20 minute read
Why do you think the puppy ran away?
Read the following passage carefully.
Have you ever wondered whether fishes drink or not? All living things must drink, and they require a fresh supply of water often. A person can go without food for many days, but he or she cannot go for long without water. Fishes drink and fishes that live in salt water must drink salt water. However, when we watch them in an aquarium and see them opening and closing their mouths, we must not assume that they are drinking. Fishes need water for its oxygen. The water that they seem to be gulping gives them oxygen, which is in the water. On the other hand, when a fish drinks, it swallows water, just in the way we do. 1. The passage states that a fish opens and closes its mouth A. In order to get water B. To stay alive C. To get oxygen D. To drink salt water
2. We know from the passage that a person A. can live a long time on salt water B. can survive for long without food C. has no need for food and water D. needs water to get oxygen
3. In the first line the word ‘wondered’ could mean A. talked about B. thought about C. seen D. dreamt about
4. According to the passage in what way or ways are fish and human beings similar?
5. Say whether the following statements are True or False. (a) Fish get oxygen from the air. ( ) (b) We can stay longer without food than without water. ( (c) Fish drink water. ( )
6. Which word from the passage means is similar in meaning to ‘swallowing’?
____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. What is an aquarium? ___________________________________________________________________ 8. A synonym used in the passage for the word ‘need’ is _____________________________________________ 9. Which word from the passage may be replaced by the word ‘observe’? _________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. What part of speech is the word ‘assume’ as used in line 4? _________________________________________
LANGUAGE ARTS Write in the brackets whether the underlined noun is proper, common, abstract or collective. 1. She went to Venezuela last week. ( ) 2. We went swimming in the ocean. ( ) 3. He was admired for his strength. ( ) 4. She went to the doctor. ( ) 5. The audience stood and applauded. ( )
Write the following words in alphabetical order. 6. greed gold gave glad germs
______________________________________________________________________________________ 7. concrete convince control condemn congeal
Write in the space the plural of the word in the brackets. 8. Did you see the _________________ (flash) of lightning. 9. The _________________ (mouse) nibbled at the cheese. 10. New _________________ (radio) were in the display window. 11. The _________________ (deer) ate the young leaves. 12. I carried out the empty _______________ (tray). 13. The over-ripe __________________ (tomato) were given away.
Complete each sentence with a word opposite in meaning to the word in brackets. 14. We __________________ the window after it started to rain. (opened) 15. Mother said she would be __________________ this evening. (early) 16. The principal _________________ the prize to the most outstanding student. (received) 17. We ____________________ the invitation to the dinner. (accepted) 18. The programme ___________________ with the National Anthem. (concluded) 19. The visiting guests were given a token on their _____________. (arrival)
Underline the verb in each sentence. 20. We study hard at school. 21. My sister is coming home for Christmas. 22. I will visit my grandmother in the vacation. 23. The students have won the spelling competition. 24. She carries her lunch to school.
Write in the space the past tense of the word in brackets. 25. My brother _________________ the Nation Fun Run. (enter)
26. The bird __________________ through the window. (fly)
27. My frozen drink was __________________ in newspaper. (wrap)
28. We ______________ ten laps of the pool every morning for exercise. (swim)
29. Yesterday I ________________ my toe on a rock on the pasture. (strike)
30. Mother ___________________ her finger with the sharp knife. (cut)
Complete each sentence with correct words formed from the words in capitals. 31. The ___________________ of the desk is one metre. (LONG)
32. The ___________________ of the light caused me to close my eyes. (BRIGHT) 33. Her ___________________ made the guard suspicious. (ACT) 34. The injury to his foot made _________________ difficult. (MOVE) 35. ___________________ caused him to fail the test. (LAZY) 36. I want to be a ___________________ when I leave school. (MUSIC)
Draw a line under the correct verb in the brackets. 37. The chauffeur (drive, drives) the bus cautiously. 38. My sister and I (am, is, are) going away. 39. The chickens (is, are) in the coop. 40. Both the boy and the girl (is, are) to blame for the problem. 41. Chicken and chips (was, were) my favourite meal. 42. No one (was, were) late for school today. 43. The sun (dry, dries) the wet grass. 44. He (know, knows) the answer to the problem.
Use one of the punctuation marks (. , ? !) to punctuate the following sentences. 45. Oranges apples and pears are all fruit. 46. Have you ever visited Trinidad and Tobago 47. Ouch that hurts. 48. I need two dollars to buy the gift 49. I do not know where to find my book 50. Give me your compositions please.
Write in words:
1. 4 713 __________________________________________________________________ 2. 9 080 ___________________________________________________________________
Write in figures: 3. seven thousand and seventy ______________________ 4. ten thousand ________________________________
11. Add together 42, 5 and 184. ( )
12. What must I take from 150 to leave 23? ( )
Complete the following correctly. 13. 845 = 8 hundred + ______ ones 14. 3 436 = 3 thousand + 3 hundred + ________ tens + 6 ones 15. 1 704 + 1 thousand + ______ hundred + 40 tens + 4 ones
16. Kevin is aiming to collect 120 different stickers by year-end. If he has already collected 80, how many more does he need? ( )
Questions 17 to 19 are about the shape shown below.
17. Name the figure. ( )
18. Draw in the lines of symmetry. 19. How many lines of symmetry are there? ( )

