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National Trust News

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Catch up on the latest heritage and advocacy news from across New South Wales. Read about celebrations and recognition for three National Trust properties, good news relating to Warragamba Dam, and opportunities to further protect our State's biodiversity and Newcastle's rich heritage.

General News

Miss Porter’s House UNESCO listing

We're delighted that the historic collection at Miss Porter’s House has been added to the UNESCO Australian Memory of the World Register for Documentary Heritage. The listing recognises the museum’s rich trove of material spanning 1910 to 1997, including items such as rare family scrapbooks and photographs. Hazel Porter bequeathed Miss Porter’s House to the National Trust in 1997, and it’s thanks to the hard work of volunteers that the original contents of the Edwardian terrace have been conserved and protected.

Experiment Farm Cottage anniversary

July marks 60 years since the National Trust opened Experiment Farm Cottage as a house museum back in 1963. This fascinating site began as a literal experiment when convict James Ruse was tasked with proving that self-sufficiency was possible in the early colony. By 1791 Ruse had farmed the 30-acre site and was given the first land grant in NSW, making the experiment of Experiment Farm the stuff of Australian legend. Visit the museum to find out more about this intriguing story.

Japanese Ambassador visits Lindesay

Earlier this year we welcomed former Japanese Ambassador Mr Shingo Yamagami and his wife Mrs Kaoru Yamagami to Lindesay for a special presentation of magpie garden art by artist Bill Thompson. The visit was sparked by a radio interview, in which Mr Yamagami described his encounters with magpies during swooping season. Mr Yamagami was pleased to receive the gift, saying it would “sit alongside the real magpies in the garden of my residence and never pose a threat to me during spring”.

A new commitment to heritage

Prior to the NSW State election, the National Trust wrote to candidates outlining our Election Platform, which called on them to support specific priorities in relation to heritage conservation. NSW Labor committed to a number of them. It has made a start by confirming in April that the original plans to raise the Warragamba Dam will not go ahead. Labor has also reinstated funding for the National Trust Heritage Festival and Awards. We look forward to further engaging with the new government regarding heritage conservation.

Biodiversity Conservation Act review

The National Trust recently made a submission to the statutory review of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 This was the first review of the Act since it was instated. Our recommendations included implementing better controls for biodiversity offset management; focusing on future-thinking environmental planning, land use and conservation; and a more comprehensive inclusion of First Nations knowledge and advisory expertise throughout the Act.

Newcastle Heritage Conservation Areas review

The City of Newcastle is reviewing the Newcastle City Centre and Newcastle East Heritage Conservation Areas. Heritage Conservation Areas are precincts identified for their historic and cultural values – registered and documented as a collective group. They identify important characteristics that occurred during the development of an area. The National Trust is providing detailed feedback into this process, and we hope that this review further identifies and protects important elements of Newcastle’s rich history.

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