US Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-Dist. 7) Sen. Greg Brophy (R-Dist. 1) Sen. Scott Renfroe (R-Dist. 13) Sen. Mary Hodge (D-Dist. 25) Rep. Jon Becker (R-Dist. 63) Rep. Jerry Sonnenberg (R-Dist. 65)

Mountain Parks Electric, Inc. US Rep. Jared Polis (D-Dist. 2) US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist 3) US Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Dist. 4) Sen. Jean White (R-Dist. 8) Sen. Kevin Lundberg (R-Dist. 15) Sen. Jeanne Nicholson (D-Dist. 16) Rep. B.J. Nikkel (Dist. 49) Rep. Millie Hammer (D-Dist. 56) Rep. Randy Baumgardner (R-Dist. 57)

Mountain View Electric Association US Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Dist. 4) US Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Dist. 5) US Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Dist. 6) Sen. Greg Brophy (R-Dist. 1) Sen. Mark Scheffel (R-Dist. 4) Sen. Kent Lambert (R-Dist. 9) Sen. Bill Cadman (R-Dist. 10) Sen. Keith King (R-Dist. 12) Rep. Mark Waller (R-Dist. 15) Rep. Marsha Looper (R-Dist. 19)

Rep. Amy Stephens (R-Dist. 20) Rep. Cynthia Acree (R-Dist. 40) Rep. Carole Murray (R-Dist. 45) Rep. Jon Becker (R-Dist. 63)

Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association US Rep. Jared Polis (D-Dist. 2) US Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Dist. 4) Sen. Scott Renfroe (R-Dist. 13) Sen. Bob Bacon (D-Dist. 14) Sen. Kevin Lundberg (R-Dist. 15) Sen. Jeanne Nicholson (D-Dist. 16) Sen. Brandon Shaffer (D-Dist. 17) Rep. Claire Levy (D-Dist.13) Rep. Glenn Vaad (R-Dist. 48) Rep. B.J. Nikkel (R-Dist. 49) Rep. Jim Reisberg (D-Dist. 50) Rep. Brian DelGrosso (R-Dist. 51) Rep. John Kefalas (D-Dist. 52) Rep. Randy Fischer (D-Dist. 53) Rep. Jerry Sonnenberg (R-Dist. 65)

San Isabel Electric Association US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3) US Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Dist. 5) Sen. Kevin Grantham (R-Dist. 2) Sen. Angela Giron (D-Dist. 3) Rep. Sal Pace (D-Dist. 46) Rep. Keith Swerdfeger (R-Dist. 47) Rep. Tom Massey (R-Dist. 60) Rep. Edward Vigil (D-Dist. 62) Rep. Wes McKinley (D-Dist. 64)

San Luis Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3) Sen. Gail Schwartz (D-Dist. 5) Rep. Tom Massey (R-Dist. 60) Rep. Roger Wilson (D-Dist. 61) Rep. Edward Vigil (D-Dist. 62)

San Miguel Power Association, Inc. US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3) Sen. Gail Schwartz (D-Dist. 5) Sen. Ellen Roberts (R-Dist. 6) Rep. Don Coram (R-Dist. 58) Rep. J. Paul Brown (R-Dist. 59) Rep. Roger Wilson (D-Dist. 61)

Sangre De Cristo Electric Association, Inc.

Southeast Colorado Power Association US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3) US Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Dist. 4) US Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Dist. 5) Sen. Greg Brophy (R-Dist. 1) Sen. Kevin Grantham (R-Dist. 2) Sen. Bill Cadman (R-Dist. 10) Rep. Marsha Looper (R-Dist. 19) Rep. Jon Becker (R-Dist. 63) Rep. Wes McKinley (D-Dist. 64)

United Power, Inc. US Rep. Jared Polis (D-Dist. 2) US Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Dist. 4) US Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Dist. 6) US Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-Dist. 7) Sen. Scott Renfroe (R-Dist. 13) Sen. Jeanne Nicholson (D-Dist. 16) Sen. Brandon Shaffer (D-Dist. 17) Sen. Rollie Heath (D-Dist. 18) Sen. Shawn Mitchell (R-Dist. 23) Sen. Lois Tochtrop (D-Dist. 24) Sen. Mary Hodge (D-Dist. 25) Rep. Dickey Hullinghorst (D-Dist. 10) Rep. Matt Jones (D-Dist. 12) Rep. Claire Levy (D-Dist. 13) Rep. Cheri Gerou (R-Dist. 25) Rep. Kevin Priola (R-Dist. 30) Rep. Judy Solano (D-Dist. 31) Rep. Edward Casso (D-Dist. 32) Rep. Donald Beezley (R-Dist. 33) Rep. Glenn Vaad (R-Dist. 48) Rep. Jerry Sonnenberg (R-Dist. 65)

