National Pawnbroker Summer 2012

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Official publication of the National Pawnbrokers Association

Summer 2012

Congratulations to the 2012 Pawnbroker of the Year

Stan Tidwell of Standon, Inc. (left)

accepts his award from Kevin Prochaska, NPA President

Message from the President

Pawn Expo 2012 Our Best yet!

If you weren’t in Las Vegas at Pawn Expo 2012, you missed the best convention and expo ever! We had a great celebration of 25 years for NPA, and everyone is looking forward to the next 25 years. Thank you to our exhibitors and sponsors for making this an event to remember. Your continued support is a key part of our success. We look forward to working with each of you next year. The Disney Institute seminars provided a wealth of thought–provoking ideas for attendees to take home and apply to their businesses. Add to that a tremendously successful expo and great social events and it will be tough to top it next year.

We have a lot going on at the Federal level with H.R. 1909 and H.R. 6139. Your government relations team has been working hard to stay on top of things and get information out to the membership. I would like to thank Fran Bishop, NPA Past President and Government Relations Chair, Haleyville, AL, for taking time immediately after leaving Pawn Expo to testify before the House Committee on Financial Services in Washington, D.C. It made for a long week and a lot of time away from her business. Her dedication to the needs of this industry is sincerely appreciated. Now is the time for each of you to contact your legislators and let them know NPA’s position on

Kevin Prochaska NPA President

Now is the time for each of you to contact your legislators and let them know NPA’s position on H.R. 1909 and H.R. 6139 However, I have no doubt that our staff and convention committee can do it. I want to give kudos to Kevin Macdonald for overseeing a great event, in addition to Dana Meinecke, NPA Executive Director and Lindsay Wilson, NPA Director of Meetings and Events. They, along with the rest of the NPA staff and volunteers worked hard to take this event to the next level.

Government Relations This issue of National Pawnbroker magazine has a wealth of government relations information in it. Make sure to read it, and if you have questions or concerns, contact the NPA office. We need all hands on deck as we face some of our toughest challenges to date.

H.R. 1909 and H.R. 6139. Fran’s testimony is included in this issue. Please review it and please voice your opposition to your legislators both at the state level and the federal level. Go to www. and click on the Rally Congress banner. As I start my second term as NPA President, I look forward to working to protect our industry while continuing to move it forward. Technology, communications, and community relations are key and I intend to focus on these things in the coming year. I appreciate the role that each of you plays in the success of the Association and our industry as a whole. I’m looking forward to another great year. Thank you!

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Table of Contents

Summer 2012

20 Feature Articles Commitment to Community At Alan’s Jewelry & Pawn it is a way of life.

In this Issue 20

Pawn Expo 2012 Candid Photos 14, 18, 22, 26, 40, 42 Highlights and award winners 30-36

Cover Story

NPA member Stan Tidwell accepts the Pawnbroker of the Year award for 2012.


Letter from the President Executive Director’s Report Government Relations Legislative Update Call to Action On Testifying in Washington NPA Internet Policy Statement New Members Vendor Spotlight NSSF Human Resources: Employee Benefits Business News: eBay vs. Pawn State News Calendar of Events Index of Advertisers

1 4 6 8 10 50 16 24 28 38 44 46 59 60

National Pawnbroker is the official publication of the National Pawnbrokers Association (NPA), and is published quarterly. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of Dana Meinecke, NPA Executive Director. Sale or distribution of any or all of the contents of this magazine is prohibited. All rights reserved. For more information on advertising or to obtain additional copies of National Pawnbroker, call 817-337-8830 or send an email to For membership information, email Editor’s Note: This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information on the subject matter covered. It is provided and disseminated with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services. If legal advice is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. © 2007-12 National Pawnbrokers Association: P.O. Box 508, Keller, TX 76244 • 817-337-8830 •

Editor: Chris Pearcey, NPA Communications Specialist,; Designer: Liza Samala

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Executive Director’s Report


Pawn Expo 2012 award winners

I’d like to thank each of you who attended Pawn Expo 2012. We’ve received many positive comments and look forward to bringing you a superb Pawn Expo 2013! The NPA Annual Meeting was the best attended ever. I would like to thank several people who helped with this special 25th anniversary. Ed Bean, your presentation on the history of NPA was insightful and funny at times. We have come a long way because of the many people who, over the course of 25 years, made sacrifices to make sure the pawn industry had representation. Nancy Martin, Nancy Cejudo, and Fran Bishop, we thank you for your very moving tribute to our friend and colleague, Ramona Thompson. Larry Nuckols, Government Relations Chair, thank you for bringing the membership up to date on the past legislative success of NPA and the challenges that face the industry today! We also thank our sponsor, Pease & Curren, Inc.! At our annual meeting we presented our 2012 Pawnbroker of the year award to Stan Tidwell of Standon, Inc. in Franklin, TN. He is not one you normally find in the headlines. Instead, he works discretely behind the scenes. Stan has never failed to support our industry whether he has been requested to donate his time, his knowledge, or his dollars! I think he represents the very best that this industry has to offer and we are honored to have him as our 2012 Pawnbroker of the Year! Congratulations Stan! Our 2012 Industry Partner of the Year has opened doors for the association that may have never been opened otherwise. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) was instrumental in structuring our association’s invitation to recent meetings between the big box stores and the Department of Justice; thus insuring the NPA’s voice was heard. In addition, they are there for our many members who are FFL holders. Thank you to Bettyjane Swann and her team at NSSF for their continued support. This year marked the passing of one of NPA’s

greatest assets, Ramona Thompson. In her honor, NPA presented a plaque to her family as a tribute to all she has done for the industry. Our warm wishes and gratitude are with them during this time. Now that Pawn Expo 2012 is over, the NPA staff is hard at work meeting the new challenges for our industry. Our government relations team is diligently watching the progress of the Federal Charter bills, H. R. 1909 and H.R. 6139. Either bill, if passed, would allow a small number of mega providers to grab huge market shares and would not be subject to state or local regulations. NPA members operate independent, familyowned, community-based businesses. These stores will continue to be subject to the array of federal, state and local laws and regulations that the industry supporters of these two bills want to escape. These bills will place millions of middleclass consumers at the mercy of large, remotely operated companies and place thousands of family-owned, local businesses at enormous competitive disadvantage. As we watch the progress of such legislation, we will call on each of you to act. Please watch for our Legislative Alert emails. They will give you information and instructions on how we can band together with a unified voice and beat such threats to our industry. I am proud to say that we have seen a significant increase in our membership, both from pawnbrokers and industry partners. Each and every member that we represent increases both our strength and presence with the legislature and the public. Our communications with both members and the public continues to improve. We have expanded our pawn news coverage with an additional NewsBrief each week, and our NPA Insider video series with Patricia Stark will continue to provide information on topics important to the industry. Thank you for your continued support!

