Kentucky Living August 2010

Page 1




The man who helped bring elk back to Kentucky


What readers have learned from their pets POWWOW SEASON

Where to celebrate Native American culture



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Aug 2010 vol 64 • no 8


17 17

tom Baker’s sAFAri

Baker is a big-game hunter and a Boone and Crockett Club member (a pro-hunter centuryold conservation organization limited to only 100 regular voting members). Whether he’s on safari in Kentucky or on another continent, he has a keen understanding of the fine balance between wildlife conservation and hunting. He also worked to restore elk back to Kentucky. Cover story


Be loyal & Faithful... and other life lessons from pets

DepArtments 5 KL On the web 6 KL cOmmunity 7 frOm the editOr 8 cOmmOnweaLths Dog words, race a police car legally, Capitol art, collecting canned food, and more

on the griD

11 cutting cOsts Cleaner dishes, lower bills

12 the future Of eLectricity Efficiency for everyone

You may have trained your pet to fetch, sit, or do a silly trick, but chances are your pet has taught you how to truly live life—from how to believe, how to love, how to stop and smell the roses, and much more.

14 cO-OperatiOns

Tom Baker stands in the trophy room of his Bowling Green home with several mounted animals he has killed while on safari over the years, including a coastal brown bear from southeast Alaska, a Canadian black bear on the wall, an African sable antelope, and a male African lion from Zimbabwe. Photo by Joe Imel.

16 energy 101

on the Cover


KentucKy Living • august 2010

Flood of volunteers, co-op member appreciation, Washington Youth Tour

15 gadgets & gizmOs Using your new dishwasher Rebirth of heat pump water heaters

24a LOcaL eLectric cOOperative news

kentuCky Culture 30 wOrth the trip native American cultural events

33 events Blue licks battle, Hot August Blues and Ducan Hines festivals, Kentucky State Fair, and more

36 cOOperative herO Scott Smith, always on alert

37 chef’s chOice High on the hog

38 smart mOves Bike helmets save lives Incentives for long-term care

39 garden guru Knocked out by your roses

40 great OutdOOrs Hanging around in hammocks

4 1 snap shOt Pet adventures

45 KentucKy Kids 46 the view frOm pLum LicK A lick and a promise


Anita Travis Richter ADmINISTRATIvE ASSISTANT Ellie Hobgood CONTRIBUTORS Dave Baker • Byron Crawford • David Dick • James

Dulley • Mike Jennings • linda Allison-lewis • Angie McManus • Shelly nold • Brian orms • Sara Peak ADvERTISING mANAGER lynne Christenson ADvERTISING SALES REP. Curt Smith ADvERTISING SALES REP. Monica Pickerill SALES COORDINATOR Arlene Toon ADvERTISING ASSISTANT Kathy Wade



oUR MISSIon STATEMEnT Kentucky Living is published to create a community of people who take pride in thinking of themselves as Kentuckians and as knowledgeable electric co-op members, in order to improve their quality of life.

To ConTACT US PhONE: (502) 451-2430 FAX: (502) 459-1611 E-mAIL: U.S. POSTAL SERvICE: P. o. Box 32170, louisville, KY 40232 NON-POSTAL SERvICE ShIPPING: 4515 Bishop lane, louisville, KY 40218

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Pearl gems Gloria Stanton of Somerset, shown here, has learned a lot from Pearl, including patience and love. After reading what people learn from their pets on page 22, get more life lessons from Pearl and Boomer, an abused pit bull turned family pet, by going to www.Kentuckyliving. com, typing “pet lessons” in the Keyword Search box, and clicking “Go.”

sAndy stEElE


managing wildlife After reading about Tom Baker’s views on wildlife conservation on page 17, get the background on the state’s wildlife management agency, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. Go to, type “kDFWR” in the Keyword Search box, and click “Go.”

Dogs on the road one of the best, and easiest, ways to rescue shelter animals is to help transport them to their new home—sometimes across the state, sometimes across the country. Read about the people who drive dogs and other animals to rescue in the latest Creature Comforts column by going to and clicking on Kentucky Showcase.

AnD noW FoR THE lEGAl STUFF Kentucky Living, vol. 64, no. 8, (ISSn 1043-853X) is published monthly by the Kentucky Association of Electric Cooperatives Inc., 4515 Bishop lane, louisville, KY 40218. Periodicals Postage Paid at louisville, Kentucky, and at additional mailing offices. COPyRIGhT, 2010, by Kentucky Association of Electric Cooperatives Inc. All rights reserved. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $2.75 per year for members of co-ops that subscribe on a monthly basis; all others, $15 for one year, $25 for three years. NEWSSTAND COST: $2.95. POSTmASTER: Send address changes to Kentucky Living, P. o. Box 32170, louisville, KY 40232. ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO Kentucky Living, P. o. Box 32170, louisville, KY 40232. Kentucky Living assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Manuscripts, photographs, and artwork must be accompanied by self-addressed envelopes with sufficient postage. to be returned. Kentucky Living does not guarantee publication of material received and reserves the right to edit any material published. Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations

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is published to create a community of people who take pride in thinking of themselves as Kentuckians and as knowledgeable electric co-op members, in order to improve their quality of life.

ChEF’S ChOICE SEND US yOUR FAvOR ITE hOLIDAy COOkIE RECIPE for the Dec ember issue by August 25. Submit online at ww w.KentuckyLiving. com/cooking, then click on “Su bmit Reader Recipe” or mail it to us. If we publish you r recipe, we’ll send you a Kentucky Living mug.


OICE” SEND US “READERS’ Ch November the for o of your all-time favorite phot photo the re whe us Tell 15. er issue by Septemb o (left to phot the in ’s who tify iden n; take was address, and right) and where they’re from; name, name and your ; pher ogra phot the of phone number co-op. tric elec contact info; and the name of your . best work le peop of s Remember, close-up . •suBmit digital images online at www l or mail s.htm shot snap Snap line: ect subj g usin g, Livin prints to Kentucky not reproduce do they as s, print r lase r colo No . Shot ss you include well. Photos will NOT be returned unle . lope enve d esse addr selfa stamped, photos of Baby •get A heAd stArt by sending in . Those issue r mbe Dece the it’s cold outside for 15. ber Octo due are photos

cooperative hero

WhO’S ThE hERO IN yOUR COmmUNITy? Nominate the person who has made a positive difference in your community. There are no age restrictions, although he or she needs to be a member of an electric co-op or work for a business that is a co-op member. For complete details go online to

hOw tO submit For ChEF’S ChOICE reader recipes and SNAP ShOT submissions, please go online to and use the appropriate form under “Contact Us.” OThER READER SUBmISSIONS ABOvE CAN BE SENT TO US By: E-mAIL TO mAIL TO Kentucky Living, list Subject line (or topic title from above), P.o. Box 32170, • louisville, KY 40232 pLease incLude your name, address, phone numbers, e-mail address, the name of your electric co-op, and any additional information noted above in each category.


KentucKy Living • august 2010

From the editor

a life lived well David Dick encouraged us with words and deeds


or one-third of Kentucky Living’s 62 years David Dick filled the final editorial page each month. More precisely, The View From Plum Lick appeared in every issue of Kentucky Living since his column debuted in April 1989, the same month the magazine changed its name from Rural Kentuckian. David introduced that first column promising encouragement to readers by recounting both famous and lesser-known Kentuckians who had “lived their lives well.” Over the next two decades he became widely known and loved for keeping that promise. On July 16 David Dick died, having lived his own life well. If I could choose just one word to describe him, “sincere” comes to mind. He was truly, deeply interested in who he was talking to at the time, whether for publication or conversation. If I could choose another word it would be “Lalie.” His wife complemented his low-key exterior with an irresistible sunniness. Together they built Plum Lick Publishing, producing 10 books celebrating the people and places of Kentucky. In business and in marriage, they seemed perfect partners. David’s last years offered another example of living well. He fought cancer with an optimistic determination to keep doing what he loved. I like to tell about the time he scolded one of our editors for shortening his column to make it fit the space on the page. “Every word is golden,” he told her. That makes for an interesting anecdote, but it’s the rest of the story I find instructive about David Dick. He resolved the editor’s dilemma by asking for an exact word count and said he would write to that exact length. Every month, for the rest of his life, he kept that promise. David Dick encouraged all of us with a life lived well.

send your tributes If you would like to send a tribute to David Dick, we will print as many as we have room for in future issues. Tell us what he meant to you by writing to David Dick Tribute, P.O. Box 32170, Louisville, KY 40232. Or post your thoughts on the Kentucky Living Web site by going to and clicking on “David Dick Tribute.”

PauL wess Lund

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commonweAlths dog words lEigh AnnE florEncE

Shepherdsville author Leigh Anne Florence has worked and dreamed like a big dog, much like she and her dachshund Woody instruct AUThOR her readers to do, to make her career switch from elementary school teacher to author and motivational speaker a success that has exceeded expectations. In fact, Woody shepherdsville author Leigh anne florence was recently inducted into the Kentucky with woody and chloe. Veterinary Medical Association’s Animal issues at a younger age. Woody and Chloe Hall of Fame, and an earlier work, Mr. Dogwood Goes to Washington, was a World can make a point in a powerful way that hopefully doesn’t come across as a Association of Newspapers Grand Prize lecture, but makes our audience memwinner. Florence and her husband, bers think. We share our struggles with Ron, along with a menagerie of pets, our audience and try to make the point are now traveling the state promoting that life is like a roller coaster with good the latest Woody adventure, Dog Gone times and bad times. Our job is to make Wild (HotDiggetyDog Press, $12.95), and wise decisions, take ownership in our speaking to kids about “Woody’s Five education and actions, keep a winning Ways to Be Successful.” attitude, and have respect for others, When asked why she chose to use ourselves, and our country. We have Woody and his puppy siblings, Chloe, people who come back to our shows and Frannie, and Wally, to communicate events, send us e-mails and cards. They these important strategies to chilwant to tell us about their latest report dren, Florence responds, “As a former card, their accomplishments, their new teacher, I have seen firsthand how diffipets…That’s the best part!” cult it can be to reach children. Children Dog Gone Wild chronicles Woody’s are exposed to so many problems and

and Chloe’s first camping trip as Woody learns important lessons about what it takes to survive not only in the wilderness, but in everyday life. Florence says living on seven acres with a lake provides them with a daily environment much like camping. In addition to being outdoors, Florence also enjoys reading and playing piano for her church’s praise and worship band. So what’s up next for the pups? Florence says, “Woody and Chloe certainly have plenty of ‘tails’ to tell!” The next story, CSI: Canine Secret Investigator, will appear in newspapers across the state beginning the week of September 12 and will run as a 10-week serial story with a chapter published each week. This is the seventh book Florence has premiered via the Kentucky Press Association’s Newspapers in Education series. During the course of the serial story, readers can go to or www. to participate in online activities, contests, and hear Woody and Chloe reading each chapter. penny wOOds fOr JOseph-beth bOOKseLLers, pennymOuse1@ yahOO.cOm,(800) 248-6849, www. JOsephbeth.cOm.

energy tip “my dad says there’s more to life than going to the mall. do you think he means boys?”


