Colorado Country Life KC May 2012

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[May 2012]



May 2012 [departments]


4 Viewpoint

14 Weathering the Storm

5 Letters 6 Calendar 7 Co-op News 12 NewsClips 29 Funny Stories 30 Discoveries

16 Sisters On the Fly

Help to deliver the electric co-op message to lawmakers

Natural disasters leave a host of safety issues in their wake Nostalgic trailers and camping comraderie




Funny Stories



20 Recipes

Cast iron cooking perfected with practice and lots of love

22 Gardening

Restore environmental balance with permaculture

24 Outdoors

Fish and anglers get fired up for mayfly fever this month

25 Energy Tips

A clean air conditioner helps keep things cool around the house





Becky Clarke in front of her restored trailer the Twisted Sister. Photo by David Foxhoven, COMMUNICATIONS STAFF: Mona Neeley, CCC, Publisher/Editor@303-455-4111; Donna Wallin, Associate Editor; • Amy Higgins, Administrative Assistant/Writer; ADVERTISING: Kris Wendtland@303-902-7276; NCM@800-626-1181

The official publication of the Colorado Rural Electric Association || Volume 43, Number 05

OFFICERS: Bob Bledsoe [ Tri-State] President; Bill Midcap [Fort Morgan] Vice President; Don Kaufman [Sangre de Cristo] Secretary; Jack Schneider [Poudre Valley] Treasurer; Kent Singer [CREA] Executive Director BOARD OF DIRECTORS: John Porter [Empire]; Don McClaskey [Grand Valley]; Jim Lueck [Highline]; Michael Glass [Holy Cross]; Dan Mills [K.C.]; Tom Compton [La Plata]; Stan Cazier [Mountain Parks]; B.D. Paddock [Mountain View]; Joseph Costa, Reg Rudolph [San Isabel]; Mike Rierson, [San Luis Valley]; Marcus Wilson, Kevin Ritter [San Miguel]; Mark Grasmick [Southeast]; Jim Jaeger, Ron Asche [United Power]; Bill Jordan [ White River]; Stuart Travis [ Y-W ]; Charles

Perry [Yampa Valley]; Basin Electric, CoBank, Moon Lake Electric, Wheatland Electric [Associate Members] EDITORIAL: Denver Corporate Office, 5400 N. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216; Phone: 303-455-4111 • Email: • Website: • Facebook: Colorado Country Life • Twitter: @COCountryLife Colorado Country Life (USPS 469-400/ISSN 1090-2503) is published monthly for $9/$15 per year by Colorado Rural Electric Association, 5400 N. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216. Periodical postage paid at Denver, Colorado. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216 Publication of an advertisement in Colorado Country Life does not imply endorsement by any Colorado rural electric cooperative or the Colorado Rural Electric Association. Editorial opinions published in Colorado Country Life magazine shall pertain to issues affecting rural electric cooperatives, rural communities and citizens. The opinion of CREA is not necessarily that of any particular cooperative or individual.


It’s Time to Get Involved

You as a member-owner can help deliver the electric co-op message to lawmakers BY KENT SINGER || CREA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR || KSINGER@COLORADOREA.ORG


Energy news is everywhere — the front page of The Denver Post, headlining, on magazine covers and, probably, in your local newspaper as well. Energy, its generation, its resources, its cost, has taken center stage in our political debate. That’s good since the stakes are high in this discussion. But the stakeholders are many and so are the points of view. It is imperative that electric co-ops have a voice in this discussion. That makes now the best possible time to expand and inform the grassroots network of electric cooperative supporters in Colorado and across the United States. It is even more important as redistricting and reapportionment have changed the look of our voting districts. Electric co-op member-owners outside urban areas have fewer elected officials representing their concerns. That means electric member-owners must do all they can to ensure that their voices are heard. To help that cause, Colorado’s electric co-ops, with the support of the Colorado Rural Electric Association, are participating in various efforts to amplify the voices of rural Colorado. These include Get Out the Vote programs, candidate forums and support for candidates in both parties provided without using ratepayer money. We want to ensure that Colorado’s electric co-ops have supporters in Denver and Washington, D.C. And we want to make sure that those supporters in government understand our issues. Recently, 80 Colorado cooperative representatives traveled to Washington, D.C., to learn more about how to help individual co-op members

become involved in issues that will affect what they pay for their electricity. During three days of meetings, those attending took a serious look at what co-ops do well and where improvement is needed in expanding the grassroots network needed to get the co-op message to lawmakers. Kent Singer The goal is simple for electric co-ops: We need our members engaged in preserving our mission of providing affordable and reliable energy to rural parts of the state. Should we choose to sit idly, rest assured that other organizations will be working diligently to preserve their interests. Politics is a zero sum game. That means that for every winner there is a loser. All of Colorado’s electric cooperative member-owners need to step up and get involved.

There are several ways you as an electric co-op member-owner can participate. First, attend your annual meeting. You will have the opportunity to get to know the staff and managers at your local electric cooperative and to understand how your co-op is run. After you become familiar with your electric cooperative, begin taking that message to your friends and neighbors. Talk about the importance of affordable and reliable energy whenever you get the opportunity.

Next, sign up for Our Energy, Our Future ( This important program will alert you when the most critical issues are being voted on in Denver and Washington, D.C. From time to time we will ask you to contact your local elected official with a specific message. Finally, help support those Democrat and Republican candidates running for office who support the electric cooperative mission. You can do this by joining Co-op Owners for Political Action. Co-op Owners for Political Action is a way to join the national political action committee (*Action Committee for Rural Electrification®) that supports candidates who support electric cooperatives. A small monetary contribution to the political action committee allows electric cooperative member-owners to shape the conversation in Denver and Washington, D.C., on the energy front. Check with your local electric co-op on how to best increase your involvement. If each one of us just takes a little time and effort, we can ensure that our voice is amplified. With all of us working together we are better able to carry our message to lawmakers in Denver and all the way to Washington, D.C. It’s time to get involved.

Executive Director

*Contributions to the NRECA Action Committee for Rural Electrification® (ACRE®) are not tax deductible. Contributions to ACRE are voluntary and will be used for political purposes. You have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Any contribution guidelines presented are merely suggestions. You are free to contribute more or less than the suggested amounts, or not at all. NRECA will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount contributed or a decision not to contribute. Federal election law prohibits corporate contributions. 4 May 2012


Tesla Art Our son, who is a graphic art major, did this charcoal drawing of Nikola Tesla. Sandy Williams, Grand Junction

Tesla Tidbits Tesla has a connection to the Chevy Volt. Compact Power, Inc., a Monument company that Mountain View Electric Association headquartered in Limon sponsored and which set the electric car record during the 2002 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb, did the pioneering work on the Chevrolet Volt lithium-ion battery pack. In 2005, CPI moved to Detroit and got the General Motors contract for the Volt battery. The motor in the race car was an alternating current induction motor almost identical to the one in the new Tesla Roadster. Nikola Tesla would immediately recognize it as “his” motor. Both the motor used in the Roadster and the battery pack used in the Volt have deep roots in the Colorado Springs area. I think the famous inventor would be pleased. Dan Rivers, Monument

Thanks for sharing “The Genius of Tesla” (February 2012). Unfortunately, his lab and equipment didn’t survive after his departure in 1905. Who could blame the citizens at that time for defining Tesla’s work and lab as bizarre, when it resulted in claims of broadcasting audio and video through the earth’s atmosphere? Being able to tap energy from the sun for electricity? Electrical circuits in computers that would “think for mankind?” Impossible! John Hart, Fraser

Send your letter to the editor by mail or email. You must include your name and address to be published. Letters may be edited. May 2012 5


