13 minute read
thechemicalsourgutmicrobessynthesize behavelikedrugs—theyareabsorbedinto ourbloodstreamandinfluenceourbiology. Seattle-basedbiologistAnnBiklerefersto thecolonasan“onboardmedicinechest”. Unfortunately,warnsSonnenburg,physicianstoooftenprescribeantibiotics,which wreakhavoconourmicrobiota,leavingus susceptibletodisease-causingorganisms.
by Melinda Hemmelgarn
It’shardtoimaginesurrendering asserotonin,metabolizecarcinogensand controlofourmindsandbodiesto regulateourimmunesystem.Shesuggests trillionsofmicroorganisms,butan thatwethinkofthemcollectivelyasan ever-growingbodyofresearchfromthe organthatdevelopsandchangesasweage. HumanMicrobiomeProjectshowshowmi “Ahugeproportionofyourimcrobeslivinginandonourbodiesaffectand munesystemisactuallyinyourGItract,” evenpredictourphysicalandmentalhealth. saysDanPeterson,assistantprofessorof Themajorityofthesemicroorganisms, pathologyattheJohnsHopkinsUniversity ormicrobiota,livewithinourlargeintestine. SchoolofMedicine.Takingcareofourgut AccordingtoKellyTappenden,Ph.D.,a microbesisparamountduringtimesof registereddietitianandheadoftheDepartstressandriskofinfection.Intheirbook, mentofKinesiologyandNutritionatthe The Good Gut: Taking Control of Your UniversityofIllinois–Chicago,wehavemore Weight, Your Mood, and Your Long-Term microbialcellswithinourgutthanwehave Health,StanfordresearchersJustinand humancellsinourbody.Thesemicrobes EricaSonnenburgexplainhowhealthygut helpdigestfood,regulateappetite,produce bacteriaareessentialforbothmetabolic certainvitamins,synthesizechemicalssuch healthandstrongimmunity,addingthat
Fiber for a Strong Defense
TheSonnenburgsdefineamicrobiotafriendlydietasrichinplant-based, high-fiberfoodsandlimitedinmeatand saturatedanimalfats.Low-fiberdiets contributetoadeclineingutmicrobe diversity,resultinginaweakenedimmune system.“Fiberisfuelforthegut,”says JoanneSlavin,Ph.D.,aregistereddietitian andprofessoroffoodscienceandnutrition attheUniversityofMinnesota-St.Paul.It’s naturallyfoundinfruits,vegetables,beans, peas,wholegrains,nutsandseeds. Fermentablefiberssuchasfruitpectin, beta-glucansinbarleyandoats,andoligosaccharidesinbeansaremetabolizedbygut bacteriatoproduceshort-chainfattyacids thatprovideenergytocellsinthecolon. Manyfermentablefibersarecalled“prebiotics”becausetheypromotethegrowthof beneficialgutbacteria.Inulin,forexample, isaprebioticfiberfoundnaturallyinonions, garlic,leeks,asparagus,wheatandoats. TeresaMartin,aregistereddietitian basedinBend,Oregon,whoresearches guthealthanddiseaseprevention,recom
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Hyatt P. DeGreen III, DO with his patient Eileen. mends35to50gramsoffiberperdaytopromotediverse,abundantandresilientgutmicrobes.Forthoseover50yearsofage,the InstituteofMedicinerecommends30gramsofdietaryfiberper dayformenand21gramsforwomen.MostAmericansgethalfthe recommendedamountsbecausehighlyprocessed,low-fiberfoods areubiquitous.Plus,populargluten-free,ketoandpaleodietslimit wholegrains.Whenbuyingpackagedfoods,checklabelscarefully andchoosethoseprovidingatleastthreegramsoffiberperserving.
A Healthy Microbiome for Life
Martinsharesthefollowingstrategiesfordevelopingandpreservingguthealth: n Chooseavaginalbirth,ifpregnant;andbreastfeedtohelp establishahealthymicrobiomeinthebaby. n Chooseanorganic,plant-baseddiet.Aimforavarietyof differentplantspecieseachday. n Enjoyfermentedfoodssuchasyogurt,kefirandsauerkraut, butbecautiouswithprobioticsupplements.Onlyusethosewith provensafetyandeffectiveness. n Limit“microbialassassins”.Artificialsweetenersandemulsifierssuchaspolysorbate80,carageenanandcarboxymethylcellulose,typicallyfoundinprocessedfoods,canleadtobloating, irritablebowelandinflammation.
n Enjoyphysicalactivity;avoidsittingformorethan30to 60minutes.
n Gooutside,enjoyfreshairandplayinthedirt. n Reducestress.Tryyoga,meditationandmindfulness. n Sleepsixtoeighthourseachnight. n Thinkaboutgutmicrobiotaeveryday,advisesMartin.“Anythingyoucandotohelpfuelhealthymicrobes,nomatterhow small,willmakeadifferencetoyourhealth.”