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Dana Meinecke NPA Executive Director

Government relations

It’s Time To Get Involved It’s hard to believe that we’re just three months away from the next Presidential election! You remember don’t you? Your advertising rates skyrocket and those key advertising slots get snapped up faster than hot dogs at a ball park! You’ll be bombarded with rhetoric from all sides. Promises made and promises broken. What to do? I urge you to get out and vote. Encourage others to do the same. Do your research, and cast your ballot. Better yet, get involved. Search out candidates who know you and you can support. That’s where it all begins. Start off with your local councilperson or State Representative. These people often move up the ladder. Very seldom does someone come out of nowhere to rise to a position in Congress. Volunteer to hand out flyers, place yard signs, or make phone calls. It takes real people to do all these jobs and by starting here, you’ll make new friends and forge new partnerships. Most important…don’t forget to vote! The NPA GRC team has been actively following Federal Charter legislation. Past president and GRC member Fran Bishop testified at a key Financial Services Committee hearing last month—a first for our Association and a sign of how respected our Association has become. Our position: maintaining a level playing field and not picking winners or losers through legislation. The proposed legislation tilts the hand toward the large market players and players with multiple lines of offerings. State reporting, licensing, and loan terms won’t apply to these players, and the price tag is in the millions. As a result, Illinois Representative Dick Durbin reintroduced a 36% rate cap bill was re-released recently. Team GRC is on top of it and studying the landscape. These are the types of bills that strike without an understanding of our industry. They are dangerous and reckless. Whether this is an election year ploy or a serious effort, we’ll be sure to keep you informed and updated.

The GRC has also been asked to provide guidance and assistance in several state and local electronic reporting issues. Some of these take weeks of diligent research. We would be remiss if we failed to make our members aware of the dangers of voluntary, nothreshold reporting of your customers’ personal information. Several States have property reporting only requirements—something we can support. Electronic reporting can provide tremendous efficiencies to businesses and law enforcement. However the benefit can quickly become a liability without proper protections of your customers’ data. Your customers should be treated no differently than customers of any other secondhand business. Since the majority of our customers redeem their loans, providing their personal information without reasonable suspicion seems to be unreasonable. Most recently, we have been grappling with the issue of internet pawn. We support advancement and expansion of our industry as technology evolves. However, we must exercise caution and be aware of possible unintended consequences of supporting a new pawn offering. Our previous positions have been consistent with pawn as a face-to-face transaction. Many state laws use this exact wording. Can an internet transaction be qualified as a face-to-face transaction? Whose pawn statutes apply? The state where the consumer resides, the business resides, the location of the collateral, or the location of the disbursement of the funds? While internet lending may work hand-inhand with brick-and–mortar, there still remain a number of questions as to the legality of these types of loans and the ability of anyone to use one state’s pawn laws to circumvent rate caps, reporting requirements, licensing, and regulatory oversight of another. Right now, we have more questions than answers. As we work our way through this we’ll keep you informed. Until next time, have a safe and profitable day!

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Larry Nuckols NPA GRC Chair

Do you enjoy politics? Can you think outside of the box?

We’re always looking for members who appreciate a challenge to join our Government Relations Team or the Board of Directors. One of the requirements is that you attend our Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, held each Spring prior to the elections that we hold in July. Our Board meetings are in July, October and March, and we sure would love to talk to you about joining us! Contact Dana Meinecke, NPA Executive Director at or 817-337-8830 for more information.

Government Relations

NPA Membership Call to Action! Contact Your Legislators

The National Pawnbrokers Association’s TEAM GRC has reviewed H.R. 1909 and H.R. 6139, which would authorize the Comptroller of the Currency to grant federal charters to non-depositary providers of financial services. These bills are bad for independently owned pawnbrokers and your customers. The bills would grant powerful competitive advantages to federal non-depository charter holders, including specific exemptions from state and local laws, such as: • Exemption from all state and local licensing requirements and fees, and from statewide consumer protection laws • Exemption from local zoning restrictions and moratoria on new licenses • Exemption from any state or local requirement that “significantly interferes” with the charter holder’s ability to do business in the manner authorized by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Quite possibly, this would allow charter holders to avoid transaction reporting and specific types of recordkeeping • Exemption from all “rate caps” or term restrictions imposed by the states or by the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

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• Ability to use one business model nationwide. This means that the bills would sanction internet lending using one set of standards for finance charges and fees, hold periods, and other terms, regardless of state laws, across the nation • Ability to offer loans to “small businesses” (those employing 500 or fewer employees) without regard to state laws applicable to business loans • Ability to make loans up to $5,000 unsecured or $25,000 secured— more if the OCC chooses to allow larger sums • Ability to offer products, including payday loans and title lending, in states that have banned them or significantly restricted them Charter holders will be able to lower rates initially. However, once they drive out local competition, these providers will be able to raise their rates and impose more onerous terms without fear of restrictions imposed by the states or the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Their charters will discourage new entrants. Help the NPA defeat these bills or lessen their effect on your business! Tell your members of Congress that it will hurt their constituents, including consumers and your employees, and it is anti-small business.

Government Relations

Testifying In Washington An Interview with Fran Bishop

Fran Bishop with Dollar Pawn in Haleyville, AL, was the NPA membership’s champion in Washington, DC on July 24, 2012. National Pawnbroker magazine asked her a few questions about the experience: National Pawnbroker (NP): How did you feel on the flight to Washington? Fran Bishop (FB): I was still tired from Pawn Expo in Vegas. I was thinking about what I would say and reading the bills. I stayed busy reviewing materials but still wondered what I had gotten myself into. NP: How was this testimony different from your previous experiences? FB: Well, I’ve never testified at the Federal level before, only the state. Since I’ve been so active at the state level, I feel like I know a lot of people. This wasn’t as comfortable because I didn’t know anyone. NP: How did you get past your uneasiness? FB: I focused on the people who were there and had my back: Kevin Prochaska, NPA President, Larry Nuckols, GRC Chair, the NPA’s great legislative staff. It calmed me down and helped me focus knowing they were there. NP: What did you learn about the committee you spoke to? FB: I learned that they put their britches on the same way I do! I also learned that you need to know what you are talking about when you get there. Because I did know what I was talking about, I felt heard and respected. NP: What was the committee like? FB: Well, I was a little worried at first because they were all over the first panel—but not with me. I felt that they listened closely and understood my points. NP: How did you come up with your talking points? FB: NPA’s team GRC helped. The one thing I focused on is that we’re a group of small business owners, and I made sure that everything I said made sense in that context and led back to that. NP: Any advice for the NPA membership? FB: It seems that we wait until the last minute to act on things. Nobody gets excited unless there

is a crisis. One of the things about grassroots work is that you’re already prepared—already connected—when the need arises. If not, it can be too late. Members need to be involved with local and state politics all the time, and be trained in what to say about our industry. We need to keep in touch with our Federal legislators and make sure they know who we are before we show up with an emergency. NP: Fran, on behalf of the NPA membership, I want to thank you for your time and effort in Washington. FB: You’re welcome! It was a pleasure.