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[May] May 10 Pueblo Bettman & Halpin concert Sangre de Cristo Arts Center 7:30 pm • sangredecristoarts. org May 11-12 Denver Colorado Chocolate Festival Denver Merchandise Mart

May 19 Grand Lake Gardeners’ Exchange Grand Lake Community House 12-4 pm • 970-627-3055 May 19 Greeley Taj Mahal concert Union Colony Civic Center 7:30 pm • May 19 Pagosa Springs Car Show Historic Lewis Street 8 am-4 pm • 970-264-2360

May 11 Mancos Mancos Valley Chorus concert May 19 Mancos Methodist Church Trinidad 7 pm • mancosvalleychorus. Armed Forces Day Parade org Main Street 11 am • May 12 Black Forest May 20 Park fundraiser dinner Durango La Foret Taste of Durango 6 pm • 719-495-9831 Main Avenue 11 am-3 pm • tasteofdurango. May 12 com Durango Plant sale May 25 Santa Rita Park Denver 9 am • 970-759-8775 Family Fun Night Denver Botanic Gardens May 12 Fort Collins Spring Plant Sale May 25 Gardens on Spring Creek Durango 9 am-4 pm • 970-416-2486 Community Heritage Awards celebration May 12 Bar-D Chuckwagon Granby 5:30 pm • 970-259-2402 Lions Club document shredder service May 26 Ace Hardware Colorado Springs 9 am-12 pm • fraservalley Behind-the-Scenes tour Cheyenne Mountain Zoo 10 am-3 pm • 303-866-4686 May 13 Pueblo May 26-28 Free admission for moms Durango Pueblo Zoo Iron Horse Bicycle Classic Downtown Durango May 19 Durango May 26 Choral performance Georgetown Durango Arts Center Railroad & Mining Days Pack 5:30 pm • durangochoral Burro Race Georgetown to Empire 10 am • 720-234-8200 6 May 2012

May 28 Colorado City 30th Birthday Celebration Colorado City Cemetery 9 am • 719-676-3000 May 28 Howard Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast Howard Fire Station 7:30-10:30 am • 719-942-4213 May 30 Durango Golf With Grace golf tournament Glacier Club 10 am • May 30 Grand Lake “Riding, Roping & Ranching” exhibit opening Kauffman House Museum 970-627-9644

[ June] June 1 Creede “The Drowsy Chaperone” performance Creede Repertory Theatre 7:30 pm • June 1-30 Fraser Digital landscape photography showing Fraser Valley Library 970-726-5689 • June 1 Georgetown Public tour opening day Hotel de Paris Museum 10 am • hoteldeparismuseum. org June 1 Littleton Free admission day Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield June 1-3 Pueblo Bluegrass at the Fair Colorado State Fairgrounds

June 2 Elizabeth ElizaBash and Stampede Parade Main Street 10 am-3 pm • 303-646-4287 June 2-3 Howard Chili Cook-Off Howard Fire Station 9 am • 719-942-4213 June 2 Westcliffe Fine Art Calendar Reception 3rd Street Gallery June 5-30 Historic Palmer Lake Spring Art Show and Sale Tri-Lakes Center for the Arts June 9-10 Durango Quilt Show and Sale Fort Lewis College Ballroom 970-533-7454 June 9 Virginia Dale Open house and craft show Virginia Dale Community Club 9 am-4 pm • 970-568-7646

SEND CALENDAR ITEMS TWO MONTHS IN ADVANCE TO: Calendar, Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington St., Denver, CO 80216; fax to 303-4552807; or email calendar@


[Country News] [what’s inside] n 2012 Meter Reading Schedules n Notice of Annual Meeting n Honor Electrical Safety Month n Do Energy Star Appliances Really

Save You Money? n The Country Kitchen n Irrigation Meter Reading HUGO OFFICE P.O. Box 8 Hugo, CO 80821-0008 STRATTON OFFICE P.O. Box 285 Stratton, CO 80836-0285 HUGO ADDRESS 422 Third Avenue Hugo, CO 80821 STRATTON ADDRESS 281 Main Street Stratton, CO 80836 719-743-2431 [Hugo] 719-348-5318 [Stratton] [web] BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kevin Penny [president] Robert Bledsoe [vice president] Terry Tagtmeyer [secretary/treasurer] Danny Mills [asst. secretary/treasurer] James Lewis [director] Jim Michal [director] Luanna Naugle [director] Dave Ritchey [director] Marvin Thaller [director]



Spring is in the air. With the advent of warmer weather, outdoor activity is increasing — preparing gardens, planting trees and so forth. If you are one of the industrious souls throwing dirt around and digging holes, then know there are rules to follow. Some utilities have lines underground and need to be notified before digging commences. How do you contact all of the companies? It’s easy. The Federal Communications Commission approved the use of 8-1-1 as a national call-before-you-dig telephone number. For example, if you call in Colorado, you will be connected to the Utility Notification Center of Colorado. If you call from another state, you will be connected to its utility one-call center. All you have to remember is 8-1-1. Do you have to call before you excavate? Yes, you must call before you dig. Once connected, you will be asked for the following information: primary phone number, caller name and company name,

email address or fax number, alternate contact and phone number, work to be completed, work type, the county and city, address or street of the excavation, the nearest street or road intersection and the distance between the address and the nearest intersection. This seems like a lot of information, but it is necessary for the utility to properly mark its lines. After the one-call is made, the utility has two working days, not including the day of the call, to mark the lines. If there are lines underground in the area, then they will be marked with the respective utility color (electricity is red, natural gas is yellow, etc.). The locate marks are only valid for 30 days and another call must be made if excavation has not begun for that particular area within that time frame. (Darlene Witzel, #1109350001) The point of this is to reduce utility service interruptions and injury to the excavator. So, make the call and happy digging.

STAFF Tim Power [general manager] Chance Briscoe [office manager] Ben Orrell [member services specialist] Paul Norris [line superintendent] May 2012 7

[Country News]



At the time of writing this article K.C. Electric has installed about 1,300 new meters that allow for reading meters from the K.C. Electric office. These new meters will impact the reading dates for K.C. Electric read meters and will eliminate the requirement of self-read accounts to submit readings. For the rural three-phase accounts (such as irrigation and oil wells) in Kit Carson County, the new meters will be automatically read on the last day of the month at midnight. Until such time as a new meter is installed in Cheyenne County, the previously published manual readings will still apply (May 31, July 2, August 1 and 30, September 27, October 30 and 31, November 28 and 29). (*WIN, Dale Slinger, #1101690000) For rural self-read accounts (such as residential and small commercial) in Kit Carson County, a new meter should be installed during April or May. Prior to installation, the lineman will attempt to contact the member to let him or her know the

power will be temporarily disconnected. If the lineman is unsuccessful contacting the member, then a bright yellow door tag will be left so the member knows the meter exchange has occurred. Once the contact has been made or you see the yellow door tag it will no longer be necessary to read your meter and send in the reading. These new meters will be read automatically on the last day of the month at midnight. The accounts in Cheyenne, Lincoln and Kiowa counties will be notified once deployment of new meters is planned in those areas. New meter deployment is not yet scheduled for the town residential and town commercial accounts. Prior to meter exchanges being conducted in the towns served by K.C. Electric, we will communicate to you the planned changes to the meter reading schedule. (J.H. Bar Ranch, #1105790000) If you have any questions about meter reads, please contact the Hugo office at 719-743-2431 or the Stratton office at 719-348-5318.



