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To place a calendar/ongoing/classified event, email content to ColaPublisher@NaturalAwakenings.com. Entries must adhere to our guidelines and be submitted by July 12 (for August issue). Costs $20 for 35 words each month. Call ahead before attending events to avoid any cancellations or changes.
Dowdy Rudolph Chiropractic–We are open and spacing appointments consciously. We are sanitizing our office and waiting areas throughout the day and wearing personal protective gear. Call 803-376-6293 to schedule an appointment. SATURDAY, JULY 2
Backyard Saturday – Lizard Day–10am-noon. Through play, families can experience nature. Cool biofacts to investigate and an explorative hike through the park. Ages 0-7. Cost: $5/parking. Leo’s Landing Playground at Saluda Shoals Park, 6071 St Andrews Rd, Columbia. Info/join mailing list: 803-772-1228, RKennerly@icrc.net. FRIDAY, JULY 8
Sunset on the Shoals and Wine Tasting–6-8pm. Paddle the Lower Saluda River, enjoy the views, and meet new friends. After an hour on the water, sample delicious wines. Trip is dependent on weather and river levels. Ages 21 and up. Cost: $47. Saluda Shoals Park, 5605 Bush River Rd, Columbia. Info: Contact Lindsay Hudson at 803-213-2062 or LHudson@icrc. Also visit icrc.net. SATURDAY, JULY 9
Natural Childbirth Class–10am-2pm. With Lindsay Millwood, of Graceful Beginnings Birth and More. Irmo. Info/cost/exact location: 404-314-0363, GracefulBeginningsBirth.com. SATURDAY, JULY 16
Expecting? Coffee with the Doula–10-11am. Thinking about doula services? Let’s have a latte and chat about your upcoming birth. With Lindsay Millwood, of Graceful Beginnings Birth and More. Loveland Coffee, 7475 Carlisle St, Irmo. Info/ RSVP: Call Lindsay Millwood at 404-314-0363. Slip, Slide, & Splash!–11am-2pm. Cool off and have a blast with nine inflatable water slides, a maze, access to the splash pad, and food trucks. Preregister online or onsite day of event. All participants must have an ICRC-issued wristband to attend. Ages 3 and up. Cost: $15 per person. Melvin Park, 370-A Eptings Camp Rd, Chapin. Info: 803-345-8113, icrc.net. FRIDAY, JULY 22
Breastfeeding Support Group–10am-noon. Breastfeeding? Looking for peer support, ideas and community? Join other like-minded moms, gain the lactation support needed, and grow together. With Lindsay Millwood, of Graceful Beginnings Birth and More. Info/cost/location: 404-314-0363, GracefulBeginningsBirth.com. Paddle and Craft Beer Tasting–6-8pm. Paddle the lower Saluda River surrounded by beautiful scenery and wildlife. After an hour on the water, sample delicious craft beers. Trip is dependent on weather and river levels. Ages 21 and up. Cost: $47. Saluda Shoals Park, 5605 Bush River Rd, Columbia. Info: icrc.net. A Course in Miracles – Introduction–7-8:30pm. Zoom or in person. With facilitator Joy Lee Connor, LMT. Book orientation and discussion. “Teach only Love for that is what you are.” Cost: Donations are accepted. Info: Contact Connor at 803-447-6499 or JoyLeeConnor@BellSouth.net. SATURDAY, JULY 23
Palmetto Tasty Tomato Festival–1-4pm. A family-friendly event that will include live music, a variety of fun activities for all ages, and local food from local vendors. Kickoff party on Friday, July 22, at Gardener’s Outpost, 1211 Franklin St, Columbia. Proceeds from the festival support Sustainable Midlands. Cost: $10 in advance and cyclists, $15 day of event. Cottontown in Columbia’s North Main District. Info: TastyTomatoFestival.org, SustainableMidlands.com.
plan ahead
Spiritual Fusions Psychic & Holistic Extravagan-
za–10am-6pm. Crystals, jewelry, henna art, reiki, tarot, aura photos, free lectures and more. Cost: $9. Columbia Metro Convention Center, 1101 Lincoln St, Columbia. Info: SpiritualFusions.com.
coming in the august issue
on going events
Eckankar–10-11am. Second Sundays. The Path of Spiritual Freedom is an active, creative, spiritual practice. Join us and share your insights as we explore various spiritual topics. Seven Oaks, 200 Leisure Ln, Columbia. Info/cost: Call Dee at 803749-2459 or visit ECK-SC.org. Soundy School–10:30am. Every Sunday. Celebration through sound vibration, meditation and chanting. Singing bowls, bells, gong, hang drum, shruti box and other instruments. Masks required. Free. Held next to Jubilee! Circle, 6729 Two Notch Rd, Columbia. Info: Email Tricia Phaup at Tricia@ kinmail.org. Unity of Columbia–11am. Every Sunday. A vibrant, spiritual meditation community. Free. Unity of Columbia, 1801 Legrand Rd. Info: UnityColumbia@ gmail.com, UnityColumbia.org.
A Course in Miracles–Original Edition (ACIM-
OE)–4:30-6pm. Every Sunday. Study group via Zoom/phone. ACIM-OE is unedited and available as a free phone app. Donations are accepted. Watch introduction on YouTube with Joy Lee Connor, LMT. Info: Contact Connor at 803-447-6499 or JoyLeeConnor@BellSouth.net.
Meditation Mondays–6-7pm. Every Monday. Meet your guides; past-life progressive; get your life back on track; 10-point relaxation; and how to work with energy. Cost: $25. Registration is required. Reiki by Joy, Sage Studios, 1117 B Ave, Ste E, W Columbia. Info: Contact Joy Stagg at 803-603-5259 or ReikiByJoy.com.
A Course in Miracles–7:30pm. Every Wednesday. Curious about A Course in Miracles and how its principles can help you find a better way to live? An informal discussion group led by Lee McEachern. The meeting is open to everyone in person or online. Free. Jubilee! Circle, 6729 Two Notch Rd, Columbia. Info/Zoom link: RevCandace@JubileeCircle. com, JubileeCircle.com.
COVID-19: Self-Defense Beyond the Vaccine,
Part 1–11am. Every Saturday. Virtual class via Zoom. Cost: $20. Info: Contact Ms. Tracy at 833678-7229 or OriginalOriginshw@gmail.com.