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feel good • live simply • laugh more
Daily Practices for a Happier Life
How to be a Naturally Great Dad
Natural Ways to Prevent Hair Loss
Tasty Alternatives to Junk Food
June 2016 | Hawaiʻi Edition | NaturalAwakeningsHawaii.com
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.yaRest .w yaawhis atahjust etrabearbbreath tsautjssuijtsaway. ieR tseR What is Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea is a serious disorder with breathing disruptions during sleep and frequent awakenings. Breathing disruptions called “apneic events” occur as the airway becomes blocked, causing pauses in breathing lasting 10 seconds or longer.
Are You at Risk?
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natural awakenings
June 2016
contents 6 newsbriefs 8 therapybriefs 1 0 globalbriefs
10 12
1 2 ecotip 1 3 businessspotlight 1 4 healthbriefs 20 healthykids 22 consciouseating 26 healingways 27 inspiration 28 fitbody 30 naturalpet 32 wisewords
33 calendar 36 resourceguide
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Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue, you get cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle. Your local advertisers greatly appreciate your support.
16 HAPPY ALL DAY Simple Daily Practices for a Happier Life
by Judith Fertig
YOUR BRAIN by Marsha R. Sakamaki
How to be the Father Kids Need by Armin Brott
Tasty Homemade Alternatives to Junk Food
by Judith Fertig
Natural Ways to Prevent Hair Loss
by Jody McCutcheon HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings HawaiĘťi.com or request a media kit, please contact us at 808-927-3435 or email Publisher@NaturalAwakenings How to Raise Your Quotient Hawaii.com. Deadline for ads: 45 days prior to the month of publication. (For example, for a March publication, the due date would be January 15.) by Harvey Deutschendorf
ARTICLES, NEWS BRIEFS & COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT SUBMISSIONS Review the Guidelines and Submission Information at NaturalAwakeningsHawaii.com. Click on Submit Editorial at the top of the home page. Deadline: 45 days prior to the month of publication. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Review the Guidelines and submit online: NaturalAwakeningsHawaii.com. Click on Submit Calendar at the top of the home page. Deadline for being included in printed magazine: 40 days prior to month of publication. Online listing can be done anytime. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets, call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-5301377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com. Natural Awakenings practices environmental sustainability by using postconsumer recycled paper and soy-based ink on uncoated stock. This avoids the toxic chemicals and high energy costs of producing shiny, coated paper that is hard to recycle.
Never Glossy. Always Green. 4
28 BUFF AND BALANCED Bodybuilders Turn to Yoga by Aimee Hughes
How to Prevent, Detect and Treat Heatstroke
by Shawn Messonnier
32 GAY HENDRICKS ON NURTURING LOVE IN MIDLIFE Why Growing Up Can Mean Loving Better by S. Alison Chabonais
loha! The June edition is dedicated to Happiness and the Balanced Man. Being happy
can sneak up on us if we let it. To have
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that happen, we need to realize that happiness can come from the simplest and smallest of things, like sunshine, flowers, butterflies flitting in the wind, or even a memory. It’s essential that when they surface. It’s also important to feel gratitude for these tiny treasures. We believe this contributes to being well balanced. Many times, life is so hectic that duties is combined with finding joy at various intervals throughout the day, the
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balance gets shifted. Many people decide that they will be happy when some target goal is
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reached, like getting that dream job or losing a certain amount of weight. The problem with waiting to be happy is that another goal will inevitably arise and
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happiness will again be postponed. Instead of waiting to be happy, we should
Natural Awakenings Hawaiʻi
afford ourselves the opportunity to experience happiness in small doses every
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single day. These moments of happiness will build and turn into a happy life, even in the face of responsibilities. We aren’t saying not to have goals or work toward a target, just that joy needs to be realized now; otherwise, there is the risk that it will continue to be postponed. Please enjoy this month’s wonderful articles and recommendations for get-
ting and staying healthy, happy, fit and green. We continue to strive to be your go-to resource for natural health and wellness, and to help support you and your loved ones in experiencing long, healthy and happy lives. Make June Joyful! In gratitude,
Beckie and Bud Kowalski, Publishers
Contributing Writers Randy Hampton Marsha R. Sakamaki Design & Production Stephen Blancett • Patrick Floresca
responsibilities take precedence. However, when the pursuit of fulfilling daily
National Editor S. Alison Chabonais Managing Editor Sara Gurgen
we allow ourselves to pause for a bit and experience these magical moments
Publishers Beckie and Bud Kowalski
808-927-3435 Fax: 808-441-0142 Publisher@NaturalAwakeningsHawaii.com NaturalAwakeningsHawaii.com © 2016 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free monthly publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised, or events listed. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.
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natural awakenings
June 2016
Yoshie Miakoda Chihara Offers Unique Spiritual Training Series
Expanding Your Yoga Mind Achieve Deep Relaxation, Positive Thinking, Healing and Mind-Bending Results
oin Ohana Space Hawaii and Hawaii Hypnosis Center on Saturday, June 25, from 1 to 2:30 p.m., in Honolulu, for a fascinating workshop that will look at how the mind works, and how yoga can be powered up to increase health, healing, a positive outlook, and even help with relationships. Beginners and advanced practitioners, as well as instructors, are encouraged to attend as a way to deepen their practice. Expanding Your Yoga Mind is only $30 per person; and with a limit of 20 participants, this intentionally small workshop will sell out quickly, so reserve a spot today! Location: Ohana Space Hawaii, in the Waikiki Landmark Building, 1888 Kalakaua Ave., Ste. C-307, Honolulu. To reserve a seat, email osh.rsvp@gmail.com. See ad, page 25.
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oshie Miakoda Chihara, an award-holding spiritual medium and founder of Spiritual Solutions LLC, of Honolulu, is inviting the public to attend the upcoming second part of the three-part spiritual-enhancement series Getting to Know Your Spirit Guides, on Friday, June 24, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., in Hawai’i Kai. Participants will learn a no-nonsense, powerful way to channel higher spiritual guidance and get to know their “spiritual team” in a safe and supportive environment. Through a combination of an overview of the theory and mechanics of trance and experimental exercises, participants will have the opportunity to unfold their spiritual gifts and learn to connect with their spirit guides. Participants will be encouraged to move beyond their comfort zone and be inspired to work with their spirit team in an uplifting and caring atmosphere. “Some people strongly believe they are living this life on their own, but each and every one of us has a unique team of spirits who are in true essence our family members,” says Yoshie. “They are here to guide and support us throughout our lives here on Earth, so that we can create joyful, meaningful, rewarding life experiences that enable us to remember who we truly are.” Yoshie passionately believes that we are all gifted and equipped with a natural ability to tune into each other, our higher self, as well as our spirit guides and the divine. Working full-time as a spiritual medium and giving spiritual readings daily, Yoshie believes that she can guide participants to experience various stages and levels of blending with their spirit guides and learn to decipher whether they are receiving guidance from their ego, higher self or spirit guides. “Consciously and purposely working together with your spirit guides,” Yoshie adds, “can dynamically improve the quality of your life.” Cost: Tickets for the event are $45 per person. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 808-840-9135, email Info@YoshieMiakoda.com or visit SpiritualSolutionsHawaii.com. See ad, page 11.
2. A Sketch is Made
3. Portrait is Painted!
Call to Learn More
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Hawaiʻi Edition
n the May health brief “Purpose and Meaning Help Seniors Live Longer,” the statement “a 30 percent lower incidence of earlier mortality” should have said, “Once all the other factors had been taken into account, people with the highest well-being were 30 percent less likely to die over the same period.”
Heart Horses Hosting EAGALA Training
eart Horses, in Haleiwa, is hosting training for the Fundamentals of EAGALA Model Practice Part 1 and 2, in August and September. The Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) is one of the leading associations for professionals using equine therapy to address mental health and development. The EAGALA model of equine assisted psychotherapy (EAP) uses a team approach that is solution based and conducted entirely on the ground, with no riding involved. Instead, thoughtful and effective techniques are used where horses are metaphors during specific ground-based experiences. EAGALA provides a standard, structure and foundation of key values and beliefs that offers infinite opportunities for creativity and adaptability in therapeutic and facilitating styles. EAP has been shown to help at-risk youth, families in need of group work, veterans suffering from PTSD and individuals recovering from substance abuse. EAP can be used to treat mental health issues that are traditionally treated in an office setting, such as anger management, bipolar disorder, conduct and personality disorders, gambling and sex addictions, and eating disorders. The EAGALA model also provides a framework for equine-assisted learning that can be used for corporate team building and education programs. An EAGALA certified team is co-facilitated by a licensed mental health professional and an equine specialist. The EAGALA training manual specifies the qualifying standards to be met in both roles. If a practitioner does not meet the standards of one of these roles, the practitioner may serve as an additional member of the team (i.e. three-person team). EAGALA training is attended by mental health professionals with no horse experience, as well as equine specialists with no mental health experience, and everyone in between. Others that attend include students, educators, coaches, corporate trainers, and other professionals and individuals interested in this approach and that serve as a third member of the team. EAGALA certification requires completion of Fundamentals of EAGALA Model Practice Part 1 and Part 2, and the preparation and submission of a professional development portfolio. Part 1, to be conducted from August 28 to 30, establishes a basic foundation that supports and explains the model. Part 2, scheduled for September 1 to 3, builds on Part 1 with a focus on the application of the EAGALA model to a deeper level using the experiential process, self-reflection and feedback.
Location: 59-777 Pupukea Rd., Haleiwa. For more information, call Carina Cooper at 808-561-4184. To register, visit eagala.org/events.
BUT YOU CAN STOP THEM FROM SHOWING Discover the holistic approach to reverse the signs of aging. With the most advanced technique in facial rejuvenation (micro current) that works to:
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There are different treatments available to meet your specific needs and budget.
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Charlene deLory
Hawaii Kai CharlenedeLory.com
natural awakenings
June 2016
therapybriefs Crooked Teeth Cause Health Problems
r. Dennis Nagata, DDS, offers Invisalign tooth straightening at Hawaii Center for Cosmetic & Laser Dentistry, in Honolulu. This procedure for straightening teeth uses a series of clear aligners that are custom made to gradually straighten teeth without the discomfort and irritation often associated with traditional metal braces. Everyone, including teenagers, are candidates for Invisalign. Each patient receives a precise treatment plan created through X-rays, teeth impressions and pictures. From this plan, the nearly invisible custom aligners are made that gradually and gently shift teeth into place. The most obvious benefit of straightening crooked teeth is getting an attractive smile. However, that’s not the only reason to straighten them. When teeth are misaligned, it can
cause premature wear and chipping that can lead to poor support of teeth and eventual tooth loss. It can also lead to periodontal disease by making it more difficult to remove plaque buildup that leads to gum inflammation, bleeding and bad breath. This eventually causes soft tissue damage and receding gums. The bacteria and toxins that build up under the gums invade connective tissue and blood vessels and can result in hardening of the arteries. If left untreated, periodontal disease can increase the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, complications of diabetes and respiratory diseases. The foundation for healthy teeth and gums is having teeth that are properly aligned. Call Dr. Nagata today for a complimentary consultation to learn more about Invisalign.
WEAR AND TRAUMA Poorly aligned teeth can also create unnatural stress and pressure on teeth and jaws. Teeth that are subject to excessive pressure can develop chipping and notches at the gum line called abfractions. Premature wear can lead to poor root support, loose teeth and eventually, tooth loss.
Location: 1520 Liliha St., Ste. 703, Honolulu. For more information, call 808-526-0670 or visit SmilePower.net. See ads, pages 2 and 3.
MALOCCLUSION: A RISK TO OVERALL HEALTH Severe periodontal infection, if untreated, may increase the risk of atherosclerosis-induced conditions, such as coronary heart disease and stroke, complications of diabetes, adverse pregnancy outcomes, and respiratory diseases.
u Bacteria forms a film underneath the gums, particularly where teeth are misaligned. Gum pockets form, further trapping bacteria and debris.
vBacteria inflames the gum tissue and kills gum tissue cells and can invade connective tissue and blood vessels.
combination of bacteria, toxins, white blood cells and acute phaseproteins damages the cells that line your coronary arteries, resulting in plaque and leading to heardening of the arteries.
wYour immune system creates white blood cells and proteins to fight the inflammation.
HawaiĘťi Edition
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improves Healing
he Wellness Center Hawaii, in Honolulu, offers hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), a treatment used worldwide for nearly 50 years to treat illness and disease by increasing the amount of oxygen that can be absorbed in the body. The concept is simple: The air we breathe is about 20 percent oxygen, and an increase in atmospheric pressure enables more oxygen to be dissolved into any given liquid. This means that when the body is in a pressurized environment, blood plasma, cerebral fluid (fluid in the brain) and other bodily fluids will hold more oxygen than they would under normal pressure. HBOT is used in many hospitals and taught in many medical schools. For many years, the only chambers that were available were high-pressure hyperbaric chambers. While these units provide health benefits from improved oxygen absorption, they also are costly, difficult to use and have negative side effects, such as causing damage to lungs, middle ear and sinuses. The Wellness Center Hawaii investigated a new, internationally patented chamber that offers mild pressure HBOT. This lower cost, portable unit is easier to use and the mild pressure eliminates the negative effects. The mild HBOT chamber is Food and Drug Administration cleared as a class II medical device and has a flawless safety record. More than 8,500 of these chambers are in service today. Benefits of an increase in available oxygen from HBOT have been shown in the treatment of cerebral palsy, autism and numerous sports injuries. Improved oxygen absorption increases overall regeneration of tissue and blood vessels, and HBOT has been used to help treat coronary heart disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and arthritis. It’s used to stimulate tumor regression and reduce the side effects of typical cancer treatments. People with diabetes can use HBOT to stimulate the creation of new blood vessels to help combat compressed blood flow and prevent oxygen failure. Individuals suffering from neurological disorders and strokes benefit from increased levels of oxygen to help recover/repair brain cells and improve circulation in the brain. Location: 1016 Kapahulu Ave., Ste. 110, Honolulu. For more information or to make an appointment, call 808732-5363 or visit TheWellnessCenterHawaii.com. See ad, page 34.