K.C. Electric is gearing up for the annual meeting. The meeting this year will be held in Kit Carson, at Kit Carson High School. The date is June 7, 2012. Registration will commence at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting will start at 7 p.m. Mountain Daylight-Saving Time. To elect one member to the board of directors from Cheyenne County, Colorado to serve for a term of three years and to elect two members to the board of directors from Kit Carson County, to serve for a term of three years. In addition, the board will receive reports and consider and transact any and all business which may properly come before a regular annual meeting of the members of K.C. Electric. There will be many opportunities to win door prizes and there will be a grand prize of $1,500 cash. Member must be present to win. If the person whose name is called is not present to win the $1,500, then five names will be drawn from the names of those in attendance and each will win $100. Following the meeting there will be homemade pies, coffee, tea and a time for visiting and renewing old friendships. Come join us and be part of the governance of your co-op. 8 May 2012

Honor Electrical Safety Month


Every May, we celebrate Electrical Safety Month. It’s a time when we place a spotlight on ways we keep you, our members, safe. This year, we’re focusing on how to keep safe after a storm rolls through. No matter the type of weather or damage to electrical equipment and infrastructure, resulting safety hazards are generally the same. To stay safe after a major storm or natural disaster strikes, K.C. Electric urges you to develop a family action plan. Designate a place for everyone to meet after an event. Map out ways to evacuate your home. Create a laminated card with emergency contact names and numbers for each family member. Consider listing a relative or friend who lives far from your community as the point of contact — if your family gets separated, that person can let others know who is safe. And don’t forget to include pets in your family action plan. Many rescue shelters

will not accept pets after a catastrophe, so it’s important to decide beforehand where Fido or Tabby can take up residence while you get your affairs in order. It’s not difficult to understand why safety remains a top priority for K.C. — working around electricity is a life-ordeath situation every day for many K.C. Electric employees. As a result, K.C. Electric works hard to instill a culture of safety that employees can take home and utilize on a daily basis. We also strive to raise safety awareness among our members. Look for safety tips in Colorado Country Life each month, and check for more information. Pledge to honor Electrical Safety Month by fashioning an emergency action plan for your family today. Learn more about weathering storms safely at

[Country News] Do Energy Star Appliances Really Save You Money?



Most of us have probably at least heard about Energy Star appliances, but have you ever wondered if they are efficient enough to pay for themselves? I recently had a unique opportunity to find answers to some of these questions firsthand. Bear in mind this is not a scientific study, but in my opinion it is extremely reliable because it comes right from a consumer’s pocketbook. One of K.C. Electric’s members said that her parents had just replaced every appliance in their home with Energy Star appliances. Wow! What an opportunity to compare Energy Star efficiency with older appliances just by looking at an electric bill. They purchased a 40-gallon water heater, a freezer, a refrigerator, a stove and oven, dishwasher and another refrigerator for the garage. (Actually they didn’t replace every appliance because they retained a freezer, which was also in the garage.) We waited two months and then compared the bills during the same months with the old appliances. The results were $30 less the first month and the second month was almost $50 less. Let’s use $40 as an average. If we use $450-$500 as an average cost per appliance, we come up with an overall cost of $2,700-$3,000. Using this study at face value, the appliances will pay for themselves in about a six-year period. If you save $40 per month, that is $480 per year; $480 savings a year times six years is $2,880. They also received rebates of $400 from the co-op and Tri-State Generation and Transmission. So, $2,880 plus $400 equals $3,280. Listed below is information about Energy Star appliances taken from the Energy Star website. The claims are obviously based on a much longer term study than the one I cited. Still it is rare to get to see the difference in a bill when every appliance is changed out. Our study did that. Every appliance comes with two price tags: what it costs to take it home and what it costs to operate and maintain it each month. Energy Star-qualified appliances

incorporate advanced technologies and use 10 to 50 percent less energy than standard appliances. From refrigerators to clothes washers, Energy Star-qualified appliances save energy, save money and help reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants at the source.


n Lower Utility Bills. Appliances account

for nearly 20 percent of the average household’s energy use. A comprehensive package of Energy Star-qualified appliances can save up to 25-30 percent a year in energy costs compared to standard appliances. n Improved Quality and Durability. Energy-efficient appliances often include quality components surpassing those found in standard appliances. These can result in fewer mechanical problems, longer equipment life and in many cases, extended warranties. n Enhanced Performance. Energy Starqualified appliances often outperform standard appliances due to improved design and advanced technologies. For instance, some Energy Star-qualified appliances include features that decrease operating noise, while others include technologies that reduce water use.


Energy Star-qualified refrigerators use up to 40 percent less energy than the conventional models sold in 2001 and at least 15 percent less energy than models built to current federal standards. These refrigerators feature high-efficiency compressors, improved insulation and more precise temperature and defrost mechanisms. Energy Star qualified freezers use at least 10 percent less energy than required by current federal standards. TIP: Leave space between the refrigerator and walls to allow air movement and brush (or vacuum) refrigerator or freezer coils regularly to maintain efficiency.

DISHWASHERS Energy Star qualified dishwashers use at least 41 percent less energy than the federal minimum standard for energy consumption. These dishwashers use “smart” features, such as effective washing action, energy-efficient motors and sensors that determine the necessary cycle length and water temperature. TIP: Use short wash cycles for everything but the dirtiest dishes. CLOTHES WASHERS Energy Star-qualified clothes washers use 40 to 50 percent less energy and about 55 percent less water than standard washers. As a result, you can expect to save up to $50 per year on utility and water bills, with additional savings from using less detergent. Most Energy Star-qualified washers extract more water during the spin cycle, providing further energy savings when using a clothes dryer because drying time will be shorter. Also, owners will see less wear and tear on clothes from front loading models, which do not need an agitator. TIP: Use the correct amount and type of detergent; too many bubbles will make the machine work harder than necessary. A BETTER FUTURE Energy Star is a voluntary partnership between the government and more than 9,000 organizations, including more than 3,500 of the nation’s home builders. Together with home buyers and their families, we are working to achieve a common goal — protecting the environment for future generations by changing to more energy-efficient practices and products today. Energy Star is the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency. It identifies new homes, buildings and more than 50 types of products that are energy efficient and offer the features, quality and performance that today’s consumers expect. Products that can earn the Energy Star include windows, heating and cooling equipment, lighting and appliances. To learn more about Energy Star, visit www. May 2012 9


Prep time: 25 minutes (Makes 10 servings) 1 pound fresh asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 package (10 ounces) fresh spinach, torn 2 cups fresh strawberries, sliced 1/2 cup chopped walnuts, toasted 1 /3 cup canola oil 3 tablespoons raspberry vinegar 1 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt Place asparagus in a foil lined 15- by 10- by 1-inch baking pan. Drizzle with olive oil and toss to coat. Bake uncovered at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until crisp yet tender, turning occasionally; cool. In a large bowl, combine asparagus, spinach, strawberries and walnuts. In a small bowl, whisk canola oil, vinegar, sugar and salt. Drizzle over salad and toss to coat. Serve immediately. (Thomas R. Herman, #1132520000) Ethel Ferris, Haswell

CLAIM YOUR CREDIT ON YOUR BILL Each month, K.C. Electric offers consumers a chance to earn a $10 credit on their next electric bills. If you recognize your 10-digit account number in this magazine, call 719-743-2431 and ask for your credit. It couldn’t be easier. In March, Floyd Weatherly of Flagler and Kraig Weaver of Burlington called to claim their savings and Phil Stolz of Bethune called to claim his prize. Get acquainted with your account number, read your Colorado Country Life magazine and pick up the phone. That’s all the energy you’ll need to claim your energy bucks. You must claim your credit during the month in which your name appears in the magazine (check the date on the front cover).


