National Pawnbroker Spring 2012

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Official publication of the National Pawnbrokers Association

Spring 2012

The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas July 17-19, 2012

Message from the President

Have you registered for Pawn Expo 2012 yet? If not, it’s time! Early bird registration ends June 1, 2012. By registering now, you’ll save $250. At this year’s event, the NPA is celebrating its 25th anniversary. In honor of this, we have invited Disney Institute, the professional division of the Walt Disney Corporation, to present. Built on the success that Disney has experienced not just in the U.S. but worldwide, their speakers will teach you time-tested, best business practices with a focus on real-life. Just a few of their topics include: Creativity: How will your organization ensure a continuous flow of new ideas along with the innovative products and services necessary for success in today’s fast-moving economy? People Management: An organization’s people–and the culture they create–provide the only true competitive advantage in the modern economy. Are you receiving the return you expect on your most important asset? Brand Loyalty: You’re in the customer service business. With increasing access to information and alternative products, your customer is choosing where to do business based on the level of service they receive. How are you fostering brand loyalty? In order to grow, you have to change, and Disney’s speakers will give you the tools to make that happen. Disney’s presentation combined with our keynote speaker, Patricia Stark from the NPA Insider Video Series, and our compliance workshop, make for an incredible education line up. Add to that the Expo and our Diamond District, and you have an event worthy of a 25-year celebration. We had a great turnout for the NPA’s 2012 Legislative Conference on March 8th. We focused our efforts at our meetings with our Congressional Representatives on the federal charter and privacy issues. See our Government Relations Committee’s update in this issue of National Pawnbroker for more information.

In conjunction with our Legislative Conference, we launched Rally Congress, a new webbased program that makes it easy for anyone to send a message to their legislators. Members and supporters sent over 252 messages to support NPA Legislative Day efforts. And we’re just scratching the surface of what we can do with Rally Congress. Thanks to each of you who went to the Rally Congress website and sent an email. In several meetings, legislative staffers and members mentioned the correspondence. Hitting them on several fronts at once gets our message noticed! Prior to our trip to Washington, we used a member email blast and posts to Facebook, Twitter, and our Google group to alert people to log on and use our Rally Congress site while NPA members were in Washington. I am proud that NPA continues to grow in its use of new technologies to engage our membership and legislators. You have to take five minutes and check out the Rally Congress website. In three clicks, you can locate your Representative and Senators, review a letter supporting the pawn industry and send it. Easy! Staff will be available at the NPA booth at Pawn Expo to provide hands on training for Rally Congress. You don’t have to be a member of NPA to use Rally Congress! Take the opportunity to share information about this program with nonmember stores, relatives, customers, and friends. Anyone can use it, and show his or her support of the pawn industry. Creating more value for our members is the engine behind NPA’s efforts. But you are the driver, and without your involvement, all the technological advances in the world won’t help us move forward. Stay informed and participate in our programs and volunteer efforts. Reach out to your community and let them know how you provide value to your community. And finally, go to Rally Congress and send a note to your Congressional Representatives now! Did I already say that?

Kevin Prochaska NPA President

You have to take five minutes and check out the Rally Congress website. In three clicks, you can locate your Representative and Senators, review a letter supporting the pawn industry and send it. Easy!

Spring 2012 | National Pawnbrokers Association | 1

Table of Contents


Spring 2012



Feature Articles Win a Harley!

This is your chance to lend your support to a good cause and be entered to win a Harley Davidson Motorcycle.

In Every Issue 8

NPA’s Most Wanted




Do you know someone who didn’t renew their NPA membership for 2012?

Join NSSF’s voter-education registration effort.

Cover Story

Pawn Expo Early Registration Ends July 1! Go to and register now. A registration form and more information is also available on page 24.

Letter from the President Executive Director’s Report Legislative Update Member News NPA PAC The Value of the Click New Members New Mentor Program Membership Meeting Notice Pawn Expo 2012 State Association Updates Human Resources: Exit Interviews Compliance Calendar of Events Index of Advertisers

1 4 6 9 12 16 14 20 24 34 37 42 60 62

National Pawnbroker is the official publication of the National Pawnbrokers Association (NPA), and is published quarterly. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of Dana Meinecke, NPA Executive Director. Sale or distribution of any or all of the contents of this magazine is prohibited. All rights reserved. For more information on advertising or to obtain additional copies of National Pawnbroker, call 817-337-8830 or send an email to For membership information, email Editor’s Note: This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information on the subject matter covered. It is provided and disseminated with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services. If legal advice is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. © 2007-12 National Pawnbrokers Association: P.O. Box 508, Keller, TX 76244 • 817-337-8830 •

Editor: Chris Pearcey, NPA Communications Specialist,; Designer: Liza Samala

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Executive Director’s Report

From Louisiana to China All in a month! First of all, I’d like to thank the Louisiana Pawnbrokers Association and Butch Tinker for all of their hard work pulling together the Dixie Conference. It was fun and informative, and I left feeling excited and energized. NPA’s Legislative Day in March was very successful. This year we gave a boost to our efforts by implementing Rally Congress, our online program that allows you to easily contact your Senators or Representative. Please take a minute to visit, and click on the Rally Congress button. You’ll see how easy it is to use. Then, be ready to use it when we issue the call to arms!

A Visit from China NPA had the honor of hosting a delegation of pawnbrokers from China! They were eager to discuss the pawn industry in America and ask questions about everything from interest rates to government regulations. The pawn industry has changed in China. In 1987, the government recreated the industry to provide alternative financing for business owners who want to expand but lack the funds. Typical collateral includes real estate, personal and company vehicles, and other high-dollar assets. It is increasingly difficult to get a loan from a bank in China because of strict requirements and time-consuming procedures. The Chinese government feels that pawn is valuable channel for business owners to access loans in times of need.

Pawn Expo Pawn Expo 2012 is just around the corner, July 17th-19th. It will be held at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, and features the Disney Institute, one of the premier business development training companies in the world. Now for those of you who haven’t heard of this group, you may be asking, “What does

Disney have to do with pawnbrokers?” In this case, everything! There will be six sessions focusing on how to strengthen leadership skills, improve customer retention, deliver quality service, and much more. At the end, you will learn how to pull it all together. You will walk away with new tools and ideas for your business, giving you a new edge to succeed. In conjunction with Pawn Expo, Robert Frimet, CAMS will offer a detailed compliance certification workshop. This workshop will cover all matters relating to federal compliance with the U.S. Patriot Act. Who should attend? Anyone who operates a pawn store, purchases scrap metal or acts in the capacity of a money service business. Certificates will be presented to all attendees. Space is limited! Finally, we’ll have our Expo with 170 booths and our Diamond District trading session. Go to, for more information.

A New Look for National Pawnbroker Without a doubt, effective communication is important to our mission here at NPA. Our new Communications Specialist, Chris Pearcey, is bringing her skill as a communication project manager and applying it to our print and electronic publications. You’ll notice a new look for National Pawnbroker magazine! The interior of this month’s issue is fresh and more professional. It is cleaner and easier to read. Chris plans to increase our editorial content, and keep it interesting and useful. With sources for articles that include our Google Group and our communications committee, you’ll see an increase in articles that you will want to read. Finally, if you have ideas for articles, please send them her way: chris@nationalpawnbrokers. org. Welcome aboard, Chris!

