National Pawnbroker Spring 2013

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Official Publication of the National Pawnbrokers Association


July 16-18, 2013

The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

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Servicemembers Civil Relief Act page 30

d n a w o N r Registe 34 e g a p e e S Save!

Notice of NPA Membership Meeting page 47

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NPA: Your Watchdog in Washington NPA JUST HELD ITS 2013 LEGISLATIVE Conference in Washington, DC. Thank you to everyone who participated, not only from me, but from your fellow NPA members. Your efforts are the foundation of our advocacy efforts. If our legislators don’t know who we are and what we do, how can we expect them to make the right decision? We can’t wait until we’re in a pinch to educate Members of Congress. Our adversaries are out there in full force, shaking hands and telling their side of the story. We can’t try to slide in at the last minute and have the full attention of the people making important decisions about our livelihood. If you were unable to attend the NPA Legislative Conference, you still have a job to do. You need to contact your legislators and take time to discuss the important issues facing the pawn industry. NPA has everything you need to make this happen. Just contact Matthew Church, our Government Relations Administrator, at or 817-337-8830.


When issues get hot, watch your inbox for NPA Legislative Alerts. These emails will not only tell you what is going on, but also what you need to do. It is important that we act quickly and in unison to stop threats. The further along in the process a negative piece of legislation moves, the harder it becomes to address. But remember, a handful of people working alone cannot protect us. We need to mobilize everyone so that we are prepared when the time comes to protect the industry.


Have you registered yet? If not, go to and do so. The early bird

registration price will save you $200, so make your reservations before May 31st. This year’s event will be even better than last year’s. We have a great lineup of educational speakers, fantastic networking events, and plenty of time to visit our exhibitors and do business. Don’t forget to bring your loose stones for the Diamond District. There, you’ll be able to negotiate the best price from among several buyers.


Are you using the NPA Member Forum? If not, you’re missing out on one of the best services that the NPA provides. The Member Forum is an interactive discussion group through Google Groups that allows you to ask questions of and give feedback to pawnbrokers across the country. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel! Someone has probably already faced whatever problem you’re having. Even if not, you’ll have people to brainstorm with and get some good ideas. To join the member forum, you need to do the following: Request a copy of the NPA Rules of Discussion Agreement by email from Sign and return the last page and you will be automatically added to the Member Forum. Think you know everything? Great! We need you on the forum as well to help answer questions and provide insight. Be careful though – you might learn something new. I am looking forward to seeing each of you in July at Pawn Expo! My term as NPA President will end this year. I want to thank you for your confidence and support over my time at the helm of the association. I look forward to continuing my support of the industry and the association in different roles.



Kevin Prochaska NPA President

But remember, a handful of people working alone cannot protect us. We need to mobilize everyone so that we are prepared when the time comes to protect the industry.


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4/22/13 9:25 AM

Table of Contents


FEATURE ARTICLES Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

30 10

Notice of NPA Membership Meeting 30 Pawn Talk Live Radio Program

47 10

IN THIS ISSUE Letter from the President Letter From the Executive Director Government Relations Government Relations Update Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Legislative Conference Attendees Can I Make a Difference? Rally Congress Compliance Spring Cleaning NICS News FFL Best Practices Community Involvement Musical Instrument Gift Day

Official Publication of the National Pawnbrokers Association


COVER STORY July 16-18, 2013

The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

page 10

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act page 30

Notice of NPA Membership Meeting page 47

Pawn Talk Live Radio Program

and Register Now e 34 pag Save! See

Don’t miss the best Pawn Expo ever. Register before May 31st and save up to $200!

1 4 6 10 14 17 26 31 49 59 40

Member News New Members Mentor Program iPhone App Membership Meeting Notice Pawn Talk Live Radio COPS Golf Tournament State News Dynasty Jewelry and Loan Pawnbroking Around the World Human Resources Tax Season Business Sense Achieving Customer Loyalty Identifying Hallmarks Don’t Lie for the Other Guy Program Rogue Gold Buyers Vendor Spotlight Dillon Gage Metals Pawn Expo 2013 Calendar of events NPA Staff Index of Advertisers

47 19 28 28 30 47 50 60 64 64 23 20 42 53 54 32 34 67 67 68

National Pawnbroker is the official publication of the National Pawnbrokers Association (NPA), and is published quarterly. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of Dana Meinecke, NPA Executive Director. Sale or distribution of any or all of the contents of this magazine is prohibited. All rights reserved. For more information on advertising or to obtain additional copies of National Pawnbroker, call 817-337-8830 or send an email to For membership information, email EDITOR’S NOTE: This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information on the subject matter covered. It is provided and disseminated with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services. If legal advice is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. © 2007-13 National Pawnbrokers Association: P.O. Box 508, Keller, TX 76244 • 817-337-8830 • EDITOR: Chris Pearcey, NPA Communications Specialist,; DESIGNER: Carla L. Butz


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4/26/13 12:07 PM

Aria FP.indd 3

4/26/13 12:25 PM



WE’RE ABOUT TWO MONTHS AWAY from Pawn Expo 2013. The NPA’s staff has been working hard to prepare for the event, and we are excited about putting on the best event in NPA history. Several of our speakers have contributed articles to this issue of National Pawnbroker magazine. Check them out to get a preview of our great educational sessions. May 31st is the deadline for early bird registration. You’ll save up to $200 by registering by the end of the month. Attending Pawn Expo is the smartest business decision you’ll make this year. Everyone gets caught up in the day-today responsibilities of running a store. You forget there is a whole world out there that can help you work smarter and faster, instead of harder. By taking the time to attend Pawn Expo, you’ll clear your mind and learn new ways to approach nagging problems. You will meet fellow pawnbrokers who you can contact with future questions and challenges. In addition to education and networking, Pawn Expo hosts the only national trade show for the pawn industry. You will learn, connect, and do business, all in one place.


I would like to express my appreciation to each NPA member who participated in our Legislative Conference in April. If you didn’t make it this year, please plan to attend next year! Your participation is a vital part of NPA’s mission. Face-to-face communication is the best way to connect with your Members of Congress. NPA’s Legislative Day makes it easy for you to meet your legislator, and start a relationship that will make a difference for the pawn industry. We provide the talking points, set your appointments, and are there to help you in any way so that our message is heard.

One of our speakers at Pawn Expo 2013 will give you insight into the importance of communicating with your local, state, and national legislators. You’ll walk away with ideas and strategies to get started on your own grassroots campaign. Two items remain our focus as we continue our efforts: Wednesday, April 10th NPA sent 1 On out a Legislative Alert to the membership

regarding Illinois Senator Richard Durbin’s bill S.673 entitled Protecting Consumers from Unreasonable Credit Rates Act of 2013. This bill would apply a federal usury cap on all types of lending to all consumers. The restrictions will be similar to those contained in the 2006 Talent Amendment which specifically capped payday, car title, and tax refund lending to the military and their dependents at a rate of 36% APR.

The Federal Charter Bill (H.R. 1566) 2 continues to pop up. This bill would

effectively allow national corporations to offer pawn loans without having to abide by established state and local regulations.

Dana Meinecke NPA Executive Director

Thank you to NTR Metals for sponsoring this year’s Legislative Conference Dinner.

We want to assure you that the NPA Government Relations Committee is currently reviewing any legislation that potentially affects the industry, and we’ll keep you informed.


NPA’s Government Relations team works to protect the entire pawn industry. Your support through dues and contributions to the NPA PAC and Legislative Council provide the necessary resources for this massive undertaking. I want to thank each of you who have continuously supported the association. It doesn’t work to try and pull resources together at the last minute. We have to be ahead of the competition by being proactive, not reactive. I’m looking forward to seeing each of you in Las Vegas in July!


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4/25/13 8:04 AM

NPA Advert March 2013_Layout 1 21/03/2013 12:22 Page 1

We buy breakout diamonds. Any clarity. Any color. Any size. We offer a personal assessment of your stock and immediate payment. To learn more, email, visit, or call (646) 758 0292.

White Pine ad.indd 5

4/17/13 4:02 PM


Government Relations Update 2013 LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE A SUCCESS!

THE 2013 NPA LEGISLATIVE Conference was every bit as successful as expected! I want to thank each and every attendee who took time away from their businesses and families to join us. I appreciate your deep commitment to the protection and betterment of the industry. Besides demonstrating that pawnbrokers are brilliant and kind people, some of the key issues we discussed were our concerns with federal charter legislation, states’ rights, customer privacy issues, and data protection. Of course, gun rights are always on our radar and something we monitor very closely.

H.R. 1566

Just like a bad penny, the Federal Charter Bill (H.R. 1566) just keeps coming back in one form or another. While other industries are looking for an expansion of services under a federal charter, the NPA feels strongly that the regulation of pawn stores is best determined by state legislators. Our industry has operated successfully under regulation by individual states, and granting that authority to a federal agency not only undermines that authority but could be harmful for our customers. H.R. 1566 will allow your competition to offer services with terms and conditions different from yours creating an uneven playing field. We support fair competition. We do not support government regulations that provide an advantage to one business model over another. It used to be that the challenges of opening and running a store were enough to stay in business. Increasingly, there are other groups, associations, corporations, and industries that believe their failures or successes can be determined through legislation. Indeed, if legislation is drafted on their terms, it can!

That is the name of the game these days, and that’s why it is critical you stay connected. Supporting your local and state associations, as well as NPA, is an insignificant expense when you consider the consequences of a bad piece of legislation. Recently, I learned of a local ordinance that was passed requiring pawn shops to hold merchandise for 90 days! It passed because no one was watching. Another state has pending legislation that would abolish your right to have a judge determine ownership of seized property. The property could be handed over to law enforcement, and you would have no recourse. Negative legislation can be passed at any government level, local, state, and national. Each time a new bill emerges, our team is thoroughly reviewing and discussing its intended and unintended consequences.


At Pawn Expo 2013, you’ll be able to educate yourself and your team on how to start a grassroots campaign. You will learn how to effectively convey our positions to your legislators and how to build relationships that will contribute to our industry’s long-term success. Our presenter, Joe Gagen, speaks nationally on legislative and public policy advocacy. He will demonstrate why your voice is critical in advocating for our industry. If you weren’t able to join us in Washington this year, please make plans to be there in 2014. It’s an easy way to get comfortable discussing your business with the legislators whose votes can impact your business. If you get any opportunity to visit with an elected official in Washington, or back home, take it!


Larry Nuckols NPA GRC Chair

The Federal Charter Bill (H.R. 1566) will allow your competition to offer services with terms and conditions different from yours.


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4/26/13 10:35 AM




SEE US IN LAS VEGAS AT THE PAWN EXPO, BOOTH 353. JULY 16-18, 2013 A trusted refiner since 1978. Stop by the booth, call, or scan our QR code to see how Stebgo can give you more. WWW.STEBGO.COM • 800-289-0138

© 2013 Stebgo Metals, Inc.

Stebgo FP.indd 7

4/17/13 4:03 PM

Trendz SPRD.indd 8

4/17/13 4:06 PM

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Trendz SPRD.indd 9

4/17/13 4:07 PM



ON DECEMBER 28, 2012, CONGRESS amended the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act of 2003 (SCRA). The SCRA limits the following: interest that lenders can charge 1 The on loans made prior to an individual’s

call to active military duty. The limit on interest and fees is 6% per year. This rate cap does not apply to loans entered into after military service begins.

lenders’ ability to foreclose on 2 The security interests or to declare

breaches of contract during the period of active military service on loans entered into or credit extended prior to military service. These limitations do not apply to loans entered into after military service begins.

For any transaction in which the total of interest and fees collected exceeds the maximum six percent per annum–yes, 6% per year–the pawnbroker may have to refund or apply against the total obligation due any excess collected since the commencement of active duty service. To qualify for the interest-rate cap, the service member must notify the lender and provide the lender with a copy of his or her orders. It is not the duty of the lender to obtain copies of the orders. The service member does not have to provide the orders to the lender at the time of their receipt by the service member or as they become effective. The service member may deliver them long after the period of active duty service commences. Regardless of how quickly the service member provides the orders, the Act’s interest rate cap becomes retroactive to the date of the commencement of active duty service. The Act now includes minimum statutory damages of $500 per violation in private

rights of action by service members, effective for all transactions after the date the amendments were enacted, December 28, 2012.