KentucKy Living • august 2010

consider using ceiling and other fans during the cooling season. they provide additional cooling and better circulation so you can raise the thermostat and cut down on airconditioning costs. energy star-certified ceiling fans do even better, especially those that include compact fluorescent light bulbs.


miSS keNTuckY recc fiNAlS SeT The Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperatives will be in the spotlight at the Kentucky State Fair on September 14 at 2:30 p.m. when competition begins to select “Miss Kentucky Rural Electric Co-op of 1960.” Judges will have the task of announcing the winner from a group of some 20 beautiful girls representing the various co-ops throughout the state. The queen will receive a 12-cubic-foot upright freezer, a 4-piece silver tea service, a bouquet of roses and an emblematic sash. In February of 1961, she will compete in the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s Annual Meeting contest at Dallas, Texas. The second place winner will receive a lady’s diamond wrist watch and an emblematic sash, and the third place winner will receive a set of matched luggage and a sash. All contestants in the state competition will receive a set of pearls. Prizes are the compliments of General Electric Company, Sales and Distribution Department, Louisville. Competition in the state contest will be first in formal dress, and finals will be in bathing suits.

ratios, fuel, tires, and track conditions. Before the day was out, 23 brave residents raced to Beat the Heat. The final score—civilians, 15; officers, 8; arrests, 0.

lAuGhiNG mATTerS Inspired by 30 years as a teacher and school bus driver, Jerry Harwood of Burlington has written two joke books for kids, Jokes from the School Bus and A Joke Book for Kids.. Harwood, an Owen Electric Cooperative member, says the books are filled with “corny jokes that kids love.” The first book doubles as a coloring book. “When you’re around kids, funny things happen,” Harwood says. “After I retired from teaching, I decided I should record these things.” Harwood is available to do complimentary presentations for schools and other organizations. Buy his books and contact him through his Web site at www.ajoke

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Race a police officer and not get arrested? Join in a Beat the Heat event like the one this spring at Bluegrass Raceway in Bath County. Beat the Heat is a national organization of police officers and firefighters who conduct educational programs using police drag cars to gain the interest of the public. Shown here is a drag car from Heath Police Department in Ohio. Maree Moscati, Bluegrass Raceway owner, says local residents mixed with lawmen from five states, allowing “ordinary citizens to mingle with those who carry a badge in a nonthreatening, familiar environment.” Using the opportunity to educate the public, police officers intermingled discussions on the perils of illegal street racing, DUI, underage drinking, and illegal drug use with talk about engines, gear


SAfe SpeeD



Art for the century

EvErgrEEnE ArchitEcturAl Arts inc.

As Kentuckians celebrate our Capitol building’s first 100 years, new artwork has been installed thanks to a nearly $300,000 donation by Marion and Terry Forcht of Corbin. With the single largest private donation in the Capitol’s history, four handpainted murals were completed by Evergreene Architectural Arts Inc., a New York City firm. The murals were designed and painted by 10 artists over a period of six months. The murals, measuring 30 feet at the widest point and 25 feet tall, reflect Kentucky’s diversity of professions, landmarks, architecture, and culture as well as the unique landscapes of the Commonwealth’s distinctive regions. Shown here is Nature, The Bounty of the Land, which features Ceres, the classical allegorical figure of agriculture and prosperity. Joining her are representatives of two signature industries—farming and horses. Other Kentucky images include tobacco leaves, sunflowers, cattle, and limestone and white plank fences.

The (electricity transmission) grid in the United States today cannot accommodate the multitude of technologies that we have…If you ever wanted to create the U.S. as a big, innovative energy market, you’re going to need to have a national grid that’s regulated by the federal government… without that, there’s always going to be a bottleneck to how much innovation will take place. —Jeff immelt, ceO of general electric


KentucKy Living • august 2010

wall against hunger Several nonprofit organizations have united to help feed the hungry in Hardin County, while honoring Vietnam veterans and breaking a Guinness World Record for the largest canned COmmUNITy food structure. The goal is to collect 198,333 cans of food, which will initially be used to construct a wall as part of the Heartland Festival, August 26-28, and then will be distributed throughout the year to those in need. The wall will be modeled after the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., to honor Hardin County veterans. Among organizations involved in the project are The Helping Hand of the Heartland, North Hardin Hope, Feeding America, Kentucky’s Heartland, Heartland Chambers’ Alliance, and Hardin County Habitat for Humanity. More than 60 local grocery stores, banks, businesses, and churches are accepting donations—check out for locations. Monetary donations are accepted through the Web site.

on the grid cleaner dishes, lower bills My 12-year-old dishwasher is noisy and does not have many cycle options. I think it’s time to replace it. What are the important efficiency features when I compare models? Is hand-washing dishes more efficient?—Sandi T.


James d uLLey

this efficient dishwasher uses three spray arms to clean the dishes from many directions.


sing an automatic dishwasher is typically more efficient than hand-washing dishes (although if you take your time and are very miserly with water usage, handwashing can be more efficient).

cutting costs But your old machine probably does need to be replaced because it has already survived longer than most typical dishwashers. No matter which new dishwasher you select, it will use less electricity and hot water than your old one. The vast majority of dishwashers made today exceed ENERGY STAR

efficiency standards. Over the life of the new dishwasher, the energy and water savings can pay back its initial cost. Most of the cost of using a dishwasher is for the energy to heat the water. Part of this energy is used by the home’s water heater; the rest, by a heater inside the dishwasher. With this in mind, if a dishwasher design consumes less water, less energy is needed to wash a load. Always compare the overall water consumption specifications for an average load cycle among the models.

making cleaning easier Of course, the most important feature is how well a washer cleans dishes. If it does not clean well, people tend to run it on the heavy cycle when normal will do, or they hand-rinse dishes first. Rinsing can use more than 10 extra gallons of water. Top-of-the-line dishwashers offer many cycle settings to fine-tune the process. This is a nice feature, but most families can get by with three basic cycles: light, medium, and heavy (for pots and pans). Newer dishwashers are also much quieter than older ones, accomplished by better motor and

pump design and more insulation. Electronic controls offer greater convenience and efficiency. Hidden digital controls—which typically run along the top edge of the door—look good when the door is closed, but

EFFICIENCy IDEAS Washing dishes by hand What about the efficiency of hand-washing dishes? Using a spray kitchen faucet with touch control allows you to minimize water usage when rinsing. The overall energy savings when hand-washing is only realized during the winter. You can leave the warm sudsy water in the sink until it cools off. This heat is given off to the kitchen air, so the heating system has to run less. In the summer, though, the air conditioner has to run longer to remove excess heat and humidity. you cannot watch the progress of the cycle and see the time left. A dishwasher with exposed controls can be easier to see and use. kL

Mail requests and questions to James Dulley, Kentucky Living, 6906 Royalgreen Drive, Cincinnati, oH 45244, or visit

www.K e n t u c K y L i v i n g . c O m • A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


the future of electricity

efficiency for everyone Programs help families at any income level weatherize their homes, lower energy use nancy s. grant


ummer and winter, the key to making homes more energy efficient is keeping the good air in and the bad air out. When you’re paying for energy to cool your home in August, then paying again to keep it warm in January, you sure don’t want all that expensive indoor air escaping. Yet in far too many Kentucky homes, that’s exactly what happens. Indoor air dribbles out, outdoor air sneaks in, and the extra energy use adds up. Too many Kentucky families are wasting a big portion of their energy dollars all year long. Weatherizing homes to improve energy efficiency and cut down on waste is an old idea. But for families on budgets already stretched to the max, finding the dollars to make home improvements has been an unlikely dream. Now several new programs aim to connect Kentucky households with financial resources to get results. These new options will make it easier and more affordable for consumers to take action.

taming the energy hogs The potential for energy savings in Kentucky is huge. Almost 60 percent of Kentucky’s 1.7 million housing units were built before 1980. Long ago, nobody gave much thought to things like proper wall and attic insulation or tight weatherstripping around windows and doors. Compared to more recently built


KentucKy Living • august 2010

homes, these older homes are real energy hogs. Fixing these homes so they don’t waste so much energy is a big deal. A 2007 report prepared by the Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center at the University of Louisville noted that Kentuckians spend more than $2 billion a year on household energy bills. Almost half of that money is for space heating and cooling. Weatherizing older homes could make a big difference in what families spend. If some people make changes and stop wasting so much energy, across the state energy expenses could go down about $500 million during a 10-year period. If a whole lot of people make changes, the savings could add up to $1.5 billion. That’s good news for families on tight budgets. It’s also good news for electric utilities. Power plants are very expensive to build. If enough people reduce their electricity use by weatherizing their homes, utilities can wait longer before they need to build any new power plants. That saves money, too. Improving energy efficiency tops the list of ideas in Gov. Steve Beshear’s November 2008 report, Intelligent Energy Choices for Kentucky’s Future. The report says, “Not only does energy efficiency result in savings today, the savings are compounded over time as energy prices continue to rise. Dollar for dollar, energy efficiency is one of the best energy

investments Kentucky can make.” Moving energy-efficiency plans into the real world of family homes, each with unique needs and budgets, takes time. Kentucky’s electric cooperatives have a long history of providing expert energy analysis and practical ideas for their members. Their experience and progressive ideas have played a key role in developing the ideas being introduced across the state now.