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Dana Meinecke NPA Executive Director

What does Disney have to do with pawnbrokers?

Legislative Update

Legislative Day 2012

NPA Members move our agenda Forward

What would this Legislative Update be without talking about our 8th Annual Legislative Conference? March 7th and 8th, the NPA completed their annual march on Washington. Over 100 appointments were made on Capital Hill, and 50 NPA members participated. The conference kicked off on Wednesday evening with a fundraising event held in honor of Congresswoman Shelley Capito, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit. Her key message to us? Get to know your legislators now, and pay close attention to the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). And that we did! The following day, we started with a breakfast fundraiser in honor of our good friend, the powerful chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Congressman Spencer Bachus. Congressman Bachus also told us to pay close attention to the CFPB, and said it was an extremely powerful agency. It is vital that we make it clear to the CFPB how our product provides a much needed safety net for millions of Americans thats keeps their households running. Congressman Bachus said that he supports our industry, but can only do so much. If we don’t stay on top of things, others will, and they might not have our best interest in mind. Prior to our departure to see our Congressional Representatives, Cliff Andrews provided an update and gave the attendees talking points for their meetings. Our 2012 theme: Pawn is a unique product that helps everyday people attend to their obligations without the fear of a bad credit history and without the need for a good credit score. Noticeably absent this year was our fellow Director, our mentor, and our dear friend Ramona Thompson. She lost her courageous battle with cancer and left us on March 10, 2012. Ramona was an outspoken supporter of our efforts in Washington. She continually spoke of the need for grassroots legislative efforts, and believed that all politics are local. She walked the walk and talked the talk! Ramona was a leader in grassroots efforts before grassroots efforts were cool. She epitomized the meaning of the words. She touched

the hearts and minds of anyone who came into contact with her. She will be forever missed but always remembered. I know that there were many of you that didn’t get to make it this year, but I can assure you that you were well-represented. Never fear, 2013 brings us new Congressional members and new opportunities to build relationships and tell our story. On other fronts, the CFPB, electronic reporting, customer privacy, and, of course, the Federal Charter H.R. 1909 legislation were hot topics in our meetings. With regards to the CFPB, your Governmental Relations Committee (Team GRC) has been working diligently to make sure that, when the time comes to open discussions, we have a clear and unified message. Electronic reporting and customer privacy go hand in hand. It is imperative that every NPA member pawnbroker be aware of state and local mandated electronic reporting legislation. If you don’t do it, nobody else will. Our position remains unchanged in that we do support the efficiencies provided by electronic transmission, but only when done in a responsible manner that protects and respects our customers’ and businesses’ privacy. There has not been a lot of movement on H.R. 1909. However, it continues to be a topic you should discuss with your representatives in Washington. I would be remiss if I failed to announce our new NPA Legislative liaison who offices in our headquarters in Texas! Matthew Church joined Team GRC in December of last year. Mathew comes to us from Austin, Texas where he worked in the Texas House Ways and Means Committee. His duties are essential to our efforts in Washington and across the U.S. I don’t think anyone can imagine the volumes of information that we get daily. One of Matthew’s key responsibilities will be to sort, organize, and distribute this information to Team GRC, state presidents, and key GRC personnel. He has already proven himself to be an asset to the team and we’re fortunate to have someone with his talent and enthusiasm. Welcome Matthew!

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Larry Nuckols NPA GRC Chair

It is imperative that every NPA member pawnbroker be aware of state and local mandated electronic reporting legislation.

Support the NPA PAC and You Might Win a Harley! The NPA Political Action Committee (PAC) is offering members a chance to win a Harley Davidson motorcycle, and help the association raise PAC funds at the same time. and limitations of the Federal Election Campaign Act. For more information or to purchase a ticket, contact Mathew Church at or 817-337-8830. The suggested donation is $100. You may also complete and mail this form along with your payment to: NPA PAC, P.O. Box 508, Keller, Texas 76244, or fax this form to 817-337-8875. When your payment is received, a ticket stub will be sent back to you. Personal checks can be made out to NPA PAC.

The 2005 Harley Davidson Low Rider, with less than 3000 miles, is equipped with fuel injection and screaming performance kit and pipes. It’s being donated by Larry and Beverly Nuckols of Pawn Management, San Antonio, Texas. A maximum of 500 tickets will be sold. The drawing will be held at Pawn Expo in July 2012! Please see the guidelines for PAC donations on page 9. Your contributions to the NPA PAC will be used in accordance with state and federal elections laws that fall under the prohibitions

First Name:

Last Name:

Street Address: City/State/Zip: Email Address: Number of Harley Tickets Payment type:

Phone Number:

x $100 =

Personal Check


Personal Credit Card

Payments cannot be accepted from companies. Only personal contributions will be accepted. Credit Card Type:

Security Code on Back of Card:

Credit Card Number:

Exp Date:

Billing First Name:

Last Name:

Billing Street Address: City/State/Zip: Billing Email Address:

8 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Spring 2012

Billing Phone Number:

Government Relations

NPA Government Relations Committee Chairman, Larry Nuckols, (far right), poses with NPA newcomer Matthew Church and Lombard Financials Kathleen Owens in front of the United States Capitol Building in Washington D.C during the 2012 NPA Legislative Conference.

What is a PAC?

by Matthew Church NPA Government Relations Administrator

What is the NPA Political Action Committee? The National Pawnbrokers Association (NPA) Political Action committee (PAC) provides financial support to elected officials who influence legislation affecting your business. Our PAC is voluntary and non-partisan, and encourages members to participate in the political process at all levels. There are candidates and elected officials who are informed about our industry and qualified to hold public office. Combining resources through the PAC and supporting these individuals is one of the most effective ways to make our voice heard, and it is a convenient way for you to become involved in the political process.

Why are PAC contributions important? Your PAC contribution allows NPA to combat legislation that could negatively affect the pawn industry. The PAC, combined with our government relations team, gives NPA the tools to support your industry’s political goals and growth strategies. Decisions made by state and federal legislators strongly affect NPA members and their families. They influence the way pawnbrokers conduct their business which directly determines the success of our industry. We need each of our members to contribute to the PAC so that we can work to protect and pass legislation that is positive for everyone. Don’t wait until there is a crisis! Lay the foundation for action now. Learn who your state and federal congressional leaders are and get to know them, and contribute to the PAC so that we have the resources in place when we need them the most!

Guidelines for PAC donations Your contributions to the NPA PAC will be used in accordance with state and federal elections laws, and they fall under the prohibitions and limitations of the Federal Election Campaign Act. Your participation is voluntary and you may chose not to participate in the program without reprisal. Please note the following: • Federal law requires political action committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of each individual who contributes in excess of $200 in a calendar year. • PAC contributions must be a personal check, money order, personal credit card or cash. • Individual contributions are limited to $5000 per year. • Corporate contributions or contributions by foreign nationals are prohibited. • PAC contributions are not tax deductible for federal tax purposes • If cash is paid, no more than $100 may be accepted from any one • individual.

