[March [June 2011]
Derby Rolls Across Colorado Extremely entertaining Highly competitive
May 2011 [features] 14 Keeping Costs Down
How changes outside the control of co-ops will impact electric bills
15 Roller Derby
Competitive women are starting
derby leagues all over Colorado.
19 Tasty Summer Spears
Add tender shoots of delicious
asparagus to your table
20 Sounds Like Latin
A plant’s proper name may eliminate
confusion with gardeners
24 Outdoors
hen it’s “ice out” on lakes, the W fish are biting
25 Energy Tips
Electric co-op representatives go to Washington, D.C., to meet with to meet with Congress.
5 6 7 12 21 30
Letters Calendar Co-op News NewsClips Education Discoveries
Outdoor living can help with energy efficiency
[cover] Pueblo Derby Devil Dollz (red and black uniforms) vs. the Greeley Slaughterhouse Derby Girls — April 16, 2011. Photo by Mike Rosso, COMMUNICATIONS STAFF: Mona Neeley, CCC, Publisher/Editor; Donna Norris, Associate Editor ADVERTISING: Kris Wendtland@303-902-7276; NCM@800-626-1181
The official publication of the Colorado Rural Electric Association Volume 42, Number 06
OFFICERS: Chris Morgan [Gunnison] President; Bob Bledsoe [Tri-State] Vice President; Bill Midcap [Fort Morgan] Secretary; Don Kaufman [Sangre De Cristo] Treasurer; Kent Singer [CREA] Executive Director BOARD OF DIRECTORS: John Porter [Empire]; Sylvia Spangler [Grand Valley]; Jim Lueck [Highline]; Michael Glass [Holy Cross]; Dan Mills [K.C.]; Tom Compton [LaPlata]; Stan Cazier [Mountain Parks]; B.D. Paddock [Mountain View]; Jack Schneider [Poudre Valley]; Joseph Costa, Reg Rudolph [San Isabel]; Mike Rierson, John Villyard [San Luis Valley]; Paul Erickson [Sangre De Cristo]; Mark Grasmick [Southeast]; Jim Jaeger [United Power]; Bill Jordan [White River]; Stuart Travis [Y-W]; Sam Haslem [Yampa Valley]; Basin Electric, Co-Bank, Moon Lake Electric, Wheatland Electric [Associate Members]
EDITORIAL: Denver Corporate Office, 5400 N. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216; Phone: 303-455-4111 • Email: • Website: • Facebook: Colorado Country Life • Twitter: @COCountryLife Colorado Country Life (USPS 469-400/ISSN 1090-2503) is published monthly for $9/$15 per year by Colorado Rural Electric Association, 5400 N. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216. Periodical postage paid at Denver, Colorado. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216 Publication of an advertisement in Colorado Country Life does not imply endorsement by any Colorado rural electric cooperative or the Colorado Rural Electric Association. Editorial opinions published in Colorado Country Life magazine shall pertain to issues affecting rural electric cooperatives, rural communities and citizens. The opinion of CREA is not necessarily that of any particular cooperative or individual.
Looking Out for You Your co-op meets with Congressional delegates in Washington, D.C. BY KENT SINGER CREA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR KSINGER@COLORADOREA.ORG
Issues that concern Colorado’s electric co-ops are at the forefront each May when about 2,500 electric co-op representatives from all over the country descend on Washington, D.C., to meet with their congressional delegations. This year, Colorado’s co-ops sent about 70 directors and managers to meet with our two United States senators and seven representatives. Representatives of Colorado’s electric co-ops discuss During our meetings with electric issues with Sen. Michael Bennet (D) during a the Colorado delegation, we recent trip to Washington, D.C. discussed four main issues. First, we asked our delegation to support continued funding for the Rural Utilities Service, the agency gram that has been used by co-ops all but it was just as interesting to get a in the U.S. Department of Agriculture over the country to fund renewable englimpse into the day-to-day logistithat oversees the loan program utilized ergy projects. The Obama administracal challenges our representatives in by electric co-ops. The money approtion’s budget proposal does not include Congress face by virtue of living in priated for the loan program is not a continued funding for these projects. both Washington, D.C., and Colorado. drain on the federal treasury. In fact, Finally, we also addressed the rail Both of our new representatives for the 2012 fiscal year the program is competition issue. And by “rail com(like the rest of our delegation) have to projected to benefit the federal treasury petition” I really mean the lack thereof. juggle their responsibilities as members by about $100 million. This is due to When co-ops and other electric utiliof Congress with their responsibilities the fact that the co-ops pay back the ties pay to ship coal from the Powder to their families. Rep. Gardner has a loans on time and at an interest rate River Basin in Wyoming to their power new baby on the way and Rep. Tipton that is higher than what it costs the fed- plants, they typically have to pay rates also is married and has two daughters. eral government to borrow the money. that are set by railroads that have no It’s not easy for anyone to spend The second issue we discussed was competition for that service. The utilimost of their time in the halls of the possibility that the U.S. Envities are at the mercy of the railroads Congress and then hit the road when ronmental Protection Agency will with no recourse because the railthey are back in Colorado. Serving decide to regulate coal ash as a hazroads are currently exempt from U.S. in Congress is an important, timeardous substance. We are opposed to antitrust laws. The co-ops asked that consuming, heavy responsibility and this since it is already regulated, and Congress repeal this exemption, and a we appreciate these two congressmen on at least three prior occasions the bill has been introduced to do just that. and the rest of the Colorado delegaEPA found that it is not a hazardous Although the discussions we had tion taking time to meet with us. material. And the new designation with our delegation on all of these The issues we face are enormous. would stop coal ash from power plants issues were important and the priThe consequences of legislation will be from being recycled into everyday mary reason for our trip, we also felt by all of us as our electric bills rise. products such as wallboard, roofhad the opportunity to spend time But we’re working with our legislators ing shingles and asphalt. There is with our newest elected representato find ways to provide the electricity no scientifically sound reason that tives, Rep. Cory Gardner from the our country needs in reliable, affordthe nonhazardous designation that 4th Congressional District and Rep. able and environmentally sound exists today should be changed. Scott Tipton from the 3rd Congresways. We are looking out for you. We also asked our delegation to sional District. These dinner meetings continue funding for the Clean Renew- gave us a chance to get to know these able Energy Bonds program known as two men who represent a large porCREBs. When the Energy Policy Act tion of “co-op country” in Colorado. of 2005 was passed, it created this proWe talked about energy policy, 4 June 2011
[letters] Thanks for the books
Thanks to you and Mountain View Electric for the box of books you donated to the High Prairie Library in Falcon. The variety of books you provided offers something of interest to both children and adults. They are already in use.
Becky Campbell, librarian
Climate change discussion
After reading “Red Tape Overload” (February 2011), I would think there is no problem with climate change. If one would read the science, one would realize that our planet is changing and will only get worse unless we do something. The longer we wait, the worse it gets. I think it’s time for everyone to start conserving and using less electricity.
Michael L. Parsons Aguilar
Audit helps efficiency
We recently purchased an all-electric home and had an energy audit done before we closed on the home. The auditor was excellent and gave us many ways to reduce our electricity usage. Many people don’t realize that the costs of improvements recommended by the energy auditor may be rolled into FHA and VA mortgages. This can make the improvements more affordable and help immediately reduce energy costs.
Karrin Hopper, Colorado Springs
Need more streetlights
Some subdivisions in Grand Junction have few streetlights. This situation can make it attractive for “persons of the night” to walk around looking for risky opportunities due to the darkened environment. This lack of light can create hazards for driving into the driveway, exiting a vehicle and entering one’s home. Poles with security lights can illuminate a larger area than a porch light for less money. More poles with lights can reduce crime as outdoor lighting can discourage break-ins and prowlers.
