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This is the year you vowed to get healthier, lose those extra pounds, and keep them off. You’re not the only one with this New Year’s resolution. The first few weeks of this year, the health clubs are jammed with people also vowing to get and stay healthy.
However, by the end of January, you notice the crowds thin out as club members lose their steam. You’re noticing your own enthusiasm waning. What’s happening? You did everything “right”—you cut back on alcohol, eat salads for lunch, skip meals, and work out hard at the gym. Yet the pounds are not flying off. This is not uncommon. Over 95 percent of all diets end in disappointment. Do not be discouraged. Read on and learn the secrets to achieving lasting results.
We are told a simple formula: less food plus more exercise equals less weight. Truth be told, the formula is much more complex. You may be weight loss resistant — meaning you have difficulty or an inability to lose weight. There are several factors that contribute to this: • Chronic stress raises cortisol which breaks down muscle, puts sugar in the blood stream, and promotes fat storage which increases the likelihood of insulin resistance; and lowers DHEA (an anti-aging, libido stimulating, and fat burning hormone).
• Insulin resistance blocks the burning of fat, causes fat storage around the abdomen, and causes inflammation.
• Hormone imbalances such as imbalances of estrogen and progesterone in women promote fat storing; low
DHEA and testosterone in men and women reduce the ability to burn fat and build muscle; high estrogen in men promotes fat storage; and high progesterone in women promotes insulin resistance.
• Hypothyroidism slows a person down. With it, muscle building is slowed, metabolism is slowed, and general low energy and fatigue. • Brain chemical imbalances cause cravings and inappropriate eating behaviors.
• Chronic sleep deprivation increases cortisol, creates sugar cravings, lowers thyroid function, lowers energy, and increases appetite.
• Food allergies can cause cellular fluid retention or “false fat” and creates cravings for food a person is allergic to.
• Gut dysbiosis and yeast overgrowth
create an unhealthy gut. Healthy bacteria are an important part of digestion as the good bacteria consumes calories. Without them, there can be an increase of fat storage.
• An overall toxic burden in the body
disrupts pH balance in the gut, blood and tissues; slows metabolic rate; disrupts absorption of minerals; disrupts hormone receptor sites creating imbalances; and lowers thyroid function (hypothyroidism).
There are many weight-loss programs available. The truth is that most of them are effective in achieving initial weight loss. But the bottom line is that most of the time all the weight lost is gained back. A qualified nutrition consultant can help you determine your areas of weight loss resistance and develop a plan to address them. By addressing your individual needs these areas are brought back into balance. Your metabolism will improve, enabling you to sustain weight loss in a healthy manner.
Bernie Rosen, Ph.D. is the founder of Rosen Wellness located in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, offering weight loss, muscle testing, supplementation, nutritional consultations, holistic nutrition, classes and more. For more information or to read client success stories, visit brwellness.com/testimonials. Schedule online at brwellness.com or call 208-771-6570. Location: 3895 N. Schreiber Way, Suite 600, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Check out the calendar section for his upcoming classes. See ad, page 9.