20 minute read


Tools for Inner Peace Exploring Mindfulness and Meditation

by Marlaina Donato


The practices of mindfulness and meditation, although closely related, offer individual, science-backed benefits for both body and psyche. Mindfulness has been shown to amp up immunity and increase gray matter in the brain, and 2018 research published in Experimental Biology shows that just an introductory hour of meditation using breathwork and awareness of thoughts significantly reduced anxiety. The study indicates that when applied regularly, mindfulness minimizes arterial pressure and cardiovascular health risks associated with long-term nervous system stress.

Immersion in the Moment

Mindfulness—cultivating present-moment awareness by noticing body sensations, thoughts and details in our environment—not only makes life more enjoyable, but enables us to acknowledge life experiences and emotions without aversion and judgement. Mindfulness techniques are now being used in psychotherapy for insomnia, eating disorders and addictions. Physiological benefits are also significant. Harvard Health Publishing, referencing the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, highlights mindfulness for cardiovascular and gastrointestinal conditions, as well as clinical depression.

For healing arts practitioner Evelyn Hall, in Santa Cruz, California, mindfulness is a lifestyle choice. “When my mind runs off into the future, it can create not only anxiety because I fear the unknown, but also worry about all the ‘what ifs’. When I find myself lost in the past, it can bring me sadness and regret. I have learned from mindfulness that these are just mental habits.”

Cara Bradley, a mental fitness coach in Philadelphia and author of On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up and Shine, says, “To be mindful is to show up to experience the moment as it is, with all your senses— when we eat, when we walk, whatever we are doing.”

Diving Deeper

While mindfulness can be the simple act of noticing the geometric design of a flower or the variety of tastes on a dinner plate, meditation brings awareness to the deepest levels of consciousness through a variety of focused techniques, including breathwork, chanting, visualization or gazing at a candle flame.

Contrary to common assumption, meditation need not be associated with religious structure. Neuroscientist Tony Nader, who heads the global Transcendental Meditation (TM) organization in 100 countries, underscores, “When you say meditation, there are numerous kinds of meditation with different origins. It can’t be assumed that just because meditation involves the mind that it involves dogma, or that meditation is religious because it has its roots from the Eastern traditions. Over time, some traditions integrated aspects of these ancient techniques into their own religions, yet not all meditations are religious.”

Meditation can bring us into the eye of the storm. “The ocean is a great analogy for understanding different approaches to meditation. Just as the ocean can be turbulent on the surface with innumerable waves and quiet at its depth, so, too, the mind is active on the surface with innumerable thoughts, but it is also naturally, profoundly quiet, deep within.”

TM, taught in personal, one-to-one instruction by a certified instructor, is one of the most thoroughly studied approaches and does not involve breathwork or repe-

tition of chants. “There are 600 scientific research studies about the effectiveness of the Transcendental Meditation technique to develop the full brain—actually, the full potential of the human nervous system,” says Nader.

Today, meditation has moved into the mainstream, with more than 2,500 digital apps offering quick, convenient access to every type and tradition. With names like Calm and Headspace, they were downloaded by more than 52 million first-time users in 2019—and that was before the anxiety-inducing pandemic. Most can be easily customized: InsightTimer, for example, offers 45,000 free meditations that can be sorted by need, duration or style.

By practicing meditation, mindfulness is also cultivated. “You can think of it as a workout for your mind, a way of becoming familiar with our mind and training our mind,” says Bradley.

Meditation can simply help to lower blood pressure or boost memory, yet it can bring mindfulness to a more spiritual level. “In a meditative state, I can feel how everything around me is alive and communicating with their own tongue and song,” says Hall. “I feel peace, no longer lost in wishing, praying or pleading that things be different. I am free from the burden of having to do something.”

Marlaina Donato is a body-mind-spirit author and composer of visionary music. Connect at AutumnEmbersMusic.com. Meditative Approaches to Try Cara Bradley: There are times in life, during a busy workday or after watching the news, when you can feel that your mind has gotten very small and fixed. One of my favorite, super-simple practices is called Tibetan sky-gazing. Go outside or look out your window and look up into the sky. Use your inhale to help you expand your breath, but also your mind; allow your mind and your eyes to widen to the peripheral, and as you exhale, you just let go of any fear, worry or control. Inhale—expand up and out; exhale, let something go—tension, struggle, expectation.

