Today in Mississippi October 2023 Local Pages

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Co-ops hold voting drives around the state in September

Ten Mississippi electric cooperatives held voting drives at community colleges around the state Sept. 19 to get more students involved in the democratic process.

The voting drives are part of the Co-ops Vote MS campaign, an initiative of the state’s electric cooperatives to get members more involved in the decisions that a ect their communities. Elections are important for determining the future course of Mississippi.

4-County Electric, Coahoma Electric, Coast Electric, Dixie Electric, Northcentral Electric, Singing River Electric, Southern Pine Electric, Southwest Electric, Tallahatchie Valley EPA, and Cooperative Energy all held the voting drives at eight community colleges.

Co-ops Vote MS is the initiative, and this is the message:

You have the POWER to Register. Be informed. Vote.

The program’s website is

The website features quick links to important voting information including where to register to vote, our current elected o cials, what elections are occurring this year, and videos of statewide elected o cials talking about the importance of voting, and what they do on a day-to-day basis.

Below is the state’s voting calendar for the rest of 2023.

OCT. 9 – DEADLINE: Applicants who register in-person in the Circuit or Municipal Clerk’s O ces today are eligible to vote in the Nov. 7, 2023, General Election.

OCT. 10 – All mailed voter registration applications must be postmarked by this date.

NOV. 7 – General Election Day and Regular Special Election Day. Polls open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Dixie Electric employee named “Co-op Rising Star”

Each year, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s RE magazine spotlights 20 bright, driven, community-minded cooperative employees from around the country.

One of this year’s RE magazine “Co-op Rising Stars” is Dixie Electric Network Administrator Heath Ishee of Laurel.

Ishee made the list of 20 from a pool of 170 nominated candidates this year.

Ishee started working at Dixie Electric at the beginning of the pandemic. Around that time, the co-op was conducting feasibility studies for a proposed subsidiary, DE Fastlink, to provide broadband internet service.

The co-op leaned heavily on Ishee’s background as

a system engineer at a propane company, but he soon oversaw the deployment of DE Fastlink’s network — on top of his regular IT duties.

“Ishee’s “can-do attitude, dedication, knowledge and adaptability were invaluable,” says Communication Manager Amanda Mills. “We were moving at such a quick pace to keep up with federal requirements, and Heath became vital to our operations for both Dixie Electric and DE Fastlink.”

The co-op rolled out a successful pilot project to 100 members at the end of 2020 and signed up another 3,000 by the end of 2021. Today, DE Fastlink has about 14,000 subscribers.

ousands of co-op members voice opposition to power plant rule

Nearly 47,000 comments were submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency in August by electric cooperative consumermembers as part of a grassroots campaign organized by Voices for Cooperative Power opposing the agency’s proposed power plant rule.

The strong response to the ongoing campaign by. NRECA’s grassroots platform reflects the importance of the issue to co-ops and their members, said Patrick Ahearn, NRECA’s political a airs director.

“This is an issue that every co-op and consumer-member has a stake in, because it a ects the reliability and a ordability of their electricity,” he said.

The EPA’s proposed rule aims to essentially eliminate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants by 2035. NRECA leaders say it puts electric reliability at risk and will raise costs for consumers by setting unrealistic,

unachievable goals that rely on still-developing technologies like carbon capture and storage and hydrogen as a fuel.

Co-op consumer-members, co-op employees and other advocates can send a letter to the agency or share their opposition on Facebook.

The letter, addressed to EPA Administrator Michael Regan, concludes by saying, “I join with electric co-ops across the country in standing firmly against EPA’s proposal. It would undermine decades of work to reliably keep the lights on across the nation and could lead to life-threatening blackouts. These new regulations don’t work for my family, my community, or our nation’s economy.”

Ivy Prater, NRECA’s program manager for grassroots technology, said “it’s important that our side is being heard.” NRECA

News and Notes
2023 | OCTOBER 5

The price of power

Last month, the Tennessee Valley Authority — the people that generate the electricity you use, and we sell, and the people who regulate us — announced they were raising rates. There’s no doubt that’s a tough blow to all of us. Prices on everything are on the rise, and that’s one of the big reasons for the increase. But there are other considerations in play as well. One of the biggest drivers is $15 billion in investments to build new power generation and to upgrade existing plants. It’s a good news/bad news scenario in a way. The bad news is that TVA needs to increase its capacity quickly. The good news is that the need is there because of unprecedented growth in the Valley. We see it here almost every day. With the recent additions of the SDI aluminum mill, Altech Tube, the new Fed-Ex facility, and other large commercial entities, plus the steady residential and small commercial growth, our service territory alone is facing a continued and increasing demand for power. That is happening while older carbon-based plants are being retired, meaning we are losing baseload generation at the same time as we’re seeing strong growth.

So, while TVA is already implementing an increase, we here at 4-County are considering an increase of our own. Why now? Just like every other business, we have seen our costs go up considerably over the past few years. The basic materials we use, things like transformers, wire, and poles have all increased in price, in some cases costing three times or more what they did just two years ago. Interest rates are up, so money is more expensive to borrow, and long-term debt is a key to the electric co-op business model.

For years, we have done everything we can to avoid this. We have been fiscally responsible enough to not have had an overall 4-County rate increase in nine years. We even absorbed a 1.5% rate increase from TVA in 2016 that typically would have been passed through to you, the ratepayer. But the time may have finally come where all the e ciencies and prudent financial decisions can’t keep up with inflation. I promise you that if we enact an increase, we will continue to work diligently to minimize its impact on you; we will continue to find ways to increase e ciencies and we will continue to work to try and avoid future increases.

In the meantime, we stand ready to answer your questions, to give you tools and advice to save power, and minimize your bill as much as possible. We appreciate your support as our member-owners, and we want you to rest assured we are working every day with your best interests in mind and at heart.


Electric cooperatives were created to serve their members. Because we’re a co-op, we’re able to adapt to our community’s unique needs.

That’s the power of co-op membership.


2023 | OCTOBER 15
“Improving the quality of life for all those we touch.”

THREE years and c n ng

t was three years ago this month when 4-County hung the first cables of what would become FASTnet, our fiber broadband subsidiary. In that time, FASTnet has grown to more than 3,200 miles of fiber hung and more than 14,000 customers. This month also marks the end of FASTnet’s mainline construction phase. That means the entire service territory is now fiber ready — a goal that 4-County wasn’t expecting to hit until early 2024. Even better than beating the timeline is the fact that the project is on-budget, as well. To mark the milestone, 4-County’s Manager of Marketing Jon Turner sat down with CEO/ General Manager Brian Clark to get his perspective on the project’s success so far, as well as a peek into the future.

TURNER: We’re coming to the end of the buildout. That’s a big deal, isn’t it?

CLARK: It’s a huge deal. You know we really struggled three years ago with making this decision. Hard to believe it’s been three years. I think the big thing that stands out now is that it was definitely the right decision. Hearing now from our members and FASTnet customers, they are happy because frankly, a lot of people wouldn’t have this service that we o er now had we not moved forward. There’s no other product out there right now that’s as good or reliable as fiber all the way into the home. It’s the gold standard now and if you are a 4-County member, other than the few neighborhoods we skipped for economic and competitive reasons, you’ll have access to the service. So now we’re crossing the finish line in Weir and the downside, which we take seriously, is that so many people want this service that we can’t build it to them in a week. We’ve built this entire system in the timeframe that we’ve done and connected more than 14,000 customers and we still have 1,500 people waiting. Now, when the dust settles and we’re caught up, whether that’s six months, a year, whatever, when you call and want service, we want to be able to get you service in a few days, if not that day. We’re just not there yet, because we’ve grown so fast. That’s the plus and minus of it all, really. We’ve grown so fast it is kind of a pain point.

TURNER: As the CEO of two companies serving tens of thousands of members and customers, you have a lot to deal with. What have been the challenges for you over the last three years?

CLARK: Probably the balance between hiring employees for FASTnet or using contractors. You don’t want to over hire at the beginning when things are heavy and then have to lay somebody o , but you to have enough employees and contractors to supply the membership’s demand. You also want to make sure that you’re not putting too much more on existing employees. And then, what’s the long-term e ect of that? If you hire a contractor, or an employee, at some point that’s going to sunset until you figure out what

Hard to believe it’s been three years. I think the big thing that stands out now is that it was definitely the right decision.
16 OCTOBER | 2023

your new normal is. And I think we’ve done a really good job of balancing the two. We’ve had good contractors and great employees who have taken on more work. To be honest, there were some employees who may have needed a little more to do, but there were lots more who rose to the challenge and sought out more responsibility. But I think putting all that together — balancing that — has probably been the biggest challenge.

TURNER: I want to circle back to something. To have accomplished what we have in literally two and half years — a really short time frame in the scheme of things — to do this so much quicker than expected while staying on our budget especially in these challenging times where costs keep rising and supplies can be hard to get, how proud are you of what we’ve been able to accomplish?

CLARK: Very proud. Think about this. There have been many industries that have looked at coming here to the service territory and haven’t decided yet or some that have and still haven’t done anything concrete — and who started the process before we ever even thought about broadband and fiber and yet, here we are. We’ve gone from fiber broadband not even being on our radar to building a subsidiary to building out a network and supplying our service to more than 14,000 people all while doing it with the honesty, integrity, and service that people are used to seeing from 4-County. And a lot of teamwork both inside the building and out. That’s the beautiful part about the cooperative model. FASTnet

may be a for-profit entity but it is owned by the co-op. There were sister cooperatives in other states who had started before we did and were further down the road from us. And we visited several of them and learned what to do, and what not to do from them. We reached out to people who’d been in the marketplace, especially our consultants Irby with Ge Smith and Patrick Reams who helped us get to where we are today. We don’t know everything yet, but we know a whole lot more than we did three years ago. And we’ll continue to grow and learn.

TURNER: Any final thoughts?

CLARK: I humbly want to thank the employees for all the work that they do every day. This hasn’t been easy on anyone here. And none of this — and I mean none of this at all — makes sense without everybody being behind it. The employees have done a great job and members have been patient with us. The most beautiful part of this to me, besides having a product that people really want, is to see the employees grow and take on new roles. It may seem like a cliché or that I have to say this because I’m the CEO, but everything we do adds value. I’ve worked at places, and you probably have too, where it’s just a job. But when you’re providing internet and you’re providing electricity and you’re supporting not-for-profit groups through the Foundation, it all has such a big impact and has such a good feeling to it. And I think, I hope, that that’s what we all feel here every day.

2023 | OCTOBER 17
That’s the beautiful part about the cooperative model. FASTnet may be a for-profit entity but it is owned by the co-op.

TVA rate increase set for Oct. 1

4-County Electric Power Association members and other power distributor customers across the region are likely to see a slight increase in their power bills as the Tennessee Valley Authority is enacting a 4.5 % rate increase. In addition, TVA is announcing that a separate COVID-19-related federal assistance program is ending.

TVA is in the process of building more generation infrastructure to meet growing capacity needs in the Valley. And there are a few older generation plants that are going o ine. These cost factors are leading to the increase in rates. The rate hike, e ective Oct. 1, translates to about a $3.50 rate increase per month to the average residential account.

The TVA rate increase will not mean more money for 4-County, according to 4-County CEO Brian Clark. “It is an increase on what TVA charges us for power and we will pass that on directly to our members,” Clark said. “We know times are tough for many of our members and we are always looking for ways to help them conserve energy and save money on their bills. We have many energy e ciency programs that include financing and cash incentives. We also look for ways to work more e ciently and to use technology to help us cut costs wherever we can,” Clark said. Call 1-800-431-1544 or go to for more information.

The great news, co-op o cials stress, is that much of the need for increased capacity is driven by unprecedented growth in the Valley. “We see it here almost every day,” Clark

said. “With our recent large-scale and small-scale industrial and commercial additions, our service area alone is facing a continued and increasing demand for power,” he added.

In a separate rate-related matter, TVA’s Pandemic Recovery Credit (established in 2020) is ending Oct. 1. That temporary discount provided a monthly 2.5 % wholesale power cost credit to 4-County and each of the other 152 regional power companies TVA serves, as well as TVA direct-serve customers and large customers served by power companies. That discount was an average of about $2 per month per residential member.

4-County, in response to rising costs for supplies and equipment (many costs have tripled in price since the onset of COVID-19 in 2019) are alerting members that the co-op is likely looking at a slight rate increase of its own (see manager’s column on page 15). “For years, we have done everything we can to avoid this,” Clark said. “We have been fiscally responsible enough to not have had an overall 4-County rate increase in nine years. We even absorbed a 1.5% rate increase from TVA in 2016 that typically would have been passed through to you, the ratepayer. But the time may have finally come where all the e ciencies and prudent financial decisions can’t keep up with inflation. I promise you that if we enact an increase, we will continue to work diligently to minimize its impact on you; we will continue to find ways to increase e ciencies and we will continue to work to try and avoid future increases.”

For more information, call 1-800-431-1544.

18 OCTOBER | 2023




October is National Co-op Month, and Central Electric is joining cooperatives across the U.S. to celebrate. Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes, but they each have a common goal: to provide goods or services for the members of the co-op. Electric co-ops, including Central Electric, exist to serve their members. Our priority is to provide a ordable, reliable energy to our local communities. Because we are led by you, the members we serve, we can evolve to meet your needs.


Co-ops help communities grow by promoting economic empowerment, fostering community engagement and supporting the unique needs of co-op members. “Concern for Community” is one of our core principles — and being community-focused is essential to everything we do.


Co-ops are all about cooperation, not competition. That’s why electric co-ops work together to share lessons learned, successful strategies and better ways to serve our members. We’re better when we grow together!


Electric co-ops serve as fertile ground for growing tomorrow’s leaders through a variety of youth engagement programs. Whether through school demonstrations, community events, or the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour program, we’re committed to providing opportunities for local youth to learn and thrive in our community and beyond.

At Central Electric, your satisfaction is our number one goal. It’s why we were formed many years ago to fulfill a uniquely local purpose. We’ve come a long way since then, and your needs continue to evolve.

That’s why we’ll never stop growing for you!

107 EAST MAIN STREET • CARTHAGE, MS 39051 CARTHAGE: 601-267-5671 | PHILADELPHIA: 601-656-2601 | RANKIN: 601-829-1201 | SEBASTOPOL: 601-625-7422
A tradition of dependable, hometown service since 1937
2023 | OCTOBER 15
CO-OPS GROW Communities Together Tomorrows Leaders For You WAYS “CO-OPS GROW” FOR THEIR MEMBERS '


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16 OCTOBER | 2023

TVA/Central EPA Rate Adjustments E ective October 1

E ective October 1, 2023, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) will adjust their wholesale power rates by 4.5% to Central Electric Power Association. In conjunction with the TVA adjustment, Central Electric Power Association finds it necessary to adjust our retail electric rates for the first time in 14 years due to the current economic environment. With TVA and Central EPA adjustments, our average residential consumer with energy use of 1250 kilowatt hours will experience a $6.93 increase in their electric bill.

Central EPA has increased our retail electric rates only 1.7% since 2009. During this time the Association has endured high inflation, winter storms Uri and Viola, increased fuel costs, and many other increases in operating expenditures.

It is our goal at Central Electric to provide our consumers with reliable and a ordable electric service. The Association takes this responsibility very seriously and strives to hold down costs in all areas of our operation.