Fran’s Opening Testimony Good morning Chairman Capito, Ranking Member Maloney and Members of the Subcommittee. My name is Fran Bishop and, together with my husband, I have owned and operated Dollar Pawn in Haleyville, AL for 24 years. I have also been an active member of the National Pawnbrokers Association and the Alabama Pawnbrokers Association, having served as President of both organizations, as well as chairing their government relations committees. As the old television game show ‘What’s My Line’ always began…‘enter and sign in’…I am a wife, mother, grandmother, pawnbroker, and small business owner. Today I am here to express the concerns of the National Pawnbrokers Association, which is comprised of independent, family-owned, pawn stores all across the United States. By point of clarification—none of the large, publicly traded pawn companies are members of our Association. Our small business members serve over 30 million consumers’ short term cash needs through faceto-face, non-recourse pawn transactions. The NPA only represents pawnbrokers and no other non-depository industry. With the greatest respect to the Members sponsoring HR1909 and HR6139, these bills provide or even expand access for providers, but are not likely to afford more access to consumers. Specifically, this bill is anti-small, family-owned (Continues on page 51)

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Fran Bishop Dollar Pawn Haleyville, AL

Government Relations

Rally Congress: The easy way to contact your Members of Congress The Rally Congress section of the NPA website will allow you to support NPA’s legislative efforts so that the pawn industry has a coordinated, united message to our Senators and Representatives.

Support NPA’s Political Action Committee every contribution makes a difference

The National Pawnbrokers Association (NPA) Political Action Committee (PAC) provides financial support to elected officials who influence legislation affecting your business. Our PAC is voluntary and non-partisan, and encourages members to participate in the political process at all levels. There are candidates and elected officials who are informed about our industry and qualified to hold public office. Combining resources through the PAC and supporting these individuals is one of the most effective ways to make our voice heard, and it is a convenient way for you to become involved in the political process.

Why are PAC contributions important? Your PAC contribution allows NPA to combat legislation that could negatively affect the pawn industry. The PAC, combined with our government relations team, gives NPA the tools to support your industry’s political goals and growth strategies. Decisions made by state and federal legislators strongly affect NPA members and their families. They influence the way pawnbrokers conduct their business which directly determines the success of our industry. We need each of our members to contribute to the PAC so that we can work to protect and pass legislation that is positive for everyone. Don’t wait until there is a crisis! Lay the foundation for action now. Learn who your state and federal congressional leaders are and get to know them, and contribute to the PAC so that we have the resources in place when we need them the most! Contact Matthew Church, NPA Government Relations Administrator at or 817-337-8830.

Three easy steps! 1. Go to the Rally Congress web page. Click on the red button that says “Take Action.” 2. Review the letter that NPA has provided for you. Make changes if necessary, and enter your contact information. 3. Review your letter one last time. Click the red “Send Letters” button, away it goes! You’re done!

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Pawn Expo 2012

“If everyone does something 1% better, it adds up.� Disney Institute

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Welcome NPA New Members PAWNBROKERS


Arkansas Loans, Sherwood Bailey’s Pawn, Fordyce

Arizona Pawn 1st LLC (7 stores) Phoenix, Temple, & Scottsdale




Chad’s Pawn Shop, Lake Charles

Empire Pawn Shop, Lubbock Uncle Dan’s Pawn, Garland Uncle Dan’s Pawn Jewelry & Guns Sales (4 stores), Dallas & Mesquite Uncle Dan’s Pawn Shop, Cedar Hill

Maryland Dorchester County Pawn, Cambridge Pawn Pro’s, North East



Jackpot Pawn Shop, Fraser Simon’s Jewelry and Loan, Hazel Park

Hy and Mike’s of Roy, Roy


Atlantic Pawn, Colonial Heights


Best Jewelry & Loan, Visalia Loss Mitigations, San Francisco Monte De Piedad (4 stores), San Ysidro

Pawn Mart, Moss Point



Jewelry Gold & Pawn, Huntington

Gold Exchange (2 stores), Springfield Gunsmoke Guns - Gold Exchange Pawn Springfield


Acme Pawnshop, Colorado Springs

Delaware Sussex County Pawn, Seaford

Florida Fire and Ice Pawn, Valrico Nautical Pawn, Miami OK Pawn and Jewelry, Daytona Beach Pawns Plus, Lake Wales Pompano Pawn & Jewelry Pompano Beach Stadium Jewelry and Pawn, Tampa

Georgia Galaxy Pawn, Gainesville I-Deal Brokerage, Lawrenceville IPawn, Marietta Oakridge Pawn Shop, Albany

Illinois UltraPawn, Lombard

Indiana Columbus Pawn (3 stores) Columbus, Seymour & Whiteland

Iowa Siegel’s Jewelry & Loan, Cedar Rapids

New York Buffalo Jewelry and Loan, Tonawanda Gold Coast Jewelry & Pawn, Huntington

West Virginia


F T Second Hand, North Battleford, SK Halifax Estate Jewelry, Truro, NS Key Largo Jewelery & Loans Ltd Langley, BC

North Dakota


Bell Pawn & Collectibles, Bismarck

Depositos De Coacalco SA De CV Mexico City La Nacional Pignoraciones Y Remates Tijuana

Ohio Best Pawn, Euclid Moraine City Pawn, Moraine Ohio Valley Outdoors Ltd, Lancaster PawnStar, Springfield Rich’s Pawn Shop, Dayton

Oklahoma Sooner State Pawn #2, Oklahoma City

Oregon Capital Pawn, Salem

Puerto Rico Oro Centro (7 stores), Bayamon

South Carolina Little River Pawn, Little River Tiger Pawn Shop, Pendleton

Kentucky J & M Pawn, Louisville

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Netherlands Antilles Anam Cara N.V., Willemstad, Curacao


Allan Jojola, Castle Rock, CO Darrell Lean, Lean Pawn & Pistol Bolivar, MO Edward Ezgilioglu, Englewood, NJ Viken Ezgilioglu, Englewood Cliffs, NJ Jonathan Gershkow, Ace Cash Money Loan, Philadelphia, PA Bradley Blaylock, Marble Falls, TX


Blue Ground Trading, Matawan, NJ Manek Capital Partners, New York, NY Sanghavi Diamonds, New York, NY Padmavati Diamonds USA, New York, NY Assay on Wheels, Lorton, VA


Firerox, Los Angeles, CA GiftCardBin, Sacramento, CA Artco Group, Miami, FL The Specht Sheet Company, Miami, FL JB Importers, Chicago, IL Empire Voice & Data, Avenel, NJ Generation Jewelers, LLC dba The Gold Standard, Syosset, NY Martin Kirschenbaum, New York, NY

Have you changed your: • Email address? • Mailing address • Store contact person? • Phone? • Fax? Update your contact info! Contact

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Pawn Expo 2012

“Seven percent of our communication’s impact comes from the words we use. Ninety-three percent comes from our tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language.” Patricia Stark

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Community Involvement

Commitment to Community At Alan’s Jewelry & Pawn, it’s a way of life The community of Asheville, NC is important to Alan Sheppard and his wife Tonia. Their business, Alan’s Jewelry & Pawn, has been open for 24 years and has three locations in North Carolina. Alan was born and raised in Asheville. He tested a number of professions including the building industry. Then the mid 1980s hit. In his efforts to pull himself up by the boot straps, he found the pawn industry, and the rest is history. “This industry has been super to me,” says Alan of pawn.

Let Your Dollars Follow Your Heart Children’s charities are near and dear to Alan and Tonia’s hearts. They are strong supporters of the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the March of Dimes, in addition to several other local charities. In April of 2012, Alan’s Jewelry & Pawn donated a portion of all gold buys from December 2011 to the Western North Carolina chapter of Make-A-Wish. Last year, their donation of over $6,000 to the Mimi Paige Foundation was used to buy Kevlar vests for the local police department’s K-9 unit. One of the other key factors in their choice of charity is where the money will be spent. “I want my money to go to local programs, even if the organization is national,” Alan said. He makes sure he knows, or is involved in, where the money goes.

