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An Election Focus
Dear Members, In this first edition of the magazine for 2023, it is my great pleasure to introduce our recently elected Board of Directors (pictured right). It is a privilege to serve this wonderful organisation and I look forward to working together to achieve the National Trust’s vision. I’d also like to welcome our new President, Ms Kathryn Pitkin AM, who will be introduced in more detail in the next edition. Meanwhile, information about our directors and their expertise can be found on our website.
A special thank you goes to the outgoing board members who did not re-stand. To our outgoing President and former Treasurer, Mr Neil Wykes OAM, your leadership and dedication to our purpose, people and volunteers has been exceptional. To our long-standing board members, Mr John Richardson and Mr Ian Stephenson, the National Trust is grateful for your dedication, commitment and guidance. Collectively your stewardship in many and varied roles has successfully guided the organisation through one of the most challenging periods in its history. From everyone at the National Trust, thank you. I look forward to working with you as you continue your involvement in different capacities with the National Trust.
On the subject of elections, with the NSW State election in March fast approaching, the National Trust has identified a set of priorities we will be pursuing during the campaign. It’s a valuable opportunity to raise public awareness about major threats to our natural, cultural and built heritage in NSW, and to secure policy commitments from the candidates for our heritage priorities.
We are calling for greater protection of the natural and cultural places we love by amending planning laws to prevent the Heritage Act from being switched off. We are advocating to ‘keep the lights on’, by resourcing heritage places for all to appreciate and enjoy. We are also calling for new incentives to encourage adaptive reuse through conservation of special places rather than demolition. You can read more about our State election heritage priorities in this edition.
I wish everyone an enjoyable summer and a bright 2023.
Best wishes,
Debbie Mills, CEO
Election Results
We welcome our 2023 Board of Directors: Ms Kathryn Pitkin AM (President) Ms Lisa Newell (Deputy President) Mr David Pratt (Treasurer) Mr David Collingridge (continuing) Dr Elizabeth Farrelly (re-elected) Ms Susan Hunt (re-elected) Ms Fenella Kernebone (re-elected) Dr Clive Lucas OBE (continuing) Ms Caroline Mackaness (continuing) Ms Debbie Mills, CEO (continuing) Mr William Oates (elected) Mr Bruce Pettman (elected) Ms Kylie Winkworth (continuing)
Above L to R: Mr Bruce Pettman, Ms Caroline Mackaness, Dr Elizabeth Farrelly, Ms Debbie Mills CEO, Mr David Pratt (Treasurer), Ms Susan Hunt, Ms Kathryn Pitkin AM (President), Ms Kylie Winkworth. Absent from photo: Mr David Collingridge, Ms Fenella Kernebone, Dr Clive Lucas OBE, Ms Lisa Newell (Deputy President), Mr William Oates (photo by Yianna Aspradakis).