2023 | OCTOBER 17


One of the easiest ways to save energy is through thermostat control, since home heating and cooling account for a large portion of monthly energy use. Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly. You can control a smart thermostat from anywhere (through your smart phone), which allows you to prevent unnecessary energy consumption while you’re away. Sorcery!


The winter chill is just around the corner, so now is the time to seal air leaks around your home. Apply caulk and weatherstripping around drafty windows and doors to make your home more comfortable and lower energy use.


LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs. Make the switch to reduce energy used for lighting. Remember to use LEDs when it’s time to decorate for the upcoming holiday season. LED light strings o er an average of 88% energy savings compared to traditional incandescent light strings.


Cooler weather summons our favorite soup recipes. Small countertop appliances, like slow cookers, use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Grab your book of spells (or recipes) and start stirring up savings in the kitchen. When we look around our homes, there are many opportunities to save energy. So this spooky season, investigate your space and unlock a di erent kind of magic — the kind that brings real energy savings.

LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs.

Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly.

Small countertop appliances like slow cookers use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Abby Berry
18 OCTOBER | 2023
Abby Berry writes on consumer and cooperative a airs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.

Mission complete

A couple months ago, Octavian Howard, a member of a local ministry in Clarksdale, asked Coahoma Electric to donate a few toys for her mission trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo as part of their Holy Convocation.

Coahoma donated coloring books and plastic hard hats. As they toured Africa, they visited a church that housed an orphanage known as Congo 1st COGIC Orphanage Tumaini, which provides accommodations for approximately 55 orphans. With the holiday season just around the corner, the spirit of Thanksgiving should always remain in our hearts. We would like to say thank you for the opportunity to help provide these items for a great cause. Kindness is something anyone can give, without losing anything themselves. It’s not what we do, but who we are. Children are amazing. They have extraordinary resilience

to overcome the unthinkable. We would like to extend heartfelt prayers to the children in Congo Africa.

“Sometimes the prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The most beautiful eyes have cried the most tears. And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.”

As trained and licensed first responders, it’s crucial to earn the respect and appreciation of your community. We face challenges, such as working long hours and battling extreme weather conditions, all while providing safe and reliable service. It’s a dangerous job. Going above and beyond the call of duty is rewarding. Nevertheless, there’s no greater satisfaction than solving a problem for your community when they need you the most. However, at the end of the day, we all want to safely go home to our families. Sadly, everyone is not as fortunate. Remember to be thankful every day.

Halloween Safety Tips

• Stay in groups

• Costumes should be well fitted and flame resistant

• Always test makeup

• Remember to look both ways when crossing the street

• Examine all treats before eating

• Stay on the sidewalks if possible

• Avoid dark houses and streets

• Use flashlights or glowsticks for visibility

• Enjoy with caution

P.O. BOX 188 • LYON, MS 38645 662-624-8321 • FAX 662-624-8327 • •
2023 | OCTOBER 15
Octavian Howard


I’ve noticed a draft coming in around my attic hatch, and it makes the room uncomfortable. Can you o er any tips for this?

You can eliminate drafts and reduce energy waste by properly sealing and insulating your attic hatch. Attic hatches are often overlooked, even if the rest of the attic is properly insulated.

It should be noted if your attic access is located in an area you are not paying to heat or cool, such as your home’s exterior or garage, there’s no need to insulate it.

For attic access points inside the home, it’s important to seal them properly with durability and functionality in mind. Attic hatches should be insulated close to the same R-value as the rest of the attic. (R-value is the insulation’s capacity to resist heat flow.)

Attic access types vary, but here are a few tips on how to insulate standard and ladder attic hatches.

16 OCTOBER | 2023

Standard A ic Hatches

A standard attic hatch is typically a covered rectangular hole cut into the ceiling. If your hatch is drywall, I recommend replacing it because it is di cult to properly insulate and seal a drywall hatch. They often crumble and crack around the edges, leading to more air leaks.

Ready-made insulated hatches are available online or at home improvement stores, or you can insulate and seal your existing attic hatch. Either way, measure carefully to ensure you create an e ective seal.

To improve your existing hatch, replace drywall attic hatches with ¾-inch plywood cut to fit. If you have loosefill insulation in your attic — as opposed to fiberglass batts — install a dam or barrier that extends 2 inches above the level of insulation to prevent it from spilling into the house when you open the hatch. Use unfaced fiberglass batt insulation or plywood to hold back the loose fill insulation.

To insulate the hatch, use rigid foam insulation cut slightly smaller than the plywood attic hatch. Use screws and fender washers to secure the first layer of rigid foam to the hatch. Add layers of rigid foam by taping the edges together one at a time using foil tape. Always wear gloves when using foil tape to prevent cuts. Keep layering the rigid foam until you reach the desired R-value.

Remember to seal any gaps between the drywall and trim, using caulk for smaller gaps and foam sealant for larger ones. Finish the job by applying adhesive weatherstripping around the hatch perimeter. Install the weatherstripping on the hatch itself or on the trim supporting the hatch.

Ladder A ic Hatches

For attic hatches with dropdown ladders, you’ll follow the same instructions: Install a dam, air seal and insulate. Be sure to account for the space of the folding ladder.

To insulate, build a box to sit in the attic around the hatch. I suggest using wood for the sides tall enough to accommodate the folded ladder. The top of the box will be rigid foam you can remove to get into the attic. Cut the first piece of foam to fit inside the box and the next layer to fit on top of the box. Keep layering until you reach the desired R-value.

To get a good air seal, you may need to remove the existing trim to seal the gap between the drywall and hatch frame. Add weatherstripping to the hatch or the underside of the frame to form a tight seal when closed.

There are several commercially available options for insulating ladder hatches. Remember to check the product’s R-value and measure carefully.

If purchasing the required materials to seal and insulate your attic hatch is not in your budget, I recommend weatherstripping the hatch perimeter. While it won’t provide the same level of insulation, it’s a simple, low-cost option for blocking air drafts.

Miranda Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energy e ciency company.

2023 | OCTOBER 17
This standard attic hatch has been insulated and weather stripped to reduce energy waste. If buying materials or ready-made kits is not in your budget, inexpensive weatherstripping provides a minimal level of protection.


One of the easiest ways to save energy is through thermostat control, since home heating and cooling account for a large portion of monthly energy use. Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly. You can control a smart thermostat from anywhere (through your smart phone), which allows you to prevent unnecessary energy consumption while you’re away. Sorcery!


The winter chill is just around the corner, so now is the time to seal air leaks around your home. Apply caulk and weatherstripping around drafty windows and doors to make your home more comfortable and lower energy use.


LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs. Make the switch to reduce energy used for lighting. Remember to use LEDs when it’s time to decorate for the upcoming holiday season. LED light strings o er an average of 88% energy savings compared to traditional incandescent light strings.


Cooler weather summons our favorite soup recipes. Small countertop appliances, like slow cookers, use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Grab your book of spells (or recipes) and start stirring up savings in the kitchen. When we look around our homes, there are many opportunities to save energy. So this spooky season, investigate your space and unlock a di erent kind of magic — the kind that brings real energy savings.

LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs.

Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly.

Small countertop appliances like slow cookers use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Abby Berry
18 OCTOBER | 2023
Abby Berry writes on consumer and cooperative a airs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.




October is National Co-op Month, and Coast Electric is joining cooperatives across the U.S. to celebrate. Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes, but they each have a common goal: to provide goods or services for the members of the co-op. Electric co-ops, including Coast Electric, exist to serve their members. Our priority is to provide a ordable, reliable energy to our local communities. Because we are led by you, the members we serve, we can evolve to meet your needs.



CO-OPS GROW CO-OPS GROW CO-OPS GROW Communities Together For You

Tomorrows Leaders '

Co-ops help communities grow by promoting economic empowerment, fostering community engagement and supporting the unique needs of co-op members. “Concern for Community” is one of our core principles — and being community-focused is essential to everything we do.

Co-ops are all about cooperation, not competition. That’s why electric co-ops work together to share lessons learned, successful strategies and better ways to serve our members. We’re better when we grow together!

Electric co-ops serve as fertile ground for growing tomorrow’s leaders through a variety of youth engagement programs. Whether through school demonstrations, community events, or the Cooperative Youth Leaders program, we’re committed to providing opportunities for local youth to learn and thrive in our community and beyond.

At Coast Electric, your satisfaction is our number one goal. It’s why we were formed many years ago to fulfill a uniquely local purpose. We’ve come a long way since then, and your needs continue to evolve. That’s why we’ll never stop growing for you!

FOR TODAY IN MISSISSIPPI INFORMATION, CALL 877-769-2372 WWW.COASTELECTRIC.COOP Where our members have the power Communicators: April Lollar, Merilee Sands & Sarah Belk
2023 | OCTOBER 15

Coast Electric Annual Meeting


Registration begins at 5 p.m.

Business meeting is called to order at 6 p.m.

Can’t attend?

Register at, by mail or in any o ce until 10 a.m., Oct. 27. All who attend and those who register will be eligible to win a bill credit of up to $1,000!

Watch the meeting live on on Nov. 2.

Please note: Members who do not attend, or do not register online by Oct. 27, will be able to view the meeting online but will not be able to cast their ballot.

TOU Time Change

ALL WHO ATTEND OR REGISTER are eligible to win up to $1,000 OF ELECTRICITY CREDITS. Attendees will have the opportunity to win additional prizes.

Events in your community

Byrd’s Chapel 41st Annual Fall Fest

SATURDAY, OCT. 28, 2023

9 a.m. — 1 p.m.

Byrd’s Church in Carriere Crafts,

Nov. 1 will mark our Time of Use (TOU) rate time change. For those of you who are taking advantage of our TOU rate, please note that our peak times will change from our summer hours (3-6 p.m. MondayFriday) to winter hours (6-8 a.m. Monday-Friday). That means that only 10 hours of 168 hours in the week are peak hours.


During the holidays, TOU is the gift that keeps giving. Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day are o -peak prices all day long!


If you aren’t trying our TOU rate, now is the time! This rate allows you to save if you avoid energy use during peak hours. You have the control to save on your monthly energy costs. Just imagine what those savings can do for you this holiday season! If you are hesitant, don’t worry. With our six-month guarantee, you can see what your bill would have been on our traditional rate. If you would have saved more on that rate or if you decide TOU isn’t for you for any reason, you can switch back, and we will refund the savings you would have seen to your account.


Coast Electric wants you to reduce your energy use and see savings on your energy costs. Each month, you will have an opportunity to register to win a prize that will help you reduce the energy consumption in your home. All you have to do is visit and fill out our entry form. It only takes a few seconds, and you could win a prize that helps you save!

Congratulations to Dale Broussard, the winner of our August Reduce Your Use prize!

Charles Lopez Position 1 Pearl River County Hancock County Harrison County William D. Mooney Position 3 Teri Eaton Position 2
Frank McClinton Position 2 Richard Dossett Position 1
Gordon Redd Position 3 James Baldree Position 1 Gil Arceneaux Position 2 Paul D. Guichet Position 3
Free booths available Info: Pam Farr 601-799-6606 or Mae Smith
Food, Bakesale, Games, Silent Auction
NOV. 11, 2023 in D’Iberville at 11 a.m. Visit for more information. 16 OCTOBER | 2023
23rd Annual Gulf Coast Veterans Day Parade SATURDAY,


One of the easiest ways to save energy is through thermostat control, since home heating and cooling account for a large portion of monthly energy use. Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly. You can control a smart thermostat from anywhere (through your smart phone), which allows you to prevent unnecessary energy consumption while you’re away. Sorcery!


The winter chill is just around the corner, so now is the time to seal air leaks around your home. Apply caulk and weatherstripping around drafty windows and doors to make your home more comfortable and lower energy use.


LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs. Make the switch to reduce energy used for lighting. Remember to use LEDs when it’s time to decorate for the upcoming holiday season. LED light strings o er an average of 88% energy savings compared to traditional incandescent light strings.


Cooler weather summons our favorite soup recipes. Small countertop appliances, like slow cookers, use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Grab your book of spells (or recipes) and start stirring up savings in the kitchen. When we look around our homes, there are many opportunities to save energy. So this spooky season, investigate your space and unlock a di erent kind of magic — the kind that brings real energy savings.

LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs.

Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly.

Small countertop appliances like slow cookers use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Abby Berry
2023 | OCTOBER 17
Abby Berry writes on consumer and cooperative a airs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.



CoastConnect is locally owned and operated by the same people who have powered your homes and businesses for generations. With CoastConnect, you will receive lightning-fast service with no data caps. Our 300 Mbps residential package is $54.95 a month or you can get our gig service for $84.95 a month. Bill


This summer, CoastConnect was one of just 30 companies across the country that introduced the FIBER GAMING NETWORK (FGN) to subscribers as part of a pilot program. This fall, FGN is coming back and will be better than ever! CoastConnect subscribers will be able to access game nights and weekly tournaments for FREE, and FGN is growing to support local students!

If your school has an esports program, teachers and students will have access to free accounts. Once signed up, your team can participate in scrimmages and training sessions with pro and college coaches! Your participation will also give you exposure to scholarship opportunities and recruiters through the FGN Collegiate Network.

If you don’t have an esports club at your school, FGN can give you the materials to get started!

Be sure to visit for announcements and information about the FGN.

Visit to get connected today!
18 OCTOBER | 2023


October is National Co-op Month, and Delta Electric is joining cooperatives across the U.S. to celebrate. Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes, but they each have a common goal: to provide goods or services for the members of the co-op. Electric co-ops, including Delta Electric, exist to serve their members. Our priority is to provide a ordable, reliable energy to our local communities. Because we are led by you, the members we serve, we can evolve to meet your needs.

CO-OPS GROW Communities

Co-ops help communities grow by promoting economic empowerment, fostering community engagement and supporting the unique needs of co-op members. “Concern for Community” is one of our core principles — and being communityfocused is essential to everything we do.

CO-OPS GROW Together

Co-ops are all about cooperation, not competition. That’s why electric coops work together to share lessons learned, successful strategies and better ways to serve our members. We’re better when we grow together!

At Delta Electric, your satisfaction is our number one goal. It’s why we were formed many years ago to fulfill a uniquely local purpose. We’ve come a long way since then, and your needs continue to evolve. That’s why we’ll never stop growing for you!

Delta Electric’s new IVR phone number is 662-743-4425 – USE IT ANY TIME 24/7 ✓GET ACCOUNT INFO ✓MAKE A PAYMENT ✓REPORT AN OUTAGE ✓MAKE AN ARRANGEMENT
You 662-477-1975 or Sign up now for unlimited data and no contract!


You can eliminate drafts and reduce energy waste by properly sealing and insulating your attic hatch. Attic hatches are often overlooked, even if the rest of the attic is properly insulated. Q A

I’ve noticed a draft coming in around my attic hatch, and it makes the room uncomfortable. Can you o er any tips for this?

It should be noted if your attic access is located in an area you are not paying to heat or cool, such as your home’s exterior or garage, there’s no need to insulate it.

For attic access points inside the home, it’s important to seal them properly with durability and functionality in mind. Attic hatches should be insulated close to the same R-value as the rest of the attic. (R-value is the insulation’s capacity to resist heat flow.)

Attic access types vary, but here are a few tips on how to insulate standard and ladder attic hatches.

16 OCTOBER | 2023

Standard Attic Hatches

A standard attic hatch is typically a covered rectangular hole cut into the ceiling. If your hatch is drywall, I recommend replacing it because it is di cult to properly insulate and seal a drywall hatch. They often crumble and crack around the edges, leading to more air leaks.