Spring 2012 | National Pawnbrokers Association | 9

FE AT U RE A R TICLE New taxes will perhaps be the most jarring adjustment to the ACA mandates. The penalties for inadequate, costly, or lack of TheareNPA iPhone app is available insurance hefty, yearly, and not tax deductible. After 2014, any companyinemploying 50 or moreApp peoplestore full time must the iPhone offer health coverage or it will be charged $2,000 per full-time employee, per year.

The NPA iPhone app is available in the iPhone App Store

Businesses with fewer than 50 full-time employees are not charged this tax. Employers who are penalized will not have to pay fees on the first 30 employees. Additionally, the employer will not be responsible for paying the $2,000 tax on employees who are in their first 90 days of employment. Even a business of 50 or more full-time employees offering insurance can still be subject to staggering fines. If an employee is unable to afford the coverage available through his or her job, meaning the premium ranges from 9.5% to 9.8% more than of his or her household income, they may qualify for a “premium assistance tax credit.” If that is the case, the employer must pay either $3,000 for each credit recipient or $2,000 for each of the members of the company’s entire workforce, whichever is the lesser amount. In terms of potential advantages coming out of ACA, smaller businesses may see the benefits of this law sooner than big businesses. Before ACA, over 70% of big-business employees had health insurance, approximately 20% more than employees in small businesses. According to the Commonwealth Fund in New York, the disparity between the larger and smaller companies’ health insurance costs will be reduced by numerous measures initiated by ACA. From now until 2013, small businesses employing 16.6 million individuals nation-wide, will qualify for tax credits of up to $40 billion. In order to qualify for credits to assist with insurance premiums, small businesses must have “10 or fewer full-time employees for full credit and from 11 to 25 employees the credits may decline to 0%, pay employees an average annual wage of less than $50,000, offer all full-time employees coverage, and pay at least 50% of the premium.” Another mandate under ACA tasks each state to set up an insurance exchange. These “marketplaces” are projected to provide a level playing field where companies can have access to high quality health insurance at a lower cost like larger companies. Ideally, this would be a positive thing for a company like Conner Industries. But exchanges are limited to businesses with fewer than 100 employees until 2017. Companies like Conner Industries may not have their turn until it’s too late. Although the states have the power to develop an exchange Continued, page 12



First Impression...Continued on Page 42

Member News

The Value of the Click How a simple click strengthens your industry

The NPA generates revenue in many ways, and one includes your mouse clicks. Online advertising dollars are important to the NPA. When you explore the various websites and email blasts, you are helping the NPA continue to provide for the future of the industry. The website has a strong pace of traffic, with over 10,000 visitors. Yes, each one of your clicks is counted, and each one gives our sponsors statistical evidence there is an engaged online community interested in the products and services they offer to the pawn industry.

Information Overload The NPA staff knows you are inundated with email, magazines and other forms of communications. We’re working to consolidate member communications to avoid information overload. We will continue to find new and innovative ways to broadcast industry news and updates across the varied platforms that our members prefer to use.

Find What You Need You don’t have to wait for information to come to you! As a member of NPA, you have exclusive access to information in the members’ only section of our website. Visit, click the Members Only button (top right), log in and start exploring.

Do you want to save money? Go to the Members Only section of our website and check out special members only discounts at Office Depot, Equitable Payments and the MyOSHA Store. Got a question? You can ask an expert a question about the pawn industry through the new NPA Insider Help Desk.

If you’re too busy to read all of those emails, the NPA posts great news and information on Facebook many times a week. “LIKE US” on Facebook for an easy way to stay in the loop

Want to keep current on pawn news? Visit the NPA online video news channel. Do you have the NPA Verified Seal on your website? If not, have the person in charge of your website add the official NPA Verified Member Seal. This seal shows your customers that you are a NPA member in good

12 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Spring 2012

standing and that you adhere to the strict NPA Code of Ethics and Best Practices. It also gives them a portal to explore our website and increase our clickthrough rates. Are you listed on This website allows people to find an NPA member pawn store anywhere in the U.S. and has been featured on Fox News.

NPA_MAG_FEB2012.indd 46

2/14/12 4:54 PM

W O RK P L AC E COM MU N IC ATION member news down-to-earth, family-style atmosphere of many pawn shops – but resist the urge to approach the boundaries of harassment for and a laugh. It’s not worth it! You can achieve Share Learn healthy humor that enriches and enhances your workplace withoutAtit.NPA, Stickwe with humor it everyone can enjoy, believe is important tosupport, provide support and guidancelaughter to our pawnbroker – especially relax with, goodhearted that givesmembers those great who are just beginning their foray into the pawn industry. mental those and physical perks!

• Personal characteristics with low ego-involvement.

NPA Announces New Mentor Program Most of us are sensitive about appearance, but

To help in this endeavor, NPA has developed the NPA Mentor Program. This new program offers novices the opportunity to learn about the industry’s best practices from seasoned professionals. Pawn mentors bring expertise and understanding while mentees learn to become more involved and a future leader. YourselfMentors ! Yourand own flawswho andsubmitted quirks. applications Making in April mentees have been paired up and will begin their year-long lighthearted jokes about yourself puts peopleeducational at when they meet at Pawn Expo 2012 in July. ease journey and brings them closer to you. They can relate. The mentor program was created to: Humility is charming! • Help new pawnbroker members adjust to the profession • Foster future NPA leaders • Build knowledge bothnew the mentor and mentee in a busy Situations you all face,fori.e. regulations, how variety of areas it is, the industry, difficult customers you all deal • Encourage an atmosphere of learning and creativity

So… what are some fairly safe “targets” for getting laughs? •

with (with no customers present, of course!)

14 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Spring 2012

we’re less invested in other aspects of ourselves. For example, I don’t mind colleagues sharing laughter with me about my bad raucous • Connect people within NPAhandwriting, and broaden theirmy networks • Createor thehow opportunity for more involvement in theup at 5 a.m. laugh, grumpy I am when I get forassociation pilates and there’s no coffee going when I get The NPA Mentor Program is a membership benefit of NPA. there! They do it with affection for who I am, not Mentors and mentees must be NPA members and able to attend withindustry disdain or ridicule. pawn conferences, including Pawn Expo.

Learn more about the NPA Mentor program and how you can participate, by sending emailhumor to margie@nationalpawnbroAt WTN we’ve beenan using as a powerful training

tool for 20+ years. We’ve learned that people are much more open to learn when we laugh together. Even the most resistant employees are engaged and enlightened once we get them to relax and laugh a little!

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to Let us help protect your business from conflict and lawsuits share your riches but to reveal with our most popular program, “Workplace Harassment: —Benjamin toReal him hisavailable own.” the Deal”, through your Disraeli NPA compliance store.



