The National Trust of Australia (New South Wales) Strategic Plan 2020 - 2024

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The National Trust of Australia (New South Wales) Strategic Plan 2020–2024 Developed in consultation with our staff, volunteers, Branches and Committees.

Executive Summary The National Trust of Australia (NSW) is the oldest and largest independent conservation organisation in Australia, founded in 1945 in New South Wales by Annie Forsyth Wyatt. It is a community based statutory body corporate and a charitable entity that is established under The National Trust of Australia (New South Wales) Act 1990. We are governed by an independent Board of Directors and the Executive Director.

Old Government House Cover image: Saumarez Homestead


In 2019 the National Trust (NSW) has 22,000 members, 2,000 volunteers and is the custodian of more than 30 properties including the World Heritage Listed site at Old Government House in Parramatta. We also care for and conserve natural areas and gardens as well as over 60,000 collection items. As a united organisation of loyal members, dedicated volunteers, staff, Branches and Committees we advocate for the protection of New South Wales’ built, natural and cultural heritage to ensure their preservation for future generations. We create opportunities for the community to engage with, understand, appreciate and celebrate heritage. We work in a vibrant marketplace alongside many membership, charity and tourism organisations, all of which provide a variety of choice for people who care for heritage locally, as well as domestic and international visitors to New South Wales. This marketplace is constantly evolving. We are also experiencing a demographic shift, with Australia becoming a more diverse community. To remain relevant, financially sustainable and to fulfil our Vision, Mission and Purpose going forward – we need a Strategic Plan. In planning for our future, we analysed what we have been doing and reviewed this environment in which we work. We engaged with our stakeholders – our staff, and volunteers and asked: what is the purpose of the National Trust (NSW), and what are your hopes for its future? We asked what support our staff, volunteers, members and passionate advocates throughout our Branches and Committees need. We considered the imperative and opportunity to operate and bring heritage to life in an increasingly automated, digital and commercial world. Most importantly, we considered what we would do and how we will continue to honour the vision of Annie Forsyth Wyatt and our founding members. We have to ensure the ongoing sustainability of the National Trust (NSW) so that we can continue to protect, care for and celebrate New South Wales’ abundant and

diverse culture, our historically significant places, unique landscapes and natural environments, our collections, our traditions, customs and stories. We need to acknowledge and respect the heritage of the traditional owners of the land and celebrate the diversity of heritage in Australia so we continue to share this with future generations. The National Trust (NSW) Strategic Plan reflects all of this. It outlines how we will realise our new Vision: ‘to bring the heritage of New South Wales to life for future generations.’ Achieving the Objectives of the Strategic Plan will ensure we continue to be an influential leader, respected for our expertise in conserving heritage and a trusted voice for its protection. We will provide lovers and appreciators of heritage with compelling reasons to visit places of historic significance and to come back again and again because of the engagement and quality we deliver through our visitor experiences, our events, exhibitions and education programs. We will provide opportunities to engage with heritage in a digital world – enabling more people throughout Australia and around the world to explore and share our rich built, cultural and natural heritage. We will provide value for our members and supporters and interactive ways for our volunteers to engage with us. We will be financially and environmentally sustainable. We will be inclusive. We will celebrate diversity. We will be responsible citizens. We acknowledge that our members, volunteers, donors and stakeholders, together with our staff are the lifeblood of our organisation. Achieving the Objectives of this Strategic Plan will depend on your ongoing commitment and support for the National Trust (NSW). Together, we will position the National Trust (NSW) to ensure its future success and viability, achieving our Vision ‘to bring the heritage of New South Wales to life for future generations.’

Strategic Plan endorsed by the Board of Directors on 26 June 2019.

Brian Powyer, President 2019

Debbie Mills, Executive Director 2019


Vision: ‘To bring the heritage of New South Wales to life for future generations.’

Mission: • Advocate for the conservation of built, cultural and natural heritage by engaging with the community and government. • Identify, conserve and protect our built, cultural and natural heritage by example, advice and support. • Educate and engage the community by telling our stories in ways that awaken a sense of place and belonging.

Values: • Independent – operate without fear or favour. • Trustworthy – uphold the highest standards of ethics, professionalism and governance. • Inclusive – embrace diversity. • Inspirational – awaken awareness and galvanise support for our causes.