Ready-made insulated hatches are available online or at home improvement stores, or you can insulate and seal your existing attic hatch. Either way, measure carefully to ensure you create an e ective seal.

To improve your existing hatch, replace drywall attic hatches with ¾-inch plywood cut to fit. If you have loose-fill insulation in your attic — as opposed to fiberglass batts — install a dam or barrier that extends 2 inches above the level of insulation to prevent it from spilling into the house when you open the hatch. Use unfaced fiberglass batt insulation or plywood to hold back the loose fill insulation.

To insulate the hatch, use rigid foam insulation cut slightly smaller than the plywood attic hatch. Use screws and fender washers to secure the first layer of rigid foam to the hatch. Add layers of rigid foam by taping the edges together one at a time using foil tape. Always wear gloves when using foil tape to prevent cuts. Keep layering the rigid foam until you reach the desired R-value.

Remember to seal any gaps between the drywall and trim, using caulk for smaller gaps and foam sealant for larger ones. Finish the job by applying adhesive weatherstripping around the hatch perimeter. Install the weatherstripping on the hatch itself or on the trim supporting the hatch.

Ladder Attic Hatches

For attic hatches with dropdown ladders, you’ll follow the same instructions: Install a dam, air seal and insulate. Be sure to account for the space of the folding ladder.

To insulate, build a box to sit in the attic around the hatch. I suggest using wood for the sides tall enough to accommodate the folded ladder. The top of the box will be rigid foam you can remove to get into the attic. Cut the first piece of foam to fit inside the box and the next layer to fit on top of the box. Keep layering until you reach the desired R-value.

To get a good air seal, you may need to remove the existing trim to seal the gap between the drywall and hatch frame. Add weatherstripping to the hatch or the underside of the frame to form a tight seal when closed.

There are several commercially available options for insulating ladder hatches. Remember to check the product’s R-value and measure carefully.

If purchasing the required materials to seal and insulate your attic hatch is not in your budget, I recommend weatherstripping the hatch perimeter. While it won’t provide the same level of insulation, it’s a simple, low-cost option for blocking air drafts.

Miranda Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energy e ciency company.

2023 | OCTOBER 17
This standard attic hatch has been insulated and weather stripped to reduce energy waste. If buying materials or ready-made kits is not in your budget, inexpensive weatherstripping provides a minimal level of protection.


One of the easiest ways to save energy is through thermostat control, since home heating and cooling account for a large portion of monthly energy use. Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly. You can control a smart thermostat from anywhere (through your smart phone), which allows you to prevent unnecessary energy consumption while you’re away. Sorcery!


The winter chill is just around the corner, so now is the time to seal air leaks around your home. Apply caulk and weatherstripping around drafty windows and doors to make your home more comfortable and lower energy use.


LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs. Make the switch to reduce energy used for lighting. Remember to use LEDs when it’s time to decorate for the upcoming holiday season. LED light strings o er an average of 88% energy savings compared to traditional incandescent light strings.


Cooler weather summons our favorite soup recipes. Small countertop appliances, like slow cookers, use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Grab your book of spells (or recipes) and start stirring up savings in the kitchen. When we look around our homes, there are many opportunities to save energy. So this spooky season, investigate your space and unlock a di erent kind of magic — the kind that brings real energy savings.

use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs.

Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly.

18 OCTOBER | 2023
Small countertop appliances like slow cookers use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. LED bulbs Abby Berry Abby Berry writes on consumer and cooperative a airs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.



Each year in the month of October, we celebrate Electric Cooperative Month. This occasion provides us with a valuable opportunity to reflect on the fundamental principles that make us who we are – a resilient, community-focused, and member-driven organization.

Electric cooperatives are unique in that we are owned and governed by the very people we serve – you, our members. This democratic model ensures that decisions are made with your best interests at heart. It's not just about providing electricity; it's about investing in our communities and improving the quality of life for each and every member.

Electric cooperatives have consistently demonstrated resilience in the face of adversity. Whether it's restoring power after a natural disaster, adapting to new energy technologies, or navigating the challenges of the modern world, we stand ready. Our cooperative spirit shines through in times of crisis, and we take immense pride in being a dependable source of support for our communities.

Dixie Electric has a rich history dating back more than 85 years. We've weathered storms, economic challenges, and ever-evolving technological advances. Through it all, we've remained steadfast in our commitment to delivering reliable electricity to our members. But we’re more than just an energy provider; we are community builders. We celebrate the spirit of community and are dedicated to improving the lives of our members.

Whether through charity work, community programs, investing in our youth, or supporting economic growth, we're deeply invested in the well-being of our community. The power of cooperation has been our guiding light.

As we celebrate Electric Cooperative Month, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you. Your support, trust, and engagement are the driving force behind our cooperative's success. Together, we've achieved remarkable milestones, and together, we will continue to light the way for generations to come.

Thank you for being a part of our cooperative family. Here's to a bright and promising future as we continue to power our communities, one cooperative principle at a time.


Dixie Electric Power Association clears trees, limbs, and underbrush from the area around and below the power lines, called the right-of-way. Right-of-way clearing decreases the number of outages and reduces the risk of someone coming in contact with the power lines. Clearing the right-of-way protects individuals from the hazards of electricity and makes power restoration quicker and safer for both Dixie Electric’s members and personnel.

Clearing projects underway

Diamond: Waynesboro, Chapparal, Cypress Creek, Shubuta

Macedonia: Macedonia, Sunrise, Barrontown, Union Cleo Sub: Cleo, Poole Creek, Mill Creek, Strengthford, Myrick

2023 | OCTOBER 15 | | | AFTER HOURS: 888-465-9209 | 601-425-2535 @DixieEPA @DixieElectricMS @dixie_electric
“Powering communities and empowering lives” Dixie Electric is an equal opportunity employer and provider.


On Wednesday, Aug. 30, Hurricane Idalia made landfall as a Category 3 hurricane along Florida's Big Bend region – where the panhandle meets the peninsula - and brought a storm surge of 4-6 feet above normal high tide. With maximum winds of 125 mph, Idalia was the strongest hurricane to land in Florida's Big Bend region in more than 125 years.

On Thursday, Aug. 31, 17 Dixie Electric personnel journeyed to Central Florida Electric Cooperative (CFEC) to aid in power restoration. CFEC, headquartered in Chiefland, Florida, took a direct hit from Hurricane Idalia and reported more than 25,000 members without power at the height of the outages.

On Monday, Sept. 4, which was also Labor Day, Dixie Electric personnel were released to head to Suwanee Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC), headquartered in Lake City, Florida, after the majority of CFEC's system had been restored. SVEC also experienced extensive damage from Hurricane Idalia, reporting 98.9 percent of their members without electricity at the height of the outages.

On Friday, Sept. 8, Dixie Electric crews made the journey home, as SVEC reported that all members who could safely receive power had been restored.

In times of crisis, the power of unity shines brightly in electric cooperatives. When a cooperative faces a major outage, neighboring cooperatives can promptly dispatch crews and resources to assist in restoration efforts. This collaboration drastically reduces downtime and inconvenience for members, enabling life to return to normalcy swiftly.

Mutual aid is not just a response to crises; it's a testament to the resilience of human connections, the strength of unity, and the promise of a brighter future, electrified by cooperation.


As the leaves turn golden and the crisp autumn air sets in, the time for spooky festivities approaches. Halloween, a holiday known for its ghoulish delights and eerie decorations, might seem like an energy-guzzling a air with all those haunted houses and elaborate light displays. However, with a few tricks (or treats) up your sleeve, you can have a frightfully fantastic time while keeping your energy bills in check. This Halloween, let's explore some chillingly e cient ways to save energy.


Step into any Halloween store, and you'll be greeted by a kaleidoscope of dazzling lights and decorations. While these might create an eerie ambiance, they can be a drain on your energy bill if you opt for traditional incandescent bulbs. Instead, go for LED lights. These energy-e cient alternatives use up to 80% less electricity and last much longer than their incandescent counterparts. Transform your home into a haunted mansion without haunting your wallet!


Phantom power, also known as vampire power, is the electricity that devices consume even when they're turned o but still plugged in. It's as if your appliances have a ghostly thirst for power. Combat this spooky phenomenon by unplugging devices like chargers, co ee makers, and gaming consoles when not in use. Alternatively, invest in smart power strips that automatically cut o power to devices when they're idle.


Halloween parties often involve ghoulishly good food. When cooking up a spooky feast, remember to use your kitchen wisely! Resist the temptation to open the oven door frequently—it lets out valuable heat and can increase cooking time. Use smaller appliances like microwaves and slow cookers for smaller dishes, and you'll save energy while still conjuring up culinary delights.


Don't let drafts and leaks give you the chills. Proper insulation and sealing gaps around doors and windows can keep your home cozy and reduce your heating costs.


Old, energy-guzzling appliances are like vampires sucking the life out of your energy bills. Consider upgrading to ENERGY STAR-rated appliances to slay these energy vampires. Not only will you reduce your energy consumption, but you'll also contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.


If you want to get to the bottom of your energy consumption mysteries, consider using our online energy calculators. These free tools suggest tailored improvements to make your home more energy e cient. Access our energy calculators at

This Halloween, don't let your energy bills haunt your dreams. Embrace these energy-saving tricks and enjoy the treats of reduced energy costs. By adopting these spooky energy-saving practices, you can celebrate the holiday season while staying green and saving some green in your wallet.

2023 | OCTOBER 17



1863 Highway 184 • Laurel, MS 39443

Voting at the Laurel o ce is from 10 until 10:50 a.m. The in-person and online annual meeting begins at 11 a.m.

Vote and you could win up to

$500 credit on your electric bill


Dixie Electric’s Annual Membership Meeting


In-person voting is from 10 to 10:50 a.m. on Oct. 21, 2023, at the Laurel o ce. The annual meeting will also be held online at beginning at 11 a.m.

Dear Member,

The Credentials and Election Committee, made up of members of the cooperative, met on August 10, 2023, and certified the following individuals as candidates in their respective districts. The certification includes verifying the qualifications and the petitions submitted by the candidates. The following individuals were the only members who submitted the qualifying documentation:

District 2: Allen Sledge, Sr.

District 7: Dale McKee

Respectfully Submitted, Chairman Margarett Dennis, Credentials and Election Committee

To view a copy of Dixie Electric’s bylaws and/or annual meeting report, visit

If you need any kind of interpreter at the Annual Membership Meeting, foreign language or sign language, please contact the communication department at (601) 425-2535 at least five days prior to the annual meeting.

2023 1938 2023 ANNUAL
Membership Meeting

Serving east Mississippi for 85 years


EMEPA has delivered the services our member-owners need to empower their lives and grow our communities for the past 85 years. Building, maintaining, and operating over 5,700 miles of distribution lines with 130 employees is quite a challenge. It takes planning, foresight, and attention to changes in the utility industry to ensure our members continue to receive safe, a ordable, and reliable electric service for years to come.

Add to that the construction of a fiber-to-the-home network spanning over 3,800 miles in just 36 months, and it becomes apparent what serving member needs means. We are truly living our mission to deliver services that enhance member lifestyles as we achieve our vision of building pathways for community success.

Electric cooperatives today continue to be faced with ever-changing technologies, uninterrupted power supply expectations and the desire for alternative sources of electric power like wind and solar. While many of these new technologies can be beneficial at times, others require backup sources of power to provide the constant supply our members expect.

Solar, for example, provides power from the sun’s energy on bright sunny days at a relatively low fuel cost. On rainy days, or in the early morning hours, an alternate source is needed. It is much like riding a bicycle to work to save on fuel. It is the cheapest form of transportation and can be quite enjoyable when the sun is shining. However, on rainy days, a car is a much more comfortable solution if you prefer dry clothes. If you want a car for those days, you still pay the car note, purchase a tag, and maintain insurance. The only savings achieved by riding the bike on sunny days is the gasoline you do not use on those days.

Taking this simple analogy to the utility system, once solar panels are purchased and installed, the fuel from the sun is practically free.

If the sun is shining, electricity is produced. But, if you need electricity on cloudy days or at night, you need an alternate source. The cost of owning, operating, and maintaining that source exists even if left in the garage for the day while you ride your bicycle. That source has been at your fingertips for 85 years. It is your local electric cooperative and the distribution system constructed to serve you.

We want to be your trusted source for energy decisions. We do so by building lasting relationships with the members we serve. The foremost factor in achieving success can only be attributed to our employees.

Whether it is the people you see when you enter our lobby, the staking technician you meet to determine your service placement, the power and broadband advisors who discuss options with you, right-of-way crews you see clearing the lines, line crews you see building new lines, engineering personnel planning for the future, accountants making sure we meet all our financial obligations, communication personnel working with communities and schools, human resources making sure we have the right people in the right jobs, and numerous others, it is our people that make EMEPA great.

For 85 years we have been your number one source of a ordable, reliable, and safe services. It is our commitment to continue that trusted role well into the years to come.

CEO — East Mississippi Electric Power Association
EMEPA 85th SATURDAY, OCT. 7, 2023 ANNUAL MEETING EMEPA AUDITORIUM 2128 Highway 39 North Meridian, MS 39302 at 10 a.m. 1 2 Electing hree (3) Directors he Board Direc ors for a h Hearing reports of Directors, Officers and/or Committee for the previous fiscal year: (3) year and 3 Tran cting such other bu iness as may properly come be ore he mee ing A online li e-stream viewing option will be a ailable or EMEPA Member unable o attend V ing de ails I connection wi h he election Directors he ollowing Members have been nomina ed e on the Board o Direct in accordanc wi h he Bylaws o he Ass iation (1) Da id Sorrels, Kemper County; (2) y Webb Winst County; and (3) Chester Willis Sou h At-Large Each Member s in ed par cipa e in hi Annual Mee ing by attendance proxy so hat quorum will be available sact the business of the Association. If you will not attend, you may appoint the Board of Directors or any other Member of the Association who will be present at the Annual Meeting as your proxy to vote according to your wishes. To do this, you must sign and print your name and date on the proxy card attached and return it to EMEPA in the postage paid envelope. Proxies must be received by EMEPA on or before Wednesday, September 28, 2022. Members will be eligible o win $500 electric ty redi by re urning he proxy up o $500 in electric ty credi by attending he meeting Members must urn he signed and da ed proxy or attend he mee ing o be eligible o win Respectfull submitted Gloria Wel h Sec y 6/10 22 DE ACH BEFORE MAILING Voting Instructions PROXY Official Notice of 2022 Annual Meeting of East Mississippi Electric Power Association You are hereby notified that the Annual Meeting of the Members of East Mississippi Electric Power Association (EMEPA) will be held at the East Miss ssippi Electric Power Ass ia ion Audi orium 2128 MS Highway 39 Meridian Miss sippi on Satu d y October 1 2022 at 10:00 or he purpo o The following have been nominated for Directo of East Mississippi Electric Power Association from these Districts: Kemper County: David Sorrels Winst C ty: Jerry bb Sou h At- g Chester FOR EITHER CHOICE, PROXY MUST BE SIGNED AND DATED FOR VOTE TO COUNT AND TO BE ELIGIBLE TO WIN. ________________________________________ ___________________________________ Representative's Name Representative's Account Number (Must be an EMEPA Member and present at theAnnual Meeting. No Member shall vote as proxy for more than ten (10) Members at the Annual Meeting.) Signature ________________________________ Date ________________________ Printed Name_____________________________ Proxy must be RECEIVED by Wednesday, September 28, 2022. hereby appoint the Board of Directors of East Mississippi Electric Power Association my agent and proxy to represent me at the Annual Meeting of East Mississippi Electric Power Association in Meridian, Mississippi, at 10:00 a.m. Saturday October 1, 2022, with full authority to cast my vote upon all matters before the said meeting or any adjournment thereof. do not appoint the Board of Directors as my agent and proxy but, instead, appoint as my agent and proxy to represent me at the Annual Meeting: Voting by Mail Please complete the proxy form below. Detach and place into the enclosed return envelope. Mail to East Mississippi Electric Power Assocation, PO Box 5517, Meridian MS 39302. Proxies must be received no later than September 28, 2022. Please allow sufficient time for delivery. Voting Online To vote your proxy electronically, please type into the address bar located at the top of your internet screen. Above and to the left is your Member Number and your Election Passcode Use both of these numbers to login. Once registered, follow the online voting instructions. Online voting begins June 30 and ends at 10:00 AM September 28, 2022. Do not mail your ballot if you plan to vote your proxy online. If you have any problems voting online, please email SAMPLE EMEP EME A Don’t forget to complete the 2023 proxy either by mail or online for your chance to win a $500 electricity credit. Due date for proxy return is Wednesday, Oct. 4. For more information, visit 2023 | OCTOBER 15 DeKalb 601-743-2641 • Louisville 662-773-5741 • Quitman 601-776-6271 • After-Hours Outages, Call 601-581-8600 MEMBER OWNED. LOCALLY OPERATED. THAT’S THE COOPERATIVE DIFFERENCE.