Building a team effort Jonathan Miller, Kentucky Finance and Administration Cabinet secretary, says, “The most encouraging thing about making energy efficiency a real possibility for a lot of Kentucky families is the strong partnerships we’ve formed at all public and private

levels. We’ve gotten the involvement and strong support of folks in the utility industry, among environmentalists, housing advocates, and state and federal government agencies.” For Kentucky’s poorest families, the Weatherization Assistance Program offers trained inspectors and work crews who can make energyefficiency improvements to homes at no cost to the households. With $70 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act recently added to this existing program, more households will be able to participate. Families with incomes up to $44,100 typically qualify for this program. For other families still struggling to find cash for improvements, KY Home Performance offers special financing options and rebates. This

program has no income limits. It also includes opportunities for independent contractors to grow their businesses by establishing reputations as reliable community leaders who meet the high standards of the national Building Performance Institute and the ENERGY STAR programs. Training people to do all these new energy-efficiency jobs is also a joint effort. Several members of Kentucky’s Community and Technical College System offer energy auditor training, testing, and certification classes. Regional groups such as the Mountain Association for Community Economic Development now offer energy micro loans to help contractors attend classes and invest in new equipment. To help get the word out about the benefits and opportunities in all these new programs, the Kentucky Clean Energy Corps is developing a Green Ambassadors program of trained community volunteers. Soon they will be giving informal talks at schools, churches, and neighborhood gatherings, and hosting Energy Open Houses to showcase improvements in their own homes’ efficiency. KL

Energy journalist NANCY GRANT is a member of the Cooperative Communicators Association and the American society of

Clayton Homes


in 2009, 2,658 houses manufactured by clayton Homes were eneRgy StAR-certified.

Manufactured hoMes and energy use Knowing the age of a factorybuilt home is an important first step in deciding on what kind of efficiency improvements will help lower energy use: Built before 1976 No construction standards for energy use. stacey Epperson, president of Frontier Housing in Morehead, says, “Energy efficiency wasn’t even on the radar for the 90,000 mobile homes in Kentucky built before 1976.” Built between 1976 and 1994 Improved general construction standards. 1994-1995 Energy-efficiency guidelines become part of construction standards. 2001 ENERgY stAR label rating for manufactured housing introduced. Many manufactured homes qualify for weatherization assistance programs or certain replacement options. Check with your local nonprofit housing agency to learn more about energy saving options.

Journalists and Authors.

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co-operAtions mcKee Liberty

a flood of volunteers and customer appreciation pau L wess Lund

cleaning up the flood Liberty

After more than 9 inches of rain in Casey County in early May, volunteer employees from South Kentucky Rural Electric Co-op, based in Somerset, went to help clean up the millions of dollars in damage to the town of Liberty. Karen Black, South Kentucky Co-op human resources team leader, who presented the idea of the co-op providing assistance, says, “Thirtynine employees put on their boots and waded through the mud and muck to help out.” The county was also awarded $1,000 from the co-op’s People Fund,

bills to the nearest dollar, for community needs.

thank-you celebrations mcKee

Jackson Energy Co-op, based in McKee, is holding Customer Appreciation Days in its seven primary service counties. At the events, co-op members can register for door prizes, eat lunch, and learn about co-op programs and services. The 2010 events are being held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and started July 30 in Beattyville. Other Customer Appreciation Days will be: August 3, Booneville; August 13, London; September 1, McKee; September 3, Irvine; October 1, Manchester; October 4, Mt. Vernon.

Owsley county members of Jackson energy attend one of the co-op’s seven customer appreciation days being held this summer and fall. photo by Karen combs.

capitol students washingtOn, d.c.

Eighty-six Kentucky high school students went to Washington, D.C., for a week this June for the 39th annual Kentucky Rural Electric Washington Youth Tour. Highlights of the trip included meetings with paul wilson, one of 39 south Kentucky rural electric elected representatives to co-op employees who helped with flood cleanup in Liberty, hauls wheelbarrows of debris from the heavily discuss government and damaged hong Kong buffet restaurant. photo by donna issues of the day, as part of carman, Casey County News. learning about cooperative utilities and American history. plus more than $1,200 in individual, The Kentucky Washington Youth personal donations from the co-op. Tour is conducted by the Kentucky The People Fund allows co-op Association of Electric Cooperatives members to round up their electric


KentucKy Living • august 2010

high school students on the Kentucky rural electric washington youth tour this summer discovered that the wwii memorial is not only a good place to learn about our nation’s history, but also to cool off on a hot washington day. photo by cayce collins.

on behalf of 22 participating electric distribution co-ops in the state. The activity is part of a nationwide program that brings nearly 1,500 students to the nation’s capital each year. For more info visit http://youth kL

GADGETS &GIzmOS miKe Jennings

using your new dishwasher higher efficiency standards make it a prime time to buy


now may be a good time to replace your old dishwasher. Technological advantages of new dishwashers include sensors that adjust the cycle to the food debris on dishes, improved filtration that removes food from wash water, more efficient water jets, and better dish rack designs. The federal EnERGY STAR program, which rates energy-efficient consumer products, raised the standards for dishwashers in August 2009. To earn an EnERGY STAR label today, a standard-size dishwasher must use no more than 324 kilowatt-hours per year and 5.8 gallons of water per cycle. Be aware that an older “last year’s model” on sale may not meet EnERGY STAR standards or qualify for rebates. Check before purchasing. The site can usually clear up any confusion over whether a model that met the old standard also meets the new one. To find the most water-efficient models, check manufacturers’ literature as well as EnERGY STAR. The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy says some EnERGY STAR models use half as much water as others. Models that use less water use less energy.

SAFETy TIP In June, Whirlpool and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recalled 1.7 million dishwashers, citing an electrical failure in a heating element that had led to 12 fires. no injuries were reported in those fires, but some fires started

if your dishwasher has a booster heater, use it. Most dishwashers will boost water temperature to at least 140º, which allows for optimal cleaning. You can then turn your water heater thermostat down to 120º. use the no-heat air dry feature if available. If your dishwasher lacks this option, air dry dishes by opening the door after the final rinse cycle. don’t pre-rinse dishes. Just scrape off food and empty liquids.


the latest Kenmore elite dishwasher has an Lcd touch screen that shows off an array of washing options.

Be alert to fire risk

get the most from your new machine

by dishwashers have proved deadly. According to an August 2009 report by the national Fire Protection Association, from 2003-2006 dishwashers were involved in an estimated 1,200 home fires per year. In an average year, those fires killed four civilians (nonfirefighters) and injured 30 others.

wash only full loads. Follow load instructions and allow for proper water circulation. don’t try to save energy by handwashing. EnERGY STAR estimates a modern, efficient machine saves you nearly 5,000 gallons of water, $40 in utility costs, and more than 230 hours in personal time annually. choose a dishwasher with several wash cycle options. Use the ones that will use the least energy needed to get your dishes clean. choose the right size dishwasher for your home. Don’t assume a compact model will save energy if you will have to run it a lot to clean all your dishes.

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ENERGy 101 rebirth of heat pump water heaters Water heating is second to heating and cooling for energy use in an average home. now, an alternative type of water heater is promising to save consumers energy and money. Heat pump water heaters, while not a new technology, are experiencing a rebirth. A few companies produced units in the 1980s and 1990s, but random failures and other issues soured consumers on them.

the rheem hp50, which heats 50 gallons of water, has earned the energy star label for improved energy efficiency.

pump water heaters. Electric cooperatives are testing them for possible deployment in their territories. Heat pump water heaters come in two types. The more expensive “integrated” model replaces an electric resistance water heater with one that combines a heat pump and storage tank. The second version adds a heat pump to an existing electric heater. A heat pump circulates a refrigerant, which absorbs heat from surrounding air before it passes through a compressor, transferring heat to water in the tank. A heat pump water heater consumes roughly half the electricity of a conventional unit. This efficiency qualifies integrated heat pump water heaters for an EnERGY STAR rating. Leases • Crop & Life Insurance 1-800-444-FARM •


KentucKy Living • august 2010

— natiOnaL ruraL eLectric cOOperative assOciatiOn cOOperative research netwOrK


Some major appliance companies have entered the market with a new and improved generation of heat

How Tom Baker’s passion for hunting put him in touch with the value of wildlife conservation, and brought elk back to Kentucky

Tom Baker’s


can someone have a passion for hunting safaris and still be dedicated to preserving wild animals? tom baker thinks you can. Baker, a Bowling Green resident and avid outdoor sportsman, has participated in more than 100 big-game safaris in North America and Africa. Each hunt requires a strict permitting procedure that can last months and even years before being approved. Since only a limited number of permits are available, an applicant can spend years on the waiting list for a permit to hunt for a specific animal

many of the animals to eliminate a food in a specific location. Because the areas are so vast, in one case a million source in order to control the people. “But there are many countries acres, there are no guarantees you’ll in Africa where the elephants are so even see, much less shoot, what you abundant that they are destroying the have gone there for. forest. This is where the eco-system “Lots of people think a safari gets out of balance.” involves hunting endangered species,” Baker’s hunting quest has taken offers Baker. “This is not the case at him on some of the most desirable all. For instance, elephants and rhinos hunting locations in the world. But it are not endangered in some parts of the world. Keep in mind that n tom baker shows off his custom-made .375 holland & Africa is not a country, but a holland magnum, which he used to take the elephant from continent, and yes, they are matetsi private game preserve, the well-known southern endangered in some of those africa safari area in zimbabwe near victoria falls. baker says he received a permit to hunt one bull elephant in this countries, usually as a result preserve that has a capacity to support 23,000 elephants, of civil strife. The military but had a population of 64,000. and rebels, too, have killed

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KentucKy Living • august 2010


KentucKy Living • august 2010

n tom baker in his bowling green trophy room with his black Labrador retriever gunner. mounted animals he has taken while on safari with permit—typically given for population control of wildlife—include a giraffe from zimbabwe (the meat was given to natives); an ostrich from south africa; and a host of animals on the wall including barren-ground caribou from alaska, a cape bushbuck antelope from south africa, and in the top left corner under the eaves is a javelina, a wild, native pig-like mammal found in the deserts of the american southwest and mexico.

tom Baker has an understanding and respect for the fine balance between conservation and the hunting of big game.