New members

Welcome NPA New Members Pawnbrokers


North Scottsdale Loan Paradise Valley

Mississippi Rings & Strings, Columbus

New Jersey Pawn USA, Inc., Trenton

California San Francisco Gold Buyer San Francisco Santa Cruz Pawn LLC San Jose

Oregon A Cut Above Pawn, Beaverton Adamas/Tigard Pawn 4 More Portland



International Pawnbroker Members


LoanStar Exchange Ltd Edmonton, Alberta

Mexico Grupo R Intl #17, Queretaro Grupo R Intl #18, Queretaro Grupo R Intl #19, Queretaro Grupo R Intl #20, Queretaro Grupo R Intl #21, Queretaro

Speedy Cash, Palatka Speedy Cash, Orange Park Speedy Cash Fernandina Beach Speedy Cash, Jacksonville

Dan’s Discount Jewelry Somerset

A Perfect Pawn, Greenville

Nevskie Lombardy, LLC Saint Petersburg




South Carolina


US Money Shops, Soddy Daisy Best Price Jewelers and More Industry US Money Shops, Athens Buford Partners US Money Shops, Sweetwater PawnMart, Acworth Jewel Art Inc US Money Shops, Dunlap PawnMart, Belvedere, Decatur Los Angeles, California US Money Shops, Rockwood PawnMart, Chamblee, Atlanta US Money Shops, Dayton PawnMart San Ramon, California FEAT U RE ARTICLE Cherokee, Alpharetta are going to address this at length PawnMart, Conyers PS: Well, we Texas during the keynote presentation at Fort PawnWorth Expo All-Star Pawn LLC, PawnMart 2012. In a general sense,No the5pawn industry Montepio LLC Golden Title, Jonesboro continues to improve its image with the media Horizon City PawnMart and the general public through its business Swat’s Loans, Jimmy Carter, Norcrosspractices, store quality, serviceLubbock levels and PawnMart, Jonesboro professionalism. These elements need to be Utah carried through into every aspect of the individual PawnMart, Macon store.Pawn, The goal willGeorge be to set Family Saint PawnMart, Marietta member’s pawn high Pawn, and meet that expectation Family Washington Speedy Cash, Douglas the expectation when someone walks into the store—especially Speedy Cash, Kingslandfor the first time. If a potential customer has an Apprentice Speedy Cash, Jesup incentive to explore the services of a local pawn Speedy Cash, Waycrossstore becausePawnbrokers of the positive information they are Boyce receiving via Jamie television or the media, the challenge Speedy Cash, Brunswick is to deliver on the expectation set forth. This is Appleton, Wisconsin “image followJamie through” andDubuque, will be a successful Smith, Iowa Kentucky way for each John NPA Thomas member to really benefit from Dixie Pawn and Gun the good work the association has done on a Berwyn, Pennsylvania Campbellsville


national and regional level in the press and with lawmakers.

Look for Patricia Stark at Pawn Expo 2012 at

Gladwin Trade and Sales the General Session and on the trade show Gladwin floor at the NPA INSIDER booth. And don’t forget to check out the NPA INSIDER online at

16 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Spring 2012

ATM Network, Inc. Hopkins, Minnesota Sparkling Jewelry, Inc. New York, New York

Industry Partners

Pegasus Metals LLC Los Angeles, California The Verma Group, Inc. Atlanta, Georgia N.E.R. Inc. New York, New York Amerings Intl. New York, New York Allied American Underwriters Canonsburg, Pennsylvania Southern Precious Metals Exchange Chattanooga, Tennessee Daniel & Co., Houston, Texas GDesign LLC., Houston, Texas Eastern Lighting Stafford, Texas

NPA’s Most Wanted

Every member is an integral part of the National Pawnbrokers Association’s success. Your fellow pawn brokers’ participation allow the NPA to keep a watchful eye on Washington and provide beneficial communications and member services.

We haven’t received 2012 renewals for the pawnbrokers listed here. Please contact Margie Swoyer, Director of Membership at and renew today.

Remember, there is strength in numbers! Alabama


Earl’s Pawn & Jewelry, Mobile Levy’s Jewelry & Loan Birmingham Wade’s Jewelry & Pawn Tuscaloosa

Apache Pawn of Mesa, Mesa A-Active Pawn, Phoenix Aztec Pawn & Gold, Phoenix Carat Smart, Scottsdale Cash Box Pawn & Jewelry Co. Tucson


Boll Weevil Pawn & Superstores, Hope Castle Rental & Pawn #1 Rogers Jim’s Pawn Shop, Jonesboro

We must all hang together or most assuredly we shall hang separately. ~Benjamin Franklin

California Market Street Jewelry & Loan Riverside AAA Jewelry & Loan, Riverside All Seasons Pawn Inc/ Pacoima Pawn Center Pacoima Art’s Jewelry & Loan, Whittier Car Capital, Orange Chupal, dba Long Beach Pawn Shop, Long Beach Diamond Jewelry & Loan #3 Santa Maria Dufree Pawn Shop, El Monte

18 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Spring 2012

El Cajon Jewelry & Loan El Cajon Fairfield Pawn, Fairfield Fashion Exchange San Francisco Firestone Jewelry & Loan Montrose Mission Jewelry & Loan Ontario Roberto’s Jewelry National City The Estate Jewelry Collection Palm Desert Trader Stan, Jackson

“You can’t build a society purely on interests, you need a sense of belonging” - Valery Giscard d’Estaing



Advantage Pawn, Aurora Alpha Pawn, Englewood Loveland Pawn, Loveland National Pawn, Denver Sharpy’s Auto Pawn & Sales Pueblo

Brass City Pawn, Waterbury Pawn King Inc., Stratford

Delaware CAP of Kent County/Cash Advance Plus, Dover

Member news People may doubt what you say, but they always believe what you do.


Florida AA Pawn Coin & Jewelry Hudson Alachua Pawn & Jewelry Alachua A Better Jewelry Store/Bits & Pieces, North Miami Beach Anything Pawn & Auction Fort Walton Beach Best Value Pawn, Fort Pierce Carbucks of GA, Tampa Carrollwood Pawnbrokers Tampa Cash It In, Bunnell D & P Pawn, Fort Lauderdale EZ Cash Pawn West Palm Beach Folmar Gun & Pawn Tallahassee Jax Jewelry & Pawn Jacksonville Money Brokers, Hialeah Pawn Star, Bradenton Public Pawn & Jewelry Hollywood South Florida Gun & Pawn Lakeland The Kings Pawn of SW Florida Venice

Southland Pawn & Jewelry Valdosta The Platinum Pawn Co Cleveland

Illinois RJ Jewelry & Loan Co Glendale Heights AA Classic/Windy City Jewelers, Evanston New York Jewelers & Collateral, Chicago North Star Jewelry & Loan Wheeling

Indiana Surplus Store & Exchange Lafayette

Kansas All State Pawn & Jewelry Topeka Money Town Pawn Shop Wichita




14K Pawn, Southgate

Woodland Money Loan Company, Philadelphia Edelman’s Coin & Stamp Jenkintown

Missouri Double B Pawn, Kirksville Metro Pawn, Saint Louis Ozark Mountain Pawn Forsythe

Mississippi First Columbus, Columbus Moneyman Pawn, Hattiesburg

North Carolina Carolina Pawn & Gun Shop Canton Depot Street Pawn, Franklin Foothills Pawn Shop, Shelby Friendship Jewelry & Loan Raleigh Plaza West Jewelry & Loan Raleigh RTC Enterprises/Chauncey’s Pawn, Elizabeth City

North Dakota

American Pawn, Baton Rouge Pawn Smart, Lafayette

Jay’s Pawn, Mandan


Hastings Pawn Shop, Hastings

Liberty Loan Company Chelsea World Pawn & Loan Springfield


Nebraska New Hampshire Mr I Buy & Sell Everything Manchester

New Jersey

Security Loan & Jewelry Company, Baltimore Maryland National Jewelry & Loan, Baltimore

