[October ]] [March2011 2011
October 2011
[features] 14 Global Connections
Changing the world, one life at a time
16 The Jones Pumpkin Patch
Fall festival creates memories for a new generation of pumpkin lovers
[columns] 19 Cottage Garden
What’s behind this lush, colorful,
fragrant garden style?
Dove opener brings on nostalgia
for old ways
Letters Calendar Co-op News NewsClips Funny Stories Discoveries
enjoy fall’s goodness
25 Energy Tips
75 years of electric co-op service in Colorado
5 6 7 12 29 30
There is more than one way to
24 Outdoors
[departments] 4
22 Pumpkin Everything
29 30
Does turning down the heat save money
Cover design by Donna Norris COMMUNICATIONS STAFF: M ona Neeley, CCC, Publisher/Editor@303-455-4111; Donna Norris, Associate Editor • Amy Higgins, Administrative Assistant/Writer ADVERTISING: Kris Wendtland@303-902-7276; NCM@800-626-1181
The official publication of the Colorado Rural Electric Association Volume 42, Number 10
OFFICERS: Chris Morgan [Gunnison] President; Bob Bledsoe [Tri-State] Vice President; Bill Midcap [Fort Morgan] Secretary; Don Kaufman [Sangre de Cristo] Treasurer; Kent Singer [CREA] Executive Director BOARD OF DIRECTORS: John Porter [Empire]; Sylvia Spangler [Grand Valley]; Jim Lueck [Highline]; Michael Glass [Holy Cross]; Dan Mills [K.C.]; Tom Compton [La Plata]; Stan Cazier [Mountain Parks]; B.D. Paddock [Mountain View]; Jack Schneider [Poudre Valley]; Joseph Costa, Reg Rudolph [San Isabel]; Mike Rierson, John Villyard [San Luis Valley]; Marcus Wilson [San Miguel]; Paul Erickson [Sangre de Cristo]; Mark Grasmick [Southeast]; Jim Jaeger [United Power]; Bill Jordan [White River]; Stuart Travis [Y-W]; Charles Perry [Yampa Valley]; Basin Electric, CoBank, Moon Lake Electric, Wheatland Electric [Associate Members]
EDITORIAL: Denver Corporate Office, 5400 N. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216; Phone: 303-455-4111 • Email: MNeeley@coloradocountrylife.org • Website: coloradocountrylife.coop • Facebook: Colorado Country Life • Twitter: @COCountryLife Colorado Country Life (USPS 469-400/ISSN 1090-2503) is published monthly for $9/$15 per year by Colorado Rural Electric Association, 5400 N. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216. Periodical postage paid at Denver, Colorado. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216 Publication of an advertisement in Colorado Country Life does not imply endorsement by any Colorado rural electric cooperative or the Colorado Rural Electric Association. Editorial opinions published in Colorado Country Life magazine shall pertain to issues affecting rural electric cooperatives, rural communities and citizens. The opinion of CREA is not necessarily that of any particular cooperative or individual.
Celebrating Our History
The year was 1936. The country was beginning to pull itself out of the Great Depression. Life in the U.S. had become harder and much more basic during the 1930s as Americans did what they could to survive the Depression. Money was scarce as workers had lost their jobs and farmers had lost their land. In politics, the winds of war were gusting across Europe. Adolph Hitler was consolidating his power and his forces occupied the Rhineland. Although he had hoped to use the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games as a showcase for the Third Reich, an American sprinter named Jesse Owens upset those plans with a victory in the 100-meter dash. Owens’ Olympic win was just one sign that there was hope on the horizon. The economy was beginning to turn around. Young people were beginning to dance to the big bands. Others gathered around radios and listened to baseball games and those winning Yankees.
Everyone was reading a little known author named Margaret Mitchell, who had published a novel titled Gone With the Wind. And at the movie theater, they were watching The Last of the Mohicans, Charlie Chan and Flash Gordon. Things were getting better, but President Franklin Delano Roosevelt understood that there were still pockets of Americans who were struggling to move out of the Depression, par-
ColoradoCountryLife.coop 4 October 2011
ticularly rural Americans. His New Deal included the 1935 Rural Electrification Administration, one of many New Deal programs designed to bring much-needed economic development to rural America. In 1936, Congress passed the Rural Electrification Act, making good on the REA’s promise of long-term funding for rural electricity. When the act was passed, 90 percent of rural Americans still had no electricity. Roosevelt understood that the availability of electricity was essential for economic growth, and he was committed to providing low-cost government loans to rural communities so they could bring electricity to their homes and farms. As soon as the act was adopted, communities across the country organized electric cooperatives. Community leaders agreed to be the incorporators of these new entities and to serve on their boards, not because they expected any personal gain, but because they knew electrification was critical to the success of the community. In Colorado, the first co-op to organize was Grand Valley Rural Power Lines in Grand Junction. The co-op was created on August 12, 1936, and this summer became the first co-op in Colorado to celebrate its 75th anniversary. Grand Valley Power (as the company is now known) celebrated this great achievement at its 2011 annual meeting. The meeting was also a chance for members to tour GVP’s new headquarters on 22 Road on the west side of Grand Junction. I was able to attend and enjoyed how the vitality and health of the electric co-op program was on display. Members were able to tour their new headquarters. More than 400 attendees
heard reports on the new solar farm GVP had dedicated ear- Kent Singer lier in the day. They listened to reports on the state of the co-op and its plans to continue to provide service to the community. The ability of co-op members to gather for this yearly event, “kick the tires” of their new headquarters and hear directly from their elected representatives exemplifies the co-op difference in the electric utility world. As member-owners, co-op consumers have a stake in their utility that is unique and, as polls show, satisfying to the members. This is one major reason why the co-ops have been successful for 75 years. If FDR were alive today, he would be both amazed and gratified at the success of the electric co-op program. It has grown to more than 900 systems that provide electric power to about 75 percent of the geographic territory of the United States; 22 of those co-ops serve Colorado. And all of those co-ops will soon be celebrating their individual 75th anniversaries, looking back on how they have served their areas and how electricity has shaped their communities. But they will also be looking ahead, looking for new technologies and new ways to provide that much needed electricity. But some things won’t change, and that includes the commitment to community and the service and reliability that have been the hallmark of co-op power for decades.