was an invitation from a brother-inlaw back in 1984 to take part in a quota deer hunt at TVA’s Land Between The Lakes that launched Baker to hunt for something other than birds. He had been deer hunting before, but never actually fired a shot at one, so hunting of any type was not high on his agenda. “My dad had passed down to me his father’s 1935 Model 94 Winchester, which my grandfather had purchased in 1935,” says Baker. “That was the only gun I owned.” The LBL experience turned out to be a life-changing event, especially after taking his first whitetail deer. Twenty-six years later Baker has earned a statewide, as well as a national, reputation for his involvement in animal conservation and its effect on the eco-system. As current chairman of The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation in Washington, D.C., current chairman of the Appalachian Wildlife Foundation, and past chairman of the board of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation based out of Missoula, Montana, Baker sees firsthand some of the nation’s efforts to implement wildlife conservation. One of the membership organizations he is most proud of is his inclusion in the Boone and Crockett Club. Founded in 1887 by Teddy Roosevelt, it is the oldest conservation group in the nation and is limited to only 100 regular (voting) members. Kentucky is absolutely known as a hunting state. Kentucky’s Department of Fish and Wildlife is instrumental in helping to fund, through licenses and

fees, much of the fishing and hunting brochures distributed across the state, as well as conservation programs that protect animals and the habitat in which they live. Thousands of highly diverse places to hunt—from the wetlands in the west, to the rolling hills in the central Bluegrass, to the mountains in the east—are available to Kentucky hunters. In other words, anywhere in Kentucky is pretty much open to hunting. At one time, hunting was a necessity of life in order to put food on the table. And though the majority of hunters eat their kill, especially deer, hunting is classified as a sport. It is only during specific times of the year that certain animals can be hunted. “The control of numbers and conservation of wildlife are very important, whether it’s here or anyplace else in the world,” Baker points out. “You don’t just go out and shoot something indiscriminately. There are quotas, limits on size and permits for various hunts.” Baker’s treks have taken him to Alaska, Canada, Mexico, Zambia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and all of the Rocky Mountain states in search of big game, and though he added a sizable trophy room onto his home in 2001, he is quick to point out that all of his hunts are about more than the kill. “None of the animals are wasted,” he stresses. “The entire animal is carried out and processed for food in that area for the locals to eat. No meat can be brought into the U.S.” Most of Baker’s hunts are about making memories, always adding to his story collection that one would

ZimBABwe sAFAri GETTING TO zImBABWE is not exactly a pleasure trip. From Bowling Green, Tom Baker says it requires three hard days of a combination of driving and flying. A 6 a.m. departure from home to the nashville Airport; an hour’s flight from nashville to Atlanta; Atlanta to Dakar, nine hours; Dakar to Johannesburg, another eight hours; Johannesburg to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, two hours; a three-hour drive from the airport to the safari area; and another hour to the camp site. “I planned for this trip three years out,” he says. Then called the lemco Safari Area of Zimbabwe, it consists of 1 million acres of safari area. “At the time I booked this hunt, only two lion hunting permits a year were given for the entire safari area,” adds Baker.


KentucKy depArtment oF Fish And wildliFe resources For more about Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources funding, youth hunting and trapping, as well as number of employees and what areas they manage, go to and type “kDFWR” in the Keyword Search box.

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n baker took this large male african lion measuring 10’4” while on a big-game hunt in the mazunga conservancy in zimbabwe, africa, where permits are only given in areas where there is an overabundance of certain wildlife for purposes of keeping animal populations in correct balance.

expect from a worldwide traveler. And though there’s an adrenalin rush upon seeing deer or elk peek from the edge of a tree line near dusk in a Kentucky backwoods, it still may not approach the level when being charged by a huge Cape buffalo bull, or stalked by two male lions, or run out of a blind by a large black rhino. “It’s definitely there,” he says. “But through experience, patience, and listening to your guides, it becomes part of the hunt.” Although Baker has created a reputation for big-game hunts, his biggest legacy might very well be his involvement with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. “The purpose was to establish a chapter in Kentucky,” says Baker. “I


KentucKy Living • august 2010

really became interested in elk and the fact that they had completely disappeared out of Kentucky.” Baker says the elk had been hunted into extinction. “Back then in the 1850s this was a frontier state, and because there were no game laws, the people here had eliminated all of their food supply,” he says. “The elk had gone the way of the buffalo.” Getting involved in this conservation program, Baker soon became a driving force in restoring elk to Kentucky. Initially there was some hesitancy on the part of the state, because it was thought elk in the East were prone to a parasite called brain worm. However, Baker and others countered that elk had been plentiful here before being overhunted. Finally, 29 elk were trailered in from Canada and released into 750 acres at Land Between The Lakes near Golden Pond. “Today the number is up to 75,” Baker adds. “It would be more, but that’s the number they want to keep it at because it is considered a demonstration project.” He soon found himself fully immersed in bringing more elk back to the state. “I was so obsessed with the elk project that for over a year I almost forgot about my regular job,” says Baker, a commercial real estate agent. As more and more people began to visit the LBL elk reserve, it quickly became apparent they had become a tourist attraction.

Soon, Baker began to receive calls from a few people in eastern Kentucky asking if a similar thing, but on a much grander scale, could be done in their area of the state. “Tom Baker has been a tireless advocate for free-ranging elk in Kentucky for nearly two decades,” says Commissioner Jon Gassett, Ph.D., of Kentucky Fish and Wildlife. “In the mid-90s he joined forces with commission member Doug Hensley, raised public support to restore the elk to eastern Kentucky, and convinced the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation to donate $940,000 to fund the effort.” Baker’s fund-raising on behalf of the Kentucky elk population has brought in approximately $2.4 million to date. So on a cold day in December 1997, with more than 4,500 people looking on, seven elk imported from Kansas were released in Knott County in what was the first of several preplanned stages. In the beginning the goal was 1,700 elk on more than 3 million acres in 20 years, according to Baker. “That’s larger than Yellowstone National Park,” he points out. “And Yellowstone has over 30,000 elk on a million less acres.” Today there are an estimated 10,00012,000 elk roaming some 16 eastern Kentucky counties, covering a total of 4 million acres, and Baker says it is estimated the elk project brings in more than $23 million a year in tourism revenue. “In 2009, more than 46,000 hunters applied for 1,000 hunting tags offered by the state,” Baker says. “Now

“the control of numbers and conservation of wildlife are very important,” Baker points out. “you don’t just go out and shoot something indiscriminately. there are quotas, limits on size and permits for various hunts.” think about the economic impact from all of these people coming to hunt, hire guides, outfitters, meals, and lodging. It all adds up.” Baker also talks about the black bears that have returned on their own to several areas of eastern Kentucky, and the fact that the state now has a limited season on them. Last December 19-20, the state offered, for the first time, a two-day hunt on the bears in Harlan, Letcher, and Pike counties. However, a heavy snowfall kept hunters away and no bears were taken in what had been a 10-bear quota. “Hunting them is what keeps them wild,” he adds. “If we didn’t, they’d lose their fear of people, and that would lead to a real problem.” Tom Baker has an understanding and respect for the fine balance between conservation and the hunting of big game. And because of his involvement over the years, thousands of Kentuckians for years to come will be able to enjoy the state’s oldest sport, even if they never travel to a safari in another country. kL

n this wall of tom baker’s trophy room showcases an array of mounted animals taken from big-game hunts including an african male leopard—the strongest animals of the jungle—shown as he would appear by dragging his prey, a male impala, into a tree for dinner; a zebra from zambia; black wildebeest from south africa; blue wildebeest from zimbabwe; and a vervet monkey from zimbabwe.

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Be Loyal & Faithful …and other important life lessons from our beloved pets By DEBRA GIBSON

I taught my basset hounds to wait for my approval before crossing the street, not to nip at me for attention, and that they They taught me how must attend to certain to find joy in a simple necessities outside. walk around the neighborhood, not to give up on people so easily, and that my dad loves me... 22

KentucKy Living • august 2010

...although I had never believed it. If you’ve ever shared your life with a pet—merely owning one doesn’t count—then you know that people usually get the better end of the deal in the human/animal relationship. Sure, we feed them, attend to their needs, and even indulge them. Their jobs, however, are often much more demanding and important—the stuff of changing hearts and destinies. Author Jon Katz calls it “the new work of dogs,” but his belief about this extends well beyond dogs into other animals he shares life with—a lovable bull named Elvis, a chicken with personality plus named Henrietta, and a persnickety rooster named Winston. The emotional connections we make with our pets change our lives for the better and teach us important life lessons. This, Katz says, is the essence of their jobs today since most never herd sheep or eliminate mice or pull a wagon. Pets are our friends, counselors, teachers, and companions. In short, they change our lives in more ways than we could ever have imagined. Kentucky Living readers have made the same discovery. This month we share some of your stories about lessons learned, hearts opened, and memories made with pets.

A time and a season RoBIn lovElACE, RADClIFF, nolIn RECC

snowflake has taught me that no matter what is going on in my life, I need to enjoy every season. She seems to become one with nature whether it is snowing, raining, or the sun is shining. In the winter, she frolics in the snow as she almost becomes a part of it. Springtime brings the rainy season, when Snowflake loves to be out under the trees letting the rain


fall on her. During the summertime, you will find her stretched out on the deck enjoying every minute of the sunshine. In the fall, Snowflake rolls around in the leaves waiting on us to give her a belly rub, her favorite thing. Snowflake has taught me to take some quiet time for myself. After all, there is a time and season for everything.

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Age with acceptance and dignity


Four years ago, my daughter retired her competition barrel horse at age 16, and Bonnie became my horse. While Bonnie is a sorrel, and I’m in my 40s, notes of The Old Gray Mare ring true. I’ve learned a lot from my large pet as we both face life at a stage some would call past our prime. I still practice Bonnie through the pattern to remind her that she is a barrel horse. And I show her

in events where she can succeed, like halter-trail. When Bonnie wins a ribbon, beating out younger and faster horses, I feel there is hope. Bonnie has been an example for me of how to mature with acceptance and dignity. She keeps me fit and gives me confidence in my appearance. And this stately retired champion reminds me that there’s always an arena you can win in.


A solid black cat with piercing yellow eyes, midnight taught Gilley these four truths: 1. Voice your needs loudly. 2. Differences make life interesting.


3. There’s always room for one more.

24 K e n t u c K y L i v i n g •

august 2010

4. Be ready to make a fast getaway.


Life can be short, live it up LISA JARVIS, FLATGAP, BIG SANDY RECC

I was diagnosed in 2005 with uterine cancer. I started chemotherapy in September, and I received the best gift ever in October—a cute little boxer puppy. We named him hank. He has been my “therapy dog.” He came to me at a time I needed him most. Hank has shown me that above all else, no matter what, he would be there for me. Boxers are generally hyper dogs. Hank knew

something was going on in my life. Therefore, he picked up the most laid-back attitude ever. I have learned from him that life can be short, so live it the best you can while you can. I do believe that animals are the best therapy in the world. Hanky, my boy, thanks for being there when I needed you the most.