Mary Ann Bradshaw, Grand Junction
Send your letter to the editor by mail or email. You must include your name and address to be published. Letters may be edited. June 2011 5
[ June] Through August 6 Limon Between Fences Smithsonian exhibit Limon Museum Mon-Sat 1-8 pm 719-775-8605 • 719-740-0212 June 7-25 Palmer Lake Art Show and Sale Tri-Lakes Center for the Arts Hwy 105 719-229-6623 June 8-11 Cortez Ute Mountain Roundup Rodeo BBQ, rodeo, carnival, parade, dance • 970-822-3341 www.utemountainroundup. org June 10-11 Hot Sulphur Springs Annual Hot Sulphur Days Pie contest, carnival, silent auction, parade Town Hall and Town Park 970-725-3933 June 11 Silver Cliff Cemetery Tour Costumed characters tell historical tales Silver Cliff Town Park • 12 pm 719-371-7076
June 12 Monument Tri-Lakes Cruisers Car Club Annual Show 35 classes of cars, trucks 7 am-3 pm • 719-488-2852 June 13-16 Colorado Springs Cooking Classes for Young Chefs Garden of the Gods Gourmet 2528 W. Cucharras 1:30-3 pm • 719-471-2799 June 17-19 Durango Day Out With ThomasTM The little blue engine means fun for kids • Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad • 479 Main Ave 970-385-8801 June 17-19 Breckenridge Kingdom Days June 18 Near Idalia Dutch Oven Cook-Off Bonny Lake State Park 970-354-7306 June 18-19 Eaton National Versatility Ranch Horse Clinic and Competition Spicer Arena • 970-231-6773
June 19-21 Beulah June 11 Healthy Women Retreat Virginia Dale Mountain Park Environmental Community Club Open House Center Quilt raffle, silent auction, art, 719-485-4444 crafts sale • Hwy 287 north of adminmpec@ Livermore • 9 am-4 pm 970-495-1828 June 24-25 Hugo June 11-12 Colorado Championship Rye Ranch Rodeo American Indian Festival Rodeo, trade show, open bronc Native American musicians riding, dancing and artists www.coloradochampion 719-489-2779
June 24-26 Colorado Springs Rock Fair Vendor displays, demos, rocktalks • Western Museum of Mining and Industry Fri & Sat • 9 am-4 pm Sun 9 am-3 pm 719-488-0880 June 24-26 Pagosa Springs Western Heritage Days Music, food, crafts, petting zoo • Fred Harman Museum grounds • 970-731-8877 June 25 Durango Meet the Trucks Touch, crawl inside, honk the horns of over 40 vehicles La Plata County Fairgrounds 10 am-3 pm • 970-884-3259 June 25 Grand Lake Tops of the Rockies Grand Lake Yacht Club 5:30-8 pm
[ July] July 1-5 Buena Vista Chaffee County Quilt, Textile Show Buena Vista Community Center • 10 am-4 pm daily 719-395-8780 July 2 Fort Collins Play in the Gardens Fun outdoor games for the whole family • Gardens on Spring Creek • 970-416-2486 July 2-3 La Veta Scrappy Ladies Quilt Guild Show Quilts, wall hangings, boutique • Community Center 10 am-4 pm • 719-250-5692
For more information on these activities, visit Click on Events and discover what’s happening. 6 June 2011
July 2-3 Frisco Downtown Green Art Festival Main St and 3rd • 10 am-5 pm 954-472-3755 July 3 Lake City Community Picnic, Craft Show Craft show: Memorial Park 10 am • Picnic: the Armory 2 pm • 970-944-2050 July 4 Durango Independence Day Train Durango/Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad 479 Main Ave • 970-385-8801 July 4 Ouray Independence Day Jeep Parade, Fireworks Parade at dusk, fireworks at dark • 970-325-4746 July 9 Lake City Hinsdale Museum “Branding Iron” Demonstration Hinsdale Museum • 11:30 am 970-944-2050 July 9-10 Colorado City Greenhorn Valley Arts and Music Festival Greenhorn Meadows Park Sat 10 am-10 pm; Sun 10 am6 pm • 719-676-2106 www.greenhornvalley July 9-10 Buena Vista Collegiate Peaks Stampede Rodeo Sat 6 pm; Sun 1 pm 719-395-2775
SEND CALENDAR ITEMS TWO MONTHS IN ADVANCE TO Calendar, Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington St., Denver, CO 80216; fax to 303-455-2807; or email
[Country News] [what’s inside] n
Water Heater Wisdom Renewable Energy Use Country Kitchen
Mesa Hotline School
n n
HUGO OFFICE P.O. Box 8 Hugo, CO 80821-0008 STRATTON OFFICE P.O. Box 285 Stratton, CO 80836-0285 HUGO ADDRESS 422 Third Ave. Hugo, CO 80821 STRATTON ADDRESS 281 Main St. Stratton, CO 80836 719-743-2431 [Hugo] 719-348-5318 [Stratton] [web] BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kevin Penny [president] Robert Bledsoe [vice president] Terry Tagtmeyer [secretary/treasurer] Danny Mills [assistant secretary/treasurer] James Lewis [director] Jim Michal [director] Luann Naugle [director] Dave Ritchey [director] Marvin Thaller [director] STAFF Tim Power [general manager] Chance Briscoe [office manager] Ben Orrell [member services specialist] Larry Shutte [operations manager] Paul Norris [line superintendent]
There is no question that many electric cooperatives are in a bind right now. We excel at long-range planning — most of the power you use today was designed three or four decades ago. We stand at the ready with plans for Tim Power new infrastructure, power plants and innovative technologies to provide electricity for the next 30 years. But there’s a problem. We’re at a bit of a standstill as we wait on Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency to make decisions on laws and rules that will drastically affect how energy is produced in this country. Our elected officials in the Colorado delegation have been told that we need to have a plan for a safe, reliable and affordable energy future. To get there, we need to know the rules for power generation — and we need to know now. Rolling blackouts in Texas earlier this year reminded all of us that electricity must be used as quickly as it’s produced; we don’t have the technology yet to store large amounts of power to fall back on when resources like wind turbines don’t work. With a flurry of proposed regulations being discussed for power plants (and more to come), the EPA has been following its own set of marching orders; however, what the final regulations will look like remains unclear. Until the government provides more certainty, the electric industry can’t enact its plans for the next three decades. As our appetite for electricity grows and threatens to outstrip our nation’s generation capacity, we need to build more power plants. But what type
of facilities should they be — coal, natural gas, nuclear or various renewables? (Margaret Bandy 641871503) K.C. Electric Association’s mission was set by its members 65 years ago. Back when members first established K.C. Electric, it was given the mission to provide safe, reliable and affordable power. Where this power comes from impacts a sizable portion of your electric bill. Currently, about 70
K.C. Electric continues to provide safe, reliable and affordable power.
percent of each dollar you pay us goes to buying wholesale power, and most of that power comes from the cheapest source: coal. Bucket trucks, poles and wire, right-of-way trimming, payroll and other operating expenses are covered by the remaining 30 percent. If legislation and regulation force generation to come from something other than coal, then that 70 percent figure will only get bigger. Although expensive, power plants and expanded transmission systems are an investment in a better future for all of us. We need to make sure we are investing in a cost-effective and environmentally responsible manner. I am a believer that we can do that on a national scale with the mix of the many resources we have available. In any event, we’ll keep our ultimate mission at the forefront of our efforts as we work with our elected officials at the state and federal levels to ensure your power bills remain affordable. June 2011 7
This month I am going in a completely different direction. Rather than interviewing a person. I am going to go in depth on electric water heaters. Recently one of our members called and said that he had a water heater that was leaking in a rental property. It was a Marathon and was sold by K.C. Electric. Since Marathon water heaters are guaranteed not to leak for life, I assured him that he could pick up a new one immediately. He did. He also did something else that interested me and I thought perhaps it might interest you. He did an autopsy of the faulty water heater. When the faulty water heater reappeared here at K.C. Electric, it was stripped of its foam insulation and had been cut into three pieces. What he found was undoubtedly caused by corrosion from the minerals in our water. The top of the water heater where the cold water goes in and the hot water comes out was where the leakage occurred. That is one of the few parts of the Marathon water heater that is metal. Those metal fittings had corroded so much that leakage was possible. (Lawrence Munsch 1122030000) Next we looked at the heating elements. They too were corroded but had been replaced yearly so were still usable. No leakage had occurred around the elements. Inside the water heater is a plastic tube that goes from the cold water input to the bottom of the tank. (You cannot see this under normal conditions.) This tube ensures that cold water coming into the tank goes to the bottom, thus ensuring a more even heating pattern. Warm water will rise to the top. On this particular autopsy we found that the plastic tube was seriously damaged. This would have allowed the cold water to enter the tank at the top rather than at the bottom as designed. That tube can be replaced by taking off the cold water valve and pulling the tube out. More on that later in troubleshooting. Finally, this autopsy revealed a huge amount of mineral buildup in the bottom of the tank. This was from a tank that was drained on a yearly basis to prevent that 8 June 2011
buildup. The water heater being examined was in a home that did not have a water softener. The individual who did the autopsy said he has a water softener in his personal home, and when he drains it annually there is little to no mineral buildup. The water softener is doing its job.
Preventing problems.
Three things can help prevent problems. 1. Have a water softener. 2. Turn off your water heater annually and drain its tank. 3. Related to number two, install a ball valve to make it easier to drain the water heater. A ball valve can be purchased at your local hardware store.