White River Electric Association US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3) Sen. Jean White (R-Dist. 8) Rep. Randy Baumgardner (R-Dist. 57)

Y-W Electric Association US Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Dist. 4) Sen. Greg Brophy (R-Dist. 1) Rep. Jon Becker (R-Dist. 63)

Yampa Valley Electric Association, Inc. US Rep. Jared Polis (D-Dist. 2) US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3) Sen. Jean White (R-Dist. 8) Rep. Millie Hamner (D-Dist. 56) Rep. Randy Baumgardner (R-Dist. 57)

US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3) US Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Dist. 5) Sen. Kevin Grantham (R-Dist. 2) Sen. Mark Scheffel (R-Dist.4) Sen. Gail Schwartz (D-Dist. 5) Rep. Millie Hamner (D-Dist. 56) Rep. Tom Massey (R-Dist. 60)


President of the Senate Sen. Brandon Shaffer (D-Dist. 17) 3028 Colgate Dr. Longmont, CO 80503 303-866-3342 (Capitol) brandon@brandon shaffer.com

Sen. Irene Aguilar

Sen. Bob Bacon

(D-Dist. 32) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 338 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-4852 (Capitol) ireneaguilar.md@gmail.com

(D-Dist. 14) 720 Gilgalad Way Fort Collins, CO 80526 303-866-4841 (Capitol) 970-221-4552 (Home) bob.bacon.senate@ state.co.us

Sen. Greg Brophy

Sen. Bill Cadman

(R-Dist. 1) PO Box 332 Wray, CO 80758 303-866-6360 (Capitol) 970-332-5766 (Home) greg@gregbrophy.net

(R-Dist. 10) PO Box 76588 Colorado Springs, CO 80970 303-866-2727 (Capitol) 719-570-9300 (Business) cadman4colorado@ yahoo.com

Sen. Joyce Foster

Sen. Angela Giron

(D-Dist. 35) 8239 E. 5th Ave. Denver, CO 80230 303-866-4875 (Capitol) 303-343-6868 (Home) joyce.foster.senate@ state.co.us

(D-Dist. 3) 1910 Court St. Pueblo, CO 81003 303-866-4878 (Capitol) 719-778-7386 (Cell) angela.giron.senate@ state.co.us

Sen. Betty Boyd (D-Dist. 21) 12527 W. Arizona Pl. Lakewood, CO 80228 303-866-4857 (Capitol) 303-986-4194 (Home) betty.boyd.senate@ state.co.us

Sen. Morgan Carroll (D-Dist. 29) 1165 Ouray St. Aurora, CO 80011 303-866-4879 (Capitol) 303-726-1742 (Cell) morgan@senmorgancarroll. com

Sen. Kevin Grantham (R-Dist. 2) 318 W. Circle Dr. Canon City, CO 81212 303-866-4877 (Capitol) 719-275-9785 (Home) senatorgrantham@gmail.com

Sen. Rollie Heath

Sen. Lucia Guzman

Sen. Ted Harvey

(D-Dist. 34) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 333 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-4862 (Capitol) 303-880-2097 (Cell) lucia.guzman.senate@state. co.us

(R-Dist. 30) PO Box 630438 Highlands Ranch, CO 80163 303-866-4881 (Capitol) ted.harvey.senate@ state.co.us

(D-Dist. 18) 2455 Vassar Dr. Boulder, CO 80305 303-866-4872 (Capitol) 720-272-2389 (Cell) rollie.heath.senate@ state.co.us

Sen. Mary Hodge

Sen. Evie Hudak

Sen. Cheri Jahn

(D-Dist. 25) 447 Poplar Cir. Brighton, CO 80601 303-866-4855 (Capitol) 303-659-3298 (Home) mary.hodge.senate@ state.co.us