Correctly complete the following number series: 20. 5, 10, 15, ________ 21. 1, 4, 7, 10, _______ 22. 28, 24, 20, _______, _______
23. What number exceeds 45 by 19? ( )
24. Miss Scott has 23 children in her class. For the class party she gave each child 4 sweets. How many sweets did she give them in all? ( )
25. For one week the attendance at a school was 1 240. For the next week the attendance increased by 34. What was the total attendance for the two weeks? ( )

26. Jonathan collects marbles in the jars above. So far he has collected 90. If in the first jar there are 24 and in the second there are 36, How many are in the third? (
27. In a class there are 19 girls and 6 fewer boys. How many children are in the class? ( )
28. Write the following numbers in descending order (biggest first). 5 370 3 7 05 7 503 5 073 5 307 5 730
Use the numbers in the box to answer Questions 28 to 29.

29. The biggest even number is ( 30. The smallest counting number is (
) ) 31. The smallest whole number is ( ) Here is a solid. Use your knowledge of its properties to answer. Questions 32 to 34.

Use the digits 4, 7, 8, 3 to write 35. the smallest possible number. ( 36. the largest possible number. ( 37. the smallest possible odd number. (
Fill in the missing numbers in the boxes.

Round 1 628 to 42. the nearest ten. ( ) 43. the nearest hundred. ( )
44. BE is a / an (horizontal, oblique, vertical) line. 45. AB is a / an (horizontal, oblique, vertical) line. 46. AB is parallel to (AD, AC, DE). 47. CD is perpendicular to (AC, AD, AB). 48. The angle at C is a / an (acute, right, obtuse) angle. 49. In the number 2 3 4 5 take the value of the 5 from the value of the 3. ( ) 50. Share 140 dunks equally among 5 children. How many does each child get? ( )