2 tablespoons flour 1 egg 1/4 cup milk 1 teaspoon salt 1 /8 teaspoon pepper 2 cups peeled, grated potatoes 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion Several tablespoons cooking oil In large bowl whisk together flour, egg, milk, salt and pepper. Pat potatoes dry. Stir potatoes and onion into egg mixture. In large nonstick skillet heat 2 tablespoons oil over medium heat. Pour in 1/4 cup pancake batter for each pancake. Cook 2 or 3 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Serve with applesauce if desired. Lila Taylor, Stratton



Nothing says versatile like duct tape. Be sure to include a roll in your home’s emergency kit. Other basic items you should include are: • Water — one gallon per person per day for at least three days, for drinking/sanitation • Food — at least a three-day supply of nonperishable food • Flashlight and extra batteries • First aid kit (Hugo Fire Department, #626400000) • Whistle to signal for help • Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation • Manual can opener for food • Cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger Visit and click on “Build A Kit” for more kit tips. 10 May 2012

Smart home landscaping can lower your electric bills. Trees on the east and west sides of your home provide shade and reduce your cooling costs during hot summer months. Shade your air conditioner and you can save 10 percent of your cooling costs. And by adding vegetation to the north side of your home, you can reduce winter winds that trigger higher heating costs. Find more ways to save at Together

IRRIGATION METER READING Irrigation meters will be read on the following dates: May 1-2, May 31 and July 2. February 2012 11


Coal Consumption Increases Overseas


Global coal demand has almost doubled since 1980, driven by increases in Asia, where demand is up over 400 percent through 2010. Asian demand is dominated by China where demand increased almost fivefold between 1980 and 2010 and accounted for 73 percent of Asia’s consumption and almost half of coal consumption globally in 2010. Meanwhile, North America’s share of global consumption has fallen from 18 percent to 14 percent in that same time period. While coal still provides about 45 percent of the electricity generated in the United States and about 70 percent of the electricity generated by Tri-State Generation and Transmission, Colorado’s electric co-op supplier, its share of the market is dropping. The government’s Energy Information Administration projects that coal consumption in the U.S. will drop between 7.6 percent and 10 percent in 2012.

Tri-State recently added a 272-megawatt combined cycle natural gas plant. Tri-State has also added electricity from a

30-megawatt solar facility in New Mexico and a 51-megawatt wind farm in eastcentral Colorado.



Electric co-op members often ask why their electric co-op charges a service fee. Sometimes it is called an availability charge or a facilities fee. That fee means that even if a member uses no electricity, he still owes the co-op money each month. And for many electric co-op members, that charge is going up. This fixed or basic charge covers the cost of providing the infrastructure that allows the co-op to deliver electricity to its members. The service availability charge needs to cover the cost of poles, wires, transformers and equipment needed to provide electric service. It also needs to cover fleet, facility and customer service functions, such as line maintenance, right-of-way clearing and general administrative responsibilities. It needs to cover all costs except the cost of actually buying the electricity. That cost is covered by the kilowatthour charge. 12 May 2012

For many years availability charges have not been high enough to cover the basic infrastructure costs. The kilowatt-hour charges were set to help cover the cost of poles, wires, personnel and other fixed costs. The more electricity a member used, the more that member paid toward those fixed costs. However, as co-ops promote energy efficiency, and members become more efficient, they use less electricity. There is less money being paid to cover those fixed costs that do not change whether 1 kWh is used or 100 kWhs are used. To stay financially viable, the electric co-ops need to recover the fixed costs through their availability charges. Each member still needs power poles, transformers and meters, no matter how much or how little electricity is used. The monthly fixed charge makes sure the electric co-op and its facilities are there to provide the electricity members need.


Sign Up to Follow CREA Executive Director’s Blog Interested in more information on what’s happening with Colorado’s electric coops? In the electric industry? Subscribe to Colorado Rural Electric Association Executive Director Kent Singer’s blog and receive regular updates on interesting meetings, programs and electric co-op activities. Go to coloradoreablog. and subscribe.

OVERHEAD VS. UNDERGROUND POWER LINES Last month, we asked readers how to resolve the conflict between wanting electricity and not wanting to see electric lines. It was an even split between those who appreciate their electricity and think power lines are a beautiful sight because of the power they bring and those who want all power lines buried no matter what the cost. There wasn’t much resolution. And here are a few more facts to add to the debate: • While underground lines are not susceptible to wind and ice, they are more susceptible to flooding damage. • While underground lines may not go down in wind storms, the above-ground transformers and switch boxes can still be damaged in storms causing an outage. • Underground outages generally take longer to find and longer to repair causing longer outages. • Burying power lines can cost up to 10 times as much as above-ground lines.

Safety, Environmental Awards Earned by Colorado’s Coal Mines


Two coal mines that supply coal to Colorado power plants recently earned awards for their safety and environmental programs. The awards, presented by the Colorado Mining Association in March, recognized both New Horizon Mine near Nucla and Colowyo Mine north of Meeker for incurring no-lost time incidents in 2011. For those distinctions and other safety efforts, the Colowyo Mine was the recipient of CMA’s Safest Surface Coal Mine Award and the New Horizon Mine was lauded for garnering CMA’s Excellence in Safety Award. In addition, both mines received CMA’s Environmental Stewardship Pollution Prevention Program Award for 2011. Both coal mines are owned by Western Fuels-Colorado, a 99 percent-owned subsidiary of Tri-State Generation and Transmission, which supplies electricity to 18 of Colorado’s 22 electric co-ops. The coal from these mines is used in nearby generating plants owned by Tri-State.

READER’S QUESTION What do you think of the idea promoted by some that electricity prices should be increased so that people will use less? Send your thoughts to info@ May 2012 13

WEATHERING THE STORM Natural disasters leave a host of safety issues behind BY MAGEN HOWARD


Floods. Wind. Rain. Ice. When Mother Nature wreaks havoc on power lines, a wake of hazards often follow. That makes safety a top priority for electric co-ops — and a key concern after a storm blows through. “Creating a culture of safety is incredibly important to electric co-ops because some of our employees face life-or-death situations daily,” says Mike Williams, director of safety training and loss control for the Colorado Rural Electric Association. “We also want to ensure the safety of those we serve, our members.” Every region of the country must deal with its own types of weather problems, but here’s a look at the most common storms that create safety issues for co-ops and consumers alike. Floods Last year, floods ravaged North Dakota. Water can turn an already tricky situation into a deadly one if you attempt to work with electrical equipment that’s wet or submerged. North Dakota electric co-ops lost precious infrastructure to creeping waters. Line workers had to come up with creative solutions to restore power that home owners and businesses needed to pump out water and make repairs. Because of the dangers at hand, co-ops urged members to exercise caution and call a licensed electrician before beginning clean up efforts. “Do not use electrical appliances that have been wet until they’ve been examined by a qualified service repair dealer,” recommends Brett Brenner, president North Dakota had serious of the Electrical flooding in the spring of 2011. Safety Foundation 14 May 2012

International. If high winds accompany the rains that produce the flood, downed power lines are a real possibility. ESFI urges flood victims to stay out of the water near power lines.

This building went down when high winds hit Colorado in November 2011.