Grace Christian—Offering Clarity on Life’s Journey
ore than 25 years ago while working in the corporate world, Grace Christian started practicing meditation. She credits this practice with helping her get in touch with abilities that had been present when she was a child, such as being able to see colorful auras around people and knowing things before they occurred. After a brief training in a healing modality, Grace began to perceive not only areas of disease inside people but also the cause of the illness. She would create notes and draw images for her clients to take with them. Eventually, Grace began working as a medical intuitive with doctors that practice natural medicine to help their patients confirm the source of their illness as well as steps to emotionally and physically correct the imbalances. While in Scottsdale, Arizona, she worked with a medical doctor that was named one of the nation’s top 100 natural doctors. Grace also has studied with Caroline Myss, Ph.D., the world’s most widely known medical intuitive, and Norm Shealy, M.D., a neurosurgeon who helped Caroline develop her abilities. As a healer, Grace offers CranioSacral Therapy and other healing modalities to help clients in their own healing process. In her intuitive sessions, she also helps clients by perceiving their unique gifts and what is transpiring on their life path. She uses these skills to help people determine the best next steps to take, whether it’s relationship, career or business based. With the complex issues we face today, intuition plays a vital role in bringing about solutions. One of Grace’s primary objectives is to help people learn to develop and trust their own intuition so that they can find the answers to life’s questions. Her website has some videos and podcasts that offer useful information for those wanting to know more about how to understand and help themselves. In addition to offering workshops and one-on-one training, she see’s clients in her office in Honolulu and by way of phone or Skype with individuals from around the world. Location: Pan Am Building, 1600 Kapiolani Blvd., Ste. 1421, Honolulu. Call 808-445-4624 or visit GraceChristianOnline.com. See ad, page 28.
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natural awakenings
June 2016
globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.
Well Well
New Healthy Building Standard The WELL Building Standard, administered by the International WELL Building Institute, is the world’s first development criterion to focus exclusively on human health and wellness. It marries best practices in design and construction with evidence-based medical and scientific research, harnessing the built environment as a vehicle to support human health and well-being. Pioneered by the Delos company and the culmination of seven years of research in partnership with leading scientists, doctors, architects and wellness thought leaders, WELL is grounded in a body of medical research that explores the connection between the buildings where people spend more than 90 percent of their time and the health and wellness impacts on occupants. It sets performance requirements in seven categories: air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and state of mind. WELL-certified spaces can help foster improvements in the nutrition, fitness, moods, sleep patterns and performance of occupants. WELL is independently certified by Green Business Certification Inc., which administers the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program and associated professional credentialing program. Source: Delos.com
Municipal Pioneers
More U.S. Cities Leaving the Grid Nassau, New York, a town of 5,000 outside Albany, plans to ramp up a combination of rooftop- and ground-mounted solar, wind turbine and landfill methane-capture technologies to generate 100 percent of its power from renewable sources by 2020. “If all goes as planned, within the next four years, all six of the town buildings will be disconnected from the grid,” says Nassau Supervisor Dave Fleming. The New York Department of Public Services wants this trend to grow through its Reforming Energy Vision (REV) initiative. Governor Andrew Cuomo’s administration is actively working to help municipalities, especially core towns and schools, move toward getting a significant portion of their power from renewable resources. Smaller, cleaner, power systems are less costly and cleaner alternatives to the traditional larger electrical stations. San Diego, California, recently committed to securing 100 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2035. It’s the largest American city to do so. Already, at least 13 U.S. cities, including San Francisco; Burlington, Vermont; and Aspen, Colorado, have committed to 100 percent clean energy. Las Vegas is among other major cities aiming to follow suit. Hawaii has pledged the same by 2045, the most ambitious standard set by a U.S. state to date. Source: EcoWatch.com 10
Hawaiʻi Edition
Bye-Bye Dye
Mars and Others Abandoning Artificial Colors Mars Inc., the maker of many candies, chewing gum flavors and other food products, is phasing out artificial food dyes over the next five years. The decision came as a response to growing customer demand, says CEO Grant F. Reid. Nestlé, General Mills, Kraft and Kellogg’s have also started eliminating artificial dyes from their products due to calls for more natural ingredients. Common shades of red 40 and yellow 5 are presently ubiquitous, as per capita production of artificial coloring approved for use in food has increased more than five-fold since the 1950s. According to a study of supermarket labels by the Center for Science in Public Interest, an estimated 90 percent of childoriented candies, fruit snacks, drink mixes and powders contain artificial colors, and many parents are concerned about their potential impact on developing brains. Several studies have scrutinized dyes’ possible link to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other effects on children’s behavior. When a study by a group of British scientists suggested a link between the consumption of certain food dyes and hyperactivity in kids, Europe and the UK began requiring food with artificial dyes to carry warning labels. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration continues to maintain that no causal relationship exists between color additives and hyperactivity in children, and doesn’t require warning labels.
Buzz Benefactors
Unsafe Playfields
Artificial Surfaces Pose Risks As of January, there have been 200 nationwide cases of cancers in young athletes that played on synthetic turf— many of them lymphoma, which is uncommon in the age group. In 2013, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency withdrew earlier safety assurances and called for new, more comprehensive studies. A majority of professional and college athletes strongly prefer natural turf because those playing on synthetic turf suffer about 50 percent more knee and ankle injuries. Other playfields use “crumb rubber” infill made of ground-up used tires formerly considered hazardous waste. Thus, sports players may be exposed to dozens of chemical compounds, most of which have never been tested for health impact; some of those tested are believed to cause cancer, birth defects, developmental and reproductive disorders and infertility.
More Retailers Ban Bee-Toxic Products
The International Living Future Institute’s Living Future Challenge presents a bold new framework for rethinking how systems, products, buildings and communities are designed. Based on the elegant and profound architecture of its recent Living Building Challenge that cites nature as the ultimate metric for success, the Living Future Challenge is now branching out to influence aspects of society. The Living Community Challenge applies Living Building concepts to entire communities or cities; the Living Product Challenge asks designers and manufacturers to create net positive products; Net Zero Energy Building certification rates successful energy conservation in both new and existing buildings; Just becomes the social justice label for appropriately certified organizations; Declare confirms the merit of nutrition labels; and Reveal affirms a building’s energy efficiency status.
Amidst the growing pollinator crisis and due to public pressure, Aldi Süd, the German supermarket chain with stores in the U.S., has become the first major European retailer to ban pesticides toxic to bees, including the neonicotinoids imidacloprid, clothianidin and thiamethoxam, from fruits and vegetables produced for their stores. Starting in January, Aldi produce suppliers have had to ensure their cultivation practices exclude eight pesticides identified as toxic to bees. Other retailers in the U.S. and Europe are also beginning to shun bee-toxic pesticides. Home Depot will no longer use the class of pesticides known as neonics on 80 percent of its flowering plants; completing the phase-out in 2018. Lowe’s is ending the sale of products containing neonicotinoid pesticides within 48 months. Smaller retailers are also working on removing neonics and other toxic pesticides from their shelves. The science has become increasingly clear that pesticides, working individually or synergistically, play a critical role in the ongoing decline of honeybees and other pollinators. Bees in the U.S. and Europe have seen unprecedented losses over the last decade, and bee-toxic pesticides like neonicotinoids have consistently been implicated as a major contributing factor.
Source: Living-Future.org
Source: BeyondPesticides.org
Primary source: epa.gov
Nature’s Metric
Rethinking All Aspects of Society
natural awakenings
June 2016
Swedes’ Solution
Banish Bugs
Six-Hour Workday Reaps Benefits Many Americans work 50 hours a week or more because they think they’ll get more done and reap the benefits later. However, according to a metastudy published in The Lancet, people that clock a 55hour week have a 33 percent greater risk of stroke and 13 percent higher risk of developing coronary heart disease than those that maintain a 35- to 40-hour work week. Data from 25 studies that monitored the health of 600,000 people from the U.S., Europe and Australia for up to 8.5 years were analyzed. Paul Kelley, of Oxford University’s Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute, notes that even a traditional nine-tofive workday is at odds with peoples’ internal body clocks, contributing to sleep deprivation. Now Sweden is moving toward a standard six-hour workday, with some businesses having already implemented the change. Linus Feldt, CEO of Stockholm app developer Filimundus, reports that the shift has maintained productivity while decreasing staff conflicts, because people are happier and better rested. Several Toyota service centers in Gothenburg that switched to a six-hour day 13 years ago also report happier staff, a lower turnover rate and increased ease in enticing new hires. A Swedish retirement home has embarked on a yearlong experiment to compare the costs and benefits of a shorter working day. Source: ScienceAlert.com
Safely Keep Winged Visitors Away from Outdoor Events Warding off mosquitoes and flies to maintain outdoor fun is especially important given the new disease potential of the mosquito-borne Zika and West Nile viruses. Here are some naturally protective measures. Remove stale, standing water outside the home—including swimming pool covers, clogged rain gutters and buckets—and turn over clay pots and plastic containers, as they all can be prime mosquito-breeding spots, suggests the Maryland Department of Agriculture. Alternatively, a toxin-free backyard pond or water garden can be stocked with mosquito fish like gambusia that feed on and consume large quantities of insect larvae. Avoid applying potent perfumes, soaps and lotions prior to an outdoor event, because such scents attract insects. It always helps to wear light, long-sleeve shirts and pants to protect more skin. Grow plants with odors mosquitoes don’t like. EarthEasy.com suggests citronella, horsemint (aka bee balm), marigolds, ageratum (floss flowers) and catnip. WellnessMama. com also likes lavender, thyme, lemongrass, anything in the mint family and even basil; rub fresh or dried leaves on the skin or apply lavender flowers or oil, especially on hot spots (neck, underarms or behind ears). Use a non-toxic, plastic-free insect-repelling band for kids. Avoid conventional insect repellents, as many contain diethyltoluamide (DEET), one of the top five contaminants of U.S. waterways. Chemicals rinse off into shower and bath drains during later wash-ups.
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Announcing Social Media ART Portraits Where Each Person Looks the Way They Want To
roup portraits are wonderful in that they capture and celebrate a special moment in time. However, sometimes not everyone ends up having their best qualities and features shown. People have a critical eye for their own image, and when it doesn’t reflect their best smile, or their eyes don’t shine, or their hair is off kilter, they end up not liking the portrait. There is a way to for everyone in a group portrait to love the way they look—SMART Portraits. Developed
by Charlene deLory, this new service, which stands for Social Media ART Portraits, takes each person’s favorite pictures and combines them with their friends’ and/or family members’ favorite pictures to form the basis for a painting that looks like it came straight from a group shot. Problem solved— each person chooses the look they like best from pictures they have. Charlene then uses her skill in portrait art and architectural perspective drawing to use these multiple photos to create a
professional group portrait, without any sitting or posing time. The process has three simple steps. First, choose the portrait size (the number of people will help determine canvas size) and email a few pictures of each person (different angles) to Charlene. Second, she selects the pictures desired and makes a sketch of the group. Third, she paints the portrait. Charlene has multiple approval steps along the way to ensure customer satisfaction. The final portrait can be picked up on Oahu or shipped anywhere in the world. Charlene says: “I’m thrilled to take everyone’s favorite pictures and combine them into a new art form. One of my clients sent me three pictures— one was from a flyer, the second was a Facebook post and the third was a selfie. I love the amazed reaction the client has when it all comes together!” Charlene comes by her talent naturally through her painter and sculptor ancestors from Italy. She is a unique artist who paints with the power of emotion and has the ability to capture the human spirit of her subjects. She takes her paintings beyond plain realism, going where the camera doesn’t. She transcends the individual’s outer appearance and concentrates on the essence that makes them unique and exceptional. A portrait is complete when the eyes tell a story and Charlene can feel the emotion through them. Charlene’s education includes an art scholarship at the Art Institute in Chicago, Illinois, and three years at UCLA in architectural perspective drawing and interior design. She has studied portrait painting with several award-winning art teachers. Charlene has also taught perspective drawing and rendering techniques at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising and the California College of Interior Design, in Los Angeles, California. She lives in East Honolulu, where the beauty and healing energies inspire her paintings. For more information, contact Charlene deLory at 818-222-2796, email her at CharlenedeLory1@gmail.com or visit CharlenedeLory.com. See ad, page 6.
natural awakenings
June 2016
Live Comedy Evokes Trust and Empathy
esearch from the UK University of Surrey has found that witnessing live comedy increases emotional interaction and bonding between the spectators and performer and enhances a general feeling of trust and intimacy among participants through the shared experience. Published in the journal Comedy Studies, the study was conducted by doctoral candidate Tim Miles, who analyzed surveys and interviews of audience members, as well as comedians, including some well-known performers. Miles found that comics and audiences connected through sharing of admiration and empathy. Bonds also formed as the audience began to identify with the observations and experiences of the comic. “Comedy has often been seen to be a bit frivolous, but it’s actually something really important. My work looking at comedians and comedy audiences has shown how live, stand-up comedy fulfills a need for feelings of truth, trust, empathy and intimacy between people, which is really important in a society where many people often complain about feeling isolated,” says Miles.