(D-Dist. 19) 7649 Harlan Way Westminster, CO 80003 303-866-4840 (Capitol) 303-423-8569 (Home) senatorhudak@gmail.com

(D-Dist. 20) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 346 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-4856 (Capitol) cheri.jahn.senate@state.co.us

Sen. Michael Johnston

Sen. Keith King

Sen. Steve King

(D-Dist. 33) 5405 E. 33rd Ave. Denver, CO 80207 303-866-4864 (Capitol) 303-953-1541 (Business) mike@mikejohnston.org


(R-Dist. 12) 4715 Bywood Ct. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 303-866-4880 (Capitol) 719-331-3880 (Cell) keith@keithking.org

(R-Dist. 7) PO Box 896 Grand Junction, CO 81502 303-866-3077 (Capitol) 970-314-8753 (Business) mesamaverick@gmail.com


Sen. Mike Kopp

Sen. Kent Lambert

(R-Dist. 22) PO Box 270165 Littleton, CO 80127 303-866-2638 (Capitol) 303-973-5375 (Home) mike.kopp.senate@state. co.us

(R-Dist. 9) 200 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80203 303-866-4835 (Capitol) 719-440-9990 (Cell) senatorlambert@com cast.net

Sen. Shawn Mitchell

Sen. John Morse

Sen. Kevin Lundberg (R-Dist. 15) PO Box 378 Berthoud, CO 80513 303-866-4853 (Capitol) 970-532-3070 (Home) kevin@kevinlundberg.com

Sen. Linda Newell

(R-Dist. 23) 12530 Newton St. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-866-4876 (Capitol) 303-464-9409 (Business) shawn.mitchell.senate@ state.co.us

(D-Dist.11) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 263 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-6364 (Capitol) 719-237-7344 (Cell) john.morse.senate@ state.co.us

Sen. Jeanne Nicholson

Sen. Scott Renfroe

(D-Dist. 16) 2400 Golden Gate Canyon Rd. Black Hawk, CO 80422 303-866-4873 (Capitol) 303-582-5830 (Cell) nicholsonjeanne@gmail.com

(R-Dist. 13) 3201 Grandview Dr. Greeley, CO 80631 303-866-4451 (Capitol) 970-539-0774 (Cell) senatorrenfroe@gmail.com

(R-Dist. 6) PO Box 3373 Durango, CO 81302 303-866-4884 (Capitol) 970-259-1594 (Home) ellen.roberts.senate@ state.co.us

Sen. Mark Scheffel

Sen. Gail Schwartz

Sen. Nancy Spence

(R-Dist. 4) 9791 Summit Ridge Pl. Parker, CO 80138 303-866-4869 (Capitol) 303-523-3497 (Cell) mark@markscheffel.us

(D-Dist. 5) PO Box 6578 Snowmass Village, CO 81615 303-866-4871 (Capitol) 970-925-3013 (Home) gail.schwartz.senate@ gmail.com

(R-Dist. 27) 6330 S. Olathe St. Centennial, CO 80016 303-866-4883 (Capitol) 303-690-5106 (Home) nancyjspence@gmail.com

Sen. Pat Steadman

Sen. Lois Tochtrop

Sen. Jean White

(D-Dist. 31) 1257 Corona St. Denver, CO 80218 303-866-4861 (Capitol) 303-861-1514 (Home) sen.steadman@gmail.com

(D-Dist. 24) 9984 Appletree Pl. Thornton, CO 80260 303-866-4863 (Capitol) 303-469-9217 (Home) lotochtrop@aol.com

(D-Dist. 26) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 333 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-4846 (Capitol) linda.newell.senate@gmail. com

Sen. Ellen Roberts

(R-Dist. 8) 200 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80203 303-866-4688 (Capitol) 303-886-2583 (Cell) al.white.senate@state.co.us

Sen. Suzanne Williams (D-Dist. 28) 2647 S. Troy Ct. Aurora, CO 80014 303-866-3432 (Capitol) 303-751-2396 (Home) senatorsuzannewilliams@ gmail.com


SENATE COMMITTEES For updated information on Senate Committees, call 303-866-3521 or visit www.leg.state.co.us and click on Legislative Directory (Pink Book) and the click on Committees.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Rep. Frank McNulty (R-Dist. 43) PO Box 630573 Highlands Ranch, CO 80163 303-866-2936 (Capitol) 303-683-8873 (Home) frank@frankmcnulty.com