The SCRA replaced the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of 1940. The most recent amendments came as part of the National Defense Appropriations Act of 2013, which was enacted on December 28, 2012. The SCRA protects members of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and National Guard as they enter military service (“active duty”), as well as commissioned officers of the Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration engaged in active service. The term “active duty” is defined in 10 USC § 101(d) as full-time duty in the active military service of the United States. Active duty includes full-time training duty, annual training duty, and attendance while in the active military service or at a school designated as a service school by law or by the Secretary of the military department concerned. Active duty does not include full-time National Guard duty, unless they serve under a call of duty authorized by the President or the Secretary of Defense for more than 30 consecutive days. Some of the SCRA benefits also extend to service members’ spouses, dependents, and other persons subject to the financial obligations of service members.

Fran Bishop Dollar Pawn Haleyville, AL


The amended SCRA provides several forms of relief that may affect NPA members’ pawn transactions, including the following: I. Maximum Rate of Interest on Loans: Upon receiving a written request for (Continues on page 13)


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4/25/13 8:24 AM

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NPA 2013 Real Estate Style Ad.indd 1 CompuPawn ad.indd 11

Gold Pawn Shop

We Buy GOld


1/8/2013 10:08:17 AM 4/17/13 4:08 PM

Padvmavati ad.indd 12

4/17/13 4:09 PM


Servicemembers Civil Relief Act relief and a copy of the service member’s military orders, creditors must, for the duration of the service member’s active duty military service, reduce the interest rate on debts incurred by the service member, or a service member and spouse jointly, prior to entry into military service to no more than six percent per year. “Interest” includes service and renewal charges or any other fees or charges, except for charges for bona fide insurance (50 USC app. 527(d)). The maximum interest provision (50 USC app. 527) applies to “an obligation or liability…incurred by the service member, or the service member and the service member’s spouse jointly, before the service member enters military service.” No distinction is made between personal and business credit. The interest rate reduction continues for the period of military service. In the case of a mortgage, trust deed, or other security in the nature of a mortgage, the interest rate reduction extends for one year after the end of the service member’s military service. This time extension does not apply to non-mortgage credit. Creditors must forgive interest in excess of six percent per year and periodic payments must be reduced by the amount of interest forgiven. The creditor also must account for any interest payments that may have been collected in excess of the six percent rate during the period in which the reduced rate applies. Any such excess payments should be provided to the service member in one of three ways: as a refund, applied toward future monthly payments, or applied toward repayment of the principal. If feasible, the service member should be given an opportunity to determine how any excess amount should be applied. The reduced interest rate provision applies unless a court finds the ability of the service member to pay interest on the debt at a higher interest rate is not materially affected by his or her military service. In such cases, the court may grant a creditor relief from the interest rate limitations of the act.

How Can I Verify Active Duty?

The lender has no duty to verify the active duty status of the service member and, in many states, may not be able to pass along the cost of doing so. For those who wish to verify orders, the Department of Defense has a website, Manpower (, through which you can verify military orders and their duration. It requires that you enter the person’s name and social security number. There is a charge of $36.40 per search. If you want an affidavit on the results or want the results sent to you by Federal Express, there are additional charges for each of these services. The cost for verifying one name could be as much as $80.

II. Protections Against Foreclosure of Security Interests Personal property owned by a service member that secures a loan cannot be sold, foreclosed upon, or seized based on a breach of such a secured obligation during the period of military service or for a period thereafter without a court order or a written agreement in which the service member agrees to waive certain rights. Additionally, in an action filed during or within nine months after a service member’s military service, a court may, after a hearing on its own, or shall, upon application by a service member, stay a proceeding to enforce an obligation as described above or adjust the debt, when the member’s ability to comply with the obligation is materially affected by reason of the member’s military service. A 2010 provision that extended the stay, adjustment, sale, foreclosure, and seizure provisions from 90 days to nine months following the end of the service member’s period of military service expired on December 31, 2012. On January 1, 2013, the SCRA reverted to the 90-day limit. However, it is not yet clear whether only contracts entered into after this date or all contracts governed by the SCRA subject to stays, adjustments, sales, foreclosures, and seizures will be covered by the 90-day period. III. Protections for Certain Purchase Contracts Contracts for the purchase of personal property, for which the service member has paid a deposit or made a payment before the service member enters military service, may not be rescinded or terminated after the service member’s entry into military service for a breach of the terms of the contract that may occur before or during their military service. Property purchased may not be repossessed because of breached contracts without a court order. These protections cover installment sales and layaway contracts.

(Continues on page 57)

With a hypothetical New York state transaction, and considering the cost of verification on the Manpower website, any loan under $606.76 (extended under New York law) would be a money-losing proposition if the pawnbroker used the Manpower system to verify a soldier’s status.


NPA members should review their SCRA compliance programs to ensure you are operating completely within its requirements. The last thing any of us wants is to make media headlines by being portrayed as an anti-military, predatory lender, with your only defense being that you were unaware of the SCRA.


010,013,064_SCRA.indd 13

4/25/13 8:25 AM



AL Fran Bishop Dollar Pawn Haleyville

AR Tim Collier Pacer, Ltd Little Rock

CA Sam Shocket King’s Jewelry and Loan Los Angeles Jordan Tabach-Bank Beverly Loan Company Beverly Hills

FL David Johns Premier Pawn & Jewelry Maitland

GA Ben Levinson Dynasty Jewelry & Loan Norcross Steve Rogers Wellston Pawn Warner Robins

Dave Adelman Retired Atlanta Charles Williams Chuck’s Gun & Pawn Shop Warner Robins


Robert Anderson R & R Pawn Indianapolis Tom Howard Worldwide Pawn Bristol


Bruce Harris A-OK Enterprises Wichita David Crume A-OK Enterprises Wichita


Kerry Rainey Bayou Pawn & Jewelry Hammond Jeff Knight Bayou Pawn & Jewelry Zachary

Thank you NTR Metals for sponsoring the Legislative Conference dinner.

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (second from left) poses with Cliff Andrews, Rob Anderson, Kevin Prochaska, and Larry Nuckols at the 2013 NPA Legislative Conference.


Michael Cohen Top Dollar Pawnbrokers Oxon Hill


Johnny & Tara Whiteside Kendale Pawn Shop Sanford


Michael Mack*

Max Pawn Las Vegas

OH Raphael Tincher Ted’s Pawn Shop Cincinnati

OR Flynn Case & Shari Lowery* All That Glitters Jewelry & Loans Milwaukie


Josh Oller Silver Lining Jewelry & Loan Portland

Brian Cabrera* 5 Borough Pawn Ozone Park

Steven & Renee Souza* All That Glitters Jewelry & Loans Portland

Eric Modell Modell Collateral Loans New York


014-015_LegDayList.indd 14

4/26/13 9:43 AM



Larry & Beverly Nuckols Brittex Financial San Antonio


Andrew & Sally Koch, Sr.* Wapato Pawn & Trade Wapato

Janis W. Feazelle 1st Lugoff Pawn & Loan Shop Lugoff Glen Coronis US Money Shops Cleveland Richard Mason US Money Shops Cleveland


Kevin Prochaska Lombard Financial Services Roanoke


WV Jon Green K & K Loans Buckhannon Brent Kalafat C & J Trades Clarksburg

NPA Legislative Conference first time attendees: Jose Fernandez, Flynn Case, Shari Lowery, Steven Souza, Renee Souza, Sally Koch, Andrew Koch, Sr, Brian Cabrera, Michael Mack

Washington, DC

*First Time Attendee

Jessica Barakat Crown Pawnbrokers


014-015_LegDayList.indd 15

4/24/13 8:15 AM




Waterproof to 10 feet


Easy to use and demonstrate

ACE 250 user Bill W. found this diamond ring—appraised at $4,665—in a lake in Lake City, MI.

A platinum and diamond ring found by AT Pro user Sonny P. while hunting both wet and dry sand areas at Myrtle Beach, SC.

(Above) Reaghan M. of Pawtucket, RI, and her husband John split the cost of their first ACE 350. They found this 334-gram 18k gold chain and charm. Its value was enough to help them get married and buy wedding rings!

Colleyville, TX resident Bob F. was hunting a freshwater lake swimming area when he found this impressive 49-diamond, 14k gold ring.

S E L L O R R E N T TO A N Y O N E S E E K I N G A D V E N T U R E , LO S T H E I R LO O M S , P R O P E R T Y S TA K E S , O R S P R I N K L E R S . 800.527.4011 (U.S. and CANADA) 1.972.494.6151 (INTERNATIONAL)

NP_fall_12_ver2.indd 1 Garrett FP.indd 16

GarrettDetectors Channel


10/2/2012 11:13:42 AM 5/1/13 10:07 AM


Can I Make a Difference?



ONE OF THE MAJOR CHALLENGES for any association’s legislative effort is to convince members that they truly can make a difference. When the political process is viewed from afar, decisions seem to be made without any understanding of the impact on individual citizens and small businesses. Powerful economic and political interests seem to rule the day. However, one only needs to look to the Winter 2013 issue of this magazine to see testimonials from your colleagues as evidence that engagement with elected officials does make a difference.

the United States Senate and House of Representatives. The key question in the survey was: If your member/senator has not already arrived at a firm decision on an issue, how much influence might the following advocacy strategies directed to the Washington office have on his/her decision? Below are the results of that survey** As you can see, in-person visits by a constituent far exceed all other forms of contact in terms of influence. When you meet your legislator (or their staff member) in-person to start building or strengthening your relationship, you dramatically increase your influence. As Larry Nuckols, Brittex Financial, San Antonio, TX, said in the Winter 2013 issue, “Building that relationship (with elected officials) early has been instrumental to our grassroots efforts.” (Continues on page 66)


The Congressional Management Foundation decided to find out how important one-on-one contact by constituents was at influencing legislators. They conducted a survey of senior legislative staff in both

In-person issue visits from constituents


Individualized postal letters


Contact from a person that represents many constituents

Phone Calls 3%

Form e-mail messages


Form Faxes

3% 0%




Form postal letters











54% 10%


Some Influence


Joe Gagen is a legislative grassroots trainer with close to 20 years’ experience in training association members on how to strengthen their advocacy efforts. Mr. Gagen believes that individuals lobbying their own elected officials form the foundation of any effective legislative effort, and his trainings reflect that position.




Individualized faxes




Visit from lobbyists




Individualized e-mail messages

A lot of influence


Joe Gagen

43% 40%







No influence at all

**Communicating with Congress: How Capitol Hill Is Coping With the Surge in Citizen Advocacy. Published by the Congressional Management Foundation, 2005,


017,059,066_ATF.indd 17

4/26/13 10:37 AM













Rapaport FP.indd 18

4/17/13 4:10 PM




Eddie’s Wholesale Jewelry & Pawn #5 Daphne Wade’s Jewelry and Pawn Tuscaloosa


KANSAS Integrity Gun and Pawn Topeka Double Eagle Firearms & Pawn Arkansas City



Weapons Concepts/ Second Chance Pawn Deadwood


Big Tex Pawn LLC Odessa


Mark Zackery Westfield, IN Dianne Loftis Strafford, MO Dan Perkins Cincinnati, OH

Arizona EZ-Pawn Sun City

Fast Cash Pawn La Place

Special Money Pawn Keller

Michael Clark, MGC Pearland, TX

USA Pawn & Jewelry Phoenix


Cash Pawn #10 Killeen


USA Pawn & Jewelry Mesa


Calvert Pawn Prince Frederick


Cash Pawn #11 Beeville

La Cienega Jewelry & Loan Los Angeles

American Pawn & Pickers Asheville

183 Pawn Shop Haltom City

Oasis Pawn Barstow

NEW MEXICO Valley Pawn Albuquerque

Gold Stop Breckenridge


Queen of Pawns 4 Orlando Queen of Pawns 5 Kissimmee Richie’s Pawn Shop Tamarac Worldwide Pawn Clearwater


Tift County Trade and Pawn, Brookfield


Money and More of Waterloo, Tifton Quick Cash Pawnbrokers Davenport

NEW YORK Is In Pawn Corp Brooklyn

Pawn Lubbock Lubbock



National Pawn Co. of WI La Crosse

Facet Jewelry Music and Pawn Amelia


Facet Jewelry Music and Pawn Milford Money Vault Cincinnati

SOUTH CAROLINA State Line Pawn Little River

KOH Beverly Hills, CA RJECO, Inc Los Angeles, CA Bezels For Watches Miami, FL Golden Gosling Greenfield, MN TK Diamonds, LLC E Windsor, NJ Divina Creations New York, NY Divine Diamond Corp New York, NY

La Estrella Pawn Shop #5 Oranjestaad, Aruba

OGI Tech New York, NY

G W Thompson Jeweller & Pawnbroker Hamilton, ON, Canada

Halach Gold Inc New York, NY

Pioneer Exchange Ltd Edmonton, AB, Canada Cash Corner Ltd Edmonton, AB, Canada

Store Design and Fixturing Chapel Hill, NC Audax Systems Layton, UT


019_NewMembers.indd 19

4/26/13 10:39 AM



AS OWNERS, MANAGERS, AND leaders of pawn stores, not only are we representing our own organizations, but the entire industry. We all know that our industry has received positive attention from the media over the past several years, and it is our job to capitalize on that exposure and develop a loyal customer base. After all, 25% of the customers that walk through our doors are new and have never been in our store, if any pawn store for that matter. Impressions matter, especially if we don’t know whether or not this new customer has shopped at or received a loan from a pawn store in the past.