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Capitalist Philanthropy Richard Branson of Virgin fame coined the phrase “capitalist philanthropy” in 2009. Since that time, it the concept has been hotly debated, usually at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Most people know that they give primarily to make themselves feel better, but taking that one step further and actually giving with a marketing goal in mind is still taboo. Alan isn’t afraid to address the issue head on. Making a difference in the community, especially its children, is the driving force behind Alan’s efforts, and he isn’t afraid to accept the welldeserved recognition that goes with his commitment. “Every dollar I contribute comes back one hundred fold,” Alan says, “not only as personal satisfaction, but as exposure for our business.” It is a closed system. Your heart leads you to give; your giving gets you recognition; the recognition improves your business; and your heart keeps it going. Alan is adamant that you can’t just write a check and expect someone to remember you. “People don’t remember the check, they remember the face,” he says. Making a personal as well as a financial commitment to a charity is what brings rewards, both personally and professionally. Tonia is deeply involved in their charitable commitments, and served as the chairperson of March of Dimes and Make-A-Wish events for multiple years.

People don’t remember the check, they remember the face. New Charitable Horizons Alan is even considering starting his own charity, a scholarship fund in memory of an employee of eleven years who recently passed away. With little education, this person spent his life making sure his 6 children had the chance to go to college and further their dreams. The scholarship would honor that commitment by helping area youth continue their education.

Not all non-profit organizations are created equal. If you’re considering a donation, consider the following questions:


Advice Alan’s advice on charitable contributions: 1. Pick 2-3 charities at the most 2. Do your research. Make sure you believe in the charity’s mission and how they spend their money 3. Find a cause that is meaningful to you 4. Determine ahead of time that you will do more than just write a check 5. Remember, you can’t take it with you

3 aims to do for nonprofits what Yelp has done for restaurants: magnify word-of-mouth experience with the power of the internet. By promoting those charities that real people have had good (and bad) experiences with, organizers hope to encourage more charitable donations and volunteers.

2 3 is a site that compiles tax filings of more than 1.8 million U.S. nonprofits, so everyone can see how nonprofit organizations compensate staff and otherwise spend their money. It has long been a resource for reporters trying to understand the inner workings of organizations, but it can also be useful for any citizen looking for information about an organization before making a donation., evaluates 5,400 of the most prominent nonprofits based on how they spend their money. If an organization spends 80% of its budget and staff time raising money, it's not delivering on its mission. If an organization spends 90% of its money on programs that support its mission consistently over time, that's a different story, and worthy of the hard-earned dollar in your donation.

Photos: Sherry G. Rambin

What is the mission statement of the organization, and do you believe in the cause?


Following are some websites that can help you with your research:


How do you know which charity is right for you?


5 6

Do the programs and services provided support the mission? Where is the money spent? Locally? Nationally? Internationally? A combination? How is the money spent? What is the ratio of donations spent on administrative costs to those spent on programs and services? What recognition will you receive for your donation or participation? Would you donate even without recognition?

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Pawn Expo 2012

“Remember that your ideas are different from your identity.� Disney Institute

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Vendor Spotlight

IAS Training

For more than a decade, IAS Training has been helping retailers achieve positive results through education and training of their sales staff, sales managers, and executives. Founder Brad Huisken’s extensive experience and knowledge of retail sales and sales management has enabled him to create training products and programs with realistic, easy to apply strategies and techniques, all based on the premise of providing outstanding customer service. He has developed Certified Professional Pawnbroker training, and the manual includes such titles as: • Pre-hire information that includes everything from interview questions to a math skills test and answer sheet • New hire information that includes items such as a six-day new hire orientation and a thirty-four page employee handbook • A pawn/buy/sales aptitude test with answers • Information and testing for mentors, team leaders, and sales managers • Compliance information • A sample employee bonus program And much, much more. National Pawnbroker magazine took a moment to find out more about his business. National Pawnbroker (NP): What unique issues

do pawn store operators face? Brad Huisken (BH): Hiring, training, and retaining a trained professional staff. NP: Can you name three things that a store can

do to improve its professionalism?

pawnbrokers. It took over 12 years and has just been completed in the past few months. NP: Give an example of what a client might expect when they contact you? BH: A system and a process to hire, train, retain, and reward professional pawnbroking staff. We offer a free weekly newsletter, books, CD’s, DVD’s, and training manuals. We also do in-store consulting and training for sales/lending professionals, sales managers, multi-store supervisors, and pawn shop owners. We focus on 4 areas:

• Sales, Pawns, Buys • Product Knowledge • Customer Service • Operations of the business. NP: What are some of your success stories? BH: We have had tremendous success stories—

from Sam Shocket at King’s Jewelry and Loan, a multi-store operation in Los Angeles, to a new pawnbroker, Luke Montgomery, at Simple Pawn in Fulton, MS, and every level in-between. Dozens of pawnbrokers, if not hundreds use our training programs and in-house services with incredible success. NP: How do you facilitate this success? BH: We install a system of training, accountability,

standards, hiring, interviewing, motivating, coaching, and performance based incentives in an environment where everyone has an equal chance to be successful and excel. I had one pawnbroker tell me that his sales increased 80% after attending one of our three day training courses.

BH: Through improving their displays, dress code

(in many cases), grow more professional personnel (give people the knowledge and training they need to answer questions and create personal trade, repeat, and referral customers), and overall image and cleanliness of their operations. NP: What has been your most difficult challenge

as a business? BH: Creating a training program specifically for

NP: What do you see for the future of the pawn

industry? BH: I see the industry continuing to become

more professional. This has to happen with both the physical stores and the personnel that work in the industry. With that in mind, the industry will attract a much larger segment of the general population, and thus sales and profits will increase.

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Brad Huisken, Founder, IAS Training.

Pawn Expo 2012 Member News

“The best communicators are the best listeners.� Patricia Stark

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Firearms Retailers Reap Benefits from NSSF® Membership A former NPA president is thankful she became a member by Glenn Sapir, NSSF Director, Editorial Services

Firearms retailers enjoy many services and benefits as members of the National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF), but perhaps the most important is intangible—becoming a part of a strong voice for the industry. “Though they face many challenges, firearms retailers don’t have to go it alone when they are members of NSSF,” said Bettyjane Swann, NSSF’s director of member services. “Their support adds to NSSF’s clout whether it’s inside the beltway or in state houses across the country.” In fact, a new advertising initiative in industry trade magazines delivers such messages as “We’ve Got Your Back” and “Preventative Medicine.” NSSF works to promote a positive business environment for firearms retailers by engaging in regulatory, legislative and market matters that are critical to retailers’ businesses. Knowing that NSSF is monitoring these areas allows the retailer to focus on core business functions, such as in-store sales and service. NSSF has more than 7,000 members and, at more than 50 years old, is the recognized voice of the firearms and ammunition industry. Firearms retailer member benefits include: Comprehensive materials and guidance to maintain ATF/ legal compliance with everything from a Form 4473 overlay to a new hotline just for retailers. NSSF helped develop and endorses a liability insurance program that offers an ATF Proceedings Endorsement that will pay reasonable and necessary defense costs in defense of any proceeding (warning conference, revocation hearing and/or judicial review) coming out of any recordkeeping or other administrative action brought by ATF. The opportunity to work with former ATF officials who understand what it takes to stay compliant with rules and regulations. Discounts to help retailers grow from national brands such as Federal Express and Staples, and cost savings for services such as credit card processing, employee background checks, and telecommunications offerings. Customized services and amenities at the industry’s leading trade event, the SHOT Show®. Programs and partnerships such as First Shots®, Hunting Heritage Partnership®, and the NSSF Range Grant Program that help recruit new customers. Discounts on the industry’s benchmark research that gives retailers a competitive edge.