Rep. Cindy Acree

Rep. David Balmer

Rep. Mark Barker

(R-Dist. 40) 15653 E. Chenango Ave. Aurora, CO 80015 303-866-2944 (Capitol) 303-748-9534 (Cell) cindy.acree.house@state.co.us

(R-Dist. 39) 6043 S. Eagle St. Centennial, CO 80016 303-866-2935 (Capitol) david.balmer.house@state.co.us

(R-Dist.17) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 323 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-3069 (Capitol) 719-339-8265 (Cell) mark@markbarker.org

Rep. Randy Baumgardner

Rep. Jon Becker

Rep. Don Beezley

(R-Dist. 57) PO Box 108 Hot Sulphur Springs, CO 80451 303-866-2949 (Capitol) 970-509-9187 (Cell) randybaumgardner@gmail.com

(R-Dist. 63) 17272 Rd. P Fort Morgan, CO 80701 303-866-2906 (Capitol) 970-768-6500 (Cell) jon.becker.house@state.co.us

(R-Dist. 33) 2698 Creekside Cr. Broomfield, CO 80023 303-866-4667 (Capitol) 303-886-0809 (Cell) donbeezley@msn.com

Rep. Laura Bradford

Rep. J. Paul Brown

Rep. Edward Casso

(R-Dist. 55) PO Box 565 Colbran, CO 81624 303-866-2583 (Capitol) 970-487-0154 (Home) laurabradford55@gmail.com

(R-Dist. 59) PO Box 178 Ignacio, CO 81137 303-866-2914 (Capitol) 970-759-4157 (Cell) brownjpaul@yahoo.com

(D-Dist. 32) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 307 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2964 (Capitol) 720-495-3861 (Cell) edward.casso.house@state.co.us

Rep. Kathleen Conti

Rep. Don Coram

Rep. Lois Court

(R-Dist. 38) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 271 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2953 (Capitol) 303-507-5170 (Cell) kathleen.conti.house@state.co.us

(R-Dist. 58) 67850 Ogden Rd. Montrose, CO 81401 303-866-2955 (Capitol) 970-596-2425 (Home) don.coram.house@state.co.us

(D-Dist. 6) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 306 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2967 (Capitol) 303-355-3546 (Home) lois.court.house@state.co.us

Rep. Brian DelGrosso

Rep. Crisanta Duran

Rep. Mark Ferrandino

(R-Dist. 51) 1805 Grays Peak Dr., #204 Loveland, CO 80538 303-866-2947 (Capitol) 970-669-1170 (Home) brian@briandelgrosso.com

(D-Dist. 5) 4956 Umatilla St. Denver, CO 80221 303-866-2925 (Capitol) 720-296-2928 (Cell) crisanta.duran.house@state.co.us

(D-Dist. 2) 200 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2911 (Capitol) mferrandino@yahoo.com

Rep. Rhonda Fields

Rep. Randy Fischer

Rep. Bob Gardner

(D-Dist. 42) 1196 Sable Blvd. Aurora, CO 80011 303-866-3911 (Capitol) 720-532-2847 (Cell) rhonda@rhondafields.com

(D-Dist. 53) 3007 Moore Ln. Fort Collins, CO 80526 303-866-2917 (Capitol) 970-215-7898 (Cell) randyfischer@frii.com

(R-Dist. 21) PO Box 1082 Colorado Springs, CO 80901 303-866-2191 (Capitol) 719-599-7309 (Business) bob.gardner.house@state.co.us

Rep. Deb Gardner

Rep. Cheri Gerou

(Rep. Millie Hamner

(D-Dist. 11) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 316 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2780 (Capitol) 303-579-1042 (Cell) deb.gardner.house@state.co.us

(R-Dist. 25) PO Box 940 Evergreen, CO 80437 303-866-2582 (Capitol) 720-635-3806 (Cell) cheri.gerou@gmail.com


(D-Dist. 56) 12 Coachman Court Dillon, CO 80435 303-866-2952 (Capitol) 970-513-6626 (Home) rephamner@gmail.com


Rep. Chris Holbert (R-Dist. 44) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 271 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-5523 (Capitol) 303-550-6196 (Cell) chris.holbert.house@state.co.us