The basics of customer service teach us to be courteous, make eye contact, and maintain a professional appearance. However, customer service is not just a welcoming smile and a positive attitude. It is a well thought-out plan to provide the customer with the best possible experience while in your store. The customer service displayed in a store reflects the personality of the entire company. As leaders we should take the time to create a strategic plan when it comes to the experience a customer has when visiting our stores. Communicating that plan to our employees is an important next step.


Unlike most standard retailers, our customers are typically not visiting our locations because they have disposable income to spend. They are coming to us distressed and in a time of need. Our challenge to provide excellent customer service at the pawn counter is strikingly different and more challenging than any other retailer.

Not only do we have to provide high standards of quality service such as reliability, assurance, and empathy, but we also have the duty to explain the pawn process and options to our customers. Given that one out of every four customers has never been to our store before, we need to figure out what the customer thinks they need, and then help them determine what is in their best interest. They are the ones that ultimately write our paychecks, so it is to our advantage to assist them in determining the best course of action while in our store. We should hold a conversation with that individual, and watch for physical body language that will tell us whether or not they plan to return. If we educate our customers by explaining the pawn loan process, and encourage them to return for their loans by enticing them with higher dollar loans in the future, it becomes a win for both parties. Establishing such a strategy will not only improve the overall business, but will also improve the customer’s experience.


Kathleen R. Barbee Business Development Manager, Lombard Financial Services, LP

After all, 25% of the customers that walk through our doors are new. As our industry gains more exposure, it is up to us to create positive experiences for our customers. In the end, we should create an organizational culture that sets customer service as a primary objective which in turn creates customers that remain loyal to our businesses. Ultimately, loyal and happy customers always result in better business.


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National Pawnbrokers Association Logo Sheet and Standards

The National Pawnbrokers Association’s logo is a registered trademark. Use is permitted only with permission from the Association after receipt of a completed Logo Use Agreement. Only members of the Association may use the logo.

INK COLORS: 2-color printing Blue: Pantone 2955 C Gold: Pantone 1255 C


PANTONE PROCESS COLOR: Blue: C 100% M 60% Y 0% Gold: C 10% M 30% Y 80%

K 30% K 20%

For use at 1 inch or less in scale

For use at over 1 inch in scale

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Tax Season



DID YOU NOTICE HOW TAX SEASON affected your human resources? It hits more than just your loan balance in the pawn business. On average, the number of employee applications is much lower once the tax money starts coming in, and if you have employees who are not engaged or committed to the team, turnover tends to go up. Being short-staffed or having inexperienced staff can be detrimental to the overall customer experience, which in turn hurts your bottom line. Just as it is important to train and push renew, renew, renew, it is equally important to take your team’s pulse and be properly staffed all year.


Make time and check in on your current employees. Set 45 minutes to an hour aside each day to focus on one employee, and do one of the following: • Ask them how they are doing • Teach them something new • Have them help you with a special project This will help you know who is engaged and who may be less than happy with their job.

You will likely find that your employees are caught off guard by the additional one-on-one attention, but stay consistent with your plan. It may take several weeks to build a trusting rapport. Once your employees understand your intentions, they will start to open up and really tell you what is on their minds. You will likely be surprised by what you lean.


It is also important to spend time every day recruiting and sourcing potential team members. Proactive recruiting allows you to have new candidates ready to go at all times and make a better hiring decision. When you are proactively recruiting you are in choosing mode, whereas if you are only recruiting when you are short-staffed you are in selection mode. Ultimately you want every new hire you bring on to be so good that you would hire them even if it made you overstaffed by one. The cost of being short staffed, looking for people, and hiring them is a drain on the team and your business if it is done reactively. It is important to do what it takes to maintain a good team so your business can reach its highest potential.

Cathy Gish HR Director Brittex Financial Inc.

How Much is it Costing You? The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) estimated that it costs $3,500 to replace one $8 per hour employee when all costs (recruiting, interviewing, hiring, training, reduced productivity, etc.) were considered. SHRM’s estimate was the lowest of 17 nationally respected companies who calculate this cost.

The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that the average cost of a bad hiring decision can equal 30% of the first year’s potential earnings. Three Keys to Good Hiring Decisions • Don’t make the process more complicated than it needs to be • Trust your judgment and instincts • Ask your team for their input


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Stuller is honored to sponsor the 26th National Pawnbroker Association Expo Welcome Reception. Join us for refreshing drinks, good food and great conversation. Also, visit us at Booth 211.

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Phone 337 262 7700

4/17/13 4:12 PM

Hidden Profits Scenario: Jewelry is a revenue source in your shop, but could you be losing out on extra profits? Solution: Learn how to discover your shop’s hidden profit potential. Utilizing money-saving tools such as the drain sweeper kit, gold mat and Quatro polishing unit, whose progressive 3-stage filtering system is 99.97% efficient at capturing precious metal particles, you won’t have to watch any more money walk out of your door. Learn more about these tools at our booth, online at, or call the Tools Tech Line at 800-877-7777 ext 4300. 47-4221

Bonus: Picture not enough for you? All of these items and more will be at the Stuller booth. Be sure to stop by!



“I’m Andy the Tool Guy. In 1999, I became part of the Tools Division at Stuller, Inc. Since then, I’ve been the guy people talk to when they need the right tool for a job. Any job! Let me be the guy you talk to when you need something.”

Visit us at the National Pawn Expo, booth 211. For more information on these products or any other Stuller solutions, call us at 800-877-7777 or visit us online at

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Phone 337 262 7700

4/17/13 4:13 PM

- POWER RALLY CONGRESS: THE EASY WAY TO CONTACT YOUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS The Rally Congress section of the NPA website will allow you to support NPA’s legislative efforts so that the pawn industry has a coordinated, united message to our Senators and Representatives. Three easy steps!

Total Peace of Mind. It’s knowing your bases are covered with the best team behind you. And they are … MID-STATES. One of the largest and most reputable precious metal processors in the U.S., Mid-States’ financial strength provides complete assurance that under all market conditions, settlements are paid, metals on account are secure and fully-insured, and instant access to cash is always available. Every day, for every melt, without compromise. Knowing your materials are with the best team … Go ahead, win the game. For Total Peace of Mind, Make It Mid-States.

1. Go o to the Rally Congress web page. Click on the red button that says “Take Action.” 2. Review the letter that NPA has provided for you. Make changes if necessary, and enter your contact information. 3. Review your letter one last time. Click the red “Send Letters” button, away it goes! You’re done!

800 551 0083


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4/25/13 1:21 PM

Dear Pawnshop Owner, How much money would you be willing to take out of your pocket, lay down on a table, and walk away from forever? Better yet, how much money would you allow someone else to keep, when it is money that is rightfully yours? Would you sell your pawn business for less than it is truly worth? My name is Steve Stallcup, President of Stallcup Group. The primary goal of my company is to ensure that our clients never leave money on the table when selling their pawn business. When it comes to negotiating a sale, the only tactic that matters are numbers – detailed analysis-driven data that a buyer can’t negotiate against, because it’s fact. And when facts are presented to show the true value of your pawn business, more often than not the buyer’s initial offer is revealed to be far lower than what you deserve. With more than 17 closings comprised of 61 pawnshops for a combined total of more than $125M, we’ve put real money in the hands of owners just like you. Our proprietary financial modeling, fact-based analysis and years of industry experience level the playing field for our clients, and maximize the selling price of their business. Take a look at at a few examples below, and how we’ve achieved $250,000; $1M; $2M+ more than what buyers are offering our clients for their pawn business. That’s real profit that would have been left on the table if those owners hadn’t called us.

Stallcup Group’s Impact on Initial Sales Offers: EXAMPLE 1:


3.2 million



4.5 million



5 million $




Examples shown represent the financial impact Stallcup Group achieved for the business owner from initial offer to final closing. Initial offer and final closing are not necessarily from the same buying entity. Examples are actual closings, and transaction details are withheld for confidentiality purposes.

If you’re in the market – or just weighing your options – to sell your business, I would appreciate a few minutes of your time. Our conversation will be completely confidential, and free of any obligation or risk. You can only sell your business once; make certain you are recieving the true value for your pawn business. At Stallcup Group, We’re On Your Side. Respectfully, Steve Stallcup President, Stallcup Group

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THE NPA MENTOR PROGRAM IS DESIGNED to match emerging leaders in the pawn industry with seasoned pawnbrokers to create a dynamic team for learning and growth. Mentors are paired with participants for a 12-month professional journey. NPA mentors are valuable resources to these new pawn professionals. They share their professional knowledge and experiences with their mentee, answer questions about the industry, and look for ways to offer careerstrengthening experiences and introductions. Both mentors and mentees grow professionally from the experience. To review the Mentor Program Guidelines, visit www. For more information on the program, email Margie Swoyer, NPA Director of Membership,


Steve Rogers Ben Levinson Diane Taylor Kerry Rainey Rick Sussman Frank Massa

I served in the capacity of mentor for Bob McEowen of Jefferson City, MO. I encouraged him to attend his first Pawn Expo and though initially reluctant, he and his wife Anne were very pleased to discover the knowledge base represented by the large turnout. He has also benefitted from, and become a contributor to, the NPA Member Forum. Overall, I think that it has been a beneficial experience for both of us.

I enjoyed the time I spent with my mentee, Boris Cybu, La Estrella Pawn Shop, Aruba. l. found myself reverting back to my beginning in the business and realized I was actually a better teacher than student. It does not matter how long or experienced one is you can still learn. It felt good helping a fellow pawnbroker avoid pitfalls. I had to learn the hard way. I only wish I could have had more face time with Boris….In ARUBA!

– Steve Rogers, Wellston Pawn Warner Robins, GA

– Frank D. Massa, Worldwide Pawn Bristol, IN


Bob McEowen Jamie Smith Carl Hilsz Beth/Adam Anundi Scott/Rita Paulsen Boris Cybul When NPA announced the mentor program, I eagerly signed up. I was paired with Steve Rogers. Steve was willing to provide as much or as little help as I needed. It has been a great comfort to have him to turn to. It was especially helpful to visit with him at the Pawn Expo in Las Vegas. He probably doesn’t realize how influential our conversations were, but they definitely made an impact. I have e-mailed Steve with questions and his advice and counsel have always been spot on. – Bob McEowen, Capital Pawn Jefferson City, MO


Have you downloaded NPA’s new and improved iPhone app? A free download of the NPA app is available for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad in the Apple App Store.


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Notice of NPA Annual Membership Meeting JULY 17, 2013

by KEVIN MACDONALD, Secretary National Pawnbrokers Association

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ANNUAL Membership Meeting of the National Pawnbrokers Association will be held at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, NV on July 17, 2013 from 8-9:45 a.m. At the meeting, the membership will ratify the slate of candidates provided by the Board of Directors for the election of Directors and receive reports from the Officers and the annual report. In addition, the membership will transact any other business that is brought before it in accordance with the bylaws of the association. The individual listed as the representative of the Pawnbroker Member with the Association shall be considered

the voting delegate. An alternate delegate may be selected if the representative is unable to attend the Annual Membership Meeting. The alternate delegate must be an employee, officer, or owner of the Pawnbroker Member. An alternate delegate form must be submitted at least three (3) weeks in advance of the meeting. If no alternate delegate form is submitted and the representative of the Pawnbroker Member is not in attendance, their vote shall be forfeited. All other forms of proxy voting are prohibited. For more information contact Dana Meinecke, NPA Executive Director at or 817-337-8830.