EMEPA partners with TVA

$8,250 donated to PACES

East Mississippi Electric Power Association is proud to announce its partnership with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to award $8,250 to the Kemper County Economic Development Authority’s Parents and Community Equal Education Success (PACES) Program.

PACES is an all-volunteer community-based outreach program founded in 2009 to stimulate partnerships between the Kemper County School District, community and business leaders, parents, and students. The program works to increase community awareness of the value of higher education, thereby improving the likelihood that graduates of Kemper County High School will pursue higher education or careertraining opportunities.

“The funds donated will help reestablish the program’s activity budget that was depleted by the recent e ect of the pandemic,” says Bernard Hulin, PACES project coordinator. “These funds will ensure

Member Sa sfac

We want your feedback!

that the full slate of college, business and industry visits can be attained in 2023.”

PACES activities include college campus visits, business and industry education visits, academic achievement recognition programs, Reality Fair events and scholarship opportunities for technology summer camps. Since the program’s inception, graduation rates at Kemper County High School have risen by more than 20 percent and the average ACT score of seniors has steadily risen each year.

TVA’s Community Care Fund was established in 2020 to help local power companies meet immediate needs in their communities through local initiatives that address hardships created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

To learn more about the PACES project, visit or call 601-743-2754.

East Mississippi Electric Power Association’s mission is to deliver services that empower lives. To better serve you, we need your feedback.

EMEPA has partnered with the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Market Research Services to conduct a member satisfaction survey on our behalf. Beginning Oct. 9, randomly selected co-op members will be contacted by email to complete the survey online. If you are contacted, we would greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your views of EMEPA.

We aim to provide all members with safe, a ordable, and reliable service. Your participation in the survey will help us make decisions that benefit you, your family, and your community.

Rest assured that all information we gather during the interviews will be kept strictly confidential and will not be shared with any outside third parties.

By participating in this short survey, you’ll help us learn more about your needs and assist us in making important decisions about enhancing our service to better provide you with reliable power and exceptional member service.

After all, at EMEPA, our members are the owners, and we are here to serve you.

For questions about the 2023 Member Satisfaction Survey, email

16 OCTOBER | 2023
TVA Customer Service Manager Josh Wooten, KCEDA Executive Director Steven Lockley, PACES Project Coordinator Bernard Hulin, EMEPA Director of Energy Services Bryce Nester, EMEPA Director of Marketing/Communication Julie Boles


October is National Co-op Month, and Magnolia Electric is joining cooperatives across the U.S. to celebrate. Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes, but they each have a common goal: to provide goods or services for the members of the co-op.

Electric co-ops, including Magnolia Electric, exist to serve their members. Our priority is to provide a ordable, reliable energy to our local communities. Because we are led by you, the members we serve, we can evolve to meet your needs.


CO-OPS GROW CO-OPS GROW CO-OPS GROW Communities Together For You

Co-ops help communities grow by promoting economic empowerment, fostering community engagement and supporting the unique needs of co-op members. “Concern for Community” is one of our core principles — and being community-focused is essential to everything we do.

Co-ops are all about cooperation, not competition. That’s why electric co-ops work together to share lessons learned, successful strategies and better ways to serve our members. We’re better when we grow together!

Electric co-ops serve as fertile ground for growing tomorrow’s leaders through a variety of youth engagement programs. Whether through school demonstrations, community events, or the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour program, we’re committed to providing opportunities for local youth to learn and thrive in our community and beyond.

At Magnolia Electric, your satisfaction is our number one goal. It’s why we were formed many years ago to fulfill a uniquely local purpose. We’ve come a long way since then, and your needs continue to evolve. That’s why we’ll never stop growing for you!

2023 | OCTOBER 15 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter P: 3027 HIGHWAY 98 WEST, SUMMIT 39666 | M: P.O. BOX 747, McCOMB 39649 | REPORT OUTAGES 601-684-4011 | PAY BY PHONE 1-877-779-7740
Tomorrows Leaders '


I’ve noticed a draft coming in around my attic hatch, and it makes the room uncomfortable.

Can you o er any tips for this?

You can eliminate drafts and reduce energy waste by properly sealing and insulating your attic hatch. Attic hatches are often overlooked, even if the rest of the attic is properly insulated. Q A

It should be noted if your attic access is located in an area you are not paying to heat or cool, such as your home’s exterior or garage, there’s no need to insulate it.

For attic access points inside the home, it’s important to seal them properly with durability and functionality in mind. Attic hatches should be insulated close to the same R-value as the rest of the attic. (R-value is the insulation’s capacity to resist heat flow.)

Attic access types vary, but here are a few tips on how to insulate standard and ladder attic hatches.

16 OCTOBER | 2023

Standard Attic Hatches

A standard attic hatch is typically a covered rectangular hole cut into the ceiling. If your hatch is drywall, I recommend replacing it because it is di cult to properly insulate and seal a drywall hatch. They often crumble and crack around the edges, leading to more air leaks.

Ready-made insulated hatches are available online or at home improvement stores, or you can insulate and seal your existing attic hatch. Either way, measure carefully to ensure you create an e ective seal.

To improve your existing hatch, replace drywall attic hatches with ¾-inch plywood cut to fit. If you have loose-fill insulation in your attic — as opposed to fiberglass batts — install a dam or barrier that extends 2 inches above the level of insulation to prevent it from spilling into the house when you open the hatch. Use unfaced fiberglass batt insulation or plywood to hold back the loose fill insulation.

To insulate the hatch, use rigid foam insulation cut slightly smaller than the plywood attic hatch. Use screws and fender washers to secure the first layer of rigid foam to the hatch. Add layers of rigid foam by taping the edges together one at a time using foil tape. Always wear gloves when using foil tape to prevent cuts. Keep layering the rigid foam until you reach the desired R-value.

Remember to seal any gaps between the drywall and trim, using caulk for smaller gaps and foam sealant for larger ones. Finish the job by applying adhesive weatherstripping around the hatch perimeter. Install the weatherstripping on the hatch itself or on the trim supporting the hatch.

Ladder Attic Hatches

For attic hatches with dropdown ladders, you’ll follow the same instructions: Install a dam, air seal and insulate. Be sure to account for the space of the folding ladder.

To insulate, build a box to sit in the attic around the hatch. I suggest using wood for the sides tall enough to accommodate the folded ladder. The top of the box will be rigid foam you can remove to get into the attic. Cut the first piece of foam to fit inside the box and the next layer to fit on top of the box. Keep layering until you reach the desired R-value.

To get a good air seal, you may need to remove the existing trim to seal the gap between the drywall and hatch frame. Add weatherstripping to the hatch or the underside of the frame to form a tight seal when closed.

There are several commercially available options for insulating ladder hatches. Remember to check the product’s R-value and measure carefully.

If purchasing the required materials to seal and insulate your attic hatch is not in your budget, I recommend weatherstripping the hatch perimeter. While it won’t provide the same level of insulation, it’s a simple, low-cost option for blocking air drafts.

Miranda Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energy e ciency company. This standard attic hatch has been insulated and weather stripped to reduce energy waste.
2023 | OCTOBER 17
If buying materials or ready-made kits is not in your budget, inexpensive weatherstripping provides a minimal level of protection.


One of the easiest ways to save energy is through thermostat control, since home heating and cooling account for a large portion of monthly energy use. Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly. You can control a smart thermostat from anywhere (through your smart phone), which allows you to prevent unnecessary energy consumption while you’re away. Sorcery!


The winter chill is just around the corner, so now is the time to seal air leaks around your home. Apply caulk and weatherstripping around drafty windows and doors to make your home more comfortable and lower energy use.


LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs. Make the switch to reduce energy used for lighting. Remember to use LEDs when it’s time to decorate for the upcoming holiday season. LED light strings o er an average of 88% energy savings compared to traditional incandescent light strings.


Cooler weather summons our favorite soup recipes. Small countertop appliances, like slow cookers, use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Grab your book of spells (or recipes) and start stirring up savings in the kitchen. When we look around our homes, there are many opportunities to save energy. So this spooky season, investigate your space and unlock a di erent kind of magic — the kind that brings real energy savings.

LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs.

Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly.

Small countertop appliances like slow cookers use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Abby Berry
18 OCTOBER | 2023
Abby Berry writes on consumer and cooperative a airs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.




October is National Co-op Month, and Monroe County is joining cooperatives across the U.S. to celebrate. Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes, but they each have a common goal: to provide goods or services for the members of the co-op. Electric co-ops, including Monroe County, exist to serve their members. Our priority is to provide a ordable, reliable energy to our local communities. Because we are led by you, the members we serve, we can evolve to meet your needs.


CO-OPS GROW Communities

Co-ops help communities grow by promoting economic empowerment, fostering community engagement and supporting the unique needs of co-op members. “Concern for Community” is one of our core principles — and being communityfocused is essential to everything we do.

CO-OPS GROW Together

Co-ops are all about cooperation, not competition. That’s why electric coops work together to share lessons learned, successful strategies and better ways to serve our members. We’re better when we grow together!


At Monroe County, your satisfaction is our number one goal. It’s why we were formed many years ago to fulfill a uniquely local purpose. We’ve come a long way since then, and your needs continue to evolve. That’s why we’ll never stop growing for you!

2023 | OCTOBER 15
AMORY – P.O. BOX 300 - 50408 GREENBRIAR ROAD – 662-256-2962 • CALEDONIA – 746 MAIN STREET – 662-356-4100


You can eliminate drafts and reduce energy waste by properly sealing and insulating your attic hatch. Attic hatches are often overlooked, even if the rest of the attic is properly insulated. Q A

I’ve noticed a draft coming in around my attic hatch, and it makes the room uncomfortable. Can you o er any tips for this?

It should be noted if your attic access is located in an area you are not paying to heat or cool, such as your home’s exterior or garage, there’s no need to insulate it.

For attic access points inside the home, it’s important to seal them properly with durability and functionality in mind. Attic hatches should be insulated close to the same R-value as the rest of the attic. (R-value is the insulation’s capacity to resist heat flow.)

Attic access types vary, but here are a few tips on how to insulate standard and ladder attic hatches.

16 OCTOBER | 2023

Standard Attic Hatches

A standard attic hatch is typically a covered rectangular hole cut into the ceiling. If your hatch is drywall, I recommend replacing it because it is di cult to properly insulate and seal a drywall hatch. They often crumble and crack around the edges, leading to more air leaks.

Ready-made insulated hatches are available online or at home improvement stores, or you can insulate and seal your existing attic hatch. Either way, measure carefully to ensure you create an e ective seal.

To improve your existing hatch, replace drywall attic hatches with ¾-inch plywood cut to fit. If you have loose-fill insulation in your attic — as opposed to fiberglass batts — install a dam or barrier that extends 2 inches above the level of insulation to prevent it from spilling into the house when you open the hatch. Use unfaced fiberglass batt insulation or plywood to hold back the loose fill insulation.

To insulate the hatch, use rigid foam insulation cut slightly smaller than the plywood attic hatch. Use screws and fender washers to secure the first layer of rigid foam to the hatch. Add layers of rigid foam by taping the edges together one at a time using foil tape. Always wear gloves when using foil tape to prevent cuts. Keep layering the rigid foam until you reach the desired R-value.

Remember to seal any gaps between the drywall and trim, using caulk for smaller gaps and foam sealant for larger ones. Finish the job by applying adhesive weatherstripping around the hatch perimeter. Install the weatherstripping on the hatch itself or on the trim supporting the hatch.

Ladder Attic Hatches

For attic hatches with dropdown ladders, you’ll follow the same instructions: Install a dam, air seal and insulate. Be sure to account for the space of the folding ladder.

To insulate, build a box to sit in the attic around the hatch. I suggest using wood for the sides tall enough to accommodate the folded ladder. The top of the box will be rigid foam you can remove to get into the attic. Cut the first piece of foam to fit inside the box and the next layer to fit on top of the box. Keep layering until you reach the desired R-value.

To get a good air seal, you may need to remove the existing trim to seal the gap between the drywall and hatch frame. Add weatherstripping to the hatch or the underside of the frame to form a tight seal when closed.

There are several commercially available options for insulating ladder hatches. Remember to check the product’s R-value and measure carefully.

If purchasing the required materials to seal and insulate your attic hatch is not in your budget, I recommend weatherstripping the hatch perimeter. While it won’t provide the same level of insulation, it’s a simple, low-cost option for blocking air drafts.

Miranda Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energy e ciency company.

2023 | OCTOBER 17
This standard attic hatch has been insulated and weather stripped to reduce energy waste. If buying materials or ready-made kits is not in your budget, inexpensive weatherstripping provides a minimal level of protection.


One of the easiest ways to save energy is through thermostat control, since home heating and cooling account for a large portion of monthly energy use. Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly. You can control a smart thermostat from anywhere (through your smart phone), which allows you to prevent unnecessary energy consumption while you’re away. Sorcery!


The winter chill is just around the corner, so now is the time to seal air leaks around your home. Apply caulk and weatherstripping around drafty windows and doors to make your home more comfortable and lower energy use.


LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs. Make the switch to reduce energy used for lighting. Remember to use LEDs when it’s time to decorate for the upcoming holiday season. LED light strings o er an average of 88% energy savings compared to traditional incandescent light strings.


Cooler weather summons our favorite soup recipes. Small countertop appliances, like slow cookers, use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Grab your book of spells (or recipes) and start stirring up savings in the kitchen. When we look around our homes, there are many opportunities to save energy. So this spooky season, investigate your space and unlock a di erent kind of magic — the kind that brings real energy savings.

use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs.

Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly.

18 OCTOBER | 2023
Small countertop appliances like slow cookers use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. LED bulbs Abby Berry Abby Berry writes on consumer and cooperative a airs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.