Crespo Jewelry West New York Merchant & Associates, Union



Valued Services, Atlanta Alcovy Jewelry & Pawn Covington First Choice Jewelry & Pawn Valdosta Gateway Jewelry & Pawn Athens Gold and Silver Pawn Hinesville I Deal Jewelry & Pawn, Roswell RMB Pawn/Wellston Pawn Fort Valley

J.R.’s Discount & Pawns Waterville Jimi’s Trading, Portland

Cash Depot, New York

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent. ~John Donne

New York Ohio PackRat’s Pawn, Defiance

South Carolina American Pawn Exchange II Taylors Fast Cash Pawn Shop of Spartanburg, Spartanburg Main Street Pawn & Gun, Dillon Woody’s Pawn Shop Orangeburg

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. ~Henry Ford

Texas Cedar Hill Pawn, Cedar Hill Clute Pawn & Jewelry, Clute Mr Money Freeport, Freeport Bill’s Pawn & Jewelry San Antonio Coastal Pawn & Jewelry Angleton Fiesta Pawn Shop, Houston The Dirty 30/ Bubba’s Pawn Shop, Dallas Wie Mac/Bee County Pawn & Jewelry, Beeville



A-1 Hawk, Portland Cascade Liquidators, Sisters Southern Oregon Loan Medford World Pawn Exchange North Bend

Superior Pawn & Gun Virginia Beach Pawn Solutions, Lynchburg

Wisconsin Silk Purse Trading Post Gresham

Spring 2012 | National Pawnbrokers Association | 19

member news

Notice of NPA Membership Meeting: July 17, 2012 To All NPA Members: Notice is hereby given that the Annual Membership Meeting of the Members of the National Pawnbrokers Association will be held at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, Nevada on July 17, 2012 from 7:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. to elect Board of Directors for the ensuing year, to receive reports by the Officers and Chairpersons of Committees, and for the transaction of any other business that may be properly brought before it. Breakfast will be served. Proxy voting is not permitted. The only individual entitled to vote is the one listed as the representative of the regular member on the membership roster of the Association. Kathy Pierce Secretary National Pawnbrokers Association

20 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Spring 2012

The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas 3708 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV 89109

NPA ROOM RATE City Room/Terrace Studio single/double: $139.00 Terrace Suite: $500.00 Reservations and Resort Services: 877-551-7772 Reservations must be made by June 22, 2012 to receive the NPA Rate

Annual Membership Meeting and Awards Kick off Pawn Expo 2012 the right way by joining fellow members for breakfast at the Annual Membership Meeting. In addition to getting all of the updates on NPA, we will celebrate this year’s award and scholarship winners. Don’t miss the opportunity to be the first to know who wins Pawnbroker of the Year and Industry Partner of the Year!

NPA Booth

National Pawnbrokers Association

Welcome Reception Sponsored By

Curious about how to use the members only area of the website, what member benefits are available to you, or what Team GRC is doing? Learn about these and much more at the NPA booth during the trade show. Visit us at booth 205 to meet NPA staff and key members of Team GRC such as our lobbyist and regulatory council. While you’re there, don’t forget to purchase your NPA logowear.

NPA 25th Anniversary Celebration Step into a night of glitz and glamour. This year we are celebrating the 25th Silver Anniversary of the National Pawnbrokers Association. Come dressed in your Las Vegas best and enjoy the biggest and best party Pawn Expo has ever thrown! This year’s Welcome Reception ends at 9:00pm, giving you plenty of time to paint the town red.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm

NPA 25th Silver Anniversary

30 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Spring 2012

Spring 2012 | National Pawnbrokers Association | 31

state news

(From page 34)

Ohio Lou Tansky, President Ohio Pawnbrokers Association Uncle Ben’s Pawn Shop Cleveland, OH


rs he

ls g t uys is ers,

states, has been a hotbed of activity, Pawnbrokers Association (OPA) is currently working with new pawn shopscases, opening andhave on. police intentionally been giving our members false others being bought and sold. regarding their reporting requirements. information Senate Bill 262 was recently introduced as a re-write to The Ohio Pawnbrokers Association (OPA) continues Many industry associations have certain sections of the Ohio Pawnbrokers to support its members. While we cannot act as their legalAct (ORC By the time you read this, we will have had concerns about public companies we4727). This legislation initiated the large, multirepresentative, do have legal counsel was available to by provide our 2012 annual membership meeting. I am hopeful buying Ohio member stores and then not Texas-based payday loan corporation, Cash suggestions to helpnational, solve problems with law enforcement. pawnbrokers were able to attend this meeting because we arethe association—they supporting This was response to earlier attempts to reAdditionally, weAmerica. will continue to acommunicate with law under attack in the State of Ohio. just drop their membership. Indiana write 4727 and drastically impede competition through enforcement and educate them on the reporting requirements While the past several years have been relatively problem is feeling the pain. However, the Ohio Indiana theCode legislative under Revised 4727. process. Pawnbrokers Association (IPA)Some is stilllaw enforcement officials are insisting information in free, recently we are experiencing much more aggressive, maintaining 50% of non-public operators as In that earlier attempt, and unwarranted, action on the part of lawover enforcement and your daily reports be provided to third-party, private electronic members. OPA successfully delivered prosecutors. reporting services such as Leads Online. Our legal advisors our message that, as We have received word of numerous incidents where police have strongly suggested that you not use such services. It is our In November of in2011, sponsored a GIA representatives of the pawn are ordering pawnbrokers to provide information dailyIPA reports belief that doing so may be a violation of the federal GrammDiamond Grading ClassIninsome Indianapolis, which industry in Ohio, the proposed in excess of what is required by the Ohio Revised Code. Leach-Bliley Act which addresses the dissemination of nonsold out. Five diamond buyers were invited to legislation was one company’s public information in a private financial transaction. buy from those bringing goods to sell. IPA will be attempt to put independents You DO NOT need to provide this information in these sponsoring a class again in October or November out of business and take over the reports. If you are directly contacted by law enforcement for any of 2012. pawn industry within the state. information on any transaction, either by phone or in person, by

means However, may This year the Midwest Pawn Conventionallwill be assist them Thein any way newpossible. legislation will be you much more difficult be placing riskAmerica by providing any additional held in Indianapolis, May 18th-20th. There will be your business to fight.atCash has pulled out all the stops daily reports. an amazing roster of timely educationalinformation seminars in yourand is doing everything they can to influence our prosecutors around the state have insisted and a variety of vendors. This event site isSeveral close county legislators. thateasily pawnbrokers give allegedly stolen merchandise directly to Indianapolis International Airport, and back tothat the victims,This ignoring the pawnbroker’s rightsofunder accessible from the many interstate highways is where you, as a member OPA,the needs to step Ohio Revised Codein.and protections under due process. intersect Indianapolis. We need every member, all your employees, your The OPA remains strongly opposed to these attempts to deny family, friends and neighbors to contact your elected pawnbrokers rights and protections. Weyou areoppose helpingSB262. our Tell The exhibit hall is sold out, and the attendee fee has theirofficials to let them know members fight these attempts. However,isthis where I need to industry been reduced them this legislation notissupported by the remind $20 each of youand that you, create as a pawnbroker and member of another would undue hardships on pawnbrokers the OPA and National Pawnbrokers again this year! across the state. Association, must join the fight. We cannot do it alone.