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Compliance Spring Cleaning AS THE FLOWERS BLOOM AND WE CLEAN OUT our garages, we should also make sure our compliance programs get some water and trimming. First, do you have a policy and procedure in place that covers Form 8300 and suspicious activity reporting requirements? Does this policy state how and when to report? Though an actual full-blown written pawn program is not required, the IRS will request written policies and procedures if you do get audited. Now is a good time to make sure you have them in place. As part of the requirements, your business must notify all customers of Form 8300 filings for the previous year. You will want to make sure that was done. If it hasn’t, complete that task ASAP. Are you a Dealer in Precious Metals (a scrap buyer)? If yes, you MUST have a written program in place. Unlike pawn, this is not an option. Now is a good time to take out that written program, dust it off, and make sure that you comply with the federal requirements, including:


Robert Frimet, CAMS Robert Frimet is President of RMF Consulting Group, Inc. and is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) serving the pawn, check cashing, payday, title, and other industries since 1991. Mr. Frimet offers compliance services nationwide and may be reached at 866-204-7209 or at

1 Ongoing documented training based on the schedule in your written program

2 Ongoing documented internal

monitoring based on the schedule in your written program

3 An annual written risk assessment 4 An independent review

If you’re a money service business (MSB) (check casher, wire transmitter, etc.), make sure that all of the above items are also completed for the MSB side of your business. Do you deal in credit (pawn loans)? If so, make sure your Red Flags Manual is in place, and you have an annual risk assessment performed as required by law. Yes, the regulations seem to be burdensome. However, if you put it on your calendar to address the requirements just as you plant those flowers in your garden, you will have your compliance side of the house smelling like roses. Make sure to attend the Pawn Expo 2013 in exciting Las Vegas. I will be presenting information about the latest and greatest federal compliance requirements.


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4/26/13 10:43 AM


Refining Your Knowledge of Precious Metals PMS 282

PMS 1255


NATIONAL PAWNBROKER MAGAZINE ASKED Dillon Gage Metals for best practices members should follow when buying and processing jewelry. NATIONAL PAWNBROKER MAGAZINE (NPM): What is the number one thing you would recommend to someone who wants to sell gold or silver jewelry? DILLON GAGE METALS (DGM): Make sure you know the current price of the precious metal. Dillon Gage provides the morning and afternoon London fixes on Twitter, Facebook, our website, We have a free phone app which constantly tracks spot prices throughout the day and we offer an online melt calculator to help you estimate your refining settlements. NPM: What questions should a pawnbroker ask refiners before doing business with them? DGM: We recommend asking your refiner the following questions: How long have you been in business? Make sure you trust your valuable inventory to an established company. What are your turnaround times? Time is money! With the current economy, refineries are extremely busy, so press for quick and accurate turnarounds. Ask if they are financially capable of handling large or multiple lots. Can you explain any fees? Look at the fee terminology and the actual return. It should be simple and straightforward. You can be promised a 99 percent return, but it could easily work out to be much less if there are other fees or your assays are continually lower than expected. Are you a full-service refiner? If not, ask what processes and metals you are limited to and how that will affect your turn-around time and return. What additional services do you provide that could help increase my revenue? A highly diversified refiner can offer services such as on-site stone removal; processing of low grade material like bench sweeps and floor sweeps; and state-of-the-art assay services. Are you in control of your pricing? A qualified refiner will lock in the spot price for your lot at any point that is convenient for you. This can include current market pricing (COMEX), locking in on the London Fix, or

providing a pool account for future pricing. This entails a hedging process on behalf of the refiner. Are you compliant with the EPA and all government rules and regulations? Something as simple as owning lab ware or glassware is illegal unless properly permitted. If a refiner were to have a legal problem while your material was in their possession, it could be legally tied up for an indefinite period. In the worst case, you could lose it. Can I get a sample? A sample of the melt should always be provided upon request. At Dillon Gage, we maintain samples on all refining lots for up to 60 days. The ability to witness the melt should also be a standard service available to you. Be wary of promises of unreasonably high returns on your scrap. Legitimate, qualified refiners work closely within the same pricing range. If you are working with a middleman who offers pricing and turnaround that is the same as an actual refiner, you should probably be concerned. It is fine to deal with a local middleman to speed up the process, but do not expect the pricing to come with immediate settlements from this type of facility. You must decide what compromises are acceptable to you. For more than 35 years, Dillon Gage Metals has offered international bullion and rare coin trading, online trading of physical metals, jewelry liquidation, refining services, diamond buying, and estate liquidations. Their state-of-the-art facility, in Dallas, Texas, offers fast turnarounds–as quick as 24-hours on high grade materials; dual assay services; competitive purchasing after the melt; and automated information sent via email to track progress of each lot from receipt to settlement. Dillon Gage Refinery also offers a state-ofthe-art, proprietary process for separating diamonds from scrap metal. This process can retrieve even the smallest melee, resulting in the greatest possible returns. For information on their services, visit or call at 888-436-3489.


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July 16-18, 2013 The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

What is Pawn Expo? Pawn Expo is the only national convention and trade show for the pawn industry. You will learn new ways to strengthen your business, connect with fellow pawnbrokers, and do business at the trade show featuring over 120 different companies. Leave energized and equipped with the latest industry knowledge.

ay 31, M y b r e t is g e R 200! Save Up To $

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Pawn Expo Highlights Opening Session – Columnist, author, and small business owner Gene Marks will deliver the keynote address “Economic, Political, and Other Key Trends: What’s Happening Today that Will Affect Your Business Tomorrow.”

Make money at Pawn Expo.

Welcome Reception – As the premier social event of the convention, this reception boasts the highest attendance and one of the best opportunities you will have to relax with your fellow attendees. Trade Show – The Pawn Expo Trade Show is the largest and most comprehensive trade show in the pawn industry. Spanning two days, this is the perfect place to find the products and services vital to the success of your business.

Bring your diamonds to sell in the privacy of the secure Diamond District trading room. Here you can negotiate the best deal with any vendor you choose. No appointments required. Annual Membership Meeting and Awards – Enjoy breakfast and find out the latest NPA news. Annual award winners and scholarship recipients will be recognized during the program. Closing Reception – Held at the Chandelier Bar, this event is the ideal way to spend your final evening in Las Vegas.

For the first time, NPA is partnering with American Forests to plant a tree for every person who attends Pawn Expo 2013. This effort, part of American Forests’ new Meeting ReLeaf program, will offset the carbon footprint of the meeting and support sustainability efforts. Since 1990, American Forests has planted more than 40 million trees, resulting in cleaner air and drinking water, restored habitat for wildlife and fish, and the removal of millions of tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Schedule of Events* Monday, July 15

Tuesday, July 16

Wednesday, July 17

Thursday, July 18

11:30am – 6:30pm Convention Registration

7:00am – 5:00pm Convention Registration

7:00am – 4:00pm Convention Registration

8:00am – 12:00pm Convention Registration

1:30pm – 6:30pm Diamond District

8:00am – 9:15am Opening Session

8:00am – 9:00am State Presidents Breakfast

5:30pm – 7:00pm Networking Reception

9:30am – 5:00pm Education Sessions

8:00am – 9:45am Annual Membership Meeting and Awards

9:30am – 5:30pm Diamond District 12:15pm – 1:45pm Pawnbroker Luncheon 7:00pm – 9:00pm Welcome Reception

10:00am – 11:20am Education Sessions and Pawnbroker Peer Roundtables 11:30am – 5:30pm Trade Show 4:00pm – 5:30pm Trade Show Reception

9:00am – 1:30pm Trade Show 1:45pm – 4:15pm Education Sessions and Pawnbroker Peer Roundtables 5:30pm – 7:00pm Closing Reception * Schedule is subject to change

Questions? – 888.808.7296 |

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Why Should I Attend? • Learn during educational sessions designed to give you the tools to strengthen your business and overcome challenges facing pawnbrokers today. • Connect with pawnbrokers from across the U.S. and the world and share your experiences. The most important resource could be the person sitting next to you. • Do business at the trade show, where you can visit over 120 vendors who understand your needs, and represent goods and services that pawnbrokers use everyday such as security, software, jewelry tools, and much more.

Creating a Blueprint for the Future NPA is creating a blueprint for the future of the pawn industry. Be a part of it by attending Pawn Expo.

W! O N R ST E m

REGI www

What’s New in 2013? • Networking Reception on Monday Night – This event is designed to help attendees connect at the very beginning of the convention. It is a must for first-time attendees and anyone interested in networking at Pawn Expo. • Pawnbroker Peer Roundtables – The pawnbroker sitting next to you is one of your greatest resources. At the roundtables, attendees have the opportunity to discuss current pawn topics with their peers and learn best practices from one another. • Education Sessions – Get ready to learn with a brand new slate of education sessions designed to help you build your own blueprint for the future. • Pawnbroker Luncheon on Tuesday – Relax between education sessions and enjoy lunch. • New Schedule – Enjoy a new schedule that helps you make the most of your time at Pawn Expo.

Advocacy is the key driver of NPA’s legislative efforts, and it starts with you. Learn to develop relationships and communicate with local, state, and federal legislators. Gain a better understanding of how the legislative process works and how your voice can be heard as a representative of the pawn industry. Education is ongoing and ever changing. Keeping up with current trends and learning new ways to improve your business and the industry will keep us all successful. Connections affect every part of your business and your industry. Whether it’s a relationship with a fellow pawnbroker, local law enforcement, key legislators, or a superb vendor, they can all impact your life and business in positive ways. Understand how these connections are critical to your success and how your goals are usually not so different than those of the person at the other end of that connection. These relationships are a key resource in our mission to move the pawn industry forward.


Questions? – 888.808.7296 |

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Education Sessions Opening Session Keynote:

Economic, Political, and Other Key Trends: What’s Happening Today that Will Affect Your Business Tomorrow Gene Marks, Columnist, Author, and Small Business Owner Tuesday, July 16, 8:00am - 9:15am Find out what today’s winning companies are doing to make sure they’re earning profits tomorrow. Gene will explain the meaning behind today’s numbers, the trends in politics and the economy, the new technologies coming on the market, and where winning leaders expect tomorrow’s opportunities to be.

Grassroots Advocacy: Why Your Voice Matters Joe Gagen Legislative Grassroots Trainer

Tuesday, July 16, 9:30am - 10:50am In this highly interactive, entertaining presentation, Joe Gagen, a national speaker on legislative and public policy advocacy, will demonstrate why your voice is critical in advocating for our industry before elected officials. You will learn how to effectively convey our positions to your legislators and how to build relationships that will contribute to our long term success.

Are You a Target? Personal and Store Security Doron Benbenisty Owner and Founder, Counter Terrorism Training School, Inc. Thursday, July 18, 1:45pm - 4:15pm Doron will offer unique knowledge on how to deter criminals and how to deceive, detect, and respond to them. You will learn solutions to different types of vulnerabilities that criminals take advantage of, such as armed robbery in the store, attacks around owner and employee vehicles, and home invasions.

Federal Prohibitors: Behind the Scenes

Harry McCabe Compliance Consultant, National Shooting Sports Foundation Wednesday, July 17, 10:05am - 11:20am Did you know there are 10 categories that would federally prohibit a person from receiving a firearm? This presentation will dive into these categories and review the different types of research that must be conducted prior to the FFL receiving a final status.

Delivering Excellent Customer Service at the Pawn Counter Kathleen R. Barbee Business Development Manager, Lombard Financial Services, LP Wednesday, July 17, 10:05am - 11:20am The customer is the most essential part of any business, and the pawn customer often enters your business under stressful circumstances. In this session, you will learn how to build trust with your customers and what questions to ask in order to determine the most profitable transaction for your business.

Questions? – 888.808.7296 |

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Leading the Charge in Washington, DC: Team GRC Larry Nuckols Chairman, NPA Government Relations Committee Tuesday, July 16, 11:15am - 12:15pm The NPA Government Relations Committee (Team GRC) is hard at work leading advocacy efforts for the association. Team GRC will bring you up to date on the latest developments in Washington on issues facing the pawn industry, future challenges, and how you can help make a difference.

Hiring the Right Employee the First Time Cathy Gish Human Resources Director, Brittex Financial Inc. Tuesday, July 16, 3:25pm - 4:55pm Tired of constant employee turnover? Learn how to find and hire the right employees the first time around. This seminar will benefit anyone who needs to know more about hiring and training, from the seasoned pawnbroker to those without formal training.

Federal Compliance—A Necessity! Robert Frimet President, RMF Consulting Group, Inc. Tuesday, July 16, 1:45pm - 3:10pm Knowledge is power, and knowing the regulations you must comply with as a pawnbroker or precious metals buyer can and will promote a healthy business. With state and federal regulators stepping up their audits and banks looking to ensure that all pawnbrokers and precious metals buyers are in compliance, this seminar is more important than ever.