Melinda Hemmelgarn, the Food Sleuth, is an award-winning registered dietitian, writer and nationally syndicated radio host based in Columbia, MO. Reach her at FoodSleuth@gmail.com.
n Theconnectionbetweenbothsoilandhumanhealth: Dig2Grow.com n Comparingthehumandigestivesystemtoplantrootsinthe soil:Tinyurl.com/SoilHealthAndHumanHealth n HumanMicrobiomeProject:hmpdacc.org/hmp/overview n TheMicrobiomeReportPodcast:TheMicrobiomeReport. libsyn.com n WorldMicrobiomeDay.com n Bestsourcesofdietaryfiber: Tinyurl.com/FoodSourcesOfDietaryFiber n Bestprobiotics:USProbioticGuide.com
Our Gut Should Have Our Back Tips For Supporting The Immune System Throughout Life Stages
by Dana Elia
Thereisavirtualarmyofmicrobes livingonandwithinthehuman body,andcanaccountforaboutthreeto fivepoundsofbodyweight.Beneficial microbesserveasadefensivelinebytakingupspacethatmayhavebeendesirabletoaninvader.Theyalsohelpprovide supportindigestion,nutrientprovision andabsorption.Withapproximately70 percentofthebody’simmunesystem takingupresidenceinthegut,keepthis microbialarmyhealthyandwell-fedto ensureastrongfundamentalimmunityat anyage. It’snevertooearlytobeginsupportingthearmy,norisitevertoolate tomakesomedietandlifestylechanges toimprovethecurrentstateofaffairsof aneglectedone.Considertheupcoming suggestionstohelpensureahealthybalanceofdiversityamongstgutmicrobes. Thefollowingdietandlifestylefactorscanweakenthemicrobialdefenses andleadtoanimbalanceofgoodtobad microbes. • Dietshighinsalt,poor-qualitysaturated fat,refinedcarbohydrates,sugarsand chemicalfoodadditives,aswellasexcessiveamountsofalcoholandcaffeine • Certainmedications,suchaspainand heartburn/refluxmedicine,antibiotics, oralcontraceptivesandsteroids • Toxicexposurefromsourceslike pathogens(bacteria,viruses,fungiand parasites)orfromchemicalsandheavy metalsintheenvironment • Peoplewithautoimmunediseasesare morelikelytohavemicrobialimbalances.
Afterconsideringwhatmaybedepleting thearmy,makechoicestohelpbeneficial microbesflourish.Feedthegutfoods thatcontainwhatbeneficialfloralike toeat—prebioticfiberssuchasinulin, fructooligosaccharidesandsolublefibers, aswellasfoodsthatarerichinprobiotics. Chooseorganic,non-geneticallymodifiedfoodsfromthislisttoprovideagood
messhallforthearmy: • Asparagus • Bananas • Barley • Burdockroot • Chicory • Chinesechives • Culturedandfermentedfoods • Cultureddairy,non-dairykefir,yogurt • Culturedvegetables • Misoortempeh • Eggplant • Flax • Garlic • Greentea • Jerusalemartichokes • Leeks • Legumes • Oats • Onions • Peas • Soybeans • Wholefruits • Wholegrains
Considerspeakingwithacliniciantohelp intheselectionofatargetedsupplement thatcontainsthe“good”gastrointestinal bacterialikebifidobacteriastrains,lactobacillusstrainsandSaccharomyces boulardii. Takingthetimetodoagutcheckisthe bestwaytoensuretheentirebody’simmunesystemisarmedandreadyto“have yourback”.
Dr. Dana M. Elia, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND, is the owner of Fusion Integrative Health & Wellness, LLC, in Lancaster. For more information, call 717-917-5259 or visit FusionIHW.com. See ads, pages 11 and 52.
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Your Mattress The Problem?