TORNADOES AND HIGH WINDS A month or so before rainfall swelled North Dakota’s river systems, an historic series of tornadoes ripped through Alabama, leaving a wide swath of destruction in their wake — snapping poles like twigs and reducing transmission towers to heaps of twisted metal. Electric co-ops in the northern part of the state were completely dark last April. More recently here in Colorado, high winds wreaked havoc in south central Colorado last November. The strong winds uprooted huge trees and blew trees into power lines in Huerfano and Las Animas counties in San Isabel Electric’s territory, as well in rugged terrain in Sangre de Cristo Electric’s territory. Downed power lines pose the greatest electrical risk after a tornado or high winds because you can’t tell whether they are still energized. ESFI reports that if you suddenly realize you are too close to a downed power line, you should shuffle away

Ice, until it melts, continues to take down lines, which can pose a hazard as they lie across roads and driveways.

from it in small steps, with your feet together and touching the ground at all times. “You cannot tell whether a power line is hot just by looking at it,” Brenner cautions. “Always assume that downed power lines are live and keep at least 10 feet away from them and anything they are touching.” Another danger spawned after a prolonged power outage is increased use of portable generators, which can be deadly if misused. The easiest way to get hurt using a generator involves operating it too close to or even inside your home, which allows carbon monoxide fumes to filter throughout living areas. Most generators can emit deadly levels of carbon monoxide in a matter of minutes. In addition, if you plug your portable generator into a wall socket, it can threaten co-op line workers by producing “backfeed” that unexpectedly re-energizes power lines. “Backfeed is a serious and deadly issue for electric co-op line workers,” Williams stresses. “Portable generators should never be plugged into a home’s wall outlet, and permanent generators must have a transfer switch installed to prevent backfeeding.” Call your local electric cooperative if you plan to install a permanent emergency generator.

SNOW AND ICE Freezing rain and sleet, a common winter occurrence in most parts of the country, generally don’t cause many power outages if the frozen precipitation falls in small doses. But every so often a catastrophic blizzard or ice storm strikes that’s talked about for decades. In January 2009, a thick layer of ice coated roads, trees, power lines and poles across Kentucky after freezing rain poured down for 24 hours. This was the worst natural disaster to hit the Bluegrass State in recorded history. Hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians were left in the dark for days, some for weeks. Ice, until it melts, continues to destroy electric infrastructure after the actual weather has dissipated. If the initial blanket doesn’t snap power lines or cause tree branches to crack and fall onto wires, the weight of the ice will eventually pull down poles, knocking out power to more consumers. Heavy, wet snow results in many of the same problems: slow-

Always stay away from downed power lines and leave the repairs to the co-op line crews.

ing travel by line crews, snapping tree branches and dragging down power lines. Heavy snow and ice accompanied by high winds simply compound the troubles: wet conditions plus damaged equipment. “Ice or heavy snow can cause power outages that last for days on end, and it also keeps people homebound,” Williams says. “In turn, portable generators will see more use, which increases the need for caution. Learn about portable generator safety and follow the rules to the letter.”

Co-ops working hard Electric co-op employees work hard to restore power after severe weather events. Co-op line workers face the same hardships as the members they’re working for. But line crews will always continue to work until everyone’s lights come back on. Magen Howard writes for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, the Arlington, Virginia-based service arm of the nation’s 900plus electric cooperatives. May 2012 15

Traveling with

Sisters oN the Fly BY IRE NE R AWLINGS


he golden age of trailer travel, from the 1930s to the 1960s, was a time when Americans found it easier than ever to get away from it all while taking all the comforts of home with them. A new type of vacation was born that combined the

adventure and economy of camping without requiring that anyone really “rough it.” During the next four decades, however, people traveled almost exclu-

sively by plane, overflying the national parks and roadside attractions that were a part of their childhood memories. At the same time, motor campers for those who were driving became more utilitarian but less interesting as wood and aluminum gave way to molded plastic and vinyl. Now, Sisters on the Fly — the grown-up little girls who climbed way back when into the backs of those station wagons pulling the family’s Airstream on a cross-country adventure — are rescuing the vintage travel trailers from fields, ranches and farms. They are finding these relNancy Baum (Sister #697) cooks a batch of stickto-your-ribs grits for the group in her trusty Dutch oven. 16 May 2012

ics through want ads, in junkyards and on the Internet. They are restoring their finds to their original glory and creating comfortable spaces in which to make new travel memories.

Back to the beginning

The group was started in 1999 by Maurrie Sussman and Becky Clarke, two real-life sisters. It soon grew to a dozen women who met in Colorado, Wyoming and Montana for fly fishing. That dozen has grown to nearly 3,000 women, each with a vintage trailer and a story about the trailer’s history. The women range in age from 21 to 92. They are a diverse group — nurses, bookkeepers, kindergarten teachers, civil engineers, federal judges, bakers, pet sitters, artists, school bus drivers, small-business owners, housewives and mothers — from all parts of the United States and Canada (and there are even two dozen Sisters as far away as Australia). “Self-sufficient women from every walk of life” is how Kris Woody (Sister #30), a retired airline attendant, describes the Sisters. “Sometimes they start out that way, but more often they become self-sufficient after being Sisters for a while.” What do they have in common? Most like to fish. All like to shop and have fun. They are great cooks and love to eat. They adore their husbands and children but are comfortable being on their own. They feel safe together. Most of all they enjoy meeting new friends who, pretty soon, begin to feel like family. But not all of the Sisters are into fishing. Some simply enjoy buying old trailers — sometimes two or three — fixing them up, caravanning to a beautiful spot and camping under the stars with “a great bunch of women who are not afraid to get out and do things,” says Joyce Ufford (Sister #570). Sisters on the Fly members camp in groups of 10 or more on the Oregon coast, in the Smoky Mountains, on the great Midwestern plains, in the Ozarks, in the Shenandoah Valley, in Texas Hill Country, on Tybee Island and in the mountains of Colorado. They drive the two-lane back roads in a cowgirl caravan, and when they stop in the little towns everyone comes out to look at their whimsically decorated trailers. “There are nearly 200 Sisters on the Fly in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Nebraska and North and South Dakota — with the greatest number being from Colorado,” says Diane Smith (Sister #16), the proud owner of two vintage trailers. She lives in Fort Collins and is the “wrangler” for this seven-state region. “That means I get to welcome new Sisters and organize many of the activities in the Colorado area,” she says. (Sister adventures all across the country are listed and described on the website A favorite trip is the Junk Jaunt (September 28-30, 2012, The Sisters caravan across Colorado to North Platte, Nebraska, and then shop 300 continuous miles of flea markets, tag sales, school bake sales and church bazaars. They travel country roads and wander through 35 small towns with old-fashioned names like Alda, Cairo, Elyria and Hazard. They stay in local campgrounds or, with permission, in meadows and fields. They are invited to farm lunches and church suppers, and end up sharing recipes with newly made friends. And, of course, each Sister will also have found the perfect vintage accessories to show off in her trailer.

Sisters love campfires,

good food and friends

Treks with trailers Another favorite is the annual Rocky Mountain Hi (August 16-19, 2012) held in the historic ranching town of Steamboat Springs. Laine Perry O’Neal (Sister #1209), who lives part time in “the Boat,” has planned this event at the Steamboat Campground. It is a pastoral camping area (sometimes the neighbor’s black cows come to visit) right on the Yampa River. [continued on page 18] “We have 80 trailers and more than 100 Sisters com-

and fly fishing. May 2012 17

[continued from page 17]

ing from 12 different states, including Illinois and Missouri,” says Laine. On Saturday, there will be a trailer tour — like a home tour, except with trailers — open to the public with all the money going to Casting for Recovery, a national breast cancer support group. One group of Sisters recently raised $3,000, which, at $15 a pop, is a pretty impressive home tour by anyone’s reckoning. The trailers are from the 1950s and 1960s, range from 12 to 16 feet in length and contain between 100 and 150 square feet of interior space. Models include the popular Shasta, Scotsman, Aloha, Airstream, Scotty, Holiday, Aljo and Empire. If this sounds interesting (and who wouldn’t want to have her own life-sized dollhouse to decorate and take on the road) but you’d like to try it out first, you can try it out at Starlite Classic Campground (, on Highway 50 just outside Cañon City. Silvia Davids (Sister #2414) and her partner, Larry Hill (formerly of Retro Restoration), have vintage trailers for rent — like motel rooms only much nicer. They are from the 1950s to 1970s and Sylvia has decorated them appropriately to their era. Some are small and cozy (11 feet) but they range up to 40 feet. Think Lucy and Desi in their 1950s movie “The Long, Long Trailer.” If you’d like to see what it’s like to be a Sister, you are welcome to attend an event. Look at the Sisters on the Fly website and contact the organizer of the event by email. Becoming a Sister is not difficult. You don’t have to fish and you don’t have to ride horses. You should have a trailer but that, too, isn’t always necessary as most of the Sisters are willing to share. But you can be sure that before long you’ll really want to have your own little portable playhouse. So what does it take to be a Sister? Just one thing: You must want to have a Sister and want to be a Sister to some of the most independent, freedom-loving, warm-hearted and generous women in