Omega-3s May Increase Risk of Prostate Cancer
esearch published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute has confirmed that high blood levels of DHA, EPA and DPA—three omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil supplements—are linked to prostate cancer. The study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center tested 834 men with prostate cancer and 1,393 healthy men; they found that such high concentrations were associated with a 71 percent increased risk of more serious prostate cancer and a 44 percent increase in the risk of less serious prostate cancer. The overall increased risk in all prostate cancers was 43 percent. The findings of this study confirm similar research in 2011 and another large European study. “What’s important is that we have been able to replicate our findings from 2011,” says one of the more recent study’s authors, Theodore Brasky, Ph.D.
Ashwagandha Pumps Up Testosterone
ow testosterone levels can be problematic for men as they age. Fortunately, Mother Nature produces her own form of testosterone booster: the herb ashwagandha. Research published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition tested 57 men between the ages of 18 and 50. They were divided into two groups—one was given 300 milligrams of the herbal extract twice a day for eight weeks; the other ingested a placebo for the same period. Both groups underwent supervised muscle training programs for the duration of the study. The men that took the ashwagandha had significantly higher levels of circulating testosterone compared to the placebo group. The ashwagandha group also experienced an increase in muscle mass in the chest and arms, yielding an average arm muscle size of 8.6 centimeters, compared to the placebo group’s 5.3 centimeters. Those men in the ashwagandha group also exhibited faster reductions of creatine kinase, a marker for the type of muscle fiber injury that occurs during strenuous exercise, following workouts.
Perfection itself is imperfection. ~Vladimir Horowitz 14
Hawaiʻi Edition
E-Cigarettes Produce Free Radicals
lectronic cigarette use, or vaping, is on the rise as many consider it a healthier alternative to smoking. However, in a study published in the American Chemical Society journal Chemical Research in Toxicology, researchers from the Penn State University College of Medicine report that e-cigarettes produce considerable levels of reactive free radicals created by the high-temperature heating coils that warm up the nicotine solution. Dr. John Richie, a professor at Penn State and senior author of the research, says, “The identification of these radicals in the aerosols means that we can’t just say ecigarettes are safe because they don’t contain tobacco. They are potentially harmful.” The researchers found that levels of free radicals in e-cigarettes are between 100 to 1,000 times less than the levels produced by tobacco cigarettes, still making them a better choice than traditional cigarettes although they still carry risk. Richie explains, “The levels of radicals that we’re seeing are more than what you might get from a heavily air-polluted area, but less than what you might find in cigarette smoke.” Previous research has found that e-cigarette smoke also contains aldehydes that can potentially cause cellular and tissue damage.
Awe and Wonder Prime Physical Health
wo related studies from the University of California, Berkeley, suggest that the act of admiring the beauty of nature with awe and wonder can decrease inflammation in the body. More than 200 adults reported their experiences of emotions on a particular day, including amusement, awe, compassion, joy, contentment and pride. Samples of the subjects’ gum and cheek tissues were analyzed for cytokines, and the researchers found those that cited emotions of awe, wonder and amazement had the lowest levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6). UC Berkeley professor and co-author of the research Dacher Keltner, Ph.D., says, “That awe, wonder and beauty promote healthier levels of cytokines suggests that the things we do to experience these emotions—a walk in nature, losing oneself in music, beholding art—have a direct influence upon health and life expectancy.”
Medicinal Mushroom Heals HPV
esearch from the University of Texas Medical School and Health Science Center has found that a medicinal mushroom extract may be able to eradicate human papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted disease. Presented last fall at the 11th International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology, in Houston, the clinical study treated 10 women that tested positive for HPV with the mushroom mycelia extract called active hexose correlated compound (AHCC). The patients were given three grams of the AHCC once a day for six months or longer. Eight of them tested negative for HPV after the period, including three that were confirmed HPV-eradicated after stopping the AHCC treatment. The two other patients continued receiving the extract. Children’s Hawai’i A phase II clinical trial led byDentistry Dr. Judith of Smith, a professor at the UT Medical School, will be conducted.
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June 2016
HAPPY ALL DAY Simple Daily Practices for a Happier Life by Judith Fertig
hroughout the past decade, success researchers and positive psychologists have sketched out in broad strokes the big picture of our elemental yearning for happiness. According to Martin Seligman, Ph.D., and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, inner happiness derives from four basic elements: positive emotion, relationships, meaning in life and accomplishment. What we want to know now is how to instill happiness into daily practices. In her latest book, Better Than Before: Mastering The Habits Of Our Everyday Lives, happiness expert Gretchen Rubin fleshes out the needed details. She maintains that the shift into a happier way of being can be as simple as changing our habits, which she terms the invisible architecture of daily life. Rubin found, “We repeat about 40 percent of our behavior almost daily, so our habits shape our existence and our future. If we change our habits, we change our lives.” We can start small in sometimes surprising ways that encourage personal, family, workplace and community well-being.
Simplify—Exercise—Meditate Israeli-born Tal Ben-Shahar, Ph.D., a former Harvard lecturer and author of the 16
Hawaiʻi Edition
bestselling Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment, had 854 students enroll in one of his pioneering classes on happiness in 2006, the highest enrollment for any class at the time. “Students explored ways to apply these ideas to their life experiences and communities,” he says. Today, he lectures and consults worldwide on the science of happiness, or “optimal being and functioning”. Ben-Shahar suggests we cultivate three personal habits. The first one is to simplify, saying, “We need to turn off our phones, email and other distractions at home, so we can fully be with the people we care about and that care about us. Time affluence—time to enjoy and appreciate—is a predictor of happiness.” The second is to exercise. “We were not meant to be sedentary,” he says. The third is to meditate. “Meditating helps us to develop extreme resilience to negative emotion.” Ken A.Verni, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist in Highland Park, New Jersey, endorses the importance of a mindfulness habit. In his new book, Happiness the Mindful Way: A Practical Guide, Verni outlines easy, step-bystep actions to form a new happiness habit that concurrently reduces stress and increases enlightenment. He starts with what he calls “compassionate atNaturalAwakeningsHawaii.com
tention”; being fully awake or present in our lives without judging what we’re thinking. When we view our thoughts as events in the mind, he says, conscious self-observation introduces a space between our perceptions and responses, allowing us to view our thoughts as separate from the person we really are. Complementary methods may include breathing techniques or body awareness that help shift us away from anxious, “What if?” speculations into the ever-present now. With just a few minutes of mindfulness a day—the first thing in the morning or at night before retiring—according to Verni, “We can shift our relationship to ourselves and our life experiences in a way that allows for greater spaciousness, acceptance and compassion, and in doing so, can dramatically improve the quality of our lives.”
Daily Joy at Home Another way to improve the quality of our life is to reverse one habit. Shonda Rhimes, creator of TV dramas that include Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal, admits that she’s a driven, Type-A person in her new book, Year of Yes. A busy career in Los Angeles, three children and little leisure left her feeling unhappy, so instead of reciting her habitual, “No” to anything extraneous—like parties, eating chocolate chip cookies or spending a lazy afternoon chatting with an old friend—she decided to change that habit to, “Yes.” One of Rhimes’ most profound revelations occurred after she responded positively when her children asked her to play. She observes that kids don’t want that much from us and playtime rarely involves more than 15 minutes; when we give them access and attention, it makes everyone feel good. Rubin agrees that it’s the little things that can contribute to family happiness. As a New York City mother of two, she decided that she’d be happier if she knew she was creating family memories. She started regularly preparing “special occasion” family breakfasts, a relatively easy meal to customize. She says, “Studies show
Take the Secret Society of Happy People’s personal happiness inventory at Tinyurl.com/HappinessCheck. Tinyurl.com/ DefiningOurHappiness provides an introduction. that family traditions support children’s social development and strengthen family cohesiveness. They provide the connection and predictability that people crave. I know that I enjoy a holiday more when I know exactly what we’re going to do and when we’re going to do it.” Home for Matthieu Ricard, a biochemist turned Buddhist monk, could be a Nepalese monastery or a seat at scientific conferences around the world. As the author of Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill, he defines happiness as a deep sense of flourishing that arises from an exceptionally healthy mind. “It’s not a mere pleasurable feeling, a fleeting emotion or a mood, but an
Flipping the Switch
optimal state of being,” he says. In order to nurture it, Ricard recommends taking some time each day for quiet reflection, noting, “The contemplative approach consists of rising above the whirlpool of our thoughts for a moment and looking calmly within, as if at an interior landscape, to find the embodiment of our deepest aspirations.” By cultivating attention and mindfulness, the cares of everyday life become less burdensome. Such a spiritual practice of just sitting quietly for 10 minutes a day, observing the thoughts that randomly cross our minds, and then gently shooing them away, can be enormously beneficial, he says, as it helps us put things in perspective and aim for continuous calm.
Changing thought habits to focus on the good things in life is an approach that works for clients of Mary Lynn Ziemer, a life coach in Estero, Florida. Ziemer suggests we “flip the switch” from negative thinking and make a habit of starting our day being positive and grateful for 10 minutes. She recommends we start by doing deep breathing—four seconds breathing in, hold for seven seconds, eight seconds breathing out—repeated four times. Next, we ask ourselves how we feel in the moment and identify the emotion, and then ask what thoughts we can think to feel better. The last step of the exercise is to frame a positive outlook in an affirmation, such as, “I am so grateful that I know I am doing the best I can and everything will work out. Everything is fine.” Ziemer adds, “Remember that happiness comes from love and takes you to a place of peace and calm. It is such emotions that beget success in
appy people don’t find happiness like you’d find a penny on the ground; they make it happen, with action. Cultivating happiness habits can make a marked difference in your life. 4 Be deliberately optimistic. Optimism is imperative to emotional wellness. 4 Prioritize mindfully. Consistently align choices, intentions and actions with the top priorities of love, happiness and health. 4 Keep uplifting resources on hand. A few surefire mood-lifters may include a green smoothie, mani-pedi and solo dance party to at least one get-your-feetmoving song by a favorite artist. 4 Put yourself first. It’s the best way to bring your A game to everyone else. 4 Be a prolific seeker. Seek beauty, joy, adventure, pleasure, growth and
powerful meaning in all areas of life. Let life move you to possibility, opportunity and gratitude. 4 Don’t make things personal. Absolutely nothing others say or do is about you, ever. 4 Examine the worst that can happen. Many of the limitations you’re placing on yourself aren’t real— they’re illusions.
4 Practice loving-kindness. Making this a habit changes the vibration of your life and the lives of those around you. Plus it feels great. 4 Be aware of your energy. Tune in to surrounding energy, as well as the energy you’re emitting and notice what needs to be adjusted or abandoned. 4 Be wary of media consumption. Limit messages in everything from email and news to books and music that take you away from the calm, open space within that revels in joy and wonder. Conversations count, too. Kristi Ling is the author of Operation Happiness: The 3-Step Plan to Creating a Life of Lasting Joy, Abundant Energy, and Radical Bliss. The life and business coach shares more at KristiLing.com/ operationhappinessresources.
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June 2016
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relationships, health, supply, and clear purpose. Plus, it benefits everyone around you.”
Happiness Habits at Work
Dallas happiness researcher Shawn Achor, founder of Goodthink, Inc., and author of The Happiness Advantage, applies the science of happiness to the workplace. His research echoes the personal positivity of Ziemer, Verni and Ben-Shahar’s approaches to nurturing happiness. “Happiness is such an incredible advantage in our lives,” says Achor. “When the human brain is positive, our intelligence rises and we stop diverting resources to think about anxiety.” The Harvard Business Review published his research results: “Creativity triples and productive energy rises by 31 percent. Sales rise by 37 percent and the likelihood of promotion rises by 40 percent.” Achor’s method is helping people rewrite the way they think by first looking for positives at work. Workers write down three highly specific, positive things about their workday for 21 consecutive days. Rather than just, “I love my job,” acknowledge, “I love my job because I get to help people every day.” Or, “I love my morning tea because it gets me going.” Achor reports that at the end of the period, “Their brain starts to retain a pattern of scanning the world not for the negative, but for the positive first.” Taking a work break for two minutes of mindfulness is also effective. “We did this at Google,” he says. “We had employees take their hands off their keyboards for two minutes a day to go from multitasking to simply focusing on their breathing. This drops their stress levels and raises accuracy rates. It improves levels of happiness and it takes just minutes.”
Happiness in the Community We can foster happiness habits at home, at work and in the community. Rubin suggests starting such a group, akin to a self-help book club or bridge group, but with extra benefits. She even offers a free starter kit for NaturalAwakeningsHawaii.com
I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health. ~Voltaire those that want to try it, available via Gretchen Rubin.com/habits/start-ahabits-group. In addition to the happy exchange of ideas and success stories, happiness habits group members also have the benefit of being accountable to each other. Others can help us continue to color in the details supporting and forwarding the broad brushstrokes of positive emotions, relationships, meaning in life and accomplishments in a down-to-earth, fun way. Judith Fertig blogs at AlfrescoFoodAnd Lifestyle.blogspot.com from Overland Park, KS.