Please take the time to protect your industry.

Alta Diamonds, LLC We buy and sell clarity enhanced diamonds. 1.800.391.0012 62 W 47th Street, Ste 302 Ph: 212-221-9808, Fax: 212-221-9800




... We are under attack in INDIANA OHIO the State of Ohio. Indiana, as well as many other There are a number of legislative issues that the Ohio

largest city, currently has three independent operators, and the remaining stores are owned by the big three public companies.

Press Releases

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Please send your company’s press releases to Chris Pearcey, We’d love to know what is going on!

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human resources

Exit Interviews: Ending Things Well

by Kit Goldman President, Workplace Training Network (WTN), a Partner of the NPA Compliance Store

The last time I was single, I was fortunate to have some maturity going for me. I realized that when things had to end, it was often within my power to end things well. On more than one occasion, I actually conducted personal “exit interviews” which created understanding and closure…but that’s another story for a different magazine! The relationship between employer and employee can be just as intense as a romance. There are a lot of big emotions involved: status, achievement, security, etc. One opportunity for business owners to end things well is an exit interview.

Exit Interview FAQ’s Should exit interviews be conducted with employees who were terminated? • Exit interviews are generally only appropriate for employees who are leaving voluntarily. • Terminated employees often have hard feelings towards the company. They may offer some choice words that make them feel better, but are not likely to offer the constructive feedback you’re seeking. Why conduct an exit interview? • You can uncover and address potential problems, such as harassment, discrimination and workplace violence, before they turn into lawsuits. • Feedback on the positives and negatives of your workplace, if acted upon, can help you attract and retain the best employees. • It’s a chance to create a positive bond with departing employees who may return someday, be able to refer your company, become employed by a customer, or become a customer themselves. A departing employee should be viewed as a business asset. • It’s a way to learn about the employee’s future plans: Where do they plan to work? In what capacity? What are the pay and benefits?

• It’s a way to remind the employee of their obligations, i.e., the confidentiality of your information and other restrictive covenants. Who should conduct the interview? • For larger companies, the human resources (HR) department should conduct exit interviews. If you don’t have a formal HR department, either the owner or a manager other than the employee’s immediate supervisor should handle the interview. • In a very small company, you might want to provide the employee with a simple exit interview survey, and ask them to complete it and mail it back to you. When is the best time to conduct the interview? A day or two before the employee’s last day. Employees are more likely to be forthcoming and candid toward the end of their employment, when they are less fearful about honest feedback getting back to their manager. 619-794-2718

What should I ask? Here are some useful exit interview questions to choose from: • Why have you decided to leave? • Would you work for our company again? • Would you recommend our company to friends or family? • What did you enjoy/dislike about your job? • What improvements would you suggest for your job/working conditions/ management support? • What do you think it takes to succeed at this company? • Could we have done anything to prevent your decision? • What could we have done to make the company a better place to work? • How would you rate the supervision at our company?

Spring 2012 | National Pawnbrokers Association | 37

human resources • How would you rate communications and feedback at our company? • Did you have everything you needed to do a good job? • Do you plan to continue working? • If so, where? In what job? • What are your duties and responsibilities in your new position? • What are your compensation and benefits in your new position? • What are they offering that we aren’t? • While you were here, were you treated with respect? • Would you consider returning to work for us? Is there any information I must act upon? • If information is disclosed in an exit interview which suggests potential harassment, ethical violations, or unlawful activity, it must be immediately reported to the appropriate person in management. The company must investigate possible illegalities, and if found to exist, take immediate, appropriate action. • Under these circumstances, it is wise to consult with an HR or legal professional.

Exit interviews can help you to do the following: • Prevent lawsuits • Attract and retain the best employees • Make peace with disgruntled employees who might otherwise leave with vengeful intentions Believe it or not, employees generally see exit interviews as a sign of a positive workplace culture. It’s viewed as caring and compassionate and shows that the company is mature enough to listen to criticism.

For pawnbrokers who deal with so many regulation and compliance issues day in and day out, HR demands can seem overwhelming, and they often get swept under the rug. Now there is a solution for you! Turn to 24HourHR, available in your NPA Compliance Store. It is your one-stop resource for HR-related workplace information with access 24/7! Visit and enjoy 60 days access to this amazing online HR tool for the NPA member exclusive price of only $9.99! Kit Goldman and WTN partner, Memo Mendez, presented a seminar on Harassment/Discrimination/Wrongful Termination at the 2011 NPA Pawn Expo. © 2012 all rights reserved.

38 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Spring 2012

State News

State Association Updates What’s going on across the Country

North Carolina


Bob Moulton, President North Carolina Pawnbrokers Association National Jewelry & Pawn, Inc. Durham, NC

Butch Tinker Big A Pawn Shop Lake Charles, LA

The North Carolina Pawnbrokers Association continues to work with the North Carolina Criminal Justice Information Network (CJIN) to give input concerning a potential statewide database for second-hand goods’ dealers. We have been well received by CJIN and their members There is a need for some type of common reporting system that not only includes pawn records, but also those from the rapidly expanding gold buyer and second-hand dealer industries. Our two main goals are the following: • Protection of our customers’ financial privacy • Equal interpretation and reporting under the law for all dealers in second-hand goods. As a side note, there appears to be a potential new player in the pawn data collection business. A company called American Law Enforcement Network made a presentation at a CJIN meeting and expressed interest in pawn data collection. If you have any information on this company, please contact me at 919-286-3333 or

The Dixie Educational Conference and Trade Show was a great success in March. We had great speakers and over 50 vendors selling and buying on the trade show floor. The Louisiana crew did a fantastic job! The regional shows continue to grow in popularity and are a great build up to the Greatest Pawn Show on Earth—NPA’s Pawn Expo 2012. On the legislative front, we have been fortunate in Mississippi this year. We were able to kill the typical negative bills that were introduced. Many times these bills are introduced at the request of a legislator’s constituent and the legislator isn’t aware that the particular request is already a part of our state law. We met with the banking committees on both sides of the floor, and their biggest question was what we thought about the pawn TV shows. Through our lobbying and grassroots efforts, we have been successful in building great relationships over the years and allowing us to continue to tell our story. I look forward to seeing everyone in Las Vegas in July for the NPA’s 25th Anniversary and Pawn Expo 2012!



David I. Schoeneman, President Illinois Pawnbrokers Association Shane’s - The Pawn Shop Inc. Chicago Heights, IL

Greg Engstrom, President Indiana Pawnbrokers Association Ameripawn Valparaiso, IN

The Illinois Pawnbrokers Association (IPA) had a record turnout of 85 pawnbrokers at our semiannual meeting February 26th. We would like to thank all of our sponsors for their support. We had great updates on melee and metal, and we received information on the new pawn ticket wording required by insurance regulations. Our state regulators updated us on their intended legislative initiatives and gave their perspective of the state of the industry in Illinois. The IPA continues to grow. The election of new faces to the board of directors bodes well for our future. We are all eager for the Midwest Pawnbrokers Convention. Go to for additional information. The legislative session is in full swing at the moment, so we’ll have to wait for a few months to see what the future holds. Finally, don’t forget to apply for your manager’s license if you are other than a one-person owner/operator shop.

