2 minute read

Message from the GRC Team Chair



YOUR GOVERNMENT RELATIONS COMMITTEE continues to monitor issues that have the potential to impact our business. Senate rate cap legislation is probably the most consequential. As of this writing, there has not been similar legislation filed in the House. However, we do expect that to change.

On the federal level, threats come not only from legislative actions, but from administrative and regulatory initiatives as well. New leadership at the CFPB has demonstrated a determination to reverse the prior administration’s efforts to diminish their power. In either case, whether it be actions by a regulatory body or potential legislation, the GRC’s success in defending our position is dependent on us. By us, I mean Every Pawnbroker in this Nation.

We have a significant role in the process. Someone said that you want your elected officials (local, state and federal) to know you before you need them, not when you need them. Regardless of the current environment, you can make positive impact for the industry (and your business) by getting involved. Your Members of Congress are always raising money. Contributions just tend to improve their hearing. You can write letters and participate in campaigns by volunteering. I encourage you to reach out to your Senators and Representatives and to make appointments with their offices. They all have local hours when they are not in Washington D.C. If you can’t meet with the actual Member of Congress, visit with their staff. It’s their job to keep the ‘boss’ informed. The important thing is that you make the effort.

Our plans for the spring are to make our way to Washington D.C. for the Legislative Conference. This is a great opportunity to meet your legislators, see the Nation’s Capital and get to know your fellow pawnbrokers. Regardless of whether you can attend the Legislative Conference, becoming engaged, physically, financially, or both before an issue emerges is better than trying do it when the issue has already surfaced. Like the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. The April 25-27, 2022 dates for the Legislative Conference and Board Meeting are on the NPA website under the Events tab. Additional information will be available soon after the first of the year, so mark your calendars now.

Bill Dawson

Bill Dawson Government Relations Committee Chair



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