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Many pawnbrokers have discovered the benefits of membership in NSSF. One is former NPA President, Fran Bishop, who along with her husband, Tony, owns Dollar Pawn in Haleyville, AL. The Bishops have been in the pawn business for more than 23 years and for the last several years, they discovered the importance of belonging to NSSF. “NSSF keeps Federal Firearms Licensees up-to-date with a constant flow of information on what’s happening within the firearms arena,” Fran said. “The NSSF website is a great repository of information, and additional questions are always responded to in a timely manner.” “Of course, I would be remiss not to mention the SHOT Show,” she added. “If you are in the firearms business and haven’t attended SHOT, then consider yourself deprived. You must see it to believe it!” Fran believes that if you are a pawnbroker who sells firearms, membership in NSSF is something you should seriously consider. “As a pawnbroker dealing in firearms, I consider membership in NSSF to be an essential tool to keeping abreast of current information in the firearms industry—opportunities, challenges, trends, forecasts, and of course, the always-looming regulatory changes,” she said. Becoming a member of NSSF is easy, inexpensive, and profitable. For more information about becoming a member of NSSF, contact Bettyjane Swann at, Samantha Hughes at, or call 203-4261320. You can also visit the NSSF website at http://nssf. org/retailers/rx.

Pawn Expo 2012

Pawn Expo 2012 attendees are buzzing over the incredible experience they had at the convention. This year proved to be record breaking, with over 800 pawnbrokers and almost 400 exhibitors from 121 companies. Attendees came from 45 states and over 10% were international.

So what did you miss if you didn’t attend? • The opportunity to network with fellow pawnbrokers and make business connections with the exhibiting vendors • The Diamond District, which gave attendees the chance to visit privately with diamond buyers and find the best price for their diamonds and gemstones. • The Compliance Workshop where attendees earned certification specifically for pawn shops that covered all U.S. Patriot Act federal compliance matters • The General Session with Patricia Stark of the NPA Insider video series. Patricia talked about the recent wave of positive press about our industry and how to capitalize on it by exceeding your customers’ expectations • The NPA Annual Membership Meeting and Breakfast where the annual awards

were presented and a special NPA 25th anniversary presentation was given • A beautiful Welcome Reception with amazing food and camaraderie • Disney Institute’s inspiring presentations which provided ideas to help capitalize on your business’ assets and then implement these ideas in your own store • A trade show that featured 121 companies with a wide variety of products and services that are key to the pawn industry, four $500 cash drawings, and two happy hours. • A Closing Reception with friends, both old and new, in the magnificent Chandelier Bar And finally, you missed finding out the secret to the success of the person sitting next to you. The ability to make face-to-face contact with fellow pawnbrokers is one of the greatest things you can take away from Pawn Expo.

For turning in his Pawn Expo 2012 survey and entering the drawing, Bob McEowen, Capital Pawn, Jefferson City, MO, wins a complimentary registration to Pawn Expo 2013. Congratulations Bob! See you next year!

If you’ve had success with any of the ideas you took home from Pawn Expo, please contact and share your story. We would love to report on it in future issues of National Pawnbroker magazine.

Contact with your story.

Pawn Expo 2013 Save the date: July 16-18, 2013 Las Vegas, NV

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Pawn Expo 2012


Stan Tidwell of Standon, Inc. Awarded 2012 Pawnbroker of the Year by Kevin Prochaska, NPA President Stan Tidwell’s nomination stems from his overwhelming commitment to promoting the industry’s image, fostering relationships with the community and local leaders and giving to charitable organizations and those in need. He has worked tirelessly and given freely for the betterment of pawnbroking. The NPA Pawnbroker of the Year Award is presented annually to an NPA member who, through his/her performance, has achieved significant accomplishments nationally for the pawnbroking industry.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation Awarded 2012 NPA Industry Partner of the Year NPA Board Member and NSSF member, Chuck Williams accepts the award on behalf of the NSSF The NPA Industry Partner of the Year Award is presented annually to a company demonstrating continued support of the NPA and our members. NSSF was instrumental in structuring our association’s invitation to recent meetings between the big box stores and the Department of Justice; thus insuring the NPA’s voice was heard along with the voices of the giants. In addition, they are there for our many members who are FFL holders.

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2012-2013 Board of Directors and Staff

NPA Officers

President Kevin Prochaska

Lombard Financial Services 800 West Loop 281 Longview, TX 75604 (903) 759-7296 Fax: (903) 295-7017 kevin.prochaska@

Vice-President Ben Levinson

Dynasty Jewelry & Loan Ltd

5059 Jimmy Carter Blvd Norcross, GA 30093 (770) 300-0099 Fax: (770) 300-0706

Treasurer Robert Anderson

Secretary Kevin Macdonald

2711 E Michigan St Indianapolis, IN 46201 (317) 634-0684 Fax: (317) 624-2504

1425 Terry Rd Jackson, MS 39204 (601) 352-5252 Fax: (601) 355-2001

R & R Pawn

Big Daddy’s, Inc

Board of Directors

Tim Collier, AR

Glenn Coronis, TN

Dave Crume, KS

Bruce Harris, KS

1123 S University Ave, Ste 101 Little Rock, AR 72204 (501) 666-2883 Fax: (501) 666-2377

201 Keith St, Ste 80 Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 464-0989

1223 North Rock Rd, Bldg G, Ste 300 Wichita, KS 67206 (316) 440-5900 Fax: (316) 440-5901

1223 North Rock Rd, Bldg G, Ste 300 Wichita, KS 67206 (316) 440-5900 Fax: (316) 440-5901

Tom Howard, IN

David Johns, KY

Pacer, Ltd

Worldwide Jewelry & Pawn

1072 Lincolnway E South Bend, IN 46601 (574) 968-0619 Fax: (574) 234-7337

US Money Shops

Five Star Pawn & Jewelry

418 South 1st St La Grange, KY 40031 (502) 222-3299

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A-OK, Inc

Eric Modell, NY

Modell Collateral Loans, Inc 21 W 47th St, Ste 500 New York, NY 10036 (212) 354-4444 (212) 764-0019

A-OK, Inc

Larry Nuckols, TX

Brittex Financial, Inc 2502 Harry Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 826-8033 Fax: (210) 826-5733

2012-2013 Board of Directors and Staff

Board of Directors

Mona Prestigiacomo, KY Bill’s Jewelry & Pawn 10213 Dixie Hwy Valley Station, KY 40272 (502) 933-0848 Fax: (502) 937-3776

Kerry Rainey, LA

Bayou Pawn & Jewelry 821 N Morrison Blvd Hammond, LA 70401 (985) 345-7182 Fax: (985) 345-9308

NPA Staff

Dana Meinecke

Executive Director

Lindsay Wilson

Jordan Tabach-Bank, CA

2000 Moody Rd Warner Robins, GA 31088 (478) 922-4549 Fax: (478) 922-8566

9440 Santa Monica Blvd Ste 301 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (310) 275-2555 x28 Fax: (310) 275-6609

Wellston Pawn, Inc.