October is National Co-op Month, and Natchez Trace Electric is joining cooperatives across the U.S. to celebrate. Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes, but they each have a common goal: to provide goods or services for the members of the co-op. Electric co-ops, including Natchez Trace Electric, exist to serve their members. Our priority is to provide a ordable, reliable energy to our local communities. Because we are led by you, the members we serve, we can evolve to meet your needs.

Co-ops help communities grow by promoting economic empowerment, fostering community engagement and supporting the unique needs of co-op members. “Concern for Community” is one of our core principles — and being community-focused is essential to everything we do.

Co-ops are all about cooperation, not competition. That’s why electric co-ops work together to share lessons learned, successful strategies and better ways to serve our members. We’re better when we grow together!

Electric co-ops serve as fertile ground for growing tomorrow’s leaders through a variety of youth engagement programs. Whether through school demonstrations, community events, or the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour program, we’re committed to providing opportunities for local youth to learn and thrive in our community and beyond.

At Natchez Trace Electric, your satisfaction is our number one goal. It’s why we were formed many years ago to fulfill a uniquely local purpose. We’ve come a long way since then, and your needs continue to evolve. That’s why we’ll never stop growing for you!

2023 | OCTOBER 15
Leaders ' P.O. Box 609 • 555 East Madison St. • Houston, MS 38851 662-456-3037 • Fax: 662-456-2086 •
Together For

lives on through sons furniture company Mississippi Legacy of

Hassell Franklin made Elvis Presley cry.

In the 6th grade, Franklin caused Presley to cry on the playground. Hassell stole Presley’s guitar pick and threw it in the bushes, making the future music legend run and cry to their teacher. Their teacher called Hassell to the front of the classroom and said, “If you ever make Elvis cry again, I’m going to put your little finger in the pencil sharpener.”

Their teacher may or may not have meant it, but she made a believer out of Hassell. Hassell apologized to Presley and the “King of Rock and Roll” laughed it off.

Hassell said he doesn’t know why he stole Presley’s guitar pick that day, but, years later, Hassell has kept their 6th-grade class picture in his briefcase and told that story to anybody who would listen.

This is just one of many stories told by Hassell’s sons, Hank Franklin, 65, and Mark Franklin, 62, when speaking of their late father and his legacy as a leader in the Mississippi furniture industry.

Hassell started Franklin Corporation in 1970 in Houston. What started in a rented 35,000-square-foot warehouse has since grown into a successful furniture manufacturing operation that boasts 1.2 million square feet and 950 employees.

Hassell Franklin was named to the American Home Furnishing Hall of Fame in 2014.

Both Hank, the senior vice president of Franklin Corporation, and Mark, the president, credit Franklin Corporation’s success to their father’s work ethic.

“He was hardly ever satisfied. That was one of the things that drove his success, he always thought people could improve themselves.”

Hassell’s idea that people could always improve became one of their company mottos: “What we do today, we can do better tomorrow.” Hassell always wanted to keep bettering himself and he wanted to challenge the people around him to do the same.

Hassell even made sure to instill a work ethic and his idea of improvement into both of his sons from a young age.

Hank and Mark specifically remember a time from their childhood when Hassell asked them to mow a patch of grass around Franklin Corporation.

It was a blazing hot day, and it was the brothers’ responsibility to mow the patch of grass. After they had gotten the mower started, they “haphazardly” mowed the grass. Hank said, “We got it done and we were feeling good. We thought we would sit down, drink a Coke, and admire our work. He [Hassell] came out there to inspect it. There were places that we missed — we did a shotty job.” After inspecting their half-done job, Hassell told the boys, “All right. That’s good. Now mow it again.”

Mark couldn’t help himself; he laughed throughout the telling of the story.

In fact, Hank and Mark grew up doing jobs around Franklin Corporation. Whether it was mowing the grass, working in the lumber yard, or in the cutting room, the brothers were always interacting with the company and the people who helped make Franklin Corporation what it is today.

Along with Hassell’s work ethic, the brothers credited their father’s success with being surrounded by good people.

“There are so many companies like us that aren’t around anymore. We have been fortunate to have a lot of good people. Without good people, you can’t do anything.”

16 OCTOBER | 2023
It’s so easy to get lost when talking about him. There are so many good stories.

In addition to surrounding himself with good people, Hassell was continuously thinking about how to move the company forward. He liked to say, “it’s a road with no finish line.”

For Hassell, though, moving the company forward was more about helping the community rather than being a successful businessman. He realized that without success, he couldn’t give to the community like he wanted to. Hassell continuously helped friends and family, often anonymously, and even started a scholarship to help educate students.

For both Hank and Mark, reminiscing on their past and speaking about their father is still surreal.

“It’s so easy to get lost when talking about him. There are so many good stories.”

They even remember the day that Hassell told them that he would be starting Franklin Corporation. Hank was 12, while Mark was 9 years old. Their father told them “I am going to resign from my current job and start my own company.” Hassell said, “You probably aren’t going to get new shoes this year. Money is likely going to be tight.” Both brothers laughed and stated that frugality had been a lifelong lesson from their dad.

Even with all his successes, Hassell never retired — he read business books and the Wall Street Journal every day and continued to go to board meetings until he passed away earlier this year on Jan. 22. He was 87.

2023 | OCTOBER 17
Hank and Mark Franklin posing in front of Franklin Corporation in 1970. Hassell Franklin and Elvis Presley’s 6th-grade class photo. Hassell is in the striped shirt to the left and Elvis is in the overalls to the right. Below is a sign displayed at Franklin Corporation, featuring one of Hassell’s famous sayings.


A group of 81 rising high school seniors from all over Mississippi traveled to Washington, D.C. in June to attend the 2023 NRECA Youth Tour.

The trip was the culmination of the students' participation in the Electric Cooperatives of Mississippi’s youth leadership program.

The program instills leadership skills, inspires creative thinking, encourages community service, and introduces students to lawmakers that represent their communities.

During the March workshop in Jackson, the students had the opportunity to meet and hear from state legislators. During the trip to Washington, D.C., the students met and spoke with their U.S. senators — Roger Wicker and Cindy HydeSmith — and two of their U.S. representatives, Mike Ezell and Michael Guest.

While in Washington, D.C., the students and adult chaperones visited historic sites, monuments, museums, explored Capitol Hill, and had an opportunity to learn about the impact electric cooperatives have on their communities.

The students were chosen by their local electric cooperative.

The Cooperatives Youth Leaders program is fully funded — including the trip to D.C. — by the local electric co-ops as a commitment to molding future leaders for Mississippi so they can impact the state and local communities.

OCTOBER | 2023
Pictured right: Top: Natchez Trace Electric Youth Tour students Jayden Lawrence and Ty’Anna Hobson stand in front of the White House. Bottom: Both Natchez Trace Electric Youth Tour students in front of Washington National Cathedral.

October is National Co-op Month

Northcentral Electric Cooperative’s 73rd Annual Meeting is taking place this month. Having this meeting during National Cooperative Month and Public Power Month is only fitting. Votes will be cast for board representation, reports of the cooperative’s operations will be presented, and our members will have the opportunity to pose questions as well as voice concerns.

The cooperative principle of “Cooperation Among Cooperatives” was on full display as Northcentral crews traveled to assist two Florida co-ops in the wake of Hurricane Idalia. The working conditions were di cult, but the outcome was positive as power was restored to thousands of cooperative members, and our crews returned home injury free.

We received some di cult news in August at the conclusion of the Tennessee Valley Authority board meeting. Northcentral was assured that no wholesale rate increase was planned for the upcoming year on two separate occasions. We were told, however, that due to inflation, interest rates, and the need to add generation and transmission capacity, we could expect

an increase next year. Northcentral learned after the recent board meeting that TVA would indeed raise rates this year by 4.5%. We were taken by surprise as this was not expected, and budgets had been completed and approved. As of this writing in mid-September we are not certain the exact e ect we will see this October. It should be somewhere in the 4% range.

Northcentral is disappointed in the way TVA handled this and looks forward to working with the utility in the future to assure we are all clear, transparent, and informed on future rate activity.

I plan to have more details in our next edition.

Stay safe.

2023 | OCTOBER 15 For more information about Today in Mississippi, contact Michael Bellipanni at 662.895.2151. NorthcentralEC @Northcentral_EC @Northcentral_EC

October is National Co-op Month, and Northcentral Electric is joining cooperatives across the U.S. to celebrate. Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes, but they each have a common goal: to provide goods or services for the members of the co-op. Electric co-ops, including Northcentral, exist to serve their members. Our priority is to provide a ordable, reliable energy to our local communities. Because we are led by you, the members we serve, we can evolve to meet your needs.


Co-ops help communities grow by promoting economic empowerment, fostering community engagement and supporting the unique needs of co-op members. “Concern for Community” is one of our core principles — and being community-focused is essential to everything we do.


Co-ops are all about cooperation, not competition. That’s why electric co-ops work together to share lessons learned, successful strategies and better ways to serve our members. We’re better when we grow together!

Electric co-ops serve as fertile ground for growing tomorrow’s leaders through a variety of youth engagement programs. Whether through school demonstrations, community events, or the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour program, we’re committed to providing opportunities for local youth to learn and thrive in our community and beyond.

At Northcentral Electric Cooperative, your satisfaction is our number one goal. It’s why we were formed many years ago to fulfill a uniquely local purpose. We’ve come a long way since then, and your needs continue to evolve. That’s why we’ll never stop growing for you!

OCTOBER IS NATIONAL CO-OP MONTH We’re making connections in Marianna and Chulahoma! Fastest speeds. Free installation. No contracts. Reliable service. • 662.932.3500 It’s fiber internet from the folks you know!

If you’re a high school junior, make this year memorable by participating in the 2024 Leadership Workshop in Jackson and Youth Tour of Washington, D.C.

662-895-2151. application deadline • NOVEMBER 3 Washington National Cathedral
Jefferson, FDR, MLK Memorials | World War II
Arlington National Cemetery
Iwo Jima Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial cooperative YOUTH LEADERS
Miranda Martin, Walker Jones, Callie Curran, Megan Brewer, Kyleigh Steele, Cory Johnson, Jr., Fred Walker, Cooper Medlin, DeAnthony Clayborn, Blake Stewart, Caleb McCain, Taylor Burkes, and Tyler Shelley.
2023 | OCTOBER 17


You can eliminate drafts and reduce energy waste by properly sealing and insulating your attic hatch. Attic hatches are often overlooked, even if the rest of the attic is properly insulated. Q A

Can you o er any tips for this?

It should be noted if your attic access is located in an area you are not paying to heat or cool, such as your home’s exterior or garage, there’s no need to insulate it.

For attic access points inside the home, it’s important to seal them properly with durability and functionality in mind. Attic hatches should be insulated close to the same R-value as the rest of the attic. (R-value is the insulation’s capacity to resist heat flow.)

Attic access types vary, but here are a few tips on how to insulate standard and ladder attic hatches.

Standard A ic Hatches

A standard attic hatch is typically a covered rectangular hole cut into the ceiling. If your hatch is drywall, I recommend replacing it because it is di cult to properly insulate and seal a drywall hatch. They often crumble and crack around the edges, leading to more air leaks.

Ready-made insulated hatches are available online or at home improvement stores, or you can insulate and seal your existing attic hatch. Either way, measure carefully to ensure you create an e ective seal.

To improve your existing hatch, replace drywall attic hatches with ¾-inch plywood cut to fit. If you have loose-fill insulation in your attic — as opposed to fiberglass batts — install a dam or barrier that extends 2 inches above the level of insulation to prevent it from spilling into the house when you open the hatch. Use unfaced fiberglass batt insulation or plywood to hold back the loose fill insulation.

To insulate the hatch, use rigid foam insulation cut slightly smaller than the plywood attic hatch. Use screws and fender washers to secure the first layer of rigid foam to the hatch. Add layers of rigid foam by taping the edges together one at a time using foil tape. Always wear gloves when using foil tape to prevent cuts. Keep layering the rigid foam until you reach the desired R-value.

Remember to seal any gaps between the drywall and trim, using caulk for smaller gaps and foam sealant for larger ones. Finish the job by applying adhesive weatherstripping around the hatch perimeter. Install the weatherstripping on the hatch itself or on the trim supporting the hatch.

Ladder A ic Hatches

For attic hatches with dropdown ladders, you’ll follow the same instructions: Install a dam, air seal and insulate. Be sure to account for the space of the folding ladder.

To insulate, build a box to sit in the attic around the hatch. I suggest using wood for the sides tall enough to accommodate the folded ladder. The top of the box will be rigid foam you can remove to get into the attic. Cut the first piece of foam to fit inside the box and the next layer to fit on top of the box. Keep layering until you reach the desired R-value.

To get a good air seal, you may need to remove the existing trim to seal the gap between the drywall and hatch frame. Add weatherstripping to the hatch or the underside of the frame to form a tight seal when closed.

There are several commercially available options for insulating ladder hatches. Remember to check the product’s R-value and measure carefully.

If purchasing the required materials to seal and insulate your attic hatch is not in your budget, I recommend weatherstripping the hatch perimeter. While it won’t provide the same level of insulation, it’s a simple, low-cost option for blocking air drafts.

I’ve noticed a draft coming in around my attic hatch, and it makes the room uncomfortable.
18 OCTOBER | 2023
Miranda Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energy e ciency company.

People powered

October brings a schedule of school and sports activities, along with the excitement of the holiday season just around the corner. However, during this busy period, Pearl River Valley Electric celebrates National Cooperative Month and along with that, we are celebrating you, our members.

Our primary purpose is to provide low-cost, safe, and reliable electricity, but our larger mission is to make our communities a better place to live. All cooperatives are bound to the seven cooperative principles, one of which is “Concern for Community.” Just as our electricity reaches all corners of our service territory, so does our civic involvement; and Pearl River Valley Electric works to provide initiatives and programs that benefit our members. Recently, we collected nearly 1,000 cans of tuna and chicken which we distributed to area food pantries. Employees from our Hattiesburg, Purvis, Wiggins, and Columbia o ces gathered the cans and delivered them to the Marion County Food Pantry, Our Daily Bread pantry in Wiggins, and the Lamar Baptist Center in Hattiesburg. These donations provided much needed protein to area families.

Another way we have provided community assistance is through our partnership with CoBank, a national cooperative bank that serves utilities in rural America. Last year, Pearl River Valley Electric distributed grants to area volunteer fire departments and food pantries through CoBank’s “Sharing Success” program.

We are also proud to support local youth through our Youth Leadership program and our Round Up for Education scholarships. With your help the Round Up program has successfully helped over 2,000 students achieve their dreams of a higher education. In total, more than $2 million has been given to our members and their dependents since the program’s inception.

Similarly, our Youth Leadership program has helped broaden the horizons of area students. Each year we invite area high school juniors to attend our Cooperative University held in Columbia. Here, the students learn about the history of cooperatives and the electric power industry, and they have the opportunity to practice leadership skills and participate in a variety of teambuilding exercises. At the conclusion of this all-day event, the top two students are selected to represent our cooperative at a leadership workshop in Jackson and a national youth leadership summit in Washington, D.C.

We also strive to improve the communities we live in with economic development initiatives. Recently, we worked with our power provider, Cooperative Energy, to provide a Cooperative Competes grant worth $50,000 to the lineman program at Pearl River Community College. The money will help fund improvements to their program including a new building for training. We also partner with area development partnerships and other economic development entities to coordinate bringing businesses to our area.

