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S.C. Energy Office Now Accepting Mini-Grant Submissions
The S.C. Energy Office will begin taking applications for mini-grants on Saturday, July 1. The U.S. Department of Energy provides the Energy Office with funds to support high-impact competitive demonstration projects in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation. As a part of the mini-grant competitive application evaluation process, the Energy Office will utilize a list of grant criteria. Applicants are strongly encouraged to address the applicable criteria with regard to each project when describing/defining it in the project overview section on the application.
Review and Award Process Applications will be reviewed by the Energy Office and the Energy Advisory Council. Once a project is selected for funding, the Energy Office will send recipients a grant award agreement. Funds will be disbursed via reimbursement after completion and monitoring of the project by the Energy Office. Applications are reviewed based on the following general criteria: Expected energy savings and simple payback period; visibility of the project; ability to complete the project within the specified timeframe; applicant’s contribution to the project, including the applicant’s proposed post-installation evaluation of impact; and the educational and/or demonstration value of the project.
The list of eligible applicants includes state agencies, local governments, public colleges, universities, technical colleges, K-12 public schools, and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. The maximum grant award amount is $10,000. Please note that, due to limited funding, the grant review process is highly competitive. Only a small number of applications will be selected to receive a grant award. Applications are due by Tuesday, August 1 (close of business—5 p.m. EDT). An application must be completed and submitted for consideration.
For more information or to apply, contact Rick Campana at RCampana@ors.sc.gov. Also visit Energy.sc.gov/incentives/grants.
EEASC Now Accepting Board Member Applications
Are your ready to take EEASC to the next level? EEASC is now accepting applications and nominations for board of director positions. Openings for treasurer, vice president and at-large board members are available. Applicants must be S.C. residents, at least 18 years of age, and a member of EEASC for at least one year. Applications are due by Friday, July 14. Each service term lasts two years and officially begins in September.
For more information or to apply, email Sarah Whitmire, nominating committee chair, at Sarah@ConesteePreserve.org.