Evelyn Hall: Close your eyes, take a couple of nice belly breaths and relax. Send waves of relaxation through your entire body, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. As you do this, just listen to the sounds around you, both near and far. Then notice what you smell, both near and far. How does the air feel on your skin? Expand all your senses to experience what is present in this moment.

Once you are deeply relaxed, just rest within the present environment, doing nothing. Unplug, reset. Try three to five minutes to reboot. Tip: It’s helpful to remember a time when you were totally relaxed—in nature or on vacation. The mind and body love to work together; think it and the body will respond.

They who sing through the summer must dance in the winter. ~Italian Proverb

NOTE: All calendar events must be received by February 10 (for March issue) and adhere to our guidelines. To submit listings, email ColaPublisher@NaturalAwakenings.com. Costs $20 for 35 words each month. ALWAYS CALL AHEAD BEFORE ATTENDING EVENTS TO AVOID LATE CANCELLATIONS AND CHANGES

Dowdy Rudolph Chiropractic–We are open and spacing appointments consciously. We are sanitizing our office and waiting areas throughout the day and wearing personal protective gear. Call 803-3766293 to schedule an appointment. Jubilee Resumes Sunday Services–11am. Practicing safe distancing and wearing masks. Jubilee! Circle, 6729 Two Notch Rd, Columbia. Info: RevCandace@JubileeCircle.com, JubileeCircle.com. Rooted Community Yoga Classes–Sundays, 10am–All Levels Flow with Lindsay; Mondays, 6pm–All Levels Flow with Anne; Tuesdays, 6pm–Yoga Sculpt with Aria; Wednesdays, 9:30am–Pilates with Jessica; Thursdays, 9am–All Levels Flow with Pam; Fridays, 10:30am–All Levels Flow with Anne; Saturdays, 9am–Dynamic All Levels Flow in the Park with Aria. The Rooted Community, 141 S Shandon St, Columbia. Info/cost: Call Anne Miller at 803-730-3976. Valentine’s Meditation Special–A private class for two. Give yourself and partner or friend a gift for a lifetime of developing inner peace. Learn Primordial Sound Meditation, developed by the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, with experienced local instructor Joy Lee Connor. A buy-one-get-one-free deal for the month of February costs $395. Springhill AtONEment Center (or via Zoom), 2311 Chapin Rd, Chapin. Info: Call/text Connor at 803-447-6499 or email her at JoyLeeConnor@BellSouth.net.


Murraywood Health Foods 20% off Satur-

days–10am-6pm. 20% off all grocery items, excluding local honey. Murraywood Shopping Center, 7001 St Andrews Rd, Columbia. Info: 803-732-3847.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8 — SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Trout Tournament–7am-5:30pm. Participants can come to the park February 8-14 during business hours to enjoy some family time and catch trout! Prizes will be given to the top three longest trout. All ages. Cost: $5. Saluda Shoals Park, 6071 St Andrews Rd, Columbia. Info/register: 803-7721228, icrc.net.