Chris Pearcey

Communications Specialist

Beverly Loan Company

Matthew Church

Government Relations Administrator

Diane Taylor, CA

Chuck Williams, GA

18505 Sherman Way Reseda, CA 91335 (818) 345-8696 Fax: (818) 345-8574

603 Watson Blvd Warner Robins, GA 31093 (478) 922-9851 Fax: (478) 922-9677

Traders Loan & Jewelry, Inc.

Director of Membership

Director of Meetings and Events

Steve Rogers, GA

Margie Swoyer

Chuck’s Gun & Pawn Shop

Terri Congleton

Administrative assistant

PO Box 508 Keller, TX 76244 Phone: (817) 337-8830 Fax: (817) 337-8875

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Pawn Expo 2012 Member News

Ramona Thompson’s Life Celebrated at Pawn Expo 2012 “Prepare the soil Sow the seeds Tend the plants Watch them grow Reap the harvest” -Ramona Presented in memory of Ramona Thompson in honor of her dedication and service to the pawn industry.

Harley Winner This year’s NPA PAC fundraiser was a huge success! All of the contributors were eligible to win a Harley motorcycle donated by Larry Nuckols, Brittex Financial, San Antonio, TX. Thank you Larry for your donation, and congratulations to Bruce Harris, A-OK Pawn Shop, Wichita, KS. Hope you enjoyed the ride home!

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Pawn Expo 2012

Diamond Sponsor $500 Cash Drawing Winners Diamond Sponsor: Wexler Insurance Agency $500 Cash Winner: Kevin Prochaska, Insta-cash Pawn, Roanoke, TX

Diamond Sponsor: Dillon Gage $500 Cash Winner: Susan Kelly, Just Pawn It, Inc., Riverside, CA

Diamond Sponsor: Palak Diam $500 Cash Winner: Ben Levinson, Dynasty Jewelry & Loan Ltd., Norcross, GA

Diamond Sponsor: Aaria $500 Cash Winner: Lora Bridges, Sevier Pawn & Loan, Sevierville, TN

Each year, NPA recognizes vendors who bring something special to the show.

Best Booth: Bravo Store Systems

Rookie of the Year: CEIA USA

Most Imaginative: Mid-States Recycling and Refining

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Pawn Expo 2012

Thank You Pawn Expo 2012 Sponsors!


PMS 282

PMS 1255

Palak Diam since 1935


f or e v e r Diamonds & Jewelry


Ankur Diamonds the passion for perfection

36 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Summer 2012

Community Involvement

Musical Instrument Gift Day and The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation Keeping Music Alive in America’s Schools

On December 6, 2012, the National Pawnbrokers Association (NPA) will sponsor its fourth annual Musical Instrument Gift Day, during which pawnbrokers from around the country generously donate musical instruments to organizations in need. This year, NPA is working closely with The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation, a non-profit organization that donates both new and quality refurbished instruments to under-funded music programs. These programs lack the

Kamen, started the foundation in 1996 as his commitment to the future of music education. Each year the foundation works to provide all types of instruments to schools including band, orchestral, percussion, acoustic guitars, electric guitars, drum sets, and electric keyboards. An average of 10,000 young people across the country benefit from the foundation’s programs every year. It is vital that children have every tool available to make the most of a musical

It is vital that children have every tool available to make the most of a musical education and experience the benefits inherent in learning to play music. resources to keep up with equipment loss and/ or provide students on waiting lists, or who have to share instruments, with instruments of their own. Musical Instrument Gift Day has donated thousands of musical instruments to charity organizations which support underprivileged children, families, and veterans. Our event is held on December 6th in honor of St. Nicholas Day and National Pawnbrokers Day. St. Nicholas was famed for his generosity and his charity to the poor and is the Patron Saint of Pawnbrokers. While the goal will be to focus any donations on or around December 6th, the time period for donations will span the fall and winter. The foundation was inspired by the acclaimed motion picture, “Mr. Holland’s Opus”, the story of the profound effect a dedicated music teacher had on generations of students. The film’s composer, Michael

education and experience the benefits inherent in learning to play music. The foundation has established a thorough process by which organizations are chosen to receive donations and handles all aspects of the process. Donations are awarded to established Title 1 school music programs throughout the country. The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation will identify a wish-list of musical instruments that will help guide the NPA donation effort. By working with the foundation, the NPA and its membership can be sure that donations will get into the hands of children who need them most. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to or contact the NPA office at for further details. For more information on the programs, visit and

This year, NPA members are provided three convenient options to participate in NPA Gift Day:


Ship high-quality, preowned musical instruments directly to the Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation. Any instrument that is donated should be in good to excellent condition. We want the recipients of these musical instruments to be proud of what they receive.


Purchase new musical instruments from a preselected musical instrument dealer to be drop-shipped directly to recipients. These musical instruments are likely to be acoustic guitars, drum sets, drum practice pads, drum sticks, and electronic keyboards.


Make cash donations directly to the Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation on behalf of the NPA Gift Day. The distribution of these funds would be at the discretion of the Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation, but related to selected recipient organizations.

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human resources

Employee Benefits Why and What?

by Kit Goldman President, Workplace Training Network (WTN), a Partner of the NPA Compliance Store

The right mix of employee benefits can help you: • Attract great employees • Reduce turnover • Boost employee morale • Improve productivity • Increase profits Being based in CA, I gleaned insight from 3 knowledgeable and successful NPA members, as well as attorney, Jon Webster, legal counsel for CAPA (CLSDA). B G Loan & Jewelry in Bell Gardens, CA, has less than 10 employees. Owner, Barry Smith’s, philosophy is, “Find what you love in life and do it.” This is reflected in the benefits his long time team enjoys, including: • A fun and positive work environment where you feel like part of the family • Good training • A feeling of self worth • Medical insurance: membership in a PPO at a company discount • Vested profit sharing Best Collateral has 76 employees at 8 stores in Novato, CA. Executive V.P., Rebecca Verhoeff, considers benefits crucial to attracting and retaining the best people. However, administration can be tough, so the company has a co-employer relationship with a Professional Employer Organization. They reap cost benefits by being in an employer pool. After the employee’s introductory period, his or her benefits include: • 401k, with company contribution • Profit sharing (skin in the game) • Medical and dental insurance • Vision insurance with small, employee paid premium • Life insurance • Commuter benefit plan • Ancillary benefits, e.g. pet insurance

Verhoeff also recommends an EAP (Employee Assistance Program). For a small, monthly fee, employees have a confidential hotline for advice on legal, financial, health, and family matters, and a conduit for grievances. Sam Shocket, President of King’s Jewelry and Loan is aggressive regarding compensation and benefits for his 87 employees at 3 Los Angeles area stores. Employee tenure averages 10 years! Some are there 20+. Included among benefits his staff enjoys: • Full medical coverage through an HMO paid 100% by company up to a monthly maximum. Employees can use the company contribution toward a PPO or other health related costs • Matching 401k • Generous personal time off • Employee purchasing plan • Company cell phones and I-pads to communicate • Continuing education, e.g, reimbursement for GIA courses As Jon Webster points out, employers are not required to provide any benefits other than the benefit of a workplace which complies with state and federal labor laws. Compliance is essential to protecting the resources needed to provide benefits. Some key labor law issues for pawnbrokers include: • Wage, hour, overtime practices • Meal periods (think that pizza for employees working through lunch is a benefit? It may be a violation!) • Employee classification • Employee handbook • Documentation of employment-related actions

38 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Summer 2012 619-794-2718

For pawnbrokers, who deal with so many compliance issues, Human Resources demands can get overwhelming and swept under the rug. There is a solution for you! Turn to 24HourHR, available in your NPA Compliance Store. It is your one-stop resource for HR-related workplace information with access 24/7! Visit and enjoy 60 days access to this amazing online HR tool for the NPA Member Exclusive Price of only $9.99!