Smart Grid
I will not change to smart grid technology. We know how to control our use of electricity and how to shut a switch off when we want to. I do not want someone else making those decisions for me. Also, I see this as another loss of privacy and do not want someone else controlling how and when I use my utilities.
Michael L. Lewis, Cheyenne Wells
I would change the times I do laundry and computer work if I could save money with the smart grid idea.
Rosalind Marshall, Pagosa Springs
Trained by Depression-era parents, our family is already extremely frugal with electricity, but I bet we would notice our own carelessness in some cases if we were part of a smart grid. I am ready for a paradigm shift and I think many more of your readers are more ready than you realize. The rah-rah annual meetings and the propaganda in the magazine notwithstanding, we are all going to have to swallow some bitter pills if we want our grandkids to have a decent world to live in. Linda Andes-Georges, Longmont
Co-op Appreciation
Our neighborhood was one in Taft Canyon in which Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association upgraded the underground lines this summer. Every contact I had with PVREA staff and its contractors was exceptional. Everyone was extremely polite, friendly and respectful. They left the area clean and beautifully restored.
Larry J, Edwards, Fort Collins
Send your letter to the editor by mail or email. You must include your name and address to be published. Letters may be edited.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop October 2011 5
[October] Through October 21 Pueblo Southwest Art Show Art Guild and Gallery Mineral Palace Park 719-543-2455 Through October 31 Estes Park Scarecrows in Estes Park Festival Family events each weekend www.enjoyestespark.com October 8 Castle Rock Pygmy Goat Triple Show Auction/Raffle Douglas County Fairgrounds 9 am • 719-641-6253
October 15 Yuma/Eckley Boo in the Barn 28095 Co Rd U 12-6 pm • 970-359-2228 humphreyfarms@yahoo.com October 15 Trinidad Horse Show Free • Las Animas County Fairgrounds 10 am-4 pm • 719-680-0666 October 15 Palmer Lake Fabric Art Show Tri-Lakes Center for the Arts Weekdays through October 29 719-481-0475 October 15-16 Grand Junction Gem, Mineral & Jewelry Show Two Rivers Convention Center Sat 9 am-6 pm Sun 10 am-5 pm • www.grand junctionrockclub.org
October 8 Fruita John Otto Day Colorado National Monument October 18 Hikes, documentary Denver 970-858-3617 x360 Legendary Communes Historical look at counterOctober 9 culture in southern Colorado Durango 1 pm & 7 pm Colorado Mounted Rangers’ 1370 Grant St Country Breakfast 303-866-4686 LaPlata County www.historycolorado.org Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall 7 am-1:30 pm October 20-23 970-884-8338 Crested Butte Ten Minute Plays: “Urban October 12 Legends” Monument Mallardi Cabaret Theatre Empty Bowls/Silent Auction 7:30 pm • 970-349-0366 Lewis-Palmer High School www.cbmountaintheatre.org 5-7 pm • Tickets at door Mark Zeiger October 21-22 719-488-5934 Falcon Craft Fair October 14 11990 Swingline NE Rd Fort Morgan Fri 2-8 pm • Sat 9 am-3 pm Metales M 719-494-0309 Mexico’s leading brass quintet Ft Morgan High School October 22 7-8 pm • 970-867-6702 Pagosa Springs fortmorganchamber@flci.net Octoberfest 2011 Community Center October 14-15 4:30-8:30 pm • 970-264-1895 Rocky Ford Mennonite Relief Sale October 22 Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds Westcliffe 719-254-7723 Historic Ghost Walk www.rmmcsale.org 6-7 pm • Grandma’s House 719-371-7076
ColoradoCountryLife.coop 6 October 2011
October 22-23 Monument Creative Crafters’ Showcase Lewis-Palmer High School Sat 9 am-4:30 pm Sun 10 am-4 pm • creative craftersshowcase@yahoo.com
November 3-6 Black Forest Arts & Crafts Fall Show Community Center Thurs-Sat 9 am-8 pm Sun 10 am-2:30 pm www.bfacg.org
October 24 Broomfield So You Think You Can Dance Top 10 finalists perform 1st Bank Center • 7 pm www.fox.com/dance
November 4-6 Fort Collins Hall of Gifts Artisan fair • Lincoln Center 970-221-6733 • www.lctix.com
October 27 Pueblo Haunted Wind Chimes Concert Wear a Mask Sangre de Cristo Arts Center 8-10 pm • 719-295-7200 sangredecristoarts.org October 29 Holyoke Holly Daze Craft Fair Holyoke High School 8 am-3 pm • Lunch 970-854-2518 October 29 Durango Lions Chili/Craft Fair La Plata County Fairgrounds 10 am-4 pm • 970-375-7925 October 29 Elizabeth Harvest Festival 12-3 pm • Main St 303-646-4287 October 29 Manitou Springs Coffin Races & Parade 12-3 pm • Downtown www.manitousprings.org October 30 Glenwood Springs Ghost Walk Tours at Linwood Cemetery 7-11 pm • 970-945-4448
[November] November 3 Winter Park Warren Miller Ski Film Silver Screen Cinema 6 pm; 9 pm www.warrenmiller.com
November 4-6 Rocky Ford Arkansas Valley Balloon Festival www.cleo333@centurytel.net November 4-12 Pueblo Handwoven Holiday Historic Vail Hotel 719-242-8803 November 5 Pagosa Springs Holiday Bazaar Community Center 451 Hot Springs Blvd 9 am-4 pm • 970-731-9979 November 5 Walsenburg Quilt/Craft Show Free • United Church of Walsenburg 9 am-3 pm • 719-738-2407 November 5 Wellington Mystery Writer CJBox Community Room at Ace Hardware 7 pm • 970-568-3401 November 6 Aguilar Chili Dinner/Bazaar/ Bake Sale Community Center 12-4 pm • 719-941-4678
Calendar, Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington St., Denver, CO 80216; fax to 303-455-2807; or email calendar@coloradocountrylife.org
ColoradoCountryLife.coop October 2011 11
Keeping Current BY MEGAN MCKOY-NOE, CCC Just as watches sometimes run fast or slow and must be adjusted, older electric clocks use the electrical current’s frequency to stay accurate. To make this work, the electric grid’s frequency must be regularly corrected for “time errors” — in essence, steps taken at power plants help older electric clocks tick properly. However, in mid-July, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, the nation’s power grid watchdog, started a yearlong field test to discover if time error corrections or TEC, which have been performed since 1930, actually hurt electric system reliability. “To keep electricity flowing smoothly, we must maintain a stable frequency level,” explains Ken Anderson, executive vice president and general manager of Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, which generates electricity for 18 of Colorado’s 22 electric co-ops. The electric grid runs in something called cycles, or hertz — 60 cycles per second. That standard is used to match the 60 seconds per minute that keeps time. Older electric clocks depend on that standard to remain accurate. Newer clocks have chips and other electronics in them that stay accurate independent of the 60-Hz standard. “To adjust for fast time errors, the frequency is lowered