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MArty Boggs

Stay warm


My dog vin taught me how to be eco-friendly and stay warm all winter long while saving on fuel/electricity. Just stay under the covers until spring.

Watch out for each other KAITlYn MACKEnZIE PARKER, FRAnKFoRT

I am 9 years old. My pet is a yellow Labrador retriever named charlie. My daddy is a Marine and has been to Iraq three times. Mommy and I never had to be afraid when Charlie was in the house. He will always protect us and watch out for us. I have also learned that I


KentucKy Living • august 2010

have to be responsible for feeding Charlie each morning before I go to school. I don’t mind, though, because he watches out for me, so I’m happy I can watch out for him. I wish that everyone had a good dog like Charlie.

nAncy BrinKEr

Love the unloved


Dogs have not been my favorite pet in the past, to say the least. After the stress associated with our previous dogs, I was the holdout on getting another one. Eventually, we chose to look for a dog that needed a good home rather than buy one bred for profit. Although this may sound noble, I was still not convinced this was a good move for me. Little did I know that of everyone in our family, winston would bond

with me! It seemed I could understand him, as if we had some secret form of communication. There I was, as surprised as everyone else by my love for him. Despite my previous experiences with dogs, I actually enjoyed caring for him, and dare I say “loved” him back! Although we had rescued Winston from neglect, I think he rescued me from missing out on the joys and rewards of caring for one of God’s creatures.

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JiM BAttlEs


My giant schnauzer mix, ella, was destined to be in my family. When I decided to adopt another dog, I knew I wanted a schnauzer, and I’d been thinking the name Ella would be very pretty. So when I found a schnauzer at the Christian County Animal Shelter already named Ella, I dropped everything and ran. Ella has since become something of an inspiration to me. Here’s a dog that’s been turned in to at least two kill shelters, and yet has maintained


KentucKy Living • august 2010

a cheerfulness and love of life you don’t often see. She never makes demands for attention, choosing to ask politely when I’m not busy. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve turned around from washing dishes or making the bed to find her quietly sitting behind me, just waiting. She seems grateful for the life she has. I think we could all learn something from this dog.

Show ’em you love ’em nAnCY BlUE, CERUlEAn

dawn, my orange-sable Pomeranian, taught me unconditional, unmerited love. After leaping into my lap and chasing off all other dogs that sought my attention, she chose me as her person and remained the most loving, loyal friend to the day she died in my arms. She showed me how to express joy with her ever-smiling face and eagerly wagging fluffy tail. A warm welcome on my return was another lesson. It makes you look forward to coming home. Loyalty she showed with her constant presence, regardless of the circumstances. Dawn taught me that discipline is an important part of life. Her quick correction of her puppies, followed immediately with comforting licks, was a wonderful example of loving care. A friend gave me a plaque that reads, “Lord, make me the person my dog thinks I am.” She thought of me as the most wonderful being in her life, and so I try daily to live up to her shining example.



Meet Boomer and Pearl online It’s worth digging to meet Boomer, an abused pit bull turned family pet with 10 life lessons, and Pearl, another dog, who kept her distance until she taught her owner some wisdom. Go to www. and type “pet lessons” in the Keyword Search box. kL

For more information: 270-754-9603 •

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KentucKy culture crEAtions By JEff/KEntucKy nAtivE AMEricAn hEritAgE MusEuM

native american cultural events educate, celebrate Powwows, festivals prove traditions are alive and well Kathy witt


entucky has a rich Native American presence,” says Sarah Elizabeth Burkey, a Native American musician who lives in Kevil. “And it is not just in the history of the land and what happened here hundreds of years ago. It is alive and well in the everyday lives of people of the Commonwealth.” Kentucky observes Native American Heritage Month in November—but several events, including powwows, will have unfolded beforehand in celebration of the contributions Native Americans have made to the state’s cultural heritage. The events, which combine education and hands-on activities like tomahawk throwing, bow-andarrow and blow-gun shooting, and Indian dancing and drumming, help raise awareness and play an important role in preserving Kentucky’s Native American traditions. “Some estimates put the percentage of people in Appalachia with Native blood as high as 92 percent,” says Kenneth Phillips, a Cherokee from Corbin. “The Cherokee Trail of Tears went through the southern half of Kentucky, during which many of our ancestors slipped away and lived as white people while hiding their ancestry due to fear of being removed to the reservation.” Phillips adds, “Much of what we


KentucKy Living • august 2010

richard blue cloud Kidd, a shawnee and native of Kentucky, teaches children how to make arrows, showing them the differences between cherokee and shawnee arrows in the process.

worth the trip call folk art, folk music, and folkways today is actually Native American originally and has been handed down by these Native ancestors who have been forgotten.” “We want to educate the public, especially the children, about true Native American culture and keep it alive—not the Hollywood stereotype,” says Jan Quigg, whose ancestors were Cherokee. Jan and her husband, Dan, organize the powwow in Richmond that takes place at Battlefield Park. Glenda McGill agrees that the events cater to kids. McGill, whose ancestry includes Cherokee, Shawnee, Delaware, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Scotch-Irish, and French, helps organize the All Nations at Westport event each year. Two kid favorites are the candy dance and the potato dance. The former is like the cakewalk at so many fairs and festivals, but with a candy grab when the drumming stops. The latter is remi-

niscent of an old childhood game, pass the potato—only with two kids holding the potato between their noses as they dance in a circle. A highlight of the Native American Heritage Museum Benefit Powwow, held in early September in Corbin, is an appearance by Emerson Begay, a well-known traditional Navajo dancer and artist, who will be Head Man Dancer. Another is the mobile museum that travels the state with its collection of war clubs, smoking pipes, arrows, jewelry, and fire-starter kit, among other artifacts. The museum’s mission is to teach about the Eastern Woodland tribes— Cherokee, Shawnee, Mohawk, and Creek are the major tribes represented—that inhabited this region when Europeans arrived. Authentic crafts and foods are staples of powwow events and might include vendors from Cherokee, Navajo, Apache, Lumbee, Shawnee, and Mohawk nations. Typically there are demonstrations of medicinal herbs,

crEAtions By JEff/KEntucKy nAtivE AMEricAn hEritAgE

drumming, bead jewelry, and leather crafts like bags and moccasins. These items and others—pottery, sculpture, dream catchers, clothing, and recordings of Native American music—are sold. At some powwows, kids queue up for grab bags made especially for them. Festival food generally includes fry bread, buffalo burgers, and Native tacos, though items like hamburgers and hot dogs are available as well. Singing and storytelling are major components of these events. Burkey, who is known by the English translation of her Cherokee name, SoftWalks— which means “she who walks softly with respect and love for all of nature”— will spend each weekend in November singing and telling stories at Native American events all over the state. Burkey has recorded several albums, including Don’t Die Yet, on which she is

sierra mullins of the Lumbee tribe of north carolina dances at a Kentucky native american heritage museum benefit powwow.

accompanied by Grammy-nominated Navajo musician Tony Redhouse. By fall, Burkey will release her newest album, which features her singing many of the songs in Cherokee. Burkey will also appear in November

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native American events are plentiful There are many events in Kentucky each year that celebrate native American culture. A good source of information is the Kentucky native American Heritage Commission at one partnership that has been established by the commission is with the U.S. Forest Service to support living Archaeology Weekend, a presentation of prehistoric and traditional native technology at Gladie Historic Site in the Red River Gorge. Below are some native American events that will take place in late summer or the fall, but leave your watch at home. According to Jan Quigg, “all times are Indian time,” meaning events could begin a few minutes or more before or after stated times.

3rd annual Kentucky native american heritage museum benefit powwow Sept. 3-5, St. John’s Park, College Street, Knox County, Corbin Friday Kids Day, 9 a.m.-9 p.m.: anyone under 17 gets in free Saturday 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Grand Entry: 12 p.m. Sunday 12 p.m.-7 p.m.; Grand Entry: 1 p.m. Host Drum & Honor Guard: All nations Warrior Society, www. Admission: adults $5; ages 13-17 $2; 12 and under free Contact: Kenneth Phillips, (606)

at Sacred Soil: Foundation of Life, the 15th Annual Louisville Festival of Faiths. While not a “Native” event, the festival celebrates the different cultures, faiths, and spiritualities of the world, and explores how to unite them for the cause of environmental sustainability. She is also a frequent guest artist at programs held at Mantle Rock Native Education and Culture Center in Marion.


KentucKy Living • august 2010


5th annual all nations at westport Sept. 18-19, The Commons at Westport, 6700 W. Main St., oldham County, Westport Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Grand Entry: 1 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Grand Entry: 1 p.m. Host Drum: SkyHawk Drum, www. Admission: adults $5; ages 8-14 $2.50; kids 8 and under free Contact: Glenda McGill, (502) 2225902,

17th annual richmond powwow Sept. 24-26, Battlefield Park, Madison County, Richmond Friday School Day: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Grand Entry: 6 p.m.; dancing till dusk Saturday 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Grand Entry: 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Grand Entry: 12 p.m. Admission: adults $5; children $2 Contact: Jan and Dan Quigg, (859) 623-6076, www.battleofrichmond. org or

sacred soil: foundation of Life 15th Annual louisville Festival of Faiths nov. 3-9, Henry Clay Building, 604 S. Third St., downtown louisville Many events are free; some will be ticketed. visit the Web site for details. Contact: lauren Argo, (502) 5833100,

“I sing traditional songs in Cherokee as well as songs I have written in English,” Burkey says. “And like many Kentuckians, I also have Scotch-Irish heritage. Think about all the generations and generations of people from different cultures over the ages that had to unite for me to be here today. “That is a lot of heritage.” kL


hot august blues fest Come to Aurora on August 27-28 for the 21st Annual Hot August Blues Festival at Kenlake State Resort Park Amphitheater on scenic Kentucky lake. organizers guarantee two days of unforgettable entertainment and fun. For more information, visit www.hotaugustbluesfestival .com or call (270) 293-6641.

battle of blue Licks tribute on August 21-22, Blue licks Battlefield State Resort Park in Mt. olivet will pay tribute to the pioneers who fought and died at the Battle of Blue licks on August 19, 1782. A craft area features artisans and vendors, along with special music and a battle reenactment at 3 p.m. each day. Stroll through the encampment and see how the pioneers lived. This year marks the 228th anniversary of the battle. For more information, call (800) 443-7008.

duncan hines festival

MArshAl rAy/BgAcvB

Get your taste buds ready for the 14th Annual Duncan Hines Festival, one of Southeast Tourism Society’s Top 20 Events of Summer 2010. Bowling Green, the hometown of cake-mix king Duncan Hines, celebrates his legacy on Friday, August 13, with a free street dance featuring live music, a create-your-own recipe contest, Uncle Duncan’s Duck Derby, and more at Circus Square Park downtown. For more information, visit www. or call (270) 782-0800.