Objective 1: Grow, Diversify and Better Engage our Members, Volunteers, Supporters, Donors and the wider Community

At the core of the National Trust of Australia (NSW), is a community of members, volunteers and supporters who enable the organisation to achieve its Vision. Our future success as a relevant, influential and respected organisation relies on increasing our audience and having a growing, engaged and diversified community of supporters. 1.1 Data and Audience Analysis Centralise and analyse our data to understand existing and potential audiences. Identify and implement when, how and what content and activities we should be communicating to retain and attract new audiences, and grow engagement.

We will create and deliver effective engagement strategies for members, volunteers, supporters, donors and the wider community.

1.2 Digital Infrastructure and Content Build the technology and develop the content that will enable greater digital engagement to attract and retain existing and new audiences, support Bushland Management Services and provide greater engagement for Advocacy campaigns, Membership and Fundraising Objectives. 1.3 Seamless Customer Service and Experience Streamline the process for our customers and visitors to enquire, book and purchase; create collateral for our properties; and develop our Community Promise (including diversity and inclusion, environmental sustainability and Reconciliation Action Plan). 1.4 Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement Attract, retain, engage and develop our volunteers. Provide benefits, training and fulfilling experiences that improve the satisfaction and support of our volunteers to enable them to achieve the Vision and Mission of the National Trust.

The National Trust Heritage Awards celebrates the diversity of New South Wales’ built, cultural and environmental heritage.

1.5 Member Retention and Acquisition Enhance benefits and provide engaging experiences that increase and diversify our membership, growing the supporters of the National Trust. Provide new digital opportunities for members to engage with the National Trust.

Audience research and data analysis

Member and volunteer retention and acquisition

Seamless customer experience

Digital fundraising






Build technology and marketing framework

Volunteer satisfaction

Content program developed

Community Promise published

Increasing and diverse audience


Objective 1 Achieved


Objective 2: Create a Clear Property Strategy, including Investment in a Fresh Visitor Experience

2.1 Strategic Property Review Create a clear understanding of each property’s significance, purpose, its cultural assets and potential so we can plan and implement the future priorities of each property. 2.2 Strategic Business Planning Conservation Management Plans, Interpretation Plans and Strategic Business Planning undertaken for our most visited properties to provide the foundation for guiding the maintenance, conservation, curation of our properties and how we interpret their stories through great experiences leading to visitation growth.

We will care for our properties and collections, interpret and share their stories, and provide compelling experiences that attract and create return visitation.

2.3 Care for and enhance our Properties Deliver major capital works and projects funded through grants, bequests, donations and appeals. Build cases for support to attract future funding to enable ongoing capital works projects.

Taking care of and maintaining our properties is a critical ongoing role as a leading conservation organisation and guardian of our built, cultural and natural heritage.

2.4 Engagement and Visitation

We will provide our visitors with a reason to come back to our properties, offering compelling events and exhibitions, by providing authentic experiences that are inclusive and sharing diverse stories. This will ensure our properties continue to be relevant to the community, providing places where people can connect with the National Trust, and enable commercially, financially and environmentally sustainable operations.

Create a reason for visitors to engage with, and return to, our properties by offering high quality interpretation, education, events and exhibition programming, with a seamless customer experience. Demonstrate our values through diverse and inclusive programming. 2.5 Operational Efficiency Standardise business practices and finalise the roll out of point of sale and appropriate systems to comply with legislative and regulatory requirements, create efficiencies and remove duplication of effort. 2.6 Accessibility to Properties Key properties will be assessed to identify works and funding opportunities to provide accessible facilities and amenities, improving experiences and increasing visitation. 2.7 Accessibility of Collections Increase the knowledge of our highly significant collection through research, documentation and digitisation. This will ensure that it is properly cared for and will provide the opportunity to share our collections with the community through online access and virtual exhibitions.

Cooma Cottage


Education program update

Property review

Property business planning






Operational efficiencies

Accessibility review

Seamless customer experience

Ongoing digitisation of collection

Improved visitor experience


Objective 2 Achieved

Objective 3: Be a Bold Advocate and Leader We will speak out on key heritage issues. We will effectively utilise traditional and digital media, empower and collaborate closely with our Branches and broader networks to devise and propose positive actions for better recognition, protection, conservation and celebration of our built, natural and cultural heritage.