SPOTLIGHT ON LIGHTING Consumers with questions about the new lighting standards for lightbulbs can find answers at www. energysavers.gov/lighting, a new website launched by the Department of Energy. The site provides information about using lumens instead of watts when shopping for incandescent bulbs, compact fluorescent bulbs and light emitting diodes or LED lights. “Lumens let you buy the amount of light you want,” the site says. ColoradoCountryLife.coop 12 October 2011
slightly from 60 Hz to 59.98 Hz,” explains Anderson. “The concern is that during a time adjustment, which can take several hours, the frequency is already below normal. If a problem during that time drives frequency levels even lower, it could trigger emergency load-shedding measures.” The NERC field trial will suspend time corrections in favor of stabilizing the grid’s frequency. As a side effect, older alarm clocks and some appliance clocks may lose track of time a few seconds a day. By July 2012, it’s possible an affected clock could run up to 20 minutes fast in the East unless the owner corrects the time manually. Since the electric grid operates in three sections, other areas of the country may see a different impact. Clocks in the west may only run up to eight minutes fast, while clocks in Texas won’t run more than two minutes over. Members can check the official time at www.time.gov. Since most newer appliances and clocks no longer rely on electric current to keep time, it’s unclear how or if the experiment will impact members. NERC has a plan in place to resume TEC if a reliability issue develops. Colorado’s electric co-ops will continue to monitor the trial closely.
READERS’ RESPONSE TO QUESTION ON NUCLEAR POWER’S FUTURE LAST MONTH COLORADO COUNTRY LIFE ASKED readers: Do you approve of using nuclear energy to generate electricity? A total of 61 percent of those who responded said yes; 39 percent said no. Many of those who answered felt strongly about nuclear power. Here are a couple examples. I do not approve of using nuclear energy to generate electricity. There is no such thing as the safe use of nuclear energy as witnessed by Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and the disaster that occurred after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The recent earthquake in Virginia exceeded the plant’s design by 14 percent. Fortunately no significant damage occurred, but we were lucky this time. Next time we may not be as lucky. In addition, there is the difficulty of safely storing spent fuel for an extremely long time. Other alternative sources need to be developed as quickly as possible. — Pat Carey, Bellvue
We need to build a couple of these (nuclear plants) in Colorado, preferably newer Generation IV designs with improved safety and higher fuel utilization so they generate less spent nuclear fuel. We know how to store the spent fuel safely, but the real solution is to reuse it; it still has 95 percent of the potential of brand-new fuel. There are new methods of reprocessing it safely. Or you can reuse it with trivial mechanical processing in a Canadian-style heavy water reactor via the DUPIC process or develop liquid fluoride thorium reactors that run on abundant thorium and can burn all of our “nuclear waste.” I am not a NIMBY; I would be happy to have a nuclear plant, reprocessing plant and spent fuel storage literally in my back yard. — Brian Hall, former U.S. Navy reactor operator, Peyton
[newsclips] [Looking for Feedback] October is National Cooperative Month, a good time to ask about your connection to your local electric co-op. Have you ever attended your co-op’s annual meeting? Why or why not? Email your answer to info@colorado countrylife.org.
HIGH-COST POWER Hawaii is the most expensive state in the U.S. for electricity, with an average residential rate of 24.2 cents per kilowatt-hour in 2009. The 2009 average rate for residential customers of Colorado co-ops was 10 cents.
Electric Co-ops Support Teacher Training Twenty-seven teachers from across Colorado are back in the classroom this fall armed with more knowledge on the science of climate change, thanks to a summer program sponsored by Tri-State Generation and Transmission, the power supplier for 18 of Colorado’s 22 electric co-ops. For two days in June, the boardroom at Tri-State’s Westminster headquarters had the look of a laboratory as Tri-State’s partner, The Keystone Center, taught a course called “CSI: Climate Status Investigations.” The program taught educators how to cover the issue of climate change in the classroom using math, science, language arts and social studies. The course was designed to encourage critical thinking and covers the “three E’s” of fuel supplies: social equity, environmental impacts and economics. Teachers are shown how to help students evaluate the true costs of all fuel sources and to draw conclusions after the experiments. “It was a well-rounded program that didn’t present any foregone conclusions,” noted Gigi Dennis, Tri-State’s senior manager of external affairs. The training was also a way for Tri-State to support its local communities with the assistance of local electric co-ops that contributed funding for the lab supplies needed for the class.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop October 2011 13
(Third from left) Steve Burch, an employee of Colorado’s Empire Electric, teaches Haitian linemen during a recent trip to Haiti with NRECA International.
Driven by this premise, electric cooperatives have brought power and light to millions of consumers across the United States, forever altering the economic fortunes of rural America. Now, with the designation of 2012 as the International Year of Cooperatives, 900-plus electric cooperatives around the country are celebrating the impact they have made in Colorado, the U.S. and overseas.
As late as 1935, nearly 90 percent of rural residents were living in the dark — forced to rely on iceboxes or springhouses to cool food, kerosene lamps for lighting, woodstoves for cooking and outside wells for water. The reason? Big investor-owned utilities had decided that there was no profit in extending power lines into the countryside to farms and small towns.