For most of us the easiest thing to do is call a plumber and an electrician if our water heater malfunctions. If, however, it happens on a weekend or holiday, there are some things you can do for yourself. If your water heater has stopped heating, begin troubleshooting at the fuse or breaker panel. Check the fuse or breaker to ensure that you have current flowing to the water heater. Next, remove the top thermostat cover and, using a volt or ohm meter, check for current on the thermostat terminals marked L1 and L2. If you have current there, push the red button labeled “Reset.” Next check for current on the heating element. If the water in the tank is cold you should have current there. If the water is cold and there is no current, then you have a bad thermostat. If the thermostat is good, turn off the electricity at the fuse or breaker panel and remove the wires from the heating element. Using your ohm meter, test for continuity through the element itself by touching your test leads to both element screws at the same time. If you have no continuity, the element is bad. However, if you do have continuity, you still need to do one more test. Check each screw separately by touching one lead to the screw and the other
to the water tank. You should have no continuity this way, unless the element is shorted out and you are reading through the water. If you find all of the upper components in working order, reattach the wires to the element and replace the top cover. Then turn the electricity back on and perform these same checks on the lower components. (Kane Cody 1116680000) When you find the offending component, replace it. If it’s an element, you’ll need to drain the water tank. If your water heater is more than 10 years old and is not a Marathon, I recommend replacing it. The efficiency of a new one will save you big bucks on your electric bill. Finally, I mentioned the tube that directs incoming cold water to the bottom of the tank. If that is faulty (which I might add is extremely rare), you might notice a higher electric bill. I contacted the Marathon experts and asked about this situation. They responded: “Thank you for your email. Depending on how the dip tube is broken, the main sign will be how long the hot water
[Country News] will last. The shorter the dip tube, the less hot water the heater can provide to a fixture. If you have further questions, you are welcome to call our toll-free tech line at 800-432-8373. Have the model number and serial number of your water heater handy and call seven days from 7 a.m.7 p.m. Central time.” Listed below is the factory directive for cleaning out your water heater. This is taken from the Marathon website.
Cleaning a Marathon tank
Sediment: Sand and scale Without a water softener and/or water filters, sand, dirt and hard water scale accumulates in the bottom of water heaters, even self-cleaning water heaters. A frequently asked question on our tech service line is how to clean a Marathon tank. Yes, there is a drain valve at the bottom of the heater, but this sometimes cannot remove all the debris. Most consumers don’t clean their water heater on a regular basis. (WIN Keith Myrick 1101520000) Most only do it when they are forced to change the lower heating element. This is where the wet-dry vacuum method comes
in handy. With the lower element port open, debris can be vacuumed out.
1. Turn off power at circuit breaker panel to the Marathon water heater. 2. Close the valve that supplies water to the water heater tank. 3. Always remember to open a hot water faucet or two when draining or refilling a Marathon. This will allow air into the tank while draining and let air out of the tank when filling, speeding the process and preventing equipment damage. Drain the tank through the tank drain valve at the base of the water heater. Note: Make sure drain hose is connected or tank is being drained in a contained area to prevent water damage. 4. Remove lower element covers. Double check that the power has been turned off. Use a circuit tester, meter or other device to be certain power is off. 5. Remove lower element wire leads (two). 6. Remove lower element using element
Why Don’t We Use More Renewable Energy? In general, most renewable energy power plants have less environmental impact than coal, gas or nuclear power plants. So, why doesn’t the industry use more renewable energy? Here are two reasons. Renewable energy technologies are expensive. While costs are coming down, renewable energy power plants are still more expensive to build and to operate than coal and natural gas plants. Some wind-generating plants have proven to be economically feasible in areas with good wind resources when they have access to the Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit. But that brings up the second problem. Renewable resources are often geographically remote, far from population centers. Transmission lines are needed to deliver this power to where it is needed. Transmission lines are ex-
pensive. And transmission companies face long battles with landowners who do not want the transmission lines on their property. —Energy Information Administration
wrench. 7. Assemble universal adapter to vinyl hose. 8. Attach adapter assembly to wet-dry vacuum. 9. Insert vinyl hose into lower element hole. 10. A fter cleaning is completed, reinstall, element, wiring and covers as described in steps number 6, 5 and 4 above. 11. Close drain valve. 12. Open water supply valve to tank. Note: Always remember to open a hot water faucet or two when draining or refilling a Marathon. (Allow air into the tank while draining and let air out of the tank when filling, speeding the process and preventing damage.) 13. W hen tank has completely filled, reset circuit breakers to restore power to water heater. Never restore power to an empty or partially filled tank. Upper element will fail if tank is dry fired. The Marathon water heater is equipped with a fused upper element and will have to be replaced if unit is dry fired.
CLAIM YOUR CREDIT ON YOUR BILL Each month, K.C. Electric offers consumers a chance to earn a $10 credit on their next electric bill. If you recognize your 10-digit account number in this magazine, call 719-743-2431 and ask for your credit. It couldn’t be easier. In April Mike Mason of Seibert and William Tarin of Flagler called to win a prize. Get acquainted with your account number, read your Colorado Country Life magazine and pick up the phone. That’s all the energy you’ll need to claim your energy bucks. You must claim your credit during the month in which your name appears in the magazine (check the date on the front cover). June 2011 9
[Country News] Country Kitchen Safe and Efficient K.C. Linemen LAMB ROAST WITH HERBES BY PAUL NORRIS LINE SUPERINTENDENT
DE PROVENCE CRUST 6 tablespoons Dijon mustard 1 ½ tablespoons soy sauce 2 large garlic cloves, minced 1 ½ tablespoons Herbes de Provence 1 ½ tablespoons olive oil 2 pound boneless lamb roast, trimmed of excess fat and tied Place the mustard, soy sauce, garlic and herbs in a food processor or blender. With machine running, gradually add the oil. Coat the entire surface of the roast with the mustard mixture. Cover carefully and refrigerate for several hours or overnight. Place the lamb on a rack set on a tray in a preheated 400 degree oven. Immediately turn the heat down to 350 and roast 1 hour (medium rare) to 1 ¼ hours (medium). If using a meat thermometer, roast until it reads 140 for medium rare or 150 for medium. Do not overcook. Allow the lamb to rest 15 minutes on a heated platter before carving. Lian Emmerling, Hugo
ORANGE TAPIOCA SALAD 1 package orange Jell-O 1 package Jell-O tapioca pudding 1 package vanilla pudding (not instant) 3 cups boiling water Cool whip 1 small can mandarin oranges (drained) 1 small can crushed pineapple (drained) Mix Jell-O and pudding and add water. Bring to a boil again. Let cool to room temperature. Add Cool Whip, oranges cut in half and pineapple. Refrigerate. Joyce Colvin Kit Carson 10 June 2011
Electricity doesn’t change, but the way professionals build and maintain the electrical infrastructure is ever changing. The all volunteer Mesa Hotline School is a great place to keep updated on the techniques required to be safe and efficient. K.C. Electric has long been a part of this organization and is involved with seeing it continue to bring innovative ideas to the trade. Each year as part of its ongoing lineman training program, K.C. Electric sends employees to this school for training and networking and to bring back fresh ideas. In turn, K.C. Electric along, with numerous utilities in Colorado and neighboring states, has been active sending its professionals to teach classes. Vendors also bring their expertise and products to the field and classrooms, and this combined effort makes this school unparalleled. In the long run, the mantra “work safe” goes beyond just working safe. It is also efficient.
“The safest risk is the one you didn’t take.”
In the mid 1960s a group of rural electric cooperatives saw the need to provide specialized training for their employees, which would allow them to work on the power lines while the lines were still energized. To meet that need, a group of companies on the Western Slope created a school in the Grand Junction area and called it the Western Slope Hotline School. The first school was held in April of 1966, and several manufactures of hotline tools were present to instruct students on the different techniques of work on transmission and distribution lines. The school incorporated in 1978 and was renamed the Mesa Hotline School. It now has over 75 members from seven states and is one of the largest hotline schools in the western United States. Member companies now provide many of the instructors along with some manufacturers. Today the school provides training in the areas of live-line work on transmission and distribution lines with hot-sticks and rubber glove techniques. The school started providing training on underground installations, fault locating and switching in 1979. Several specialized companies provide training in a classroom setting, which includes transformers, regulators, system protective devices, grounding techniques and specialized substation equipment. Last year the school instructed over 450 students over the first two weeks of May from 11 different states and one individual from Puerto Rico. (W.B. Grimes 1005800000) K.C. Electric joined as a member in the late 1960s and has been a strong supporter of the school. K.C. Electric sends several students and usually provides one instructor every year. K.C. Electric has had a person on the board of directors since it became a member, and I currently serve as president and Paul Norris serves as a field committee co-chairman.