Kentucky state fair 2010 Celebrate the 106th year of the Kentucky State Fair, August 19-29, with 11 days of activities for the whole family, including concerts, exhibits, crafts, animals, and contests. Enjoy the splendor of the World’s Championship Horse Show at Freedom Hall. For more information, visit or call (502) 367-5002. Kentucky living Event Calendar brought to you by the Kentucky Department of Travel. For a complete listing of destinations, attractions, and events happening in your own back yard or throughout the entire state, visit

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Thursdays on the Square (502) 316-0846 Georgetown. SAT AUG 7

Buffalo Days

(859) 865-2411 Through the 8th. Bluegrass Animal land, Salvisa.

Tunes in the Vines

(859) 846-9463 Equus Run vineyards, Midway. TUE AUG 10

Run for Your Wife

(866) 597-5297 Through the 21st. Pioneer Playhouse, Danville.

National S’Mores Day (270) 826-2247 Audubon Campground Shelter, Henderson. WED AUG 11

In the Footsteps of Lucy Braun

(606) 558-3571 Through the 15th. Pine Mountain Settlement School, Bledsoe. ThU AUG 12

Tree O’ Life Quilting Workshop

(270) 442-8856 Through the 14th. national Quilt Museum, Paducah.

Main Event in Downtown

(859) 498-8725 Mt. Sterling. FRI AUG 13

The Bardstown Opry

(859) 336-9839 Bluegrass Entertainment & Expo Complex, Bardstown.

Summer Band Concert (800) 638-4877 Bardstown.

Bluegrass in the Park Folklife Festival (800) 648-3128 Through the 14th. Audubon Mill Park, Henderson.

Athens Schoolhouse Antiques Show

Sermon on the Mount (859) 635-2444 Through the 15th. Falmouth.

Jessamine Beef Cattle Cookout

(859) 608-6295 Through the 14th. Tractor Supply, nicholasville.

Glen Rice Family & Friends Musical Concert Series

(270) 325-3256 Hardin County Schools PAC, Elizabethtown.

Duncan Hines Festival (270) 782-0800 Bowling Green.

Gallery Hop

(270) 781-0872 Bowling Green.

(270) 392-0288 national Corvette Museum, Bowling Green.

Concerts at the Vineyard Series

(859) 846-9463 Equus Run vineyards, Midway.

Cadiz Cruz In

(270) 522-1005 Cadiz.

Bourbon Tasting Dinner Excursion

(502) 348-7300 My old Kentucky Dinner Train, Bardstown. TUE AUG 17

Nature Rocks! Family Nature Club (270) 343-3797 Public library, Jamestown.



Nature Rocks! Family Nature Club

The Bardstown Opry

(270) 343-3797 Public library, Jamestown.

Whiskey City Cruisers (800) 638-4877 Bardstown.

Breakfast in the Park

(859) 336-9839 Bluegrass Entertainment & Expo Complex, Bardstown.

Summer Band Concert

(800) 638-4877 Bardstown.

(270) 827-0016 Audubon Mill Park, Henderson.

3rd on 3rd

Pickin’ & Pedalin’ Bike Tour

Multi-Cultural Festival

(800) 648-3128 Henderson.

Jammin’ & Jumpin’ Street Vault (270) 724-2218 Henderson.

Dinner on the Rails

(800) 272-0152 Kentucky Railway Museum, new Haven.

Cruisin’ the Ridge (859) 391-0149 Dry Ridge.

Hardin, Grayson, Green, & LaRue County Days

(800) 762-2869 Through the 15th. Kentucky Down Under, Horse Cave.

River Daze Festival (502) 222-0646 Westport Park, Westport.

(859) 255-7309 Through the 15th. lexington.


BIG Cruise

KentucKy Living • august 2010

(800) 638-4877 Bardstown.

(270) 684-1467 First Presbyterian Church, owensboro.

Adult Artist Retreat (270) 827-1893 Audubon Museum, Henderson.


(859) 336-5412 Through the 27th. opera House, Springfield.

Car, Truck, & Tractor Show

(270) 772-3294 Through the 21st. lake Malone State Park, Dunmor.

Ice Cream & a Mooovie (270) 843-5567 Chaney’s Dairy Barn, Bowling Green.

International Newgrass Festival (270) 784-0757 Through the 22nd. Ballance Farms, Bowling Green.

WAABI Golf Classic

ThU AUG 26


Big Daddy’s Barbecue

Teachers Month

(800) 638-4877 Civil War Museum, Bardstown.


Sacajawea Festival

Saturday Nite SockHop Show

(270) 343-3797 Through the 28th. Wolf Creek national Fish Hatchery, Jamestown.

(502) 215-2379 Through the 21st. Bardstown/Shepherdsville. SAT AUG 21

Living History

(859) 336-9839 Bluegrass Entertainment & Expo Complex, Bardstown.

Recreation Bowl

(859) 498-8744 MCHS Football Field, Mt. Sterling.

Small Town America Weekend (859) 497-8732 Through the 22nd. Mt. Sterling.

Pennyrile Classic Car Club Summer Cruise-In (270) 498-1795 Hopkinsville.

Olboystoys Car Show (270) 866-7294 Russell Springs.

Gateway Special Olympics Car, Truck, Tractor, & Motorcycle Show (859) 498-9874 Mt. Sterling.

Cruisin on Main

(606) 682-9398 london.

Ohio Valley Truck & Tractor Pulls & Mud Bog

(502) 477-9992 Spencer County Fairgrounds, Taylorsville.

Riders for Kids Benefit ATV/Horse Trail Ride (270) 536-3415 Hudson. SUN AUG 22

Twilight Driving Tour (502) 451-5630 Cave Hill Cemetery, louisville. WED AUG 25

Doubloon Day

(502) 753-5663 Frazier International History Museum, louisville.

(866) 597-5297 Through the 28th. Pioneer Playhouse, Danville.

Project WILD Facilitator Training

The Bardstown Opry

(859) 336-9839 Bluegrass Entertainment & Expo Complex, Bardstown.

Summer Band Concert

(800) 638-4877 Bardstown.


(270) 879-8190 Pine Knob Theatre, Caneyville.

Bluegrass 101 Bluegrass Festival

(502) 252-9004 Through the 28th. Bullitt County Fairgrounds, Shepherdsville.

Garrard County Rural Heritage Tobacco Festival (859) 806-8334 Through the 29th. lancaster. SAT AUG 28

Pine Mountain Community Fair Day

(606) 558-3586 Pine Mountain Settlement School, Bledsoe.

At the Hop

(270) 879-8190 Pine Knob Theatre, Caneyville.

Somernites Cruise Car Show (606) 872-2277 Somerset.

Battle of Richmond (859) 624-0013 Through the 29th. Battlefield Park, Richmond. mON AUG 30

Cornerstone Christian Academy Benefit Golf Scramble (502) 633-4070 Country Club, Shelbyville.

(270) 773-4345 Through the 30th. Dinosaur World, Cave City. (270) 668-3047 Through the 4th. Cloverport. FRI SEP 3

Swift Silver Mine Festival (606) 668-3521 Through the 5th. Campton.

The Bardstown Opry

(859) 336-9839 Bluegrass Entertainment & Expo Complex, Bardstown.

Summer Band Concert (800) 638-4877 Bardstown.

Plein-Air Studio & Workshop (270) 827-1893 Through the 4th. Audubon Museum, Henderson.

First Friday Art Gallery Opening Reception & Exhibit (859) 498-6264 Mt. Sterling.

Kentucky Native American Heritage Museum Pow Wow (606) 528-6342 Through the 5th. Corbin.

Antique Tractor & Engine Show

(270) 668-4513 Through the 4th. Breckinridge County Fairgrounds, Hardinsburg. SAT SEP 4

Downtown Walking Tour (270) 830-9707 Henderson.

Cruise-In Car Show (859) 498-9874 Mt. Sterling.

PMSS Community School Reunion

(606) 558-3586 Pine Mountain Settlement School, Bledsoe.

Kentucky Bluegrass Music Festival

(502) 583-0333 Through the 6th. Water Tower, louisville.

Edmonson County Homecoming (270) 286-8532 Brownsville. SUN SEP 5

Labor Day Car Show (859) 498-1960 Judy’s Drive-In, Mt. Sterling.

Bluegrass Animal Land Labor Day (859) 865-2411 Through the 6th. Salvisa.

Gospel Concert & Breakfast

(502) 839-3487 Alton Baptist Church, lawrenceburg. WED SEP 8

Senior Olympic Games

(270) 827-2948 Through the 16th. Atkinson Park, Henderson. ThU SEP 9

Main Event

(859) 498-8725 Mt. Sterling.


The Bardstown Opry

(859) 336-9839 Bluegrass Entertainment & Expo Complex, Bardstown.

Rolling Fork Iron Horse Festival

(502) 549-3117 Through the 11th. new Haven.

Henderson RC Club Open Fly-In

(270) 521-9001 Through the 12th. RC Club, Robards.

Athens Schoolhouse Antique Show (859) 255-7309 Through the 12th. lexington.

Jessamine County Beef Cattle Cookout (859) 608-6295 Through the 11th. Tractor Supply, nicholasville.

15+ Mile Yard Sale (606) 871-7894 Through the 11th. nancy/Faubush/ Chesterview/Jabez.

Antique Show & Sale (270) 842-5991 Through the 12th. Knights of Columbus Hall, Bowling Green.

To Kill a Mockingbird

Music Festival

(270) 432-2276 Through the 11th. Barn lot Theater, Edmonton.

(270) 776-5587 Through the 11th. Bluegrass Music Rv Park, Franklin.

Little Women


(270) 432-2276 Through the 11th. Barn lot Theater, Edmonton.

Hwy. 31-W Treasure Hunt Yard Sale

(270) 670-3741 Through the 12th. Park City.