Farmers, ranchers and other rural leaders understood that central station electricity service would end the drudgery of rural life. It became possible in May 1935 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an executive order creating the federal Rural Electrification Administration or REA (now the Rural Utilities Service). The agency’s mission: Provide low-cost loans as well as engineering and administrative support to help electrify rural regions. “Electricity is a modern necessity of life and ought to be in every village, every home and every farm in every part of the United States,” Roosevelt announced as he authorized the REA program. REA financing initially was meant to entice big power companies to begin rural line construction. When they balked, it soon became clear rural electrification would only happen if farmers and ranchers and their neighbors did it themselves, joining forces to form electric cooperatives. Work progressed quickly. By October 1940, electric co-ops nationwide were serving 1 million members, and in Colorado 16 co-ops were serving rural members. Innovations in line building pioneered by REA engineers and the competitive pressure co-ops placed on investor-owned utilities to serve rural areas slashed the cost of providing rural electric service by 50 percent or more. Three-quarters of a century later, electric co-ops are still building a better future by delivering affordable electric service to 42 million members spread across 75 percent of the nation. But electric co-ops haven’t stopped there.
Not only does 2012 mark a global celebration of the cooperative business model, it also marks the 50th anniversary of NRECA International Programs, a division of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. The International Year of Cooperatives 2012 theme, “Cooperative Enterprises Build a Better World,” shines in the work NRECA International Programs does every day.
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Working together, more than 300 U.S. electric cooperatives, including several Colorado co-ops, have delivered the benefits of safe and reliable electric service to more than 100 million people in 40-plus countries since November 1962. “Building a better world takes experience, and no group has more experience in bringing low-cost power to remote communities than electric co-ops,” explains Glenn English, CEO of NRECA. At the invitation of President John F. Kennedy, NRECA joined forces with the U.S. Agency for International Development, also known as USAID, to share electric co-op expertise and export the democratic, self-help cooperative model to undeveloped countries. In many cases, teams of volunteer American electric co-op linemen head to foreign lands for a few weeks to teach local line workers safe work practices. Then NRECA staff instructs locals how to maintain simple power grids and run their own utilities. Funding for this goodwill effort comes in part from the NRECA International Foundation, a registered charitable organization. NRECA International Programs projects are currently under way in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bolivia,
Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, the Philippines, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Yemen.
In America, electricity has evolved from a luxury to an essential part daily life. Yet more than 2 billion people around the globe still live without power — 64 million in Latin America, 500 million in Africa, and more than 1 billion in Asia. According to NRECA International Programs, reliable electricity strengthens communities by providing better educational opportunities and increasing safety. Access to power also paves the way for progress, giving small business a much-needed boost. “In the village we electrified, kids will have the opportunity to get a better education,” notes one volunteer lineman. Lives were changed in the village when its lights came on. Megan McKoy-Noe writes on consumer and cooperative affairs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, the Arlington, Virginia-based service arm of the nation’s electric cooperatives.
Planning to Run for Office? Are you a candidate for state office? For a county position? For mayor or city council? Are you a fundraiser? A campaign manager? A volunteer coordinator? A party leader? Learn what you need to know at the COLORADO RURAL ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION’S
CAMPAIGN ACADEMY Saturday, December 10 • 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Denver, CO Contact Jeani Frickey at 303-981-8176 or email: candidate.school@coloradorea.org
You will receive information on: • Campaign finance laws • Working with volunteers • Writing a campaign plan • Fundraising • Election day activities
• Waging an effective campaign
Register now
Information available at www.crea.org ColoradoCountryLife.coop October 2011 15
I heard the mother’s impatient sigh. The little girl did not. She was too focused on her goal, scrambling over the bales of hay, climbing toward that big orange pumpkin. Finally, it was in her grasp.
Illustration by Julie Jones
Struggling to lift the oversized squash, she examined every inch of it just as she had with so many others. But this one was different. I could tell by the grin that spread across her face as she tightly hugged it to herself while looking back at her mom. Her mother’s features softened. She knew this was the special pumpkin they had been so diligently looking for. This one would become her daughter’s very own jack-o’-lantern. Watching this determined youngster search for her perfect carving pumpkin reminded me of the summers I spent as a child at my aunt and uncle’s farm in Minnesota. That was a time when simple things seemed miraculous.
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The Jones Farm crew includes (left to right) Nikki Berdzar, Bobbe Jones, Dick Jones, Jared Lobato, Julie Jones and Bud Jones.
Riding Shetland ponies could transform me into Annie Oakley. A simple game of hide-and-seek was elevated to greatness when played in a barn bursting with hay bales and promises. Come nighttime, I was free to chase lightning bugs and frogs until the family gathered to watch Uncle Ray’s home movies before bedtime. The place warmed my soul as does my new place, Jones Farm outside of Cortez. And that day, sometime in between reminiscing and completing the girl’s pumpkin sale, I realized that she was taking away from the Jones Farm PumpkinFest the very thing that influenced my decision to put together the event: a wonderful childhood memory. Our PumpkinFest, along with a long list of other fall pumpkin patches, corn mazes and harvest festivals, is part of what makes autumn in Colorado such a nostalgic time of year. Our October festivities encourage families and tourists to visit our small farm during peak harvest. For a small fee, they gain entrance to a day of fun, plus they get a pumpkin, a meal, and all kinds of free-form activities at no additional charge. For a few weekends in the fall, everyone enjoys homemade pumpkin cupcakes, apple cider and hot dogs under the shade of the cottonwoods and willows that border the farm’s main pond. Youngsters delight in picking their own jack-o’-lantern in between riding tricycles, pulling wagons or swinging as high as they dare on the tire swing. Bobbing for apples and feeding a kid goat in the petting zoo are favorites of little ones. Older, more adventurous types enjoy the interactive decorations, riding the tractor or playing in the hay maze. Parents and grandparents have plenty of photo opportunities. There are action shots and the more traditional posing next to the “How tall this fall?” 8-foot scarecrow with its measurement scale to record a child’s growth. Or they can grab a shot of youngsters peering through the windows of the pumpkin delivery truck. PumpkinFest on the Jones Farm didn’t just happen; it is the culmination of a decade of work. My husband, Dick, and I purchased an unproductive 65-acre plot in 1996 and slowly developed it into a working farm. We dabbled in growing different varieties of pumpkins, gourds and vegetables to familiarize ourselves with the ins and outs of gardening. Last season, supplemental rains increased our production; however, this abundant harvest wasn’t without its problems. Our challenges included stink bugs and deer that sampled the buffet of pumpkins and gourds, leaving scars or worse. With all of our ups and downs, we discovered a new appreciation for food production and a renewed understanding of the importance of the resources that supply it. Each season provides a surplus of information on growing things, and it is important for us to use this knowledge to provide quality products. New products are introduced each year to add interest and to educate our customers. It is a good way to find out what we want and help explore new possibilities. [continued on page 18]