Yellow Pages are Dying. Move Your Advertising Budget to AdWords Now! Emmett Murphy New Media Strategist, 3 CLiCk Media Tuesday, July 16, 1:45pm - 3:10pm If you are on the fence about spending advertising dollars on online advertising such as Google AdWords, Emmett Murphy will provide a detailed report that may convince you to move your marketing budget to AdWords from traditional options like the Yellow Pages. Learn why you should be a leader in this arena before it’s too late.

How To: NPA Website and Online Communications Chris Pearcey Communications Specialist, National Pawnbrokers Association Tuesday, July 16, 11:15am - 12:15pm Chris Pearcey from NPA and Emmett Murphy from 3 CLiCk Media will provide a rundown of how you can best utilize NPA’s online services to educate your staff, stay on top of breaking pawn news, and access the wealth of knowledge about the pawn industry that the NPA has developed. Utilize the full value of the NPA and don’t miss out on this essential information.

Hallmarks and Trademarks: Understanding Marks on Precious Metals Danusia Niklewicz Director of International Research, Hallmark Research Institute

William Whetstone Historical Director, Hallmark Research Institute

Tuesday, July 16, 3:25pm - 4:55pm How often do you see stamped marks on items of gold, silver, or platinum and wonder what the marks mean and how they affect the value of the item? This session will demonstrate the difference between hallmarks and trademarks, what these marks reveal, and the importance of understanding them, all in a visually dynamic presentation that makes learning fun and easy.

Questions? – 888.808.7296 |

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Hotel Information Oversized living spaces. Private terraces. A collection of gourmet restaurants. Onsite boutique shops and night clubs. That’s the new definition of contemporary hotel luxury and what’s waiting for you at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

3708 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV 89109

NPA Room Rate

City Room/Terrace Studio, single/double: $139.00 Terrace Suite: $500.00 Reservations and Resort Services: 877.551.7772

The NPA rate is available until June 21, 2013, based on availability. Visit for information on how to make online reservations.

Airfare Discounts A 5% discount off the lowest applicable published fare is available to attendees who book travel with American Airlines. Online reservations can be made at Choose “More Flight Search Options” and insert promotion code 2173DH in the appropriate box. Phone reservations can be made by calling American Airlines at 1.800.433.1790 from anywhere in the United States or Canada and referring to your promotion code. Additional reservation charges apply for phone reservations. The discount is valid for travel between July 12, 2013 – July 22, 2013.

Questions? – 888.808.7296 |

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4/17/13 4:30 PM


NPA Members Give Back



ON MARCH 26TH IN JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI, THE sounds of drums, horns, and guitars filled the hallways of Rowan Middle School as new musical instruments were passed around and played in the band room. Members of the National Pawnbrokers Association (NPA) and The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation (MHOF) visited Jackson that day as a part of Musical Instrument Gift Day. The organizations donated new and restored instruments to the middle school’s band department.


Now in its fourth year, NPA’s Musical Instrument Gift Day provides pawnbrokers from around the country the opportunity to make generous donations of musical instruments to schools and organizations in need. This year, NPA partnered with MHOF, who recommended Rowan Middle School as a recipient in need of new instruments. Many of the instruments that the middle school owns are old and in need of repair. The generous donors included: Kevin Macdonald with Jackson’s own Momentum Pawn; Stephen W. Miller representing Dillon Gage Inc. of Dallas; the Mississippi A future star is born with support from the National Pawnbrokers Association Musical Instrument Gift Day!

Kevin Macdonald, Momentum Pawn, (right) presents NPA’s Gift Day contributions to Rowan Middle School students. He is joined by Jackson City Councilwoman Margaret Barrett Simon, State Representative Credell Calhoun, and Nick Fulton, USA Pawn.

Pawnbrokers Association; Steve Rogers; Christopher McCarthy; Gracelyn Strange; Ben Levinson; Steve Foglesong; Dana and Juergen Meinecke; Phil Webb; Daniel Wagner; Adam Bowers; and Brian Thompson. With these new and refurbished instruments, Rowan’s band teacher, Lynise Little, will be able to ensure that more students will be able to learn a new instrument, even if they are unable to buy one. “It means that they will be able to train young people to go on to do great things in their lives,” said State Representative Credell Calhoun. After such a successful day at Rowan Middle School, both organizations hope to partner again for next year’s Musical Instrument Gift Day, making a real and tangible difference in the lives of America’s youth. For more information on NPA’s Gift Day, go to For more information on MHOF, go to


040_Gift Day.indd 40

5/1/13 12:57 PM

"You have the most robust product that I have ever encountered. - Capital Pawn Shop Inc.

How can Data Age use its 2500 plus customers and 25 years of industry leading experience to help you?

Our Pawn Shop In-A-Box, is a complete turnkey solution that will have you up and running in no time. PawnMaster is a feature rich pawn management software that leverages decades of experience and feedback unlike anything else available in the marketplace today. Pawn Shop-In-A-Box Includes:      

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PawnMaster FP.indd 41

Dell Computer Bar Code Scan Gun w/stand Label Printer – Dymo Labels – Inventory Laser Printer – Dual Feed PawnMaster® Flex – Single User o Pawns and Purchases o Inventory Controls o Sales/Layaways/Repairs o Reliable Data Storage o Dozens of Reports

(888) 949-7296

4/17/13 4:16 PM


Identifying Hallmarks:



by HALLMARK RESEARCH INSTITUTE William Whetstone, Danusia Niklewicz, and Lindy Matula

THE LAST ISSUE OF NATIONAL PAWNBROKER magazine introduced the important difference between a hallmark and a trademark. In this issue, we will cover one of the first and most widely recognized hallmarking countries, Great Britain. In the U.S.A. and Canada, where there are no hallmarking laws, the two most common marks found on precious metal items are the maker’s mark (trademark) and a fineness mark. If you look at precious metal marks on items from abroad, you will often see hallmarks. Hallmarks are legally required markings on items made of precious metal that prove independent testing and guarantees the fineness content. Often hallmarks provide a wealth of additional information. To understand hallmarks better, let’s take a look at those of Great Britain, one of the countries where hallmarking began.

in France started the trend of assaying and hallmarking throughout Europe. To confirm that metalsmiths were in compliance, it was ordered that every item made be taken to their local Goldsmith’s Hall where master assayers would test each item, hence the name Hall-marks. If the item tested as the fineness claimed by the maker, it would be marked with a single royal mark–the leopard’s head wearing a crown. If the item did not pass the assay test, the maker was fined or imprisoned and the piece was smashed by the assayer. These consequences provided powerful incentives that substantially curbed much of the fraud, while successfully establishing the longest running consumer protection act, which is still in use today. Over the past eight centuries, additional hallmarks have been added to the leopard’s head, creating the sequential series of hallmarks known as the modern British hallmarks.



In Great Britain, the sequence of hallmarks can have as few as three and as many as seven hallmarks on most precious metal items. They identify the type of precious metal (fig.2), the fineness (fig.3), the city or town of the assay office (fig.4), the year it was hallmarked (fig.5), and the maker’s mark (fig.1). Under specific circumstances there could also be duty marks (fig.6), import marks, or special commemorative hallmarks.

By the end of the 13th century, both England and France established the first gold and silver marking laws due to the rampant fraud of under-karating by adding non-precious metals to gold and silver. King Henry III of England decreed in 1238 that all gold and silversmiths were not to make any item with a lower standard than the king’s money, which was 22kt for gold and 925 for silver. This and similar laws

Hallmark Figure







GOLD 1) Maker’s mark – H•A 2) Crown – UK mark for gold (Note: Lion Passant for sterling silver. Sheffield town mark also was a crown.) 3) Standard fineness – 22 kt gold 4) Town mark – Anchor for Birmingham 5) Date letter – Gothic “P” for 1870 6) Duty paid mark – Queen Victoria

SILVER 1) Maker’s mark – SGC 2) Lion Passant – Sterling silver 3) Standard fineness – 925 silver 4) Town mark – Leopard’s head for London 5) Date letter – San serif “e” for 2004 Figure







42-43 Hallmark.indd 42

4/17/13 4:31 PM

FEATURE ARTICLE The fineness mark identifies the precious metal, whether it is gold, silver, platinum, or palladium. Until near the end of the 18th century, the famous Lion Passant (walking) mark was used on both 22kt gold and sterling silver. In 1798, the symbol of a crown was introduced for both 22kt and the new addition of 18kt. In 1854, the standards of 15kt, 12kt, and 9kt were also authorized. This lasted until 1932, when 15kt and 12kt were replaced to match the more common standards used in America, 14kt and 10kt. In 1975, the orb and cross was introduced for platinum, and in 2010, a mark with a stylized helmeted Greek warrior’s head was legislated for palladium.

The assay office mark, traditionally called a “town mark,” is a symbol that clearly identifies the town where the item was hallmarked. At one time, due to distance and questionable shipping security, there were eight principle assay offices in Great Britain as well as many

minor provincial offices. In today’s world of expedited and secure shipping, the number of offices has been regionally centralized to just four. There are some rare, minor provincial town marks that are avidly collected by specialists and can bring substantial premiums over silver melt value. The concept of a date letter, changed annually to effectively identify the assay master of that year, was first introduced in 1478. While date letters are still used in Britain, as of 1998, date hallmarks are voluntary. British silver dated very early is highly desirable and can sell for substantially more than melt, while the value of silver dated from the mid-18th century to the present is more influenced by the item’s workmanship and the maker than by when it was made. Special marks, such as the duty marks of 1784 to 1890, were proof that manufacturing taxes had been paid. Import marks identified that, while foreign made, the item was of a correct fineness. Commemorative marks indicate historical events such as the Queen’s Jubilee (50th year of reign) and the Millennium year, 2000. Obviously, we have just scratched the surface of British hallmarks. You can learn more in our book World Hallmarks–Vol. I–Europe, 19th to 21st Centuries.


42-43 Hallmark.indd 43

4/17/13 4:32 PM





WhitePine 1.indd 44

4/17/13 4:16 PM

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4/17/13 4:17 PM

abc diamond.indd 46

4/17/13 4:18 PM


Pawn Talk Live


NATIONAL PAWNBROKER MAGAZINE VISITED with Michael Mack, Max Pawn, Las Vegas, NV about his successful radio show, Pawn Talk Live, that airs every Saturday at 3 p.m. PST. NATIONAL PAWNBROKER (NP): What is Pawn Talk Radio? MICHAEL MACK (MM): Pawn Talk Radio is a live show where people can call in with questions about items they might want to pawn. We can give an idea of the value of items or answer questions about gold prices. Some people just call in with some interesting stories. NP: How did you get started in the radio business? MM: About three years ago, I bought time on a local AM radio station, KLAV. The cost was $150-$250 per hour. I hosted the show and brought on guests. NP: So, it was like buying advertising? MM: Not really. My goal was that the show be an advocate for the industry, not just an advertorial for Max Pawn. I wanted to improve the reputation of pawn and provide valuable information, like our precious metals report. NP: How did you grow the show? MM: Basically, we started self-promoting. For example, we included information on our pawn and sales tickets. NP: How large was your audience on the local station? MM: It started at around 60 people. But we focused on our promotion efforts and within a year-and-a-half we were at 4,000 listeners. NP: What type of people listen to your show? MM: Talk radio listeners are typically a littler older and very loyal to the shows they follow. NP: What happened next? MM: CBS picked up the show. We’re now on FM and AM and we stream live on the internet around the globe. Our listenership is around 60,000 now. We’re the number one talk radio show in Vegas on weekends. NP: What else is happening? MM: About four months ago, we launched Pawn Talk in

Spanish on a local Spanish station with a loyal following. There are three Spanish-speaking hosts, two from my store. NP: How do you decide what to include on your show? MM: The show is a great business draw, but my goal is to advocate for the pawn industry, to improve the image. I don’t knock any business or competitors. I just want people to have a better understanding of who we are, what we do, and how we benefit the economy. I keep the information basic, and explain pawn lingo so they become more comfortable in dealing with pawn stores. NP: What type of guests do you include? MM: We have all types of guests, from fellow pawnbrokers to item-specific experts. For example, we do a segment called “Fashion Spin” where a California consignment boutique reports in on the latest fashion trends in designer handbags. I love having other pawn store owners and managers on the show, so if you’re in Vegas, let me know! NP: Is the show paying for itself? MM: Yes, and we’re able to make money. I buy the time for the show, and then sponsors cover that cost. For example, I have sponsors for the diamond and precious metals reports. NP: Talk about your current format. MM: I have two co-hosts for the show, one of whom is a local radio personality. This really helps me collect my thoughts and be more concise. NP: What’s next? MM: We’re being looked at for national syndication within the next year. We also plan to start doing roadshows across the country. We would love to partner with local pawn stores for these shows. NP: Do you recommend this for other pawn stores? MM: Yes! It has been great for business. I’ll be happy to help anyone who’s interested in more information. NP: How can we listen? MM: You can hear the show live online by going to http:// Max Pawn has past shows cataloged on the website at


047_Max.indd 47

5/1/13 1:00 PM

They Come And They Go.