IRRIGATION METER READING Irrigation meters will be read on June 1 and June 30. (No readings in July.) August 1 and 31. June 2011 11
Excessive regulation and budgetary sleights-of-hand could undermine the availability of low-cost hydropower for Colorado’s electric co-ops, according to testimony given before a U.S. House panel in Washington, D.C., in early May. Colorado Rural Electric Association President Chris Morgan was among the utility representatives explaining to the Water and Power Subcommittee how the continually changing regulations and additional new rules push up the cost of hydropower, which is the nation’s least CREA Board President Chris Morgan (center) testifies before the U.S. House expensive source of clean energy. Water and Power Subcommittee. “No major hydroelectric facility has been built in many years, and our existing facilities are being bled dry by endless litigation and board, told the subcommittee, “As the economy struggles regulatory obstacles that result in major increases in electo make its way out of the ‘Great Recession,’ Colorado’s tricity prices and chronic shortages of electricity,” agreed electric cooperative consumers cannot afford increased Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.), the subcommittee chair. electricity rates.” Morgan, who also serves on the Gunnison County Electric
Power Plants Provide More Than Electricity
The economies of northwestern Colorado and southwestern Colorado benefit from the electric co-ops’ power plants that operate in those areas. Craig Station and Nucla Station both run 24/7 to keep the lights on for Tri-State Generation and Transmission’s 44 member systems that serve 1.5 million consumers throughout Colorado and neighboring states. But the stations do more than generate electricity. The economic and fiscal impacts of these power plants and affiliated mines were the subject of a recent study, conducted by Development Research Partners on behalf of Tri-State. The study focused on the direct and indirect impacts of the Colorado power plants and one in Prewitt, New Mexico, related to the gross output of the regions, which envelop three communities and eight counties. Combined, the facilities provide $594 million annually in direct and indirect value to the communities and counties in which they are located. Additionally, more than 1,240 individuals are employed (directly and indirectly) by the facilities. 12 June 2011
Co-ops Stay On Top of Training
Safety while connecting transformers, troubleshooting problems, installing underground cable and doing other line work was the emphasis during the Mesa Hotline School in Grand Junction in early May. The two-week school offered utility line workers from throughout the nation an opportunity to brush up on skills and learn more about their jobs in the electric industry. June 2011 13
Keeping Costs Down Actions outside the control of your co-op will likely impact your electric bills in years to come BY MAGEN HOWARD
After two years of declines, the price tag for building power plants and purchasing utility equipment has begun climbing once again. These higher prices likely will affect electric bills over the long term. “Electric co-ops have an obligation to keep the lights on and electric bills affordable at a time when costs for components needed to construct generation, upgrade existing power plants, expand transmission facilities and modernize distribution systems are steadily rising,” acknowledges Glenn English, chief executive officer of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. “Combined with the costs of complying with new regulations, these pressures will affect electric bills in years to come — all of which are largely beyond the control of local co-ops.”
Keeping the lights on
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation estimates the U.S. will need to build 135,000 megawatts of new generation by 2017 to meet demand. Facilities on the drawing board, however, will only deliver 77,000 MW. Electric co-ops — experiencing average annual load growth well above levels of other electric utilities — estimate they will need to bring approximately 12,000 MW of new generation on-line over the next decade. “However, this generation will be the most expensive in history, coming at a time when the prices for construction materials like steel, copper, and concrete are shooting upward,” English remarks. After a brief downturn due to the global recession, worldwide commodity prices have rebounded — steel soared 42 percent between 2009 and 2010, while copper topped record highs earlier this year. The costs of building new coal-fired, nuclear 14 June 2011
The final turbine for the Crow Lake Wind Project is topped out on February 9, 2011. At 150 megawatts, the project, owned by Basin Electric subsidiary PrairieWinds SD 1, is the largest wind project owned solely by a cooperative in the United States.
and geothermal plants, as well as wind generation facilities, have all risen by an average 40 percent. For most local electric co-ops, the biggest expense involves buying power. Wholesale power purchases can account for as much as 75 percent of your co-op’s budget, meaning pressures on generation costs impact electric rates as well. Then there’s basic operations, everything from replacing poles and wire to maintaining rights-of-way and fueling line trucks. Costs for these activities continue to escalate
Regulations on a roll
Looming government regulations also pose a threat. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is considering four major rules on cooling water intake, coal ash disposal, interstate transport of air pollutants and using the best available technology to curb emissions from power plants that could become “game changers” for electric utilities. In addition, the agency has begun regulating greenhouse gases from new and modified large stationary sources, including coal and natural gas power plants, under the federal Clean Air Act. The bulk of these EPA regulations are due to court-
(Left to right) Doug Rothe, Basin Electric project engineer, and Matt Chalcraft, project manager for Cogen Cleaning Tech, inspect the gate value during air blows at Basin Electric’s Dry Fork Station, under construction near Gillette, Wyoming.
imposed decisions and deadlines. “It’s entirely possible tighter emissions standards and other rules will have a multibillion dollar impact on the cost of doing business for electric co-ops,” says Kirk Johnson, NRECA senior vice president of government relations.
Combating rising costs
In May, thousands of co-op leaders traveled to Washington, D.C., to call for more certainty on how electricity generation will be regulated. “Co-ops need Congress help to break out of the planning gridlock and set the rules for power generation today and in decades to come,” stresses English. “Not knowing the rules is costing us valuable time and delaying critical decisions.” Rest assured, local electric co-ops are working together to keep your electric bills affordable. We’re controlling costs through innovation. No matter what government mandates come our way, we’ll continue to put you, our members, first. Magen Howard writes on consumer and cooperative affairs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.
Roller Derby
“It’s not your grandma’s roller derby.” BY SHARON FRICKEY
If roller derby isn’t the game of skate-and-scratch choreographed, movie mayhem shown in the 1972 movie Kansas City Bomber, then what is it? How about a family-tight organization of women who want to compete in an intensely competitive contact sport described by team supporters as “an extreme race on eight wheels.” Roller derby is the fastest growing sanctioned amateur sport in the U.S. and a dozen other countries. The count changes quickly, but I counted 109 full member leagues (53 apprentice leagues) sanctioned by the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association in the U.S., 32 in the western division alone.
15 June 2011 15
Seven of those league members are in Colorado, including teams in Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Greeley, Pueblo and, of course, Denver. There are at least another 12 flat track teams in the state, skating in places like Cañon City, Durango, Glenwood Springs and Grand Junction and working toward league membership. I’d done my homework; I’d Googled, Wikied, and watched Whip It! (Be Your Own Hero), Drew Barrymore’s directorial debut film starring Ellen Page. I’d read skaters Jennifer Kasey Bomber Barbee and Alex Axles of Evil Cohen’s smash-mouth book, Down and Derby. It was time to find out more. My problem was which league to watch first. I decided on the one closest to where I live, the Denver Roller Dolls. I thought I was ready for the real thing. With my Rockies-Nuggets-BroncoBuffs sports-fan husband in tow, we headed out to experience roller derby in living color. As we merged into the concourse crowd at 1st Bank Center in Broomfield (6,500 capacity), a line out of a YouTube trailer for Kansas City Bomber popped into my mind: “This is the world of roller sports where the only thing more dangerous than the competition is the fans.” Not! This was an eclectic crowd with the emphasis on youth and those young at heart. Families with toddlers, teens in tutus and glitter eye shadow, hand-holding senior couples and the casual handsin-pockets guys scoping out the sideways-glancing gals, while preteen girls orbited the fantastically uniformed star skaters, who made eye contact like they’d just spotted their favorite fan. I had the same feeling I get on opening day at Coors Field — regardless of who wins, this is going to be fun. A uniformed skater tipped to a stop on her wheels and handed me the evening’s program:
16 16 June 2011
I’d seen the tatts and fishnets; read players’ unique derby names like Bria Fraid, Angela Death, To Infinity and Yvonne, and Fonda Payne; and realized that not only do the colorful names and creative costume scream “watch me,” they also include a steady, reassuring hum of understated strength from skilled, agile, speedskating team players with hearts that take over when the endurance runs out. Upbeat music pounded out from the flat track arena as we filed in to find our seats. One section was reserved at $25, all other seats were $15 general admission. We sat high in row 16. Prime seats in the lst Bank Center filled quickly, and Brad Example, the voice of the Denver Roller Dolls, boomed out a welcome and started a quick rundown of rules for newbie fans like us. The Denver Roller Dolls, a league sanctioned by Women’s Flat Track Derby Association, skates, scores and gives and takes its hits under WFTDA’s (“wuf-da”) rules. Derby’s popularity drew so many new skaters for the Roller Dolls that it required reshuffling seasoned players with newcomers to add a fourth team to the league’s roster. The Electrocuties will take on the 2010 champs, the Bad Apples, for the ’Cuties maiden bout, and these teams are ready to rumble. The two stripe-helmeted pivots out front, the four-pack on hair-trigger behind them, the star-helmeted jammers, afterburners warmed up, wait for the ref’s whistle to send them all into orbit. The next 30 minutes went by like five. My eyes couldn’t record one image before another formed. My eyes and brain seemed to function on separate circuits. By the time I thought “that’s a point” the jammer called off the jam and it all started over. The Electrocuties skated fast and hit hard, but the Bad Apples turned out to be the spoilers in the first bout. Finally, near the end of the second 30-minute period, I began to see patterns and strategies, could follow one jammer through a jam and sometimes recognize a point had been scored before it made it onto the score clock. I realized the Swiss Missile was a formidable jammer, and the Bad Apples soured the victory for the Electrocuties. Jump to the second half of the main event: the Shotgun Betties versus the Green Barrettes. Fatigue green versus hot pink and chocolate. By the second 30-minute period of the bout, I was so absorbed in the hard hits, the falls and recoveries, the pack plays, the agility of the jammer to get though holes that weren’t there, the 1 to 3-4 point spread back and forth between the teams that I had to make myself relax and breathe. The intensity was contagious. The clock showed 2:07 left with The Shotgun Betties at 70, the Green Barrettes at 73. Two jammers dominated the track: Ajax for the Barrettes and Juska for the Betties. Juska blasted out for a 25-point jam ending at 0:00 on the clock just as the Barrettes called for a time-out, extending the period. With Juska skating under a power jam call — Ajax on the penalty bench — the Betties took the second period 109 to 73. A spectacular finish; I was hooked. I watched the fans move onto the track to get autographs. All the skaters were engaged but I noticed one Shotgun Betty close to my side of the track strike up a conversation with each fan as she signed the requested autograph. A striking bird tattoo across one shoulder that extended down her arm contrasted with the Bijou Blacnbleu blazoned on her shirt. That name rang a bell. I needed to talk to her. “There’s more than black and blue to this skater,” I remarked to my husband. I wrote a note that I’d like to interview her, took it down to the track, and handed it to her when there was a break in the fans. That interview is a whole other story.