The Southern Sisters are not so much into fly-fishing, but they ride. Decked out in cowgirl boots and hats, two Sisters head out for a leisurely ride through Alabama’s piney woods. 18 May 2012

the world. The Sisters’ motto is We Have More Fun Than Anyone. They also have a few basic rules: no husbands, no dogs, no kids (under 21) and be nice. The husband rule is sometimes suspended (there are a few Sisters’ adventures they’re invited to attend) and sometimes dogs are allowed (when the girls are going horseback riding instead of fishing) but the golden rule —“be nice”— always holds true. “We’re always doing for other people — kids, husbands, parents — and not spending much time on ourselves,” says Maurie (Sister #1), who looks at the Sister adventures as a temporary escape from her life as a wife, mother and animal rescuer. So when she says “be nice,” she also wants to remind you to be nice to yourself. There are not many places where a woman can go to find that little girl who’s still inside of her, where she can be young again and act a little silly. There are not many people to whom she can say the things that she would never say to anyone … ever. But for a few carefree days with Sisters on the Fly, these women get to be that little girl again. Sure, when they go home, they will turn back into judges, grandmothers, high school teachers and accountants, but for those few sunny days, life with a vintage trailer surrounded by friends is simple and good.

Sisters buy and restore vintage trailers.

Sisters decorate their trailers for themselves.

Irene Rawlings, author of the book Sisters on the Fly, has been the editor-in-chief of County Home and Mountain Living magazines. She hosts an award winning book show on Clear Channel radio stations and on cable. In her spare time, she enjoys fly-fishing, collecting textiles and traveling by train. She lives in Colorado with her husband and two rescued dogs.

Sisters love to visit other sisters.

Win our copy of Irene Rawlings book, Sisters on the Fly. Visit coloradocountry and click on Contests to find out how to enter to win. May 2012 19


Gather Around the Campfire

Cast-iron cooking perfected with practice and lots of love BY IRENE RAWLINGS Sisterly Suggestion Don’t use lighter fluid to light your charcoal briquettes. If you do, the items you cook in your Dutch oven will taste like lighter fluid.

Lodge Cast Iron Cookware Founded in 1896, Lodge Cast Iron produces firstrate cookware that can last a lifetime. The company’s website, lodgemfg. com, features several Dutch oven recipes for both the indoors and outdoors.


For most Sisters on the Fly, a camping group of on-thego, adventurous women, food is love. That love is represented by finding and perfecting recipes that are not only easy to cook over the campfire but also fun to share with other Sisters all year long. Sisters like recipes that are simple to shop for and to prepare. With agendas filled with fishing, “cowgirling,” antiquing, crafting and just sitting and talking, Sisters have far too much going on to spend a lot of time cooking. These are the types of recipes you’ll find in my upcoming book, Sisters on the Fly Cook in Cast Iron. Here’s a sample.

Award-Winning Chili

Cherry Pie

1 pound ground turkey 1 pound ground beef 1 medium onion, chopped 2 (14-ounce) cans beans of your choice (kidney, pinto, etc) 2 (14-ounce) cans chopped or crushed tomatoes 1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce 3 to 4 tablespoons chili powder 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper 1/2 cup chopped green peppers (optional) 1 (8-ounce) can diced mild chilies (optional)

Crust: 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 pinch salt 1 cup shortening 1/2 cup cold water

Garnish: 1 cup grated sharp cheese 1 small onion, finely chopped bunch of parsley Brown meat. Add onions halfway through, cook until soft, then drain. Add remaining ingredients and cook for 20 minutes. Season to taste. 20 May 2012

Filling: 4 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 cup white sugar 4 cups pitted cherries 1/4 teaspoon almond extract 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 1/2 teaspoons butter 2 teaspoons white sugar Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a large bowl, combine flour and salt. Cut in shortening until pea sized. Stir in water until mixture forms a ball. Divide dough in half and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight. Roll one half out and fit into cast-iron skillet. In a large bowl combine tapioca, salt, sugar, cherries and extracts. Let stand 15 minutes. Turn out into bottom crust and dot with butter. Roll out top crust. Cover cherry mixture with top crust, flute edges and cut decorative vents in top. We used a starshaped cookie cutter. Bake for 50 minutes in preheated oven until golden brown. Sprinkle immediately with 2 teaspoons white sugar. March 2012 21


At One with Nature

Restore, environmental balance with permaculture BY EVA ROSE MONTANE ||


Permaculture encourages the restoration of balance to our environment through the practical application of ecological principles,” explains Robyn Francis, founder of Permaculture College Australia. I always thought of it as applied common sense. Unfortunately, ecological sense is no longer inherent or common in our culture. Permaculture, as it sounds, is a contraction of the words “permanent” and “culture” (or agriculture) and was coined in the 1970s in Australia. It seeks to mimic nature and create relationships between elements in a landscape so that the elements work together to create a synergistic effect wherein the whole is greater than its parts. It relies on biological processes, working with natural forces, rather than against them while actively harnessing those forces. Permaculture practices are guided by a number of principles that can be applied in any geographic location and to any facet of life. Its application in the garden has many benefits for the land as well as for the gardener. A great example of a permaculture application is what has been dubbed the “chicken tractor.” The amazing prowess of the chicken in the garden is harnessed, as a number of chickens are placed in the confines of a bottomless wire cage that is big enough for them to roam with plenty of room to be comfortable. They are placed on top of a vegetable garden bed before it is planted in the spring or between plantings. The chickens have a good old time being chickens and help the gardener by eating items such as weeds, insects, grubs, slugs and larvae out of the bed. While they’re at it, they scratch up the soil leaving it aerated and fertilized with 22 May 2012

Chickens provide the working parts of a “chicken tractor, „ which is essentially a portable chicken coop without a floor. It keeps chickens contained where their scratching and pecking is beneficial for the garden soil below. This is an example of permaculture in practice.

their manure. Once they’ve had their way with one area, they are moved to the next to give it the same treatment. The beauty of the chicken tractor is that the chicken’s needs and the gardener’s needs are fulfilled at the same time. And unlike a mechanized tractor, the chicken tractor doesn’t rust, break down or need new parts; it actually makes more of itself, thereby increasing productivity by employing the natural cycles of biology. As an added benefit, no fossil fuels are required to keep it running. Since the chicken tractor’s

waste or byproducts are useful in the garden too, a closed loop system is created, which is a goal of permaculture. There’s so much that can be gained by learning about permaculture that we may have to continue the discussion in another segment. While I think the chicken tractor provides a solid illustration of permaculture in practice, you should also know that some more common practices are also demonstrations of permaculture in action. These include composting, passive solar greenhouses, vertical gardening strategies, edible gardening, sheet mulching and companion planting. “Permaculture gardens use techniques and practices that combine the best of wildlife gardening, edible landscaping and native-plant cultivation into one low-maintenance, self-contained and productive ecosystem,” says gardening author Nikki Phipps. And what more can we really ask for? Read more gardening advice at colorado Click on Living in Colorado and then Gardening. May 2012 23