FRIDAYS FEBRUARY 26 — MARCH 26 Addressing Your Terrain Class–5:30pm. You will learn about an integrative approach to address the dysfunctions in your body that both promote tumor growth and tumor spread. Five-week class. Cost: $200. There is also a free introductory class being offered on 2nd Tuesdays. Registration is required. Grace Medical Group, 3025 Farrow Rd, Columbia. Info: Call Kim (Tuesday-Thursday) at 803-933-0288, ext 7. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Crooked Creek Indoor Yard Sale–7-11am. Clean out your garage, attic, kids’ rooms and closets, and participate as a vendor or drop by for some great bargains/treasures. Interested vendors call for details. Cost: Admission free for buyers. Crooked Creek Park, 1098 Old Lexington Hwy, Chapin. Info/ register: 803-345-1681, icrc.net. sunday Writing as a Spiritual Practice–10am-12:30pm. Every 2nd Sunday. In building and online. Spiritual Director Candace Chellew-Hodge, published author and songwriter, leads workshop to help participants use creative writing as a way to grow their spiritual practice. Bring pen and paper or laptop for writing exercises. Free, but donations are accepted. Jubilee! Circle, 6729 Two Notch Rd, Columbia. Info/register: RevCandace@JubileeCircle.com, JubileeCircle.com. A Course in Miracles–Original Edition–4:30-6pm. Every Sunday. Study group via Zoom/phone. We read together and discuss questions, insights and experiences. Donations are accepted. Info: Call Joy Lee Connor at 803-447-6499 or email JoyLeeConnor@BellSouth.net. tuesday Healthy at Home Facebook Live–7pm. Every Tuesday. Please join Ms Tracy for her Healthy at Home segment live on Facebook. Info: Contact Ms Tracy at 833-678-7229 or OriginalOriginshw@ gmail.com. wednesday Debtors Anonymous–6-7pm. Every Wednesday. In building and online. Debtors Anonymous offers hope for people whose use of unsecured debt causes problems and suffering. Find relief by working the DA recovery program based on the 12-step principles. Free, but donations are accepted. Jubilee! Circle, 6729 Two Notch Rd, Columbia. Info: RevCandace@JubileeCircle.com, JubileeCircle.com. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Lake Murray Bridal Show–1-5pm. Come meet wedding pros, win door prizes, take a picture at our selfie station and more! COVID-19 protocols will be in place. All ages. Cost: $7 per person (12 and up). Seven Oaks Park, 200 Leisure Ln, Columbia.


Info/tickets: 803-772-3336, icrc.net.

Connect with us naturally! friday

A Talk on A Course in Miracles–6:30pm. Every 2nd Friday. In building and online. Facilitator Gina Gibson continues a series of monthly talks. Q&A to follow. Free, but donations are accepted. Jubilee! Circle, 6729 Two Notch Rd, Columbia. Info: RevCandace@JubileeCircle.com, JubileeCircle.com.


Virtual Zumba–8am. Every Saturday. Join licensed Zumba instructor Shaunita Grase via Zoom. Cost: $5. Info/register: ShaunitaGrase.Zumba.com. Yoga in the Park–9am. Every Saturday. Join Aria in Hollywood Park, 216 S Gregg St, Columbia. Info/ cost: Call Anne Miller at 803-730-3976. Writing as a Spiritual Practice–10am-12:30pm. Every 2nd Saturday. Workshop held in person at Jubilee and online. Minister Candace Chellew-Hodge, published author and songwriter, leads workshop to help participants use creative writing as a way to grow their spiritual practice. Bring pen and paper or laptop for writing exercises. Free, but donations are accepted. Jubilee! Circle, 6729 Two Notch Rd, Columbia. Info/register: 803-569-6385, RevCandace@ JubileeCircle.com, JubileeCircle.com.

Columbia Resilience Integrated Health Com-

munity Clinic–10am-2pm. Every 1st Saturday. CranioSacral Therapy, energy-based modalities, self-care techniques, and a simple meal are offered by trauma-trained practitioners for the relief of chronic stress and post-trauma care. Suggested donation: $15/session. First-come, first-served. Only six participants permitted in clinic at any one time according to COVID-19 guidelines. Call for waiting times. CHI Energy Balance, 1544 Hwy 6, Gaston. Info/appointment: Call Pamila Lorentz at 803-749-1576. Health on Digital Radio–1pm. Every Saturday. Health, Hope and Healing digital radio broadcast. WDRB media on iHeart Radio or TuneIn app. Info/cost: Contact Ms. Tracy at 833-678-7229 or OriginalOriginshw@gmail.com.

ACUPUNCTURE THE ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC William D. Skelton, DAc 620 Sims Ave, Columbia 803-256-1000 • SCAcupuncture.com Bill Skelton is dedicated to helping people live happier, healthier, active lives with safe, gentle and effective techniques. He has 38 years’ experience and trained in the Republic of China. Call to schedule an appointment. See ad, page 11.

AROMATHERAPY GARNER’S NATURAL LIFE 4840 Forest Dr, Ste 15-A, Columbia Trenholm Plaza, in Forest Acres 803-454-7700 • GarnersNaturalLife.com Improve your level of stress, depression and mood with natural products from a locally owned family business. Our knowledgeable staff will guide you using aromatherapy for pain, anxiety, energy enhancement and more. We carry several brands of essential oils, including doTERRA. See ads, page 3 and back page. CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS CENTER INC Dr. Shelly Jones, DC 5209 Forest Dr, Ste C, Columbia 803-771-9990 • DrShellyJones.com Webster Technique certified, Dr. Jones provides family chiropractic care, health information and wellness resources to support the body’s natural ability to heal, allowing one to feel better and enjoy living a more active lifestyle! Call to schedule your appointment or discuss bringing our onsite chiropractic care and health-education services to your business, school or athletic team.