Cooperative Month gives us a moment to reflect on our commitment to our members and to assess what we can do to provide greater value for your membership. We are always open to hearing suggestions and look forward to providing more programs and community service in the next year. Thank you for being a PRVEPA member.

2023 | OCTOBER 15
PAY BILLS or REPORT OUTAGES: 855-2PRVEPA (855-277-8372)
COLUMBIA: 601-736-2666 | HATTIESBURG: 601-264-2458 | PURVIS: 601-794-8051 | WIGGINS: 601-928-7277
Member owned. Locally operated. That’s the cooperative difference. • Visit us

Pearl River Valley Electric: FAST FACTS

• Organized in May 1938

• Governing body is a 10-member Board of Directors elected by members for staggered 3-year terms

• Service area includes all or parts of 12 counties

• Serves more than 52,000 meters consisting of residential, commercial, large power, and industrial loads

• Electric distribution system includes more than 6,200 miles of power lines and 25 substations

• Headquarters is located in Columbia, with district o ces in Hattiesburg, Wiggins, and Purvis

• Employs approximately 129 highly skilled, service-oriented professionals

• In 1963, PRVEPA was the first cooperative in Mississippi to begin paying patronage refunds (a return on members’ equity in the Association) … since that time, nearly $71 million has been returned to members over the course of 60 years

• In 1988, PRVEPA began returning patronage credits to the estates of deceased members — more than $18.3 million has been returned through that program



Pearl River Valley Electric is excited to have area high school juniors participate in our Cooperative Youth Leaders Program. If you are an 11th grader served by Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association, check with your guidance counselor about this life-changing program.

Every year, Pearl River Valley Electric chooses two students to represent the cooperative at a leadership workshop in Jackson and for a week-long tour of Washington, D.C. in June. Pearl River Valley Electric’s Cooperative University is the first step in the Electric Cooperatives of Mississippi’s Youth Leadership Program, which has been ongoing for 37 years.

The Cooperative University is a one-day event where each school within PRVEPA’s service territory will be represented by two students. Each student is expected to attend the all-day event in its entirety. The day will consist of speakers, games, lunch, and various demonstrations. This year’s Cooperative University will be held on November 8 at the National Guard Armory in Columbia, beginning at 8:30 a.m. and concluding by 3:30 p.m.

At PRVEPA’s Cooperative University, students will learn about Pearl River Valley Electric and what it means to be a member. They will learn how electric cooperatives began, how electricity is produced and much more. Each student will also participate in an interview process by a panel of judges to be one of two students chosen for the leadership program.

Home school students are also encouraged to apply. Please call 601-731-7830 for more information.


Paying your bill has never been easier. You can now pay your Pearl River Valley Electric bill by text anytime, from anywhere with your smartphone (or your old flip phone).

STEP 1 If you aren’t already enrolled in text alerts, simply text “Join” to #352667.

STEP 2 When you receive your welcome text, choose “start.”

STEP 3 If you haven’t done so, set up a payment profile in our member portal through our website or through our app.

16 OCTOBER | 2023


EmPowered and the PRVEPA App

EmPowered, our online customer portal at, and our PRVEPA app allow you the opportunity to view your billing history, daily kilowatt hour use, and past bills. In addition, they make it easy to report outages, make a payment, and sign up for paperless billing.

Online Bill Pay

Pearl River Valley Electric members can easily pay their bill online at or through the PRVEPA app by credit card, debit card, or e-check. There is no service fee to pay online. To make your payment online, simply visit and click on the “Pay My Bill” icon located on the homepage. To pay by app, please download the app and click “pay now.”

Outage Viewer

The Pearl River Valley Electric Outage Viewer is available to our members 24-7. When there’s an outage anywhere in PRVEPA territory, members can locate it, find out how many members are a ected, and follow the progress of the restoration e ort. Find the outage viewer map by going to and clicking on the “Report an Outage” icon on the homepage.

Bank Draft

Pearl River Valley Electric’s Bank Draft program is the most convenient way to pay your power bill. It also gives you the security of knowing your power bill will be paid on time. Eliminate the hassle of mailing a check or driving to the o ce.

Sign up for Bank Draft from the comfort of



Visit and login to your EmPowered account. Go to the Billing and Payments menu and choose “Draft Payments.” Fill in your banking or credit card information. You can also choose “bank draft” or auto draft in the app under the “Payments” button.


Social media gives Pearl River Valley Electric the chance to connect to its members. Through Facebook and Twitter, we post information on energy e ciency, safety, and special information for our members. Additionally, during severe weather, these sites provide instant communications on storm preparation and outages.

PRVEPA helps restore power after Hurricane Idalia

PRVEPA linemen and servicemen recently exemplified the cooperative principle of “Cooperation Among Cooperatives” by heading to Tri-County Electric Cooperative in Madison, Florida to help restore power after Hurricane Idalia. Tri-County Electric has over 20,000 meters and after the storm passed, 100% of their system was without power. Crews spent over a week restoring power throughout the service territory. We appreciate the determination and dependability of our linemen to assist others when disasters strike.

to PRVEPA members 2023 | OCTOBER 17


One of the easiest ways to save energy is through thermostat control, since home heating and cooling account for a large portion of monthly energy use. Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly. You can control a smart thermostat from anywhere (through your smart phone), which allows you to prevent unnecessary energy consumption while you’re away. Sorcery!


The winter chill is just around the corner, so now is the time to seal air leaks around your home. Apply caulk and weatherstripping around drafty windows and doors to make your home more comfortable and lower energy use.


LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs. Make the switch to reduce energy used for lighting. Remember to use LEDs when it’s time to decorate for the upcoming holiday season. LED light strings o er an average of 88% energy savings compared to traditional incandescent light strings.


Cooler weather summons our favorite soup recipes. Small countertop appliances, like slow cookers, use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Grab your book of spells (or recipes) and start stirring up savings in the kitchen. When we look around our homes, there are many opportunities to save energy. So this spooky season, investigate your space and unlock a di erent kind of magic — the kind that brings real energy savings.

LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs.

Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly.

Small countertop appliances like slow cookers use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Abby Berry
18 OCTOBER | 2023
Abby Berry writes on consumer and cooperative a airs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.

Community Helper Days

Community Helper Days for students in kindergarten or first grade give children time to learn about the people in their town or city who provide helpful services. Police o cers, firefighters, and others come together for a fun-filled, educational experience. Recently, members of our crew visited North Pontotoc Elementary School kindergartners and Pontotoc Elementary School first graders. PEPA Electrical Engineer Jenna Kentner spoke to both groups about being safe around electricity. Apprentice Linemen Erik Gentry and Corie Lucroy demonstrated skills at North Pontotoc. Apprentice Linemen Landon Hogue and Stewart Owen provided those demonstrations at Pontotoc City.

PEPA is proud to be a part of these events, and we enjoy partnering with our local schools.

PONTOTOC 662-489-3211 • Fax: 662-489-5156 P.O. Drawer 718 • 12 South Main Street, Pontotoc, MS 38863 BRUCE 662-983-2727 • Fax: 662-983-1335 P.O. Box 415 • 129 South Newberger Street, Bruce, MS 38915
PEPA joins
A bucket operated by Apprentice Lineman Stewart Owen makes its way high into the air. Mrs. Kellon Shackelford’s first grade class listen as Electrical Engineer Jenna Kentner explains why safety is important around power lines. Apprentice Linemen Erik Gentry and Corie Lucroy demonstrate how hand tools are sent up to the lineman working on the pole. Apprentice Lineman Corie Lucroy climbs a power pole for students at North Pontotoc Elementary.

Austin’s creative outlet is

‘ a piece of cake ’

PEPA member Stephanie Austin never dreamed she would love baking. But that’s exactly what happened in 2016.

Her husband Brent had started taking a few dessert orders back then. He’d even made several cakes for an event at his workplace. When he realized he did not have the time to continue, Austin stepped in and took over. She’s been in the kitchen preparing scrumptious treats ever since.

Austin is in her 23rd year of teaching, all of which have been spent at South Pontotoc Schools. She taught first grade for 12 years, fourth grade for two years, and then moved back to first grade, where she continues to teach today.

She attended Itawamba Community College for two years, then Ole Miss for the rest of her undergraduate degree. She has had her National Board Certification since 2005.

Austin said she is happy working with her students. “I love teaching. It has gotten harder over the years, but I don’t really see myself doing anything else as far as a career.”

She considers baking to be her “decompression time” after a long day at school. Baking only consisted of one to two orders per month when she first started, but now she bakes everyday to keep up with the demand. “In the summer I’m in the kitchen from around 7:30 in the morning till 9 at night. During the school year, I start at 4:30 p.m. and bake until 8:30 p.m.”

With her routine of preparing cakes and other sweets, Austin said home-cooked meals don’t usually happen at their house. She laughed and said, “We do take out quite a bit!”

Stephanie Austin with a few of her desserts.
16 OCTOBER | 2023

Austin said her Reese’s cake is the top seller, followed by her variety boxes that include Oreo balls, peanut butter balls, and cookies. The most popular cookie is the peanut butter doozie — two peanut butter cookies with a peanut butter filling sandwiched in between.

She said she’s done some small catering jobs, such as for baby showers or similar events. She said her biggest catering job was a wedding for 250 people. “We started days ahead for that job. The customer wanted a full meal.”

Even with all the successful creations she’s produced from her home in the past seven years, Austin admitted there have been some “not-so-successful” ones too. “I had made a cake for a customer and placed it in the refrigerator. The next day when I got it out, the top had a crack all the way down the middle. The customer was understanding and covered it in cake toppers, so no one could see the damage.”

Although baking does take up a lot of her free time, when they can, Austin and her family enjoy traveling to Universal Theme Park, Branson, Missouri, or Gatlinburg, Tennessee. During tennis season, she can be found at the courts watching her 17-year-old son Landon play.

Austin said she grew up taking piano lessons and singing, and she’s continued to enjoy that today. She plays keyboards at Cherry Creek Baptist Church where she and her family attend.

When retirement comes along, Austin said she hopes to continue her baking and has thought about starting a business. But she’s leaving that in the Lord’s hands. “If he doesn’t want me to open a bakery, that’s ok. I can still do it as a hobby.”

2023 | OCTOBER 17
In the summer I’m in the kitchen from around 7:30 in the morning till 9 at night. During the school year, I start at 4:30 p.m. and bake until 8:30 p.m.

Enjoy these great recipes from our employees and retirees!

peanut brittle


2 cups sugar

1 bag of raw peanuts

1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon baking soda

1 cup light Karo

2 tablespoons butter

Mix sugar and syrup over medium heat. Add raw peanuts, and cook until mixture turns tan. Continue cooking to 310 degrees. Remove from heat. Add butter. Stir quickly so butter melts quickly. Add soda quickly. Mixture will be frothy. Pour out quickly onto two buttered cookie sheets. Let harden for 45 minutes. Ma Walker’s recipe.

pork chop and potato casserole

Michal Pennington, General Accounting Clerk


6 boneless breakfast pork chops

1 can cream of celery soup

1 cup milk

meat tenderizer

4 potatoes, sliced 2 tablespoons onion shredded Velveeta cheese salt and pepper to taste

Brown pork chops and sprinkle with meat tenderizer. Slice potatoes and place in bottom of 9.5” x 11” casserole dish. Place browned pork chops on top of potatoes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. In separate bowl, mix cream of celery soup, milk, and chopped onion and pour on top of potatoes and pork chops. Bake at 425 degrees for 1 hour, then top with Velveeta cheese and place back in oven for about 15 minutes until cheese is melted.

Use our convenient NEW account management tools at home or on the go! • Easy payment options • Pay securely from your phone or tablet – anytime, anywhere • Monitor your monthly utility usage and cost • Receive important alerts • Set up Autopay You’ll like our NEW payment options! Mobile App You’ll like our NEW payment Customer Portal You’ll like our NEW payment options! It’s quick and easy to manage your account. Use the QR codes above to visit the Customer Portal or download the new Mobile App from the Apple or Google Play stores today! You’ll like our NEW payment options!

For more information, call 601-947-4211 or 228-497-1313. SRE is an equal opportunity employer and provider.


Emphasis on seven core principles

Electric cooperatives across the nation are guided by seven cooperative principles. Singing River Electric constantly references these principles throughout the year as decisions are made by your cooperative leaders. Let’s take a closer look at two of the cooperative principles.

Cooperation Among Cooperatives

While electric cooperatives are independent of one another and run by autonomous individual members, they also need to work together harmoniously. Creating a larger network of cooperatives locally, regionally, and nationally allows these organizations to lean on one another during difficult times. A recent example of this principle being acted out was following Hurricane Idalia. As you know, this Category 3 storm made landfall near Florida’s Big Bend region resulting in more than 135,000 outages in the state. Twenty Singing River Electric linemen responded by providing assistance to Suwannee Valley Electric, located in Live Oak, Florida. Our linemen are always willing to help fellow cooperatives after major weather events, as we have come to value the assistance of others when we experience similar circumstances here at home.

Energy Tips

Members Economic Participation

As a reminder, Singing River Electric is owned by its membership – this means you and I not only receive power from Singing River Electric but are also part-owners of the cooperative. The Members Economic Participation principle states that members will receive the benefit of any margins (revenue minus expenses) made by the cooperative. Cooperatives, like Singing River Electric, allocate capital credits to member accounts annually and retire a certain amount of capital credits each year as the financial condition of the cooperative permits. After evaluating margins and costs associated with the delivery of electricity during the previous 12 months, your board of directors is responsible for the decision on how to handle the annual retirement. Singing River Electric traditionally announces and returns capital credits in December. Capital credits are one of the many benefits of cooperative membership.

As we celebrate Cooperative Month during October, Singing River Electric’s mission continues to be providing safe, reliable, and affordable electric service to you, our members. To see the complete list of the Seven Cooperative Principles, visit my-coop.

Increase fall savings by decreasing A/C runtime

We saw extreme hot temperatures for most of the summer months, and we are now anticipating cooler weather with fall.

With the weather change, be sure to set your thermostat setting to a higher temperature so your air conditioning system is not running needlessly. With the drop in humidity and outside temperatures, the overall runtime of your A/C unit should lessen.

By controlling your air conditioner’s runtime and being aware of the temperature, you should see substantial savings in your electric bill, as your HVAC system can account for 46 percent or more of your home’s energy consumption.

This simple yet e ective change will help save on your bill, not only in October but also throughout the fall. Visit save for more energy-saving tips. @singingriverelectric @singingriverelectric @SRECooperative
power and energy services to local communities
BRIAN HUGHEY General Manager & CEO LORRI FREEMAN, APR Manager of PR and Marketing SAMUEL GOFF PR and Marketing Coordinator AMANDA PARKER PR and Marketing Specialist

SRE crews respond to a call for help from Florida

SRE crews respond to a call for help from Florida

Our crews responded to a call for help and traveled to the Big Bend area of Florida following Hurricane Idalia. Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative located in Live Oak, Florida, had nearly 100% of their 28,000 members without power following the storm and su ered damage to transmission lines feeding 10 of their 13 electric substations.

Before the storm even neared their service area, Suwannee Valley Electric management put out the call for help.

"We received a call from the Electric Cooperatives of Mississippi (ECM) on Wednesday, August 30," said SRE General Manager and CEO Brian Hughey. They are an a liate and coordinate Mississippi electric cooperative crews traveling and assisting with power restoration following a storm. "We didn't hesitate to organize a crew and volunteer because we know what it is like to receive help following a major disaster."

