9 minute read

11 Ounces of Power to Love and Lift

What weighs 11 ounces, is only slightly larger than the average fist, but has the power to change everything? The answer, my dear friends, lies hidden within you and me— the heart. Pumping, on average, around 100,000 times each day, this amazing physiological wonder pushes about 5 quarts of blood through the human body’s blood vessels every minute—that's a whopping 2,000 gallons every day, spanning more than 60,000 miles, according to research from the Cleveland Clinic.

I find these fun heart facts truly amazing; however, most of us well know that although it weighs a mere 11 ounces and can fit in the palm of the hand, the life-changing power and potential it inherently possesses can break any scale.


The late Helen Keller—a truly inspirational woman who became blind and deaf as an infant—said it best: “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched—they must be felt with the heart.”

Friends, this is so true, but I would like to take Keller’s thoughtful reflections a little further. Though blind, Keller could “see” the “best and most beautiful things” because her 11-ounce heart was beating, as it were, to the “life-lifting,” inspirational rhythm and power of love. However, in this day and age, as I look at what’s happening around the world, read the headlines and gaze into the eyes of so many people, my heart is heavy. Many individuals are blinded by selfishness, filled with intolerance and controlled by destructive emotions that fuel behavior to do the unspeakable.

So, how do we fix this? Well, it’s quite simple. February is love month, and our world needs more of it. Open wide the windows of greater possibilities that can maximize your 11 ounces of power and allow the light of love to lift you to the “most beautiful things,” which are hope, acceptance, unity, peace, unselfishness and compassion. If we do this together, everything will change, and the world will become a much better place.

Annette Carter Briggs, Publisher

Kingfisher Strength: A Cut Above the Rest

Located at 1011 Rauch-Metz Road, in Irmo, Kingfisher Strength is Lake Murray’s premier authentic training experience that is focused and concentrated on strength training and transformation. Kingfisher offers its members a variety of options and programs, including small group lessons, personal training sessions, and classes designed for women. The health benefits of focused and concentrated resistance training include reduced fat, improved bone and cardiovascular health, increased energy levels, and enhanced brain health. Where can this amazing health and wellness transformation take place? At Kingfisher Strength.

Kingfisher offers fundamental strength-development training, which blends foundational compound exercises, such as squats, bench presses, pull ups, shoulder presses and others, with balance training and accessory work to introduce and improve top-end strength. This class is recommended for beginners and intermediate-level candidates. Mobility programming classes (recommended for all levels) incorporate calisthenics, gymnastics and flexibility methods to increase balance, joint function and fitness. Participants explore movement patterns and functional range of motion in a low-intensity environment, resulting in decreased soreness, lower injury risk, and greater joint mobility.

In Kingfisher’s Elevate course (also recommended for all levels), participants train for muscular endurance. Whether it’s a metabolic conditioning workout through circuit training or tempo resistance lift work, the Elevate class introduces new cardiovascular stimuli to the body.

Kingfisher Strength also hosts Saturday morning youth programs designed to help kids build a strong foundation for any sport in life. The center is outfitted with Eleiko weights, considered among the best lifting products on the market. In fact, Kingfisher is the only fitness space in the Lake Murray area with specialty bars for youth and competitive lifters.

For more information, call 803-260-8514, direct message @KingfisherStrength on Instagram.com, or visit KingfisherStrength.com. See ad, page 3.

ICRC Hosts DaddyDaughter Date Night at Crooked Creek

It’s a date for dads and daughters on Friday, February 3, and Saturday, February 4, from 6 to 9 p.m. Dads and grandfathers all across the Midlands are invited to bring their little princesses out to enjoy a special date night together hosted by the Irmo Chapin Recreation Commission (ICRC) at Crooked Creek Park, located at 1098 Old Lexington Highway, in Chapin. The evenings’ festivities will include a candlelight dinner, followed by a night of fun and dancing. Attendees will receive a memory photo and a goody bag. Space is limited, and tickets must be purchased in advance.

Cost: Ages 3 to adult, $28 per person. For more information, call 803-345-6181 or visit icrc. net/event/daddy-daughter-date-night-4.