See us at Pawn Expo Booth #345 July 16-18

We’ll Still Be Here After They’re Gone.    

Refining Since 1912 24-Hour Settlements Free Shipping Gold: Up To 99%

As the value of gold rises, many “refineries” crop up to take advantage of the market. Since 1912, we have built our reputation as a leader in the refining industry by always placing the highest value on our customers. At Hoover & Strong, we deliver honest and fair returns, quick settlements, and the excellent customer service that we promise. For over 100 years, we have kept your needs first, expanding our refining capabilities to include stone removal, analytical services, and direct diamond-purchasing. Our Eco-Friendly/Green Refinery - Our commitment to you goes hand-in-hand with our commitment to the environment. In April 2012, Scientific Certification Systems (SCS), a globally-recognized independent third party certifier and sustainability expert certified Hoover & Strong as a Responsible Refinery. We are proud to have earned the SCS Certification and we will continue to strive to be the most “green” refiner in the industry! Call Danny or Trisha today to learn how you can get your first refining lot with no fees!

Free R efining


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Hoover FP.indd 48

4/25/13 9:13 AM




by KIM BROWN, NICS Section FFL, Liaison Specialist,

DURING THE PAST FEW MONTHS, THE NICS Section has been forced to make some major process changes due to unprecedented transaction and call volume. Please note that, until further notice, the NICS Section can no longer accept calls from FFLs for status checks. In order to check the status of a delayed NICS Transaction Number (NTN), you must enroll in the NICS E-Check. This online process allows FFLs to check the status of their phone and internet transactions, 24/7. Please note that you can continue to call the NICS Contracted Call Centers to initiate your background checks if you do not want to begin them on the internet. This process has not been modified. You may continue to call the NICS Section at 877-324-6424 and press 1 (one) to do a background check. After the background check is initiated, you must log onto the NICS E-Check to view your NTN statuses. During the past few months, the NICS E-Check has been running with little to no delay. The average wait time

for the FFL to receive a status on a transaction is less than two minutes. If you are interested in enrolling in the NICS E-Check system, you must complete a new NICS FFL enrollment form, including the NICS E-Check sections 12-14. The enrollment form is located on the NICS FFL website, If you are a current FFL and you are already enrolled to conduct background checks by phone, you must submit a request to use the NICS E-Check at www. Once the FFL has registered and completed an enrollment form, the NICS E-Check Examiner will issue a digital certificate and send it with the download instructions to the FFL by e-mail. Once the digital certificate is downloaded to your computer, you will be ready to conduct the NICS background checks on the internet. For more information visit,

Minimize Unnecessary/Duplicate Work

The NICS Contracted Call Centers will continue to conduct NICS background checks for FFLs who wish to process their transactions by phone. However, to avoid unnecessary and/or duplicate work, please note the following: • Have ATF Form 4473 completed prior to making the a call to the NICS Section.

• Only call with new transactions. Do not try to do a

status checks on previous delays. The NICS Section processes these transactions in the order they were received. Once the transactions are completed, they are instantly put in a queue for the FFL to be called back. If we have completed transactions during transfer calls, they are provided at that time.

• Please do not conduct duplicate NICS background a

checks for the same transaction. For example, do not call multiple times or when initiating a NICS E-Check transaction. This can be considered misuse of the NICS and slows down final status reports to the FFL.

Once the FFL receives an NTN, the transaction will be a

processed. In the event that you are disconnected during the transfer or must hang up, and IF you have already been provided an NTN, please do not void or call in a new transaction.

These transactions will automatically be sent to the a

NICS delay queue to be processed. In the event this does happen, mark Form 4473 “delayed.” The transfer date can then be established by going to the NICS FFL website at and choosing “A NICS Delay” under “NICS Information.”

• The NICS Section is diligently working to process a

delayed transactions. When we call with a final status, please take the information at that time. This will eliminate duplicate calls for both parties.


049_NICS.indd 49

4/25/13 8:42 AM


NPA Sponsors Golf Tournament


NPA IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT IT WILL be a Gold Sponsor at the 7th Annual Missouri Conservation Agents Association Golf Tournament. The tournament will take place on Sunday, August 11, 2013 at Old Kinderhook Golf Course in Camdenton, MO. All funds raised from this year’s event will go to benefit the Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) Spouses Retreat. C.O.P.S. provides resources to assist surviving families and affected co-workers of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. The organization also provides training to law enforcement agencies on survivor victimization issues and educates the public on the need to support the law enforcement profession and its survivors.

Four players will represent the NPA in the tournament. Two have signed up already: Kathy O’Kelley, Chief of Police in Springdale, AR, and Tim Collier, Pacer, Ltd., Little Rock, AR. We would like to thank them in advance for supporting such an important cause. The foursome will be finalized in May. The NPA is a long-time contributor to C.O.P.S., supporting the organization through numerous events and scholarships each year. For more information on the NPA’s contributions to C.O.P.S. and other charitable groups, or to find out how you can lend your support, contact Dana Meinecke, NPA Executive Director,, or visit the NPA website at Visit for more information.

PAYING 99% AND MORE! We Buy Gold, Silver and Platinum

US GOLD REFINERY 212.444.4700 • 888.824.3573 78 W 47 Street, Booth 28, New York, NY 10036 DCA#1385065


050_COPS.indd 50

4/23/13 3:11 PM

National Pawnbrokers Association Logo Sheet and Standards

The National Pawnbrokers Association’s logo is a registered trademark. Use is permitted Association after receipt of a completed Logo Use Agreement. Only members of the As

INK COLORS: 2-color printing Blue: Pantone 2955 C Gold: Pantone 1255 C


PANTONE PROCES Blue: C 100% M Gold: C 10% M

For use at 1 inch or less in scale

For use at over 1 inch in scale

Blueground FP.indd 51

4/25/13 9:11 AM

Everyone who Buys/Sells Gold will want one! Gold Tester

iPad not included.


#817-1050 - Apple Version #817-1051 - Android Version

The AuRACLE gold tester has evolved to a NEW generation in a mobile version. Amazingly use your favorite Apple iOS or Android device for testing gold and platinum. Safe and easy to use! FREE GROUND FREIGHT on your orders. Use Promo Code “NP503” Free UPS Ground/US Mail only up to 40lbs; US states only. Expires 6/30/2013

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201 Hancock Avenue • Bridgeport, CT 06605, USA 203-366-5400, 800-243-4466 • Fax 203-366-3953 203-366-5400, 800-243-4466

Pawn Broker Spring 2013 FINAL.indd 1

3/7/13 2:17 PM


052_Ads.indd 52

4/25/13 9:09 AM


NSSF® Promotes Don’t Lie for the Other Guy Program TM



THE NATIONAL SHOOTING SPORTS FOUNDATION (NSSF) finds many avenues to fulfill its mission to promote, protect, and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Many of those programs and efforts prove to be a huge aid to law enforcement. One such program is Don’t Lie for the Other Guy, the retailer education and public awareness program that helps deter and prevent illegal straw purchases of firearms. The effort is an ongoing national campaign, but NSSF has set its sights on Texas and Arizona. Radio and billboard advertisements for the Don’t Lie program have communicated the message in English and Spanish along the Southern border of these states. The message is, “Buy a gun for someone who can’t and buy yourself 10 years in jail. Whatever you do … Don’t Lie for the Other Guy …” The public-education program is funded by the firearms industry. ATF has called it “vital” and “an important tool for ATF as it pursues its mission of preventing terrorism, reducing violent crime, and protecting the nation.”


Don’t Lie is a cooperative program between the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and NSSF. The effort was developed over a decade ago to raise public awareness about the seriousness of purchasing a

firearm for someone who cannot legally do so. The program also helps ATF educate firearms dealers so they can be better prepared to deter potential straw purchases. The public campaign drives home the message that anyone attempting an illegal firearm purchase faces a stiff Federal felony penalties of up to 10 years in jail or up to $250,000 in fines. In the retailer segment, FFLs are provided a Don’t Lie retailer kit. Each kit contains a training video and informational brochure for storeowners and staff as well as point-of-purchase displays aimed to deter illegal straw purchases. Learn more about Don’t Lie for the Other Guy, and request a retailer kit at

NSSF Retailer Education Seminars NSSF holds free Retailer Education Seminars around the country each year and among the topics covered is straw-purchase awareness. The seminars bring together FFL retailers and NSSF consultants retired from the ATF, plus an expert on the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Topics covered in the seminars, besides strawpurchase awareness include how to: • Properly complete Form 4473 • Manage inventory control • Assess store security • Process a NICS background check

For more information, contact Patrick Shay, NSSF Director of Retail Development, at, or visit the NSSF Retailer Education Seminar webpage. 2013 Retailer Education Seminar Schedule • Greensboro, NC–May 14 • St. Louis, MO–June 18 • Kansas City, MO–June 20 • Des Moines, IA–July 16 • Cincinnati, OH–August 13 • Cleveland, OH–August 15 • Salt Lake City, UT–September 10


053_NSSF.indd 53

4/22/13 10:47 AM


Rogue Gold Buyers: A Conversation with Ric Blum by EMMETT MURPHY, 3 CLiCk Media

EMMETT MURPHY, 3 CLICK MEDIA, RECENTLY sat down with Ohio Loan Company V.P. Ric Blum to talk candidly about the issue of gold buying scams and how consumers can protect themselves. EMMETT MURPHY: How prevalent are gold scams in the U.S. today? RIC BLUM: It is difficult to count them or even estimate their numbers. If you were to do a Google search for “sell your gold” or something equivalent, you would find thousands of hits. I’m not saying every internet buyer is trying to take advantage of someone, but you are often sending your valuables to an unknown person or business and this is a risk. EM: Who is cracking down on these types of operations? RB: For the most part, I would say no one. This is part of what a true scammer relies upon. For rogue gold buyers from out of state, you need to jump through a lot of hoops to even get someone to look into your situation. You can make a complaint to the local Better Business Bureau, but this does little good. Calling your local law enforcement agency will not help because the matter is out of their jurisdiction. Filing a complaint with the law enforcement agency where you may have sent your gold will likely not produce any better results. For that matter, even finding the scammer could prove futile. Most will move on a regular basis or operate out of rented mail boxes. Next, it is your word against theirs. Unless you had your gold assayed locally before sending it, you really don’t know the exact gold content. Finally, the gold–or evidence–is usually gone by the time a complaint is acted upon. EM: Can you give a description of how a rogue gold buyer might operate? RB: There are two basic types of scams. In one, you send your gold to a scammer and it “never arrives,” or, upon

receiving an offer which you decline, it is never returned, “lost in the mail.” A second type of scam occurs when you are paid a very small percent of the value of your gold. Many people really do not know what they should expect to receive or the value of their jewelry, its gold content, and whether or not it is real. Another popular scam is the gold buying party. These are usually sponsored by a local person who is encouraged to invite all of their friends over to their house and bring their jewelry to sell to a “gold buyer.” Besides the fact that the sellers are often not paid fairly, there are usually kickbacks paid to the party sponsor. EM: What advice do you have for people who are looking to sell their gold? RB: First, there are more businesses buying gold than just pawnshops. Almost every jewelry store in the country is now buying gold. Gold is being bought in flea markets, barber shops, and auto repair facilities. Many are unlicensed and do not have the proper legal for trade scales. Never send your gold to someone out of town. Take it to two or three buyers and get offers. If you have multiple pieces, you may want to get individual offers on each piece. One buyer may be willing to pay more for some items than others. For the most part, buyers will be offering a percentage of melt value (scrap) for your gold. Any sentimental attachment you have to the item is between you and your jewelry, not the buyer. Grandma’s locket will get thrown in a container with everything else to be melted.


