Our priorities 2012/13
Contents Moving forward
A vision for housing
Changing lives
Localism: on the front line
Back to business
Being an exemplary organisation
Contact information
Moving forward What will the housing market look like beyond 2015? Are we facing major changes in the way that housing is delivered and supported in England? With significant opportunities and challenges on the horizon for our members, our priorities for the coming business year reflect the need to establish a strong evidence base for new investment models, and to continue making the case for the social and economic impact of housing associations. At the same time we will be working with our members to assess the impact of welfare reform and other new legislation, holding government to account on its promises and standing up for those who are priced out of the most basic of rights – a home they can afford. If the past few years have shown us anything it is that housing associations are well equipped to respond to change positively and quickly. Our priorities for 2012-2013 will establish a strong foundation to move forward with a clear vision for the future. We look forward to working with our members and partners to deliver it.
David Orr, chief executive, National Housing Federation
We will work with members to develop a strategy for the housing market. Our members are already exploring and utilising innovative new business methods, including funding models, and we will continue to engage with them to devise ideas and solutions to meet housing needs.
By widening the housing debate, we want to challenge political and public perceptions of the value of housing associations and their tenants. We will work closely with our members to define a vision for the role of housing associations up to and beyond 2015.
A vision for housing
Our priorities in 2012/13 ■
nsure the planning E system supports the delivery of new affordable homes including supported and rural housing
xplore, engage with and E support the benefits of social enterprise models
uild on and develop the B Funding Future Homes project with members and stakeholders
I nfluence and input into the comprehensive spending review
obby and exert L influence on government departments, key partners and local authorities
I nput into political debate and government thinking on future investment models
iaise with research bodies L and opinion formers to develop ideas and build a strong evidence base to support our lobbying and influencing
romote the National P Planning Policy Framework to support the building of high quality, sustainable new developments
ublish our Home Truths P report highlighting the state of the housing market in England
Changing lives We will continue to promote and champion housing associations as leading investors in people and places. By highlighting the influence housing associations have in creating better places to live, we want to demonstrate to politicians and decision makers their value beyond the provision of homes. We will research and report on the social implications of economic austerity and how this affects our members and their tenants. Following government changes to welfare reform and employment policies, we’ll work closely with members to help prepare for changes to income streams, and to manage the risks involved.
Our priorities in 2012/13 ■
ighlight the role housing H associations play in supporting economic growth and improving public health
aunch the Community L Impact Awards to profile the work housing associations do to improve neighbourhoods
ssess the implications A for housing associations of recent changes to the welfare system
ork towards achieving W a wide understanding of Universal Credit among members and their tenants
ontinue our commitment C to financial inclusion, My Home Finance, Contents Insurance and Energy Switch services
emonstrate to politicians D the scale, level and scope of housing associations’ work by publishing the Neighbourhood Audit report
old government to H account for its housing policy by publishing the Housing Report
nsure the implementation E of the welfare reforms takes account of the experiences of members and tenants I ncrease the number of apprenticeships in housing associations
Localism: on the front line The involvement and engagement of members in the localism agenda is essential to regional development opportunities. We will work with local and regional government structures, city groups and private businesses to ensure housing is seen as a key driver of economic growth.
By assessing and interpreting the varying localist agendas, we will engage with members to ensure they can navigate the new landscape, and are represented in the debates that matter. We will work on developing a narrative that engages politicians, decision makers and opinion formers, and reflects differing local needs.
Our priorities in 2012/13 ■
ngage with and influence E the agenda for cities and regions
elp members connect H with and achieve good levels of representation on Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs)
I mprove awareness and understanding of localism through our regional and national events and training programmes
upport housing S associations in accessing LEP funding
aunch our locally focused L ‘Yes to Homes’ campaign to enable tenants to contribute to the debate
uild partnerships with B Health and Well Being Boards to prioritise the role of housing in delivering healthy communities
nsure regional E commissioners understand the role of housing associations
nsure Joint Strategic E Needs Assessments include housing needs
Back to business We will continue to work to save the sector money and safeguard the interests of our members. By interpreting risks and pressures, and making sure housing associations are well informed on business critical issues, we’ll work hard to protect members’ finances. Within the context of new regulatory systems we will look to create the
conditions for members to perform at the highest level – and will provide high-quality policy information and advice to help them do so. We will continue to promote the independence of the sector and identify funding opportunities. By developing our commercial activity we will generate a vital financial contribution that will help keep membership fees at the lowest feasible level.
Our priorities in 2012/13 ■
ork closely with the W Homes and Communities Agency in its new role
trive to increase Work S Programme placements in housing associations
ork through the W implications for members of changes to financial systems elp board members H and executive teams understand co-regulation and apply new regulation standards ngage effectively around E changes to building regulations and other building standards
rovide timely policy P information and advice on areas such as tax, pensions and accounting
ngage with professional E bodies to ensure quality and accuracy
evelop products and D services to inform, support and provide tangible benefits to members
romote the effective P governance and costeffectiveness of the sector
ngage with our European E network to secure funding for the sector and address issues such as EU procurement and state aid
Being an exemplary organisation We will continue to place members at the centre of everything we do by ensuring that our lobbying and influencing work reflects the diverse needs of the sector. We will develop our existing national and local partnerships, identifying where we can add the most value to deliver on behalf of our members. At the same time we will review and improve our stakeholder engagement and communications strategies to ensure these keep pace with the evolving needs of our membership and reflect emerging political agendas.
Following completion of the business strategy review, we will develop our medium-term corporate strategy and continue to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation.
Our priorities in 2012/13 ■
omplete business strategy C review and prepare for roll out in 2013
nsure effective member E engagement through lead managers and regional offices
eview members’ R communication needs, including committees and member groups uild on and enhance the B inclusive culture within our organisation rioritise the development P of a customer intelligence strategy
eliver a sector-leading D programme of regional and national events that meets members’ needs
nsure our members E are supported with the professional products and services they need to excel
eliver our strategy for D enhancing IT infrastructure and business systems to improve productivity and customer engagement
I ncrease our transparency as an organisation both inside and outside our membership
Contact information National Housing Federation Lion Court 25 Procter Street London WC1V 6NY Tel: 020 7067 1010 www.housing.org.uk info@housing.org.uk Find out more about the Federation where you are: www.housing.org.uk/ourregions Visit our website for more details on: ■ ■ ■
our board our leadership team our regional chairs’ group
For policy information and contacts, visit www.housing.org.uk
Follow us on Twitter: @natfednews Find us on Facebook: National Housing Federation Join our LinkedIn networks
The National Housing Federation is the voice of affordable housing in England. We believe that everyone should have the home they need at a price they can afford. That’s why we represent the work of housing associations and campaign for better housing. Our members provide two and a half million homes for more than five million people. And each year they invest in a diverse range of neighbourhood projects that help create strong, vibrant communities. National Housing Federation 2012 www.housing.org.uk