Language Arts Underline the word which makes the sentence grammatically correct. 1. One of the girls (unlock, unlocks) the door every morning. 2. The box and its contents (was, were) given to the police. 3. Neither they nor she (contribute, contributes) to the school’s progress. 4. Many a struggling house wife (spends, spend) too much money on hair. 5. The principal and president of the PTA (deliver, delivers) her annual report.
Indicate the part of speech of each of the underlined words. 6. The blaring music annoys the sleepy neighbourhood. ______________ 7. That father seems frustrated by his son’s lewd behaviour. _____________ 8. Laughing is said to be good for one’s health. __________________ 9. Circle all the words which are spelt wrongly. __________________ 10. The laughing ladies exited the building. __________________
Underline the correct homophone in each sentence. 11. Our parents have (taught, thought) us to tell the truth at all times. 12. The (recent, resent) increase in gun-related crime should concern everyone. 13. Does the (kernel, colonel) know he must lead his men? 14. Some people like to (hoard, horde) their money although they are starving. 15. The building (site, sight, cite) has been cleared of all debris.
Read the following passage carefully. The last few months of absolutely no rainfall had been preceded by two months of mere drips on the occasional day. The brown coating with which the ground was now painted was evidence of the drought we were experiencing. Water was nowhere to be seen; it had been replaced in the bed of the princely river by cracks of all shapes and depths. Its absence proved to be much more hurtful and depressing. As the days dragged by, flowering plants, vegetables and other crops gave up the fight and surrendered to their final state of brown hanging manure. Animals of all sorts lost their stately presence and became listless shadows of their once healthy selves.
The urgency of the situation became more pressing when sons and daughters started crying, then coughing, before becoming too weak to leave their beds for their once frequent game of soccer. Prayers became the village’s most respected pastime. Adapted
Circle the letter which marks the most appropriate answer. 16. How did the drought first begin? a. Infrequent drips of rain b. Sudden appearance of no rainfall b. Cracks in the river bed d. brown coating on the ground
17. What does the ‘brown coating on the ground ‘say to us? a. The people were making a big, brown coat. b. Some brown paint had spilled on the ground. c. The grass had dried up and turned brown. d. Brown coloured material was used to fill the cracks.
18. Which of the following is NOT a result of the drought? a. Soccer was banned from being played. c. The plants started to die. b. The ground became dry and cracked. d. Children became ill.
19. We are led to believe that
a. The children played soccer very well. b. The children played soccer very often. c. Soccer was the only game the children played. d. The children were forbidden from playing soccer.
20. What does the phrase ‘days dragged by’ suggest? a. The days became longer than the nights. b. Time seemed to move more slowly than usual. c. Things had to be dragged rather than washed. d. The heat seemed to drag steam from the ground.
21. Which of the following statements suggest death? a. much more hurtful and depressing c. lost their stately presence b. gave up the fight and surrendered d. too weak to leave their beds
22. What does the word ‘princely’ tell about the river? a. It was first discovered by a prince. c. It was considered to be important. b. It was where the royal family sailed. d. It was considered too good for the village
23. Which statement in the passage gives the impression that the villagers started taking the drought more seriously? a. evidence of the drought we were experiencing b. proved to be more hurtful and depressing c. listless shadows of their once healthy selves d. the urgency of the situation became more pressing
Complete the following by inserting the present tense of the verb underlined. 24. My sister travelled ( ) from China to Barbados. 25. Mrs Waterman and Ms. Phillips taught ( ) us to read. 26. Ms Greenidge led ( ) the pupils in the singing of choruses. 27. Jada rang ( ) the bell every morning. 28. The monitor put ( ) the bags in the cupboard.
Indicate the tense of each of the underlined verbs. 29. Hadia opened all the windows. _____________________________ 30. Who has taken all of the grapes? _____________________________ 31. Mr. Carter is teaching the children the emergency drill. _____________________________ 32. I shall not be going to that concert! _____________________________ 33. The bell is rung by the form captain. _____________________________
Complete the sentences with words formed from the ones given in capital letters. 34. BRAVE The soldier was decorated for his __________________.
35. RESIDENCE His home is in a ______________________ area. 36. LOCAL The exact ________________ of the ruins is doubtful. 37. HABIT That teacher is ______________________ late. 38. VAIN The beauty of the contestant was spoiled by her _______________.
In each of the following, underline the word that means the OPPOSITE of the word in capitals 39. DEPARTURE going arrival remains invitation cancellation 40. WORSE better best good bad evil 41. DIMINISH vanish disappear increase fall collapse 42. SUPERIOR better greater dearer inferior cheaper 43. BARREN wild rocky fertile overgrown uncultivated
Some letters have been omitted from a word in each of the following sentences. Complete by writing the complete word on the line provided. 44. It is quite unn......c......ry for everyone to go. __________________ 45. The dis.......p....ne in the school was strict. __________________ 46. I was given a rec........t for the money which I paid. __________________ 47. His cons.................e troubled him because he had done wrong. _________________ 48. A most pictur............ scene greeted us as we rounded the corner. __________________
Read the following passage carefully: Dad: That’s much better. You’ve really worked hard! It looks much nicer like this, don’t you think? Kerrel: Yes, but it’s so hard to keep it like this, Dad. It gets all messed up so quickly. Dad: I know that it is hard, Kerrel, but why don’t you just put things back as you go along? Then it wouldn’t get into such a state ... and I wouldn’t have to nag you. Kerrel: I do try, but I am always in a such a rush to get to school or to go to see my friends or... Dad: I know, I know! Life is one big rush for me too. Look, perhaps you could decide to spend just ten minutes on it each day. Kerrel: What! You mean after school? Dad: Or before you go to bed.
Kerrel: But I need more space for all my things - that football, my judo stuff, my PS3 and the games for it, the Frisbees and ..... all my clothes! Dad: Mmmmm.......that’s true. Well, there’s that old wardrobe in the garage. Why don’t we get that up here? Kerrel: But it is so...so... Dad: Well, sure, but we‘ll paint it up and it’ll look quite different. Come on, let’s go and bring it up. Kerrel: Oh...Ok. But Dad….I get to choose the colours? Dad: Oh, whatever... Come on!
Circle the best answer which best completes each statement. 49. The speakers in the dialogue are talking about a a. living room b. bedroom c. garage d. storeroom
50. Dad is pleased because Kerrel a. worked hard at school b. Won a judo match c. tidied his room d. all of the above
51. At first Kerrel doesn’t want the wardrobe, probably because it is a. too big b. rather ugly c. his mother’s d. made for a female
52. Dad thinks Kerrel should try to a. plan his time better b. spend less time with his friends c. not rush too much d. spend more time on his studies
53. Kerrel does not have enough a. space for all his things b. time to see his friends c. clothes d. time to do his homework
54. From the interaction between Kerrel and his Dad, we can conclude that Dad is a. an understanding person b. a very strict person c. a very impatient person d. a careless person
Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice. 55. The general worker rakes the leaves.
_________________________________________________________________________ 56. My sister broke my pencil.
_________________________________________________________________________ 57. They will hang all the curtains this year.
_________________________________________________________________________ 58. The gardener is sowing the seeds.
__________________________________________________________________________ 59. Are you making the salads for us?
Write one word for each of the underlined phrases. 60. The burglar gave himself up to the police. _______________________ 61. My father expressed regrets for the misconduct of my sister. ______________________ 62. The prisoner was let out of jail yesterday. ______________________ 63. He decided to keep out of the way of misleaders. ____________________ 64. The lines on my pages are all the same distant apart at every point. ________________
Insert the missing punctuation marks. 65. What is the cause of you lateness 66. In my bag were the following my keys, a lipstick, my cell phone and a juicy apple. 67. I do not want that pen I need one with black ink. 68. What a lovely surprise 69. She has not given an explanation of her actions
SECTION TWO Read the following carefully. The water world is full of wonders for those who have eyes to see. Follow a stream and you will always find plenty to interest and amuse.
The huge water population is made up of creatures vastly different from one another. Even the fishes differ greatly, not only in size and appearance, but also in their habits. Some are timid and spend their lives hiding in the shadows or at the bottom of a deep pool, others are bold fellows ever darting swiftly here and there chasing some smaller fish or weaker water animals. There are stay-at-home fish which remain all through the year in the same part of the river, never wandering far from the pool where they were born. Then there are the restless, adventurous fish which travel far down stream and even find their way into the great oceans. Some fishes do not even seem to care what happens to their young while others build nests carefully and protect their young bravely from the water creatures which are their enemies. One of the fiercest enemies of fishes is the otter. As swift in the water as a bird is in the air , he can catch and eat a fish in less time than it takes to tell.
Answer these questions using complete sentences. Be careful with your grammar and spelling 70. What is the fishes’ chief enemy?
___________________________________________________________________________________ 71. What are the fish which always stay in the same part of the river called?
___________________________________________________________________________________ 72. How do some fish demonstrate their “love” for their young?
__________________________________________________________________________________ 73. Which three words show that there is a very great number of water creatures?
74. How do the bolder fish spend their time?
________________________________________________________________________________ 75. In what three ways do these fishes differ?
________________________________________________________________________________ 76. Why do you think the timid fishes live at the bottom of deep pools?
Add some colour to these flowers.