HAPPIER IN JUST MINUTES n Journaling for two minutes about one positive experience we’ve had over the past 24 hours allows our brain to relive it. n Exercising, including 15 minutes of cardiovascular action a day, teaches our brain that our behavior matters and improves our mood. n Meditating for even a few minutes at a time relieves an overloaded brain and allows it to focus on one thing at a time. n Writing one quick email in the morning praising or thanking someone we work with or just to make them happy will make us feel a sense of social support, a great predictor of happiness. Source: The Happiness Advantage, by Shawn Achor
A Diet for Your Brain by Marsha R. Sakamaki
hat do people do when they’re depressed? Typically, they see their doctor and take medicine. However, the March/April 2016 issue of Scientific American Mind has an article that proposes another answer. A growing number of mental health experts are incorporating diet into treatment for major depression and other disorders in a new approach called nutritional psychiatry. The typical Western diet apparently can damage the hippocampus, an area of brain tissue deep underneath the temples that is critical to memory formation. A 2015 study in Australia showed that older adults that consumed a Western diet for four years not only suffered higher rates of mood disorders but also had smaller hippocampi. They were shrinking! Other research reveals that high-sugar diets can prompt runaway inflammation and cause a cascade of metabolic changes that ultimately harm brain function. Usually, inflammation fights infections and promotes healing; however, runaway inflammation destroys healthy tissue as well. Numerous studies show that inflammation plays a role in a series of brain disorders, including depression and bipolar disorder, and possibly autism, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Two meta-analyses from 2010 and 2012, which reviewed data from 53 studies, showed elevated levels of inflammation in depressed patients. A study at the University of Pittsburgh divided participants with mild depressive symptoms into two groups. Half received problem-solving therapy to cope with stressful life experiences, while the other half received dietary counseling that included making dietary changes. The latter set of participants was intended to be a placebo group that researchers thought would receive no substantial benefit; however, to their great surprise, both sets of participants showed the same level of improvement on a “depression inventory” test. There is clearly a growing appreciation among researchers of the critical relationship between diet and brain health. Every year, the list of correlations between certain foods and mental well-being grows: • Fish and other sources of omega-3 fatty acids help fend off psychosis and depression. • Fermented foods (yogurt, pickles, sauerkraut) seem to ease anxiety. • Green tea and antioxidant-rich fruits may keep dementia at bay. The new field of nutritional psychiatry looks at what diets are best for mental health. It’s also looking at the prospect that dietary intervention could serve as a valuable addition to medications and other therapies for mental disorders, just as it does in so many other areas of medicine. Diets that help promote healthy brains include: • The Mediterranean diet, which consists primarily of fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish, lean meats in moderation, olive oil and maybe a little red wine. • The Okinawan diet, which stresses antioxidant-rich vegetables, seaweed, some fish, some meat and limited white rice. • The Scandinavian diet, which contains fruits, nuts, seafood, canola oil, and moderate amounts of meat and dairy. What these diets do not emphasize are things contained in the Western diet—high sugar, processed foods and fatty meat. As one example, people with diabetes that started a nut-enriched Mediterranean diet reduced their risk of depression by 40 percent. This type of diet may also help preserve neuronal connections in the brain. The article concludes that “nutrition-based treatment plans—free from side effects and low in cost—will figure prominently in the future of dementia and psychiatric care.” The Wellness Center Hawaii, in Honolulu, offers the latest in cutting-edge and innovative energy-based techniques, applications and products that support one’s journey to optimal health. Its vision is to walk with clients on the road toward achieving clients’ desired goals. Marsha R. Sakamaki is the developer of The Wellness Center Hawaii. For more information, call 808-732-5363, email MarshaSakamaki@TheWellnessCenterHawaii.com or visit TheWellnessCenterHawaii.com. See ad, page 34. natural awakenings
June 2016
DAD MATTERS How to be the Father Kids Need by Armin Brott
merican fatherhood has evolved considerably in the last 50 years. While dads used to be kept out of the delivery room, today, more than 90 percent of new fathers are present for their children’s birth, reflected in MenCare Advocacy’s State of the Worlds’ Fathers. However, being there early on does not necessarily define the scope of future involvement. Overcoming obstacles that might keep men from being the “high-five” dads they and their family need them to be is key. Involved fathers benefit children. Most research on child development has focused on how mothers influence their children, but in recent decades, society
Hawaiʻi Edition
has “discovered” fathers. In many studies, pioneering Psychologist Ross Parke, Ph.D., professor emeritus of University of California, Riverside, and others have conclusively shown that children of more-involved dads are better at solving puzzles, score higher on cognitive skills tests, do better in school, are more likely to go to college, are more empathetic, manage their emotions better, have fewer behavior problems, are less likely to suffer from depression or mental illness and are less likely to break laws or become teen parents. Fathering tip: Never miss an opportunity to change a diaper, play with the kids, read stories together or simply ask them about their day.
Equal workplace policies matter. The U.S. is the only economically advanced country that has no nationally mandated paid maternity leave policy and is absent a national paternity leave policy, paid or unpaid. When men don’t get time off to learn basic parenting skills, it’s harder for them to stay engaged later. In 1977, 41 percent of women and 35 percent of men in dual-earner couples reported work-family life conflicts. Today, the figures are 47 percent and 60 percent, respectively, according to the Families and Work Institute’s ongoing National Study of the Changing Workforce. Parenting tip: Advocate for national, paid parenting leave policies for men and women starting with local employers. It benefits both families and companies. Studies by Stanford University, the Families and Work Institute, Gallup, Inc. and others have found that companies with family-friendly benefits enjoy more loyal employees, better morale, lower turnover, fewer arbitrary sick days, higher levels of customer service and higher shareholder returns—all of which contribute to their bottom line. Both genders can be naturally nurturing. Certainly, women are biologically adapted for giving birth and breastfeeding, but Parke found that caring new dads typically cuddle, coo, giggle, rock and feed their babies just as much as new mothers. One hurdle men face is that they usually have to return to work sooner, and their natural nurturing skills can get rusty, while moms’ get sharper. Opportunity and practice are the biggest
predictors of meaningful connections with children. Fathering tip: Don’t assume that a partner knows more. Whatever a mother knows, she learned by making mistakes, and that’s the best way for fathers to learn, too. Be open to complementary expertise. A dad with a mate that praises and supports him will be far more confident and engaged with his child than one with a partner that criticizes him. Parenting tip: No one likes to feel incompetent, so when offering dad advice, do it in a nonthreatening way that supports and compliments his improving skills over time. It may mean adjusting personal standards a bit. Dad should take pride in practicing his unique rapport with offspring. Instead of letting mom pluck a crying or smelly baby from his arms, he can try, “Honey, I’ve got this.” End-running the legal system after divorce. For some 30 years, the default decision in divorce cases has been to award the mother primary physical custody, with limited visitation for the father. More states are now moving toward a presumption of 50-50 physical custody, but it’s not the norm. Therefore, many divorced dads may feel disconnected from their children and suppressed in their parenting role moving forward. Fathering tip: Never give up. Children need their dad in their life and vice-versa. It’s critical to stay in touch. In person is best; phone, email and Skype are decent fallbacks. Make time together feel meaningful as well as normal, instead of falling into a “Disneyland dad” syndrome of trying to make every moment a party. Practice harmonious communications with the ex. The biggest known predictor of children’s future mental and emotional health is how well their parents get along. Separated parents don’t have to be friends, but they do need to acknowledge both parents’ importance to the children and treat each other respectfully. Armin Brott is the author of eight bestselling books on fatherhood, including The Expectant Father and The New Father. Learn more at MrDad.com.
or parents serving in the military, some of the biggest barriers to involvement are inevitable and often repeated deployments. Dads returning home often struggle to reestablish both their family role—which changed while they were away—and their relationships with children they haven’t seen for months and who may not even recognize them. Here are practical tips to counter any estrangement. Talk to your children before you leave and tell them, in age-appropriate terms, what’s happening and why. Record yourself reading a child’s favorite book and ask mom to play it every night. Their hearing your voice while you’re gone will make it easier for them to get used to having you home again. During deployment, communicate with home as much as possible by phone, Skype and email, taking into account time zone differences and military security. Don’t underestimate the power of snail mail. Little things—a dried leaf from a tree near the barracks, a film canister full of sand—let a
child know Dad is thinking of them and provides tangible signs that he’s in a real place somewhere. Upon returning home, take it easy and don’t expect to be able to simply pick up where you were when you left. Everyone in the family has changed, and likely become stronger via the experience. Some things may never return to the pre-deployment normal, but the new normal can be just as good—or better. Source: The Military Father: A Hands-on Guide for Deployed Dads, by Armin Brott
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June 2016
Fast Whole-Food
photo courtesy of Ella Leché/Andrews McMeel Publishing
Tasty Homemade Alternatives to Junk Food by Judith Fertig
lanning ahead is an effective key to healthy eating and weight management. Having healthy snacks available, both savory and naturally sweet, helps us to conquer cravings and avoid a sugar rush—or slump. Between-meal nutritious and delicious snacks can be easy to make. Plus, unlike commercial foods, we know their ingredients. Here, Natural Awakenings has tapped two plant-based whole foods experts and cookbook authors for their best snack recipes and tips. “Healthy happens when we’re prepared,” says Elise Museles, of Washington, D.C., the mother of two sons who writes at KaleAndChocolate.com/ blog and recently released Whole Food Energy: 200 All Natural Recipes to Help You Prepare, Refuel, and Recover. “Nutritious is delicious; healthy doesn’t have to be bland and boring.” she says. Nor does it take hours to make. “I pick one day a week to do meal prep,” she explains. “After a visit to our
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Sunday farmers’ market, I work in the kitchen for a few hours so I’m ready to go on Monday and for the rest of the week.” Whenever hunger threatens to derail her from a whole-foods, nutrient-dense diet, Museles is equipped with options like protein balls and carrot hummus. She’s also learned that having naturally sweet foods at hand helps divert cravings, realizing, “You just want a sweet thing more if you think you can’t have it. Plus, I think better when my blood sugar is stable.” Museles combines naturally sweet dried fruits such as goji berries and tropical coconut to make a handy snack mix. “Like blending smoothies, this basic trail mix can have many variations,” she says. She also suggests maintaining a well-stocked freezer. Museles freezes berries in season to pop in the blender for smoothies; pitted and peeled avocados to thaw and mash over glutenfree toast; and frozen banana slices to layer over nut butter. NaturalAwakeningsHawaii.com
Canadian Ella Leché, a mother of two daughters best known for her website PureElla.com/blog, is the new author of Cut the Sugar, You’re Sweet Enough cookbook. She came to a plant-based lifestyle in 2008 after a whole foods diet helped her overcome a chronic illness. Her blog documents her journey to wellness—one healthy change at a time. Leché, a graphic designer and photographer in Mississauga, near Toronto, started an elimination diet four months after the birth of her first child, when she noticed puzzling symptoms. “I started to make small changes and slowly but surely, I began to recover,” she says. Today her diet is 90 percent vegan and gluten-free. “I had a sweet tooth, but I didn’t have the balance thing figured out,” Leché admits. Foregoing sugar was hard emotionally, even though her body had difficulties with sugar, which seemed correlated to frequent headaches and mood slumps. Slowly, she started emphasizing naturally sweet, pure foods like dates and fruits and found other ways to ease cravings. “Starting the day with a savory, healthy breakfast can cut sugar from your diet because the sweet taste on our tongue essentially sets the brain into craving sugar,” she says. Leché enjoys involving her children in making snacks like healthy turnip or kale chips. When she gets a hankering for something sweet, she chooses her special cranberry and chocolate protein balls, sweetened with dried fruit and bolstered with almonds and walnuts. They take minutes to make and keep in the refrigerator for a week or in the freezer for up to three months. Having easy-to-prepare, whole food snacks on hand keeps families happily snacking on quick bites and on track with healthy eating. “It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle,” says Museles. “If you like recipes that are good for you, it’s a sustainable lifestyle.” Judith Fertig is the author of the award-winning Back in the Swing Cookbook and blogs at AlfrescoFoodAndLifestyle.blogspot.com from Overland Park, KS.
Natural Quick Snack Recipes
Turnip and Beet Chips Yields: Up to 4 servings 4 turnips, peeled 4 beets, peeled ¼ cup grapeseed oil or other neutral oil 1 tsp sea salt Preheat the oven to 325° F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Slice the turnips and beets using a mandolin and place in a large bowl. Drizzle the oil over the vegetables, sprinkle with the salt and toss to fully coat. Bake for 15 minutes, turning over chips halfway through the baking time. Then lower the temperature to 200° F and bake for another 5 to 10 minutes, until golden. Source: Cut the Sugar, You’re Sweet Enough, by Ella Leché
¾ cup water Juice of ½ lemon 2 Tbsp nutritional yeast flakes ½ tsp sea salt
5 Medjool dates, pitted ¼ cup raw cacao powder 1 to 2 Tbsp chocolate or vanilla protein powder 1 to 2 tsp water 1 tsp vanilla extract 4 drops liquid stevia
Preheat the oven to 300° F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Process all of the ingredients in a food processor until a dough forms.