Many municipalities in Indiana have experienced problems with cash-for-gold stores and various other gold buyers that don’t report to police. Many of these entities don’t even keep accurate records. These issues are leading to new ordinances that catch pawnbrokers in their wide net, causing difficulties for those who need access to pawn loans. In Hammond, one of the state’s most heavily populated cities, all gold transactions must be by check. After years of educating the public that pawnbrokers are different from payday lenders, now we are associated with the gold buying operations, which still do not have any statewide regulation. The pawnbroker’s license becomes more difficult to obtain as the state again ratchets up the pawnbroking statutes. The growth of the number of independent pawnbrokers in Indiana is not keeping pace with many neighboring states. As in many other areas of the country, the public pawn operators are acquiring stores at a breakneck pace, which is changing the landscape of pawnbroking in Indiana. Indianapolis, the state’s (Continued on page 40)

34 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Spring 2012


Regulations That Affect You! Stay Informed about compliance requirements by Robert Frimet, President RMF Consulting Group, Inc.

As a progressive pawnbroker (you are aren’t you?) who is attending Pawn Expo 2012 in Las Vegas, you’ll need to avoid the gaming tables for just a short time and plan to attend this very important compliance seminar. “Why me?” you ask. Well, as a pawnbroker, you’re subject to a bevy of regulations enforced by at least three regulators, if not more based on your activity.

If you don’t know the answer to these questions, it’s time for a compliance tune up: Are your staff aware of the differences between a designated reporting transaction and a related transaction? What are the thresholds for filing? How and when do you notify your customer about a form 8300 filing? What does suspicious activity have to do with a pawn transaction? And more … As you know, pawn is a trade or business, and as such, your company is subject to Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Title 26/Form 8300 requirements. Many pawnbrokers are also defined as dealers in precious metals. Knowledge of the requirements for such transactions and how they affect your business are keys to surviving an IRS audit and having a successful future! Expanded rules require an anti-money laundering program, ongoing training, internal monitoring, and independent reviews. All of these have been somewhat foreign to pawn stores in

previous years. Stiff penalties may apply if a pawnbroker doesn’t follow the rules—and ignorance of the law is not considered an excuse. In addition to expanded precious metals rules, pawnbrokers must be aware of Office of Foreign Assets Control/Specially Designated Nationals (OFAC/SDN) requirements and have a mechanism in place that is able to ensure that your customer is good-to-go from a regulatory stand point. The fines for failure to comply, and thus doing business with the wrong person, can devastate a business. Finally, there are red flag rules in place that are issued by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). These rules require a company to have a compliance manual in place with policies and procedures to protect customers from identity theft. These policies and procedures must include information on how data is shared, stored and destroyed. Under the FTC rules, companies must provide internal annual reviews, and outline and address any deficiencies. Just when you thought you’d had enough, if you’re a check casher or deal with services such as wire transfers, money orders or prepaid debit cards, you’re also required to have special procedures in place, e.g., an anti-money laundering program, with training, reviews and monitoring. Topics covered at this seminar will include: • Compliance for pawn • Compliance for dealers in precious metals • OFAC/SDN compliance • Red Flags compliance • Money Service Business compliance Think of this seminar as an all-you-need-toknow buffet in Las Vegas, without the calories! You must be an NPA member in good standing to attend this training. A certificate of training will be issued, and the training is free of charge. Space is limited, however, so secure your seat!

42 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Spring 2012

Robert Frimet is the President of RMF Consulting Group, Inc and is a Certified Anti Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS). He has served the pawn, check cashing, payday, title loan, and other industries since 1991. Nationally, Mr. Frimet offers compliance programs and independent reviews; federal/ state examination audit assistance; and payday/check cashing turnkeys. He can be reached at (702) 596-8370 (PST), or through

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2/16/12 7:59 PM

Join NSSF’s Voter-Education, Registration Effort Become part of this website, social media campaign by Glenn Sapir, NSSF Director, Editorial Services, and Bill Brassard, Director, Communications Think of your brick-and-mortar and website businesses as more than pawn shops, as more than stores. Think of them as a center for voter registration and education.

44 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Spring 2012

feature article

The votes of target shooters, hunters and gun owners can make a huge impact in the United States’ 2012 elections. To assist eligible voters with registering and with evaluating candidates’ positions on firearms freedoms issues, the National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®) has launched GunVote, a voter-education website at nssf. org/gunvote. To reach the most voters possible with this educational effort, NSSF®, the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry, is encouraging Twitter users to tag their electionrelated tweets with #gunvote and keep track of related issues on NSSF’s Facebook page. You can do this, and you can encourage your customers, friends and family to do the same. The gun vote website provides links to voter-registration information for all 50 states and a guide to the political races in voters’ districts. The latest polls and a selection of news articles are on the website, giving readers the perspective of journalists and others who are following and commenting on the campaigns. How else can you become involved and help protect your rights as a federal firearms licensed retailer? Make sure eligible citizens register to vote in the 2012 election. Educate them and discuss choices with them. Help them understand the importance of voting to protect America’s firearms freedoms. The final step, of course, is going to the polls and, when necessary, helping others to get to the polls. This may sound like a tall order, but there is even more that you can do. On your website, post the button seen here— #GUNVOTE: Don’t Risk Your Rights—as a link to NSSF’s gunvote website. You can learn more, and get the graphic for your website at With so many Americans becoming first-time gun owners recently, voter-education efforts are particularly important for the 2012 election. Having exercised their Second Amendment right for the first time, new gun owners are acutely aware that the freedom to own and use firearms must be protected, giving them a powerful and perhaps new reason to go to the polls. “It’s great to see that so many individuals have become firearm owners and are enjoying the shooting sports, but these freedoms require constant support from elected officials at the state and federal levels,” said NSSF President and CEO Steve Sanetti. “Votes on legislation and appointments to the courts have profound effects on our firearms freedoms.” Two landmark Supreme Court decisions reaffirming the indi-

vidual right to own firearms— the Heller and McDonald cases—were decided by 5-to4 votes producing a slim, one-vote majority, Sanetti points out. The next president might be in a position to appoint new justices to the Supreme Court—lifetime appointments—in the case of retirements or deaths. In the 2010 congressional election, some 46.2 percent of women and 45 percent of men 18 and over reported voting according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Gun owners tend to be more active at the polls than this average, but there is a lot of room for improvement. “More gun owners need to vote,” said Sanetti. “It’s critical that they do, and that they consider closely what candidates are saying, or not saying, about our firearms freedoms.” Learn more at

How Important Is a Single Vote?

Too many eligible people don’t bother to register or to vote because they just don’t think their one vote matters. Following are some examples of how one vote made a difference: • In 1955 the mayor’s race in Huron, Ohio, was decided by one vote. • In 1959, mayors of Rose Creek and Odin, Minnesota, were elected by one vote each. • In 1994, the U.S. House of Representatives enacted a law banning specific classes of arms deemed as “assault weapons.” It proved to be not only restrictive legislation, but also counterproductive in reducing crime. Its margin of passage was one vote. Today, many of the modern sporting rifles banned by that legislation, which long ago sunsetted, are among the most popular firearms purchased by Americans.