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Pawn Expo 2012

“Remember that your ideas are different from your identity.� Disney Institute

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Pawn Expo 2012

“Ideas don’t have ownership once they are expressed.” Disney Institute

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Business News

eBay vs Pawn Internet Competition

by Emmett Murphy, 3 CLiCk Media

Recent changes in eBay’s business model are driving pawnbrokers out of the online market. In March 2009, eBay changed its focus, turning away from its core business of brokering used merchandise. In an effort to compete with, eBay President and CEO John Donahoe signed-off on a $2.4 billion deal to acquire GSI, a mega shipment fulfillment company. With integrated business components like the online marketplace, PayPal, and a shipping fulfillment branch, the “Buy it new, Buy it now” campaign has positioned eBay as a direct competitor of As a result, eBay’s revenue has increased 32% in the third quarter of 2011 to $3 billion compared to the same period in 2010. A series of related changes to eBay’s website have created setbacks for pawnbrokers.

The eBay product search now favors new and buy-it-now deals, while burying independent sellers and used items. eBay has also disabled the ability for sellers to rate buyers, giving buyers unchecked rating power. A new controversial system has been integrated, the Detailed Sellers Ratings (DSR) system, which leaves pawnbrokers no recourse in the instance of false or fraudulent ratings. These changes have lead to pawnbrokers’ accounts being unfairly shut down or limited to a small fraction of online sales.

In December 2010, eBay sellers filed an antitrust lawsuit over the DSR policy. The lawsuit alleges that eBay’s DSR policy, “…undermines the ability of small auction sellers to compete with larger sellers.” The lawsuit states that the policy benefits economically from dealing with large sellers. eBay, which was built on the support of individual and small business owners selling used items online, is clearly moving in a new direction, and leaving the pawn industry in the rear view mirror. Have you had any experiences with eBay that you would like to share? Send your comment or stories to

If you’re too busy to read all of those emails, the NPA posts great news and information on Facebook many times a week. “LIKE US” on Facebook for an easy way to stay in the loop.

A series of related changes to eBay’s website have created setbacks for pawnbrokers. 44 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Summer 2012

State News

State Association Updates What’s going on across the Country

Illinois We have had a quite legislative season this year. The state of Illinois’ budget and the explosion of governmental pension liability issues seem to be the focus of all political attention. Pawnbroker related issues do not seem to be on anyone’s radar. The attendance at the spring meeting was phenomenal and we seem to be growing each year. The 21st Annual Midwest Pawnbrokers Convention was also well attended. With a heavy heart the Illinois Pawnbrokers Association had to turn over the Tom Brown IV Memorial Medici Cup to Indiana for superior convention attendance. (Grrrrr) The Illinois Pawnbrokers Association has scheduled our fall meeting for September 11, 2012. Brunch will be served from 11 a.m.-noon and the meeting to begin at noon, sharp. Hope to see you there. David Schoeneman,

North Carolina The N.C. Pawnbrokers Association would like to remind all pawnbroker licensees that North Carolina General Statute 91A-8 states that pawnbrokers in North Carolina are allowed to charge 2% per month interest plus an additional fee of 20%. This 20% fee cannot exceed $100 for the first month and is scaled back even farther on renewals in subsequent months. Licensees who charge in excess of this amount are in violation of the Statute and are subject to misdemeanor criminal charges, fines and/or revocation of their license. The N.C. Pawnbrokers Association fully supports Statute 91A and strongly encourages any licensee in violation of the statue to cease such action immediately. We try hard to promote the positive image of the pawn industry. It only takes one bad pawnbroker to ruin all that we have worked so hard to achieve. Questions on how to properly comply with 91A-8 may be directed to Bob Moulton, President N.C. Pawnbrokers Association, at

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Ohio Lou Tansky, President Ohio Pawnbrokers Association 216.325.5626 Recently, an amendment to SB193 (Scrap Metal Dealers Bill) was proposed that could have dramatically alter the Ohio Pawnbrokers Act. As a result, Ohio members were asked to call their State Representatives. They did that.......AND MORE. Ohio association members’ quick actions resulted in this amendment’s almost unprecedented shelving until further notice. The grassroots lobbying efforts resulted in about 150 calls to our elected officials. That is considered a huge number of calls on what could have been an overlooked amendment. Some legislative staff members told us that they have rarely witnessed such an overwhelming response to a proposed amendment There will soon be the need for those in Ohio to act again to protect our industry. And as before, you will need to encourage all of your fellow pawnbrokers, employees, family, and friends to do the same. I want to thank each and every member who acted to save our industry. I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of our members and our association. Always feel free to contact me or any officer or board member with any questions or concerns. (Continues on page 48)

NPA News Brief-Now twice a week! The National Pawnbrokers Association, in partnership with MultiBriefs, is excited to announce that its Weekly NewsBrief is expanding to a twice-a-week publication. Since its premier in 2008, pawnbrokers have stayed informed with up-to-date industry news through this electronic newsletter. The content is gathered from an expansive list of sources, including The Associated Press, The New York Times, USA Today and other leading news publications to provide a snapshot of what’s happening with pawnshops in your community, around the country, and even overseas. Our publication coverage expanded to include business management and marketing tips; and identify best business practices to keep NPA members at the top of their profession. See archives of the News Brief at:

State News (From page 46)

California Please join the California Pawnbrokers Association at their 56th Annual Convention and Exposition, October 19-21, 2012 at the beautiful Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa. The resort is just six miles from the San Diego International Airport, and right on San Diego’s famous Mission Bay. This resort and spa is conveniently located one mile from San Diego SeaWorld and offers 5-star service. A romantic paradise of palms and perfect sandy bay fronts, this bayside retreat is complete with the all-new $5 million dollar crown jewel, Spa Brezza, state-of-the-art fitness center, beautifully refreshed guestrooms, plus Concerts on the Bay. From championship tennis courts to waterfront fine dining, wherever your inspiration comes from, the Hilton San Diego, CA Resort and Spa is your destination and your retreat.