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Making memories at t he Jones Farms [continued from page 17] Last year, we increased our crops and researched different marketing techniques to sell the harvest during its peak. Encouraging customers to visit the farm was appealing to us because we are located only a mile from Cortez’s city limits. We reasoned that if patrons came to the farm, it would save on our fuel costs because we wouldn’t have to transport our products to a farmers market. This savings could keep our prices more competitive and encourage cost-conscious customers to visit the farm. Beginning with a marketing campaign for u-pick seasonal products, we discovered that many of our customers enjoyed digging their own new potatoes and picking cucumbers off the vine. Others preferred that we harvest the products for them. So we give customers the option: pick your own or we’ll do it for you. After researching other agritourism options, a festival seemed like a good fit for us. PumpkinFest offered a way to attract more visitors, which supplements our agricultural business and generates income in a new way. In general, “agritourism” reinforces the need to support local growers and sources by allowing visitors to experience what it is to be part of the land. Our niche event helps diversify our small farm and helps our community understand the important role that farming plays in all of our lives. Jones Farm PumpkinFest provides downhome fun while visitors explore what the farm has to offer. We encourage children to visit our farm and experience its place in the scheme of things. A family visit during this event provides a more exciting alternative to the typical grocery store selection of a Halloween pumpkin. During the festival and throughout the season, we offer a variety of products, including cooking and ornamental pumpkins, gourds, hay, cut flowers, herbs, pickling cucumbers, blackberries, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, several squash varieties, new potatoes and raw honey. This year, a high, plastic-covered greenhouse tunnel was added to extend our growing season for tomatoes and peppers. We are experimenting with an acre of ornamental and sweet corn to be used as a children’s maze and for sales. When the season ends, the maze will be tilled into the soil and the leftover pumpkins will become feed for our sheep or go into our composting pile. Everything will be recycled. Jones Farm is a family affair and our children are an indisColoradoCountryLife.coop ColoradoCountryLife.coop 18 September 2011 18 October 2011
pensable part of building, planting and harvesting for PumpkinFest, as well as its preparation and execution. Daughter Jennifer graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in restaurant and resort management. She is a marketing consultant for the event. Son Bud is a master electrician and provides his expertise wherever needed. Younger daughter Julie has a fine arts degree and assists with design and sales. She has created her own line of Halloween décor, which is available at the farm. New memories are in the making, for me and for each of the visitors who spends a fall weekend at Jones Farm. A wonderful plus is that I’m doing all of this with my husband and kids, watching them stretch to reach new goals while creating their own memories on the family farm. When Bobbe Jones isn’t at the farm, she is busy at Empire Electric Association being the assistant member services manager and newsletter editor.
Find more harvest festivals and pumpkin patches online at www. coloradocountrylife.coop.
The Whimsical Cottage Garden
What’s behind this lush, colorful, fragrant garden style? BY EVE GILMORE MONTANE WW.XERISCAPEGARDENS.COM
Photo by Jeryl Cundiff
Many people are drawn to the whimsical idea of the cottage garden, crowded with lush beautiful flowering plants and a multitude of colors. It seems like an old-fashioned idea for a garden. But if we delve into English history and tap the knowledge of revered English garden designer John Brooks we find out how connected these old gardens are to many of today’s ideas. As Brooks succinctly puts it, “Traditionally, the cottage garden was a colorful jumble of vegetables, herbs, fruits, and companion flowering plants … which acted as deterrents to pests. Flowers for their own sake were a rich [person]’s pursuit; the cottager would have used [her or] his garden to produce food for the family.” As an avid and professional gardener for 20 years, I would have thought that I would have come across such a definition for cottage gardens by now. But for as long as I’ve been hearing about cottage gardens I have held an image of a purely ornamental creation. Perhaps we’ve veered too far from the original intent. I had not known the historical background of these gardens, which were apparently cultivated so their plants worked together to create an environment beneficial for the whole garden. It is a gardening philosophy that I find akin to notions of today’s “permaculture,” which is modeled on how plants relate in nature; “agroforestry,” which mixes woody perennials with other crops; and “agroecology,” which applies ecological principles to gardening. However, in my experience, these types of gardens, or living systems, are not generally what one has in mind when daydreaming about a lovely ornamental cottage garden. Brooks acknowledges that there has been an evolution in the cottage garden since his description of the traditional incarnation. He also points out that what he calls “old-fashioned” plants still describe the essence of the look. By old-fashioned he means natural species of plants as opposed to cultivars or hybrids. One sure way to tell a
This cottage garden is filled with ornamental plants and beautiful herbs. Note the purple culinary sage in the foreground. cultivar (short for cultivated variety) is by its name. If there are single quotes in the name, you know it’s a cultivar, as in Salvia ‘May Night’ for example; or when there is an “x” involved, as with Forsythia x intermedia, which indicates the variety is a cross (symbolized by the x) between two species. Regardless, Brooks goes on to call herbs quintessential in the modern cottage garden, and he names rosemary, parsley, lavender, sage and chives, the last three of which are xeric perennials in zone 4 Colorado. I would add thyme and oregano to that list of xeric perennial herbs as well. To sum up, and this is my favorite part and the ultimate allure for many to the
romance of today’s cottage garden, Brooks suggests: “The effect [of a cottage garden] is a vibrant muddle, overflowing, alive with insects and heady with fragrance.” It just can’t be said any better than that. Eve Gilmore Montane is a garden coach, consultant and designer with Gardens by Eve, LLC in Durango. Follow her blog at www. xeriscapegardens.com.
Love gardening?
Read previous gardening columns at www.colordocountrylife.coop. Click on Gardening.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop October 2011 19
Think College, Baby It’s never too soon to start planning for an education BY LINDA WACYK
It’s spring break and I’m waiting in the Colorado sun for my youngest daughter, who is visiting a class at a university here. At 17, she is shopping for the perfect college fit, even though she won’t enroll for another year-and-a-half. There are precious few perks, I hear, that come with being the baby — especially one who follows a string of high-achieving siblings. The main advantage, from my view on this bench, is that she sees attending college as a sure thing — as natural as losing her baby teeth or learning to drive. Thanks to her siblings and their friends, Emily has spent a good share of her elementary and middle school years attending college events and graduations. For years, it seems, she’s been straining on tiptoes to see over the fence of high school graduation and into her own future. And, boy, do I feel lucky. Researchers say that early adolescence is actually the best time to start thinking about a child’s transition to college. This comes a little harder for families who didn’t attend college, or for kids who haven’t given much thought past tomorrow’s party or next week’s game. Still, there are things any family can do to promote a college goal.