Spring 2012 | National Pawnbrokers Association | 45

FE AT U RE A R TICLE as they see fit, they are not required to set premiums at a certain amount. One purpose of the exchange is to provide individuals, and small businesses participating in the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP), leverage when shopping for health insurance. The success or failure of the exchanges depends on participation. Insurance carriers are not required to participate in an Exchange. The fewer enrollments, the less power members will have when negotiating with participating insurance carriers. The Affordable Care Act is hotly contested by many businesses both big and small, as well as those like Conner Industries who fall somewhere in the middle. As of the writing of this article, federal courts are debating whether the individual mandate requiring health insurance is constitutional. If it isn’t, where does that leave us? Will the exchange program be implemented anyway? If your state has one, will it last? What if you are already in one? It may seem nearly impossible to cut through the jargon and rhetoric we have come to expect around any piece of

Payment in Full Within 24 Hours!!

legislation and this article is far from comprehensive. With all of the pending judicial rulings on many parts of the law, even this information may have changed by the time you reach the end of this sentence. You may have already begun to notice the effects of ACA. Some effects will not be evident for some time. The timeline for ACA’s mandates stretches to 2014, and some will not be fully enforced until 2016. The NPA will continue to keep you up to date. It is critical for us to examine the facts in order to determine how ACA will affect our companies, our employees, and ourselves. Whether it is an issue surrounding yourself, your family, or your business, the bottom line is money. What can be afforded, what must be sacrificed, what amount, if any, will remain at the end of the day? The question now is whether the ACA’s proposed benefits to individuals will outweigh the cost to the businesses. And unfortunately, like Mr. Payne, we may be in for a rude awakening, and some tough choices ahead.

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smarter solutions for your association Office Depot has partnered with the National Pawnbroker’s Association to provide a national office supply solution. Shop online at NPA’s custom Office Depot website or register your company credit card to receive your contract pricing in Office Depot stores. Some of the benefits include: n



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To register for this program, go the Members Only section of the National Pawnbrokers website and click on Office Depot.

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just drop their membership is feeling the pain. However, th Pawnbrokers Association (IPA) is maintaining over 50% of non-public operato members.

In November of 2011, IPA sponsored a GIA Diamond Grading Class in Indianapolis, whi sold out. Five diamond buyers were invited t buy from those bringing goods to sell. IPA w sponsoring a class again in October or Nove of 2012.

This year the Midwest Pawn Convention wil held in Indianapolis, May 18th-20th. There w an amazing roster of timely educational sem and a variety of vendors. This event site is cl to Indianapolis International Airport, and ea accessible from the many interstate highways intersect Indianapolis.

The exhibit hall is sold out, and the attendee been r anoth again Send us Your Refining Scrap

Voted in the Top 5 sustainable companies and rated as one of the most Ethical companies in the World Platinum, Gold, Silver, Gold-filled, Sweeps Materials Umicore Precious Metals USA

527 Pleasant Street, Building 11, Attleboro, MA 02703 PH: 1-877-795-5060 •

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Continued, page 51

FE AT U RE A R TICLE PS: Well, we are going to address this at length during the keynote presentation at Pawn Expo 2012. In a general sense, the pawn industry continues to improve its image with the media and the general public through its business practices, store quality, service levels and professionalism. These elements need to be carried through into every aspect of the individual member’s pawn store. The goal will be to set the expectation high and meet that expectation when someone walks into the store—especially for the first time. If a potential customer has an incentive to explore the services of a local pawn store because of the positive information they are receiving via television or the media, the challenge is to deliver on the expectation set forth. This is “image follow through” and will be a successful way for each NPA member to really benefit from the good work the association has done on a national and regional level in the press and with lawmakers. Look for Patricia Stark at Pawn Expo 2012 at the General Session and on the trade show floor at the NPA INSIDER booth. And don’t forget to check out the NPA INSIDER online at NPA_MAG_FEB2012 (deleted 4f3ae272-1fcd000-ab1336ae).indd 48



2/16/12 7:58 PM

Calendar of events


2012 Midwest Pawnbrokers Convention

May 18-20, 2012 Wyndham Hotel, Indianapolis, IN Contact: Ron Stempkowski, (219) 261-3173


NPA Pawn Expo 2012

July 17-19, 2012 The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas Contact: Lindsay Wilson, (817) 337-8830


Texas Association of Pawnbrokers Convention

october 13-14, 2012 Embassy Suites Outdoor World, Grapevine, TX Contact: Peggy Roden, (972) 506-0203

California Pawnbrokers Association 56th Annual Convention and Exposition

October 19-21, 2012 Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa Contact: Kim Andosca, (209) 786-5115


Southeastern Regional Pawnbrokers Tradeshow & Convention

november 9-11, 2012 Westin Atlanta Perimeter North, Atlanta, GA Contact: Ben Levinson,

60 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Spring 2012

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Index of Advertisers ADVERTISER


3 CLiCk Media


Garrett Metal Detectors


Palak Diam

ABC Diamond Buyer


Geib Refining


Alta Diamonds



Pawnshop Consulting Group International Symposium & Conference Executive Leadership Camp Series Peer Focus Groups (586) 354-7274

(212) 221-9808


(800) 530-2647








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(800) 228-4653


(203) 365-5400

Gemological Institute of America (800) 421-7250



Hi-Tech Precious Metals & Refinery


Bluestone Trading Back Cover

Houston Precious Metals


Burrell Printing

International Gemological Institute

(877) 222-7820

(888) 800-BLUE (2583) (800) 531-5234

The Buyers

(562) 945-7276

Cash America

(866) 291-8110

CompuPawn (866) 545-9868





(888) 387-6017 (866) 950-7528 (713) 228-3931

Inside Front Cover



Manhattan Gold & Silver


Mid-States Recycling & Refining


National Jewelers Supplies


(813) 229-2715 (212) 398-1454

(847) 298-0010

Continental Assaying


CR Jewelers


North American Bancard


Data Age/PawnMaster


North American Metals


David H. Fell & Co.


NTR Metals


Dillon Gage


Office Depot


OSHA Store


(617) 391-0019

(800) 574-8820

(888) 949-7296 (800) 822-1996

(888) 436-3489

Equitable Payments

(866) 489-0270

Garfield Refining

(800) 523-0968



Pg. 41

(213) 228-0077

(954) 540-3697

Professional Texas Insurance

(888) 657-8665 (866) 481-4604

(800) 773-1626 (800) 889-0396 Member Benefits

(817) 8237047

50 & 51 53 56


(800) 742-6240

Golden Opportunities

(248) 961-0506




(212) 354-9800

RMF Consulting Group


Rolland Safe


Stallcup Group


Stebgo Metals


(866) 204-7209

(800) 225-2984

(800) 289-0138


32 & 33

(337) 262-7700

The Trendz (866) 337-7464




Union Life & Casualty Insurance


United Precious Metals


(877) 795-5060

(800) 545-5624 (800) 999-3463

Wexler Insurance Agency

(800) 432-1853

Inside Back Cover

White Pine


Worldwide Diamond Co


(646) 758-0292

(213) 622-2191

The NPA does not specifically endorse any entity and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees, and assumes no responsibility for, the products or services provided by these entities. The NPA expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising from the use or the performance of the products or services provided by these entities 62 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Spring 2012

PO Box 508 Keller, TX 76244 National Pawnbrokers Association


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