Alta Diamonds, LLC We buy and sell clarity enhanced diamonds. 1.800.391.0012 • Ph: 212-221-9808; 62 W 47th Street, Ste 302, New York, NY, 10036 Fax: 212-221-9800 •


Our annual deep-sea fishing expedition or a trip around to area pawn shops—yes, it’s a pawn tour! An exhibit hall bursting with vendors eager to make you the best deal and provide you infinite ways to increase your success; our largest ever! Seminars that speak to your business, addressing issues that directly affect you including hands-on training for you and your employees. A Welcome Reception featuring wonderful food and entertainment. The Saturday night banquet spectacular that will includes some surprise guests. AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! For all the details and to register, please visit www.

NPA Insider Video Watch videos on the latest pawn news, trends, and hot-button topics. Hosted by communications expert Patricia Stark, the NPA INSIDER VIDEO NEWS CHANNEL delivers valuable pawn news, pawn expert tips, and industry information in a professional video format to your computer, smart phone, iPhone, or iPad. Log on to the Members Only area of the NPA website and check it out!

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Goverment Relations

Internet Pawn Loans and Providers NPA Policy Statement

Pawn loans traditionally have been face-toface transactions, as existing state law requirements demonstrate. Recently, some providers have offered Internet pawn loans in which the borrower and pawnbroker do not meet. Pawn loans to individuals are an important, and growing, source of small-dollar, short-term loans. In the United States, Pawnbrokers offer fast decision-making and the option of immediate face-to-face distribution of the proceeds of pawn loans. In addition, the readily accessible locations that pawnbrokers operate and the hours that pawn stores are open for business—more hours each week than other providers of short-term credit—helps make pawn loans available for emergencies that individuals and families experience. Internet pawn loans may take more time from their initiation to the borrower’s receipt of loan proceeds. Internet pawn loans may be more risky for some consumers than face-to-face pawn transactions. This prospect is particularly true if the consumer does not know much about the internet pawnbroker and will not necessarily know precisely where their collateral is being stored during the transaction. On the other hand, internet pawn loans may be desirable for some

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borrowers who prefer not to engage in face-to-face transactions or find some aspect of the provider’s terms more competitive. The NPA does not support or condone Internet pawn transactions in which the provider cannot demonstrate full compliance with federal consumer credit laws and regulations; in which the provider does not hold a license to do business within the state where the consumer initiates the pawn transaction; in which the provider fails to comply with state or local laws or regulations governing the transaction. Regulators or courts eventually may determine that Internet pawn loans are not pawn loans for the purposes of existing state laws and, thus, are not eligible for licenses granted by the states. The NPA does not support off-shore providers or providers partnering with entities operating on Federal Tribal Reservations for the purposes of circumventing federal laws or regulations or state and local licensing laws and regulations. The NPA does not currently offer membership to any provider who does not have a brick-and-mortar location and a license to operate as a pawnbroker in that location from the jurisdiction with authority over that location.

(From page 10)

Testifying In Washington business and favors large mega-providers. It is Wall Street vs. Main Street all over again. Its anti-competitive nature is likely to result in fewer providers rather than more. Fewer providers commonly results in higher prices. These bills pre-empt States’ regulatory, supervisory, licensing or examination powers already in place by state legislatures or in some cases voters. Consumers’ credit needs are being met in our Members’ communities by state-licensed, non-depository providers, as well as local community banks and credit unions. The sky is not falling! Another federal bureaucracy to charter federal non-depository providers is unnecessary. The permanently broad powers a federal charter holder would receive will at best be scantly regulated by only 1 agency—the OCC— who already has its plate full supervising, examining, and enforcing laws regarding national banks and federally chartered thrifts. A federal charter holder would be able to bypass all of the state requirements I mentioned previously, as well as TILA Annual Percentage Rate Disclosure, CFPB examination, supervision, enforcement, etc. BUT, our members’ small businesses will remain subject to all of the above and more that time does not allow me to cover. Pawnbrokers are the nation’s safety-net lenders, regulated by the states for decades. Regulators rarely receive complaints about pawn transactions. We serve our communities and customers well. I urge you to not create an un-level playing field for our small businesses by giving mega-providers access to expanded and largely unregulated markets under the guise of access to consumers and small business. Thank you Madame Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee.

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P a i d

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

P a i d

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

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P a i d

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

P a i d

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

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Calendar of events


Texas Association of Pawnbrokers Convention

october 13-14, 2012 Embassy Suites Outdoor World, Grapevine, TX Contact: Peggy Roden, (972) 506-0203

California Pawnbrokers Association 56th Annual Convention and Exposition

October 19-21, 2012 Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa Contact: Kim Andosca, (209) 786-5115


Southeastern Regional Pawnbrokers Tradeshow & Convention

november 9-11, 2012 Westin Atlanta Perimeter North, Atlanta, GA Contact: Ben Levinson,


NPA Legislative Conference

April 16, 2013 Hamilton Crowne Plaza Washington, D.C. Contact: Matthew Church,

Dixie Pawnbrokers Educational Conference and Trade Show

April 19-21, 2013 Hilton New Orleans Riverside New Orleans, LA Contact: Rob Barnett, (256) 534-1000


Midwest Convention

May 17-19, 2013 The Galt House Hotel Louisville, KY Contact: Ron Stempkowski,

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Index of Advertisers ADVERTISER Aaria

(248) 961-0506

ABC Diamond Buyer

(586) 354-7274

Alta Diamonds

(212) 221-9808


(800) 530-2647

Blue Ground Trading

(732) 696.8556





Geib Refining








Bluestone Trading Back Cover (888) 800-BLUE (2583)

Burrell Printing

(800) 531-5234

The Buyers

(562) 945-7276

Cash America

(866) 291-8110


(866) 545-9868





Data Age/PawnMaster


Dillon Gage


Garfield Refining


Garrett Metal Detectors


(888) 436-3489

(800) 523-0968 (800) 527-4011

Gemological Institute of America


(800) 421-7250

Golden Opportunities (888) 387-6017


Hi-Tech Precious Metals & Refinery


(866) 950-7528

Houston Precious Metals


(713) 228-3931

International Gemological Institute

Inside Front Cover

(813) 229-2715


Manhattan Gold & Silver


Mid-States Recycling & Refining


(212) 398-1454

(847) 298-0010

(888) 657-8665

North American Metals

(800) 773-1626

NTR Metals

(800) 889-0396

OSHA Store

(817) 8237047

Palak Diam

(213) 228-0077

Pawnshop Consulting Group Executive Leadership Camp Series Peer Focus Groups

(954) 540-3697


National Jewelers Supplies 55

(888) 949-7296

(203) 365-5400


Continental Assaying (617) 391-0019

(800) 228-4653







(212) 354-9800

Page 52 54


The Ring Man


RMF Consulting Group


Rolland Safe


Stallcup Group


(215) 677-2440 (866) 204-7209

(800) 225-2984

Stebgo Metals

(800) 289-0138


(337) 262-7700

The Trendz (866) 337-7464 Union Life & Casualty Insurance (800) 545-5624

United Precious Metals (800) 999-3463






Wexler Insurance Agency Inside Back Cover

(800) 432-1853

White Pine


Worldwide Diamond Co


(646) 758-0292

(213) 622-2191

The NPA does not specifically endorse any entity and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees, and assumes no responsibility for, the products or services provided by these entities. The NPA expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising from the use or the performance of the products or services provided by these entities 60 | National Pawnbrokers Association | Summer 2012

PO Box 508 Keller, TX 76244 National Pawnbrokers Association


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