Twenty linemen and 18 vehicles departed Mississippi for Florida early Friday morning, September 1. Their tireless e orts and long hours compounded with many other contract and electric cooperative crews who also responded make a big impact on the restoration success.

Upcoming right-of-way projects

Singing River Electric clears trees, limbs and underbrush from the area around and below the power lines called the right of way. Right-of-way clearing helps decrease the number of outages and reduces the risk of someone coming in contact with power lines.

Here are the substations and surrounding areas that are either currently being cleared or where clearing will begin soon:

• Fort Bayou Substation – Fort Bayou Road, Yellow Jacket Road, Windsor Park subdivision, and surrounding areas.

• Benndale Substation – Highway 57 south to Broom School Road, Highway 26, and surrounding areas.

demand? We have answers at understanding -demand
Demand is different for every member.
You can find your demand in the top bar graph on the back of your bill. If you don't have a paper bill, you can view bill using the SmartHub app.
16 OCTOBER | 2023

Fiber Construction Timeline

STEP 1: Make-ready engineering Examine. Design.

Benndale substation area

STEP 2: Make-ready construction

Planning the most efficient approach to fiber deployment.

Rocky Creek and Vancleave substation areas

STEP 3: Construction

Building a network from the ground up.

Lucedale North, Leakesville, Joe Batt, and Sand Hill substation areas

STEP 4: Splicing

Connecting the dots.

McLain, Big Point and Frank Snell substation areas

STEP 5: Service drop & drop splicing

The last outdoor step. Almost there…

State Line and Kittrell substation areas and all previously opened fi ber areas

STEP 6: Installation

The speed of light, right to your home.

State Line and Kittrell substation areas and all previously opened fi ber areas

SR Connect is delivering lightning-fast, fiber internet. New fiber areas are announced by electric substation and feeder. You can search open fiber areas and your address for service at To find out which SRE substation and feeder serves your home, text SRE MSR during business hours at 228-591-9166.

Scan here!


recently met with George County High School employees to partner with

to their press box and field sign. The result was debuted

was a home run. The digital sign had not been fully in use

Singing River Electric recently met with George County High School employees to partner with them by constructing fiber lines to serve fiber internet to their press box and field sign. The result was debuted at the George County High vs. East Central High game and it was a home run. The digital sign had not been fully in use because it lacked su cient broadband.

Singing River Electric employees also represented SR Connect fiber at that game vs. George County High game the following week on Friday, September 1. Employees

fiber construction and the many benefits of SR Connect fiber internet.

Singing River Electric employees also represented SR Connect fiber at that game and the Greene County High vs. George County High game the following week on Friday, September 1. Employees visited with game attendees and answered questions about fiber construction and the many benefits of SR Connect fiber.internet.

Current internet provider slowing you down?

Our identical upload/download speeds will improve telehealth visits.

Sign up today at

2023 | OCTOBER 17

SRE volunteers to remove ramp at Pascagoula River Audubon Center

Five Singing River Electric employees recently spent the morning deconstructing a wooden handicapped ramp that needed to be relocated at the Pascagoula River Audubon Center in Moss Point.

George County students begin hydroponics program

Singing River Electric NHN Community Grant cultivates love for growing food

Concern for Community

Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) Community Grants help Singing River Electric merge e orts with the hard work of those within our communities.

Since the program’s inception in 2001, $348,751.00 has been awarded to local non-profits in local communities.

What started as a unique way to engage students in STEM education has turned into a love of growing and trying new foods. LT Taylor Intermediate School in Lucedale began a hydroponics program to expose students to engineering, ecology, and critical thinking. “Hydroponics o ers a hands-on way for students to learn about sustainability, calculating nutrients and water levels, and problem-solving,” explains teacher Lynda Mathieu.

Through a $2,500 SRE NHN Community Grant, the school purchased Tower Garden Growing Systems, LED indoor grow lights, and a submersible pump.

The students have enjoyed growing di erent foods including a variety of lettuces, peppers, cabbage, cilantro, and basil. They’ve also appreciated the opportunity to try new foods made from what they’ve grown—like pesto made from fresh basil.

For more information on SRE NHN Community Grants and how to apply, visit Grants for up to $2,500 are awarded to nonprofits in SRE’s service area three times a year in January, May, and September.

"The center is a tremendous local asset for education and conservation," said Manager of Public Relations and Marketing Lorri Freeman. "Our crews are quick to volunteer with each opportunity here. The site is educational, highly accessible and a truly beautiful showcase of the Pascagoula River and its plants, insects and animals." Find out more about the Audubon Center at

LT Taylor Intermediate School teachers Samantha Francis and Lynda Mathieu are giving students the knowledge to grow food thanks to a SRE Neighbors Helping Neighbors Community Grant.




October is National Co-op Month, and Southern Pine is joining cooperatives across the country to celebrate. Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes, but they each have a common goal: to provide safe, a ordable, and reliable electricity for our members. For over 85 years, that’s what Southern Pine has done, and we will continue to serve our members for many years to come.

Electric co-ops, including Southern Pine, exist to serve their members by bringing the power to our local communities. Because we are led by you, our members we serve, we are committed to changing to better meet your needs. In the past year, we’ve added a new texting feature to report outages, and introduced Southern Pine’s new MyPower app. As times change, the needs of our members change, so we’re constantly growing and changing to meet them.

Commitment to Our Communities

Co-ops help communities grow by promoting economic development, fostering community engagement, and supporting the di erent needs of our members. “Concern for Community” is one of our core principles — and being community-focused is essential to everything we do.

Commitment to Cooperatives

Co-ops are all about cooperation, not competition. That’s why electric co-ops work together to share lessons learned, successful strategies, and better ways to serve our members. In times of need, sister co-ops are there to help each other. We’re better because we are committed to each other.

Commitment to Future Leaders

Commitment to You

Electric co-ops play a vital role in developing the leaders of the future through a variety of youth engagement programs. Whether through school demonstrations, career fairs, community events, Cooperative University, or the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour program, we’re committed to providing opportunities for local youth to learn and thrive in our community and beyond.

At Southern Pine, your satisfaction is our number one goal. We were formed 85 years ago to fulfill a uniquely local purpose, and as times change and your needs change, we’ve grown to meet your needs. We’ve come a long way since 1938, and as your needs continue to grow and change, Southern Pine is committed to meeting those needs.

WWW.SOUTHERNPINE.COOP | P.O. BOX 60 | 13491 HWY. 28 | TAYLORSVILLE, MS 39168 | 800.231.5240
President/CEO Southern Pine Electric
2023 | OCTOBER 15
Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes, but they each have a common goal: to provide safe, a ordable, and reliable electricity for our members.
This October, as we celebrate Co-op Month, we’re focusing on the ways Southern Pine and other electric cooperatives are commi ed to you.


Unity Along the Lines

Southern Pine’s Annual Membership Meeting will be held on Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023, with doors opening at noon and the business meeting beginning at 2 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Jordan Building (headquarters) at 13491 Highway 28 in Taylorsville. We encourage all members to attend the meeting and take an active part in the cooperative’s business.

By attending the meeting, members will gain a better understanding of the electric utility industry and the business a airs of Southern Pine. Attending the meeting to discover the many benefits of membership is the best way to show your support for Southern Pine and the work we do in the communities we serve.

The membership meeting exemplifies our unity with our members. It is just one way we can communicate what is going on at the co-op as we work to provide safe, reliable, and a ordable electricity.

Members enable us to complete our mission by supporting our e orts to give back to all the communities we serve. Without our members, we would not exist, and numerous programs that directly benefit members, and their families, would not be possible.

Member opinions are critical for Southern Pine to succeed, and we thank you for your support as we mark our 85th year of serving you. As a Southern Pine member, you have the full support of the co-op while we work together to bring in better jobs, keep electricity costs a ordable, and participate in programs and initiatives that will help all of us.

It takes everyone — the board of directors, leadership, employees, and members — to ensure a strong future for Southern Pine. We look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting and enjoying a time of good food, business, and good times among friends all unified in purpose. Please join us to discover the many positive ways your co-op is moving forward as we continue bringing the power!


16 OCTOBER | 2023


Charles Lowe runs a large farm, producing chickens, wheat, produce, soybeans, and other products. Active in economic development and community services, Lowe has served on numerous committees and boards throughout his career. As a farmer and businessman, he understands the challenges and concerns of rearing a family in a rural area, and the vital importance of economic development.

purchasing. The Thoms Family was instrumental in the formation

Lowe has searched for innovative methods to improve farming practices in the state, and to encourage young farmers to remain in the state. As an NRECA credentialed director, he sets high standards, promotes transparency, and pursues the use of technology and advanced infrastructure systems that will provide exceptional service to Southern Pine members. Lowe supports businesses that will bring good jobs to the region and is an advocate for workforce development across the state.

Richard Thoms is a graduate of Mississippi State University with a bachelor of science in Business. Having attended Richton High School and Jones County Junior College, Richard and his family have always been active in community a airs. Co-owner of Richton Tie & Timber, LLC, a fifthgeneration land, timber, and real estate operation with roots in Mississippi as early as 1867, the company is a national leader in forestry purchasing. The Thoms Family was instrumental in the formation of the Mississippi Forestry Association. Richard has served on the MFS Annual Meeting and MSU Liaison Committees, the MFA board of directors, and served as past president. He has diligently continued his education through credentialed programs with the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) and other industry-related courses. Thoms exemplifies the core values of the co-op’s principles, supports economic development, and programs that will benefit all Southern Pine members. He is married to the former Ellen Thompson, and they have three sons and seven grandchildren.


As the owner of a large continuously seeks for the county hospital and use of technology to maintain improve projects that help improve living conditions in remote areas. his

business, Greg Sullivan continuously seeks opportunities for economic development for his county. He has served on the board for the county hospital and numerous other associations throughout the region. His business and financial experience has been instrumental in providing innovative methods with the use of technology to maintain and support Southern Pine’s infrastructure and to provide new programs that benefit Southern Pine’s members. Advancing his industry education through NRECA credentialed programs, he is well qualified to o er guidance in the boardroom on budgeting, policymaking, transparency, and implementing new technologies that will improve member services. Active in his church and community, Sullivan has assisted with employee, and co-op work projects that help improve living conditions in remote areas. Sullivan and his wife, Nancy, have two children and four grandchildren.

Lowe and his wife, Debbie, have two children.

values of the co-op’s principles, supports economic development, development across the state. Lowe and his wife, Debbie, have two children.

2023 | OCTOBER 17



Faith, Family, Friends, and a New Purpose

During a self-exam in the shower, I found a lump in my left breast. In June 2016, I was diagnosed with Stage 1, triple-negative breast cancer, at the age of 39. It was a hard blow in this game called life. There is always purpose in our pain if we are honest, and we look for it. My husband and I have two children, and they were going into their freshman and senior years of high school. We are a very active and involved family. I knew I had to push past my emotions, pain, and discomfort because we were in for a fight.

No one really expects to hear those words: YOU HAVE CANCER! However, my faith kept me in line. My favorite scripture is Psalm 56:3:

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. So, in my weakness, I can find my strength in my God.” Triple negative, a subtype of breast cancer (TNBC), accounts for about 10-15% of all breast cancers. The term triplenegative breast cancer refers to the fact that the cancer cells don’t have estrogen or progesterone receptors (ER or PR) and don’t make any or too much of the protein called HER2. (The cells test “negative” on all three tests.) These cancers are more common in women younger than 40, Black women, or those with a BRCA1 mutation. TNBC di ers from other types of invasive breast cancer in that it tends to grow and spread faster, has fewer treatment options, and tends to have a worse prognosis or outlook.

Once I decided to face this giant with my circle of family and friends, the decision was made…I HAD breast cancer, but breast cancer would never have me! I reached out to a classmate going through chemotherapy to ask for advice and the truth about breast cancer. She asked for my address and later that week, a care package was mailed to me. It had a lot of items that I needed to help with the treatment phase. One of my friends made me a port pillow. A circle of friends showered me with care packages, gifts and prayers. In this challenging season, I was finding joy, peace, and love! The treatment journey consisted of lumpectomy surgery, eight rounds of chemotherapy, and 33 rounds of radiation in eight months. My support system was top-notch; my faith was intact, and I knew I was giving birth to my newest purpose. I wanted to ensure at least one woman would have the type of experience I had.

The Pink Lady became the purpose. I started a non-profit organization supporting women on their breast cancer journey. We provide port pillows, care packages for chemotherapy or radiation, drain bag holders, mastectomy pillows, and more. They are all free, and to request a package for a special lady in your life, email the name, address, and type of care package desired to

I pray that more women and men will take away the importance of monthly self-exams, annual mammograms, and attention to changes in your body. You are your best advocate!

18 OCTOBER | 2023

October is National Cooperative Month, and Southwest Electric is joining cooperatives across the U.S. to celebrate. Cooperatives come in all shapes and sizes, but they each have a common goal: to provide goods or services for the Members of the cooperative. Electric cooperatives, including Southwest Electric, exist to serve our Members. Our priority is to provide a ordable, reliable energy to our local communities. Because we are led by you, the Members we serve, we can evolve to meet your needs.

Cooperatives help communities grow by promoting economic empowerment, fostering community engagement and supporting the unique needs of cooperative Members. “Concern for Community” is one of our core principles — and being community-focused is essential to everything we do.

Cooperatives are all about cooperation, not competition. That’s why electric cooperatives work together to share lessons learned, successful strategies and better ways to serve our Members. We’re better when we grow together!

Electric cooperatives serve as fertile ground for growing tomorrow’s leaders through a variety of youth engagement programs. Whether through school demonstrations, community events, or the Cooperative Youth Leaders program, we’re committed to providing opportunities for local youth to learn and thrive in our community and beyond.

At Southwest Electric, your satisfaction is our number one goal. It’s why we were formed many years ago to fulfill a uniquely local purpose. We’ve come a long way since then, and your needs continue to evolve. That’s why we’ll never stop growing for you!

For You WAYS “COOPERATIVES GROW” FOR THEIR MEMBERS Tomorrows Leaders ' 2023 | OCTOBER 15 P.O. Box 5 • 18671 Highway 61 • Lorman, MS 39096 | 601-437-3611 | 800-287-8564 | Fax: 601-437-8736 | Email: Southwest Electric SWElectricCoop sw_electric_coop Southwest Electric Southwest Electric is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Adams • Amite • Claiborne • Copiah • Franklin Hinds • Je erson • Lincoln • Wilkinson
Communities Together



Construction Crew Foreman

Evan joined the Southwest Electric family in August 2011 as a Lineman Trainee. He finished all four levels of workbooks and tests in the Lineman Apprenticeship Program in April 2020. Evan was promoted to Construction Crew Foreman in January 2021. He is responsible for the work and safety of a five-member crew building lines, installing transformers and repairing damage after storms. Evan and his wife, Adrian, live in Meadville and have one son.



Dusty became an employee of Southwest Electric in August 2011. He works in our shop as a mechanic. Dusty helps service and maintain 55 pickup, bucket and digger trucks, seven o -road vehicles and various tools and equipment. His daily work can include changing oil and tires, replacing wiring and brakes and repairing hydraulics and winches. He and his wife, Melissa, live in Union Church and have one son.


