The Journey - Overview

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Leadership Training Program For Native American Teens Na t i v e T h r e a d s h a s d e v e l o p e d " T h e J o u r n e y, " a groundbreaking teen entrepreneurial/leadership development prog ram for Native youth throughout North America. It empowers teenagers to be more self-confident and motivated to take initiative in their lives and future endeavors. The prog ram's unique assessments analyze each student's individual learning, motivational and behavioral attributes prior to the prog ram and then after the program to show the positive changes that have taken place over the six month course. Students who graduate The Journey courses will have a distinct advantage in understanding themselves, what motivates them and how to take initiative to accomplish their dreams.

A L O NG T H E WAY The Journey Platform Foundation - 2 1/2 Day Prog ram An [overnight] experience focused on taking action, confidence, voicing opinions, leading, listening, working t o g e t h e r, g i v i n g a n d r e c e i v i n g fe e d b a c k , u n d e r s t a n d i n g strengths and weaknesses, and much more. Community Project - The main focus, during the six months, is working together for a common purpose; giving b a c k t o t h e c o m m u n i t y, f u n d r a i s i n g , g e n e r a t i n g aw a r e n e s s , etc. These actions are applied to a specific cause chosen by the students. They will become ‘entrepreneurs/business owners’ by using skills and tools from the course. This a l l ow s r e a l l i fe a p p l i c a t i o n a n d u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f h ow t h e y, a s l e a d e r s , c a n i m p a c t s o c i e t y. O n - l i n e a n d c h a r i t y m e n t o r s are actively involved for cohesive, weekly coaching. The Island - At the two month mark, students gather again for a one day leadership challenge focusing on how they work in small and large groups, listen, and collectively e x e c u t e t a s k s . T o g e t h e r, t h e g r o u p m u s t c r e a t e a p l a n t o successfully evacuate an island. Afterwards, groups gather for a business summit on their community project. Launch Program - 2 1/2 Day Prog ram An [overnight] experience to conclude the six month program; ‘launching’ them into the world with their newfound skills and abilities. The prog ram reinforces earlier concepts from a different perspective and introduce new concepts to explore. Students’ confidence, speaking a b i l i t y, a n d i n i t i a t i v e g r ow i n c r e a s i n g l y w h i l e w e d i v e deeper into the outcomes they want and plan for their success. Mentor/Peer Coaching Program - With help of on-line programs we introduce new concepts, assign homework, and keep projects on track with biweekly conference calls based on job groups. This gives each student the opportunity to give and receive feedback as they apply what they have learned. Mentoring Oppor tunities - To continue application and learning after each student g raduates, they will have the opportunity to mentor current students as they embark on T h e J o u r n e y.

T h e J o u r n e y, c r e a t e s a p r o g r a m t h a t p r e p a r e s youth to become our new business owners, government officials and community leaders.

In this program, youth will learn that their life is their business, their team is their family and their customers are the people who consider helping them.

Our Goal In this prog ram, youth will learn that their life is their business, their team is their family and their customers are the people who consider helping them.

Course Outline

The Island

The Foundation


The Launch

The Journey incorporates continuous coaching throughout its’ six month course. Such coaching maximizes management and leadership potential. The Foundation 2 1/2 Day Program

Month 1

The Island 1 Day Program

Month 3


The Launch 2 1/2 Day Program

Month 6

Benefits of Coaching

“Ordinary Training”

Training Combined With Coaching







It has been concluded that,”ordinar y training” typically increased productivity by 22%, while training combined with coaching increased productivity by 88%.

For More Information

Please contact Randy Bardwell at o r o u r o f f i c e s a t 1. 8 0 0 . 6 5 2 . 4 7 9 9 w i t h a ny general or enrollment questions.

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