How to get a good night's sleep, without harmful chemicals
Take this quiz: 1. do you have back pain when you wake up? 2. Neck pain? Stiffness or soreness? 3. does it take you more than 30 minutes to fall asleep? 4. do you experience restless sleep? Toss and turn atnight?
If you answered “yes” two
times or more, this may be the most important article you read all year.
Here’s why…
While you sleep, your immune system recovers and prepares for the day ahead. It replenishes every cell in your body.
Low-quality, uncomfortable mattresses have been linked to discomfort and pain, which can prevent quality sleep.
People who struggle with sleep deprivation may suffer from irritability, depression, over-eating— and even face a higher risk for Alzheimer’s.
If your mattress is filled with chemical toxins, airborne allergens, or worse, your body is doing battle with those things rather than repairing itself. You’re losing valuable energy each night instead of healing your body and revitalizing your mind.
And all of that can wreak havoc on your health and well being.
What’s In YourMattress?
The following information may be disturbing to some. That’s because the Environmental Protection Agency has identified at least fourpossibly dangerous chemicals commonly found in some synthetic mattresses— benzene, propane, naphthalene and styrene—especially bedding made in China and overseas, where such governing agencies do not exist.
Consider these facts: ● Typical mattresses made from artificial materials are known to emit potentiallyharmful gases in your bedroom—a phenomenon known as off-gassing. ● Laboratory researchers in the U.S. and Europe have identified up to 61 potentially harmful chemicals that off-gas from typical synthetic mattresses. ● Exposure to these 61 chemicals has been associated with irritation of the skin, eyes and digestive systems. ● Additionally, the chemicals offgassed by synthetic mattresses have been associated with headache, fatigue, depression and even hearing loss. ● Your skin, the most porous entry point into your body, has contact with a mattress for 8 hours every night, on average. ● Children, who breathe faster than adults, are especially vulnerable to chemical exposure.
Every night, we lie down with minimal clothing for a seemingly good night’s sleep. But in reality, while lying on a conventional mattress, we are breathing in and absorbing through our skin a range of chemicals from synthetic materials—chemicals that can disrupt our sleep cycles and negatively impact our health. our mattresses emitgases from a toxic brew of components used to create them. From the polyurethane foam used in the padding to fire retardants and other additives, conventional mattresses continue to release chemicals in gaseous form long after they roll out of the factory.
Even after they have finished off-gassing, the chemically based construction of a conventional mattress provides an ideal environment for dust and dust mites, whose excrement is the #1 trigger for asthma attacks.
And get this. You know those white labels on a mattress that say, “do Not remove”? Incredibly, the law actually allows manufacturers to include potentially hazardous chemicals in your mattress without disclosing the facton any label.
But if a true list of ingredients were available for conventional mattresses, it would likely include TDI (a common component), a known carcinogen, which can cause respiratory ailments such as bronchitis and asthma.
In addition, liver damage and breathing problems have been linked to vinyl chloride monomers, another common mattress material.
The list goes on. Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that you would be given information aboutany of these chemicals from a manufacturer of conventional, synthetic mattresses.
the Natural alternative
one of the most significant actions we can take to reduce our exposure to toxins and improve our overall health is to make changes to the one household item that is in direct contact with our bodies for one third of our lives—our mattresses.
“There are more ways than ever to sleep better and wake up painfree on a natural, organic mattress,” says Ben McClure, president of
Gardner’s Mattress & More, in Lanc aster, PA.
“Many people, like me, are in search ofa natural sleep system. I was shocked to learn that toxic emissions from mattresses are a major source of daily pollution in our lives,” says McClure.
An all-natural, organicmattress is free of potentially harmful chemicals. Instead, natural materials like natural rubberare used. Rubberis naturally hypoallergenic and resistantto dust mites, making it ideal for allergy sufferers.
Also, natural rubberis antimicrobial, inhibiting the growth of bacteria, mold and mildew, which can cause asthma and respiratory distress. No synthetic materials are added to provide these benefits.
“All rubberused in our natural mattresses is from the sap of a rubber tree, which can yield rubber for up to 30 years. When a tree is done producing rubber, it is taken down and turned into furniture. A new tree is then planted in its place, thus making natural rubber a sustainable bedding component,” says McClure.
What’s the difference between an organic mattress and a
conventional one? “Organic mattresses are crafted from natural materials. Conventional mattresses are made mostly of artificial materials from nonrenewable sources, such as plastic and other petrochemicals,” says McClure.