The GroMoreGood Grassroots Grant

TheScotts Miracle-Gro Foundation and KidsGardening are excited to announce the launch of the 2023 GroMoreGood Grassroots Grant. The grant will award $500 in funding to more than 160 programs to start or continue work to improve their youth gardens or greenspaces. Nonprofit organizations; school districts; universities; government entities; or tax-exempt organizations, such as religious organizations and tribal governments (located within the United States and U.S. territories serving at least 15 youth) are eligible to apply. Applications are due by Friday, February 10.

Applicants must provide proof of 501(c)(3) status or qualify as tax-exempt. If an organization has not achieved 501(c)(3) or tax-exempt status, it may apply for a GroMoreGood Grassroots Grant by partnering with a fiscal sponsor that has achieved such status. Previous winners of the GroMoreGood Grassroots Grant must wait two years after receiving an award to apply again. Winners will be announced and contacted by email by Friday, March 17. A list of winners will also be posted on KidsGardening.org on that date. Awards will be distributed in April.

For more information, visit KidsGardening.org/grant-opportunities.

KMB Hosts Adopt-AHighway Campaign

On Saturday, February 11, Keep the Midlands Beautiful (KMB) is hosting an Adopt-A-Highway (AAH) campaign in the Midlands area. Individuals, organizations and businesses are encouraged to participate. The AAH program is sponsored by the S.C. Department of Transportation and coordinated by KMB for roads in Richland and Lexington counties. KMB also coordinates the Adopt-AStreet program for the city of Columbia. Through these important sustainable partnering programs, caring citizens can take part in preserving and maintaining streets throughout the Midlands, which cultivates great benefits, such as tourism advancement, scenic beautification, improved quality of life, and raised educational and environmental awareness.

For more information and details about this Adopt-A-Highway campaign, including the location, call 803-733-1139, email Lauren@ KeepTheMidlandsBeautiful.org or visit KeepTheMidlandsBeautiful.org.

Francis Marion National Forest Cleanup

Want to make a real difference? Join other volunteers assisting PalmettoPride for the 16th annual Francis Marion National Forest Cleanup, from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, February 4. Volunteers are encouraged to wear long pants, longsleeve shirts and sturdy shoes. Gloves, bags and vests will be provided. Masks and social distancing will be required. Weather-appropriate outerwear is recommended. All volunteers should meet at the U.S. Forest Service Office, located at 2967 Steed Creek Road, in Huger, South Carolina.

For more information or to volunteer, call 803-758-6034 or email MHFeeley@PalmettoPride.org. Also visit PalmettoPride.org.

Columbia Water and RCSM Host Blue Thumb Conference

OnFriday, February 10, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Columbia Water and Richland County Stormwater Management (RCSM) are hosting their 2023 Blue Thumb Landscaper Conference at the Busby Street Community Center, located at 1735 Busby Street, in Columbia. Conference topics will include outdoor integrated pest management, stormwater best management practices for landscapers, aquatic life preservation and much more. Participants will have the opportunity to earn continuing education credits for pesticide and herbicide applicator licenses.

For more information, visit Eventbrite.com/e/bluethumb2023-tickets-477268532027.

Garden Asana— Grass Roots Yoga at Gardener’s Outpost

On Thursday, February 23, from 8:15 to 9:15 a.m., Gardener’s Outpost is hosting its Garden Asana—Grass Roots Yoga class at its newest location: 1211 Franklin Street, in Columbia. Just like the original Shandon Rosewood location, the new larger location focuses on Gardener’s Outpost’s core items and services, such as growing organic food and nourishing the environment with only healthy ingredients. However, the Franklin Street location also features an outside garden center that offers a large selection of trees and shrubs, a growing greenhouse, and spacious areas for guests to experience and enjoy the unique atmosphere.

Cost: $15. For more information, call 803-851-1905 or visit GardenersOutpost.com/events. See ad, page 33.

ICRC Hosts Drive-In Movie Night at Saluda Shoals Park

On Saturday, February 25, from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m., the Irmo Chapin Recreation Commission (ICRC) is hosting a drive-in movie night at Saluda Shoals Park featuring Top Gun: Maverick. The movie will begin around 6:30 p.m., and there will be local area food trucks on-site to serve guests.

Cost: $15 (per car). Location: The Fields at Saluda Shoals Park, 6071 St. Andrews Rd., Columbia. For more information, call 803772-1228 or visit icrc.net/event/drive-movie-night-saluda-shoalspark-top-gun-maverick.