Prospective Students
Win a Kindle Students age 14 and older may send your name, age, address, phone number and email and you’ll be entered in our drawing for a Kindle. You’ll also receive information from the advertisers in this education section. ENTER BY OCTOBER 19 TO WIN info@coloradocountrylife.org. Put “Student Contest” in the subject line. Or send your information to Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington St. Denver, CO 80216
ColoradoCountryLife.coop 20 October 2011
RAISE INTEREST Many students assume that higher education is not for them or that the jobs they are interested in don’t require college. But according to the American Council on Education, some form of formal postsecondary education or training is required for almost every well-paying job today. This doesn’t necessarily mean your child has to aim for four years at a liberal arts university. “College” can mean any path to higher learning: four-year, two-year, technical, business or community college. Today’s teens can even earn college credit in high school. One way to raise kids’ interest in college is to “show them the money.” The U.S. Census Bureau reported that in 2006, people with bachelor’s degrees earned an average of $54,946 while those with high school degrees earned $29,448. People with postgraduate degrees earned an average of $79,946. If that still generates a yawn, do the math to compare the differences in average lifelong earnings between high school [continued on page 22]
SUCCESS IN SCHOOL BEGINS AT HOME Try these tips to help your child develop positive learning habits BY LORI RUSSELL
Fifty-five million children in the United States attend elementary or secondary school. While most spend thousands of hours in class by high school graduation, time out of class is important for learning, too. Here are tips from the U.S. Department of Education to help your child make the most of that time: 1. Encourage an interest in reading. 2. Talk and listen to your child. 3. Monitor homework. 4. Help your child become “tech savvy.“ 5. Encourage independence and responsibility. 6. Support active learning as well as quiet time. 7. If your child has difficulty in school, get help. For more suggestions about helping kids succeed at school, go to www.ed.gov/print/parents/ academic/help/succeed/part4.html.
Think College, Baby grads and those with a bachelor’s degree. Maybe the $1 million will catch their attention. College also expands options and opens doors. Compared with folks who don’t continue their education beyond high school, people who go to college have a wider range of job options, develop lifelong learning skills, and are in a better position to help their families and communities. [continued from page 20]
RAISE EXPECTATIONS Just as world-class athletes continue to challenge themselves, studies show that the more students are challenged, the more they learn and the further they go. Convincing your child to take challenging courses in middle and high school has become easier than ever. However, high expectations without high levels of support can raise panic rather than hope. That’s why it’s important to put together a college support team that can include parents, teachers, tutors, coaches, counselors, and other students who plan to attend college.
RAISE MONEY I can’t help worrying a little about this part as I wait for my daughter on this sun-soaked campus. The clear winners are parents who’ve been able to start saving early. For example, if I’d put aside $50 per month starting when my daughter was born, at 5 percent interest, I’d have saved about $17,000 by now. Prepaying tuition at yesterday’s prices would have been even better. I’ve learned from experience, though, that even families who haven’t been able to squirrel away enough funds for education still have plenty of options available. So once again, I’m doing my homework, talking to experts and, most of all, trying never to let talk of financial fears dampen my daughter’s dreams. Before long, doors across the courtyard open and coeds stream from the historic brick building. I spot my daughter in the crowd and for just a moment, I catch a glimpse of her future waiting just around the corner. Oh, baby, the places you’ll go. … Linda Wacyk is a freelance education writer.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop October 2011 21
Pumpkin Everything
There is more than one way to enjoy fall’s goodness BY MONA NEELEY MNEELEY@COLORADOCOUNTRYLIFE.ORG Pumpkin Facts • Pumpkins are 90% water. • Pumpkins contain potassium and vitamin A. • Pumpkin seeds can be roasted as a snack. • Pumpkin flowers are edible. • Pumpkins range in size from less than a pound to over 1,000 pounds. • Pumpkins are fruit. • Pumpkins are used to make soups, pies and bread.
Pumpkin Picking
The most popular use of pumpkins is for decoration as jack-o’-lanterns. When selecting a pumpkin for cooking, the best selection is a “pie pumpkin” or “sweet pumpkin.” These are smaller than the large jack-o’-lantern pumpkins and the flesh is sweeter and less watery.
During this time of year, pumpkin’s delicious, fall flavor comes in many ways: in cupcakes, muffins, cheesecake, pie, cookies. The list goes on and on. We’ve selected three of our favorite recipes and highly recommend the cupcakes. They are lighter than expected, which is a great flavor balance if you use a rich cream cheese frosting. Enjoy the tastes of harvest.
Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes 1/2 cup finely chopped pecans 3 tablespoons sugar 1 box yellow cake mix 1 cup canned pumpkin 1/2 cup water 1/3 cup vegetable oil 4 eggs 1 1/2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice 1 container cream cheese frosting colored sugar Heat oven to 350 degrees. Place paper baking cup in each of 24 cups of a muffin pan. In heavy skillet, cook pecans and 2 tablespoons sugar over low heat about 8 minutes, stirring constantly, until sugar is melted. Spoon and spread pecans onto sheet of waxed paper. Sprinkle with remaining 1 tablespoon sugar and toss. In large bowl, beat cake mix, pumpkin, water, oil, eggs and pumpkin pie spice with electric mixer on low speed 30 seconds. Beat on medium speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Divide batter evenly among muffin cups, filling each about 2/3 full. Bake 20-25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Remove from pan to cooling rack. Cool completely, about 30 minutes. Frost cupcakes with frosting. Sprinkle frosted cupcakes with pecans and sugar. — courtesy of Bobbe Jones of Jones Farm
For more pumpkin recipes, visit www.coloradocountrylife. coop. Click on Recipes. ColoradoCountryLife.coop 22 October 2011
Pumpkin Muffins 1 cup all-purpose flour 3/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour 1 1/4 cups sugar 1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda 1 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 1/2 cup raisins 2 large eggs, lightly beaten 1 cup canned pumpkin 1/3 cup canola oil 1/3 cup water 2 tablespoons raw pumpkin seeds Preheat oven to 350 degrees Spray cups of a 12-cup muffin pan with nonstick spray. Sift flours, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, salt, nutmeg and cloves into a large bowl. Stir in raisins. Beat eggs, pumpkin, oil and water together in another bowl. Add pumpkin mixture to flour mixture and stir until just blended. Spoon batter into muffin cups, filling each about 2/3 full. Sprinkle with pumpkin seeds. Bake until a toothpick inserted into a muffin comes out clean, about 20 minutes. Cool in pan on a rack for 10 minutes; remove muffins from pan and serve warm, or cool completely on rack.
