1 minute read
Cherry Blossoms by Barbara Soares
by Barbara Soares
Returning to the garden of your core essence. Humming, sounding your sound essence. Reverberating with intention, inside the earth gong resonance. Listening, listening deeply to this vibrational sound, To the sound of your breathing. Slowly becoming one with sound. One point focus. Inside, inside the outside, The outside of the in zone, With no end, no end zone, Infinity speaks, But does anyone listen?
The power of one, united fabric of rhythm, time, space. Defining who we are, where we were and when? What ingredients do we invite into this playground? Garden of earth gong: spirit – sound journey. Inside sacred space, this transformative space, This space inside rhythm and time, This holy silent union of Yin and Yang.
Finally realizing we are the ones who we have been waiting for. All our lives, tuning the subtle body with elemental soundings of fire burning, earth rising, air blowing, waters running, flowing with positive outcomes and regard, heart pledged, hesitation free.
Using the power of sound to clear the soul, focus intention and loosen the ego to arrive at “I have no thoughts” state of iridescent flux. Flowing flowers of love and gratitude, into the sound, into the oneness, the breath, the pachamama of truth, beauty and unconditional love.
All back doors closed, full speed ahead. Relaxing into calm and safe, Slipping into your essence, Into your sacred space, Your sacred sound space. Into the garden of your sound essence. Being safe. Being sound. In gratitude and blessings. Hummingbird Sound Yoga
Connect with Barbara (Bobbi) Soares, owner of Hummingbird Sound Yoga in New Milford at 860-946-9470, BSoares@LightOfTheNewMoon.com and WiseFishWorld.com. See ad, page 50.