EACH question in this section is worth 1 mark. ALL working and answers must be written clearly in the space provided.
7. Write the next number in the sequence below: 23, 19, 17, 15, ______________

12. Which of the shapes below has only ONE line of symmetry.
13. Complete the following: 4000ml = _______l
14. Write in words 17 098. _______________________________________________________________

Use the following information to answer Questions 19 and 20. {1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 27}
19. List the first four PRIME numbers ________________
20. How many factors of 9 are listed in the set of numbers? ___________ SECTION B EACH question in this section is worth 2 marks. ALL working and answers must be written clearly in the space provided.

26. Tori baked a pizza for herself and her four friends. They share it equally among themselves. What FRACTION of the pizza does each person receive? 27. ADD 1/2 + 1/8
28. SUBTRACT 4 - 1/7 ______________
29. Mrs Hall sold 50, 72, 46 and 84 apples over 4 days. What is the average number of apples sold per day? ______________ 30. Rico took 2/3 hr to finish a test while Damon finished in 1/5 hr. Who finished first? _________________ 31. A mini-bus carries 30 passengers per trip. If 450 passengers are transported altogether, how many trips does the minibus make? ______________
32. How many 500g bags of flour can be filled from a 5.5 kilogram sack of flour? _______________ 33. Mary had $50 for her allowance. She saved $10 and spent the remainder. (a) What fraction of her money did she save? ______________
(b) How much money did she spend? ______________ 34. A bottle contains 6 litres of milk. A glass when full holds 125ml. How many FULL glasses of milk can be poured from the bottle? ______________
35. The distance to run in a race is 8km. One lap around the track is 400m. How many laps must an athlete run to complete the race? ____________ 36. When a certain number was multiplied by itself and 3 was subtracted, the answer was 78. What was the number? ______________
37. What is the value of a in the diagram below? _______________
38. (a) In which over was the HIGHEST number of runs scored? ___________ (b) What is the difference between the lowest and highest scores? _______ 39. How many runs did the batsman score in the five overs? _____________ 40. What was the mean score of the batsman? _____________

A part of the calendar for the month of March 2019 is shown below. Use the information to answer Questions 41 and 42

41. What was the date of the THIRD Wednesday in March 2019? _________________ 42. What day was the last day of February, 2019? ___________________ 43. Gummies are shared between two girls. Anna receives 16 and Naaka receives 28. How many gummies would EACH girl receive if the sweets were shared equally? ___________ 44. There were 36 children in a bus; 9 of them were standing. What fraction of the children was sitting? _______________ 45. What is the length of the pencil shown above? ________________

Use the diagram below to answer Question 47.

51. I cut a piece of ribbon 120cm long 4 times into equal pieces. (a) How many pieces of ribbons do I have? _______________
b) What is the length of each piece? _______________
52. The diagram below shows the route driven by two motorists.