DOWDY RUDOLPH CHIROPRACTIC LLC Dr. Dowdy Rudolph, DC 1444 Barnwell St, Columbia 803-376-6293 • DowdyRudolphChiro.com Dr. Gerald Rudolph, DC, focuses on finding the root cause of your problems and not just treating your pain. He utilizes digital X-rays to help diagnose problems, spinal adjustments to stimulate proper movement of spinal and extremity joints, active therapeutic movement exercises to correct movement disorders, and spinal decompression to help relieve numbness and tingling down your arms and legs. Dowdy Rudolph Chiropractic also offers a state-of-theart full-body lounge hydromassage table that can help you feel more rejuvenated and relaxed. See ad, page 25. FLEX CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Angela Larson Dr. Felicia Danio 1811 Bull St, Columbia 803-252-0108 • FlexChiros.com With more than 22 years of experience in the chiropractic industry, our team is knowledgeable, experienced and courteous. Combining a passion for healing and alleviating pain with two decades of good old-fashioned knowhow, we give you the customized chiropractic treatment you truly deserve. Our vast list of services includes: decompression; Pro Adjuster; pregnancy care; newborns, infants and toddler care; massage therapy; ultrasound; Kinesiology taping; and cold laser. Call today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Larson or Dr. Danio. Let our team help you achieve a happy, healthy life through chiropractic care!

COLLABORATIVE LAW LAW OFFICE OF SHANNON K. BURNETT 109 N Main St, Blythewood 803-786-1758 • ShannonBurnettlaw.com Shannon.skblaw@gmail.com Shannon Burnett helps families through legal issues that normally tend to tear families apart. She works in a collaborative fashion with other trained professionals to minimize the damage done to your family; it is her goal for your family to achieve a successful outcome and healthy resolution. COLON HEALTH SPRING RAIN HYDROTHERAPY Linda Salyer 120 Kaminer Way Pkwy, Ste H, Columbia 803-361-2620 • LSalyer@ymail.com All disease begins in the colon. Constipation; slow, sluggish bowel; gas and bloating? A colonic will help to rid you of these problems. Colonics promote good digestion, help speed metabolism, help lower cholesterol, and help relieve joint pain. Linda Salyer is IACN certified and a retired nurse. Saturday appointments available with an additional small convenience fee. See ad, page 14.

CRANIOSACRAL CHI ENERGY BALANCE Pamila Lorentz, MSW, RN, LMBT 1544 Highway 6, Gaston 803-749-1576 ChiEnergyBalance.com Pamila is a former hospice and home-health nurse who now provides CranioSacral Therapy (CST), energy balancing, and sound vibrational healing techniques at her clinic in Gaston and in in-home settings. CST and sound healing are "light touch" therapies that are offered while the client is fully dressed and resting on a massage table or chair. CST has a profound positive effect in facilitating relief of conditions related to chronic stress, physical and emotional trauma, and neuromuscular and nervous system impairment. Group sessions for sound and vibrational healing are limited to three participants due to COVID-19 guidelines. Individual home sessions are offered with restrictions. Remote energy healing sessions are scheduled according to the client’s need. Schedule appointments online at ChiEnergyBalance.com or text to 803-749-1576.


JUST WANNA MELT LLC Misty Rawls • 803-331-0063 Info@JustWannaMelt.com JustWannaMelt.com A green skin care company that creates high-quality, non-GMO, all-natural products that are gentle to the skin and safer for the environment. Our brands include ingredients such as organic oils, butters, flowers, herbs, botanicals, local grains, beeswax and honey. Find our products at such stores as Garner’s Natural Life, Four Oaks Farm, Wingard’s Nursery, Whole Foods and more. For a complete list of retail locations, visit our website.