Rep. Janak Joshi

Rep. Matt Jones

(D-Dist. 10) PO Box 88 Niwot, CO 80544 303-866-2915 (Capitol) 303-359-9236 (Cell) dickeylee@comcast.net

(D-Dist. 12) PO Box 270195 Louisville, CO 80027 303-866-2920 (Capitol) 303-718-7510 (Cell) repmattjones@gmail.com

Rep. Daniel Kagan

Rep. John Kefalas

(R-Dist. 14) 3840 Teakwood Pl. Colorado Springs, CO 80918 303-866-2937 (Capitol) 719-598-8641 (Home) janak.joshi.house@state.co.us

(D-Dist. 3) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 300 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2921 (Capitol) repkagan@gmail.com

Rep. Andy Kerr

Rep. James Kerr

(D-Dist. 26) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 300 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2923 (Capitol) 720-979-4515 (Cell) andy.kerr.house@state.co.us

(R-Dist. 28) 6359 S. Chase Ct. Littleton, CO 80123 303-866-2939 (Capitol) 303-847-7448( Cell) james.kerr.house@state.co.us

Rep. Pete Lee

Rep. Claire Levy

(D-Dist. 52) 604 Sycamore St. Fort Collins, CO 80521 303-866-4569 (Capitol) 970-221-1135 (Home) john.kefalas.house@state.co.us

Rep. Jeanne Labuda (D-Dist. 1) PO Box 27771 Denver, CO 80227 303-866-2966 (Capitol) 303-914-9494 (Home) jeanne.labuda.house@state.co.us

Rep. Larry Liston

(D-Dist. 18) 216 N. Foote Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 303-866-2932 (Capitol) 719-460-2834 (Cell) petelee65@hotmail.com

(D-Dist. 13) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 316 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2578 (Capitol) 720-849-8983 (Cell) claire.levy.house@state.co.us

(R-Dist. 16) PO Box 8205 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 303-866-2966 (Capitol) 719-649-9742 (Cell) larry.liston.house@state.co.us

Rep. Marsha Looper

Rep. Tom Massey

Rep. Elizabeth (Beth) McCann

(R-Dist. 19) 23935 Sweet Rd. Calhan, CO 80808 303-866-2946 (Capitol) 719-238-5600 (Cell) marshalooper@gmail.com

(R-Dist. 60) PO Box 160 Poncha Springs, CO 81242 303-866-2747 (Capitol) 972-672-2534 (Business) tom.massey.house@state.co.us

Rep. Wes McKinley

Rep. Joe Miklosi

(D-Dist. 64) 9635 County Rd. 44 Walsh, CO 81090 303-866-2398 (Capitol) 719-324-5225 (Home) wes.mckinley.house@state.co.us

Rep. B. J. Nikkel (R-Dist. 49) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 212 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2907 (Capitol) rep.nikkel@gmail.com

Rep. Cherylin Peniston (D-Dist. 35) 10344 Meade Loop Westminster, CO 80031 303-866-2843 (Capitol) 303-466-2884 (Home) cherylin.peniston.house@state. co.us WWW.CREA.COOP

Rep. Dickey Lee Hullinghorst

(D-Dist. 8) 650 Detroit St. Denver, CO 80206 303-866-2959 (Capitol) 303-358-9247 (Cell) beth@bethmccann.org

Rep. Carole Murray

(D-Dist. 9) PO Box 24692 Denver, CO 80224 303-866-2910 (Capitol) 720-628-8530 (Cell) jmiklosi@hotmail.com

(R-Dist. 45) 2219 N. Rocky View Rd. Castle Rock, CO 80108 303-866-2948 (Capitol) 303-351-8632 (Home) murrayhouse45@gmail.com

Rep. Dan Pabon

Rep. Sal Pace

(D-Dist. 4) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 307 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2954 (Capitol) 720-329-8679 (Cell) dan@danpabon.com

(D-Dist. 46) 124 Lincoln St. Pueblo, CO 81004 303-866-2968 (Capitol) 719-545-4505 (Home) sal_pace@hotmail.com

Rep. Kevin Priola

Rep. Robert Ramirez

(R-Dist. 30) 12255 Ursula St. Henderson, CO 80640 303-866-2912 (Capitol) 303-923-5138 (Home) kpriola@gmail.com