THIS IS DERBY And here’s how it goes.
The Bout: The big game. It all happens in two chaotic “jam-packed” 30-minute periods. The Jam: The action can last up to two minutes. Five players from each team line up for battle on the oval flat track that is about 12 feet wide; it laps at 60 feet. One player from the five allowed on the track skates as pivot, identified by a striped helmet cover. She leads the three blockers from her team, who take off in a pack at the head ref’s single whistle. A jammer, identified by stars on a helmet cover, is a lightning fast skater who can score the points. She lines up 33 feet behind the pivots and blasts off at the shrill of the second whistle. The Score: When the jammer passes or laps the pack the second time, scoring begins with one point accrued as she legally passes an opposing team skater. Blockers play offense and defense simultaneously with hip checks, hard hits and agility, putting their bodies in the line of attack with every move meant to block the opposing jammer while aiding their own jammer in scoring. Lead Jammer: When the first jammer legally passes the pack, the ref’s whistle and pointing finger dubs her lead jammer—she now has the power to score and/or call off the jam (the time when points are scored) by placing her hands on her hips at least twice. Watch this closely. The strategy of this timing is critical both for offensive and defensive plays. No-nos, it’s illegal to: • Block with elbows, forearms, hands or head • Engage a skater more than 20 feet in front of or behind the pack • Intentionally trip another skater hit, push or block from behind. • Hold, grab, scratch, clothes-line or display other unsportsmanlike conduct
It’s totally legal to: • Hit from the side • Use the arm above the elbow to block • Apply torso or hip checks • Whip or push a teammate.
17 June 2011 17
I met with Bijou Blacnbleu, number 75 of the Shotgun Betties in the Denver Roller Dolls roller derby league; (She’s the captain of the travel team, Bruising Altitude), at the Yak and Yeti in Olde Town Arvada for the interview. Here’s a piece of it. You’ll find the full interview online at PHOTO BY MIKE ROSSO
Roller Derby in Colorado This includes most of the flat track teams in Colorado. Some have achieved league status; some are working on it. Ark Valley High Rollers • Chaffee County Castle Rock n’ Rollers • Castle Rock Choice City Rebels • Fort Collins Denver Roller Dolls • Denver Durango Roller Girls • Durango FoCo Girls Gone Derby • Fort Collins Grand Junction Roller Girls • Grand Junction High City Derby Divas • Aurora Old Mountain Town Roller Derby • Evergreen Pikes Peak Derby Dames • Colorado Springs Pueblo Derby Devil Dollz • Pueblo Mesa Undergound Derby Dames • Grand Junction!/MUDD.infotoskate Roaring Fork Roller Derby • Glenwood Springs Rocky Mountain Rollergirls • Denver
Interview with Bijou Blacnbleu
SF: I got your name from someone as good source of information about roller derby. BB: That was probably the skater who started Detour Derby, a way for skaters who did derby but for some reason had to give it up to keep skating. Detour’s a fun thing for us to do. She has the biggest heart. SF: A big heart seems to be a prerequisite for what you gals do I had no idea. Your league’s all nonprofit. It’s voluntary. You take no money? BB: Yeah, we actually pay to play—it’s like belonging to a gym, we have dues every month. Every dollar we make goes back into the league. We pay for our own equipment and maintenance like changing out wheels on our quad skates and replacing helmets after a concussive blow. I’m on Bruising Altitude, one of the traveling teams, and we get a small stipend when we’re on the road, but we have to pick up things that it doesn’t cover. We do fundraisers for charity. We’re work closely with Project Angel Heart. It’s one of the charities we work with. Angel Heart gets meals to people with life-threatening illnesses who don’t have a way to get a hot meal. SF: Do different skaters have different charities? BB: They do. For myself, since I’ve been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I’ve really tried to raise awareness for MS, get information out. Before I was diagnosed, I hadn’t heard about MS, didn’t know anything about it, didn’t know anyone who had it. Now I constantly meet people with MS. I can’t speak in generalities, but MS seems a life-altering disease for many. Before my diagnosis, my doctor and my neurologist told me I’d have to gradually give up derby and stop the extreme skating. I’d been seeing them for years, going in for different issues. The office actually ran a pool as to when I’d come in again and what kind of injury I’d have. Then I found my MS specialist, who said absolutely don’t give up, you have to have your passion in life. Derby will keep you exercising, which is extremely important. Bijou Blacnblue has continued, and is among the amazing women, who skate derby in teams from Grand Junction to Aurora and from Durango to Greeley. These are women who are real, strong, athletic and revolutionary while also being heart-centered, passionate, charitable and courageous.
Slaughterhouse Derby Girls • Greeley
Go to for more of the interview with Bijou.
A new group is also forming in the Cortez area. Contact Chris Kantner at
Sharon Frickey, is a retired teacher and fiesty grandmother, who lives in Arvada. She has written six features for Colorado Country Life.
18 18 June 2011
Tasty Summer Spears
Add tender shoots of delicious asparagus to your table BY LINH TRUONG Storage Asparagus may be stored for longer periods of time simply by placing bundled stalks upright in a bowl or dish with an inch of water (or just enough to keep the stalks moist).
Vitamin rich
This highly prized vegetable contains lots of vitamins and nutrients. Besides vitamin K, asparagus contains folate, vitamins C; vitamin B and A; tryptophan; potein and calcium. Asparagus are good for pregnant woman and those on a diet.
Summer is a season full of deliciously fresh fruits and vegetables available from local farmers markets or from your own garden. One veggie that is always fun when it is in season is asparagus. Here are a few delicious ways to serve it.
Warm Potato and Asparagus Salad 1½ pounds baby new potatoes (cut in half if more than 2 inches) 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 teaspoons runny honey (or 2 scant teaspoons apple concentrate) 2 teaspoons whole grain mustard 1 ounce walnuts, roughly chopped 16-24 asparagus spears (at least 6 spears per person if thin or 4 spears if asparagus is thicker) 3 ounces young spinach leaves 3.5 ounces soft vegetarian goat cheese log, thinly sliced 6 large radishes, sliced Season to taste Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Parboil the potatoes for 15 minutes until slightly tender. Drain and cool for 5 minutes before placing in a roasting pan. Mix the lemon juice, honey and mustard, seasoning with salt and pepper if desired, and pour half over the potatoes, mixing well. Roast for approximately 25 minutes until soft on the inside and crisp on the outside. Sprinkle the walnuts on a separate baking tray and dry roast for 3-4 minutes to intensify their flavor. Do not let them burn. Trim the woody ends off the asparagus spears and discard. Steam the asparagus for 5-7 minutes (depending on size) until tender. Place in a dish and pour the remaining dressing over the spears. To assemble the salad: Cover the base of a large, wide salad bowl with spinach leaves; place the potatoes on top, followed by the sliced goat cheese (which will melt slightly) and then by the asparagus. Finally, sprinkle with the roasted walnuts and garnish with the radish slices.