May Fly Fever

Fish get fired up for mayflies this month BY DENNIS SMITH


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If March and April are “midging” months in the fly fisherman’s seasonal lexicon, then May is probably considered “dry fly” month — or at least the much anticipated beginning of the dry fly season. Meteorology and biology seemingly conspire in this magical month to trigger a number of significant entomological events on trout streams just about everywhere in the lower 48 states. In the broadest sense, spring’s wildly fluctuating weather — 70 degrees one day, snow the next — begins to stabilize, stream flows begin to warm noticeably and many of our most noted mayfly species begin hatching in earnest, the combination of which brings out dry fly fishermen in droves. All fly fishing is fun, but fishing to rising trout with floating flies is, well, “funner.” Here in Colorado, the blue-winged olives may have been popping to the river’s surface sporadically for weeks — they are typically the first mayfly species to hatch each year — but May brings them on in profusion, along with speckled wing (Callibaetis) and the first of many caddis fly species. Additionally, several species of aquatic stoneflies and terrestrial insects, such as ants and beetles, begin to find their way into the mix in May. All these critters flopping around on top of the water lure hungry fish to the surface. Dry fly junkies quickly follow. Before the month is over, anglers can expect to see the first of the red quills, the dainty little pale morning duns and maybe even the big, lumbering green drakes, noted for their proclivity to entice the biggest, shyest trout in the river to feed on top. There are no guarantees,

of course; hatch dates can and do vary dramatically from river to river, stream to stream and lake to lake. All of this activity is entirely dependent on geography, regional weather patterns and the particular life cycles of the various insects in question. One of the most prodigious and wellknown dry fly hatches to occur in May is the famous Mother’s Day caddis hatch. The American grannoms, one of thousands of species of An angler caddis flies, erupt in enjoys some such numbers they early season dry fly fishing can actually clog in northern the eyes, ears and Colorado. nostrils of fishermen who find themselves creek side at the height of the hatch. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of them cloud the air. Swarming over streamside vegetation and nearby roads, they often plaster the windshields of passing cars to such an extent that driving can be hazardous. And that’s no fish story. Although it usually peaks near the middle of May — hence its association with our annual Mother’s Day celebration — the hatch typically starts in late April and lasts for weeks. Beginning in the lower reaches of streams, it advances upstream as the currents become progressively warmer in the higher elevations. Watching the fish gorge themselves on all those bugs is a spectacular visual experience, but the smart angler knows to fish just slightly upstream or downstream of the most intense activity where his or her one lonely imitation dry fly doesn’t have to compete with the thousands of real bugs that are on the water. However, the smartest fishermen of all will know to stay home and celebrate Mother’s Day with Mom, not the mayflies.

Miss an issue? Catch up at Click on Outdoors.

[energy tips]


A clean air conditioner pays off BY JAMES DULLEY


How can the efficiency of an air conditioning unit be increased?

Did you know that you could get a Colorado Country Life subscription for $9 in-state and $15 out-of-state? Just call the nice people at CCL at 303455-4111.

You know my sister lives in Arizona and would really like to read about home. I will get her a subscription for her birthday. Thanks for the great gift idea.

Alexander Hamilton started the U.S. Treasury with nothing, and that was the closest our country has ever been to being even.

Service your central air conditioner to keep it running efficiently. Switch off the circuit breaker to the unit and remove the outdoor cabinet. Clean out any debris that has accumulated inside it, which may block the coils. If fins have been bent over in spots, try to straighten them out so more air can get through. Check all screws to be sure they’re tight, otherwise leaks will draw air in gaps instead of through the coils as designed. With the circuit breaker still switched off, remove the side cover on the indoor unit to expose the evaporator coils and the blower. Quite a bit of dirt can accumulate on the indoor coils, blocking airflow and insulating them from the air. Wipe the An air conditioner coils and then use the that is clean and brush attachment on free of debris runs your vacuum cleaner more efficiently. to clean them and the blower as well as possible. Reinstall the cover and tighten the screws. Change the blower filter regularly. At the beginning of the cooling season, change the filter whether you think it is dirty or not. A dirty filter increases airflow resistance, which reduces efficiency. Check for air leaks and seal them with aluminum tape or black Gorilla duct tape. Regular professional service calls are important. Technicians have special equipment and pressure gauges to check the internal components of the system. Service calls can also extend the life of a central air conditioner.

For more information on how to clean air conditioner units, visit coloradocountrylife. coop. Click on Energy Tips .

Will Rogers May 2012 25


"Be like a flower and turn your face to the sun."

— Kahlil Gibran

“Spring — an experience in immortality.”

— Henry D. Thoreau 26 May 2012


Memorial Day — May 28 Thank you for your service May 2012 27

[classifieds] TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD Please type or print your ad on a separate paper. Indicate how many months you would like your ad to run and which month to start. There is a minimum of 12 words at $1.63 per word/month. Be sure to include your full name and address for our records. Check MUST accompany this order or call to pay by credit card. Send your ad to: mail: Colorado Country Life 5400 N. Washington St., Denver, CO 80216 phone: 303-902-7276 fax: 303-455-2807 email:

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SAWMILL EXCHANGE: North America’s largest source of used portable sawmills and commercial equipment for woodlot owners and sawmill operations. Over 800 listings. THE place to sell equipment. 800-459-2148 www.sawmill . (267-09-12)

TURN-KEY CATTLE/HORSE ranch. NM-Col. border, 5 miles to Navajo Lake. 110 acres, 80 shares water ponds, springs, home, barns, 505872-2141, (018-05-12)

OLD COWBOY STUFF–hats, boots, spurs, chaps, Indian rugs, baskets, etc. ANYTHING OLD! Mining & railroad memorabilia, ore carts! We buy whole estates. We’ll come to you! Call 970-759-3455 or 970-5651256. (871-05-12)

POULTRY/GAMEBIRDS FREE – 5 EXOTIC CHICKS or 3 ducks with 100 frypan special @ $36.95 plus shipping. Also Cornish Cross, standard breeds, fancy chicks, ducks, geese, turkeys, bantams, guineas, pheasants, quail, supplies, video. FREE COLOR CATALOG 417-532-4581. Cackle Hatchery – PO Box 529, Lebanon, MO 65536. www. (876-07-12)

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IN WIGGINS – 5 lots to build on. Partial owner carry. Building for a business, good location. Call Ron 303-929-9540 (042-05-12) GRAND JUNCTION HORSE FARM, 3130 A 1/2 Rd, 3550+ sq. ft. home on 14 acres. Newly remodeled, new central air, new boiler, new water heater, new roof, half brick ranch w/new vinyl siding. 5 bdrm, 3 1/2 bath, living room, dining room, large kitchen, large family room. New carpet/tile/wood floors. Full horse barn w/indoor stalls & outside runs. All steel fencing, arenas, loafing sheds on large pastures. Additional fencing around home & inground heated pool. RV building (50x28’), two large ponds, etc. Ginny 970-260-9629, Terry 970-261-3001, Gtraudt@edbozarth. com 3% to 6% to any REALTOR w/ buyer (946-06-12) LAND WANTED — cash buyer looking to purchase 500-20,000 acres in Colorado. Will consider bailouts, foreclosures, joint ventures, condo/ commercial projects. Will close quickly. Call Joe at Red Creek Land 719-543-6663. (648-08-12) LARGE CUSTOM HOME, 3.57 acres, between Bayfield & Ignacio. Rural, quiet, National Forest nearby. Completely fenced, landscaping, great well. OWC $350k. 970-5639327 (043-06-12) ROCKY FORD 20 ACRE FARM, call 303-995-2005 or email dan@afinc. net for details. (027-09-12)

