There is a farm in the field.
1.Who works on the farm?
2.What animals live on the farm? 3.Where do you want to live: on the farm or in the town?
Cows live on the farm. • They are big domestic animals.
• Cows eat grass. • Cows give us milk and meat.
Goats live on the farm. • Goats are domestic animals. • They eat grass. • They give us meat and milk.
Sheep live on the farm • They are domestic animals. • Sheep eat grass. • They give us meat and wool.
Ducks and Geese live on the farm • They are domestic birds. • They can fly. • They eat grass and grains. • They give us eggs and meat.
Hens and chickens live on the farm • They are domestic birds. • They eat grains and worms. • They give us eggs and meat. grains worm