(859) 491-0458 Through the 12th. MainStrasse village, Covington.


to view a comprehensive listing of events, go to and select travel & events. you can search by month, city, or event. published events are subject to change. please call ahead to confirm dates and times. Events are published as space allows, must be submitted at least 90 days in advance, and include a telephone number for publication. To submit an event online, go to www. and select Travel & Events, or send your info to Kentucky Living, Events Editor, P.o. Box 32170, louisville, KY 40232, or fax to (502) 459-1611.

www.K e n t u c K y L i v i n g . c O m • A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


cooperAtive hero

always on alert From tornadoes to ice storms, Hickman County can rely on Scott Smith in an emergency byrOn crawfOrd


KAy turnEr; insEt Photo By gAyE BEncini

cott Smith, the mild-mannered, 39-year-old vice president of First Community Bank in Clinton, may arrive at the office wearing a tie, but he often leaves changing into his fire helmet and other emergency gear. A member of Hickman-Fulton Counties RECC, Smith holds a degree in finance from Murray State University and served as Hickman County’s director of emergency management for three years before join-

scott smith is the vice president of first community bank in clinton, but also volunteers for multiple emergency management agencies. smith is shown operating the fire truck while fighting a house fire, serving as assistant chief for the clinton fire department and hickman county fire and rescue.


KentucKy Living • august 2010

ing the bank in 1997. Since then, he has continued to serve without pay as assistant director of emergency management and as a volunteer with both the Clinton Fire Department and Hickman County Fire and Rescue, where he is assistant chief. Smith has the green light from the bank’s board of directors to respond to daily emergencies, and during last year’s ice storm he served as incident command officer for 17 days straight. “My president, Bruce Kimbell, said, ‘Do what you need to do for the county,’” Smith recalls. And in early May, numerous people reported that had they not been awakened by Smith’s recorded telephone warning on the night a tornado struck, they wouldn’t have known of the approaching twister. It touched down along an 8-mile stretch of Hickman County, but caused no injuries. Greg Pruitt, Hickman County judge executive, characterizes Smith’s leadership and his many hours of volunteer service to his native county as exceptional. During the 2009 ice storm, “I’m sure there were many good incident command officers across the state— but there was not one any better anywhere than Scott Smith,” Pruitt says. Smith is now taking emergency medical responder training for certification to assist paramedics and emergency medical technicians on ambulance runs. “It’s hard to explain, unless it’s something that you’ve ever done, but once you’re involved in emergency

services, it becomes a part of you, I guess,” Smith says. “It makes you feel good to be able to help people.” He also serves on the boards of the local health department, a nursing home, and his church in nearby Fulton.

“in times past i’ve tried to take a little break from it (volunteer emergency management) to concentrate on other things, but you can’t get away from it. it’s just in you and part of you, and you have to do it.” “In my opinion, he is one of the finest young men in Hickman County,” says Lula Belle Puckett, director of the mission house for the local ministerial alliance. Smith was named Hickman County’s Citizen of the Year in 2009. kL ByRON CRAWFORD is Kentucky’s story-

teller, a veteran broadcast and print journalist, known for his colorful backroads tales from The Courier-Journal, WHAS Tv and Radio, and KET’s Kentucky Life. nominate the hero in your community! See page 6 for details.


READER RECIPE peaches and cream cake

high on the hog

cake 1 box white cake mix

roy’s Bar-B-Q in russellville has been serving smoked treats for almost three decades to “the world’s finest people” Linda aLLisOn-Lewis ROy’S BAR-B-q

stAcy grAy

has enjoyed 27 years of being one of Kentucky’s great pit barbecue restaurants. This business, at 101 Sara lane off the bypass in Russellville—with a second carryout location and a successful catering clientele—is truly a family affair. The owners credit great employees and loyal patrons for almost three decades of success. Harold Harris and Roger Morgan are the pit masters while Janey Morgan and, in the photo from left to right, lee Morgan, Kathy Howard, leeAnn Harris, and Roy Morgan cook, cater, and handle daily operations. (At center is a portrait of founder Ralph Morgan.) Best sellers include barbecued pork and farm-raised catfish. Customer favorites also range from ribs, chicken, beef, and mutton to deep-fried items, vegetables in season, and desserts. Roy’s also sells barbecue by the pound. lee Morgan, grill cook and nightshift manager, credits the co-owners’ parents, Jolene and Ralph Morgan, for launching the restaurant’s success. He thanks their patrons by quoting Ralph Morgan from a sign in the restaurant that reads, “The world’s finest people walk through these doors.” Roy’s hours are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday; (270) 726-8057.

ranch potatoes 6 medium potatoes 1 large bottle ranch dressing 1 c cheddar cheese, shredded 1/2 c real bacon bits chopped green onions (optional) Bake potatoes in a pan in a preheated 350° oven until fork tender. When cool, slice potatoes lengthwise into long, thin fingers (or halves). Pour ranch dressing on top of single layer of sliced potatoes and top with shredded cheddar cheese. Bake in a pan at 350° for 40 minutes. Arrange on plate; sprinkle with bacon bits and chopped green onion if desired. Serves 6-8.

roy’s bar-b-Q baked beans 20-oz can pork and beans 1/2 c brown sugar 1/2 c ketchup Mix ingredients together and heat on stove in oven-safe saucepan. Add 1/4 lb of Roy’s Smoked Bar-B-Q Pork (can be purchased at restaurant). optional—add onions, peppers, and bacon bits. Bake in oven-safe saucepan at 325° for 45 minutes. Serves 4-6.

peach glaze 3/4 c sugar 5 tsps cornstarch 1-1/2 c cold water 1 pkg (3 oz) apricot gelatin 2 c frozen unsweetened peach slices filling 1 pkg (3 oz) cream cheese, softened 3 tbsps confectioners’ sugar 1 tbsp milk 1-1/2 c prepared, nondairy whipped topping Preheat oven to 325°. Prepare cake mix according to package directions in 9”x13” pan. let cool thoroughly in pan. (If your cake doesn’t come out of the oven with a flat surface, trim the top to create a flat surface. This will give your cake a pretty, layered look when finished.) In large saucepan, combine sugar and cornstarch. Stir in water until smooth. Bring to a boil. Cook and stir for 1 to 2 minutes, or until thickened. Remove from heat. While still hot, whisk in gelatin until dissolved. Add drained peaches. Set aside to cool slightly. In mixing bowl, beat cream cheese, confectioners’ sugar, and milk until smooth. Fold in whipped topping. Spoon cream cheese mixture over the cake, covering its surface. Then spoon peach mixture on top. Refrigerate until set, about 3 hours. Serves 12. Submitted by JENNIFER BRYANT, Booneville, Jackson Energy Cooperative, who writes: “I am a married mother of two. I am a former home economics teacher and I currently teach developmental reading at Hazard Community College. I tweaked this recipe from one I was given for a peaches and cream pie.” Submit your recipe. See page 6 for details.

popular dishes at the restaurant include the ranch potatoes appetizer and roy’s bar-b-Q baked beans. photo by edis celik.

LINDA ALLISON-LEWIS writes from her

home in Bullitt County. A former restaurant critic, her latest cookbook is Kentucky Cooks: Favorite Recipes of Kentucky Living.

www.K e n t u c K y L i v i n g . c O m • A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


smArt moves

bike helmets save lives Kids, adults shouldn’t pedal without them mary marga ret cOLLiver


BIkE SAFETy A helmet should sit on top of the head in a level position and should not move loosely. The straps must always be buckled, but not too tightly. Kids should not wear bike helmets on the playground (where straps can get caught on equipment and cause injury) or for activities that require specialized helmets, such as skiing or football. Ride on the right side of the road, with traffic, not against it. Use appropriate hand signals and respect traffic signals, stopping at all stop signs and lights. The staff at a bicycle shop or outdoor recreation store can provide expert advice on adjusting bikes and helmets.


Program offers incentives for long-term care policies


ummer gives families the chance to enjoy the outdoors on their bikes. While inflating the tires and checking the brakes are important, a helmet is essential. Safe Kids Fayette County, led by Kentucky Children’s Hospital, urges parents, caregivers, and children to use their helmet each time they ride their bike—no matter how short the trip. Each year, about 135 children die from bicycle-related injuries

KentucKy Living • august 2010


and more than 267,000 nonfatal bicycle injuries occur. Helmets can reduce the risk of severe brain injuries by 88 percent; however, only 15 percent to 25 percent of children 14 and under usually wear them. “A bike helmet is essential safety gear,” says Sherri Hannan, coordinator of Safe Kids Fayette County. “Helmets could prevent an estimated 75 percent of fatal head injuries and up to 45,000 head injuries to children who ride bikes each year.” Sometimes children mistakenly believe they don’t need to wear helmets while riding near home. Unfortunately, about 53 percent of vehicle-related bike deaths to children happen on minor roads and residential streets. “Teach kids to obey traffic signs and the rules of the road. Kids should not ride without supervision until they have demonstrated that they always follow the rules,” Hannan says. A helmet should also be labeled to indicate that it meets U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission standards. For more information, call Safe Kids Fayette County at (859) 3231153 or visit kL

sara peaK

the state is providing incentives for Kentuckians to purchase long-term care insurance. The Kentucky long-Term Care Partnership Insurance Program—a partnership among the Department for Medicaid Services, the Department of Insurance, and private insurance companies—entices individuals to purchase private policies in hopes of alleviating pressure on state Medicaid. Here’s an example of how the program works. let’s assume someone purchases a private long-term care policy that qualifies for participation in the program. Typically, without a partnership, if the policy’s benefits are exhausted and the person is still incurring long-term care costs, the policyholder would need to qualify for Medicaid assistance in the traditional manner. However, under the partnership program, there are modified eligibility rules that protect the policyholder’s assets if the insurance policy’s benefits are exhausted. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, when determining Medicaid eligibility for someone who owns a partnership policy, Medicaid will disregard the amount of assets equal to the amount of benefits received under the person’s qualified long-term care policy. The insurance policy must meet certain criteria to qualify for the program, so discuss this with your insurance agent. learn more at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Web site, www. SARA PEAk is a Certified Financial Planner.


Have a money question? E-mail us at e-mail@

health information for UK HealthCare.