Make sure the kale leaves are thoroughly dry. Tear them into large pieces and place in a large bowl.
Turn off the processor, remove the blade and roll a teaspoon of the dough into a ball using the palms of the hands. Repeat with all the dough. Enjoy between meals or after a workout. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week, or in the freezer for up to three months.
Rinse and drain the cashews. In a food processor, process the cashews, bell pepper, garlic, water, lemon juice, yeast flakes and salt until a smooth paste forms. Toss the kale leaves in the paste to fully coat, and then place them on the baking sheet in a single layer; don’t overlap any. Bake for 15 minutes, then flip the leaves and bake another 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and cool for 5 minutes before serving. Note: Alternatively, dehydrate the kale leaves in a food dehydrator for 8 hours on a high setting (no need to turn them over). Source: Cut the Sugar, You’re Sweet Enough, by Ella Leché
Raw Cranberry-
Raw Cheesy Kale Chips Yields: 2 servings Bunch of kale, stemmed 1 cup raw cashews, soaked in water for at least 2 hours ½ red or orange bell pepper 2 cloves garlic, peeled
Source: Cut the Sugar, You’re Sweet Enough, by Ella Leché
Chocolate Protein Balls Yields: 20 servings 1½ cups raw walnuts 1 cup raw pecans ½ cup naturally sweetened dried cranberries
Natural Awakenings recommends using organic and non-GMO (genetically modified) ingredients whenever possible.
Superfood Trail Mix Yields: About 3 servings This trail mix is loaded with antioxidants. Pack up a mason jar and store it at the office or other work station or make individual serving packets to take along on hikes. ½ cup sunflower seeds 1 cup walnuts 1 cup goji berries ½ cup coconut flakes ¼ cup cacao nibs Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and store in an airtight container. Source: Whole Food Energy: 200 All Natural Recipes to Help You Prepare, Refuel, and Recover, by Elise Museles natural awakenings
June 2016
Is the Word Itself a Harmful Label? by Randy Hampton
nyone that has experience in the marketing world can tell you that the way in which people speak about things makes a big difference. Words matter—not just in the way we think about things but the underlying ways in which we feel about those things. The person that originally labeled climate change “global warming” probably wishes they could have that description back. That old moniker led many people to question the science when massive winter blizzards hit the U.S. and Europe. A popular internet meme showed a man shoveling 6 feet of snow and asking, “How do you like all that global warming?” The term itself lessened the credibility of the science. Despite near universal agreement by scientists that climate change is occurring, the general public has been slow to accept the concept. Merely the mislabeling of the phenomenon of climate change made the science harder
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to seriously discuss and set back policy change by nearly a decade. From our perspective as hypnotists, the treatment of addiction has met a similar challenge. By calling the problem of drinking too much or drugging too much an “addiction,” the focus of the problem shifts to the substance itself. In reality, alcohol or drugs aren’t the problem. It’s their use that’s the problem. This isn’t to say that the focus should be on the user’s integrity, personality or character. People that are drinking or drugging too much deserve compassion and care. They are generally good people looking for a way to escape something they’re feeling. No one truly chooses to mess up their lives, their families, their finances and their careers with these kinds of challenges. The focus should not be on the motives of the user, rather we believe that the focus should be on the underlying reason that users use. NaturalAwakeningsHawaii.com
The label of “addiction” turns the attention to the physical and/or psychological power of the substance or activity to keep a user hooked. But, as any person struggling with doing something too much can tell you, the stopping of the substance is not the hardest part. Yes, it can be very difficult to experience the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol, meth, heroin, cocaine or pills; but most users have one time or many times been able to outlast the physical symptoms on their own … only to find themselves back in the cycle weeks, months or years down the road. If we as a society are going to truly be successful at combating addiction, we must look beyond the addictive period of these substances and turn our attention to the real reasons people begin to use them in the first place and return to them even after the addictive nature of the substances has long passed. It may challenge some people’s long-held beliefs to consider the fact that a meth user that hasn’t used in two weeks is not suffering with addiction—at least not a physical addiction. Meth clears the system in anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. Yes, there are brain changes that occur through usage that may lead to desires to reuse, but those desires can be overcome. What can’t be overcome for most people is the feeling of sadness, unworthiness, loneliness or self-loathing that they’ve been running from all along. When that feeling returns due to work stress or relationship issues, the mind of the user may believe that drugs or alcohol are the only real solution. Without tools to overcome the underlying feeling, the user will often return to using—not because they’re “addicted” but because they’re feeling a deep emptiness that they cannot fill in any other way. As hypnotists, we approach these “too much” behaviors by seeking the real cause of the use, even when the original issue has been resolved or long-since forgotten. If we can clear the subconscious mind of the erroneous or outdated thinking, then the user should be able to use their own willpower to overcome the addiction.
People that are drinking or drugging too much deserve compassion and care. Unfortunately, most treatment methods are focused on getting the user through the withdrawal period and sending them back out on the street. The user remains fundamentally stuck, with the real problem and the bad habit likely to return. Hypnosis doesn’t “fix” a user. It allows the person to do the work that allows all the other things to work more effectively. That’s why hypnosis is becoming such an integral part of the treatment at successful addiction centers, such as Passages and at the Mayo Clinic in-patient program. When the underlying issues are resolved in a meaningful way, a user can find the other things that will help keep them on a clean path. Whether that’s complete abstinence, step programs like AA or NA, rehab, behavioral therapy, lifestyle changes or a combination of all of them. We often tell our clients to focus on what works for YOU. Each user is different. Everyone’s reasons for using are different. Everyone’s solutions will be different. If you’re struggling with addiction, find what helps you be successful. Randy Hampton is a writer, social scientist, hypnotist and blogger living in Honolulu.
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natural awakenings
June 2016
TRESS STRESS Natural Ways to Prevent Hair Loss by Jody McCutcheon
ncient Egyptians sought to stem hair loss and stimulate hair growth with a cocktail of iron oxide, red lead, onions, alabaster, animal fats and honey. Today, we’re still deploying creative approaches. Men’s hair loss, specifically, is a billion-dollar industry, touting solutions ranging from chemically laced topical treatments and drugs to transplants and wigs. Yet hairloss science is imperfect; it’s riddled with misinformation that allows companies to sell products of varying efficacy. The average head holds about 120,000 to 150,000 strands of hair,
and it’s normal for both men and women to lose 50 to 100 strands daily. We lose hair for several reasons. Chiefly, aging weakens hair and makes it more brittle; it also decreases hormone production, slowing hair growth. According to a study published in the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, anything that interrupts the normal hair cycle can trigger diffuse hair loss. Triggers include physiologic trauma and emotional stresses, nutritional deficiencies, endocrine imbalances and illness, as well as genetics, including pattern baldness. Even
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air and water pollutants and sunlight’s phototoxic aging effects may facilitate alopecia (sudden hair loss). While it’s impossible to completely stop natural hair loss catalyzed by aging and genes, the rate can be controlled and abnormal loss may be reversed while stimulating growth. Dietary Changes. The typical North American fat-, protein- and saltrich diet fosters an acidic environment in the body which can lead to premature hair loss. Iron-rich foods like lean red meats and dark green veggies contribute to ferritin levels sufficient to increase the hair’s growth cycle. Iron also delivers oxygen to hair follicles, further inciting growth. In a review of related research, the journal Clinical and Experimental Dermatology reports that double-blind data confirmed the findings of a study in women with increased hair shedding in which a significant proportion responded to l-lysine and iron therapy. Because hair is made mostly of protein, and protein deficiency is thought to cause hair loss, it would seem that consuming more protein would stimulate growth, although moderation is the key. Too much protein may result in baldness, according to Dr. Michael Eades, who owns ProteinPower.com. The American Heart Association recommends against high-protein diets because most Americans already eat more protein than they need. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, shellfish, nuts and seeds and their oils can facilitate the production and action of hormones and oily lubricants that effect a healthy scalp and follicles and bouncy, shiny hair. A-complex and B-complex vitamins also are said to promote vibrant, shiny hair; B12 to neutralize premature hair loss; vitamin C and zinc to help strengthen hair; biotin to avoid hair loss and premature graying; vitamin D to facilitate healthy follicular growth; and vitamin E to maintain a healthy, moisturized scalp. Eating whole foods like organic eggs, lentils, spinach, red meat, pumpkin seeds and salmon is ideal, including plenty of fruits and vegetables for vitamins and minerals. Most
vegetable skins are also rich in silica, which helps strengthen hair. Drink More Tea. Green tea, saw palmetto (or its extract) and stinging nettle tea contain ingredients that inhibit the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a compound that’s been linked to thinning hair and pattern baldness, according to Medical News Today. These products are used in battling some forms of alopecia and concentrated ingredients of these teas are available in pill form. Detox. Eliminating alcohol, tobacco and coffee can help. Excessive booze and caffeine lead to dehydration, which makes hair dry and brittle, and also dramatically depletes the body’s iron and zinc levels. Cigarette smoke contains toxins that accelerate hair loss, as well as premature graying. Chill Out. Stress is a widely known factor in hair loss, specifically of a condition called telogen effluvium (Principles of Dermatology, by James Marks and Jeffrey Miller). Meditation and exercise can relieve stress and create a better hormonal balance, thereby helping to prevent alopecia. Massage of body and scalp also may be beneficial. Adding oils such as almond or coconut infuses the scalp with essential vitamins and minerals. A study by the Journal of Dermatology shows that applying onion juice can lead to hair growth. Treat hair gently, air-drying rather than rubbing it with a towel. Don’t Fake It. Using extensions and weaves or wearing tight wigs or hairpieces daily may damage hair follicles by stressing their anchor to the scalp, accelerating hair loss. Also, hair straighteners, tight pony tails, blow dryers and heated rollers may damage or break off follicles. Consider natural hair dyes. Eschew Shampoo. Most commercial shampoos contain sodium laurel sulphate (SLS) or sodium laureth sulphate because it’s inexpensive, lathers well and typically thickens hair via salt. SLS also corrodes follicles and impairs their ability to grow hair. Consider switching to organic shampoos and conditioners. Jody McCutcheon is a freelance editor in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
They don’t make needless enemies. Their response to potentially volatile situations is measured, not inflated, and managed appropriately. They think before speaking, allowing themselves time to calm down if their emotions start to feel overwhelming. Practice forward thinking and willingness to let go of the past. People with high EI are too busy thinking of future possibilities to dwell upon things that didn’t work out in the past. They apply lessons learned from past
Emotional Smarts
How to Raise Your Quotient by Harvey Deutschendorf
he role of emotional intelligence (EI) in helping to facilitate success and happiness in individual lives has become well accepted. People with high EI tend to share seven habits. Focus on the positive. While not ignoring bad news, EI people have made a conscious decision to not spend much time and energy focusing on problems. Rather, they look at what’s positive in a situation and seek solutions. They focus on what can be done and what’s within their control. Associate only with positive people. High EI people regard complainers and negative people as energy drains. They tend to avoid them to maintain their own vitality. Instead, they spend time with those that look on the bright side of life. They tend to smile and laugh and attract other positive people. Their warmth, openness and caring attitude leads others to regard them as more trustworthy. Set boundaries and assert a position. Although their friendly, open nature may make them appear as pushovers to some, people with high EI are able to set boundaries and assert themselves when necessary; they demonstrate politeness and consideration, yet stay firm. High EI people guard their time and commitments and know when they need to say no.
missteps in taking future actions. They never see failure as permanent or a personal reflection of themselves. Look for ways to make life more fun, happy and interesting. At work, at home and with friends, high EI people know what makes them happy and look for opportunities to expand the enjoyment. They receive pleasure and satisfaction from seeing others happy and fulfilled, and do whatever they can to brighten someone else’s day. Expend energy wisely. High EI folks don’t hold onto anger over how others have treated them, but use the incident to create awareness of how to not let it happen again. While they move on and forgive, they don’t forget, and are unlikely to be taken advantage of again in the same set of circumstances. Always learn and grow. High EI people are lifelong learners, constantly growing and evolving. Being critical thinkers, they are open to changing their minds if someone presents a better idea. They trust themselves and their own judgment to make the best decision for themselves. Harvey Deutschendorf is an emotional intelligence expert, speaker and author of The Other Kind of Smart. Take the EI Quiz at TheOtherKindOfSmart.com/ ei-quiz.
natural awakenings
June 2016
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Buff and Balanced Bodybuilders Turn to Yoga by Aimee Hughes
e don’t typically envision iron-pumping bodybuilders also flowing and breathing through yoga postures, yet many are combining these complementary disciplines to realize huge benefits.
Competitive Edge
Nicolina Sandstedt, a yoga teacher trainer and anatomy expert with the Yandara Yoga Institute, in Baja, Mexico, observes, “The body awareness and alignment focus that the practice of yoga asanas [positions] offers helps bodybuilders find correct posture. Yoga also teaches elegance in transitions that improve competitive posing.” Peter Nielsen, a bodybuilder, yoga practitioner and world-class fitness guru in Detroit, observes, “Most bodybuilders haven’t fine-tuned their presentation. They often grimace and look uncomfortable, with their veins popping out.” He points out, “Yoga helps teach bodybuilders how to slow down, breathe into each posture and ultimately win posing competitions because of the grace, elegance and body awareness that yoga provides.”