Salmon-Asparagus Salad with Chive Vinaigrette 8 cups mixed salad greens, in small pieces 1 pound salmon fillet, poached 1 ½ cups fresh asparagus, par-boiled or steamed, sliced diagonally into 1-inch pieces 1 cup fresh blueberries ½ cup almonds or walnuts, chopped and toasted Lemon zest to garnish Vinaigrette 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice ½ cup olive oil 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar Salt and pepper to taste 1 tablespoon fresh chives Spread salad greens in large salad bowl. Tear salmon into medium pieces and arrange on greens. Sprinkle asparagus, blueberries and chopped nuts throughout the bowl. Top with lemon zest In a jar with a lid, add all vinaigrette ingredients. Shake well. Stir 1/2 to 3/4 of the dressing into the bowl. Plate individual salads chilled with the remaining dressing alongside. Love cooking? For more tasty, asparagus recipes, visit Click on Recipes. June 2011 19
Botanical Speak
A plant’s Latin name may bypass confusion with gardeners BY EVE GILMORE WWW.XERISCAPEGARDENS.COM
I feel lucky to have studied botany in school and that binomial nomenclature makes sense to me. Bi-what? you might be asking. Binomial nomenclature is the two (bi) name (nomial) classification system that Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus is credited with putting into place in the 1700s. You likely caught wind of this back in high school biology class. So why would you, a gardener in Colorado, care now? In my opinion, the biggest reason is because it’s fun. (This won’t be the first time I’ve been called a plant geek, so don’t worry; I’m used to it.) Try one of my favorites, Liquidambar styraciflua (American sweet gum), Metasequoia glyptostroboides (dawn redwood) or Verbascum thapsus (mullein). Although often referred to as “Latin names,” botanical names are of Latin and Greek origin. Since Latin is a dead language, many claim there is no officially correct way to pronounce it. I’ve heard many times that however you choose to say a plant name, say it with confidence and you may have others
Mahonia repens shows its cheerful yellow flowers. This shade-loving plant grows well in dry conditions and brightens the forest floor with its spring flowers and brilliant red and purple fall and winter leaves. 20 June 2011
• L earn the translation of botanical names at Glossary_of_Botanical_Names#R.
questioning their pronunciations. But truly, the best reason to become familiar with the botanical names of the plants you love is for effective communication. A lot of confusion is bypassed when botanical names are used. Take Galium for example. Species of this genus are found in places all around the globe. And in each of those different cultures there is a different common name for the plant. In the U.S., I have heard it has 60 common names including bedstraw, cleavers and sweet woodruff. However, worldwide there is only one botanical name for the genus, Galium. If you travel and talk gardens with anyone who knows botanical names, it is remarkable what can be communicated when you also know the botanical names of your favorite genera (plural form of “genus”). Just like making friends with neighbors by sharing seeds over the fence, knowing a language for plants we have in common with others and talking gardening with people who seem so different from us can help bridge the gap and bring us together. One more great reason for learning botanical names is that they can tell you things about the plant, some of which will help you better care for it. Plant species can look different and still be
part of the same genus (a broader designation than species). Often plant species that are in the same genus share the same cultivation requirements, as is the case with Mahonia aquifolium and Mahonia repens. Both go by the common name Oregon grape, so the botanical names are helpful to tell the nursery which one you’ve come to purchase. Mahonia aquifolium grows 3 to 6 feet tall (aquifolium means “holly-like leaves”). Our native broadleaf evergreen, Mahonia repens, grows a foot or two high (repens means “creeping”). So, this summer and fall as you go to the nursery, enjoy your own gardens and talk with friends about your prize plants and garden successes, do yourself a favor and start to notice, think about and ask about the foreign-looking botanical names. After a while the feeling of foreignness will fade, and they will become as familiar and comfortable as the names of your best friends. Eve Gilmore is a garden coach, consultant and designer with Gardens by Eve, LLC, in Durango. Follow her blog at
Love gardening? Read
previous gardening columns at Click on Gardening.
Smart Money
Make the right money moves to help pay for college BY DIANNA TROYER
Unlike most undergraduate students in the United States, Channing Francis has no worries about how to pay for college. He attends Berea College in Kentucky, where each of the 1,500 students receives a full-tuition scholarship for four years. The amount students are required to pay for room, board and books varies, depending on family income, and is paid for with grants, loans, personal savings and on-campus jobs. “It’s amazing and wonderful that I’ll be graduating with minimal debt,” said Francis, a sophomore business administration major from the small town of Salyersville, Kentucky. “I can’t imagine going anywhere else.” A handful of other colleges and U.S. military academies offer full tuition scholarships. A few years ago, several Ivy League universities started offering free tuition to qualified students from families with annual incomes of $60,000 or less. But for most high school seniors, paying for college can be a daunting financial dilemma. The average annual price for tuition, room, board and books at public institutions was estimated at $11,578 and $29,915 at private institutions for the 2007–08 academic year, according to the U.S. Department of Education. To pay for that, 66 percent of all undergraduates received some type of financial aid in 2007–08.
While college is expensive, it still can be affordable with grants, loans and scholarships. The first step in applying for financial aid is to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, which can be found on the Internet at, and to talk to a financial aid officer. “The greatest asset in saving for college is time,” said Mark Kantrowitz, an author and national expert who has testified before Congress about financial aid issues. “The earlier the better.” While some parents contribute to a 529 College Savings Plan or Coverdell Education Savings Account, which provide tax-deferred earnings to pay for college, Kantrowitz advises students to supplement a parental contribution and personal savings by applying for scholarships. “When applying for scholarships, you must be persistent, thorough and organized,” he emphasized. In addition to his books, Kantrowitz publishes two websites, and, which maintain a large scholarship database and answer financial aid questions. He suggests keeping information in folders or a notebook, knowing the deadlines and focusing on the detailed requirements of each scholarship. “Don’t become discouraged, either,” he [continued on page 22]
Prospestive Students
Win a Kindle Send your name, age, address, phone number and email and you’ll be entered in our drawing for a Kindle. You’ll also receive information from the advertisers in this education section. ENTER NOW Put “Student Contest” in the subject line. Or send your information to Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington St. Denver, CO 80216 June 2011 21
Smart Money [continued from page 21]
said. “it’s a numbers game, and you’re often competing against equally qualified peers, so the more often you apply, the greater your chances of winning a scholarship.” Unusual scholarships also are available. For example, a $3,000 scholarship is awarded to a student who designs the best prom outfit made of duct tape ( Other scholarships are awarded to students surviving cancer ( or who have other health issues. Electric cooperatives often award scholarships, too. When it comes to loans, Kantrowitz suggests borrowing from federal loan programs because the terms are better than private loans. He also suggests parttime work-study during college years, 15 hours a week or less, to pay out-of-pocket expenses. Summer internships are an additional potential source of income and can lead to a full-time job after graduation. 22 June 2011
Bottom line: There are many ways to pay for a college education, ways that don’t have to mean crippling debt for decades after graduation. Savings, scholarships, smart loans and forward-thinking can make education financing an easier burden to bear.
HOW TO GET SMART MONEY Here are five more websites that offer financial aid advice: • • www.studentloanborrower • • •
SPECIALIZED TRAINING OFFERED IN RURAL COLORADO Students searching for schools and training often turn their sights on the big city. But Colorado offers some great training and outstanding colleges far from the Front Range. One example is the Law Academy at Otero Junior College in La Junta in southeastern Colorado. This small, but well-respected school offers students interested in becoming police officer and/or deputy sheriffs a place to train that emphasizes working in rural communities. The program is open to students 21 years and older and has two sessions each year — one starting in August and one starting in January. For more information on this program, visit http:// or call 719-384-6867. June 2011 23
Drew Voos holds a typical “ice out” Delaney Buttes rainbow trout.