Knocked out by your roses kNOCk OUT ROSES ARE ThE mOST widely sold roses in the united states today, and for good reason. these easy-to-care-for, reblooming, and self-cleaning roses are perfect for low-maintenance gardens. ThERE ARE SEvEN DIFFERENT kNOCk OUTS to choose from: • ‘radrazz,’ the (original) Knock Out rose with its single cherry red/hot pink flowers • ‘radtko,’ the double Knock Out rose with double cherry red/hot pink flowers • ‘radcon,’ the pink Knock Out rose with single bright pink flowers • ‘radtkopink,’ the double pink Knock Out rose, below, with double bright pink flowers • ‘radcor,’ the rainbow Knock Out rose with coral-pink flowers with a yellow center • ‘radyod,’ the blushing Knock Out rose with single light pink flowers • ‘radsunny,’ the sunny Knock Out rose with single bright yellow/pale yellow flowers

shElly nold

ALL ARE SAID TO BE DISEASERESISTANT, winter-hardy in usda zones 5 through 10, and quite heattolerant. when unpruned, they will grow 3 to 4 feet tall and wide. they bloom from spring to first frost about every five to six weeks. each one is still unique and will have subtle differences in growth habit, foliage color and sheen, size of flower, vigor, disease resistance, and overall performance. ThE FLOWERS, WhEThER SINGLE OR DOUBLE, are profuse bloomers, making them difficult to cut and put in a vase but perfect for the landscape. they are particularly beautiful when viewed from a distance and when planted in groups of three or more. these low-maintenance roses are appropriate for both residential and commercial use. ONE ImPORTANT mAINTENANCE PRACTICE is recommended: all Knock Out roses should be cut back anytime in the late winter to early spring to about 18 inches. this maintenance technique will give you more compact and heavier blooming plants each year, for the most enjoyment with the least amount of effort from your garden.

q where can i find a gooseberry plant? A There are a few different varieties of gooseberries, although most of them are derived from the European Ribes gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa) and the American gooseberry (Ribes hirtellum). These berries are typically grown for making jams, jellies, and pies, but some varieties are very tasty just by themselves and are a close cousin to currants. To buy these plants, you might first call around to local garden centers and nurseries or check out your local farmers’ market. If local suppliers do not have them, you can always ask if they are willing to try to find them for you. In most cases they are happy to do this. If you cannot find them locally, there are several online sources that have these berries on their mail order lists. Gurney‘s, located in Indiana, can be reached at (513) 354-1491 or online at Stark Bros., located in louisiana, is another online source. They can be reached at (800) 325-4180 or Both companies have guarantee policies. For more information on growing gooseberries in Kentucky, visit www. currants.pdf to automatically download a PDF file.


ShELLy NOLD is a horticulturist and owner of The Plant Kingdom. Send stories and ideas to

her at The Plant Kingdom, 4101 Westport Road, louisville, KY 40207., click on Home & Garden, then “Ask The Gardener.”

www.K e n t u c K y L i v i n g . c O m • A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


greAt outdoors

hanging around Hammocks are popular new option for the best slumber in the outdoors dave shuffett




KentucKy Living • august 2010

chris rEArdon

suspended above things like snakes and spiders. Camping hammocks function the same way as the rope hammocks we’re all familiar with, but they are specially designed for camping. They’re made of tent-like fabric and suspended between two trees. Various designs include the ability to zip oneself up in the hammock, and some even include mosquito netting. To avoid sleeping like a banana, all you do is tighten the ropes for a flatter position, making it much easier to sleep on your side or stomach if you prefer. Hammock enthusiasts say their type of camping is more environmentally friendly, as a suspended camper “leaves no trace,” whereas tents always do. And all you need are two trees anywhere. You may be suspended over boulders looking out upon spectacular scenery. hammOcK campers often suspend Hammock campers usutarps above their hammocks in case of ally insert a sleeping bag into the rain. hammock. Even so, suspended cOnsider buiLt-in mosquito netting sleeping means cooling airflow for warm-weather camping. to the backside, desirable in the summer but not when temuse a sLeeping bag with an adequate peratures plummet in the colder temperature rating for the time of year months. To compensate for this, you are camping. all sorts of solutions have been

he days and nights I have spent in the great outdoors have added up to a good chunk of my life by now. If I haven’t done it, I’ve at least heard of it, or so I thought. I was caught completely off guard recently when a fellow mentioned his “Thanksgiving hang.” All kinds of terrible thoughts raced through my head for an instant until camping enthusiast Chris Reardon of Lexington explained his terminology. He’s talking about hammock camping. When he and others like him go camping, they refer to them as “hangs.” Chris and hundreds of other enthusiasts across the country say it’s the most comfortable sleep you can ask for in the outdoors, far better than tent camping on the hard ground. And some people (including me) like the notion of being

chris reardon’s “hang” at red river gorge included a skeeter beeter pro hammock and a funky forest tarp to keep rain away.

implemented, from foam camping pads to quilts placed under the sleeping bag to provide that extra layer of insulation. Hammock camping is still in its infancy in the U.S., so you won’t find the hammocks or the people who do it around every corner. One good way to learn more is at www.hammock More than 6,500 people have joined the site so far, and it’s expected more and more folks will discover the benefits of “hanging around.” Or just search “hammock camping” or “camping hammocks for sale” on your computer and plenty of information will come up. Personally, I can’t wait to go on a “holiday hanging” this summer. Hmm, I’d better watch how I phrase that. kL DAvE ShUFFETT is host of Kentucky Life

on KET, airing Saturdays 7 p.m Central Time or 8 p.m. Eastern Time, and Sundays 3:30 p.m. Central Time or 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time.


t TWICE ThE FUN hannah Lynette steverson, age 7, of waddy, has her choice of horses to ride. photo by mom, stacy steverson, member of blue grass energy cooperative.

pet adventures p READy TO GO nugget, in his cool shades, is ready for adventure at a carrollton park. photo by carol west, sanders, member of Owen electric cooperative.

p COmE hERE OFTEN? a crab plays tour guide for ricky the dog at gulf shores, alabama. photo by Laurie and roby doan, Louisville, members of salt river electric cooperative. t DINO DOG shelby had a real adventure at dinosaur world, and even went on a boat ride. photo by a.J. mullins, submitted by brenda mullins, stanford, members of inter-county energy cooperative. Submit your photo! See page 6 for details.

www.K e n t u c K y L i v i n g . c O m • A U G U S T 2 0 1 0



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KentucKy Living • AUGUST 2010


KIDS Helping out at home

Ask your parents if there are things you can do to help clean up around the house. That may help them have more family time at the end of the day.



One of these falling letters will complete all of the words below. Can you catch the right one?





Green Team Tip This summer before you go outside to play, fill a sippy cup full of ice and water to take with you. You will not have to run into the house or open the fridge every time you want a sip of water. This will save energy. Tip submitted by Jalen Allen

Win a T-shirt! Send us your Green Team Tip, and if it gets printed, we’ll send you a free CFL Charlie T-shirt! Send your best tip for conserving energy, in 50 words or less, and name, address, and shirt size to or Kentucky Living, Green Team Tip, P.O. Box 32170, Louisville, KY 40232.

State It!

WHITE-TAILED DEER This deer gets its name because of its long tail with a white underside that sticks up as it runs. This animal can be shy and run away from people, but might sometimes become used to human neighbors and end up in a back yard looking for food. The best times to spot this quiet animal are in the early morning or the early evening.

Answer: Catch the letter “A” to complete all the words.

Did You Know? There is a turtle called the “stinkpot turtle” that has an awful smell to scare away animals that might try to eat it. It’s a turtle that smells like a skunk!


It’s a

Send your favorite joke to Put Jokes in the subject line. If it gets printed, we will send you a free gift!

Knock Knock. Who’s there? Whale. Whale who? Whale you be my friend? Submitted by Lindsay Carrier, age 8

www.K e n t u c K y L i v i n g . c O m • A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


The View from plum lick

a lick and a promise Even the smallest places in Kentucky have an important story to tell DaviD DicK

Before David Dick died July 16 he left us with three columns. I debated the propriety of printing them posthumously, finally deciding it would be a disservice not to print them: to David, since he wrote them to be published; and to readers like you, who have admired and encouraged him over the past 21 years.—Paul Wesslund


very now and then I’m asked what “lick” means, and I scratch my noggin and say, “Well, it’s a small amount of something or other”—anything from a “cowlick”—a child’s stubborn lock of hair—to a trickle of water, to a spark of electric juice. Doesn’t take much to make a lick. As for “Plum Lick,” there’s a legend that Native American hunters carried plums for snacking in pouches and spit out the seeds, creating plum trees along what would become the Bourbon-Montgomery County line. Couldn’t prove it by me, but I like the sound of it. They probably licked their chops while doing it. Then there’s the local saying, “He hasn’t hit a lick of work since Hector was a pup.” Why Hector and not Joe, John, Charles, or David is not clear. “Lick a calf over again” suggests the job wasn’t done right the first time. Might’ve licked your wounds on the rebound. “Lick and a promise” falls in the same slapdash category as dribs and drabs. And how about a lick log—a log with holes cut in it to hold salt for cattle. And if you want to come to an agreement or settle an account with somebody, you “lick thumbs,” as long as you didn’t lick their boots in the process. In DeLorme’s Kentucky Atlas & Gazetteer, there are more licks from the Big Sandy to the Mississippi than an undoctored dog has fleas. Some are Big Bone Lick, Buck Lick, Bullitt’s Lick, Red

46 K e n t u c K y L i v i n g •

august 2010

Lick Creek, Flat Lick and Old Flat Lick (communities), Clay Lick, Deer Lick, Deer Lick Creek, Grassy Lick, Paint Lick, Big Fork of Rock Lick, Salt Lick (community), Snake Lick Creek, Lick Branch of Difficult Creek, Lick Branch of Rock House Fork of Pawpaw Creek, Lick Branch of Troublesome Creek, Lick Branch of Stinking Creek, Lick Creek (community), Lickskillet (community), Peyton’s Lick (church), and Cow Branch of Ash Lick Fork of Smith Fork of Right Fork of Peter Creek. No telling how many licks I’ve left out. If yours is missing, drop me a short note and let me know. If you know the origin of your lick, all the better. What’s the moral of this search for truth? We here on Plum Lick believe all our rivulets of life-sustaining water, in all our place of places, have an important story to tell and should not be forgotten or ignored in the mad rush of civilization. The smallest creature has a right to be recognized. Rhode Island has its place in the sun as much as Texas. Of the 50 states, only Alaska has more stream shoreline than Kentucky. As for the goodness of people, our state of so many licks is unexcelled. When it rains we rejoice, in times of August drought, we wait for the licks to awaken. They always have. Probably always will. KL

DaviD DicK , a retired news correspondent and University of

Kentucky professor emeritus, is a farmer and shepherd.

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