VACANT LAND – within city limits Cripple Creek, 18 R-2 zoned lots, great views, all utilities available. $155,000 Call 970-247-4113 (03007-12) WANTED: Property to lease for hunting, fishing. We can offer landowners numerous benefits. 303-460-0273 (029-07-12)

RELIGION BECOME AN ORDAINED Minister by correspondence study. Founded in 1988. Free info. Ministers for Christ Outreach, PMB 767, 6630 W Cactus, B107, Glendale, AZ 85304. http:// (441-06-12)

TICKETS NFR & PBR RODEO TICKETS – Las Vegas. All seating levels available. Call 1-888-NFR-rodeo (1-888-6377633) or *BBB Member; Since 1990. (912-11-12)

VACATIONS Joni us! IRISH HERITAGE PUBS AND CASTLES TOUR Oct. 3-11. $1898 pp. Fully guided, includes accommodations, sightseeing, meals, transfers, entertainment. Book by May 30, receive $100 off! For itinerary/ pricing details, phone Cortez Travel 970-565-9295 or visit www. (038-05-12)

VACATION RENTAL KAUAI VACATION RENTAL, 2bdr, full kitchen. Minutes from beaches. $600/wk. 808-245-6500; makana; (756-05-12)

WANTED TO BUY BACKPACKER WANTS to buy working older revolver, any caliber, 719-542-9905 (032-05-12)

OLD GAS AND OIL items: Gas pumps, advertising signs, globes, etc. Pieces, parts, etc. considered. Also 1932-34 Ford cars and trucks, parts and pieces too. Any condition. Brandon, 719-250-5721. (519-11-12) OLD POCKET WATCHES – working or non-working and old repair material. Bob 719-859-4209 watch (870-06-12) OLDER JAPANESE MOTORCYCLE worth fixing, coin counter/sorter, several glass 5-gallon water bottles, heavy duty hammer drill, 719-5429905 (032-05-12) VINTAGE FISHING TACKLE. I buy rods, reels, lures, creels, etc. Call Gary at 970-222-2181 (960-06-12) WANT TO PURCHASE minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to: PO Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201. (402-02-13) WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE – ATV’s, UTV’s, motorcycles 719-404-3144. (015-08-12)

other for several years lived in a retirement community. One evening there was a community supper at the activity center. They sat at the same table across from one another. During the meal, he gave her a few admiring glances while trying to gather enough courage to ask her the question he had wanted to since the day he met her. Finally, he asked, “Will you marry me?” For a few seconds she considered his proposal and at last answered, “Yes. Yes, I will.” They offered each other a few more pleasant exchanges during dinner and went back to their individual residences when dinner ended. The next morning, no matter how hard he tried, he could not remember how she responded to his proposal. With trepidation, he picked up his phone and called her. He explained that his memory wasn’t what it used to be, but he did remember the lovely events from the previous evening, including the proposal. “But I can’t seem to remember if you said yes or no,” he explained. He was delighted when she said, “ I said yes. Yes, I will marry you and I meant it with all my heart.” But then she continued, “And I’m so glad you called because I couldn’t remember who had asked me.” Anonymous

WEDDING HAVE YOU CHOSEN A LOCATION for your wedding? Beach weddings have become wildly popular with soon-to-be-married couples, and with good reason. Download the Beach Wedding Planning Guide from www.beachwedding and find out how practical and inexpensive a beach wedding can be.


A 5-year-old boy and his family moved in next door to us. One day he came to our house for a visit. After meeting our six children, he looked at me and said, “Ma’am, have you ever thought about being spayed?” Audrey Packer, Farmington, NM

My 6-year-old grandson, Jackson, is proud of his acquired reading skills and likes to read what he sees out loud. One day, he suddenly stopped while walking with his mother. Aghast, he said, “Mom! Look! There’s a $100 fine if the handicapped park here!” Russell Casement, DDS, Parker

I told my doctor I thought I might have amnesia. He told

NAVAJO RUGS, old and recent, native baskets, pottery. Tribal Rugs, Salida. 719-539-5363, b_inaz@ (817-06-12) OLD COLORADO LIVESTOCK brand books prior to 1975. Call Wes 303-757-8553. (889-08-12)

An elderly widow and widower who had known each

me to go home and forget about it. Patty Spellman , Yuma

Advertise in the classifieds and everyone will know your business.

Call Kris at 303-902-7276

We pay $15 to each person who submits a funny story that’s printed in the magazine. At the end of the year, we draw one name from those submitting jokes and that person will receive $150. Send your 2012 stories to Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington St., Denver, CO 80216 or email funnystories@ May 2012 29


Nutty by Nature


Hiking in the forest can really work up an appetite, so keep a bag of Ricky’s Lucky Nuts in your backpack to curb your hunger until you get back to camp. The brand Ricky’s Lucky Nuts was created after Paul Gelose’s good friend and chef, Rick, developed a delicious peanut recipe (named The Original Style Peanut) that inspired him to put a fresh twist on the American classic. With that, Gelose, founder and owner of the Durango-based company, gave his peanuts a big pickme-up by mixing them with combinations such as cocoa with vanilla bean and curry mixed with coconut. The result? Savory, crunchy treats that really please the palate. To purchase online or to find a list of stores where Ricky’s Lucky Nuts are available, visit rickysluckynuts. com.



On your next camping adventure, pack a bottle of Archtek Toothpaste Tablets instead of a messy tube. Just start chewing one of these fresh mint-flavored tablets to trigger the cleaning suds and then brush like usual, with or without water. Approximately 560 million nonrecyclable toothpaste tubes are dumped into U.S. landfills every year, according to the Lovelandbased company. Archtek’s packaging, however, is completely recyclable. Each bottle of Archtek Toothpaste Tablets contains 60 tablets and costs $3.25. To order, visit or call 800-763-8129.

[On-the-Move Medicine ]


Camping is a great way to get away from it all, but if you have a heart attack or stroke in the middle of nowhere you’ll find yourself … away from it all. Aspirin thins blood and can help prevent blood clots from forming, which is why experts say it helps prevent heart attacks and strokes. Keeping a bottle of aspirin on hand at all times is a good idea, but it’s inconvenient to carry. However, one package of Urgent Rx Aspirin to Go fits easily in your pocket or wallet and could save your life. Denver-based Urgent Rx also manufactures petite packets for headache, ache and pain, stomach and heartburn relief, each of which comes in a pleasant-tasting powder. Urgent Rx medications are available at select stores, such as King Soopers and City Market. For a complete list of stores and online retailers where Urgent Rx is available, visit 30 May 2012

Get in on the fun! Rent the “Tikibago” at Starlite Classic Campground.

[Back to the Future]


You can’t help but reminisce about things such as lava lamps, hula hoops, go-go boots and flattops when you set your eyes on the vintage trailers at the Starlite Classic Campground. Just imagine chillin’ out in the “TikiBago,” a classic 1973 Winnebago complete with a sandy beach front yard and a tiki bar. Or picture your family spending a weekend in the 40-foot “Tacy the Long, Long Trailer,” a 1954 New Moon that looks and feels just like the one Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz had in the movie of a similar name. Guests of the Cañon City-based Starlite Classic Campground can also rent cabins, tent sites or a space to park their own recreational vehicles. On-site activities include miniature golf, volleyball, a playground and seasonal swimming pool. Restrooms, laundry facilities, a gift store, a dog park and even doggie day care are available to Starlite campers as well. Trailer rentals cost between $79 and $119. To find out more about what Starlite has to offer, visit starliteclassiccamp or call 619-467-3876.

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