5 minute read

The Holy Land: Past, Present, and Future


11 DAYS FROM $6,995

• Hear a unique dual narrative on history and current events from Israeli and Palestinian guides. • Explore ancient Caesarea Maritima with National Geographic Explorer Beverly Goodman. • Meet Israeli and Palestinian politicians for an insider’s view of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Signature Land Light

DAY 1 I TEL AVIV, ISRAEL/JERUSALEM Arrive in Tel Aviv and transfer to Jerusalem. Relax at the hotel before our reception and welcome dinner tonight. American Colony Hotel | Meals: 1D

DAY 2 I JERUSALEM Begin the day on the Temple Mount, capped by the shining cupola of the Dome of the Rock. Speak with an imam from the Al-Aqsa Mosque, then meet a rabbi at the Western Wall. Later, join a local pastor at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, home to the tomb of Jesus, according to tradition. Ascend the Mount of Olives, and take in a panoramic view of the domes, spires, and golden stones of Jerusalem’s Old City. American Colony Hotel | Meals: 1B, 1L, 1D

DAY 3 I JERUSALEM Venture into the ruins of the City of David and speak with its Israeli administrators, then meet residents of the nearby Palestinian neighborhood who oppose the excavations. Get an insider’s perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from an Israeli politician, and travel to Ramallah for a rare opportunity to meet with a highranking Palestinian Authority official. American Colony Hotel | Meals: 1B, 1L

DAY 4 I JERUSALEM Trace the turbulent history of the birth of the state of Israel. Meet with a Holocaust survivor at the moving Holocaust memorial of Yad Vashem, then travel to Ein Kerem, where Christian tradition says John the Baptist was born. Hear our Israeli and Palestinian guides tell their divergent narratives of the village’s role in Israel’s 1948 War of Independence. Tonight, gather for a discussion with Israeli and Palestinian peace activists from the Bereaved Families Forum. American Colony Hotel | Meals: 1B, 1D DAY 5 I BETHLEHEM AND THE WEST BANK Travel to the Gush Etzion settlement bloc to hear the viewpoints of Israeli settlers. Continue to Bethlehem and visit Manger Square; then, at the Church of the Nativity, descend into the cave revered by many as the birthplace of Jesus. Walk through a nearby Palestinian refugee camp, and learn how murals and graffiti have been used to depict the refugees’ struggles. Stop at Herodion, a volcano-shaped hill and fortress built by Herod the Great. Over dinner, take in a musical performance by a group of Israeli and Palestinian musicians. American Colony Hotel | Meals: 1B, 1L, 1D

DAY 6 I JERUSALEM/JERICHO/DEAD SEA Meet with an environmentalist from Friends of the Earth Middle East, whose efforts to foster Arab-Jewish cooperation through environmental stewardship were featured in the special April 2010 “Water” issue of National Geographic magazine. View the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Israel Museum, then drive down through the Judean Desert to Jericho to visit the archaeological site of Tel Jericho. Settle into our hotel, located in the Ein Gedi kibbutz on the shores of the Dead Sea, and learn about the kibbutz movement. Enjoy time on your own to float in the Dead Sea, stroll the hotel’s botanical

garden, or enjoy an optional spa treatment. Ein Gedi Hotel | Meals: 1B, 1L, 1D

DAY 7 I JORDAN RIVER VALLEY/TIBERIAS Soar up the flank of Masada in a gondola and explore King Herod’s 2,000-year-old mountaintop refuge. Follow the Jordan Valley north to the Roman city of Bet She’an to see its remarkably preserved amphitheater, baths, and column-lined streets. Along the way, stop to dip your feet in the Jordan River, where Christian pilgrims come to be baptized. The Scots Hotel or Bayit Bagalil Boutique Hotel Meals: 1B, 1L, 1D

DAY 8 I GALILEE Visit Caesarea Philippi, a center of worship from the Hellenic age to the early Christian era. Follow a scenic trail to the Banias waterfall, or enjoy a short hike through Tel Dan National Park. Take a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee from Tiberias to Capernaum, where Jesus and many Apostles lived and preached. The Scots Hotel or Bayit Bagalil Boutique Hotel Meals: 1B, 1L, 1D

DAY 9 I NAZARETH/JAFFA/TEL AVIV Hear the perspective of an Israeli Arab Christian on the way to Nazareth, and visit the Basilica of the Annunciation, one of the largest churches in the Middle East. On an excursion to the mountaintop village of Beit Jann, discover the secretive traditions of the Druze people, and enjoy lunch with a Druze family in their home. Travel toward the Mediterranean coast and explore Jaffa, a strategic port town dating back to the Bronze Age. Get acquainted with the bustling city of Tel Aviv in the evening. Dan Tel Aviv Hotel | Meals: 1B, 1L

DAYS 10–11 I CAESAREA MARITIMA/ TEL AVIV Travel north to Caesarea Maritima, Herod’s harbor city, and visit the ruins with geoarchaeologist and National Geographic Emerging Explorer Beverly Goodman. Transfer to the airport the next morning for your flight home. Dan Tel Aviv Hotel | Meals: 2B, 1D


Petra Post-trip Extension | 4 days from $2,495 Journey to Jordan and immerse yourself in the mystery of ancient Petra, delving into its buildings and tombs, carved straight into soaring cliffs. A National Geographic Expert, Expedition Leader, and local guides will accompany this trip.

Udi Goren Photographer Udi Goren is an Israeli educator and travel photographer who has worked on peace building and social-justice initiatives. He has produced short documentaries, as well as a photo book about the Israel National Trail. His work has appeared on the National Geographic Channel. Find the departure(s) Udi will join on our website.


Dates: This expedition is offered from March through May and September through December. Prices are per person, based on double occupancy. Single supplement applies; please see our website. Airfare is not included in the price. All prices and fares are quoted in U.S. dollars and subject to change. This itinerary is for informational purposes only and is subject to change at any time without notice. Please note: A U.S. Department of State travel advisory for Israel and the West Bank is currently in effect (travel.state.gov).

Visit website for complete details and dates.

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