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global briefs
global briefs Oarweed
Short Circuit Electronic Waste is Out of Control A partnership formed in 2017 between the United Nations International TelecomOdyssey Scottish Kelp Provides Clues to Climate Change munication Union, the International Solid The BBC reports that Waste Association and other experts from Herigroups to track the accumulaot-Watt University, in tion of electronic debris has Orkney, Scotland, have reported via the pubdiscovered kelp off the lication Globcoasts of Scotland, al E-Waste Ireland and France Monitor 2020 that has survived for that a record 16,000 years since the 53.6 million last ice age. Analyzing metric tons the genetic composiof electronics tion of oarweed from were discarded 14 areas across the in 2019 and could northern Atlantic Ocean, likely increase to 74.7 million tons per year by 2030. they found three distinct genetic clusters and hope the
E-waste includes battery-powered and plug-in laptop discovery will show how marine plant life survives excomputers, smartphones and televisions. Not only are treme changes in climate. Their findings were published people using more consumer electronics, they are not doin the European Journal of Phycology. Marine ecologist Dr. ing a good job of recycling them safely. The report found Andrew Want says that oarweed populations from Kirkthat of the e-waste generated in 2019, only 9.3 million wall Bay managed to hang on and survive amid dramattons, or 17.4 percent, were recycled. ic changes: “As the ice sheets retreated from northern
Cadmium and mercury are conspicuous sources of European shorelines at the end of the most recent ice age, pollution from these devices, as are refrigerant chemicals oarweed distribution followed and recolonized [in] the like chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons higher latitudes of the Atlantic. Kelp plays a critical role in that can leach into the environment. Plastic waste is anthe Atlantic, so it is important to understand what affects other concern. The report states that e-waste contains so its distribution and survival over time and how sensitive it many valuable recoverable metals such as iron, copper is to change.” and gold that it represents a prime opportunity to reclaim Molecular ecologist Dr. Joao Neiva, from Portugal’s these raw materials instead of mining them anew. University of Algarve Centre of Marine Sciences, says, “Our study shows how marine organisms adjust to shifting climates by migrating polewards and even across the Corporate Hero Atlantic, when conditions are favorable.” Apple Seeks 2030 Carbon Neutrality Apple, Inc., the maker of the iPhone, iPad and Mac computers, has committed to becoming 100 percent carbon neutral overall, from its supply chain to retail outlets, by 2030. The goal is to achieve a zero net climate impact. According to
BBC Science Focus Magazine, CEO Tim Cook says, “Businesses have a profound opportunity to help build a more sustainable future, one born of our common concern for the planet we share. The innovations powering our environmental journey are not only good for the planet, they’ve helped us make our products more energy-efficient and bring new sources of clean energy online around the world. Climate action can be the foundation for a new era of innovative potential, job creation and durable economic growth. With our commitment to carbon neutrality, we hope to be a ripple in the pond that creates a much larger change.” If successful, the 10-year plan will reduce carbon emissions by 75 percent and develop solutions such as the use of low carbon and recycled materials to achieve the other 25 percent.

Now is the time to prepare for the winter months ahead and encourage healthy growth next spring by planning important tree service projects. Trees need care and maintenance, just as humans do; they should be inspected for disease, insect damage and dying limbs; pruned; trimmed; and nourished. Properly cared for trees usually do not lose limbs, snap, die or house termites. And keeping trees healthy can prevent damage to your home and business.
Jarred Page and his staff at Open Canopy Tree Service are ready to work on your next tree project, and offer the best pricing for your specific needs and budget. Locally owned and operated, no job is too small or too large, as every adjustment can lead to huge improvements. Armed with the necessary equipment, knowledge and experience, Open Canopy Tree Service provides pruning, total removal of trees, branch trimming away from buildings, stump grinding and removal, consultation and tree planting.
All tree services, including work cleanup, are conducted with precision, safety and efficiency to get the job done in a timely manner. The highest-quality workmanship is guaranteed and delivered time after time. Whether the job is a pruning or a complete removal, the situation is
by Kristi Antley
accessed to determine the best and safest way to proceed. Even though it may take more planning and preparation, rigging— where parts of the tree are dismantled with ropes, blocks and pulleys—may be necessary to ensure safety. Here are a few projects that you may be considering:
• Pruning can be beneficial for tree health, training for proper growth, or primarily for aesthetic purposes. The goal of pruning is to remove the dead, dying or undesired branches. This should be done in a way that makes the sealing process less difficult for the tree. The employees of Open Canopy Tree Service do not use “spiking,” but instead utilize a climbing line to ascend and descend. Using spikes on a tree leaves small holes that can allow sap to drip and attract bugs and cause infection. A good time to prune is during the dormant season.

• Tree removal is a dangerous task that is often necessary when a tree is on the edge of falling over and threatening damage to property, family or neighbors. This type of job requires experience and the proper equipment to safely remove a tree from top to root. Open Canopy Tree Service makes this process as smooth as possible by taking into consideration the location, size, variety and overall appearance of the area as well as taking safety precautions so that you have peace of mind. They will even help you pick a replacement tree if desired.
• Stump grinding is typically better than completely removing a stump. Some clients prefer to leave a stump, but do not realize that often new sprouts grow from the stump in an attempt to regenerate.
When in question about a tree problem, or if you find a tree project difficult, contact your well-equipped, knowledgeable and experienced friends at Open Canopy Tree Service. They can handle the situation with professional expertise and excellent customer service. Says Page: “We take into consideration your time, budget and safety!”
Call 864-559-1123 today for your free inspection and evaluation or email OpenCanopyTrees@ gmail.com. Also visit OpenCanopyTreesSC.com. See ad, page 24.