054_Blum.indd 54

4/26/13 10:11 AM

instant wire payment or overnight check

CALL US TODAY - Elite Time INC - (617) 742-2300

Elitetime FP.indd 55

4/17/13 4:20 PM

1 2 3

CASH AT CLOSING We have the financial resources to pay cash at closing.

WE UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF AN “AGGRESSIVE OFFER” As pawnshop operators, we understand the true value of your business, and we will evaluate several factors before making an offer.

QUICK AND HASSLE-FREE CLOSING We’re set up to help you every step of the way, from handling questions to helping you prepare and file all the necessary paperwork. We make the entire process smooth and simple.

Proud to announce the recent acquisitions of 34 Central Pawn and Pawn and Bargain locations. AT CASH AMERICA, we’ve built a reputation as being the largest purchaser of pawnshops in the world. And right now, we’re extremely interested in discussing purchasing pawnshops like yours. As a successful pawnshop owner, you’ve invested a lot of time, energy and money in your business. And the idea of selling it may never have occurred to you. Even if you’ve thought about it before, you may not have known where to start. Cash America has made it easy to explore your options. All you have to do is call 1-866-291-8110, or visit us at You could be closing on your business and getting cash in hand before you know it!

Call 1-866-291-8110 or visit Cash America ad.indd 56 Sell Your Business Now Rev2012_8x10.5.indd 1

4/17/13 4:21 PM 1/14/13 4:35 PM


Servicemembers Civil Relief Act IV. Adverse Action Prohibition The fact that a service member applies for, or receives a stay, postponement, or suspension of his or her obligations or liabilities pursuant to the SCRA may not in itself provide the basis for adverse actions such as a denial of credit in substantially the same amount or terms as requested or a report relating to creditworthiness to a consumer reporting agency. V.Private Rights of Act with Statutory Minimum Damages of $500 A successful plaintiff can expect to obtain: • Actual damages, but not less than $500 (“the statutory penalty” referred to above) • “Appropriate punitive damages” • Other forms of equitable relief • Reasonable attorney’s fees and costs The action may be brought either within: • Two (2) years after the discovery of the violation • Five (5) years after the date of the violation These rules are effective for all credit and loans extended after December 28, 2012.

VI. Relief for Co-Owners and Guarantors Whenever a court grants a stay, postponement, or suspension to a service member on an obligation, it may likewise grant a person primarily or secondarily liable such a stay, postponement, or suspension. This is not as likely to affect a pawn transaction. VII. What Does the SCRA Mean for Pawnbrokers in Dollar Terms? Here is a recent example of what the SCRA does: A customer entered into a pawn transaction of $650 in July. He was deployed in August and, therefore, is eligible for the straight six percent rate limit of the SCRA, which includes interest and any and all fees. The total amount of his interest would be figured as six percent of $650 which totals $39. Under New York law where the pawn took place, the 4-month loan would allow collection of $104 in interest, $19.50 in fees, and a $10 ticket fee, for a total of $133.50. If the pawn was extended three times within a year, state law would allow $400.50 in income. However, because of the military deployment, the pawnbroker can only collect $39 if the loan is outstanding for a year, not $400.50. The difference in fees and interest would obviously vary depending on the amount your particular state law allows pawnbrokers to charge.


010,013,064_SCRA.indd 57

4/25/13 8:21 AM

National Pawnbrokers Association Logo Sheet and Standards

The National Pawnbrokers Association’s logo is a registered trademark. Use is permitted only with permission from the Association after receipt of a completed Logo Use Agreement. Only members of the Association may use the logo.

INK COLORS: 2-color printing Blue: Pantone 2955 C Gold: Pantone 1255 C


PANTONE PROCESS COLOR: Blue: C 100% M 60% Y 0% Gold: C 10% M 30% Y 80%

K 30% K 20%

For use at 1 inch or less in scale

For use at over 1 inch in scale



058_Ads.indd 58

4/17/13 4:34 PM



by JOHN BADOWSKI, Firearms Industry Technical Advisor Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives 202-648-7102,

ALTHOUGH NOT REQUIRED BY LAW, BEST practices are recommended activities that will help keep track of firearms in your store. Frequent spot checks and periodic inventories provide better accountability and proactively assist identification of any discrepancies in recordkeeping. You should conduct full inventories that include reconciliation at least once per year.


Placing identifying tags on each firearm in inventory is an effective tool to help keep track of them. On each tag you should, at a minimum, record the identifying information for the firearm and the page and line number or inventory number where it can be found in the Acquisition and Disposition (A&D) records. Make sure that you record the information directly from the firearm, and double-check the tag to ensure it is accurate.

You should derive any information recorded in your A&D record directly from the firearm, not from the label on its box or the corresponding commercial invoice. You should use these tags to conduct periodic inventories comparing the tags of firearms in inventory to the A&D record. One method is to create a list of all inventory numbers from each tag and compare that list to the open dispositions in the A&D record. This is a quick way to verify that you have accounted for each firearm.


Pursuant to 27 CFR 478.125(e), you have until the close of the next business day to record acquisitions in the A&D record and seven days to record the disposition of a firearm in the A&D record. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)

recommends that you record this information immediately, or the same day as the transaction. This can be done by:


Setting aside all completed Forms 4473 for each day’s sales in a centralized location. At the close of the business day, document the disposition of each fire arm recorded on all Forms 4473 in the disposition record.

aside firearms taken into your business in a 2 Setting centralized location each day. Then document the acquisition of each firearm at the end of each business day.

If you do not record it right away, there is a chance you will forget to do it. Paperwork associated with the acquisition or disposition may become lost as the firearm gets moved into your inventory or sold. By recording the transaction immediately, you improve your ability to account for your firearms. You should derive any information recorded in your A&D record directly from the firearm, not from the label on its box or the corresponding commercial invoice. There is always a possibility these documents contain errors. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to ensure your A&D records are accurate. Another effective practice is to educate your employees about recordkeeping requirements. They may not know what the requirements are or why it is important to maintain accurate records. By educating your employees, you empower them to ensure that records are accurate and help prevent missing or stolen firearms. Task a second employee with reviewing firearms’ transaction paperwork. A second set of eyes on a document bolsters completeness and accuracy. Should you have any questions about best practices or regulatory requirements, please contact your local ATF office. A listing of ATF office phone numbers can be found at (Continues on page 66)


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David Schoeneman, President Illinois Pawnbrokers Association THE RAPID REFUND REDEMPTIONS ARE OVER, and we have been busy addressing the new legislative year. The efforts in Springfield are focused on uniform gold buying rules that create a level playing field. We are working to educate uninformed and under informed legislators in order to stop misguided efforts. With the help of our lobbyists, we will be watching for new legislative efforts and will counter any restrictive bills and rules. At the Illinois Pawnbrokers Association (IPA) meeting earlier this month, we ratified a new IPA constitution. The upcoming election will be a big one. I will be stepping down as president and making way for a new, younger group of pawnbrokers to continue the fine tradition of the IPA. This is an excellent time to step up and get involved in your state association.


Eric Modell, Executive Director The Collateral Loanbrokers Association of New York New legislation introduced in Albany would drastically change pawn laws in the state of New York. The new law would institute the following: • Shorten the hold period from four months to 30 days • Cut the interest rate in half • Require fingerprinting • Require daily electronic reporting to law enforcement • Change the nature of the ticket itself to a non-transferrable instrument The law also allows high service charges and simplifies the requirements for the transfer of title at the time of foreclosure. The Collateral Loanbrokers Association of New York (CLANY) does not support this initiative.



Bob Moulton, Chairman of the Board North Carolina Pawnbrokers Association

Here in the Hoosier state we are ramping up for some very important legislation regarding the unregulated gold and jewelry buyers. These businesses are making a mockery of pawn shops with their disregard for proper record keeping. By the time you read this, it should have passed and be law. Although pawnbrokers have our own regulations, larger jewelry stores and precious metals that are rare or investment coins and bars will be exempt. This has been a two-year endeavor, with many meetings, hearings, and some hairraising amendments. The Indiana Pawnbrokers Association is the host of the Midwest Pawnbroker’s Conference and Convention, held this year in Louisville, KY, May 17-19. The exhibit hall has been sold out for some time, and we are hoping the hotel can handle all of the pawnbrokers. The response has been the largest ever. This convention is packed with seminars and will be the best two days ever!

At the North Carolina Pawnbrokers Association’s (NCPA) annual meeting in January, Johnnie Whiteside was elected President. Bob Moulton will move to Chairman of the Board and Kyle Farson was selected as President-Elect for the next term. The NCPA along with our lobbyists, T. Jerry Williams and Mark Beason, continue to work with the North Carolina Criminal Justice Information Network (CJIN) to develop a statewide database and reporting for all second-hand dealers. As it is now, each county and/or city works separately with little communication between each other. We made a presentation at the CJIN board meeting on March 28th and discussed how second-hand dealers (non-pawnbrokers) are referred to as “pawn” and “pawnshop” when the media reports stories about finding stolen property. We also discussed how law enforcement may be breaking the law that they think they are enforcing when confiscating merchandise. Many times, they turn it over to alleged victims without the property being adjudicated as stolen.

Greg Engstrom, President Indiana Pawnbrokers Association

(Continues on page 61)


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STATE NEWS (From page 60)

State Association Updates OHIO

Lou Tansky, President Ohio Pawnbrokers Association The most pressing issues in our state continue to be the repeated instances of law enforcement overstepping their authority and attempting to obtain customer’s personal information. Pawnbrokers are not required to provide this information. You are required to report daily to your local law enforcement agency only the description of the article pawned or sold and the ticket or form number. A review of Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 4727.09 reads as follows: 4727.09 Furnishing information to police chief or sheriff. (A) A person licensed as a pawnbroker shall, every day, furnish the following information to the chief of police of the municipal corporation or township in which the licensee’s place of business is located or, if the place of business is not located within a municipal corporation or a township that has a chief of police, to the sheriff of the county in which the place of business is located: (1) A description of all property pledged with or purchased by the licensee; (2) The number of the pawn or purchase form the licensee used to document the pledge or purchase. (B) A licensee shall provide the property description and form number required by division (A) of this section on the form furnished by the law enforcement officer requesting the information. The completed form may be communicated by electronic transfer or be in a magnetic media format. (C) For the purposes of this section, a licensee need provide only the information required by division (A) of this section. Recently, numerous law enforcement agencies have informed some of our members that they must begin providing information, including personal and private customer information, via electronic download through LeadsOnline. The Ohio Pawnbrokers Association’s (OPA) position on this issue has been and continues to be full cooperation with all law enforcement agencies. However, as it relates to the information you provide in your daily reports, you should provide only what the ORC requires, i.e. the item description and pledge number. Furthermore, and perhaps more important, LeadsOnline and other third party, private, for profit data aggregators are in the business of acquiring the (Continues on page 62)


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STATE NEWS (From page 61)

State Association Updates information about your business and in some cases your customers and re-selling this same information to law enforcement and possibly others. The OPA continues to argue that providing any personal customer information, especially but not limited to any information involved in a private financial transaction, is restricted and protected under Federal law. It is the opinion of counsel that providing LeadsOnline with any of the above noted personal information indeed violates Federal law, specifically sections of the Gramm, Leach, Bliley Privacy Act. We also note that LeadsOnline has designed the agreement with law enforcement and users of its services to specifically exclude itself from liability if such customer information is misused. The agreement all businesses reporting to LeadsOnline must sign reads in part: V. Conditions for Participation in LeadsOnline’s Website 1. LeadsOnline reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or delete any portion of this Agreement, in whole or in part, at any time, if required by local, state or federal law, rule or regulation after a 30-day notice to Reporting Business. Reporting Business may terminate this Agreement, effective immediately upon receipt of notice. 5. By uploading Data or engaging in any other form of

communication utilizing LeadsOnline’s website, Reporting Business hereby grants to LeadsOnline a perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, unrestricted, non-exclusive, royalty free license to use, copy, distribute, display, reproduce, transmit, modify, edit and otherwise use such Data in accordance with and to the extent allowed by the terms of this Agreement. Reporting Business hereby waives all rights to any claim against LeadsOnline for any alleged or actual infringements of any proprietary rights, rights of privacy and publicity, moral rights, ownership rights and rights of attribution in connection with such Data. 6. Reporting Business acknowledges that by uploading Data to LeadsOnline’s website, no confidential, fiduciary, agency, joint venture, contractually implied or other relationship is created between Reporting Business and LeadsOnline other than pursuant to this Agreement. In short, according to this agreement, LeadsOnline may at any time change or modify the agreement a pawnbroker has with it. They can use your company and customer information in any manner they choose. You will no longer own or control that information. They may sell it, post it online, or give it to your competitor. Is this the way you want your customer’s and company’s information handled?


