Over the past several months Urban Trails San Francisco has been working in collaboration with NAHC Media on a dynamic public arts outreach project. Youth participated in digital arts trainings and focus groups to design slogans that directly address historical trauma and destigmatizing mental health services for self-identified Indigenous youth.
This campaign was developed through a series of community photohoots, Photoshop design workshops, focus groups and creative brainstorming sessions, and committees of youth and families who gave input on the designs. Many thanks to Paloma Flores, Crystal Marich, Tommy Orange, April McGill, Lauren Baehner, Catherine McLively, Serena Wright, Esther Lucero, and Angie Tsosie and all our community partners.
WATCH OUR VIDEO: WATCH OUR VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzYa0vS867w
LINA BLANCO is the Graphic Designer at the Native American Health Center and photographer, social marketer for this campaign.
URBAN TRAILS SAN FRANCISCO is a behavioral health system
partnership between the Child, Youth and Family System of Care within Community Behavioral Health Services under the San Francisco Department of Public Health and the Native American Health Center. Urban Trails San Francisco expands access to culturally and spiritually based behavioral health services for the most needy and vulnerable Native American and Indigenous children, youth and families in San Francisco.
URBAN TRAILS SAN FRANCISCO 1380 Howard Street 333 Valencia Street 1601 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94103 PHONE: 415-503-1046 FAX: 415-503-1081
For more information about this project, contact Lina Blanco, UTSF Social Marketer: LinaB@nativehealth.org
WATCH OUR VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzYa0vS867w