Do organic mattresses come
in different firmness? “Yes, there are two main types of organic mattresses: Natural rubber and inner-spring. Both styles are available with varying firmness options to suit anyone’s sleep needs,” says McClure.
What To Look For
When researching natural, organic mattresses, look atthese areas: 1. Visit a store that carries the top certified natural and organic brands including Naturepedic, Posh + Lavish, Hypnos, Gold Bond and iAdjust. “Each of these manufacturers crafts bedding that is safe and sustainable,” McClure recommends. 2. Try outa new mattress forat least 15 minutes. Lie down in various positions, to simulate a night of sleep. Look for a store that offers a clean pillow to test out. “We offer the only adve rt orial Dream Room, where you can spend 15 minutes to 4 hours resting or even sleeping on a mattress, with 100% sanitary linens, blankets and pillows so people can truly ‘test drive” any natural bedding,” says McClure. 3. Protect yourself by insisting on a strong guarantee. “I know people are tired of sleeping on a worn-out, chemical-laden mattress. That’s why we give every customer a 120 night Wake Up Happy Comfort Guarantee to exchange if it doesn’t deliver the sleep you want,” says McClure.
If you’re not sleeping well or you’re worried about toxic chemicals in your bedroom, consider this: The two things in life you spend the most time on are work and sleep. How much of your remaining hours on earth do you want to waste losing sleep on an uncomfortable, chemical-laden mattress? That’s a question that many are asking.
Now Explore Your Options
“To help Natural Awakenings readers make the right choices, we’re offering a package of 4 Free Gifts for a limited time,” says McClure.
Readers may bring this article to the Gardner’s Mattress & More location to see the latest natural organic sleep systems and claim the following gifts:
FREE Gift #1: All-Natural
Rubber Pillow ($40 value). You get this just for visiting the store. There’s no obligation to buy anything. Here’s why this is important: A good pillow is essential to your health, because it can gentlysupport you in a healthy sleep position while providing comfort to your neck and shoulders.
Doctors and chiropractors agree—nearly all neck and back problems are made worse by improper sleeping habits and bad or worn-out pillows. The All-Natural Pillow, reserved and waiting foryou, is filled with soft, 100% natural rubber.
Fact: About 10% of the weight of a 2-year-old pillow is actually dust mite droppings—excrement. With one big exception: Dust mites hate natural rubberpillows, like the one waiting for you to pick up at Gardner’s. (Ask why when you visit—the answer will surprise you!)
FREE Gift #2: Natural Mattress Guide ($9.95 value).
Inside, you’ll discover little-known facts about how men and women are sleeping better on Natural and Organic Mattresses—waking up energized and more productive— and why ignoring problems with your current mattress can lead to depression, permanent health problems, and even damage family relationships.
FREE Gift #3: "Good Night"
Sleep Mask ($9.95 value). Here’s a natural way to fall asleep faster and wake up feeling better! The “Good Night” Sleep Mask helps create a state of pure darkness by keeping light away from your eyes. Get the restful, relaxing sleep you need, without pills.
FREE Gift #4: $200 Savings
Voucher, good toward the purchase of any Natural Organic Mattress in our store. This special $200 discount is notavailable to the general public. It’s only for you, as a reader of Natural Awakenings.
“To see the difference that natural and organic sleep systems have made in people’s lives is nothing short of miraculous,” says McClure.
Freelance writer Kevin Donlin is based in Minneapolis.
As a reader of Natural Awakenings, you are entitled to 4 FREE GIFTS by visiting our store and answering three simple questions. Bring this coupon (code: LB0720) to Gardner’s Mattress & More to receive:
• FREE Gift #1: All-Natural Rubber Pillow ($60 value); 2nd is 50% off! • FREE Gift #2: Natural RubberMattress Guide ($9.95 value) • FREE Gift #3: "Good Night" Sleep Mask ($9.95 value) • FREE Gift #4: $200 Savings Voucher on an Organic Natural Mattress Bring this coupon to the store at 830 Plaza Blvd. in Lancaster (behind Park City Mall, next to VanScoy Jewelers). There’s no obligation to buy anything -- just answer three simple questions. Your Readers’ Gifts expire July31, 2020 .
