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National Trust News
Your essential update on the latest campaigns, appeals and initiatives to conserve and protect the heritage of New South Wales. In this edition, read about the progress we're making following the incredible support for our Ready for Rain appeal. Plus, find out what's happening at Westmead and North Parramatta, in the Mulgoa Valley and at Central Station.
Ready for Rain
Repair works are well underway at three regional National Trust (NSW) properties to ensure they are ready for rain, thanks to generous donors who supported the the National Trust's 2020 Drought Appeal. Engineering investigations have commenced at Saumarez Homestead so its historic underground cistern can be repaired to once again store and supply water, and gutters and downpipes are being renewed on the visitor centre building. Drought-proofing projects are also in hand at Riversdale and Dundullimal Homestead (pictured), including installing new water tanks and guttering.
Bushland Management Services
The National Trust’s Bushland Management Services has been awarded contracts for two Sydney projects. Staff will soon be working on a waterways rehabilitation program at Lucas Creek in Loftus, to improve the ecological value of the riparian zone by creating a defined channel, reducing soil erosion, removing weeds and revegetating stream banks. Restoring bushland at Lieutenant Cantello Reserve in Hammondville is another significant undertaking. This reserve marks the location of a United States Air Force plane crash in June 1942, during the war-time defence of Sydney.
Saumarez Farmers’ Market
The highly-anticipated ‘Harvest to Heritage’ Armidale Farmers’ Market has returned to Saumarez Homestead, allowing visitors to experience the magic of this property throughout autumn. In addition to purchasing fresh local seasonal produce, visitors may enjoy the homestead’s significant gardens and explore the two-storey Edwardian mansion, which is once again open to visitors as part of the markets, held on the second Sunday of every month (until June), from 9am to 2pm.

Westmead & North Parramatta
The NSW Government has produced a Westmead Place Strategy to guide the transformation of this important precinct, including land in Parramatta North. The National Trust (NSW) is reviewing the proposal to ensure it follows best practice when it promises to conserve and sensitively update and activate the Parramatta North Heritage Core. Recent heritage losses in Parramatta warrants such vigilance. The National Trust will also continue to oppose ‘relocation’ of the demolished Willow Grove building into this important precinct of national heritage significance.
Mulgoa Valley
The significant house, Fernhill (pictured), and St Thomas’ Church at Mulgoa were individually listed on the very first list of places worthy of preservation produced by the National Trust in 1946. It is important that the setting for these places also be protected, so the National Trust’s Landscape Conservation Committee is reviewing the Mulgoa Conservation Area (first listed in 1986) to ensure this important heritage protection instrument can respond to current threats such as surrounding urban development and the new Western Sydney Airport.
Central Station
Adjacent Proposed Envelope Tower Envelope Proposed
Proposed tower developments within the State Heritage Register boundary of the Central Railway Station Group will have a major impact on the character of this place and the surrounding area. The National Trust has strongly objected to a 200-metre tower over the Parcels Post building, and another proposed directly on top of the Former Inwards Parcel Sheds. To facilitate their construction, it is also proposed to demolish the original 60-metre sandstone and brick ramped roadway leading to Railway Square under the guise of ‘rebuilding’ it later.

Opposite from top Dundullimal Homestead property manager, Karen Hagan (L) and National Trust volunteer, Sis Honner (R) (image by National Trust (NSW)); BMS installing jute matting on the banks of Ewey Creek, Miranda to prevent erosion (image by National Trust (NSW)); Saumarez Farmers’ Market (image by National Trust (NSW)).
Above from top The Female Factory is a key part of the Parramatta North Heritage Core (image by National Trust (NSW)); Fernhill estate at Mulgoa Valley in Sydney's west (image by National Trust (NSW)); Impression of proposed towers (image by Urbis). WANT MORE NEWS AND UPDATES?
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