Injury Prevention
Joseph Grassadonia, bodybuilder, yoga enthusiast and founder of On Fitness 28
Hawaiʻi Edition
magazine, in Kahuku, Hawaii, cites additional benefits: “Incorporating yoga into your workout routine improves your core, giving you overall body strength in specific targeted muscle groups. It also increases flexibility, stability and mobility, allowing greater range of motion. Most importantly, it will keep you from being sidelined with injuries.” “Stretching a muscle can make it more aesthetically pleasing,” remarks Sandstedt. “In yoga, we often hold postures for a relatively long period of time, in a more isometric endurance workout, than the short, repetitive movements performed in bodybuilding. Bodybuilding develops fast-twitch muscle fibers for power and speed, while yoga develops slow-twitch muscle fibers for endurance. Both are important for tissues to stay healthy while building muscle mass.” Nielsen notes, “Bodybuilding makes me feel stronger; I look better and have loads of endurance. Yoga makes me feel more centered; it softens me so I can hear and surrender to what my body is telling me rather than me just telling it what to do.” Such listening is essential to preventing injuries that periodically plague bodybuilders. Slowing down into yoga’s present moment awareness
teaches bodybuilders how to perform from a place of presence rather than on autopilot, which is when most injuries occur. “Yoga works all the muscles, even the smaller, intrinsic muscles often neglected in bodybuilding,” Sandstedt says. “In addition to facilitating healthy posture, these small muscles help support balanced joint alignment.” She explains that the explosive, repetitive movements used to build muscle mass in bodybuilding make the muscles less elastic, which also inhibits range of motion. Less elastic muscles may be more prone to injury, as daily activities require both strength and mobility.”
Beginning Yogis
For bodybuilders that want to give yoga a shot, Nielsen advises trying a structured, 30-day yoga challenge. He sees how after the first month with his clients, the positive effects become apparent and most bodybuilders don’t
want to go back to life before yoga. Sandstedt offers, “I advise newcomers to incorporate a light yoga routine into the beginning and end of each bodybuilding training session. Ending training sessions with a few yoga postures will help balance the body, bringing a sense of calm and equanimity to the workout experience.” “In my fitness career, I’ve found that yoga perfectly complements any strength training program as a form of stretching, flexibility and destressing,” says Nielsen. “Yoga focuses me, and helps me to isolate whatever muscle I choose. It helps me reach my fullest potential and simply makes me a better version of myself.” Aimee Hughes is a doctor of naturopathy and freelance writer in Kansas City, MO. Connect at ChezAimee@gmail.com.
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Stretches and lengthens muscles while relieving tension
Shortens and builds muscles while building tension
Moves prana (life force energy) throughout the body, boosting energy levels and mental sharpness after a session
Expends energy, sometimes ending in muscle fatigue and mental exhaustion
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Promotes body confidence through a fixed physical aesthetic
Prevents injuries through body awareness and helps heal injuries through yoga therapeutics
Can cause injury absent preventive awareness
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June 2016
Hot Days Are Hard on Pets How to Prevent, Detect and Treat Heatstroke by Shawn Messonnier
s outdoor temperatures heat up, pets may suffer from the effects of increased ambient temperatures. While problems such as squamous cell carcinoma and moist dermatitis (skin hot spots) increase along with temperatures and amount of sun exposure, the most serious heat-related health issue is heatstroke. Holistic vets recommend some simple, commonsense steps that will help and also possibly save a pet’s life. Heat stroke in both people and pets develops when core body temperature rises and stays above a certain level. In dogs and cats, the tipping point tends to be a body temperature higher than 106 degrees Fahrenheit. This can happen more quickly in overheated dogs and cats because they don’t have the ability to sweat in order to cool off like people do; this is due to a lack of eccrine sweat glands over most of their body surface. Panting can reduce body temperature, but is inefficient and easily overwhelmed if their temperature rises quickly and a pet can’t remove itself
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from the surrounding warm environment. Dogs such as pugs and bulldogs that have a short, broad skull are especially at risk due to genetically impaired breathing structures; they can easily overheat even in mildly warm weather. Ferrets and rabbits are especially prone to heatstroke because they typically dwell in cooler temperatures. As a result, these small mammals do best when housed indoors rather than outside; outdoor time should be limited and supervised. Heatstroke in pets is usually easy to detect for a pet with a history of being in a hot environment from which it cannot escape to cool itself in shade or water or take a refreshing drink. Excess panting, dark red gums and a “hot feel” to the ears and hairless skin of the abdomen are clues. First-aid involves quickly cooling the animal and notifying the veterinarian that a pet suffering from heatstroke is on the way. Wetting it will begin the process. Applying either ice packs or ice cubes in a plastic bag wrapped NaturalAwakeningsHawaii.com
in a towel to avoid freezing the skin also helps. Recommended spots for the packs are on the back of the neck, armpits and groin, as these areas have large arteries and veins close to the surface. If possible, don’t spend much time on these actions, because getting the pet to the doctor quickly is the overriding goal. Administering homeopathic drops of arnica and hypericum via the mouth from a natural home first-aid kit while en route to the vet may assist healing. Treatment at the veterinary hospital involves continued cooling, including intravenous fluids and cool water enemas. Cooling the pet must be done quickly in order to restore enzyme systems to normal functioning. Hospitalization will likely be required to evaluate the patient for potential serious complications, including cardiac arrest, shock, septicemia, bloody diarrhea, and disseminated intravascular coagulation to ensure against a usually fatal disorder involving the pet’s bloodclotting mechanisms. With prompt assistance, most pets with heatstroke will recover, but treatment can be extensive and expensive. The most important aspect is initiating it early to prevent permanent organ and brain damage. Prevention is ideal and preferred over the need for treatment. Guard against leaving furred pets outdoors for extended periods of time during hot weather. Pets that must be outside need protection from the heat and sun in shaded areas with access to plenty of fresh cool water; provide several water bowls. Opinion is divided about whether longer-haired pets seem more comfortable and have fewer weather-related problems if their hair is cut short, but don’t cut it down to the skin, as that removes their protective coat and predisposes them to sunburn. A good rule of thumb is that if it’s too hot for the pet’s person, it’s too hot for the pet. Shawn Messonnier, a doctor of veterinary medicine practicing in Plano, TX, is the award-winning author of The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats and Unexpected Miracles: Hope and Holistic Healing for Pets. For more information, visit PetCareNaturally.com.
Protect Your Thyroid with Detoxified Iodine Give Your Body the Natural Boost it Needs
The Hidden Deficiency Having the proper amount of iodine in our system at all times is critical to overall health, yet the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition finds that iodine deficiency is increasing drastically in light of an increasingly anemic national diet of unpronounceable additives and secret, unlabeled ingredients. This deficit now affects nearly three-quarters of the population.
Causes of Iodine Deficiency
Almost everyone is routinely exposed to iodine-depleting radiation
Low-Sodium Diets
Overuse of zero-nutrient salt substitutes in foods leads to iodine depletion
Iodized Table Salt
Iodized salt may slowly lose its iodine content by exposure to air
A toxic chemical found in baked goods overrides iodine's ability to aid thyroid
Iodine-Depleted Soil Poor farming techniques have led to declined levels of iodine in soil
A Growing Epidemic Symptoms range from extreme fatigue and weight gain to depression, carpal tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure, fibrocystic breasts and skin and hair problems. This lack of essential iodine can also cause infertility, joint pain, heart disease and stroke. Low iodine levels also have been associated with breast and thyroid cancers; and in children, intellectual disability, deafness, attention deficient hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and impaired growth, according to studies by Boston University and the French National Academy of Medicine.
What to Do The easy solution is taking the right kind of iodine in the right dosage to rebalance thyroid function and restore health to the whole body.
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Proper iodine supplementation with a high-quality product like Natural Awakenings Detoxified Iodine can prevent harm by protecting the thyroid and other endocrine glands from radiation and restoring proper hormone production.
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natural awakenings
June 2016
Gay Hendricks on Nurturing Love in Midlife Why Growing Up Can Mean Loving Better by S. Alison Chabonais
ay Hendricks Probably the and his wife, biggest factor is that Kathlyn, have people in the second discovered through half of life tend to be working on their own open to learning and relationship and countrying new things, such seling hundreds of other as adopting our praccouples that the time tice of scheduling two, from midlife onward of10-minute conversafers the greatest opportions a week to take tunity of any other pecare of relationship riod to grow love. At a business: one covers mutual low point, they “stuff talk”, the other made the life-changing is “heart talk”. Often, decision to rebirth their it only takes a few marriage, tapping into Gay Hendricks and his wife, Kathlyn minutes of trying out a a new source of energy brand-new activity to and rejuvenation that’s producing exspark a major rebirth of intimacy. tensive and surprising benefits. The Ojai, California-based couple, How pivotal is self-love, a tough both with Ph.D. degrees, co-authored concept for many, in securing a their first trailblazing bestseller, Conhealthy relationship? scious Loving, more than 20 years ago You can only love another person to and have published 30 other books, in- the extent that you love yourself. After cluding their latest, Conscious Loving we take people through a process deEver After. The Hendricks Institute that signed to give them a clear experience they founded annually offers workof loving themselves unconditionally, shops and seminars in North America, they often tell us that the experience Europe and Asia. Their nonprofit changed everything in their relationFoundation for Conscious Living funds ship. It’s powerful because so many of research, films and scholarships related us enter a relationship in an attempt to to relationship well-being. get the other person to love some part of ourselves that we don’t know how Why do you say the best relato love, which never works. Learning to love ourselves is an inside job. tionships are possible in the
second half of life, including the greatest sex?
Childrearing responsibilities often decrease in our 40s and 50s, affording more time and resources to invest in the quality of the relationship. Psychological and spiritual maturity also comes into play—the more deeply we know ourselves, the more able we are to communicate meaningfully with our partner. 32
Hawaiʻi Edition
What would you say is the biggest challenge for midlife couples in a long-term relationship? It’s vital to get out of the rut of recycling conflicts and predictable routines in order to liberate a new creativity. Creativity doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. It might be a matter of giving a new way to communicate a NaturalAwakeningsHawaii.com
whirl or taking a walk together instead of watching TV. Ultimately, relationships only thrive when both people make an ongoing commitment to investing time and energy to explore their own creative nature. One may elect to learn to play a musical instrument, while the other might take up gardening. The only requirement is that we take on new activities that have the capacity to surprise us.
What tips do you have for those that are single during the second half of their life? Enjoy your singularity! Singlehood affords great opportunities. You can choose whether or not you wish to invest time and energy manifesting a mate. No law requires that everyone has to have an intimate relationship, but if you’d like to, go about the process consciously. First, work on learning to love yourself, because it’s wise not to depend on anyone else to do it for us. Second, figure out what we call your Three Absolute Yesses and Nos, the three most important qualities you want in a mate, and equally important, the three most important things you don’t want in a mate. It’s a good way to avoid mistakes.
Why do you call blame “the crack cocaine of relationships”? When you blame another person for something, you fire up adrenaline both in yourself and the other person. Adrenaline is manufactured by our bodies and is highly addictive. Blame also typically produces a defensive reaction, causing a harmful cycle of two-way criticism and defensiveness that can go on for years. One couple we counseled had been having essentially the same argument since their honeymoon 29 years earlier—so addicted to the adrenalized “cocaine” of blame that it had become a permanent feature of their relationship. The answer is for each person to take healthy responsibility for issues in the relationship and together seek ways to both break unhealthy habits and replace them with mutually satisfying ways of relating. S. Alison Chabonais orchestrates national editorial content for Natural Awakenings magazines.
JUNE 1-30
Intuitive Healing Sessions – By appointment. Grace Christian is offering a reduced fee for Natural Awakenings readers that want to experience her healing work. These intuitive healing sessions include intuitive insights. For more information, contact Grace at 808-445-4624 or Grace444Christian@gmail.com, or visit GraceChristianOnline. com. See ad, page 28.
Talking to Stones Workshop – Noon-5pm. Attend a self-empowerment workshop facilitated by Kumu Angela Pohakuola, Stone Whisperer. Participants will be gifted with a stone, experience how stones whisper messages, receive an additional message from Kumu, and learn the care and maintenance of crystals. Includes bonus introduction for upcoming classes on healing with crystals and crystal-grid layouts. Meet like-minded individuals in a beautiful outdoor retreat setting and enjoy a healthy potluck snack. For all levels of crystal lovers. $65. Pupukea (private address available upon registration). For more information or to reserve a spot, call 808-551-0900 or visit TalkingToStones.com. See ad, page 14.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 The Truth About Cancer—Episode 9 – 6:308pm. The Wellness Center Hawaii is presenting this informative film series. Though sometimes controversial, it will raise awareness about cancer. There will be a short discussion at the end. Free. 1016 Kapahulu Ave, Ste 110, Kilohana Sq, Honolulu. To reserve a seat, call 808-732-5363. For more information, visit TheWellnessCenterHawaii. com. See ad, page 34.
THURSDAY, JUNE 2 Meet the Mystics, Teachers and Students – 6-8pm. Back by popular demand, learn from each other and the powers that be. Free. Crystal Cave & Kyanite Lounge, 3424 Waialae Ave, Honolulu. For more information, call Bonnie at 808-397-3174 or visit CrystalCaveHI.com. See ad, page 9.