— Photo courtesy of Nestlé
[More Pumpkin Recipes]
Pumpkin Toffee Cheesecake Crust 1 3/4 cups (about 14 to 16) shortbread cookies, crushed 1 tablespoon butter or margarine, melted Cheesecake 24 ounces cream cheese, softened 1 1/4 cups packed brown sugar 15-ounces canned pumpkin 1 5 ounce can evaporated milk 2 large eggs 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 cup (about 25 to 30) crushed toffee candies Topping 8 ounces sour cream, at room temperature 2 tablespoons sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract caramel ice cream topping (optional) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
For Crust:
Combine cookie crumbs and butter in
small bowl. Press onto bottom and 1 inch up side of 9-inch springform pan. Bake for 6 to 8 minutes. (Do not allow to brown.) Cool on wire rack for 10 minutes.
For Cheesecake:
Beat cream cheese and brown sugar in large mixer bowl until creamy. Add pumpkin, evaporated milk, eggs, cornstarch and cinnamon; beat well. Pour into crust. Bake for 60 to 65 minutes or until edge is set but center still moves slightly. Remove from oven; top with toffee candy pieces.
Enter CCL’s Halloween Contest and win: • Pumpkin Master Fright Lights • Jack-O’-Lantern lights • Crafty Concoctions book • Candy • Surprises Simply email your name, address, and phone number to contests@coloradocountrylife.org. Please put Halloween Contest in the subject line.
The winner will be drawn October 10.
For Topping:
Combine sour cream, sugar and vanilla extract in small bowl; mix well. Spread over warm cheesecake. Bake for 8 minutes. Cool completely in pan on wire rack. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight. Remove side of springform pan. Drizzle with caramel topping before serving.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop October 2011 23
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ColoradoCountryLife.coop 24 October 2011
Dove Opener
Good hunt brings longing for yesterday’s hunt BY DENNIS SMITH
It’s an unfortunate applying now, and fact of life but time I’m lucky, I might accelerates with just draw a tag by the age. The older you time I’m 75. Nice, eh? get the faster time Sour grapes? You bet. goes. Just ask me. It’s far easier, and It seems summer likely more produchas barely started, tive, to drive across the the streams haven’t state line in virtually even recovered any direction, plunk from the weirdly my money down and wet spring we had go hunting. If the and we’re already Colorado Departwell into the ment of Wildlife is hunting seasons. lamenting the decline A pair of dove guns Archery antelope in the numbers of from the good old started in midhunters and increasdays, circa 1950. August, deer and elk followed ingly poor hunter two weeks later with the dove opener recruitment, it’s easy to see why. and the early teal season right on their Sorry. I had to get that off my chest. heels. Sheesh! Before you know it, it’ll Disillusionment with the big-game be Thanksgiving … and then Christregulations aside, I really enjoyed the mas and we’ll be yakking about the dove opener with my sons and grandsnowpack and runoff all over again. sons. Weeks in advance we scouted a No one in my family — and few of my watering hole tucked discreetly in a old hunting buddies — even bothered to half-mile long grove of cottonwoods apply for a big-game license this year. way out there on the prairie. We loaded We’ve grown weary of plowing through the truck with gear, took a portable grill the ponderously convoluted and increasand cookware with us and set up camp ingly complex rules and regulations just after daybreak on opening day. governing where, when and how you may The shooting was good and by noon hunt for something as simple as a doe we were sautéing dove breasts wrapped deer in Colorado. in bacon in the old cast-iron skillet. We The micromanagement of our bigserved them with taters, onions and game herds in this state is approaching thick, juicy slices of homegrown the absurd. tomatoes. My friend Joe Reko finally drew a While we’re lounging in the shade of moose tag this year after applying relithose big cottonwoods, we chatted about giously for 14 years. Fourteen years! Two the good old days when we could buy a years ago my sons and I sacrificed seven deer tag at the local hardware store, drive years’ worth of preference points for the up the back side of Storm Mountain and “privilege” of hunting doe deer in North find us a big fat doe deer for the freezer. Park. Not record-book trophy bucks with The grandkids don’t remember those antlers like treetops, but does. Seven days, of course. To me, however, it seems years. Ridiculous. It’s enough to make like just yesterday. It must be that age you take up golf. “acceleration” thing. As if that were not bad enough, we’ve Miss an issue? Catch up at learned it now requires an eight-year www.coloradocountrylife.coop. wait to draw an antelope tag for the Click on Outdoors. Pawnee National Grassland. If I start
[energy tips]
The land holds me with simplicity grasps my city born heart A single stretch of river ice choked, below cottonwood ranks that lean together against open skies Only a log ruin forsaken walls and windows seem familiar Even then by cracked reflection I see the land that holds me. Reprinted with permission from Cinch Up Your Saddle—and Ride!, a new book of ranch verse from former Colorado rancher Laurie Wagner Buyer. Find the book at western trailblazer.yolasite.com. Click on non-fiction store.
TURN IT DOWN Lower temps will save $$$ BY JAMES DULLEY
Does lowering the thermostat at night really save money? Doesn’t it take more energy to reheat the house in the morning? It actually does save energy overall if you lower the temperature setting on your central furnace or heat pump thermostat. The actual amount of dollar savings depends primarily on how low you set the thermostat, how long you have it set back and, to a lesser degree, your climate. There are also other advantages to lowering the thermostat setting during winter. If your house temperature is lower, it requires less moisture indoors to keep the indoor air at a given relative humidity level. The fact that your furnace or heat pump runs less at a lower indoor temperature means the equipment will last longer and need fewer repairs. When the indoor temperature is set lower, the indoor-to-outdoor temperature difference is smaller, so less heat is lost from your house. The only time a temperature setback may not be wise is if you have a heat pump with backup electric resistance heat and an old thermostat. There is not a “best” thermostat setting for all homes and climates. The lower you set it, the greater the overall savings will be. The amount of savings per degree for each nighttime eight-hour setback period ranges from 1 percent to 3 percent. In moderate climates, let your comfort dictate how low you initially set the furnace or heat pump thermostat. As you get used to the lower temperatures and wear a sweater, you will be able to gradually lower it more.
