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NI ballots for action
BREAKING NEWS Wales action postponed
As Educate went to press, the NEU suspended a planned day of action in Wales on 14 February after talks with Welsh Government officials led to an improved pay offer. An additional award of 1.5 per cent this year was offered, plus a non-consolidated (a one-off payment) lump sum of 1.5 per cent. NEU joint general secretary Kevin Courtney said that while the offer remains “significantly below our members’ demands”, the union would consult on it. He added that the union would continue to seek an improved offer for support staff members. The action has been postponed until 2 March.
“I’m in my third year as an ECT and I love teaching. But you can see the effects the cuts are having on schools and the children we teach. This is my first strike and I’m proud to be part of my community, standing up for what’s right. We’re here for the children and their families. My message to the Government? Do better.”
In January, 64 per cent of NEU Northern Ireland (NI) members voted YES in an indicative ballot. Industrial action, including potential strikes, is now likely. Mark Langhammer, NEU NI regional secretary, said: “The NEU will talk, argue, negotiate, explain, research, rationalise and persuade until the cows come home, but the fact is, we’re facing a Government of philistines. It’s time to stand up, support your colleagues and stick with your union. Together, we’ll get through this.”
“This is my first time on strike. It feels really sad that it’s come to this. We’ve got an Ofsted inspection tomorrow and yet we’re still here because this feels like an important message – schools are not getting enough funding. We literally don’t have pens, glue or paper. We buy so much stuff out of our own pockets. My message to the Government is: fund education better because there is money for it.”
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