Wash outdoor coils whenever they appear dirty. Keep shrubs at least 18 inches away from the unit. Clean or change air filters at least once a month. Keep the registers open. Fall Back

Are you a leader in your community? If you are an 11th grader served by Southwest Electric, make this year memorable by participating in our Cooperative University on December 5. Students selected will attend the 2024 Leadership Workshop in Jackson and a tour of Washington, D.C.

Washington National Cathedral

Jefferson, FDR, MLK Memorials

World War II Memorial

Arlington National Cemetery

Iwo Jima Memorial

Vietnam Veterans Memorial


your Guidance Counselor
Electric at 601-437-1359. You can also visit
information, see
are plenty of trees out there. Never use utility poles for deer stands. X ✓ 2023 | OCTOBER 17


Introducing a convenient way to report outages

Three simple steps to set up outage texting:

1 2 3

Enter your cell phone number in the SmartHub app or on the website

Validate your cell phone number with a code received via text from SmartHub

Save the SmartHub text number

844-975-2728 to your phone

Step 1 • SmartHub App:

1. Open SmartHub app

2. Tap More (bottom, right corner)

3. Tap Settings

4. Tap Contact Methods

5. Tap Phone

Step 1 • SmartHub Website:

1. Log in to the website

2. Click Notifications

3. Click Manage Contacts

6. Enter cell phone number

7. Turn on Receive Text Messages

8. Tap Continue

9. Accept Terms & Conditions

6. Check box for Receive Text Messages

7. Click Continue

4. Click Add Phone Contact

5. Enter cell phone number


8. Agree to Terms & Conditions To get

a status update
your outage, text To report an outage, text

October is National Co-op Month, and Twin County is joining cooperatives across the U.S. to celebrate. Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes, but they each have a common goal: to provide goods or services for the members of the co-op. Electric co-ops, including Twin County, exist to serve their members. Our priority is to provide a ordable, reliable energy to our local communities. Because we are led by you, the members we serve, we can evolve to meet your needs.

Co-ops help communities grow by promoting economic empowerment, fostering community engagement and supporting the unique needs of co-op members. “Concern for Community” is one of our core principles — and being community-focused is essential to everything we do.

Co-ops are all about cooperation, not competition. That’s why electric co-ops work together to share lessons learned, successful strategies and better ways to serve our members. We’re better when we grow together!

Electric co-ops serve as fertile ground for growing tomorrow’s leaders through a variety of youth engagement programs. Whether through school demonstrations, community events, or the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour program, we’re committed to providing opportunities for local youth to learn and thrive in our community and beyond.

At Twin County, your satisfaction is our number one goal. It’s why we were formed many years ago to fulfill a uniquely local purpose. We’ve come a long way since then, and your needs continue to evolve. That’s why we’ll never stop growing for you!

Tomorrows Leaders For You WAYS “CO-OPS GROW” FOR THEIR MEMBERS ' 2023 | OCTOBER 15 Hollandale - 662-827-2262 | Belzoni - 662-247-1909 | Greenville - 662-334-9543 | Rolling Fork - 662-873-4233 | REPORT OUTAGES 866-897-7250 SERVING MORE THAN 12,600 ELECTRIC METERS IN SEVEN DELTA COUNTIES @twincoepa


I’ve noticed a draft coming in around my attic hatch, and it makes the room uncomfortable.

Can you o er any tips for this?

You can eliminate drafts and reduce energy waste by properly sealing and insulating your attic hatch. Attic hatches are often overlooked, even if the rest of the attic is properly insulated. Q A

It should be noted if your attic access is located in an area you are not paying to heat or cool, such as your home’s exterior or garage, there’s no need to insulate it.

For attic access points inside the home, it’s important to seal them properly with durability and functionality in mind. Attic hatches should be insulated close to the same R-value as the rest of the attic. (R-value is the insulation’s capacity to resist heat flow.)

Attic access types vary, but here are a few tips on how to insulate standard and ladder attic hatches.

16 OCTOBER | 2023

Standard Attic Hatches

A standard attic hatch is typically a covered rectangular hole cut into the ceiling. If your hatch is drywall, I recommend replacing it because it is di cult to properly insulate and seal a drywall hatch. They often crumble and crack around the edges, leading to more air leaks.

Ready-made insulated hatches are available online or at home improvement stores, or you can insulate and seal your existing attic hatch. Either way, measure carefully to ensure you create an e ective seal.

To improve your existing hatch, replace drywall attic hatches with ¾-inch plywood cut to fit. If you have loose-fill insulation in your attic — as opposed to fiberglass batts — install a dam or barrier that extends 2 inches above the level of insulation to prevent it from spilling into the house when you open the hatch. Use unfaced fiberglass batt insulation or plywood to hold back the loose fill insulation.

To insulate the hatch, use rigid foam insulation cut slightly smaller than the plywood attic hatch. Use screws and fender washers to secure the first layer of rigid foam to the hatch. Add layers of rigid foam by taping the edges together one at a time using foil tape. Always wear gloves when using foil tape to prevent cuts. Keep layering the rigid foam until you reach the desired R-value.

Remember to seal any gaps between the drywall and trim, using caulk for smaller gaps and foam sealant for larger ones. Finish the job by applying adhesive weatherstripping around the hatch perimeter. Install the weatherstripping on the hatch itself or on the trim supporting the hatch.

Ladder Attic Hatches

For attic hatches with dropdown ladders, you’ll follow the same instructions: Install a dam, air seal and insulate. Be sure to account for the space of the folding ladder.

To insulate, build a box to sit in the attic around the hatch. I suggest using wood for the sides tall enough to accommodate the folded ladder. The top of the box will be rigid foam you can remove to get into the attic. Cut the first piece of foam to fit inside the box and the next layer to fit on top of the box. Keep layering until you reach the desired R-value.

To get a good air seal, you may need to remove the existing trim to seal the gap between the drywall and hatch frame. Add weatherstripping to the hatch or the underside of the frame to form a tight seal when closed.

There are several commercially available options for insulating ladder hatches. Remember to check the product’s R-value and measure carefully.

If purchasing the required materials to seal and insulate your attic hatch is not in your budget, I recommend weatherstripping the hatch perimeter. While it won’t provide the same level of insulation, it’s a simple, low-cost option for blocking air drafts.

Miranda Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energy e ciency company. This standard attic hatch has been insulated and weather stripped to reduce energy waste.
2023 | OCTOBER 17
If buying materials or ready-made kits is not in your budget, inexpensive weatherstripping provides a minimal level of protection.


One of the easiest ways to save energy is through thermostat control, since home heating and cooling account for a large portion of monthly energy use. Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly. You can control a smart thermostat from anywhere (through your smart phone), which allows you to prevent unnecessary energy consumption while you’re away. Sorcery!


The winter chill is just around the corner, so now is the time to seal air leaks around your home. Apply caulk and weatherstripping around drafty windows and doors to make your home more comfortable and lower energy use.


LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs. Make the switch to reduce energy used for lighting. Remember to use LEDs when it’s time to decorate for the upcoming holiday season. LED light strings o er an average of 88% energy savings compared to traditional incandescent light strings.


Cooler weather summons our favorite soup recipes. Small countertop appliances, like slow cookers, use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Grab your book of spells (or recipes) and start stirring up savings in the kitchen. When we look around our homes, there are many opportunities to save energy. So this spooky season, investigate your space and unlock a di erent kind of magic — the kind that brings real energy savings.

LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs.

Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly.

Small countertop appliances like slow cookers use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Abby Berry
18 OCTOBER | 2023
Abby Berry writes on consumer and cooperative a airs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.


October is National Co-op Month, and Yazoo Valley is joining cooperatives across the U.S. to celebrate. Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes, but they each have a common goal: to provide goods or services for the members of the co-op.

Electric co-ops, including Yazoo Valley, exist to serve their members. Our priority is to provide a ordable, reliable energy to our local communities. Because we are led by you, the members we serve, we can evolve to meet your needs.

Co-ops help communities grow by promoting economic empowerment, fostering community engagement and supporting the unique needs of co-op members. “Concern for Community” is one of our core principles — and being community-focused is essential to everything we do.

Co-ops are all about cooperation, not competition. That’s why electric co-ops work together to share lessons learned, successful strategies and better ways to serve our members. We’re better when we grow together!

Electric co-ops serve as fertile ground for growing tomorrow’s leaders through a variety of youth engagement programs. Whether through school demonstrations, community events, or the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour program, we’re committed to providing opportunities for local youth to learn and thrive in our community and beyond.

At Yazoo Valley, your satisfaction is our number one goal. It’s why we were formed many years ago to fulfill a uniquely local purpose. We’ve come a long way since then, and your needs continue to evolve. That’s why we’ll never stop growing for you!


Lions Club grows with Yazoo Valley Electric

Yazoo Valley has a long history of supporting the local civic club that continues today.

Jason Patterson, communications specialist for Yazoo Valley Electric Power Association, was recently elected to serve a second consecutive term as president of the Yazoo City Lions Club.

Patterson, who also served as president in 2010, is the first member to serve two consecutive terms in the local civic club’s 83-year history. He joined the club in 2006.

Ben Rush, manager of IT Systems for Yazoo Valley, has been an active member of the club since 2009 and served as president in 2012.

Wix Crawford, who retired from Yazoo Valley in 2020, served as the club’s program manager for many years and as president in 2009.

Yazoo Valley also helps sponsor the club’s annual scholarships. Each year the Yazoo Lions award the Ned Gotthelf Memorial Scholarship and the William E. Byrd Memorial Essay Scholarship to local graduating seniors.

The 1939 Yazoo County oil boom in Tinsley and the growth that came with it sparked the idea of creating a local Lions Club to serve the community. A Yazoo City Lions Club had previously

been established in 1935, but it disbanded during the tough economic times that came with the Great Depression.

The Yazoo City Lions Club was chartered in 1940 with 40 members on the roll. Dr. J.T. Grantham served as the club’s first president. The club’s first meeting was held in the basement of First Methodist Church.

The club later began meeting at the Lamar Hotel downtown before moving to the Tenderloin Grill. Meetings were canceled during World War II because members thought that using gasoline to drive to the meetings was frivolous when Americans were making sacrifices for the war. The club held meetings at the Elks Club building for many years and also met at Stub’s Restaurant for over a decade. The Yazoo Lions currently meet every Thursday at noon at the Ming Bu et.

Yazoo City’s Lions club regularly purchases eyeglasses or eye care for individuals who otherwise could not a ord it. The club has provided free eye exams to local school children and supported many local community service projects.

If you would like more information about the Lions Club or possibly joining the Yazoo City club, contact Jason Patterson at

16 OCTOBER | 2023
Yazoo Valley Electric Power Association was only three years into the process of providing members with electricity when the Yazoo City Lions Club was established in 1940.

The Yazoo City Lions Club was chartered in 1940 with 40 members on the roll.

Yazoo Valley’s Jason Patterson, president of the Yazoo City Lions Club, presents William Grayson with a scholarship awarded by the club. Yazoo Valley Electric is a longtime sponsor of the scholarship. Ben Rush is thanked for his service as president by Lion Ron Wilkinson. Yazoo Valley’s Ben Rush succeeded Dr. Emily Burton as president of the Yazoo City Lions Club in 2012. Rush remains an active member of the local civic club.
2023 | OCTOBER 17
Jason Patterson recognizes Stephen Harris for his service to the Yazoo City Lions Club.


One of the easiest ways to save energy is through thermostat control, since home heating and cooling account for a large portion of monthly energy use. Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly. You can control a smart thermostat from anywhere (through your smart phone), which allows you to prevent unnecessary energy consumption while you’re away. Sorcery!


The winter chill is just around the corner, so now is the time to seal air leaks around your home. Apply caulk and weatherstripping around drafty windows and doors to make your home more comfortable and lower energy use.


LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs. Make the switch to reduce energy used for lighting. Remember to use LEDs when it’s time to decorate for the upcoming holiday season. LED light strings o er an average of 88% energy savings compared to traditional incandescent light strings.


Cooler weather summons our favorite soup recipes. Small countertop appliances, like slow cookers, use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Grab your book of spells (or recipes) and start stirring up savings in the kitchen. When we look around our homes, there are many opportunities to save energy. So this spooky season, investigate your space and unlock a di erent kind of magic — the kind that brings real energy savings.

LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs.

Smart thermostats can help you manage heating and cooling costs by learning your daily routine and adjusting the temperature settings accordingly.

Small countertop appliances like slow cookers use less energy than cooking meals on the stovetop. Abby Berry
18 OCTOBER | 2023
Abby Berry writes on consumer and cooperative a airs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.

National Co-op Month is about community

Did you know one of the most cutting-edge places for technology is right up the road at your local electric cooperative?

While it may seem surprising to think of your electric co-op as a high-tech leader, it’s part of a way of doing business that has been finding new approaches to solving modern problems for nearly 100 years.

Electric co-ops were originally created to solve one of the most basic and complex of needs and desires — making light out of darkness.

That legacy still works today, and its why time is set aside each October to recognize National Co-op Month. It’s a reminder that business succeeds not just through competition, but also through cooperation.

Just as co-ops first brought electricity to unserved rural areas nearly a century ago, today many of them are working to bring high-speed internet service to their local Mississippi communities.

In the early part of the last century, America’s cities were being transformed by this new thing called electricity. But outside the municipal boundaries, people could only look with envy at the glow from over the horizon. Setting poles and stringing power lines miles outside of town for one or two customers was deemed too expensive.

Luckily, go-getters in America’s rural communities believed they could solve the problems that kept the power companies from connecting them to modern society.

They called their friends and neighbors together and started forming their own utilities. They were community-based organizations, democratically-run, not-forprofit businesses called cooperatives. Today, there are more than 900 electric co-ops in the U.S. In Mississippi, there are 25 electric cooperatives that distribute power to more 1.8 million people via service to more than 820,000 meters around the state.

It wasn’t easy, especially at first. They got a huge boost when, after getting the attention of some key politicians, the federal

government created the Rural Electrification Administration (REA). The REA made loans available, helping finance expensive utility construction. It provided technical consulting, developing engineering techniques to carry electricity longer distances. The agency drew up model co-op bylaws and even went on the road with tent shows to demonstrate how to use the latest conveniences like electric ovens and washing machines.

But the biggest innovation is simply the co-op itself, and the notion of a utility with only one mission — to make life better for its members, who are also its customers.

Electric co-ops didn’t spring from a national directive or organization. They are truly homegrown products of what local people wanted for their community. In fact, America’s first rural cooperative was hatched right here in Mississippi. The idea was born in the back room of a furniture store in Corinth. Members of the community partnered with the Tennessee Valley Authority — who just started producing cheap hydroelectric power — and began the Alcorn County Electric Power Association. The first power pole was raised on the ACE Power system in 1934.

Although the formation of the REA in 1935 helped smooth the way forward, it was local community initiatives over the next three decades that finally brought electric service to nearly everyone.

The story of electric co-ops is of a true grassroots movement of unique, homegrown organizations. The one characteristic that applies to all of them is that they care for and listen to the local members they serve.

We hope you enjoy the October issue.

Send us photos of a beautiful Mississippi tree. Maybe it’s a tree on your land, or one in or near your neighborhood, or at some other location in Mississippi you have visited. Maybe it’s a group of trees. Let us know the location of the tree. The photos must be high-resolution JPG files of at least 1 MB in size. Please attach the photo to your email and send it to Each entry must be accompanied by photographer’s name, address, and co-op.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Nov. 29. Select photos will appear in the Jan. 2024 issue.

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