Gardner’s Mattress & More - 830 Plaza Blvd., Lancaster, PA 17601
Phone: 717-299-6228 - Online: www.GardnersMattressAndMore.com
Letting the Dogs Out Again
Life After Shelter-at-Home
by Barb Emmett
InMarch,our dogssuddenly foundusathome withthem24hours, sevendaysaweek, whichmeantmore walks,moresnuggle timeandmoreplay timewithadditional familymembers.The extratimeallowed manyofustobuild tighterbonds,understandmoreabout ourbelovedanimal companions—their quirks,theirbehaviors,theirlikesanddislikes—andpossibly recognizesomehealthissueswemight haveoverlooked.
Asrestrictions begintoliftandwe startleavingour homesagainforwork orotherresponsibilities,ourdogswillbe tryingtofigureout whatishappeningin theirworld.Lookto easeapet’stransitionastheamountof human-petinteractiontimechanges. Dogsloveroutines.Beconsistent withoutdoorbreaks, feedingtimes,play timesandquietcratetimes.Reducethe chancesofseparationanxietybyeasingthe familypetintoanewroutinethatincludes smallamountsoftimewithouthumaninteraction.Leavethedogathome,intheir crateifnecessary,andrunafewerrands. Whenleavingtheanimalfortheday, comehomeafterafewhourstoletthedog outandprovidereassurance.Ifdistance orschedulesdonotallowforamid-day visit,researchbondedandinsuredpetsittersanddogwalkers.VisitPetSit.comfor resources. Socializationisanimportantfactor.Althoughtrainingclassesmaybeon hold,recently-adoptedpuppiesanddogs canstillworkonsocialization.“Onegreat waytoaccomplishthisistotakeyourdog forawalkinanoutdoorplacewhereyou areguaranteedtoseeotherpeopleand dogs,”suggestsPatEmmett,BS,KPA-CTP, CPDT-KA,trainingmanageratGodfrey’s–WelcometoDogdom. “Maybethatplaceisyourfront porch,”hesays.“Everytimeapersonora dogwalksby,haveyourdogfocusonyou bygivingthematreatenticingtothem. They’llassociatepeopleanddogsas‘good things’.Takethemtodog-friendlyplaces againforshortvisits,likeyourfavorite petstore.Socializationincludesallthese simpleactionsandmore.” Timespentinawell-runfacilitycan makeahugedifferenceinadog’slifeby exercisingthedogandlettingthedog interactwithotherdogswhilethey’re awayfromhome.Beawarethateven well-trainedandsocializeddogsmayhave
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someanxietyinreturningtoplaywith otherdogsatdaycarefacilitiesorplay parks.Discussreadjustmenttechniques withfacilityowners.Bemindfuloftheca- nine’sbehaviorbeforeandafterfacilityand parkvisits,lookingforsignsofcontent- mentoranxiety. Whenconsideringaddingdaycareto apet’sroutine,setupanappointmentwith thefacilitytohavethedogassessedforthe environment.Seektounderstandevalua- tionrecommendations;notalldogsenjoy playingoff-leashwithothers. Chooseparkswherehealthrecords arecheckedandwherethedogcanplay withotherdogsofhisorhersize.Pups shouldhavealloftheirvaccinations(usu- allybysixmonths),andbedeemed“a healthypup”bytheirveterinarianbefore attending. Public,off-leashparksmaybetoo overwhelmingforpuppiesandadopted orfosterdogsthatarenewtothefam- ily.Selectaplayparkwheresafetyisthe primaryconcern.Somemembershipparks allowpetownerstoscheduleplaytimefor justtheirfamilyandtheirdog.Playing safelyinafencedparkcanofferagreat adventuretogetheroutdoors;atireddogis ahappydog. Petownersknowtheirdogsbest.Be proactiveandanticipateacanine’sreac- tionsandchallengesthatmayoccurwhen changinganestablishedroutine.Contacta certifiedprofessionaltrainerforspecificbe- havioralissuesandtodiscussstrategiesfor success.Sometrainerswillprovidehelpful tipsoverthephone.Tolocateprofessional trainersthatusepositivereinforcement practices,visitKarenPryorAcademy.com.
Barb Emmett is a canine wellness advocate and the president/owner of Godfrey’s–Welcome to Dogdom, located at 4267 New Holland Rd., in Mohnton. For more information, call 610-777-5755 or visit GodfreysDogdom.com. See ad, page 10.
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