The National Trust will position itself as a key heritage advocate, clearly communicating and refining its policies and positions by collaborating with our Branches, like-minded organisations, all levels of Government and industry representatives. We will implement and influence on the basis of our policies and positions through submissions, Court and commission evidence and public statements. We will share our positions and increase our reputation and influence through effective and timely public relations. We will continue to build and maintain our reputation as an influential leader through collaboration with affiliates, mobilising our networks to achieve positive outcomes for the protection of New South Wales’ significant places, our built, natural and cultural heritage. 3.1 ‘Big Picture’ Conservation Strategy Identify the key issues impacting our built, natural and cultural heritage and proactively campaign, influencing and achieving change through engagement activities, content and public relations. Deliver ‘Trust Talks’ on key issues to increase community engagement and utilise the output to increase government and industry engagement. 3.2 Increase our Outreach Provide additional resources and tools to give practical support to National Trust Branches and community groups undertaking advocacy campaigns, increasing the breadth of the Advocacy work undertaken by the National Trust.

The Regent Theatre, Mudgee

3.3 National Trust Register Listings Finalise the digitisation of the National Trust Register Listings, ensuring the data is protected, easy to search and accessible. Enable and promote online access to National Trust Register Listings, supporting greater community engagement and awareness of the Listings. Big Picture Strategy Conservation Tool Kit

Increasing support for Branches and community groups






Key issues campaigned upon

Trust Talks

Ongoing digitisation of Listings

Online access to Listings

Increased outreach


Objective 3 Achieved


Objective 4: Increase our Financial Strength

Financial strength underpins the ability of the National Trust to deliver its Vision and Mission. Our strength will come from being a relevant organisation, with a growing and engaged membership, team of volunteers and supportive donors, as well as diversifying and increasing our audience and visitors both online and at our properties. It will be built through our operational efficiencies, systems that support and enable our organisation, and by maximising our revenue-making opportunities.

Our future success is dependent on ensuring our organisation’s financial sustainability.

We will build a sustainable Bushland Management Services (BMS) enterprise which has the foundation to expand our customer base and innovate in the practice of Bush Regeneration – delivering the National Trust’s Mission of caring for our environment. 4.1 Commercial Property Opportunities Develop a coordinated approach to the management and growth of our revenue through our portfolio of properties, including tourism and venue hire. 4.2 Philanthropic and Bequest Fundraising Develop, grow and nurture our relationships with our existing and future supporters, building the Patron and Guardian Program and the Annie Wyatt Bequest Circle. Create and develop relationships and partnerships that will sustain the National Trust into the future. 4.3 Bushland Management Services (BMS)

The National Trust (NSW) engages with Australian businesses who volunteer and care about natural heritage.

Strengthen BMS by investing in resources, systems, training and upgrading tools and equipment to meet existing business needs. Deliver infield training programs to ensure our bush regenerators have the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their roles, and our field techniques are standardised. Utilise technology to improve the ease and quality of our tender process, tracking, and reporting. Activate new engagement strategies that increase awareness of BMS with members, the community and customers. Develop a business case for the future expansion of BMS, including the opportunity to test, develop and implement new techniques in bush regeneration.


Strengthen BMS

Marketing for BMS

Cultivating our relationships






Identify commercial opportunities

Implement commercial opportunities

Growing supporter base

Implementing BMS future plans

Ongoing commercial activity growth


Objective 4 Achieved

Objective 5: Invest in our People and Systems We will be an efficient and effective organisation with the right systems, processes and technology in place to ensure we survive, adapt and thrive in a highly competitive and increasingly digitised and automated world.

We are living in a world with increasingly automated and integrated systems. To survive our organisation needs to develop a robust, integrated technology platform that supports our operations, and communications with members and stakeholders. Better systems and infrastructure will support our state-wide and regional team of staff and volunteers. We will develop a technology and systems roadmap. We will develop a seamless customer experience. This will increase efficiencies for customer service at each location to make it easier for visitors, volunteers and members to transact and engage with the National Trust. This will also mean the National Trust is protected from increasing cyber security risks and that we comply with legislation and regulations pertaining to information and communication management. 5.1 Technology Vision Develop and deliver a technology and systems roadmap that supports the National Trust in achieving its Vision and Mission. Monitor, maintain and upgrade systems to ensure they remain relevant and responsive. 5.2 Secure Data, Data Access and Management Create one source of secure and useful data, compliant with privacy legislation and with appropriate protection from cyber security risks.