A Fisherman’s Pilgrimage
When it’s “ice out” on lakes, the fish are biting BY DENNIS SMITH
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[] 24 June 2011
Fly-fishing “ice out” on the sagebrush lakes of northern Colorado is a ritual considered by some to be the angler’s equivalent of a pilgrimage to the promised land. In other words, it’s a big deal. At no other time of year are you as likely to see pods of monster trout cruising the shallows of Lake John or the three Delaney Buttes Lakes as you are in the days immediately surrounding the weeklong recession of ice from their frozen shores. Weather permitting, that is. Stories of slab-sided trout weighing up to 8 or 10 pounds abound, and occasionally some are even caught. Catching one is no walk in the park — this is North Park we’re talking about, a region that’s as notorious for its nasty weather as it is famous for its big, fat trout. On any given spring day you could be subjected to balmy blue skies and blinding sun or heavy, black overcast skies, rain, sleet, snow, howling winds, and temperature swings that bounce up and down like a ping-pong ball. If you fish North Park at ice out, you hope for the best, prepare for the worst and wisely expect both. You carry sunscreen in one pocket of your wading jacket and a couple of those nifty little chemical hand warmers in the other. The operative theory here is that as the ice cap pulls back from the shorelines, sunlight warms the exposed shallows, stirring dormant insects, crustaceans and other aquatic organisms to life, and the trout move in
to feed on the new spring menu. Conventional wisdom calls for anglers to stalk the banks quietly, offering a variety of possible goodies including fly patterns that mimic midge pupae, scuds, crawfish, caddis larvae, leeches or small minnows. The trout are hungry, but they’re no fools; pattern and presentation have to be spot on. Luck helps immensely. Earlier this year, my friends Steve Armstrong and Drew Voos made the pilgrimage again for the third straight year, arriving on East Delaney Buttes Lake at about 9:30 a.m. to find 20 yards of open water around the perimeter of the lake, clear blue skies and relatively warm, 40-degree temperatures. Surprisingly, there were few other anglers. They stalked the shoreline and seeing no fish, resigned themselves to working the ice shelf, casting small leech patterns, midge pupae and other standard spring fare. Eventually, a fish grabbed Voos’s leech and after a hectic struggle, he had one of Delaney’s mythical big, fat rainbows in his net. It looks like an easy 6-, or maybe even a 7-pounder in the picture, but I’m just guessing. Voos didn’t include any details. When he sent me the photo, he just said, “Finally.”
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Outdoor living can help efficiencies BY JAMES DULLEY
How can a deck be built to be an energy efficient and environmentally friendly addition to a home? Adding a deck to a house increases the home’s resale value and can be energy efficient in several ways. If having a deck allows your family to spend more time outdoors in summer months, then you should be able to set your thermostat higher during the time you’re outside. Also, if you are outdoors more often, you will become accustomed to the heat and will be more comfortable indoors without as much air-conditioning. A properly designed deck with a pergola or tall side wall facing south can also provide shade for a home, reducing heat absorbed from the sun. Building a vertical wall on the southwest side of the deck fosters effective shading and provides privacy. The simplest design uses standard posts covered by lattice. Planting climbing vines along the lattice enhances the cooling effect by natural transpiration. To block the sun from a more overhead direction, also install a pergola over the deck. In addition to saving energy, deck materials can include environmentally friendly choices. For the framing, engineered lumber can be used instead of standard solid 2 by 4 lumber. Pressure-treated wood is abundant and the least expensive material you can use. It also has the nicest appearance and feel on bare feet. Composite decking and polyvinyl chloride or PVC decking are two non-wood environmentally friendly options that resist stains and mildew. If a deck is exposed to the direct afternoon sun, light-colored composite decking should be selected to reduce the heat buildup and the heat radiated to house walls and windows.
For more information on energy use, visit coloradocountrylife. coop. Click on Energy Tips. June 2011 25
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CHAIR CANING, hand caning, machine caning, fiber rush caning. Pueblo West, 719-547-0723. (858-10-11) TWO FANTASTIC ANTIQUE SHOPS in Elbert, Colorado; Dancing Wolf Gallery and Sonflower Gifts and Antiques. We carry a large selection of Victoriana, cowboy and Indian art, shabby chic, primitives, and furniture. Art by known and unknown artists. 4,550 sq. feet. Friendly and knowledgeable staff. Tues-Sat., 10-5, in downtown Elbert. 303-648-3292. (978-06-11)
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DISCOUNT DIET FOOD. Highest quality, lowest prices. Our plan or yours. (763-06-11)
DREADING YOUR SUMMER electric bills? Energy audits can help you identify areas to improve – ways to make your home more comfortable. www.ColoradoWindTurbines. com Chinook Energy, serving Colorado with reasonable energy audits, call to schedule 888-5201258, 970-520-1258 (968-06-11)
COMMERCIAL WEED AND FIRE spray equipment. 307-660-8563 or visit us at www.oldwyomingbrand (949-08-11) [continued on page 28]
Let Us Give You a
PUSH Call Kris at 303-902-7276 and advertise in MarketPlace. 26 June 2011
Get electric news at
Happpy Fa t her's Day Jun e 19 June 2011 27
[classifieds] TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD Please type or print your ad on a separate paper. Indicate how many months you would like your ad to run and which month to start. There is a minimum of 12 words at $1.63 per word/month. Be sure to include your full name and address for our records. Check MUST accompany this order or call to pay by credit card. Send your ad to: mail: Colorado Country Life 5400 N. Washington St., Denver, CO 80216 phone: 303-902-7276 fax: 303-455-2807 email:
SAWMILL EXCHANGE: North America’s largest source of used portable sawmills and commercial equipment for woodlot owners and sawmill operations. Over 800 listings. THE place to sell equipment. 800-459-2148 www.sawmill (267-09-11)
NEED A LOAN? Members Federal Credit Union can help with your Auto, Home, Credit Card, and more! Visit or e-mail (965-07-11)
JACK ROBERTS Original Oil Paintings. Collection of 10 large oils. Trappers and Indians motif. Grand Junction area. buckandgloria@ (962-07-11)
$400 WEEKLY ASSEMBLING PRODUCTS FROM HOME. Free information, send SASE: Home Assembly – CC, Box 450, New Britain, CT 06050-0450.
ART TEACHERS wanted for summer classes. Rocky Mountains. Call 941-623-3720. (892-08-11) AWARD WINNING LONG-ARM QUILTING — reasonable rates, quick turnaround. Karen Niemi, 303-470-9309, http://creative., (846-08-12) BOOKS, PATTERNS, CLASSES, knitting, dyeing, felting, crocheting, weaving, spinning. www.table Colorado Springs, 866-495-7747 (791-11-11)
FREE BOOKS/DVDS. Soon the “Mark of the Beast” will be enforced as Church and State unite! Let the Bible reveal. The Bible Says, POB 99, Lenoir City, TN 37771. 888-211-1715. (814-08-11)
GRAND LAKE, CO., ARTS ON PARK AVE., 1117 Park Ave. Art classes. Kids $20, ceramics $10 ea., paint & frame $10. Adults: watercolor $40, oil $75, acrylic $65, pastels $65, drawing $55, includes supplies. 970-531-0139 Karen Norberg (892-08-11)
RODEO ROOTS to Modern-Day Cowboys is a western book that makes a great gift for eastern friends. $15. Call 303-455-4111 to order one today. (106-12-11)
HEALTH INSURANCE, individual or farm and ranch, watts.david@ 720-200-3138 ext 150, 1-866-499-7076 ext 150. (915-09-11) 28 June 2011
BEE REMOVALS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS, jack of all trades. Northern & central Colorado. Scott, 970-581-0400. (975-09-11)
OREO CATTLE. Black Belted Galloways. Loveland, CO. Registered and crossbred. 970-667-5333. Donaten@ (694-08-11)
PUT YOUR OLD HOME MOVIES, slides or photos on DVD. 888-6099778 or (465-12-11)
IF YOU HAVE ANIMAL PROBLEMS/ disputes, give me a call.www.Peta. org 719-248-6546 (970-06-11)
FREE – 5 EXOTIC CHICKS or 3 ducks with 100 frypan special @ $35.95 plus shipping. Also Cornish Cross, standard breeds, fancy chicks, ducks, geese, turkeys, bantams, guineas, pheasants, quail, supplies, video. FREE COLOR CATALOG 417-532-4581. Cackle Hatchery – PO Box 529, Lebanon, MO 65536. www. (876-07-11)
2 SPECIAL HARD-TO-FIND Northern CO properties: Call 24-hr hotline 1-800-229-7393. Unique home with office & handicapped accessibility – enter code 206. Small affordable horse property – enter code 203. Or call John Stegner 970-412-1657, New Era Realty. (937-06-11) 14 ACRES – RETIRE in southern Colorado. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage, out buildings. 4 miles east of East Spanish Peak, 505-323-4498. (967-06-11) 35-ACRE PARCELS, overlooking North Sterling Reservoir, ideal for custom home, exc. hunting, 970522-4600. (899-06-11) 1200 SF HOME, 900 sf studio, Main St., Mancos. Near Mesa Verde National Park, Durango. Reasonable offers considered. 970-375-4543. (979-06-11) APARTMENTS $299, RESTAURANT $750, 6 acres fenced $1250, Motel Baron, Roggen, 303-934-2677. (97609-11) ELIZABETH, 36.5 acres, agricultural, half mile north of Walmart. Will carry at 4% on $450,000 – 303-2493218. (977-09-11)