ICRC Hosts Sweetheart Dance at Seven Oaks

On Friday, February 10, from 6 to 9 p.m., the Irmo Chapin Recreation Commission (ICRC) is hosting its Sweetheart Dance at Seven Oaks Park, located at 200 Leisure Lane, in Columbia. Parents, guardians and their children are invited out for a fun evening that includes dinner, dancing, a memory photo, and goody bag. Space is limited, and tickets must be purchased in advance.

Cost: Ages 3 to adult, $28 per person. For more information, call 803772-3336 or visit icrc.net/event/sweetheart-dance.

EEASC Hosts February Midlands


It’s time to meet up! On Saturday, February 11, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Environmental Education Association of South Carolina (EEASC) is hosting a green networking “meetup” informal session for environmental educators at Kalmia Gardens, located at 1624 West Carolina Avenue, in Hartsville. Attendees are encouraged to come prepared to share upcoming event information (to include flyers) and sustainable program updates with the gathered group in this intentionally informal setting.

The day’s activities will begin with a guided tour of beautiful Kalmia Gardens and conclude with a networking session. As a note, closed toe shoes are required to navigate stairs, hills and woodland trails. Attendees are asked to bring a bag lunch.

Cost: Free. For more information or to register, visit eeasc.org/ event-5119996.

ICRC Hosts Indoor Garage Sale

On Saturday, February 11, from 7 to 11 a.m., the Irmo Chapin Recreation Commission (ICRC) will host a garage sale at Crooked Creek Park, located at 1098 Old Lexington Highway, in Chapin. Residents throughout the Midlands are encouraged to clean out the garage, attic, kids’ rooms and closets, and bring those hidden treasures to Crooked Creek to sell. Make sure to drop by and check out all of the great bargains. Anyone interested in participating as a vendor should call or stop by the park for participation details.

Cost: Free to enter. For more information or for vendor details, call 803-772-1228 (ICRC main office) or 803-345-6181 (Crooked Creek Park). Also visit icrc.net/event/indoor-yard-sale-13.

EEASC Hosts Annual Conference in June

TheEnvironmental Education Association of South Carolina (EEASC) is hosting its annual conference for formal and non-formal educators from Wednesday, June 21, through Saturday, June 24. The conference’s theme is InclusivitEE: Environmental Education for Everyone. Conference highlights generally include informative sessions, hands-on workshops, team activities, field trips, exhibitors, networking opportunities and more.

EEASC is also seeking conference sponsors. Sponsorship levels range from $250 to $5,000. Sponsors will receive a complimentary vendor exhibit table at the conference networking session scheduled on Friday afternoon, June 23. In addition, sponsor logos will be featured throughout the conference. Additional sponsorship event perks can be found at eeasc.org/sponsor. EEASC is a nonprofit association with a leadership role in environmental and natural resource conservation education in South Carolina.

For more information, including cost, email Admin@eeasc.org or visit eeasc.org.

The 2023 Great American Cleanup

It’stime for the Great American Cleanup! Keep America Beautiful (KAB) is celebrating the Great American Cleanup’s 25th year this year. Throughout the months of March, April and May, KAB, in partnership with Keep the Midlands Beautiful (KMB), is hosting the national Great American Cleanup program across the Midlands. The Great American Cleanup, the nation's largest community-improvement program, takes place every year from March 1 through May 31, and involves more than 3 million volunteers and participants comprising more than 20,000 communities across the nation.

The cleanup program is designed and tailored to the unique needs of local neighborhoods and communities throughout the state and nation. Activities will include beautifying parks and recreation areas, cleaning waterways, holding recycling collections, picking up litter, planting trees and flowers, and conducting educational programs and litter-free events. KMB will loan out gloves, vests, bags and grabbers for the cleanup efforts.

Important Note: As the country continues to deal with the pandemic, it is as important as ever to help end litter across our great nation. This means that we should all make sure that waste (including personal protective equipment) is properly disposed of or recycled when feasible. Regarding litter collection, Great American Cleanup event organizers have been provided clear guidance to ensure that volunteer health is the highest priority. All cleanups should adhere to guidelines and safeguards as outlined by federal, state and local public health officials.

For more information, call 803-733-1139, email Lauren@KeepTheMidlandsBeautiful. org, or visit KeepTheMidlandsBeautiful.org or kab.org.

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