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May 26th - 28th in Fort Worth Texas This event is like NO other event PCG has done to date. Through the use of active session interaction between the presenters and participants, focusing on practical “how to applications”, pawnshop owners/managers will gain the understanding to immediately capitalize on new knowledge, strategic management concepts and active session experiences to successfully increase your most relevant range of management abilities and skills. Partial list of Presenters and Sessions

• Study with David Johns, of Premier Pawn Group • Managers Circle - Formulas for team success within the operations; • Elements and Importance of successful team meetings, all levels, store, corporate or executive; • The Complete How-To guidelines on how and when to conduct staff meetings with actionable plans and agenda’s and much more. • Explore the concepts of good merchandising programs with our fellow industry partner M&M out of Ft. Worth Texas. Working in tandem with M&M and our clients, we have devised numerous, proven, merchandising programs to diversify the products that your stores can offer and in a way that you can compete in these tighter margin markets and much more. Study with PCG • Defensive Techniques and Programs to Survive in the New Millennium Surviving the crash of the gold boom; How to compensate for the decreases of volume levels of melts in general; Strategies to remain aggressive in lieu of the gold decline across the country and in the operations; Addressing how to manage increasing competition in many spaces, how to compensate in real time for the increase of competitors; • PCG will illustrate solutions along with introducing providers and techniques on how to enhance the operations to compete in these changing times; and much more. • • • • •

“I can honestly say it will be the best money I’ve spent since opening three years ago. The caliber of people I met, and the motivation I received will serve me well in the future.” Kevin Collins – Carroll Collins Pawn

“WOW,I learned more at this one event than I have in the past 20 years from any convention or anything else I have ever done since getting into the pawn business long ago. NO group or any other organization I have been involved with provided me with as much useful information and an education as I received at this event.” Ken Huddleston – KK’s Pawn in Tennessee “ The vast amount of information that was presented by the litany of presenters that Mr. Whitehead put in front us including his views on the industry and more was unlike anything I have ever experienced in my life.” Chris McCarthy with Lowell Jewelry & Loan Massachusetts Event pricing • $2350 Per attendee - 3 nights at venue hotel - conference

attendance - study materials - and all meals. • $1900 Per attendee, off property - conference attendance - study materials - and all meals. SPACE IS EXTREMELY LIMITED.

Jerry Whitehead 954-540-3697 Pawnshop Consulting FP.indd 63

Go To: for the complete Camp syllabus and presenter bios. 4/17/13 4:21 PM


Dynasty Jewelry and Loan


DYNASTY JEWELRY AND LOAN, IN NORCROSS, GA, has successfully served the Norcross community for 25 years. In March of this year, it opened its new location. Dynasty President Ben Levinson’s family has been in the pawn industry since the early 1920s. As a former President of the Pawnbrokers Association of Georgia and current Vice President of the National Pawnbrokers Association, Ben has made it his mission to bring the industry’s best practices to the forefront and the storefront. “Our new location provides Dynasty’s customers with a more private experience while providing collateral loans in a professional manner. We are transforming the pawn experience in the Norcross area,” said Joel Levinson, Vice President of Dynasty and fifth-generation pawnbroker. “We strive to find a better way of doing business and to always exceed customer expectations.”

Dynasty Jewelry and Loan, former location

Dynasty Jewelry and Loan, new location


Pawnbroking Around The World A NPA MEMBER’S TRIP TO SINGAPORE

by DAVID SCHOENEMAN , Shane’s - The Pawn Shop, Chicago Heights, IL

NEXT DOOR TO INDONESIA AND MALAYSIA, Singapore is equal parts beautiful tropical paradise, urban business center, and cultural melting pot. It is a great place to meet your brother pawnbrokers and compare professional notes. I met with Mr. Ivan Ho, president of the Singapore Pawnbrokers’ Association and two members, Mr. Steve Lam Tech Sheng and Mr. Voo Tong Sung. These gentlemen proved to be as friendly and eager to participate in a give and take conversation as any group of NPA members at any state pawnbrokers’ convention. Most shops have four or five employees per location, though one mega shop has 15. While many shops deal exclusively with jewelry, there are full service shops that

Carmencita Schoeneman in front of a MoneyMax Pawn Shop. Notice the low interest rate of 1%.

handle flat screen TVs and other digital electronics. Singapore has only one publicly held pawnbroking corporation. The maximum interest rate is 1.5% per month, but many shops only charge 1% to remain competitive. The holding period is 6 months, and forfeited pawns are subject to public auction. Historically in Singapore, the title of pawnbroker was awarded by the emperor and considered a high honor. Pawnbroking was often the purview of monks prior to imperial licensure.


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Can I Make a Difference AND YOU THINK YOU ARE BUSY?

Why is relationship building so important? Lawmakers deal with an overwhelming amount of information on a wide variety of topics. Even with staff assistance, it is not possible to properly research and understand all the issues they face. Legislators look to people they trust for the information they need to make good decisions, just as you do in your business. Trust can only be built over time. As Diane Taylor, Traders Loan and Jewelry, Reseda, CA, reported, “Most legislators had never been in a pawnshop until I invited them.” From Ms. Taylor’s perspective, it broadened the legislators’ understanding of her business and her challenges and allowed them to get to know her as a person and small business leader. Inviting legislators to her business was just part of her overall efforts, however. “Develop relationships, go to events, be friendly and educate those people. Trust me, they will remember you.”

Approximate number of communications received by a member of the United States House of Representatives about more than 5000 bills introduced in a typical year:

• 38,000 telephone calls • 950 drop-in visitors • 9,000+ emails • 5,000 faxes • 5,700 constituent letters • 1,900 invitations • 5 to 6 scheduled appointments each day

COMPLIANCE (From page 59)

Federal Firearms Licensees

Security Enhancements

The following list includes possible changes that you can make to increase the security of firearms, both on your premises and while you are conducting business. Remember, these are only recommendations. For your licensed premises: q Place bars on doors and windows q Install an alarm system and periodically test it q Install closed-circuit video monitors q Keep your property well-lighted q Remove obtrusive objects near doors and windows q Consult a security expert For your business practices: q Conduct an employee screening or background check prior to employment. q Keep firearms’ display cases locked at all times, and if possible, use high security showcases to prevent a smash and grab attempt.

q Consider security cables for firearms that are not in

cases. q Limit the number of employees with access to firearms

and/or required records. q Secure your required records. Do not leave your bound book in plain sight. If you use a computerized A&D record, back it up daily. q Show only one firearm at a time to a customer. q Avoid leaving a customer unattended with a firearm. q Restrict customer access inside store. Do not let customers go behind your counters. q Move inventory prior to closing so that it cannot be viewed through a window.


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For use at over 1 inch in scale


05/2013 10/2013 MIDWEST PAWNBROKER’S SOUTHEASTERN NPA STAFF Dana Meinecke Executive Director Margie Swoyer Director of Membership Lindsay Wilson Director of Meetings and Events Chris Pearcey Communications Specialist Matthew Church Government Relations Administrator Terri Congleton Administrative Assistant Office PO Box 508 Keller, TX 76244 Phone: (817) 337-8830 Fax: (817) 337-8875 891 Keller Pkwy, Suite 220 Keller, TX 76248


MAY 17-19 Galt House Hotel Louisville, KY Contact: Ron Stempkowski


MAY 30-JUNE 3 Book CityCenter

07/2013 PAWN EXPO 2013


OCTOBER 4-6, 2013 Crowne Plaza Resort Asheville Asheville, NC Contact: Elaine Christian 919-876-0687 Convention.asp


JULY 16-18 The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas Hotel Reservations: 877-551-7772 NPA Room Rate: City Room/Terrace Studio single/double: $139.00 Terrace Suite: $500 Through 6/21/13 NPA Contact: Lindsay Wilson

OCTOBER 11-13 Embassy Suites, DFW North Grapevine, TX Hotel Reservations: 800-362-2779 single/double suite: $132 Through 9/27/13 Contact: Peggy Roden 972-506-0203


OCTOBER 25-27 Marriott Newport Beach Hotel and Spa Hotel Reservations: 800-266-9432 Contact: Kim Andosca 209-786-5115


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Index of Advertisers ADVERTISER Aaria 248-961-0506

Page 3



Geib Refining 800-228-4653


Gemological Institute of America 800-421-7250




Pawnshop Consulting Group 954-540-3697


Rapaport 212-354-9800



ABC Diamond Buyer 586-354-7274


Alex Gold & Diamonds 212-391-6637


Gesswein 800-243-4466



Blue Ground Trading 732-696-8556


Golden Opportunities 888-387-6017

RMF Consulting Group 866-204-7209



Bluestone Trading 888-800-BLUE (2583)

Back Cover

Hallmark Research Institute

Rolland Safe 800-225-2984

Hi-Tech Precious Metals & Refinery 866-950-7528


Stallcup Group


Hoover & Strong 800-759-9997


Stebgo Metals 800-289-0138


Stuller 337-262-7700

24, 25

The Trendz 866-337-7464

8, 9

Burrell Printing 800-531-5234


The Buyers 562-945-7276


International Gemological Institute Inside Front Cover

Cash America 866-291-8110


Livesay’s 800-476-2715


CompuPawn 866-545-9868


Manhattan Gold & Silver 212-398-1454


Data Age/PawnMaster 888-949-7296


Marshall & Sterling 800-333-3766 x5550

Dillon Gage 888-436-3489



United Precious Metals 800-999-3463




Mid-States Recycling & Refining 800-551-0083

US Gold Refinery 212-444-4700


Elite Time 617-742-2300


National Jewelers Supplies 888-657-8665


Garfield Refining 800-523-0968


North American Metals 800-773-1626 Padmavati Exports 212-869-0544


Garrett Metal Detectors 800-527-4011


Palak Diam 213-228-0077


Wexler Insurance Agency 800-432-1853 White Pine 646-758-0292 Worldwide Diamond 213-622-2191

Inside Back Cover

5, 44, 45


The NPA does not specifically endorse any entity and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees, and assumes no responsibility for, the products or services provided by these entities. The NPA expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising from the use or the performance of the products or services provided by these entities. 68 | NATIONAL PAWNBROKERS ASSOCIATION | SPRING 2013

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Wexler Pawnbroker Flyer FISCA_Layout 1 2/1/13 4:03 PM Page 1





CEE 11996688 SSIN INC

ive Prices it t e p m o C t a erage The Best Cov

Available Coverages: ■ Pawned & Owned Jewelry & Guns ■ Pawned & Owned Other Stock ■ Money & Securities ■ Property in Transit ■ Memo ■ Shipments ■ Employee Theft

■ Building ■ Furniture, Fixtures, Improvements, etc. ■ Loss of Business Income ■ Outdoor Signs ■ Exterior Glass ■ General Liability ■ Products Liability for Guns & Ammunition

No Coinsurance

for Pawned & Owned Guns & Jewelry or Other Stock We pay based on your choice of the following: ■ Replacement Cost ■ 2 or 3 times pawn value ■ Actual cost of the loan plus legally accrued interest

CALL 1-800-432-1853 FOR AN IMMEDIATE QUOTE Wexler Insurance Agency, Inc. 1120 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Coral Gables, FL 33134 Tel: 305-445-5050 Fax: 305-448-8189 Nationwide: 1-888-4-WEXLER 1-800-432-1853 E-mail: Internet:

Wexler FP.indd 37

New York Office 580 Fifth Avenue Suite 715A New York, NY 10036 Tel: 212-391-5211 Fax: 212-391-5212 California Office 2711 East Coast Hwy. Suite 106 Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Tel: 949-723-3835 Fax: 949-723-3839

Georgia Office 845 Glengate Place Atlanta, GA 30328 Tel: 404-252-9593 Fax: 404-252-9859 Virginia Office 20268 Island View Court Potomac Falls, VA 20165 Tel: 703-450-6166 Fax: 703-450-1830

Ask about our exclusive Workers Comp program for Pawnshops which is available in all 50 states.

Ohio Office 7363 E. Kemper Rd. Suite C & D Cincinnati, OH 45249 Tel: 513-891-2131 Fax: 513-891-2132

4/17/13 4:22 PM

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For use at over 1 inch in scal Bluestone_BL.indd 64

4/17/13 4:00 PM

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