Our members, volunteers, lovers of heritage and cultural tourists connect, organise their travel and communicate digitally.

Establish access to secure National Trust networks and create technology champions to ensure we provide the tools and resources to support our staff and volunteers. 5.3 Measure and Report Impact Measure the impact and outcomes of activities undertaken by the National Trust so we can communicate this to our stakeholders and supporters, providing meaningful insight into our performance and ensuring we continuously thrive and improve.

One source of secure data

Systems solutions identified Measure impact

Report impact






Develop systems/ IT roadmap

Connectivity for National Trust locations

Delivery of roadmap

Ongoing maintenance of IT

Ongoing assessment of adequate systems


Objective 5 Achieved


Our people – our staff, Branches, Committees and volunteers are the lifeblood of the National Trust.

Our people bring the National Trust’s Vision and Mission to life. They drive our outcomes and hold us accountable for ensuring the sustainability and success of the organisation. We will provide training and development opportunities to ensure our people are supported to undertake their roles, have a culture that embraces our Values, our Strategic Objectives and activities and adapts to our changing and evolving systems and new technologies. We will nurture, support, value, and appreciate and celebrate our people. 5.4 People Development and Satisfaction Develop and implement a performance appraisal system, ensuring our staff understand their roles and their contributions to the achievement of the Strategic Plan. Implement training and development opportunities to support staff performing their roles and improve job satisfaction. Develop and implement professional training programs for our volunteers, to continuously improve volunteer engagement, satisfaction, and provide fulfilling experiences encouraging ongoing volunteering.

Our team of volunteers support us across New South Wales.

5.5 Strategic Plan Implementation and Achievement Central to achieving the Strategic Plan is the implementation of the activities that underpin each Objective, and accountability for delivery and reporting on the outcomes. We will monitor, measure and report on the outcomes from the Strategic Plan implementation.

Strategic Plan Implementation, monitoring and reporting

Staff training needs identified

Ongoing training






Performance appraisal system

Volunteer training implemented

Satisfaction surveys

Culture evolving to support Strategic Plan delivery

Strategic Plan delivered



Objective 5 Achieved

Objective 6: Modernise our Governance Structure We will be responsible citizens, managing our risks and complying with relevant laws and regulations. The not-for-profit sector is highly regulated requiring compliance with numerous laws, policies and regulations. Our governance structure must have the right framework, systems, policies and people to ensure we operate responsibly and ethically. Being a responsible and trusted organisation will build our brand and reputation. This will lead to an increase in our audience and supporters and build goodwill in the community. We must protect our people from injury and our organisation from reputation and financial damage. To protect our organisation and our people we must ensure we identify, understand and mitigate the risks we face. 6.1 Appropriate Governance Provide an efficient and cohesive Branch and Committee network that supports the delivery of the National Trust purpose and have a clear framework for operation, within the relevant legislative requirements.

National Trust (NSW) Executive Director, Debbie Mills and President (2019), Brian Powyer.

6.2 Risk Framework Develop a Risk Framework to understand and mitigate our risks, ensuring our people understand the risks in their roles and those faced by the National Trust. Develop a Business Continuity Plan to ensure the National Trust is protected and able to function in the event of a disaster.

Roles reviewed

Roles clearly defined

Business Continuity Plan

Ongoing policy review and update






Risk Framework developed

Risk mitigation activities

Policies reviewed and updated

Trust Rules reviewed and updated

Governance structure meeting changing needs


Objective 6 Achieved


Thank you Thank you to our staff and volunteers who contributed their ideas and passion for the National Trust, which has resulted in the development of this Strategic Plan. Achieving our Strategic Plan will ensure we are a relevant organisation, connected to our diverse and increasing number of engaged supporters. It ensures we continue to have a respected and knowledgeable voice so we can protect our heritage, care for and appreciate the significant properties, landscapes and collections in our custody, and share their stories in engaging ways so they are celebrated and valued. The Strategic Plan will ensure we are financially sustainable. You can help us ‘to bring the heritage of New South Wales to life for future generations.’ To find out more visit

Everglades House and Gardens. Photography by Christopher Shain.

The National Trust of Australia (New South Wales) ABN: 82 491 958 802

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