(R-Dist. 29) PO Box 740488 Arvada, CO 80006 303-866-2950 (Capitol) 720-334-8683 (Cell) robert@ramirezforcolorado.com


Rep. Jim Riesberg

Rep. Su Ryden

(D-Dist. 50) PO Box 1523 Greeley, CO 80632 303-866-2929 (Capitol) 970-351-6619 (Home) jim.riesberg.house@state.co.us

(D-Dist. 36) 16699 E. Kentucky Ave. Aurora, CO 80017 303-866-2942 (Capitol) 303-898-5797 (Cell) su.ryden.house@state.co.us

Rep. Ray Scott

Rep. Sue Schafer (D-Dist. 24) 35 Hillside Dr. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 303-866-5522 (Capitol) 303-918-2660 (Business) sue.schafer.house@state.co.us

Rep. Judith Solano

Rep. Jerry Sonnenberg

(R-Dist. 54) 2522 Hwy. 6 and 50 Grand Junction, CO 81505 303-866-3068 (Capitol) 970-765-8683 (Cell) ray.scott.house@state.co.us

(D-Dist. 31) 14789 Harrison St. Brighton, CO 80602 303-866-2918 (Capitol) 303-252-4670 (Home) judy.solano.house@state.co.us

(R-Dist. 65) 4465 County Rd. 63 Sterling, CO 80751 303-866-3706 (Capitol) 970-581-8648 (Cell) jerry@repsonnenberg.com

Rep. John Soper

Rep. Amy Stephens

Rep. Ken Summers

(D-Dist. 34) 235 Starlight Rd. Thornton, CO 80260 303-866-2931 (Capitol) 303-428-8281 (Home) john.soper.house@state.co.us

(R-Dist. 20) PO Box 207 Monument, CO 80132 303-866-2924 (Capitol) amy.stephens.house@state.co.us

(R-Dist. 22) PO Box 27301 Lakewood, CO 80227 303-866-2927 (Capitol) 303-989-4343 (Home) ken.summers.house@state.co.us

Rep. Spencer Swalm

Rep. Keith Swerdfeger

Rep. Libby Szabo

(R-Dist. 37) 7250 S. Ivy Ct. Centennial, CO 80112 303-866-5510 (Capitol) 303-903-2624 (Cell) spencer.swalm.house@state.co.us

(R-Dist. 47) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 271 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2905 (Capitol) 719-547-8424 (Home) keith.swerdfeger.house@state. co.us

(R-Dist. 27) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 271 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2962 (Capitol) 303-423-1889 (Home) libby.szabo.house@state.co.us

Rep. Nancy Todd

Rep. Max Tyler

Rep. Glenn Vaad

(D-Dist. 41) 11293 E. Harvard Dr. Aurora, CO 80014 303-866-2919 (Capitol) 303-750-1976 (Home) nancy.todd.house@gmail.com

(D-Dist. 23) 755 Vista Ln. Lakewood, CO 80214 303-866-2951 (Capitol) 303-915-8475 (Cell) max@maxtyler.us

(R-Dist. 48) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 323 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2943 (Capitol) 970-535-4908 (Home) glenn.vaad.house@state.co.us

Rep. Edward (Ed) Vigil

Rep. Mark Waller

Rep. Angela Williams

(R-Dist. 15) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 227 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-5525 (Capitol) 719-630-1231 (Business) mark.waller.house@gmail.com

(D-Dist. 7) 200 E. Colfax Ave., Rm. 357 Denver, CO 80203 303-866-2909 (Capitol) 720-257-9575 (Cell) angela@angela4colo.com

(D-Dist. 62) PO Box 642 Alamosa, CO 81101 303-866-2916 (Capitol) 719-588-2141 (Cell) edvigil1@gmail.com

Rep. Roger Wilson (D-Dist. 61) PO Box 955 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 303-866-2945 (Capitol) 970-274-4645 (Cell) roger.wilson.house@state.co.us

HOUSE COMMITTEES For updated information on House Committees, call 303-866-3521 or visit www.leg.state.co.us and click on Committees. For more information on this legislative directory, contact The Colorado Rural Electric Association at 5400 N. Washington St., Denver CO 80216: 303-455-2700 ext. 102 or ghier@coloradorea.org.



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