SATURDAY, JUNE 4 Reiki Level 1 – 9am-2pm. Join Kathryn Julia to learn Reiki Level 1. $100 for nonstudents (included in Quantum Institute International’s Holistic Health Practitioner course). University Plaza, 931 University Ave, Ste 207, Honolulu. For more information or to reserve a spot, call 808-626-5087. See ad, page 25.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 Bruno Groening Circle of Friends – 6:309:30pm. The session will start with an introduction to Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. Meditation will follow. Free. The Wellness Center Hawaii, 1016 Kapahulu Ave, Ste 110, Kilohana Sq, Honolulu. For more information or to reserve a seat, call Lusana at 808-386-5683. See ad, page 34.
FRIDAY, JUNE 10 Creating YOUR Calling with Lani Kwon, MA – 6-8pm. Have you gone through a major life change recently? Graduation, career change, retirement? Are you fulfilled in your work? Do you want better communication in your relationships? Would you like to discover and pursue your life’s purpose? Lani can guide you with her research into positive psychology studies that have a practical, real-life impact. $50. Sedona, in the Ward Centre, 1200 Ala Moana Blvd, Ste 460, Honolulu. To register, call 808-591-8010. For more information, visit coPOWERment.com. See ad, page 26. Holistic Massage School Open House – 6-8pm. Learn about the unique program offered by Quantum Institute International for Holistic Health’s Holistic Massage School. FREE healing experience will be offered to attendees. Free. University Plaza, 931 University Ave, Ste 208, Honolulu. For more information or to reserve a spot, call 808-626-5087. See ad, page 25.
Reiki Level I – 10:30am-3:30pm. Join WiSH (Women in Soulful Harmony) to take that first step in trusting, following your passion, and nurturing and strengthening the spirit to love and give back to others. This course covers the benefits and uses of Reiki, its history and instructions on using Reiki for oneself and others. Upon completion of the course, the student will receive a certificate as a Reiki Level I practitioner. Reiki attunement given during the course provides lifelong Reiki energy. $200, includes lunch. Space is limited. Mililani (address available upon registration). To reserve a space, call Bessie at 808-753-5370 or visit wishHawaii.com. See ad, page 18.
MONDAY, JUNE 13 – SATURDAY, JULY 30 Lomi Lomi Level 1 Course – Meets Mondays 6-10pm and Saturdays 10am-5pm—44 total hours. This is an open course with LiAnn Uyeda, and the hours accrued can be used for Quantum Institute International for Holistic Health students aiming at holistic health practitioner certification. LMTs are welcome! $1,100 for nonstudents; early bird discount. Payment plan available. Space is limited. University Plaza, 931 University Ave, Ste 208, Honolulu. For more information or to reserve a spot, call 808-626-5087. See ad, page 25.
Spiritual Support Group – 6:30-8pm. Learn some powerful grounding tools that can be used in your everyday life and connect with your divine essence. Join Bessie for a twice-monthly group beginning in June for three months that will delve into shamanic practices, including how to do a shamanic journey for your own guidance. June 15 & 29; July 13 & 27; and August 17 & 31. $240 for the 6 group sessions. Space is limited. Ka’ala Healing Arts Building, 66-216 Farrington Hwy, Ste 200, Waialua. For more information or to reserve your space, call Bessie at 808-753-5370 or visit wishHawaii.com. See ad, page 18. The Truth About Cancer—Episode 1 – 6:308pm. The Wellness Center Hawaii is presenting this informative film series. Though sometimes controversial, it raises awareness of cancer treatments. There will be a short discussion at the end. Free. 1016 Kapahulu Ave, Ste 110, Kilohana Sq, Honolulu. To reserve a seat, call 808-732-5363. For more information, visit TheWellnessCenterHawaii. com. See ad, page 34.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17 Creating Intention with Keoki – Back by popular demand, this intensive workshop teaches you the secret for creating effective intentions that help you manifest the changes you want to see in life. Make the most of your life’s journey, get clear on your purpose, and learn how to ask for and receive what your soul truly wants. Sedona, in the Ward Centre, 1200 Ala Moana Blvd, Ste 460, Honolulu. For cost, time and to register, call 808-591-8010. For more information, visit AlohaElixir.com. See ad, page 21.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17 & SATURDAY, JUNE 18 Waimea Valley Moon Walk – 8-10pm. Enjoy a walk through the Waimea Valley under the moonlight. Walks start between 8 and 9pm and must end by 10pm. Arrive early and enjoy a buffet dinner at the Proud Peacock with Moon Walk admission included. $10 walk only or $29.95 with dinner. 59-864 Kamehameha Hwy, Haleiwa. For dinner reservations, call 808-638-5864. For more information, visit WaimeaValley.net.
Crystal Healing Class – 5:30-7:30pm. Join John Hopp, an extraordinary teacher, healer, shaman and energy worker, in this healing class. Crystal Cave & Kyanite Lounge, 3424 Waialae Ave, Honolulu. For more information, call John at 808-469-1232 or visit CrystalCaveHI.com. See ad, page 9.
Blue Moon Psychic Fair – 10am-3pm. Psychic readings offered by intuitive counselors using the tools of clairvoyance, astrology, numerology, Reiki, color energy balancing, tarot and more. People often find insights into how to become unstuck in such life areas as relationships, careers, health and personal development. $30 for 15-minute reading. Maunakea Marketplace, 2nd floor, Chinatown, at 1120 Maunakea St. Free street parking on Sundays. To pre-book a reading, email Patiey Tompkins at PatieyTompkins@yahoo.com or call her at 808-735-1708. Walk-ins on the day of the fair are always welcome.
Experience the Synchronicity Wave Room – 6-7:15pm. Relax in comfortable seats and experience the healing capabilities of the Synchronicity Wave Room at The Wellness Center Hawaii. Many of The Center’s other services will also be discussed. Seminar attendees will be offered a special opportunity to schedule a health assessment scan and an hour-plus consultation for a nominal fee of $100 (regularly $350). 1016 Kapahulu Ave, Ste 110, Kilohana Sq, Honolulu. To reserve a seat, call 808-732-5363. For more information, visit TheWellnessCenterHawaii.com. See ad, page 34.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 The Truth About Cancer—Episode 2 – 6:30-8pm. The Wellness Center Hawaii is presenting this informative film series. Though sometimes controversial, it will raise awareness about cancer. There will be a short discussion at the end. Free. 1016
natural awakenings
June 2016
Kapahulu Ave, Ste 110, Kilohana Sq, Honolulu. To reserve a seat, call 808-732-5363. For more information, visit TheWellnessCenterHawaii.com. See ad, this page.
FRIDAY, JUNE 24 Getting to Know Your Spirit Guides – 7-8:30pm. Come explore one of the most powerful ways to get to know your spiritual guides and be guided to connect with your spirit team even if you think you have no psychic power! This is a fast-paced, hands-on and interactive course. You will discover your guides’ various roles in your life, how to sense their energy and how to honor your unique way of connecting with them. Get ready to experience a profound, life-changing evening. $45. Seating is limited. Spiritual Solutions, in Hawai’i Kai (private address available upon registration). To reserve a seat, call 808-840-9135. For more information, visit YoshieMiakoda.com. See ad, page 11.
SATURDAY, JUNE 25 Kuan Yin Crystal Oracle – 6-9pm. Come experience an evening of inspiration and wisdom in a small group setting, which includes meditation and labyrinth work facilitated by Angela Pohakuola, Stone Whisperer. Crystals will be provided, but you are invited to bring your own. It’s recommended that you bring a notebook or journal to write messages. Limited to 8 participants. $44. Ho’omana Healing Heart Labyrinth, Waianae (private address available upon registration). For more information or to reserve a spot, call 808-551-0900 or visit TalkingToStones.com. See ad, page 14. Reiki Level II – 10:30am-3:30 pm. This course offered by WiSH (Women in Soulful Harmony)
Hawaiʻi Edition
includes learning and understanding the Reiki symbols on a deep level and how to do distance healing. The three sacred symbols will be presented, including their form, sound and meaning. Level II Reiki is considered a quantum leap forward on one’s spiritual path. Reiki Level II practitioner certificate will be provided. $200, includes lunch. Space is limited. Mililani (address available upon registration). To reserve your space, call Bessie at 808-753-5370 or visit wishHawaii.com. See ad, page 18. Expanding Your Yoga Mind – 1-2:30pm. Join Ohana Space Hawaii and Hawaii Hypnosis Center for a fascinating workshop that will look at how the mind works, and how yoga can be poweredup to increase health, healing, a positive outlook, and even help with relationships. Beginners and advanced practitioners, as well as instructors, are encouraged to attend as a way to deepen their practice. Limited to 20 participants. $30. Ohana Space Hawaii, Waikiki Landmark Building, 1888 Kalakaua Ave, Ste C-307, Honolulu. To reserve a seat, email osh.rsvp@gmail.com. See ad, page 25.
TUESDAY, JUNE 28 Experience the Synchronicity Wave Room – 6-7:15pm. Relax in comfortable seats and experience the healing capabilities of the Synchronicity Wave Room at The Wellness Center Hawaii. Many of the Center’s other services will also be discussed. Seminar attendees will be offered a special opportunity to schedule a health assessment scan and an hour-plus consultation for a nominal fee of $100 (regularly $350). 1016 Kapahulu Ave, Ste 110, Kilohana Sq, Honolulu. To reserve a seat, call 808-732-5363. For more information, visit TheWellnessCenterHawaii.com. See ad, this page.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 Bruno Groening Circle of Friends – 6:309:30pm. The session will start with an introduction to Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. Meditation will follow. Free. The Wellness Center Hawaii, 1016 Kapahulu Ave, Ste 110, Kilohana Sq, Honolulu. For more information or to reserve a seat, call Lusana at 808-386-5683. See ad, this page.
plan ahead MONDAYS JULY 18 – SEPTEMBER 5 OR THURSDAYS JULY 7 – AUGUST 25 Yoga for Healthy Aging—8-Week Series – Monday series meets on Mondays July 18-Sept 5, from 9:30-10:30am. Thursday series meets on Thursdays July 7-Aug 25, from 9-10am or from 10:15-11:15am. Rachel Finch, registered yoga teacher, is holding these two 8-week series of classes in which participants will learn gentle, nonstrenuous movements that can be done lying down, standing up or seated. These classes are designed to increase flexibility, overall mobility and muscular strength. Participants will experience greater balance, coordination and focus while reducing stress and anxiety with basic breathing techniques and guided meditations. These classes are perfect for those new to yoga. Participants must be able to get up and down from the floor. $120 for one series (prepaid in full). Monday series meets at Mindful Matters, 407 Uluniu St, Ste 412, Kailua. Thursday series meets at First Unitarian Church, 2500 Pali Hwy, Honolulu. For more information or to register, contact Rachel at 808-469-0224 or RachelFinchYogaWellness@gmail.com. See ad, page 35.
ongoingevents sunday Kundalini Gong Bliss Class – 10-11:15am. Join Soraya Faris Applegate, of Soulistic Holistics Hawaii, every Sunday for Kundalini Gong Bliss. Experience this dynamic form of yoga to awaken awareness and stimulate energy flow. Breath, movement, meditation and focus help energize and support the body. Appropriate for all abilities. This class will also be taught with the gong and end with a gong relaxation. $18 (drop-in single class, packages available). Open Space Yoga, Diamond Head Studio, 3106 Monsarrat Ave, Honolulu. For more information or to register, visit YogaOpenSpace. com. See ad, page 29. Student Massage – 1pm and 2:30pm. Come experience a massage by one of the Quantum Massage School students. $35 + $2 parking. Quantum, University Plaza, 931 University Ave, Ste 208, Honolulu. For more information or to reserve a spot, call 808-988-4440. See ad, page 25. Energy Healing Sessions – 1-4pm. Come to the Quantum Institute International for Holistic Health during this time to participate in energy healing sessions. Free + $2 parking. University Plaza, 931 University Ave, Ste 207, Honolulu. For more information or to reserve a spot, call 808-626-5087. See ad, page 25.
monday Volunteer at Waihuena Farm – 2-6pm. Get your hands dirty and learn about organic farming at Waihuena Farm on North Shore. There’s always lots to learn and work to do. Monday afternoon is the perfect time to bring children. Email to let them know you will be coming. Free. 59-414 Kamehameha Hwy, Haleiwa. 808-638-0570. Info@ WaihuenaFarm.com, WaihuenaFarm.com.
time or any part. Feel free to stop by and shop our farm stand (located across Pipeline/Off the Wall). We have eggs, vibrant kale, chard, mixed salad greens with nasturtiums, bok choy, cilantro, tomatoes, lemons, limes and lilikoi; and can always harvest superfoods, such as moringa, noni and dandelion greens upon request. Waihuena Farm, 59-414 Kamehameha Hwy, Haleiwa. 808-638-0570. WaihuenaFarm.com.
thursday Tao Healing Session – 9:45-11am. Join this group healing session and enhance self-healing through a mind/body training activity that includes meridian exercises, breathing, relaxation and meditation. Participants leave feeling refreshed and invigorated. Free + $2 parking. Quantum, University Plaza, 931 University Ave, Ste 207, Honolulu. For more information or to reserve a spot, call 808-6265087. See ad, page 25. iRest Nidra Yoga – 5-6pm. Come experience the integrative and restorative power of iRest yoga with instructor Jill Peterson. Learn to heal unresolved issues in the body and mind and recognize underlying peace of mind. Bring something comfortable to sleep on. $15/class + $2 parking (cash only). Quantum, University Plaza, 931 University Ave, Ste 207, Honolulu. For more information or to reserve a spot, call 808-626-5087. See ad, page 25. Tasty Thursdays – 5-7pm. Sample the items from all departments and see why our products are so special. Whole Foods Kailua, 629 Kailua Rd, Ste 100, Kailua. 808-263-6800. WholeFoodsMarket. com/stores/Kailua.