For more information on working with heat pumps, visit coloradocountrylife. coop. Click on Energy Tips. ColoradoCountryLife.coop October 2011 25
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CHAIR CANING, hand caning, machine caning, fiber rush caning. Pueblo West, 719-547-0723. chaanita@q. com (858-10-11) FURNITURE RESTORATION. Quality craftsmanship since 1974. Bayfield, CO, www. antiqueresdurango.com 970884-1937. Prompt service, guaranteed repairs. (988-12-11)
ANTLER CHANDELIERS made only from REAL antlers. We are the manufacturer and we sell all of our products at wholesale prices; save as much as 60% from store prices. Many other antler products and mounts, including 5’ Moose Mount, 56” Elk Mount and giant Moose Paddles. Showroom open May 15 through October 15 in Granby, CO. 15 years at this location, over 900 satisfied customers! (970) 627-3053. (105-12-11)
FREE SAMPLE CHAPTER from “Teaching New Testament” without Latin words. Dr. Edwin Vrell, 606 Pratt St., #602, Longmont, CO 80501 (995-11-11)
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Call Kris to advertise in Classifieds 303-902-7276 WANTED TO BUY
OLD POCKET WATCHES – working or non-working and old repair material. Bob 719-859-4209 watchdoctor@ hotmail.com. (870-06-12) VINTAGE FISHING TACKLE. I buy rods, reels, lures, creels, etc. Call Gary at 970-222-2181 (960-11-11) WANT TO PURCHASE minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to: PO Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201. (402-02-12)
An elderly lady returned to her car after shopping to find four men leaving with her vehicle. She dropped her shopping bags, drew her handgun and screamed, “I have a gun, and I know how to use it. Get out of that car!” The four men didn’t wait for a second threat. They got out and ran like mad. The lady, somewhat shaken, proceeded to load her shopping bags into the back of the car and got into the driver’s seat. She was so shaken that she could not get her key into the ignition. She tried and tried and then realized why. It was for the same reason there was a football, a Frisbee and two 12-packs of beer on the backseat. A few minutes later she found her own car parked four or five spaces farther down the same aisle of the parking lot. She loaded her bags into the car and drove to the police station to report her mistake. The sergeant to whom she told the story couldn’t stop laughing. He pointed to the other end of the counter, where four pale men were reporting a car jacking by a mad, elderly woman described as white, less than 5 feet tall, glasses, curly white hair and carrying a large handgun. No charges were filed. Darlene Perlenfien, Yuma
Two boys were walking home from Sunday school after hearing a strong sermon on the devil. One said to the other, “What do you think about all this Satan stuff?” “Well, you know how Santa Claus turned out. It’s probably just Dad,” he replied. Karen Fehrenbach, Stratton
My son showed cattle in 4-H. Last year he showed a heifer that had been bred and was now in the process of giving birth. When the labor went on longer than expected, my son called in the vet. “How has labor been?” the vet asked my son. “It has been really stressful,” he replied. The vet had a perplexed look on his face and gently said, “Son, I am not really concerned about how it has been for you, but how it has been on the heifer.” Sharon Blankenship, Calhan
We pay $15 to each person who submits a funny story that’s printed in the magazine. At the end of the year, we draw one name from those submitting jokes and that person will receive $150. Send your 2011 stories to Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington St., Denver, CO 80216 or email funnystories@coloradocountrylife.org.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop October 2011 29
Creamy Bliss in a Caramel Sink your teeth into Helliemae’s Salt Caramels in classic salt, coffee or cardamom flavors for some buttery goodness you can get your hands on all year long. But be sure to keep your eyes open for seasonal selections. The Colorado company touts mouthwatering apple caramels for the fall season and scrumptious candy cane varieties in the winter. See Helliemae’s selection at www.saltcaramels.com.
[Customized Wine] Fall is a great time to visit a winery and Two Rivers Winery and Chateau is worth the trip. Located in the Redlands area of Grand Junction,
Pasta With Pizzazz
When you want to venture out of the ordinary in culinary, try using Denver’s own Pappardelle’s Pasta. Unique varieties, such as Chipotle Black Bean Tagliatelle, Chocolate Gemelli, Gorgonzola & Walnut Ravioli in Egg Dough or Green Jalapeno Fettuccine, can transform a run-ofthe-mill dinner into a work of art. In addition to its dried and freshfrozen pastas, Pappardelle’s has a wide selection of sauces, pestos, oils, vinegars and marinades. Gluten-free and nutritional pastas are also available. For information, check out www.pappardellesonline.com.
Two Rivers offers a variety of awardwinning wines, including Chardonnay, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Riesling, Syrah and Port. What is fun at this winery is that Two Rivers will engrave your name on its wine bottles, creating the perfect gift for a special occasion or a memorable calling card for a business. The process is simple. Email the
[Serious Texas Bar-B-Q]
If you crave Texas barbecue, check out Colorado’s own Serious Texas Bar-B-Q restaurants. Their meaty entrées have received many accolades, including a vote for best pulled pork from television personalities Regis and Kelly. Can’t make it to a restaurant for some of the delicious smoked meats and sandwiches? Order a cherry chipotle salsa, pineapple jalapeno salsa or signature barbecue sauce online and bring the flavors home. Serious Texas Bar-B-Q originated with Texas transplants in Durango and has added another restaurant in Loveland, as well as another in Farmington, New Mexico. Find out more at www.serioustexasbbq.com. ColoradoCountryLife.coop 30 October 2011
company the image you want engraved on the bottle and for only a $2.10 surcharge, you get a customized bottle of the wine you selected. Call Rob Crowell at 970-255-1471 for ordering information. Liking the idea of wine? Two Rivers also offers a year-round Wine Club that delivers two bottles of selected wines every season. Visit www. tworiverswinery.com for more information. Or call 866-312-9463.
Saving energy is a learned behavior. Find out how your local electric cooperative can help you lead by example at TogetherWeSave.com.