MURRAYWOOD HEALTH FOODS Richard Beale, Owner • 803-732-3847 7001 St. Andrews Rd, Irmo In Murraywood Shopping Centre Hours: Mon-Sat, 10am-6pm Locally owned and proudly serving Irmo and the Midlands area for more than 25 years, Murraywood Health Foods is a health and specialty food store featuring the very best natural product brands, vitamins and minerals, herbs and homeopathic remedies. The store also carries natural and organic gluten-free foods and health and beauty products. Call today for more information or to schedule a special appointment. See ad, page 12.


ABOUT YOUR HEALTH INC 120 Kaminer Way Pkwy, Ste J, Columbia 803-798-8687 • AboutYourHealthSC.com Our main focus is health education and health-enhancing services. One-on-one nutritional counseling, Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Reams pH testing, parasite programs, aqua-chi footbaths, far infrared sauna, weight-loss programs, and thermography. Hard-to-find natural, organic, whole food nutritional supplements, raw foods and natural household items. See ad, page 27.

AMANDA RENEA HEALTH COACHING 803-673-8748 arpHealthCoaching@gmail.com AmandaReneaHealthCoaching.com Certified holistic health coach Amanda received her training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She studied more than 100 dietary theories under some of the world's top health and wellness experts. Amanda’s education has equipped her with extensive knowledge and expertise in holistic nutrition, preventive health care and innovative coaching techniques. She partners with clients looking to make lifestyle changes that produce authentic and lasting results—motivating them to focus on their set goals in order to improve their overall quality of life, energy, health, balance and happiness. Give Amanda a call to schedule a free consultation. See ad, page 14.

ORIGINAL ORIGINS HEALTH AND WELLNESS Tracy R. Jacox • 833-678-7229 OriginalOriginshw@gmail.com OriginalOriginshw.com Ms. Tracy has over 30 years of experience in the medical field. The mission of Original Origins Health and Wellness is to educate, equip and empower the community to adopt a predominately whole food, plantbased lifestyle, which will improve and optimize your quality of life, health and wellness while preventing, delaying, reversing or eliminating chronic illnesses. Original Origins can assist you with maximizing your health and wellness holistically! Our wide range of services include health coach partnering, comprehensive health evaluations, comprehensive cooking experiences, and a comprehensive kitchen evaluation. Your health is your wealth! See ad, page 29.


SWEET FEET FOOT CARE Mona Patterson/Master Pedicurist 9153 Two Notch Rd, Ste 11-C, Columbia 803-394-4421 • SweetFeetCare.com Columbia’s foot care service with a holistic approach. Here at Sweet Feet Foot Care, we focus on Preventive Care, Effective Pedicure Treatments and Cleanliness. With advanced knowledge and skills, we help correct disorders of the feet and lower limbs with pedicure treatments and orthotics. Services are ideal for Diabetics, Seniors and Knee- and Back-Pain Issues. Gel manicures available. Call today to learn more about our services. See ad, page 25.

Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. ~Og Mandino

LOCAL RETREAT JOY LEE CONNOR, LMT (SC#1229) Healing Minster at Springhill AtONEment Center 803-447-6499 Retreat to the trees! Come and experience 100 beautiful acres near Chapin, South Carolina. Joy Lee Connor invites you to bathe in the forest and “ground” in the peaceful fields of Earth. Breathe in love, heal your mind, and nurture your spirit. We are often overwhelmed by body pains and emotions. Experience mind and body transformation while being loved, forgiven and released. Your energy field will be restored and balanced, allowing you to feel lighter and burdenfree. Joy offers instruction in reiki, Touch for Health, meditation, yoga, meridian movement, and selfcare—both online and in person. Private or small groups are available. Call Joy today!


EXPECT WELLNESS Dr. Rachel Hall 130 Suber Rd, Columbia 803-796-1702 • DrRachelHall.com ExpectWellness@sc.rr.com Find us on Facebook for great health tips. Integrative/Holistic medicine consults for anyone wanting to approach their health more naturally. Dr. Rachel Hall is board certified in both family medicine and integrative holistic medicine. Together we will focus on finding the root of the problem, not just treating symptoms. Call today for a consult if you are looking to achieve balance. In-house diagnostic labs and therapies. See ad, page 5.


ECKANKAR THE PATH OF SPIRITUAL FREEDOM Contact Dee 803-749-2459 • ECK-SC.org Meetup.com/columbia-spiritual-seekers.com Eckankar has suspended ALL group events worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will update this information as changes occur on our websites listed above and in this Natural Awakenings of Columbia listing.

LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS Justin Williams 803-467-8322 Justin.Williams2@gmail.com Justin is an intuitive counselor and energy worker who has studied spirituality for more than a decade. Justin power cycles, overhauls and unblocks energy fields from afar to remove negativity from your life while jumpstarting your career, relationships, money and general blessings. Justin also provides distance house cleansings to produce a peaceful home and comfortable environment tailor-made for abundance and success.

THERMOGRAPHY ABOUT YOUR HEALTH INC 120 Kaminer Way Pkwy, Ste J, Columbia 803-798-8687 • AboutYourHealthSC.com Our main focus is health education and health-enhancing services. One-on-one nutritional counseling, Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Reams pH testing, parasite programs, aquachi footbaths, far infrared sauna, weight-loss programs, and thermography. Hard-to-find natural, organic, whole food nutritional supplements, raw foods and natural household items. See ad, page 27. VITAMINS & SUPPLEMENTS

GARNER’S NATURAL LIFE 4840 Forest Dr, Ste 15a, Columbia Trenholm Plaza 803-454-7700 • GarnersNaturalLife.com At Garner’s Natural Life, we offer the purest, most innovative highquality natural products. With more than 130 collective years of wellness experience! Allows us to encourage your healthy choices. See ads, page 3 and back page.


To place a classified listing, email content of listing to ColaPublisher@ NaturalAwakenings.com or mail with payment to Natural Awakenings, P.O. Box 2812, Columbia, SC 29202. $20 for 35 words each month. Additional .50 per word over 35 words. Please include billing contact information. Deadline is the 12th of the month prior.


Find a New Beginning with Arbonne–8pm. Every Sunday in February. Zoom and discover Arbonne. Start the year earning extra money while making a difference in your life and the life of others. Info: Call Sasha Davis at 803665-4352.

Writer Wanted–Natural Awakenings of Columbia is searching for a published, experienced writer. Serious inquiries only. Please contact Annette at 803-309-2101 or ColaPublisher@ NaturalAwakenings.com.


Massage therapistslooking for a like-minded

practitioner to share space in a quiet setting on 12th Street in West Columbia. The room is $300/month and is 10×12 with a shared waiting room and two bathrooms. Serious inquiries only. Please call Debra at 803-318-1664.

Shoes Off!

Keep Germs Outside

It may take some getting used to, and some friends may think it odd, but banning shoes in the house is a good idea. Research has shown that when we’re out and about, our shoes come into direct contact with a variety of microbes, including viruses and bacteria. If we walk around our homes in these same shoes without disinfecting them first, we can track in some of those germs and spread them throughout our living spaces.

Pollen and mold can also come into the house on shoes. Upping the gross factor, think about picking up fecal matter left by pets on lawns, driveways and sidewalks, as well as the human kind from public restroom floors.

Keeping the indoor sanctuary as clean as possible should be job number one, especially if one or more people in the house are allergy sufferers, immunocompromised individuals or small children that play on the floor and regularly stick things into their mouths.

Organisms survive longer in carpets, which are harder to clean and disinfect than hard floors, but the easiest solution is to leave shoes by the front door. Setting up a seat and shoe storage area at the entrance makes the transition much easier.

Designate one or two pairs as indoor shoes—they could be slippers or comfy loafers that never go outdoors. Socks or good-old-fashioned bare feet are also options. Some people swear by antimicrobial doormats, wiping their feet two or more times on the treated mat before crossing the threshold.

Periodically cleaning shoes is a good idea, too. The first step is to check the shoe manufacturer’s instructions. Some shoes, like canvas sneakers, can be placed in the washing machine and air dried. Most rubber or leather soles can be scrubbed with soapy water using an old toothbrush or a washcloth. Avoid detergents or cleaners with bleach unless the shoes are white. Thoroughly rinse off the soap to avoid making the shoes slippery.

Asking guests to remove their shoes before entering the abode may feel awkward. Be kind and gentle when making the request, explaining that it will help preserve the family’s health. And if they seem uncomfortable, be flexible. When hosting a gathering, it may be wise to give invitees advance warning of the no-shoe preference so that they can bring slippers or socks. A proactive host might even have fresh socks or house shoes available for guests.

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