Yoga for Healthy Aging
Vegetarian Cooking Class – 4:30-5:30pm, first Tues of the month. Learn from Mama T, in Kailua, how to prepare easy and delicious vegetarian meals. Down to Earth, 201 Hamakua Dr, Kailua. 808-2623838. DownToEarth.org/events.
Waihuena Wellness Wednesdays on the Farm. 7:30am yoga; 9am garden service project, followed by a potluck farm-fresh lunch. Stay the whole
Energy Healing Sessions – 1-4pm. Come to the Quantum Institute International for Holistic Health during this time to participate in energy healing sessions. Free + $2 parking. University Plaza, 931 University Ave, Ste 207, Honolulu. For more information or to reserve a spot, call 808-626-5087. See ad, page 25. Pupekea Gardens Produce Stand – 2-6pm. Pick up fresh produce grown with organic practices. Paalaa and Haleiwa roads, entrance on Haleiwa Road. Search Facebook for Pupekea Gardens. Eat the Street – 4-9pm, last Fri of month. A gathering of more than 40 of Hawaiʻi’s favorite food trucks and street vendors, offering local delights from shrimp to tropical popsicles and all your favorite snacks in between. 555 South St, Kakaako, just west of Waikiki. 808-772-3020. EatTheStreetHawaii.com.
saturday Art at the Zoo Fence – 9am-4pm. Every Sat & Sun enjoy art along the fence at the Honolulu Zoo and meet the artists. Located on Monsarrat Ave at the Diamond Head end of Waikiki along the zoo fence. Free street parking along Monsarrat Ave and in the parking lots across the street at Kapiolani Park. 2760 Monsarrat Ave, Honolulu. 808-372-9578.
Leap, and the
net will appear. ~John Burroughs
wednesday How to Control Diabetes – 1-1:30pm. June 8, 15, 22 and 29. Join Nita to learn about the causes and effects of diabetes and methods to manage the disease, including nutrition, body movement, medicine and motivation. $50 includes 4 weeks of classes. Crystal Cave & Kyanite Lounge, 3424 Waialae Ave, Honolulu. For more information, call Nita at 808-741-0811or visit CrystalCaveHI.com. See ad, page 9.
New Student Special:
Register with a friend & you each receive 25% off the total cost. (Refer to Calendar of Events for more info)
Rachel Finch (808)469-0224
Mondays: Jul 18 - Sep 5 - or -
Thursdays: Jul 7 - Aug 25 natural awakenings
June 2016
JULY BRING IN THE HARVEST Cultivate Bountiful Sales
communityresourceguide To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, visit NaturalAwakeningsHawaii.com or call 808-927-3435 for details. ACUPUNCTURE/ NATUROPATHIC ACTIVE HEALING
62-203 Loko’ea Pl, Haleiwa 808-218-4014 • HaleiwaActiveHealing.com Jenna Murad, Licensed Acupuncturist, offers natural choices for health and wellbeing. Active Healing is for anyone who has pain, lack of vitality or a chronic degenerative disease.
3660 Waialae Ave, Ste 201, Honolulu 808-735-BLUE (2583) BlueWhaleHawaii.com Dr. Gavin Uchida, DDS, offers a unique holistic approach to children’s dentistry. Located in Kaimuki, weekend and evening appointments are available. The office is calm and peaceful. All pediatric patients are welcome from infant through teenager. It is highly recommended that children visit before their first birthday. See ad, page 15.
Advertise your products and services in Natural Awakenings’
July Summer Harvest & Independent Media Issue
HAWAII CENTER FOR COSMETIC & LASER DENTISTRY 1520 Liliha St, Ste 703, Honolulu 808-526-0670 • SmilePower.net
Dr. Dennis Nagata specializes in the safe removal of silver amalgam fillings using specialized technology and equipment to ensure the best result for your overall health. Call for more info or to schedule a complimentary consultation. See therapy brief, page 8, and ads, pages 2 and 3.
EDUCATION QUANTUM INSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL FOR HOLISTIC HEALTH 2636 Pamoa Rd, Honolulu 808-626-5087 QuantumInstituteIntl.org
To advertise or participate in our next issue, call
The Quantum School of Holistic Health offers a robust series of classes designed to teach students a full-range of holistic healing information, tools and skills. See ad, page 25.
808-927-3435 36
Hawaiʻi Edition
818-222-2796 • YouthfulYou.com Discover the holistic approach to reverse the signs of aging with the most advanced technique in facial rejuvenation (microcurrent) that works to tone, lift and contour facial muscles; reduce wrinkles, lines, acne and scars; increase collagen and elastin; and stimulate blood flow and oxidation of cells. Charlene can help you restore health and vibrancy to your face. There are different treatments available to meet your specific needs and budget. Call today for your trial offer. You are going to love the results. See ad, page 7.
45-696 Kamehameha Hwy, Kaneohe 808-721-3083 SoulisticHolisticsHawaii.com Soraya@SoulisticHolisticsHawaii.com Soraya Faris Applegate, licensed acupuncturist and owner of Soulistic Holistics Hawaii, offers a wide range of holistic therapies, including Oriental Medicine and Quantum Biofeedback Therapy. Her treatments focus on the prevention of illness, treating acute and chronic health challenges, and promoting longevity and vitality. Soraya gives each patient personal one-to-one care and is committed to empowering you to reach your health and happiness goals. Call for a consultation. See ad, page 29.
HOLISTIC HEALTH THE WELLNESS CENTER HAWAII 1016 Kapahulu Ave, Ste 110, Honolulu 808-732-5363 TheWellnessCenterHawaii.com
The Wellness Center Hawaii offers a comprehensive array of services that will put you on the path to health both mentally and physically. Each of the 21stcentury tools used at the Wellness Center has been thoroughly tested by scientists and researchers for their efficacy and safety. Together, we’ll create a plan that fits your needs and starts you on the road to better health. Call today to register for the free Tuesday evening seminar. See therapy brief, page 9, article, page 19, and ad, page 34.
Sensing What is Beneath the Surface
HYPNOTHERAPY HAWAII HYPNOSIS CENTER 765 Amana St, Ste 205 808-221-7353 HawaiiHypnosisCenter.com
Since 2006, the Hawaii Hypnosis Center has helped thousands of people make positive changes in their lives through personalized one-on-one hypnosis sessions to stop smoking, lose weight, increase confidence, improve sales success and finances, enhance sports performance, and improve overall health and wellbeing by eliminating bad habits, addictions, stress, fears, anxiety and phobias. Call for a free phone consultation. Also available for group presentations and motivational seminars. See news brief, page 6, article, page 24 and ad, page 25.
Aloha Elixir offers Hawaiian soy intention candles handcrafted with Aloha on the island of Oahu. Aloha Elixir’s products are created with the intention of encouraging selfhealing to ease emotional and physical ailments. These powerful tools are charged with more than 12 hours of mantras and positive affirmations, infused with quartz crystals essence, semi-precious stones and sacred waters, and scented with essential and natural botanical oils. See ad, page 21.
Available at: Sedona, 1200 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu, 808-591-8010 Where Crystals Rock, 98-025 Hekaha St, Bldg 4, Unit 10, Aiea, 808-426-3585 Soul Authority School of Intuitive Arts, SoulAuthority.net Sanctuary Salon, 415 Kapahulu Ave, Apt 1, Honolulu/Kaimuki, 808-735-4247 Amita Holistic Spa, 563 Farrington Hwy, #202, Kapolei, 808-391-0056 Queen Emma Summer Palace Gift Shop, 2913 Pali Hwy, Honolulu, 808-590-2293
BEING LOCAL IN HAWAIʻI 808-852-1892 BeingLocalInHawaii.net
Julia Estrella is a multicultural woman who tells a fascinating story about her diverse life in Being Local in Hawaiʻi. Her book is available at Native Books, the Ward Center, and the Okinawan Cultural Center as well as online at her website, where you can also learn more about Julia. See ad, page 18.
Honolulu 808-594-7950 CreatingYOURCalling.com Lani@coPOWERment.com
GraceChristianOnline.com Grace Christian 808-445-4624
As a Medical Intuitive, Grace provides intuitive sessions, coaching and mentoring, as well as mediation. Her sessions often involve looking at the bigger speaker. She can help bring Call or email picture and determining what is clarity to your life goals and blocking the process of healing, provide step-by-step guidance on growing, understanding, loving fulfilling your dreams. See ad, and evolving. See therapy brief, page 26. grace444christian@gmail.com page 9 and ad, page 28.
more Lani Kwonfor is a Newfield Network Graduate Life Coach, published information author and professional keynote
LIFE COACH DAVID 973-444-7301 LifeCoachDavid.com
The Law of Attraction is working in everyone’s life. Isn’t it time we started attracting what we want and not what we don’t want? Learn how with certified Law of Attraction Life Coach David Bartky. David is the author of two books, available on Amazon, Vibratize Your Life! and Magnetize Your Life!, and has taken extensive training to help maximize an individual’s potential. Contact him today to schedule a free first phone consultation. See ad, page 25.
Dr. Liza Maniquis-Smigel, MD, LLC Hilo: 136A Ululani St Honolulu: 928 Nuuanu Ave, Ste 210 808-933-3444 ProloHawaii.com Dr. Liza Maniquis-Smigel specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation, also known as Physiatry. She practices patientcentered medicine that focuses on illness from the patient’s perspective to help him/her improve his/her quality of life. She will find relief of your chronic pain through nonsurgical approaches while restoring health and function. She has a special interest in Platelet Rich Plasma, Stem Cell and Perineural Injection Therapies—natural regenerative processes that jumpstart your body to heal naturally. Dr. Smigel is an expert in diagnosing neurological conditions with nerve conduction velocity studies and electromyelogram and MSK and nerve Ultrasound Diagnostics. See ad, page 12.
66-443 Kamehameha Hwy, Haleiwa 808-637-6729 Facebook.com/CelestialNaturalFoods Great health food store in the heart of Haleiwa. Pick up a copy of Natural Awakenings Hawaiʻi here on the North Shore.
Foodland.com You will find lots of local fresh produce, baked goods and deli selections at your local Foodland. You can pick up a copy of Natural Awakenings Hawaiʻi at the courtesy counter at these convenient Foodland locations near you.
59-720 Kamehameha Hwy, Haleiwa 808-638-8081 91-1401 Ft. Weaver Rd, Ewa Beach 808-685-3811 55-510 Kamehameha Hwy, Laie 808-293-4443 95-221 Kipapa Dr, Mililani 808-623-3974
32 Kainehe St, Kailua 808-262-5604 TheSourceNatural.com Owners Damian & Karen share 43 years in the natural foods industry. Be sure to stop in and see their store when you are in Kailua. They are a wealth of info and will gladly share it with you. Pick up your copy of Natural Awakenings Hawaiʻi while you are there.
natural awakenings
June 2016
1960 Kapiolani Blvd, Honolulu 808-955-7377 McCullySC.com
1481 S King St, Ste 501, Honolulu 808-955-9556 DrKevinGibson.com
Dr. Kevin Gibson is a licensed Naturopathic Physician, Acupuncturist and Registered Environmental Specialist with 32 years of public health/medical experience. His specialties are cancer care, gastrointestinal illness, cardiovascular disease, sports medicine, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and chronic fatigue. See ad, page 7.
942 Kawaiahao St, Honolulu 808-536-4443 (5DOGGIE) PoiDogs.com A full-service facility in Kaka’Ako offering doggie day care, grooming and boarding as well as informational workshops and dog training. Poi Dogs’ goal is to socialize, stimulate and educate Oahu’s dog community by offering programs and services that strengthen your bond with your pet. See ad, page 29.
808-551-0900 TalkingToStones@aol.com TalkingToStones.com Join Kahu Angela Pohakuola and go to places that won’t be found on other tours. Learn how to visit the sacred places of the island with respect. Experience the spirit of Aloha and receive energy renewal. See ad, page 14.
Conveniently located in the McCully-Moiliili neighborhood between Pumehana and McCully streets, this shopping center has what you are looking for. Pick up your copy of Natural Awakenings Hawai ʻ i in the center ’s handy outdoor rack.
SOULFUL MENTOR WiSH—WOMEN IN SOULFUL HARMONY 808-753-5370 Bessie@wishHawaii.com wishHawaii.com
Every person deserves to live more in peace and harmony and less in worry and fear. Bessie Estonactoc can show you how to find the peace and harmony that elude you. Instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, Bessie can show you how to live joyously in the present. Call to set up your consultation. See ad, page 18.
There are four convenient, well-stocked locations of the Vitamin Shoppe on Oahu. Stop in and talk with them about what you’re looking for; they will be very helpful. While you’re there, pick up a copy of Natural Awakenings Hawaiʻi.
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Yoshie Miakoda, an awardholding, tested and certified medium, helps people find joy and transform their lives through hypnosis, evidential mediumship and spiritual healing. Experience the spiritual journey to renewed happiness. See news brief, page 6 and ad, page 11.
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