GRAND JUNCTION HORSE FARM, 3130 A 1/2 Rd, 3550+ sq. ft. home on 14 acres. Newly remodeled, new central air, new boiler, new water heater, new roof, half brick ranch w/new vinyl siding. 5 bdrm, 3 1/2 bath, living room, dining room, large kitchen, large family room. New carpet/tile/wood floors. Full horse barn w/indoor stalls & outside runs. All steel fencing, arenas, loafing sheds on large pastures. Additional fencing around home & inground heated pool. RV building (50x28’), two large ponds, etc. Ginny 970-260-9629, Terry 970-261-3001, (946-06-11) GRAND LAKE LAKEFRONT handhewn 5 BR log home and boathouse, $2,600,000, 713-8067478 (971-09-11) LAND WANTED — cash buyer looking to purchase 500-20,000 acres in Colorado. Will consider bail outs, foreclosures, joint ventures, condo/ commercial projects. Will close quickly. Call Joe @ Red Creek Land 719-543-6663. (648-08-11)
BECOME AN ORDAINED Minister by correspondence study. Founded in 1988. Free info. Ministers for Christ Outreach, PMB 207, 7549 W Cactus, #104, Peoria, AZ 85381. http://www. (441-06-11)
LAKE OR POND? Aeration is your 1st step toward improved water quality. Complete systems $199 to $369!! Waterfall? 7,000 gph super hi-efficiency waterfall pump, just 3 amps! $399.99! www.fishpond, 608-254-2735. (87912-11)
NFR & PBR RODEO TICKETS – Las Vegas. All seating levels available. Call 1-888-NFR-rodeo (1-888-6377633) or *BBB Member; Since 1990. (912-11-11)
DON’T BE CRABBY – BE WARM! Visit our rental in St. Croix, USVI, no passport needed, directly on the beach. Call 970-482-8999 or check out our website for pictures & info (951-07-11)
KAUAI VACATION RENTAL, 2bdr, full kitchen. Minutes from beaches. $600/wk. 808-245-6500;; kauaiweddings. com. (756-05-12)
I WILL BUY YOUR German daggers, helmets and other military items. Don Simmons, PO Box 4734, Springfield, MO 65808, 417-8815645. (470-06-11) MOTORCYCLE OR DIRT BIKE --running or needing work okay. 970-554-1627 (959-06-11) NAVAJO RUGS, old and recent, native baskets, pottery. Tribal Rugs, Salida. 719-539-5363, b_inaz@ (817-10-11) OLD COWBOY STUFF–hats, boots, spurs, chaps, Indian rugs, baskets, etc. ANYTHING OLD! Mining & railroad memorabilia, ore carts! We buy whole estates. We’ll come to you! Call 970-759-3455 or 970-5651256. (871-09-11) OLD GAS AND OIL items: Gas pumps, advertising signs, globes, etc. Pieces, parts, etc. considered. Also 1932-34 Ford cars and trucks, parts and pieces too. Any condition. Brandon, 719-250-5721. (519-11-11) OLD MODEL AIRPLANE engines and parts. American, foreign. Call Don at 970-669-3418 (866-06-11) OLD POCKET WATCHES – working or non-working and old repair material. Bob 719-859-4209 (870-06-12) VINTAGE FISHING TACKLE. I buy rods, reels, lures, creels, etc. Call Gary at 970-674-9596 (960-07-11) WANT TO PURCHASE mineral and other oil/gas interests. Send details to: PO Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201. (402-02-12) WANTED: JEEP CJ OR WRANGLER. Reasonably priced. No rust buckets. 888-735-5337. (227-09-11) WE PAY CASH FOR minerals and oil/gas interests, producing and nonproducing. 800-733-8122. (227-09-11)
[funny stories] WEDDINGS
DO YOU WANT TO CREATE a magical, romantic, unforgettable wedding on the beach? The NEW Beach Wedding Planning Guide and Workbook shows you how. Download now at www.BeachWedding (106-12-11)
PLACE AN AD IN CLASSIFIEDS and watch your business grow OR get it sold! Call 303-902-7276 for more information.
2011 Hawaii Dream Vacation Raffle 7-night dream vacation includes roundtrip air for 2, lei greeting on arrival, luxury hotel & rental car. Send Checks for tickets to: Drawing October 12, Liz Fiddes 2011 at 6 p.m. % Colorado Rural Tickets are $10 each. Proceeds benefit: Washington, D.C., Youth Tour, Leadership Camp and the Employee Burn Fund
Electric Association 5400 N. Washington St. Denver, CO 80216
Send a self-addressed stamped envelope, and return address labels for each ticket purchased with phone number along with your check. (Make checks payable to CWTF Raffle.)
While writing out end-of-the-year teacher thank-you cards, I transcribed what my grandson wanted to write so that he could copy the words onto each card. I then asked him if he wanted to sign the card with “love” or just Toby. He said he wanted to write just Toby. Imagine my surprise when I went to put the cards in their envelopes and saw that he’d signed each card “Just Toby.” Rhonda Conner, Hillrose • I s it true that they call the street where three psychiatrists live the mental block? •N ow there’s a list of the 10 most neurotic people. It’s called the Best-Stressed List. Patty Spellman, Yuma My grandson Rylan and I were visiting the mall when we saw some kiddie rides that cost $1 each to ride. Rylan begged, “Grannie, can I ride one of those?” “No, I’m sorry, but I don’t have a dollar to spend on that,” I replied. Rylan looked disappointed and shuffled over to a mother and child and said, “Excuse me, do you have a dollar?” Horrified, I corrected him, telling him it was impolite to ask other people for money. With a surprised and confused look he said, “But Grannie, I said, excuse me.” Ann Clark, Durango
My grandson liked to sit on my lap and have stories read to him. One day after reading the story of Noah’s ark and how Noah led pairs of animals to safety in the ark before the world flooded he looked up at me and asked, “Grandpa, you look pretty old. Were you in Noah’s ark?” Surprised, I said, “No, I wasn’t on the ark.” And then he asked, “Then how come you didn’t drown when the flood came?” Anonymous
We pay $15 to each person who submits a funny story that’s printed in the magazine. At the end of the year, we draw one name from those submitting jokes and that person will receive $150. Send your 2011 stories to Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington St., Denver, CO 80216 or email June 2011 29
“Flora” by sculptor Jo Hess
Enjoy a sunny Colorado day surrounded by art at the Benson Sculpture Garden at 2908 Aspen Drive in Loveland. Stroll along the meandering pathways of this unique outdoor setting and happen upon 131 pieces of sculpture permanently on display. You’ll find comical frogs, prancing horses, mischievous children, wizened old men, abstract shapes and so much more. For more information or a park guide featuring images of each sculpture, call 970-663-2940. You’ll also find information at
Remote Backcountry
Among the best kept secrets of experiencing Colorado’s rugged outdoors in comfort are the yurts in State Forest State Park west of Fort Collins. The State Forest encompasses 71,000 Among thejagged best kept oflakes experiencing Colorado’s outdoors acres of forest, peakssecrets and alpine along the west side of therugged Medicine Bow in comfort are the yurts in State Forest State Park west of Fort Collins. The Mountains and on the north end of the Never Summer Range. State Forest encompasses 71,000 acres Hidden in those vast acres are cozy yurts for of forest, jagged alpine overnight stays. These peaks tent-likeand canvas and lakes. wood Located along the west side of thesecure, Medistructures built high on a wood deck offer cine Bow Mountains and on the north private refuge. of theaNever Range,visit thewww. park end To reserve yurt forSummer your adventure, is home to moose and other wildlife and or call 970-723-4070. crisscrossed with miles of trails.
[The Pull of Wool] For those who love the texture of fine fiber, whether it is sheep, alpaca, llama or rabbit, the Estes Park Wool Market will be the place to be June 9-12. Home to one of the largest all-natural fiber markets in North America, the fairgrounds at Stanley Park in Estes Park will be teeming with activity. There will be two days of workshops leading up to the market. The public is welcome to view the competitions and exhibits, including the children’s activities, Saturday and Sunday, June 11-12. For information, visit www.estesnet. com/events or call 970-586-6104. 30 June 2011
[Mountain Theater] Ready for some engaging, live theater in a beautiful mountain setting? Then discover the Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre in Grand Lake and enjoy your time in Colorado’s high country. This new, state-of-the-art, 297-seat theater opens June 10 with the first of three musicals that will fill the stage through August. “Beauty and the Beast” is the opening performance. “Guys and Dolls” follows the next weekend and “Chess The Musical” opens July 1. (“Almost Heaven: The Songs of John Denver” opens in the fall.) These productions are the latest in a long list of stage performances in Grand Lake. Today’s gorgeous, new facility traces its beginnings to 1966 when The Troupe of American College Players launched its first summer season in the tiny historic tourist town of less than 1,000 at the west entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. The troupe stayed through 1979 before it moved on to more populated climes. But the town was hooked on musical theater and The Grand County Theatre Association was formed. Performances continued with various groups and in 1989 the town convinced the original company to return. Up until this year, the performances continued in the picturesque log cabin theatre on the main street in Grand Lake. This June the company moves to its larger $5 million log facility, paid for through local supporters and fundraising efforts. For tickets or information, visit www. or call 970-627-3421.