3 minute read
Interindustry Teamwork and our Commitment to the Food Allergy Community
from PQ 47
By Eleanor Garrow-Holding, FAACT
The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Connection Team (FAACT) has proudly partnered with the National Peanut Board (NPB) for the past 10 years. NPB’s commitment to the food allergy community and our goals of education, awareness and research is commendable.
During FAACT’s inaugural Teen Retreat weekend, a parent asked me in front of the attendees, “Why is FAACT working with NPB? They promote peanut consumption and sales, and many families that FAACT supports are managing peanut allergy.” I shared with them that NPB has supported food allergy education, awareness and research for many years and donated millions of dollars toward education and research. They want to be part of the solution, not the problem. And we want them working with FAACT on behalf of the food allergy community. The parent replied, “That makes total sense. Thanks for explaining the partnership to us. I’m so glad they want to support our families.” I delivered that message to parents many times in the first few years of our partnership with NPB. Then the food allergy community saw first-hand how committed NPB was to supporting our families, raising awareness and supporting research to end life-threatening allergic reactions to peanuts and other foods.
With support from NPB, FAACT launched our Food Allergy Curricula Program for Schools in May 2015. We are the only U.S.based organization that offers a food allergy curricula program. This curriculum consists of three age-appropriate programs — grades K-3, grades 4-8 and high school — with free teacher-designed presentations, lesson plans and activities that can be used to introduce your students to common food allergens and safety protocols while encouraging empathy for classmates with a food allergy. We thank NPB for their commitment to education and raising awareness about food allergies and anaphylaxis.
NPB’s support makes numerous other educational programs possible, including Camp TAG (The Allergy Gang) for youth and teens, the Food Industry & Research Summit for professionals, a leadership summit for FAACT-recognized support group leaders, and our Teen Retreat. All that plus FAACT’s ongoing, mission-based initiatives for education, civil rights advocacy, behavioral health, and diversity, equity and inclusion. FAACT has partnered with NPB and the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology on awareness campaigns for accurately diagnosing and managing a food allergy and advancing early introduction to prevent peanut allergies.
Since NPB’s inception, America's peanut farmers have contributed over $36 million to food allergy research, education and outreach. FAACT could not be prouder of our partnership with NPB and the support they have given the food allergy community. Thank you to NPB on behalf of our entire community. We look forward to working together for years to come.

Camp TAG is just one of the events NPB sponsors with FAACT.
Photo courtesy of FAACT.